Esempio n. 1
def main(cli_args=sys.argv[1:]):
    """Main function for autorenewer script."""
    # TODO: Distinguish automated invocation from manual invocation,
    #       perhaps by looking at sys.argv[0] and inhibiting automated
    #       invocations if /etc/letsencrypt/renewal.conf defaults have
    #       turned it off. (The boolean parameter should probably be
    #       called renewer_enabled.)

    # TODO: When we have a more elaborate renewer command line, we will
    #       presumably also be able to specify a config file on the
    #       command line, which, if provided, should take precedence over
    #       te default config files


    args = _create_parser().parse_args(cli_args)

    uid = os.geteuid()
    le_util.make_or_verify_dir(args.logs_dir, 0o700, uid)
    cli.setup_logging(args, _cli_log_handler, logfile='renewer.log')

    cli_config = configuration.RenewerConfiguration(args)

    # Ensure that all of the needed folders have been created before continuing
                               constants.CONFIG_DIRS_MODE, uid)

    for renewal_file in os.listdir(cli_config.renewal_configs_dir):
        print "Processing", renewal_file
            # TODO: Before trying to initialize the RenewableCert object,
            #       we could check here whether the combination of the config
            #       and the rc_config together disables all autorenewal and
            #       autodeployment applicable to this cert.  In that case, we
            #       can simply continue and don't need to instantiate a
            #       RenewableCert object for this cert at all, which could
            #       dramatically improve performance for large deployments
            #       where autorenewal is widely turned off.
            cert = storage.RenewableCert(renewal_file, cli_config)
        except errors.CertStorageError:
            # This indicates an invalid renewal configuration file, such
            # as one missing a required parameter (in the future, perhaps
            # also one that is internally inconsistent or is missing a
            # required parameter).  As a TODO, maybe we should warn the
            # user about the existence of an invalid or corrupt renewal
            # config rather than simply ignoring it.
        if cert.should_autorenew():
            # Note: not cert.current_version() because the basis for
            # the renewal is the latest version, even if it hasn't been
            # deployed yet!
            old_version = cert.latest_common_version()
            renew(cert, old_version)
            notify.notify("Autorenewed a cert!!!", "root", "It worked!")
            # TODO: explain what happened
        if cert.should_autodeploy():
            # TODO: restart web server (invoke IInstaller.restart() method)
            notify.notify("Autodeployed a cert!!!", "root", "It worked!")
Esempio n. 2
def main(cli_args=sys.argv[1:]):
    """Main function for autorenewer script."""
    # TODO: Distinguish automated invocation from manual invocation,
    #       perhaps by looking at sys.argv[0] and inhibiting automated
    #       invocations if /etc/letsencrypt/renewal.conf defaults have
    #       turned it off. (The boolean parameter should probably be
    #       called renewer_enabled.)

    # TODO: When we have a more elaborate renewer command line, we will
    #       presumably also be able to specify a config file on the
    #       command line, which, if provided, should take precedence over
    #       te default config files


    args = _create_parser().parse_args(cli_args)

    uid = os.geteuid()
    le_util.make_or_verify_dir(args.logs_dir, 0o700, uid)
    cli.setup_logging(args, _cli_log_handler, logfile='renewer.log')

    cli_config = configuration.RenewerConfiguration(args)

    # Ensure that all of the needed folders have been created before continuing
                               constants.CONFIG_DIRS_MODE, uid)

    for renewal_file in os.listdir(cli_config.renewal_configs_dir):
        print "Processing", renewal_file
            # TODO: Before trying to initialize the RenewableCert object,
            #       we could check here whether the combination of the config
            #       and the rc_config together disables all autorenewal and
            #       autodeployment applicable to this cert.  In that case, we
            #       can simply continue and don't need to instantiate a
            #       RenewableCert object for this cert at all, which could
            #       dramatically improve performance for large deployments
            #       where autorenewal is widely turned off.
            cert = storage.RenewableCert(renewal_file, cli_config)
        except errors.CertStorageError:
            # This indicates an invalid renewal configuration file, such
            # as one missing a required parameter (in the future, perhaps
            # also one that is internally inconsistent or is missing a
            # required parameter).  As a TODO, maybe we should warn the
            # user about the existence of an invalid or corrupt renewal
            # config rather than simply ignoring it.
        if cert.should_autorenew():
            # Note: not cert.current_version() because the basis for
            # the renewal is the latest version, even if it hasn't been
            # deployed yet!
            old_version = cert.latest_common_version()
            renew(cert, old_version)
            notify.notify("Autorenewed a cert!!!", "root", "It worked!")
            # TODO: explain what happened
        if cert.should_autodeploy():
            # TODO: restart web server (invoke IInstaller.restart() method)
            notify.notify("Autodeployed a cert!!!", "root", "It worked!")
Esempio n. 3
def main(cli_args=sys.argv[1:]):
    """Command line argument parsing and main script execution."""

    sys.excepthook = functools.partial(_handle_exception, args=None)

    # note: arg parser internally handles --help (and exits afterwards)
    plugins = plugins_disco.PluginsRegistry.find_all()
    args = prepare_and_parse_args(plugins, cli_args)
    config = configuration.NamespaceConfig(args)

    # Setup logging ASAP, otherwise "No handlers could be found for
    # logger ..." TODO: this should be done before plugins discovery
    for directory in config.config_dir, config.work_dir:
            directory, constants.CONFIG_DIRS_MODE, os.geteuid(),
            "--strict-permissions" in cli_args)
    # TODO: logs might contain sensitive data such as contents of the
    # private key! #525
        args.logs_dir, 0o700, os.geteuid(), "--strict-permissions" in cli_args)
    setup_logging(args, _cli_log_handler, logfile='letsencrypt.log')

    logger.debug("letsencrypt version: %s", letsencrypt.__version__)
    # do not log `args`, as it contains sensitive data (e.g. revoke --key)!
    logger.debug("Arguments: %r", cli_args)
    logger.debug("Discovered plugins: %r", plugins)

    sys.excepthook = functools.partial(_handle_exception, args=args)

    # Displayer
    if args.text_mode:
        displayer = display_util.FileDisplay(sys.stdout)
        displayer = display_util.NcursesDisplay()

    # Reporter
    report = reporter.Reporter()

    if not os.geteuid() == 0:
            "Root (sudo) is required to run most of letsencrypt functionality.")
        # check must be done after arg parsing as --help should work
        # w/o root; on the other hand, e.g. "letsencrypt run
        # --authenticator dns" or "letsencrypt plugins" does not
        # require root as well
        # return (
        #    "{0}Root is required to run letsencrypt.  Please use sudo.{0}"
        #    .format(os.linesep))

    return args.func(args, config, plugins)