def getSsim(ell, Cl, lmax=100, cutSky=False): """ Purpose: create simulated S_{1/2} from input power spectrum Note: this calculates Jmn every time it is run so should not be used for ensembles Procedure: simulates full sky CMB, measures S_{1/2} Inputs: ell: the l values for the power spectrum Cl: the power spectrum lmax: the maximum ell value to use in calculation Default: 100 cutSky: set to True to convert to real space, apply mask, etc. Default: False Note: true option not yet implemented Returns: simulated S_{1/2} """ # get Jmn matrix for harmonic space S_{1/2} calc. myJmn = getJmn(lmax=lmax)[2:, 2:] # do not include monopole, dipole #alm_prim,alm_late = hp.synalm((primCl,lateCl,crossCl),lmax=lmax,new=True) almSim = hp.synalm( Cl, lmax=lmax) # question: does this need to start at ell[0]=1? ClSim = hp.alm2cl(almSim) return[2:],, ClSim[2:]))
def __init__(self, lmax=100, new=True): if new: print 'new Jmn init running' else: print 'old Jmn init running' nVals = 11 #101 self.Jmnx = np.empty([nVals, lmax + 1, lmax + 1]) self.xvalues = np.linspace(0.25, 0.75, nVals) for index, val in enumerate(self.xvalues): self.Jmnx[index] = legprodint.getJmn(endX=val, lmax=lmax, doSave=False)
def test(useCLASS=1, useLensing=1, classCamb=1, nSims=1000, lmax=100, lmin=2, newSMICA=False, newDeg=False, suppressC2=False, suppFactor=0.23, filterC2=False, filtFacLow=0.1, filtFacHigh=0.2, R1=False): """ code for testing the other functions in this module Inputs: useCLASS: set to 1 to use CLASS, 0 to use CAMB CLASS Cl has early/late split at z=50 CAMB Cl has ISWin/out split: ISWin: 0.4<z<0.75, ISWout: the rest Note: CAMB results include primary in ISWin and ISWout (not as intended) default: 1 useLensing: set to 1 to use lensed Cl, 0 for non-lensed default: 1 classCamb: if 1: use the CAMB format of CLASS output, if 0: use CLASS format Note: parameter not used if useCLASS = 0 default: 1 nSims: the number of simulations to do for ensemble default: 1000 lmax: the highest l to include in Legendre transforms default: 100 lmin: the lowest l to include in S_{1/2} = CIC calculations default: 2 newSMICA: set to True to recalculate SMICA results default: False newDeg: set to True to recalculate map and mask degredations (only if newSMICA is also True) default: False suppressC2: set to True to suppress theoretical C_2 (quadrupole) by suppFactor before creating a_lm.s Default: False suppFactor: multiplies C_2 if suppressC2 is True Default: 0.23 # from Tegmark et. al. 2003, figure 13 (WMAP) filterC2 : set to true to filter simulated CMBs after spice calculates cut sky C_l. Sims will pass filter if C_2 * filtFacLow < C_2^sim < C_2 * filtFacHigh. Default: False filtFacLow,filtFacHigh: defines C_2 range for passing simulated CMBs Default: 0.1,0.2 R1: set to True to use SMICA and Mask R1. Otherwise, R2 used. Only affects calculation of newly degraded map. Default: False """ # load data ell, fullCl, primCl, lateCl, crossCl = gcp.loadCls(useCLASS=useCLASS, useLensing=useLensing, classCamb=classCamb) # fill beginning with zeros startEll = int(ell[0]) ell = np.append(np.arange(startEll), ell) fullCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), fullCl) primCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), primCl) lateCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), lateCl) crossCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), crossCl) # suppress C_2 to see what happens in enesmble if suppressC2: fullCl[2] *= suppFactor primCl[2] *= suppFactor lateCl[2] *= suppFactor crossCl[2] *= suppFactor conv = ell * (ell + 1) / (2 * np.pi) #print ell,conv #ell[0]=2.0 """ # verify statistical properties of alm realizations nSims = 1000 lmax = 100 Clprim_sum = np.zeros(lmax+1) Cllate_sum = np.zeros(lmax+1) Clcros_sum = np.zeros(lmax+1) # prim x late for nSim in range(nSims): print 'starting sim ',nSim+1, ' of ',nSims #alm_prim,alm_late = getAlms(A_lij,lmax=lmax) #AKW method defunct # see if synalm can do it alm_prim,alm_late = hp.synalm((primCl,lateCl,crossCl),lmax=lmax,new=True) Clprim_sum = Clprim_sum + hp.alm2cl(alm_prim) Cllate_sum = Cllate_sum + hp.alm2cl(alm_late) Clcros_sum = Clcros_sum + hp.alm2cl(alm_prim,alm_late) Cl_prim_avg = Clprim_sum/nSims Cl_late_avg = Cllate_sum/nSims Cl_cros_avg = Clcros_sum/nSims doPlot = True if doPlot: plt.plot(ell[:lmax+1],Cl_prim_avg*conv[:lmax+1]) plt.plot(ell[:lmax+1],primCl[:lmax+1]*conv[:lmax+1]) plt.title('primary') plt.ylabel('D_l') plt.plot(ell[:lmax+1],Cl_late_avg*conv[:lmax+1]) plt.plot(ell[:lmax+1],lateCl[:lmax+1]*conv[:lmax+1]) plt.title('late') plt.ylabel('D_l') plt.plot(ell[:lmax+1],Cl_cros_avg*conv[:lmax+1]) plt.plot(ell[:lmax+1],crossCl[:lmax+1]*conv[:lmax+1]) plt.title('cross') plt.ylabel('D_l') """ # get covariances from SMICA map and mask theta_i = 0.0 #degrees theta_f = 180.0 #degrees nSteps = 1800 #lmax = 100 """ # don't want anafast after all # get unmasked and masked SMICA covariances # note: getSMICA uses linspace in theta for thetaArray #newSMICA = False#True thetaArray2, C_SMICA, C_SMICAmasked, S_SMICAnomask, S_SMICAmasked = \ getSMICA(theta_i=theta_i,theta_f=theta_f,nSteps=nSteps,lmax=lmax,lmin=lmin, newSMICA=newSMICA,newDeg=newDeg,useSPICE=False,R1=R1) print '' print 'S_{1/2}(anafast): SMICA, no mask: ',S_SMICAnomask,', masked: ',S_SMICAmasked print '' """ # get C_l from SPICE to compare to above method # note: getSMICA uses linspace in theta for thetaArray #newSMICA = False#True thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAsp, C_SMICAmaskedsp, S_SMICAnomasksp, S_SMICAmaskedsp = \ getSMICA(theta_i=theta_i,theta_f=theta_f,nSteps=nSteps,lmax=lmax,lmin=lmin, newSMICA=newSMICA,newDeg=newDeg,useSPICE=True,R1=R1) print '' print 'S_{1/2}(spice): SMICA, no mask: ', S_SMICAnomasksp, ', masked: ', S_SMICAmaskedsp print '' # Find S_{1/2} in real space to compare methods nTerms = 10000 #SSnm2 = SOneHalf(thetaArray2, C_SMICA, nTerms=nTerms) #SSmd2 = SOneHalf(thetaArray2, C_SMICAmasked, nTerms=nTerms) SSnm2sp = SOneHalf(thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAsp, nTerms=nTerms) SSmd2sp = SOneHalf(thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAmaskedsp, nTerms=nTerms) # create ensemble of realizations and gather statistics covEnsembleFull = np.zeros([nSims, nSteps + 1]) # for maskless covEnsembleCut = np.zeros([nSims, nSteps + 1]) # for masked sEnsembleFull = np.zeros(nSims) sEnsembleCut = np.zeros(nSims) covTheta = np.array([]) #nSims = 1000 # apply beam and pixel window functions to power spectra # note: to ignore the non-constant pixel shape, W(l) must be > B(l) # however, this is not true for NSIDE=128 and gauss_beam(5') # Here I ignore this anyway and proceed myNSIDE = 128 # must be same NSIDE as in getSMICA function Wpix = hp.pixwin(myNSIDE) Bsmica = hp.gauss_beam(5. / 60 * np.pi / 180) # 5 arcmin WlMax = Wpix.size if WlMax < lmax: print 'die screaming!!!' return 0 primCl = primCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 lateCl = lateCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 crossCl = crossCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 # note: i tried sims without this scaling, and results seemed the same at a glance # collect simulated Cl for comparison to model Clsim_full_sum = np.zeros(lmax + 1) # get Jmn matrix for harmonic space S_{1/2} calc. myJmn = getJmn(lmax=lmax) # set up ramdisk for SpICE # super lame that spice needs to read/write from disk, but here goes... RAMdisk = '/Volumes/ramdisk/' ClTempFile = RAMdisk + 'tempCl.fits' mapTempFile = RAMdisk + 'tempMap.fits' mapDegFile = RAMdisk + 'smicaMapDeg.fits' # this should have been created by sims.getSMICA maskDegFile = RAMdisk + 'maskMapDeg.fits' # this should have been created by sims.getSMICA # create RAM Disk for SpICE and copy these files there using bash RAMsize = 4 #Mb ramDiskOutput = subprocess.check_output('./ create ' + str(RAMsize), shell=True) print ramDiskOutput diskID = ramDiskOutput[ 31:41] # this might not grab the right part; works for '/dev/disk1''cp smicaMapDeg.fits ' + RAMdisk, shell=True)'cp maskMapDeg.fits ' + RAMdisk, shell=True) doTime = True # to time the run and print output startTime = time.time() #for nSim in range(nSims): nSim = 0 while nSim < nSims: print 'starting sim ', nSim + 1, ' of ', nSims alm_prim, alm_late = hp.synalm((primCl, lateCl, crossCl), lmax=lmax, new=True) # calculate C(theta) of simulation Clsim_prim = hp.alm2cl(alm_prim) Clsim_late = hp.alm2cl(alm_late) Clsim_cros = hp.alm2cl(alm_prim, alm_late) Clsim_full = Clsim_prim + 2 * Clsim_cros + Clsim_late # use Cl_sim_full to omit prim/late distinction for now # start with a mask # -> for optional C2 filtering based on cut sky map # alm2map should create map with default RING ordering # pixel window and beam already accounted for in true Cls #mapSim = hp.alm2map(alm_prim+alm_late,myNSIDE,lmax=lmax,pixwin=True,sigma=5./60*np.pi/180) mapSim = hp.alm2map(alm_prim + alm_late, myNSIDE, lmax=lmax) hp.write_map(mapTempFile, mapSim) ispice(mapTempFile, ClTempFile, maskfile1=maskDegFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") Cl_masked = hp.read_cl(ClTempFile) ell2 = np.arange(Cl_masked.shape[0]) # Check for low power of cut sky C_2 if (filterC2 == True and fullCl[2] * filtFacHigh > Cl_masked[2] and Cl_masked[2] > fullCl[2] * filtFacLow) or filterC2 == False: # note: getCovar uses linspace in x for thetaArray thetaArray, cArray2 = getCovar(ell2[:lmax + 1], Cl_masked[:lmax + 1], theta_i=theta_i, theta_f=theta_f, nSteps=nSteps, lmin=lmin) covEnsembleCut[nSim] = cArray2 # S_{1/2} sEnsembleCut[nSim] = Cl_masked[lmin:lmax + 1],[lmin:, lmin:], Cl_masked[lmin:lmax + 1])) doPlot = False #True if doPlot: plt.plot(thetaArray, cArray) plt.xlabel('theta (degrees)') plt.ylabel('C(theta)') plt.title('covariance of CMB simulation ' + str(nSim + 1)) # now without the mask # uses the same sims that passed the C2 filter Clsim_full_sum += Clsim_full # note: getCovar uses linspace in x for thetaArray thetaArray, cArray = getCovar(ell[:lmax + 1], Clsim_full[:lmax + 1], theta_i=theta_i, theta_f=theta_f, nSteps=nSteps, lmin=lmin) covEnsembleFull[nSim] = cArray covTheta = thetaArray # S_{1/2} sEnsembleFull[nSim] = Clsim_full[lmin:],[lmin:, lmin:], Clsim_full[lmin:])) nSim += 1 if doTime: print 'time elapsed: ', int( (time.time() - startTime) / 60.), ' minutes' # free the RAM used by SpICE's RAM disk ramDiskOutput = subprocess.check_output('./ delete ' + diskID, shell=True) print ramDiskOutput avgEnsembleFull = np.average(covEnsembleFull, axis=0) stdEnsembleFull = np.std(covEnsembleFull, axis=0) # do I need a better way to describe confidence interval? avgEnsembleCut = np.average(covEnsembleCut, axis=0) stdEnsembleCut = np.std(covEnsembleCut, axis=0) Clsim_full_avg = Clsim_full_sum / nSims # save results saveFile1 = "simStatResultC.npy" saveFile1, np.vstack((thetaArray, avgEnsembleFull, stdEnsembleFull, avgEnsembleCut, stdEnsembleCut))) saveFile2 = "simStatC_SMICA.npy", np.vstack((thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAsp, C_SMICAmaskedsp))) saveFile3 = "simStatResultS.npy" saveFile3, np.vstack((np.hstack((np.array(S_SMICAnomasksp), sEnsembleFull)), np.hstack((np.array(S_SMICAmaskedsp), sEnsembleCut))))) doPlot = True if doPlot: print 'plotting C_l... ' #print ell.size,conv.size,primCl.size,crossCl.size,lateCl.size plt.plot(ell[:lmax + 1], conv[:lmax + 1] * (primCl + 2 * crossCl + lateCl)[:lmax + 1], label='model D_l') plt.plot(ell[:lmax + 1], conv[:lmax + 1] * Clsim_full_avg, label='ensemble average D_l') plt.legend() makePlots(saveFile1=saveFile1, saveFile2=saveFile2, saveFile3=saveFile3) # S_{1/2} output print '' print 'using CIC method: ' #print 'S_{1/2}(anafast): SMICA, no mask: ',S_SMICAnomask,', masked: ',S_SMICAmasked print 'S_{1/2}(spice): SMICA, no mask: ', S_SMICAnomasksp, ', masked: ', S_SMICAmaskedsp print '' print 'using CCdx method: ' #print 'S_{1/2}(anafast): SMICA, no mask: ',SSnm2,', masked: ',SSmd2 print 'S_{1/2}(spice): SMICA, no mask: ', SSnm2sp, ', masked: ', SSmd2sp print ''
def getSMICA(theta_i=0.0, theta_f=180.0, nSteps=1800, lmax=100, lmin=2, newSMICA=False, useSPICE=True, newDeg=False, R1=False): """ Purpose: load CMB and mask maps from files, return correlation function for unmasked and masked CMB Mostly follows Copi et. al. 2013 for cut sky C(theta) Uses: (for plotting) C(theta) save file getSMICAfile.npy Inputs: theta_i,theta_f: starting and ending points for C(theta) in degrees nSteps: number of intervals between i,f points lmax: the maximum l value to include in legendre series for C(theta) lmin: the lowest l to use in C(theta,Cl) and S_{1/2} = CIC calculation newSMICA: set to True to reload data from files and recompute if False, will load C(theta) curves from file useSPICE: if True, will use SPICE to find power spectra if False, will use anafast, following Copi et. al. 2013 Default: True newDeg: set to True to recalculate map and mask degredations Note: the saved files are dependent on the value of lmax that was used Default: False R1: set to True to use R1 versions of SMICA and mask. Otherwise, R2 is used Only affects which Planck files are used; irrelevant if newDeg=False. Default: False Outupts: theta: nSteps+1 angles that C(theta) arrays are for (degrees) unmasked: C(theta) unmasked (microK^2) masked: C(theta) masked (microK^2) """ saveFile = 'getSMICAfile.npy' #for anafast saveFile2 = 'getSMICAfile2.npy' #for spice if newSMICA: # start with map degredations mapDegFile = 'smicaMapDeg.fits' maskDegFile = 'maskMapDeg.fits' if newDeg: # load maps; default files have 2048,NESTED,GALACTIC dataDir = '/Data/' if R1: smicaFile = 'COM_CompMap_CMB-smica-field-I_2048_R1.20.fits' maskFile = 'COM_Mask_CMB-union_2048_R1.10.fits' else: smicaFile = 'COM_CMB_IQU-smica-field-int_2048_R2.01_full.fits' maskFile = 'COM_CMB_IQU-common-field-MaskInt_2048_R2.01.fits' print 'opening file ', smicaFile, '... ' smicaMap, smicaHead = hp.read_map(dataDir + smicaFile, nest=True, h=True) print 'opening file ', maskFile, '... ' maskMap, maskHead = hp.read_map(dataDir + maskFile, nest=True, h=True) if R1: smicaMap *= 1e-6 #microK to K # degrade map and mask resolutions from 2048 to 128; convert NESTED to RING useAlm = True # set to True to do harmonic space scaling, False for ud_grade NSIDE_big = 2048 NSIDE_deg = 128 while 4 * NSIDE_deg < lmax: NSIDE_deg *= 2 print 'resampling maps at NSIDE = ', NSIDE_deg, '... ' order_out = 'RING' if useAlm: # transform to harmonic space smicaMapRing = hp.reorder(smicaMap, n2r=True) maskMapRing = hp.reorder(maskMap, n2r=True) smicaCl, smicaAlm = hp.anafast(smicaMapRing, alm=True, lmax=lmax) maskCl, maskAlm = hp.anafast(maskMapRing, alm=True, lmax=lmax) # this gives 101 Cl values and 5151 Alm values. Why not all 10201 Alm.s? # scale by pixel window functions bigWin = hp.pixwin(NSIDE_big) degWin = hp.pixwin(NSIDE_deg) winRatio = degWin / bigWin[:degWin.size] degSmicaAlm = hp.almxfl(smicaAlm, winRatio) degMaskAlm = hp.almxfl(maskAlm, winRatio) # re-transform back to real space smicaMapDeg = hp.alm2map(degSmicaAlm, NSIDE_deg) maskMapDeg = hp.alm2map(degMaskAlm, NSIDE_deg) else: smicaMapDeg = hp.ud_grade(smicaMap, nside_out=NSIDE_deg, order_in='NESTED', order_out=order_out) maskMapDeg = hp.ud_grade(maskMap, nside_out=NSIDE_deg, order_in='NESTED', order_out=order_out) # note: degraded resolution mask will no longer be only 0s and 1s. # Should it be? Yes. # turn smoothed mask back to 0s,1s mask threshold = 0.9 maskMapDeg[np.where(maskMapDeg > threshold)] = 1 maskMapDeg[np.where(maskMapDeg <= threshold)] = 0 #testing #hp.mollview(smicaMapDeg) #hp.mollview(maskMapDeg) #return 0 hp.write_map(mapDegFile, smicaMapDeg, nest=False) # use False if order_out='RING' above hp.write_map(maskDegFile, maskMapDeg, nest=False) else: # just load previous degradations (dependent on previous lmax) print 'loading previously degraded map and mask...' smicaMapDeg = hp.read_map(mapDegFile, nest=False) maskMapDeg = hp.read_map(maskDegFile, nest=False) # find power spectra print 'find power spectra... ' if useSPICE: ClFile1 = 'spiceCl_unmasked.fits' ClFile2 = 'spiceCl_masked.fits' # note: lmax for spice is 3*NSIDE-1 or less ispice(mapDegFile, ClFile1, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") Cl_unmasked = hp.read_cl(ClFile1) ispice(mapDegFile, ClFile2, maskfile1=maskDegFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") Cl_masked = hp.read_cl(ClFile2) Cl_mask = np.zeros(Cl_unmasked.shape[0]) # just a placeholder ell = np.arange(Cl_unmasked.shape[0]) else: # use anafast Cl_unmasked = hp.anafast(smicaMapDeg, lmax=lmax) Cl_masked = hp.anafast(smicaMapDeg * maskMapDeg, lmax=lmax) Cl_mask = hp.anafast(maskMapDeg, lmax=lmax) ell = np.arange(lmax + 1) #anafast output seems to start at l=0 # plot them doPlot = False #True if doPlot: gcp.showCl(ell, np.array([Cl_masked, Cl_unmasked]), title='power spectra of unmasked, masked SMICA map') # Legendre transform to real space print 'Legendre transform to real space... ' # note: getCovar uses linspace in x for thetaArray thetaDomain, CofTheta = getCovar(ell[:lmax + 1], Cl_unmasked[:lmax + 1], theta_i=theta_i, theta_f=theta_f, nSteps=nSteps, lmin=lmin) thetaDomain, CCutofThetaTA = getCovar(ell[:lmax + 1], Cl_masked[:lmax + 1], theta_i=theta_i, theta_f=theta_f, nSteps=nSteps, lmin=lmin) CofTheta *= 1e12 # K^2 to microK^2 CCutofThetaTA *= 1e12 # K^2 to microK^2 if useSPICE: CCutofTheta = CCutofThetaTA #/(4*np.pi) else: thetaDomain, AofThetaInverse = getCovar( ell[:lmax + 1], Cl_mask[:lmax + 1], theta_i=theta_i, theta_f=theta_f, nSteps=nSteps, lmin=0) # don't zilch the mask # note: zilching the mask's low power drastically changed C(theta) for masked anafast # Not sure why. CCutofTheta = CCutofThetaTA / AofThetaInverse xArray = np.cos(thetaDomain * np.pi / 180.) # back to frequency space for S_{1/2} = CIC calculation if useSPICE: CCutofL = Cl_masked[:lmax + 1] * 1e12 #K^2 to microK^2 else: legCoefs = legfit(xArray, CCutofTheta, lmax) CCutofL = legCoefs * (4 * np.pi) / (2 * ell[:lmax + 1] + 1) # S_{1/2} myJmn = getJmn(lmax=lmax) SMasked =[lmin:],[lmin:, lmin:], CCutofL[lmin:])) SNoMask = Cl_unmasked[lmin:lmax + 1],[lmin:, lmin:], Cl_unmasked[lmin:lmax + 1])) * 1e24 #two factors of K^2 to muK^2 # save results if useSPICE: saveFile2, np.array( [thetaDomain, CofTheta, CCutofTheta, SNoMask, SMasked])) else: saveFile, np.array( [thetaDomain, CofTheta, CCutofTheta, SNoMask, SMasked])) else: # load from file if useSPICE: fileData = np.load(saveFile2) else: fileData = np.load(saveFile) thetaDomain = fileData[0] CofTheta = fileData[1] CCutofTheta = fileData[2] SNoMask = fileData[3] SMasked = fileData[4] return thetaDomain, CofTheta, CCutofTheta, SNoMask, SMasked
def test(useCLASS=1, useLensing=1, classCamb=1, nSims=1000, lmax=100, lmin=2, newSMICA=False, newDeg=False, suppressC2=False, suppFactor=0.23): """ code for testing the other functions in this module Inputs: useCLASS: set to 1 to use CLASS, 0 to use CAMB CLASS Cl has early/late split at z=50 CAMB Cl has ISWin/out split: ISWin: 0.4<z<0.75, ISWout: the rest Note: CAMB results include primary in ISWin and ISWout (not as intended) default: 1 useLensing: set to 1 to use lensed Cl, 0 for non-lensed default: 1 classCamb: if 1: use the CAMB format of CLASS output, if 0: use CLASS format Note: parameter not used if useCLASS = 0 default: 1 nSims: the number of simulations to do for ensemble default: 1000 lmax: the highest l to include in Legendre transforms default: 100 lmin: the lowest l to include in S_{1/2} = CIC calculations default: 2 newSMICA: set to True to recalculate SMICA results default: False newDeg: set to True to recalculate map and mask degredations (only if newSMICA is also True) default: False suppressC2: set to True to suppress theoretical C_2 by suppFactor before creating a_lm.s Default: False suppFactor: multiplies C_2 if suppressC2 is True Default: 0.23 # from Tegmark et. al. 2003, figure 13 (WMAP) """ ############################################################################## # load theoretical power spectra # load data ell, fullCl, primCl, lateCl, crossCl = gcp.loadCls(useCLASS=useCLASS, useLensing=useLensing, classCamb=classCamb) # fill beginning with zeros startEll = int(ell[0]) ell = np.append(np.arange(startEll), ell) fullCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), fullCl) primCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), primCl) lateCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), lateCl) crossCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), crossCl) # suppress C_2 to see what happens in enesmble #suppressC2 = False #suppFactor = 0.23 # from Tegmark et. al. 2003, figure 13 (WMAP) if suppressC2: fullCl[2] *= suppFactor primCl[2] *= suppFactor lateCl[2] *= suppFactor crossCl[2] *= suppFactor conv = ell * (ell + 1) / (2 * np.pi) #print ell,conv #ell[0]=2.0 # apply beam and pixel window functions to power spectra # note: to ignore the non-constant pixel shape, W(l) must be > B(l) # however, this is not true for NSIDE=128 and gauss_beam(5') # Here I ignore this anyway and proceed myNSIDE = 128 # must be same NSIDE as in sims.getSMICA function Wpix = hp.pixwin(myNSIDE) Bsmica = hp.gauss_beam(5. / 60 * np.pi / 180) # 5 arcmin WlMax = Wpix.size if WlMax < lmax: print 'die screaming!!!' return 0 fullCl = fullCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 primCl = primCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 lateCl = lateCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 crossCl = crossCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 # note: i tried sims without this scaling, and results seemed the same at a glance ############################################################################## # load SMICA data, converted to C(theta), via SpICE if newSMICA: theta_i = 0.0 #degrees theta_f = 180.0 #degrees nSteps = 1800 thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAsp, C_SMICAmaskedsp, S_SMICAnomasksp, S_SMICAmaskedsp = \ sims.getSMICA(theta_i=theta_i,theta_f=theta_f,nSteps=nSteps,lmax=lmax,lmin=lmin, newSMICA=newSMICA,newDeg=newDeg,useSPICE=True) # filenames for SpICE to use # super lame that spice needs to read/write from disk, but here goes... RAMdisk = '/Volumes/ramdisk/' ClTempFile = RAMdisk + 'tempCl.fits' mapTempFile = RAMdisk + 'tempMap.fits' mapDegFile = RAMdisk + 'smicaMapDeg.fits' # this should have been created by sims.getSMICA maskDegFile = RAMdisk + 'maskMapDeg.fits' # this should have been created by sims.getSMICA # create RAM Disk for SpICE and copy these files there using bash RAMsize = 4 #Mb ramDiskOutput = subprocess.check_output('./ create ' + str(RAMsize), shell=True) print ramDiskOutput diskID = ramDiskOutput[ 31:41] # this might not grab the right part; works for '/dev/disk1''cp smicaMapDeg.fits ' + RAMdisk, shell=True)'cp maskMapDeg.fits ' + RAMdisk, shell=True) ispice(mapDegFile, ClTempFile, maskfile1=maskDegFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") ClsmicaCut = hp.read_cl(ClTempFile) # find S_{1/2} for SMICA. Should actually optimize but see what happens here first. #myJmn = legprodint.getJmn(endX=0.5,lmax=lmax,doSave=False) #Ssmica =[lmin:lmax+1],[lmin:,lmin:], # ClsmicaCut[lmin:lmax+1]))*1e24 #K^4 to microK^4 ############################################################################## # create ensemble of realizations and gather statistics spiceMax = myNSIDE * 3 # should be lmax+1 for SpICE ClEnsembleCut = np.zeros([nSims, spiceMax]) simEll = np.arange(spiceMax) doTime = True # to time the run and print output startTime = time.time() for nSim in range(nSims): print 'starting masked Cl sim ', nSim + 1, ' of ', nSims alm_prim, alm_late = hp.synalm((primCl, lateCl, crossCl), lmax=lmax, new=True) mapSim = hp.alm2map(alm_prim + alm_late, myNSIDE, lmax=lmax) hp.write_map(mapTempFile, mapSim) ispice(mapTempFile, ClTempFile, maskfile1=maskDegFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") ClEnsembleCut[nSim] = hp.read_cl(ClTempFile) doPlot = False #True if doPlot: gcp.showCl(simEll[:lmax + 1], ClEnsembleCut[nSim, :lmax + 1], title='power spectrum of simulation ' + str(nSim + 1)) timeInterval1 = time.time() - startTime if doTime: print 'time elapsed: ', int(timeInterval1 / 60.), ' minutes' # free the RAM used by SpICE's RAM disk ramDiskOutput = subprocess.check_output('./ delete ' + diskID, shell=True) print ramDiskOutput # put SMICA in as 0th member of the ensemble; 1e12 to convert K^2 to microK^2 ClEnsembleCut = np.vstack((ClsmicaCut * 1e12, ClEnsembleCut)) nSims += 1 ############################################################################## # create S(x) for each C_l, using interpolation nXvals = 181 thetaVals = np.linspace(0, 180, nXvals) # one degree intervals xVals = np.cos(thetaVals * np.pi / 180) Jmnx = np.empty([nXvals, lmax + 1, lmax + 1]) for index, xVal in enumerate(xVals): Jmnx[index] = legprodint.getJmn(endX=xVal, lmax=lmax, doSave=False) SxToInterpolate = np.empty(nXvals) # create list of functions dummy = lambda x: x**2 SofXList = [dummy for i in range(nSims)] for nSim in range(nSims): print 'starting S(x) sim ', nSim + 1, ' of ', nSims for index, xVal in enumerate(xVals): SxToInterpolate[index] = ClEnsembleCut[nSim, lmin:lmax + 1],[index, lmin:, lmin:], ClEnsembleCut[nSim, lmin:lmax + 1])) SofX = interp1d(xVals, SxToInterpolate) #SofXList = SofXList.append(SofX) # Apparently appending a function to an empty list is not allowed. Instead: SofXList[nSim] = SofX #print SofXList#[nSim] doPlot = False #True if doPlot: nplotx = (nXvals - 1) * 10 + 1 plotTheta = np.linspace(0, 180, nplotx) plotx = np.cos(plotTheta * np.pi / 180) plotS = SofXList[nSim](plotx) plt.plot(plotx, plotS) plt.title('S(x) for simulation ' + str(nSim + 1)) doPlot = True if doPlot: for nSim in range(nSims): nplotx = (nXvals - 1) * 10 + 1 plotTheta = np.linspace(0, 180, nplotx) plotx = np.cos(plotTheta * np.pi / 180) plotS = SofXList[nSim](plotx) plt.plot(plotx, plotS, label='sim ' + str(nSim + 1)) #plt.legend() plt.title('S(x) for ' + str(nSims) + ' simulations') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('S_x') ############################################################################## # create Pval(x) for each S(x), using ensemble # Pval: probability of result equal to or more extreme # create list of functions PvalOfXList = [dummy for i in range(nSims)] for nSim in range(nSims): print 'starting Pval(x) sim ', nSim + 1, ' of ', nSims def PvalOfX(x): nUnder = 0 # will also include nEqual nOver = 0 threshold = SofXList[nSim](x) for nSim2 in range(nSims): Sx = SofXList[nSim2](x) if Sx > threshold: nOver += 1 #print "Over! mySx: ",Sx,", threshold: ",threshold else: nUnder += 1 #print "Under! mySx: ",Sx,", threshold: ",threshold #print "nUnder: ",nUnder,", nOver: ",nOver return nUnder / float(nUnder + nOver) PvalOfXList[nSim] = PvalOfX ############################################################################## # find global minimum for each Pval(x) # simply use same xVals as above, at one degree intervals # if there are equal p-values along the range, the one with the highest xVal # will be reported PvalMinima = np.empty(nSims) xValMinima = np.empty(nSims) doTime = True # to time the run and print output startTime = time.time() for nSim in range(nSims): print 'starting minimum Pval(x) search for sim ', nSim + 1, ' of ', nSims PvalOfX = PvalOfXList[nSim] #print 'function: ',PvalOfX PvalMinima[nSim] = PvalOfX(1.0) xValMinima[nSim] = 1.0 Pvals = np.empty(nXvals) for index, xVal in enumerate( xVals): # will start from 1 and go down to -1 myPval = PvalOfX(xVal) Pvals[index] = myPval #print "nSim: ",nSim,", n: ",index,", myPval: ",myPval,", PvalMinima[nSim]: ",PvalMinima[nSim] if myPval < PvalMinima[ nSim] and xVal > -0.999: #avoid the instabililility PvalMinima[nSim] = myPval xValMinima[nSim] = xVal #print 'nSim: ',nSim+1,', new x for minimum Pval: ',xVal #raw_input("Finished sim "+str(nSim+1)+" of "+str(nSims)+". Press enter to continue") doPlot = True #False#True if doPlot: # and np.random.uniform() < 0.1: #randomly choose about 1/10 of them plt.plot(xVals, Pvals) plt.vlines(xValMinima[nSim], 0, 1) plt.xlabel('x = cos(theta), min at ' + str(xValMinima[nSim])) plt.ylabel('P-value') plt.title('P-values for simulation ' + str(nSim + 1) + ' of ' + str(nSims) + ', p_min = ' + str(PvalMinima[nSim])) plt.xlim(-1.05, 1.05) plt.ylim(-0.05, 1.05) timeInterval2 = time.time() - startTime if doTime: print 'time elapsed: ', int(timeInterval2 / 60.), ' minutes' """ # A MYSTERY! Something about the following code causes Pvals to always take # the values of PvalOfXList[nSims](xVals) WTF? Omit for now. # Testing seems to indicate that PvalOfXList functions still have different # locations in memory, but they all seem to be evaluating the same. # However, when the previous block of code is copied to come again after # this one, it behaves properly again. # see how well it did doPlot = False#True if doPlot: nPlots = 10 for nPlot in range(nPlots): print 'plot ',nPlot+1,' of ',nPlots toPlot = nPlot#np.random.randint(0,high=nSims) #for nSim in range(nSims): Pvals = np.empty(nXvals) PvalOfX = PvalOfXList[nPlot] print 'function: ',PvalOfX for index, xVal in enumerate(xVals): Pvals[index] = PvalOfX(xVal) #print index,Pvals[index] #print Pvals plt.plot(xVals,Pvals) plt.vlines(xValMinima[toPlot],0,1) plt.xlabel('x = cos(theta), min at '+str(xValMinima[toPlot])) plt.ylabel('P-value') plt.title('P-values for simulation '+str(toPlot+1)+' of '+str(nSims)) """ ############################################################################## # create distribution of S(xValMinima) SxEnsembleMin = np.empty(nSims) for nSim in range(nSims): SxEnsembleMin[nSim] = SofXList[nSim](xValMinima[nSim]) # extract SMICA result Ssmica = SxEnsembleMin[0] ############################################################################## # plot/print results print 'plotting S_x distribution... ' myBins = np.logspace(1, 7, 100) plt.axvline(x=Ssmica, color='g', linewidth=3, label='SMICA masked') plt.hist(SxEnsembleMin[1:], bins=myBins, histtype='step', label='cut sky') # [1:] to omit SMICA value plt.gca().set_xscale("log") plt.legend() plt.xlabel('S_x (microK^4)') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.title('S_x of ' + str(nSims - 1) + ' simulated CMBs') #-1 due to SMICA in zero position print ' ' print 'nSims = ', nSims - 1 print 'time interval 1: ', timeInterval1, 's, time interval 2: ', timeInterval2, 's' print ' => ', timeInterval1 / (nSims - 1), ' s/sim, ', timeInterval2 / ( nSims - 1), ' s/sim' print 'SMICA optimized S_x: S = ',Ssmica,', for x = ',xValMinima[0], \ ', with p-value ',PvalMinima[0] print ' ' print 'step 3: profit' print ''
def test(useCLASS=1, useLensing=1, classCamb=1, nSims=1000, lmax=100, lmin=2, newSMICA=False, newDeg=False, suppressC2=False, suppFactor=0.23, filterC2=False, filtFacLow=0.1, filtFacHigh=0.2, doCovar=False): """ code for testing the other functions in this module Inputs: useCLASS: set to 1 to use CLASS, 0 to use CAMB CLASS Cl has early/late split at z=50 CAMB Cl has ISWin/out split: ISWin: 0.4<z<0.75, ISWout: the rest Note: CAMB results include primary in ISWin and ISWout (not as intended) default: 1 useLensing: set to 1 to use lensed Cl, 0 for non-lensed default: 1 classCamb: if 1: use the CAMB format of CLASS output, if 0: use CLASS format Note: parameter not used if useCLASS = 0 default: 1 nSims: the number of simulations to do for ensemble default: 1000 lmax: the highest l to include in Legendre transforms default: 100 lmin: the lowest l to include in S_{1/2} = CIC calculations default: 2 newSMICA: set to True to recalculate SMICA results default: False newDeg: set to True to recalculate map and mask degredations (only if newSMICA is also True) default: False suppressC2: set to True to suppress theoretical C_2 (quadrupole) by suppFactor before creating a_lm.s Default: False suppFactor: multiplies C_2 if suppressC2 is True Default: 0.23 # from Tegmark et. al. 2003, figure 13 (WMAP) filterC2 : set to true to filter simulated CMBs after spice calculates cut sky C_l. Sims will pass filter if C_2 * filtFacLow < C_2^sim < C_2 * filtFacHigh. Default: False filtFacLow,filtFacHigh: defines C_2 range for passing simulated CMBs Default: 0.1,0.2 doCovar: set to True to calculate C(theta) and S_{1/2} distritutions for ensemble Note: meant to capture functionality from; ZK 2016.11.13 Default: False """ ############################################################################## # load theoretical power spectra # load data ell, fullCl, primCl, lateCl, crossCl = gcp.loadCls(useCLASS=useCLASS, useLensing=useLensing, classCamb=classCamb) # fill beginning with zeros startEll = int(ell[0]) ell = np.append(np.arange(startEll), ell) fullCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), fullCl) primCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), primCl) lateCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), lateCl) crossCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), crossCl) # suppress C_2 to see what happens in enesmble if suppressC2: fullCl[2] *= suppFactor primCl[2] *= suppFactor lateCl[2] *= suppFactor crossCl[2] *= suppFactor conv = ell * (ell + 1) / (2 * np.pi) #print ell,conv #ell[0]=2.0 # apply beam and pixel window functions to power spectra # note: to ignore the non-constant pixel shape, W(l) must be > B(l) # however, this is not true for NSIDE=128 and gauss_beam(5') # Here I ignore this anyway and proceed myNSIDE = 128 # must be same NSIDE as in sims.getSMICA function Wpix = hp.pixwin(myNSIDE) Bsmica = hp.gauss_beam(5. / 60 * np.pi / 180) # 5 arcmin WlMax = Wpix.size if WlMax < lmax: print 'die screaming!!!' return 0 fullCl = fullCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 primCl = primCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 lateCl = lateCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 crossCl = crossCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 # note: i tried sims without this scaling, and results seemed the same at a glance ############################################################################## # load SMICA data, converted to C_l, via SpICE if newSMICA or doCovar: theta_i = 0.0 #degrees theta_f = 180.0 #degrees nSteps = 1800 thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAsp, C_SMICAmaskedsp, S_SMICAnomasksp, S_SMICAmaskedsp = \ sims.getSMICA(theta_i=theta_i,theta_f=theta_f,nSteps=nSteps,lmax=lmax,lmin=lmin, newSMICA=newSMICA,newDeg=newDeg,useSPICE=True) # filenames for SpICE to use # super lame that spice needs to read/write from disk, but here goes... RAMdisk = '/Volumes/ramdisk/' ClTempFile = RAMdisk + 'tempCl.fits' mapTempFile = RAMdisk + 'tempMap.fits' mapDegFile = RAMdisk + 'smicaMapDeg.fits' # this should have been created by sims.getSMICA maskDegFile = RAMdisk + 'maskMapDeg.fits' # this should have been created by sims.getSMICA # create RAM Disk for SpICE and copy these files there using bash RAMsize = 4 #Mb ramDiskOutput = subprocess.check_output('./ create ' + str(RAMsize), shell=True) print ramDiskOutput diskID = ramDiskOutput[ 31:41] # this might not grab the right part; works for '/dev/disk1''cp smicaMapDeg.fits ' + RAMdisk, shell=True)'cp maskMapDeg.fits ' + RAMdisk, shell=True) ispice(mapDegFile, ClTempFile, maskfile1=maskDegFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") ClsmicaCut = hp.read_cl(ClTempFile) # find S_{1/2} for SMICA. Should actually optimize but see what happens here first. if doCovar: myJmn = legprodint.getJmn(endX=0.5, lmax=lmax, doSave=False) #Ssmica =[lmin:lmax+1],[lmin:,lmin:], # ClsmicaCut[lmin:lmax+1]))*1e24 #K^4 to microK^4 ############################################################################## # create ensemble of realizations and gather statistics spiceMax = myNSIDE * 3 # should be lmax+1 for SpICE ClEnsembleCut = np.zeros([nSims, spiceMax]) if doCovar: ClEnsembleFull = np.zeros([nSims, lmax + 1]) simEll = np.arange(spiceMax) # option for creating C(\theta) and S_{1/2} ensembles if doCovar: cEnsembleCut = np.zeros([nSims, nSteps + 1]) cEnsembleFull = np.zeros([nSims, nSteps + 1]) sEnsembleCut = np.zeros(nSims) sEnsembleFull = np.zeros(nSims) doTime = True # to time the run and print output startTime = time.time() #for nSim in range(nSims): nSim = 0 while nSim < nSims: print 'starting masked Cl sim ', nSim + 1, ' of ', nSims alm_prim, alm_late = hp.synalm((primCl, lateCl, crossCl), lmax=lmax, new=True) mapSim = hp.alm2map(alm_prim + alm_late, myNSIDE, lmax=lmax) hp.write_map(mapTempFile, mapSim) if doCovar: ClEnsembleFull[nSim] = hp.alm2cl(alm_prim + alm_late) ispice(mapTempFile, ClTempFile, maskfile1=maskDegFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") ClEnsembleCut[nSim] = hp.read_cl(ClTempFile) # Check for low power of cut sky C_2 if (filterC2 == True and fullCl[2] * filtFacHigh > ClEnsembleCut[nSim, 2] and ClEnsembleCut[nSim, 2] > fullCl[2] * filtFacLow ) or filterC2 == False: doPlot = False #True if doPlot: gcp.showCl(simEll[:lmax + 1], ClEnsembleCut[nSim, :lmax + 1], title='power spectrum of simulation ' + str(nSim + 1)) if doCovar: # note: getCovar uses linspace in x for thetaArray thetaArray, cArray = sims.getCovar(simEll[:lmax + 1], ClEnsembleCut[nSim, :lmax + 1], theta_i=theta_i, theta_f=theta_f, nSteps=nSteps, lmin=lmin) cEnsembleCut[nSim] = cArray thetaArray, cArray = sims.getCovar(simEll[:lmax + 1], ClEnsembleFull[nSim, :lmax + 1], theta_i=theta_i, theta_f=theta_f, nSteps=nSteps, lmin=lmin) cEnsembleFull[nSim] = cArray # S_{1/2} sEnsembleCut[nSim] = ClEnsembleCut[nSim, lmin:lmax + 1],[lmin:, lmin:], ClEnsembleCut[nSim, lmin:lmax + 1])) sEnsembleFull[nSim] = ClEnsembleFull[nSim, lmin:lmax + 1],[lmin:, lmin:], ClEnsembleFull[nSim, lmin:lmax + 1])) nSim += 1 timeInterval1 = time.time() - startTime if doTime: print 'time elapsed: ', int(timeInterval1 / 60.), ' minutes' # free the RAM used by SpICE's RAM disk ramDiskOutput = subprocess.check_output('./ delete ' + diskID, shell=True) print ramDiskOutput # put SMICA in as 0th member of the ensemble; 1e12 to convert K^2 to microK^2 ClEnsembleCut = np.vstack((ClsmicaCut * 1e12, ClEnsembleCut)) nSims += 1 ############################################################################## # create S(x) for each C_l, using interpolation nXvals = 181 thetaVals = np.linspace(0, 180, nXvals) # one degree intervals xVals = np.cos(thetaVals * np.pi / 180) Jmnx = np.empty([nXvals, lmax + 1, lmax + 1]) for index, xVal in enumerate(xVals): Jmnx[index] = legprodint.getJmn(endX=xVal, lmax=lmax, doSave=False) SxToInterpolate = np.empty(nXvals) # create list of functions #dummy = lambda x: x**2 #SofXList = [dummy for i in range(nSims)] # here is where this program starts to diverge from the purely python version # create array to hold S_x values SxValsArray = np.empty([nSims, nXvals]) for nSim in range(nSims): print 'starting S(x) sim ', nSim + 1, ' of ', nSims for index, xVal in enumerate(xVals): #not using xVal? SxToInterpolate[index] = ClEnsembleCut[nSim, lmin:lmax + 1],[index, lmin:, lmin:], ClEnsembleCut[nSim, lmin:lmax + 1])) #SofX = interp1d(xVals,SxToInterpolate) #SofXList[nSim] = SofX SxValsArray[nSim] = SxToInterpolate """ #print SofXList#[nSim] doPlot=False#True if doPlot: nplotx = (nXvals-1)*10+1 plotTheta = np.linspace(0,180,nplotx) plotx = np.cos(plotTheta*np.pi/180) plotS = SofXList[nSim](plotx) plt.plot(plotx,plotS) plt.title('S(x) for simulation '+str(nSim+1)) doPlot = False#True if doPlot: for nSim in range(nSims): nplotx = (nXvals-1)*10+1 plotTheta = np.linspace(0,180,nplotx) plotx = np.cos(plotTheta*np.pi/180) plotS = SofXList[nSim](plotx) plt.plot(plotx,plotS,label='sim '+str(nSim+1)) #plt.plot(xVals,SxValsArray[nSim],label='sim '+str(nSim+1)) #plt.legend() plt.title('S(x) for '+str(nSims)+ 'simulations') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('S_x') """ # Kludge for extracting the S(x) ensemble to disk for Jackknife testing later saveAndExit = False #True saveAndExitFile = 'SofXEnsemble.npy' if saveAndExit:, np.vstack((xVals, SxValsArray))) print 'saving file ', saveAndExitFile, ' and exiting.' return 0 ############################################################################## # send data to c library function in xStart = -1.0 xEnd = 1.0 nSearch = 181 # same num as nXvals for now, but spaced equally in x, not theta PvalMinima = np.empty(nSims) # for return values XvalMinima = np.empty(nSims) # for return values doTime = True # to time the run and print output startTime = time.time() optSx(xVals, nXvals, SxValsArray, nSims, xStart, xEnd, nSearch, PvalMinima, XvalMinima) timeInterval2 = time.time() - startTime if doTime: print 'time elapsed: ', int(timeInterval2 / 60.), ' minutes' ############################################################################## # create distribution of S(XvalMinima) SxEnsembleMin = np.empty(nSims) for nSim in range(nSims): # need to interpolate since optSx uses interpolation SofX = interp1d(xVals, SxValsArray[nSim]) SxEnsembleMin[nSim] = SofX(XvalMinima[nSim]) ############################################################################## # save S_x, P(x), x results saveFile = "optSxResult.npy", np.vstack((PvalMinima, XvalMinima, SxEnsembleMin))) saveFileC2 = "optSxC2.npy", ClEnsembleCut[:, 2]) #for C_2 # save C(theta) and S{1/2} results if doCovar: avgEnsembleFull = np.average(cEnsembleFull, axis=0) stdEnsembleFull = np.std(cEnsembleFull, axis=0) # do I need a better way to describe confidence interval? avgEnsembleCut = np.average(cEnsembleCut, axis=0) stdEnsembleCut = np.std(cEnsembleCut, axis=0) saveFile1 = "simStatResultC.npy" saveFile1, np.vstack((thetaArray, avgEnsembleFull, stdEnsembleFull, avgEnsembleCut, stdEnsembleCut))) saveFile2 = "simStatC_SMICA.npy", np.vstack((thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAsp, C_SMICAmaskedsp))) saveFile3 = "simStatResultS.npy" saveFile3, np.vstack((np.hstack((np.array(S_SMICAnomasksp), sEnsembleFull)), np.hstack((np.array(S_SMICAmaskedsp), sEnsembleCut))))) ############################################################################## # plot/print results makePlots(saveFile=saveFile, suppressC2=suppressC2) #makeCornerPlot(saveFile=saveFile,suppressC2=suppressC2) makeCornerPlotSmall(saveFile=saveFile, suppressC2=suppressC2) c2pval = makeC2Plot(saveFile=saveFileC2) if doCovar: sims.makePlots(saveFile1=saveFile1, saveFile2=saveFile2, saveFile3=saveFile3) pv = PvalPval(saveFile=saveFile) print ' ' print 'nSims = ', nSims - 1 print 'time interval 1: ', timeInterval1, 's, time interval 2: ', timeInterval2, 's' print ' => ', timeInterval1 / (nSims - 1), ' s/sim, ', timeInterval2 / ( nSims - 1), ' s/sim' print 'SMICA optimized S_x: S = ',SxEnsembleMin[0],', for x = ',XvalMinima[0], \ ', with p-value ',PvalMinima[0] print 'P-value of P-value for SMICA: ', pv print ' ' print 'p-value of C_2^SMICA in distribution: ', c2pval print ' ' print 'step 3: profit' print ''
def test(nSims=100, lmax=100, lmin=2, partialMax=4, useCLASS=1, useLensing=1, cutSky=True, myNSIDE=128, newSC2=True, saveFile='simpleSonehalfC2.npy', nGrid=100): """ Purpose: function for testing S_{1/2} calculations Inputs: nSims: the number of simulations to do Overriden if newSC2 = False Default: 100 lmax: the highest l to use in the calculation Default: 100 lmin: the lowest l to use in the calculation Default: 2 partialMax: the maximum l to use for partial Sonehalf plots must be more than lmin Overriden if newSC2 = False Default: 4 useCLASS: set to 1 to use CLASS Cl, 0 for CAMB Default: 1 useLensing: set to 1 to use lensed Cls Default: 1 cutSky: set to True to do cut-sky sims Default: True myNSIDE: HEALPix parameter for simulated maps if cutSky=True Default: 128 newSC2: set to True to simulate new ensemble and save S,C2 results in file, False to skip simulation and load previous results If false, values of nSims and partialMax will come from file Default: True saveFile: filename to save S,C2 result if newSC2 is true, to load if false Default: 'simpleSonehalfC2.npy' nGrid: to pass to plot2Ddist; controls grid for binning for contours Default: 100 """ # get power spectrum # starts with ell[0]=2 ell, fullCl, primCl, lateCl, crossCl = gcp.loadCls(useCLASS=useCLASS, useLensing=useLensing) # fill beginning with zeros startEll = int(ell[0]) ell = np.append(np.arange(startEll), ell) Cl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), fullCl) #conv = ell*(ell+1)/(2*np.pi) # Note: optimizeSx2 includes a multiplication of Cl by (beam*window)**2 at this point, # but in this program I'm omitting it. Why? Effects are small, esp. at low ell # get Jmn matrix for harmonic space S_{1/2} calc. myJmn = getJmn(lmax=lmax) # do not include monopole, dipole if cutSky: # yeah.. disk access is annoying so... RAMdisk = '/Volumes/ramdisk/' ClTempFile = RAMdisk + 'tempCl.fits' mapTempFile = RAMdisk + 'tempMap.fits' mapDegFile = RAMdisk + 'smicaMapDeg.fits' #created by sim_stats.getSMICA maskDegFile = RAMdisk + 'maskMapDeg.fits' #created by sim_stats.getSMICA # create RAM Disk for SpICE and copy these files there using bash RAMsize = 4 #Mb ramDiskOutput = subprocess.check_output('./ create ' + str(RAMsize), shell=True) print ramDiskOutput diskID = ramDiskOutput[ 31: 41] # this might not grab the right part; works for '/dev/disk1''cp smicaMapDeg.fits ' + RAMdisk, shell=True)'cp maskMapDeg.fits ' + RAMdisk, shell=True) ispice(mapDegFile, ClTempFile, maskfile1=maskDegFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") Clsmica = hp.read_cl(ClTempFile) else: ClTempFile = 'tempCl.fits' mapTempFile = 'tempMap.fits' mapDegFile = 'smicaMapDeg.fits' #created by sim_stats.getSMICA maskDegFile = 'maskMapDeg.fits' #created by sim_stats.getSMICA ispice(mapDegFile, ClTempFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") Clsmica = hp.read_cl(ClTempFile) # collect results if newSC2: sEnsemblePartial = np.zeros([nSims, partialMax + 1]) C2Ensemble = np.zeros(nSims) for i in range(nSims): print "starting sim ", i + 1, " of ", nSims, "... " almSim = hp.synalm(Cl, lmax=lmax) # should start with ell[0] = 0 if cutSky: mapSim = hp.alm2map(almSim, myNSIDE, lmax=lmax) hp.write_map(mapTempFile, mapSim) ispice(mapTempFile, ClTempFile, maskfile1=maskDegFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") ClSim = hp.read_cl(ClTempFile) else: ClSim = hp.alm2cl(almSim) for myLmin in range(lmin, partialMax + 1): sEnsemblePartial[i, myLmin] = ClSim[myLmin:lmax + 1],[myLmin:, myLmin:], ClSim[myLmin:lmax + 1])) C2Ensemble[i] = ClSim[2] # save results, np.hstack((np.array([C2Ensemble]).T, sEnsemblePartial))) else: # load from file sEnsemblePartial = np.load(saveFile) C2Ensemble = sEnsemblePartial[:, 0] sEnsemblePartial = sEnsemblePartial[:, 1:] nSims = sEnsemblePartial.shape[0] partialMax = sEnsemblePartial.shape[1] - 1 if cutSky: # free the RAM used by SpICE's RAM disk ramDiskOutput = subprocess.check_output('./ delete ' + diskID, shell=True) print ramDiskOutput # plot results print 'plotting S_{1/2} distributions... ' #myBins = np.logspace(2,7,100) myBins = np.logspace(2, 6, 100) #plt.axvline(x=6763,color='b',linewidth=3,label='SMICA inpainted') #plt.axvline(x=2145,color='g',linewidth=3,label='SMICA masked') #plt.hist(sEnsembleFull,bins=myBins,color='b',histtype='step',label='full sky') #plt.hist(sEnsembleCut, bins=myBins,color='g',histtype='step',label='cut sky') myColors = ('g', 'b', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'k') #need more? prob. not. myLines = ('-', '--', '-.') #need more? for myEll in range(lmin, partialMax + 1): plt.hist(sEnsemblePartial[:, myEll], bins=myBins, histtype='step', label=r'sims: $\ell_{\rm min}$ = ' + str(myEll), color=myColors[myEll - lmin], linestyle=myLines[myEll - lmin], linewidth=2) Sonehalf = Clsmica[myEll:lmax + 1],[myEll:, myEll:], Clsmica[myEll:lmax + 1])) * 1e24 plt.axvline(x=Sonehalf, linewidth=3, label=r'SMICA: $\ell_{\rm min}$=' + str(myEll), color=myColors[myEll - lmin], linestyle=myLines[myEll - lmin]) # calculate and print p-value pval = pValue(sEnsemblePartial[:, myEll], Sonehalf) print 'l_min: ', myEll, ', Sonehalf: ', Sonehalf, ', p-value: ', pval plt.gca().set_xscale("log") plt.legend() myfs = 16 # font size for labels plt.xlabel(r'$S_{1/2} (\mu K^4)$', fontsize=myfs) plt.ylabel('Counts', fontsize=myfs) plt.xlim((500, 10**6)) if cutSky: sName = ' cut-sky' else: sName = ' full-sky' #plt.title(r'$S_{1/2}$ of '+str(nSims)+sName+' simulated CMBs') print 'plotting C_2 vs. S_{1/2} histogram... ' SMICAvals = (np.log10(2145), 171.8 ) # KLUDGE!!! #moved to earlier in program SonehalfLabel = "$log_{10}(\ S_{1/2}\ /\ (\mu K)^4\ )$" C2Label = "$C_2\ /\ (\mu K)^2$" C2Label3 = "$C_2\ /\ (10^3 (\mu K)^2)$" log10SonehalfEnsemble = np.log10(sEnsemblePartial[:, lmin]) myBinsLog10S = np.linspace(2, 6, 100) myBinsC2 = np.linspace(0, 3000, 100) cmap = cm.magma #Greens#Blues plt.hist2d(log10SonehalfEnsemble, C2Ensemble, bins=[myBinsLog10S, myBinsC2], cmap=cmap) plt.plot(SMICAvals[0], SMICAvals[1], 'cD') plt.colorbar() #myfs = 16 # font size for labels plt.xlabel(SonehalfLabel, fontsize=myfs) plt.ylabel(C2Label, fontsize=myfs) print 'plotting C_2 vs. S_{1/2} contours... ' H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(log10SonehalfEnsemble, C2Ensemble, bins=(myBinsLog10S, myBinsC2)) H = H.T # Let each row list bins with common y range myXedges = (xedges[1:] + xedges[:-1]) / 2 #find midpoint of linspace for plotting myYedges = (yedges[1:] + yedges[:-1]) / 2 hMax = np.max(H) #levels = [hMax*0.0009,hMax*0.009,hMax*0.09,hMax*0.9,hMax] #levels = [hMax*0.01,hMax*0.05,hMax*0.1,hMax*0.5,hMax*0.9,hMax] levels = np.logspace(np.log10(0.01 * hMax), np.log10(0.9 * hMax), 5) norm = cm.colors.Normalize(vmax=abs(H).max(), vmin=0) #cmap = cm.PRGn #plt.figure() #plt.imshow(H,origin='lower',norm=norm,cmap=cmap)#,extent=extent) #extent is a coordinate zoom #plt.imshow(H,norm=norm,cmap=cmap,extent=(2,6,0,3000)) #should match linspace above #v = plt.axis() CS = plt.contour(myXedges, myYedges, H, levels, colors='k', thickness=2) plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) #plt.axis(v) plt.colorbar() #plt.title('do i want a title here?') plt.xlim(2.8, 5.8) #myfs = 16 # font size for labels plt.xlabel(SonehalfLabel, fontsize=myfs) plt.ylabel(C2Label, fontsize=myfs) plt.plot(SMICAvals[0], SMICAvals[1], 'cD') print 'plotting corner plot... ' toPlot = np.vstack((log10SonehalfEnsemble, C2Ensemble)) toPlot = toPlot.T figure = corner.corner(toPlot, labels=[SonehalfLabel, C2Label], show_titles=False, truths=SMICAvals, range=((2.5, 6), (0, 3000)), label_kwargs={'fontsize': myfs}) print 'plotting contours again but now using plot2Ddist (please wait)... ' doTime = True startTime = time.time() scatterstyle = {'color': 'r', 'alpha': 0.5} styleargs = {'color': 'k', 'scatterstyle': scatterstyle} bw_method = 0.05 #'scott' axSize = "20%" #1.5 nstart = 600 # create separate figures to contain separate plots """plt.figure(1) ax1=plt.gca() plt.figure(2) ax2=plt.gca() plt.figure(3) ax3=plt.gca()""" #fig = plt.figure() #should be the same one used by plot2Ddist # divide C2Ensemble by 1000 since that is approximate factor between ranges of C2,Sonehalf # presumably useful for accuracy in contour plotting via kernel density estimation fig1, axeslist = plot2Ddist.plot2Ddist( [log10SonehalfEnsemble, C2Ensemble / 1000], truevalues=[SMICAvals[0], SMICAvals[1] / 1000], labels=[SonehalfLabel, C2Label3], contourNGrid=nGrid, bw_method=bw_method, axSize=axSize, nstart=nstart, returnfigure=True, **styleargs) #bw_method=bw_method,axSize=axSize,axeslist=[ax1,ax2,ax3],**styleargs) ax1, ax2, ax3 = axeslist timeInterval1 = time.time() - startTime if doTime: print 'time elapsed: ', int(timeInterval1), ' seconds' print 'starting second plot2Ddist call... ' ax1.set_xlim(left=2.9, right=6.1) ax1.set_ylim(top=5.5) ax1.plot(SMICAvals[0], SMICAvals[1] / 1000, 'cD') #inset plot left, bottom, width, height = [0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3] ax4 = fig1.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height]) #ax4.plot(range(10)) plt.figure(5) ax5 = plt.gca() plt.figure(6) ax6 = plt.gca() plot2Ddist.plot2Ddist([log10SonehalfEnsemble, C2Ensemble / 1000], truevalues=[SMICAvals[0], SMICAvals[1] / 1000], contourNGrid=nGrid, bw_method=bw_method, axSize=axSize, nstart=nstart, axeslist=[ax4, ax5, ax6], contourFractions=[0.91, 0.93, 0.95, 0.97, 0.99], labelcontours=False, **styleargs) timeInterval2 = time.time() - startTime if doTime: print 'time elapsed for both: ', int(timeInterval2), ' seconds' ax4.set_xlim(left=3.15, right=3.45) ax4.set_ylim(top=0.5) ax4.plot(SMICAvals[0], SMICAvals[1] / 1000, 'cD') ax4.xaxis.set_ticks((3.2, 3.3, 3.4)) #plt.figure(1) #plt.xlim(2.9,6.1) #plt.ylim(-0.03,5.5) # calculate and print 1D p-values pValueS12 = pValue(log10SonehalfEnsemble, SMICAvals[0]) pValueC2 = pValue(C2Ensemble, SMICAvals[1]) print 'S_{1/2} p-value = ', pValueS12 print 'C_2 p-value = ', pValueC2 print ''
def test(useCLASS=1, useLensing=1, classCamb=1, nSims=1000, lmax=3, lmin=2, newSMICA=True, newDeg=False): """ code for testing the other functions in this module Inputs: useCLASS: set to 1 to use CLASS, 0 to use CAMB CLASS Cl has early/late split at z=50 CAMB Cl has ISWin/out split: ISWin: 0.4<z<0.75, ISWout: the rest Note: CAMB results include primary in ISWin and ISWout (not as intended) default: 1 useLensing: set to 1 to use lensed Cl, 0 for non-lensed default: 1 classCamb: if 1: use the CAMB format of CLASS output, if 0: use CLASS format Note: parameter not used if useCLASS = 0 default: 1 nSims: the number of simulations to do for ensemble default: 1000 lmax: the highest l to include in Legendre transforms default: 3 lmin: the lowest l to include in S_{1/2} = CIC calculations default: 2 newSMICA: set to True to recalculate SMICA results default: True newDeg: set to True to recalculate map and mask degredations default: False """ ############################################################################## # load theoretical power spectra # load data ell, fullCl, primCl, lateCl, crossCl = gcp.loadCls(useCLASS=useCLASS, useLensing=useLensing, classCamb=classCamb) # fill beginning with zeros startEll = ell[0] ell = np.append(np.arange(startEll), ell) fullCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), fullCl) primCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), primCl) lateCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), lateCl) crossCl = np.append(np.zeros(startEll), crossCl) # suppress C_2 to see what happens in enesmble suppressC2 = False suppFactor = 0.23 # from Tegmark et. al. 2003, figure 13 (WMAP) if suppressC2: fullCl[2] *= suppFactor primCl[2] *= suppFactor lateCl[2] *= suppFactor crossCl[2] *= suppFactor conv = ell * (ell + 1) / (2 * np.pi) #print ell,conv #ell[0]=2.0 # apply beam and pixel window functions to power spectra # note: to ignore the non-constant pixel shape, W(l) must be > B(l) # however, this is not true for NSIDE=128 and gauss_beam(5') # Here I ignore this anyway and proceed myNSIDE = 128 # must be same NSIDE as in sims.getSMICA function Wpix = hp.pixwin(myNSIDE) Bsmica = hp.gauss_beam(5. / 60 * np.pi / 180) # 5 arcmin WlMax = Wpix.size if WlMax < lmax: print 'die screaming!!!' return 0 fullCl = fullCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 primCl = primCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 lateCl = lateCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 crossCl = crossCl[:WlMax] * (Wpix * Bsmica)**2 # note: i tried sims without this scaling, and results seemed the same at a glance # extract the part I want myL = ell[:lmax] myCl = fullCl[:lmax] ############################################################################## # load SMICA data and filter out all but low-l a_lm.s theta_i = 0.0 #degrees theta_f = 180.0 #degrees nSteps = 1800 # default: lmax=3,lmin=2 #newSMICA = True # so I don't use lmax=100 from previous calc. thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAsp, C_SMICAmaskedsp, S_SMICAnomasksp, S_SMICAmaskedsp = \ sims.getSMICA(theta_i=theta_i,theta_f=theta_f,nSteps=nSteps,lmax=lmax,lmin=lmin, newSMICA=newSMICA,newDeg=newDeg,useSPICE=True) ############################################################################## # create ensemble of realizations and gather statistics covEnsembleFull = np.zeros([nSims, nSteps + 1]) # for maskless covEnsembleCut = np.zeros([nSims, nSteps + 1]) # for masked sEnsembleFull = np.zeros(nSims) sEnsembleCut = np.zeros(nSims) covTheta = np.array([]) # get Jmn matrix for harmonic space S_{1/2} calc. myJmn = getJmn(lmax=lmax) doTime = True # to time the run and print output startTime = time.time() for nSim in range(nSims): print 'starting sim ', nSim + 1, ' of ', nSims alm_prim, alm_late = hp.synalm((primCl, lateCl, crossCl), lmax=lmax, new=True) # calculate C(theta) of simulation Clsim_prim = hp.alm2cl(alm_prim) Clsim_late = hp.alm2cl(alm_late) Clsim_cros = hp.alm2cl(alm_prim, alm_late) Clsim_full = Clsim_prim + 2 * Clsim_cros + Clsim_late # use Cl_sim_full to omit prim/late distinction for now #Clsim_full_sum += Clsim_full # first without mask # note: getCovar uses linspace in x for thetaArray thetaArray, cArray = sims.getCovar(ell[:lmax + 1], Clsim_full[:lmax + 1], theta_i=theta_i, theta_f=theta_f, nSteps=nSteps, lmin=lmin) covEnsembleFull[nSim] = cArray covTheta = thetaArray # S_{1/2} sEnsembleFull[nSim] = Clsim_full[lmin:],[lmin:, lmin:], Clsim_full[lmin:])) # now with a mask # should have default RING ordering # pixel window and beam already accounted for in true Cls #mapSim = hp.alm2map(alm_prim+alm_late,myNSIDE,lmax=lmax,pixwin=True,sigma=5./60*np.pi/180) mapSim = hp.alm2map(alm_prim + alm_late, myNSIDE, lmax=lmax) # super lame that spice needs to read/write from disk, but here goes... mapTempFile = 'tempMap.fits' ClTempFile = 'tempCl.fits' maskDegFile = 'maskMapDeg.fits' # this should have been created by sims.getSMICA hp.write_map(mapTempFile, mapSim) ispice(mapTempFile, ClTempFile, maskfile1=maskDegFile, subav="YES", subdipole="YES") Cl_masked = hp.read_cl(ClTempFile) ell2 = np.arange(Cl_masked.shape[0]) # note: getCovar uses linspace in x for thetaArray thetaArray, cArray2 = sims.getCovar(ell2[:lmax + 1], Cl_masked[:lmax + 1], theta_i=theta_i, theta_f=theta_f, nSteps=nSteps, lmin=lmin) covEnsembleCut[nSim] = cArray2 # S_{1/2} sEnsembleCut[nSim] = Cl_masked[lmin:lmax + 1],[lmin:, lmin:], Cl_masked[lmin:lmax + 1])) doPlot = False #True if doPlot: plt.plot(thetaArray, cArray) plt.xlabel('theta (degrees)') plt.ylabel('C(theta)') plt.title('covariance of simulated CMB') if doTime: print 'time elapsed: ', int( (time.time() - startTime) / 60.), ' minutes' avgEnsembleFull = np.average(covEnsembleFull, axis=0) stdEnsembleFull = np.std(covEnsembleFull, axis=0) # do I need a better way to describe confidence interval? avgEnsembleCut = np.average(covEnsembleCut, axis=0) stdEnsembleCut = np.std(covEnsembleCut, axis=0) #Clsim_full_avg = Clsim_full_sum / nSims ############################################################################## # plot/print results doPlot = True if doPlot: print 'plotting correlation functions... ' # first the whole sky statistics plt.plot(thetaArray, avgEnsembleFull, label='sim. ensemble average (no mask)') plt.fill_between(thetaArray, avgEnsembleFull + stdEnsembleFull, avgEnsembleFull - stdEnsembleFull, alpha=0.25, label='simulation 1sigma envelope') #plt.plot(thetaArray2,C_SMICA,label='SMICA R2 (inpainted,anafast)') plt.plot(thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAsp, label='SMICA R2 (inpainted,spice)') plt.xlabel('theta (degrees)') plt.ylabel('C(theta)') plt.title('whole sky covariance of ' + str(nSims) + ' simulated CMBs, lmax=' + str(lmax)) plt.ylim([-500, 1000]) plt.plot([0, 180], [0, 0]) #horizontal line plt.legend() # now the cut sky plt.plot(thetaArray, avgEnsembleCut, label='sim. ensemble average (masked)') plt.fill_between(thetaArray, avgEnsembleCut + stdEnsembleCut, avgEnsembleCut - stdEnsembleCut, alpha=0.25, label='simulation 1sigma envelope') #plt.plot(thetaArray2,C_SMICAmasked,label='SMICA R2 (masked ,anafast)') plt.plot(thetaArray2sp, C_SMICAmaskedsp, label='SMICA R2 (masked ,spice)') plt.xlabel('theta (degrees)') plt.ylabel('C(theta)') plt.title('cut sky covariance of ' + str(nSims) + ' simulated CMBs, lmax=' + str(lmax)) plt.ylim([-500, 1000]) plt.plot([0, 180], [0, 0]) #horizontal line plt.legend() print 'plotting S_{1/2} distributions... ' myBins = np.logspace(2, 7, 100) plt.axvline(x=S_SMICAnomasksp, color='b', linewidth=3, label='SMICA inpainted') plt.axvline(x=S_SMICAmaskedsp, color='g', linewidth=3, label='SMICA masked') plt.hist(sEnsembleFull, bins=myBins, histtype='step', label='full sky') plt.hist(sEnsembleCut, bins=myBins, histtype='step', label='cut sky') plt.gca().set_xscale("log") plt.legend() plt.xlabel('S_{1/2} (microK^4)') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.title('S_{1/2} of ' + str(nSims) + ' simulated CMBs') # S_{1/2} output print '' print 'using CIC method: ' #print 'S_{1/2}(anafast): SMICA, no mask: ',S_SMICAnomask,', masked: ',S_SMICAmasked print 'S_{1/2}(spice): SMICA, no mask: ', S_SMICAnomasksp, ', masked: ', S_SMICAmaskedsp print '' #print 'using CCdx method: ' #print 'S_{1/2}(anafast): SMICA, no mask: ',SSnm2,', masked: ',SSmd2 #print 'S_{1/2}(spice): SMICA, no mask: ',SSnm2sp,', masked: ',SSmd2sp #print '' ############################################################################## # step 3 print 'step 3: profit'