Esempio n. 1
    def loadLevel(self, map="map1", stage = -1):

        Loads current map which is specified by the self.current_map var.
        @param string map - Map Pack Filename
        @param int stage - Map Pack Stage

        # Find Map File
        self.map_dir = levelLoader.load(map)
        # Load current map
        self.parser = iniget.iniGet(self.map_dir + "maps")
        # Get selected stage.
        if stage > 0: self.current_map = stage
        # Get map hash (Used in save file)
        self.maphash = hashlib.sha224(open(self.map_dir + "maps").read()).hexdigest()

        # Current map
        self.packMaps = self.parser.get("pack","order").split(",")

        # Load theme
        self.themeparser = iniget.iniGet(self.map_dir + self.parser.get(self.packMaps[self.current_map],"theme"))

        # Load Music
        music = self.themeparser.get("music","file")
        if music: 
            self.sound.playSfx(self.map_dir + music, 1, 1)

        screensize = pygame.display.get_surface()
        screensize = screensize.get_size()
        size = screensize[0]
        if screensize[1] > size: size = screensize[1]
        self.resizeTiles( math.ceil(size / 16) )
Esempio n. 2
    def stageSelect(self, mappack):
        Map pack stage select state.
        @param string mappack - Map pack file.
        @return int - Selected stage.
        selected_stage = 0
        current_selection = 0
        # self.screen size
        size = self.screen.get_size()

        # Get Sizes of Buttons...
        btnsize = self.dialog.getButtonSize("Play")
        btnsize2 = self.dialog.getButtonSize("Back")  
        scroll_right_collide = 0
        scroll_left_collide = 0
        mouse = [0, 0]
        # Static Vars
        LIST_SPACING = 32
        LIST_START_POS = 92        

        # Unzip Map
        map_dir = levelLoader.load(mappack, ["maps"])
        # Get map pack info
        pack = iniget.iniGet(map_dir + "maps")
        maplist = pack.get("pack","order").split(",")
        maphash = hashlib.sha224(open(map_dir + "maps").read()).hexdigest()
        current_selection =, "progress")
        progress = current_selection
        map = []
        for i in maplist:
            cmap = pack.get(i, "map").replace(" ", "").split("\n")
            width = 0
            height = len(cmap)
            tiles = []
            for x in cmap:
                if len(x) > width: width = len(x)
                for y in range(len(x)):

            # Unzip Theme
            map_dir = levelLoader.load(mappack, ["maps", pack.get(i, "theme").strip()])

            # Get Theme Date
            theme = iniget.iniGet(map_dir + pack.get(i, "theme"))
            tile_draw = []
            for x in tiles:
                if theme.getBool(x, "collide") and not theme.get(x, "type"):
                    # Floor/Wall Block
                elif theme.get(x, "type") == "goal":
                    # Goal Block
                    # Air
                'tiles'     :   tile_draw,
                'name'      :   pack.get(i, "name"),
                'startpos'  :   pack.get(i, "startpos").split(","),
                'width'     :   width,
                'height'    :   height,
                'record'    :, i),
                'toprank'   :   pack.getFloat(i, "arank")

        # Upon completing the last map the current selection will become one higher, fix it!
        if current_selection > len(map) - 1: current_selection = len(map) - 1
        draw_map = 1  
        while not selected_stage:
           # Set frame rate to 30.
            events = pygame.event.get()

            # Android events
            if android:
                if android.check_pause():

            mouse_click = [0, 0]                    
            for event in events: # User did something
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # If user clicked close

                elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE:
                    size = event.size
                    draw_map = 1
                elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                    mouse = event.pos                
                elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    mouse_click = event.pos
                elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                        current_selection += 1
                        if current_selection > len(map) - 1: current_selection = len(map) - 1
                        # Can't go past maps you haven't completed.
                        if current_selection > progress: current_selection = progress
                        draw_map = 1
                    elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                        current_selection -= 1
                        if current_selection < 0: current_selection = 0
                        draw_map = 1
            if draw_map:
                map_render_size = 20
                map_w, map_h = [9999, 9999]
                while map_w > size[0] - (TILE_SIZE[0] * 4) or map_h > size[1] - 256:
                    map_render_size -= 1
                    if map_render_size <= 1: break
                    map_w = map[current_selection]['width'] * map_render_size + (map_render_size * 2)
                    map_h = map[current_selection]['height'] * map_render_size + (map_render_size * 2)                 
                map_surface = pygame.Surface((map_w, map_h))
                x = 0
                y = 0            
                for i in map[current_selection]['tiles']:
                    # Draw Floor/Wall
                    if i == 1:
                        pygame.draw.rect(map_surface, [255, 255, 255], pygame.Rect((x * map_render_size) + map_render_size, (y * map_render_size) + map_render_size, map_render_size, map_render_size))
                    # Draw Goal
                    elif i == 2:
                        pygame.draw.rect(map_surface, [0, 0, 255], pygame.Rect((x * map_render_size) + map_render_size, (y * map_render_size) + map_render_size, map_render_size, map_render_size))
                    # Draw Start Pos                
                    elif x == int(map[current_selection]['startpos'][0]) and y == int(map[current_selection]['startpos'][1]):
                        pygame.draw.rect(map_surface, [255, 0, 0], pygame.Rect((x * map_render_size) + map_render_size, (y * map_render_size) + map_render_size, map_render_size, map_render_size))    
                    x += 1
                    if x >= map[current_selection]['width']:
                        x = 0
                        y += 1  
                draw_map = 0                            
            # Render the background
            # Title Text            
            self.screen.blit( self.titlefont.render("Stage Select", 0, [0,0,0]), (34,34) )
            self.screen.blit( self.titlefont.render("Stage Select", 0, [255,179,0]), (32,32) )
            # Render Map Preview                    
            self.screen.blit(map_surface, ( (size[0] / 2) - ((((map[current_selection]['width'] * map_render_size) / 2) + (map_render_size)  ) ) , (size[1] / 2) - ((map[current_selection]['height'] * map_render_size) / 2)))
            # Render Map Name
            mapnamesize = self.font.size(map[current_selection]['name'])
            map_title_pos = [(size[0] / 2) - (mapnamesize[0] / 2), (size[1] / 2) - ((map[current_selection]['height'] * map_render_size) / 2) - mapnamesize[1] * 1.5 ]
            self.screen.blit( self.font.render(map[current_selection]['name'], 0, [0,0,0]), ( map_title_pos[0] + 1, map_title_pos[1] + 1 ) )
            self.screen.blit( self.font.render(map[current_selection]['name'], 0, [255,179,0]), ( map_title_pos[0], map_title_pos[1]))
            # Render Stats
            if map[current_selection]['record']:
                timesize = self.font.size("Best Time: " + str(map[current_selection]['record']))
                timepos = [(size[0] / 2) - (timesize[0] / 2), (size[1] / 2) - ((map[current_selection]['height'] * map_render_size) / 2) + map_h + 16 ]
                self.screen.blit( self.font.render("Best Time: " + str(map[current_selection]['record']), 0, [0,0,0]), ( timepos[0] + 1, timepos[1] + 1 ))
                self.screen.blit( self.font.render("Best Time: " + str(map[current_selection]['record']), 0, [255,179,0]), ( timepos[0], timepos[1]))          
                if map[current_selection]['record'] <= map[current_selection]['toprank']:
                    self.screen.blit(self.highrank, (timepos[0] + timesize[0] + (TILE_SIZE[0] / 4), timepos[1] ) )
            # Buttons                           
            if self.dialog.makeButton("Back", [ size[0] - btnsize2[0] - btnsize[0] - (LIST_SPACING * 1.5) , size[1] - (LIST_SPACING * 1.5) ], size, events, 0):
                selected_stage = -1

            elif self.dialog.makeButton("Play", [ size[0] - btnsize[0] - (LIST_SPACING * 1.5)  , size[1] - (LIST_SPACING * 1.5) ], size, events, 1):
                selected_stage = current_selection + 1

            # Render scroll right arrow
            if current_selection < len(map) - 1 and current_selection < progress:
                pos = [size[0] - (TILE_SIZE[0] * 2), (size[1] / 2) - (TILE_SIZE[1] / 2) ]
                rect = pygame.Rect(pos[0] - TILE_SIZE[0], pos[1] - TILE_SIZE[1], TILE_SIZE[0] * 4, TILE_SIZE[1] * 4)
                if not rect.collidepoint(mouse[0], mouse[1]):
                    self.screen.blit( self.scrollarrows_horizontal[0][0], (pos[0], pos[1]) )
                    self.screen.blit( self.scrollarrows_horizontal[1][0], (pos[0], pos[1]) )
                    if rect.collidepoint(mouse_click[0], mouse_click[1]):
                        if current_selection < len(map) - 1:
                            current_selection += 1
                            draw_map = 1
            # Render scroll left arrow
            if current_selection > 0:
                pos = [TILE_SIZE[0], (size[1] / 2) - (TILE_SIZE[1] / 2)]
                rect = pygame.Rect(pos[0] - TILE_SIZE[0], pos[1] - TILE_SIZE[1], TILE_SIZE[0] * 4, TILE_SIZE[1] * 4)

                if not rect.collidepoint(mouse[0], mouse[1]):
                    self.screen.blit( self.scrollarrows_horizontal[0][1], (pos[0], pos[1]) )
                    self.screen.blit( self.scrollarrows_horizontal[1][1], (pos[0], pos[1]) )
                    if rect.collidepoint(mouse_click[0], mouse_click[1]):
                        if current_selection > 0:
                            current_selection -= 1                            
                            draw_map = 1
            # Go ahead and update the self.screen with what we've drawn.
        return selected_stage            
Esempio n. 3
    def mapSelect(self):
        Map pack select state.
        @return int - Next game state.
        done = 0
        # self.screen size
        size = self.screen.get_size()
        # Vars to Use
        bgoffset = 0
        map_list_scroll = 0
        map_selected = 0
        stage_selected = 0
        # Static Vars
        LIST_SPACING = 32
        LIST_START_POS = 92
        # Map Select Arrow
        maparrow = pygame.image.load(app_path + "gfx/map_select_arrow.png").convert_alpha()
        # Load Map List
        maps = levelLoader.levelList()     
        mapList = []
        for i in maps:
          map_dir = levelLoader.load(i, ['maps'])
          ini = iniget.iniGet(map_dir + "maps")
          totalmaps = len(str(ini.get("pack","order")).split(","))
          maphash = hashlib.sha224(open(map_dir + "maps").read()).hexdigest()
          highrank = 1
          for x in ini.get("pack","order").split(","):
              record =, x)
              ranktime = ini.getFloat(x, "arank")
              if not record <= ranktime: highrank = 0
          if, "progress") == totalmaps: complete = 1
          else: complete = 0
          mapList.append([str(i), ini.get("pack", "name"), complete, highrank])
        returnVal = -1
        # Get Sizes of Buttons...
        btnsize = self.dialog.getButtonSize("Next")
        btnsize2 = self.dialog.getButtonSize("Back")
        mouse = [0, 0]
        # Update BG Size
        # Play Menu Music
        self.sound.playSfx(app_path + "sfx/", -1, 1)
        while not done:
            # Set frame rate to 30.
            events = pygame.event.get()

            # Android events
            if android:
                if android.check_pause():

            mouse_click = [0, 0]
            for event in events: # User did something
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # If user clicked close
                    done=True # Flag that we are done so we exit this loop

                elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE:
                    size = event.size
                    map_list_scroll = 0
                    map_selected = 0                    
                elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                    mouse = event.pos

                elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    mouse_click = event.pos
                    x = 0
                    for i in mapList:
                        fontSize = self.font.size(i[1])
                        rect = pygame.Rect(64, x * LIST_SPACING + LIST_START_POS - (map_list_scroll * LIST_SPACING), fontSize[0], fontSize[1])
                        if rect.collidepoint(event.pos[0], event.pos[1]):
                            map_selected = x
                            self.sound.playSfx(app_path + "sfx/beep.wav", 0)
                        x += 1 
                elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                        map_selected -= 1
                        self.sound.playSfx(app_path + "sfx/beep.wav", 0)
                        if map_selected < 0: map_selected = 0
                        if scroll_down and map_selected < map_list_scroll: map_list_scroll = map_selected
                    elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                        map_selected += 1
                        self.sound.playSfx(app_path + "sfx/beep.wav", 0)
                        if map_selected > len(mapList) - 1: map_selected = len(mapList) - 1                       
                        if scroll_down and map_selected > map_list_scroll: map_list_scroll = map_selected

            # Render the background
            # Title Text
            self.screen.blit( self.titlefont.render("Pack Select", 0, [0,0,0]), (34,34) )
            self.screen.blit( self.titlefont.render("Pack Select", 0, [255,179,0]), (32,32) )
            # Map List
            x = 0
            scroll_down = 0
            max_text_width = 0
            cut_off = 0
            for i in mapList:
                pos = [64, x * LIST_SPACING + LIST_START_POS - (map_list_scroll * LIST_SPACING) ]
                if self.font.size(i[1])[0] > max_text_width: max_text_width = self.font.size(i[1])[0]                
                if not pos[1] > size[1] - 64 and not pos[1] < 64:                    
                    self.screen.blit( self.font.render(i[1], 0, [0,0,0]), (pos[0] + 2, pos[1] + 2) )
                    self.screen.blit( self.font.render(i[1], 0, [255,255,255]), (pos[0], pos[1]) )
                    # If map pack completed, display emblem
                    if i[2]:
                        textsize = self.font.size(i[1])
                        self.screen.blit( self.checkmark, (pos[0] + textsize[0] + (TILE_SIZE[0] / 4), pos[1]) )
                        # If all maps completed with high rank, display emblem
                        if i[3]:
                            self.screen.blit( self.highrank, (pos[0] + textsize[0] + 16 + (TILE_SIZE[0] / 2), pos[1]) )
                    scroll_down = 1
                    cut_off += 1
                x += 1
            # Render scroll down arrow
            if scroll_down and not map_list_scroll >= cut_off:
                pos = [max_text_width + 78, size[1] - 92]
                rect = pygame.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], TILE_SIZE[0], TILE_SIZE[1])
                if not rect.collidepoint(mouse[0], mouse[1]):
                    self.screen.blit( self.scrollarrows_vertical[0][0], (pos[0], pos[1]) )
                    self.screen.blit( self.scrollarrows_vertical[1][0], (pos[0], pos[1]) )
                    if rect.collidepoint(mouse_click[0], mouse_click[1]):
                        map_list_scroll += 1  
                        if map_list_scroll > cut_off: map_list_scroll = cut_off
            # Render scroll up arrow
            if map_list_scroll > 0:
                pos = [max_text_width + 78, 64]
                rect = pygame.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], TILE_SIZE[0], TILE_SIZE[1])
                if not rect.collidepoint(mouse[0], mouse[1]):
                    self.screen.blit( self.scrollarrows_vertical[0][1], (pos[0], pos[1]) )
                    self.screen.blit( self.scrollarrows_vertical[1][1], (pos[0], pos[1]) )
                    if rect.collidepoint(mouse_click[0], mouse_click[1]) and map_list_scroll > 0:
                        map_list_scroll -= 1
            # Map Selected Arrow
            if map_selected < map_list_scroll: map_selected = map_list_scroll
            self.screen.blit(maparrow, ( 32, LIST_START_POS + (LIST_SPACING * map_selected) - (LIST_SPACING * map_list_scroll)   ) )
            # Dialog Box
            if not self.dialog.drawBox(size, events):
                # If next clicked load selected level
                if self.dialog.makeButton("Play", [ size[0] - btnsize[0] - (LIST_SPACING * 1.5) , size[1] - (LIST_SPACING * 1.5) ], size, events, 1):
                    stage_selected = self.stageSelect(mapList[map_selected][0])
                    if stage_selected > 0:
                        returnVal = mapList[map_selected][0]
                        done = 1
                        size = self.screen.get_size()
                elif not stage_selected and self.dialog.makeButton("Quit", [ size[0] - btnsize2[0] - btnsize[0] - (LIST_SPACING * 1.5) , size[1] - (LIST_SPACING * 1.5) ], size, events, 0):
                else: stage_selected = 0          
            # Go ahead and update the self.screen with what we've drawn.
        return [returnVal, stage_selected - 1]