def evaluate(sess, embeddings, labels, actual_issame, batch_size,
        seed, nrof_folds, log_dir, step, summary_writer):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
    embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
    nrof_images = len(actual_issame)*2
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    for i in range(nrof_batches):
        t = time.time()
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels])
        emb_array[lab] = emb
        print('Batch %d in %.3f seconds' % (i, time.time()-t))

    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array, seed, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds)

    print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir,'lfw_result.txt'),'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy), val))
Esempio n. 2
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder, 
        embeddings, labels, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, log_dir, step, summary_writer, stat, epoch, distance_metric, subtract_mean, use_flipped_images, use_fixed_image_standardization):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    nrof_embeddings = len(actual_issame)*2  # nrof_pairs * nrof_images_per_pair
    nrof_flips = 2 if use_flipped_images else 1
    nrof_images = nrof_embeddings * nrof_flips
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0,nrof_images),1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.repeat(np.array(image_paths),nrof_flips),1)
    control_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array, np.int32)
    if use_fixed_image_standardization:
        control_array += np.ones_like(labels_array)*facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Flip every second image
        control_array += (labels_array % 2)*facenet.FLIP, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array, control_placeholder: control_array})
    embedding_size = int(embeddings.get_shape()[1])
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images,))
    for i in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder:False, batch_size_placeholder:batch_size}
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        if i % 10 == 9:
            print('.', end='')
    embeddings = np.zeros((nrof_embeddings, embedding_size*nrof_flips))
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Concatenate embeddings for flipped and non flipped version of the images
        embeddings[:,:embedding_size] = emb_array[0::2,:]
        embeddings[:,embedding_size:] = emb_array[1::2,:]
        embeddings = emb_array

    assert np.array_equal(lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images))==True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(embeddings, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds, distance_metric=distance_metric, subtract_mean=subtract_mean)
    print('Accuracy: %2.5f+-%2.5f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir,'lfw_result.txt'),'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy), val))
    stat['lfw_accuracy'][epoch-1] = np.mean(accuracy)
    stat['lfw_valrate'][epoch-1] = val
Esempio n. 3
    def lfw_test(nbatch):
      print('testing lfw..')
      embeddings_list = []
      for i in xrange( len(lfw_data_list) ):
        lfw_data = lfw_data_list[i]
        embeddings = None
        ba = 0
        while ba<lfw_data.shape[0]:
          bb = min(ba+args.batch_size, lfw_data.shape[0])
          _data = nd.slice_axis(lfw_data, axis=0, begin=ba, end=bb)
          _label = nd.ones( (bb-ba,) )
          db =,), label=(_label,))
          model.forward(db, is_train=False)
          net_out = model.get_outputs()
          _embeddings = net_out[0].asnumpy()
          if embeddings is None:
            embeddings = np.zeros( (lfw_data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]) )
          embeddings[ba:bb,:] = _embeddings
          ba = bb

      acc_list = []
      embeddings = embeddings_list[0]
      _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10)
      print('[%d]Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (nbatch, np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
      print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
      embeddings = np.concatenate(embeddings_list, axis=1)
      embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings)
      _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10)
      print('[%d]Accuracy-Flip: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (nbatch, np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
      print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
      pca = PCA(n_components=128)
      embeddings = pca.fit_transform(embeddings)
      embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings)
      _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=10)
      print('[%d]Accuracy-PCA: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (nbatch, np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
      print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
      return max(*acc_list)
Esempio n. 4
def main(args):
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model
            print('Model directory: %s' % args.model_dir)
            meta_file, ckpt_file = facenet.get_model_filenames(os.path.expanduser(args.model_dir))
            print('Metagraph file: %s' % meta_file)
            print('Checkpoint file: %s' % ckpt_file)
            facenet.load_model(args.model_dir, meta_file, ckpt_file)
            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0")
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("phase_train:0")
            image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0*nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i*batch_size
                end_index = min((i+1)*batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, image_size)
                feed_dict = { images_placeholder:images, phase_train_placeholder:False }
                emb_array[start_index:end_index,:] =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array, 
                actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
Esempio n. 5
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder,
        embeddings, labels, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, distance_metric, subtract_mean, use_flipped_images, use_fixed_image_standardization):
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    nrof_embeddings = len(actual_issame)*2  # nrof_pairs * nrof_images_per_pair
    nrof_flips = 2 if use_flipped_images else 1
    nrof_images = nrof_embeddings * nrof_flips
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0,nrof_images),1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.repeat(np.array(image_paths),nrof_flips),1)
    control_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array, np.int32)
    if use_fixed_image_standardization:
        control_array += np.ones_like(labels_array)*facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Flip every second image
        control_array += (labels_array % 2)*facenet.FLIP, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array, control_placeholder: control_array})
    embedding_size = int(embeddings.get_shape()[1])
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images,))
    for i in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder:False, batch_size_placeholder:batch_size}
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        if i % 10 == 9:
            print('.', end='')
    embeddings = np.zeros((nrof_embeddings, embedding_size*nrof_flips))
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Concatenate embeddings for flipped and non flipped version of the images
        embeddings[:,:embedding_size] = emb_array[0::2,:]
        embeddings[:,embedding_size:] = emb_array[1::2,:]
        embeddings = emb_array

    assert np.array_equal(lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images))==True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'
    tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(embeddings, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds, distance_metric=distance_metric, subtract_mean=subtract_mean)
    print('Accuracy: %2.5f+-%2.5f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
    print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
    eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
    print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, 
        embeddings, labels, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, log_dir, step, summary_writer,best_accuracy,saver_save,model_dir,subdir):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0,len(image_paths)),1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths),1), {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})
    embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
    nrof_images = len(actual_issame)*2
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images,))
    for _ in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder:False, batch_size_placeholder:batch_size}
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab] = emb

    assert np.array_equal(lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images))==True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds)
    if np.mean(accuracy) > best_accuracy:
        save_variables_and_metagraph(sess, saver_save, summary_writer, model_dir, subdir, step)
        best_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy)

    print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir,'lfw_result.txt'),'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy), val))
    return best_accuracy
Esempio n. 7
def evaluate(sess, image_paths, embeddings, labels_batch, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, 
        batch_size_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op, actual_issame, batch_size, 
        seed, nrof_folds, log_dir, step, summary_writer, embedding_size):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Running forward pass on LFW images: ', end='')
    nrof_images = len(actual_issame)*2
    labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_images),(-1,3))
    image_paths_array = np.reshape(np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths),1), (-1,3)), {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array})
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_images / batch_size))
    label_check_array = np.zeros((nrof_images,))
    for i in xrange(nrof_batches):
        batch_size = min(nrof_images-i*batch_size, batch_size)
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels_batch], feed_dict={batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
            learning_rate_placeholder: 0.0, phase_train_placeholder: False})
        emb_array[lab,:] = emb
        label_check_array[lab] = 1
    print('%.3f' % (time.time()-start_time))
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array, seed, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds)
    print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir,'lfw_result.txt'),'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy), val))
Esempio n. 8
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model

            # TODO: replace near 0 parameters to 0
            # trainable_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)

            # print("trainable_vars", len(trainable_vars))
            # zero_threshold = 1e-2
            # n_var_elements = 0
            # n_non_zero = 0
            # n_non_zero_after = 0
            # assign_ops = []
            # for var in trainable_vars:
            #     matrix = var.eval(sess)
            #     # if"weights:0"):
            #     #     print(matrix)
            #     n_var_elements += np.size(matrix)
            #     n_non_zero += np.count_nonzero(matrix)
            #     # matrix[np.abs(matrix)<=zero_threshold] = 0
            #     # n_non_zero_after += np.count_nonzero(matrix)
            #     # assign_ops.append(var.assign(matrix))
            # print("non_zero: ",n_non_zero,n_var_elements,n_non_zero/n_var_elements)
            # print("non_zero after: ",n_non_zero_after,n_var_components,n_non_zero_after/n_var_components)


            # Get input and output tensors
            graph = tf.get_default_graph()
            images_placeholder = graph.get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
            embeddings = graph.get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0")
            phase_train_placeholder = graph.get_tensor_by_name("phase_train:0")

            #image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]  # For some reason this doesn't work for frozen graphs
            image_size = args.image_size
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            start_time = time.time()

            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                feed_dict = {
                    images_placeholder: images,
                    phase_train_placeholder: False
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)

            duration = time.time() - start_time
            print('Forward pass duration in %.3f seconds' % duration)

            tpr, fpr, recall, precision, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
                emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Precision: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(precision), np.std(precision)))
            print('Recall: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(recall), np.std(recall)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
Esempio n. 9
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
             phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder,
             control_placeholder, embeddings, labels, image_paths,
             actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, distance_metric,
             subtract_mean, use_flipped_images,
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    nrof_embeddings = len(
        actual_issame) * 2  # nrof_pairs * nrof_images_per_pair
    nrof_flips = 2 if use_flipped_images else 1
    nrof_images = nrof_embeddings * nrof_flips
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, nrof_images), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(
        np.repeat(np.array(image_paths), nrof_flips), 1)
    control_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array, np.int32)
    if use_fixed_image_standardization:
        control_array += np.ones_like(
            labels_array) * facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Flip every second image
        control_array += (labels_array % 2) * facenet.FLIP
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array,
            control_placeholder: control_array

    embedding_size = int(embeddings.get_shape()[1])
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, ))
    for i in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {
            phase_train_placeholder: False,
            batch_size_placeholder: batch_size
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        if i % 10 == 9:
            print('.', end='')
    embeddings = np.zeros((nrof_embeddings, embedding_size * nrof_flips))
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Concatenate embeddings for flipped and non flipped version of the images
        embeddings[:, :embedding_size] = emb_array[0::2, :]
        embeddings[:, embedding_size:] = emb_array[1::2, :]
        embeddings = emb_array

    assert np.array_equal(
        lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images)
    ) == True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'
    tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(

    print('Accuracy: %2.5f+-%2.5f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))

    auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
    print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
    eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
    print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
Esempio n. 10
def test(args):
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            #saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables(), max_to_keep=3)
            saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables())
            saver.restore(sess, args.model)
            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.test_list_dir))
            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.test_data_dir), pairs,
            image_size = args.image_size
            print('image size', image_size)
            images_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                                shape=(None, args.image_height,
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool,
            #network definition.
            prelogits1 = network.infer(images_placeholder, args.embedding_size)
            if args.fc_bn:
                print('do batch norm after network')
                prelogits = slim.batch_norm(
            #embeddings = tf.nn.l2_normalize(prelogits, 1, 1e-10, name='embeddings')
            embeddings = tf.identity(prelogits)
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on testing images')
            batch_size = args.test_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))

            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i * batch_size
                print('handing {}/{}'.format(start_index, nrof_images))
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = utils.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, args.image_height,args.image_width,False,\
                feed_dict = {
                    images_placeholder: images,
                    phase_train_placeholder: False
                feats, a =[embeddings, prelogits],
                # do not know for sure whether we should turn this on? it depends.
                feats = utils.l2_normalize(feats)
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] = feats

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val, val_std, far))
            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)  #
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)  #fill_value="extrapolate"
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)

            tpr1, fpr1, accuracy1, val1, val_std1, far1 = lfw.evaluate(
            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy1), np.std(accuracy1)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val1, val_std1, far1))
            auc = metrics.auc(fpr1, tpr1)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)  #
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr1, tpr1)
                         (x), 0., 1.)  #fill_value="extrapolate"
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
Esempio n. 11
def test_cosface():
    with open('feature.txt', 'w') as writer:
        # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
        pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.join(data_dir, 'data/pairs.txt'))
        # pairs = pairs[0:100]
        # pair_len = len(pairs)
        # pairs = np.concatenate((pairs[0:400], pairs[pair_len-401:pair_len-1]))
        # Get the paths for the corresponding images
        paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
            os.path.join(data_dir, 'dataset/lfw-112x96'), pairs, 'jpg')

        embedding_size = cosface_wrapper.embedding_size
        # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
        print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
        batch_size = 200
        nrof_images = len(paths)
        nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))

        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            start_index = i * batch_size
            print('handing {}/{}'.format(start_index, nrof_images))
            end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
            paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]

            # images = utils.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, cosface_wrapper.image_height,
            #                          cosface_wrapper.image_width, False,
            #                          (cosface_wrapper.image_height,
            #                           cosface_wrapper.image_width))
            images = np.zeros((len(paths_batch), cosface_wrapper.image_height,
                               cosface_wrapper.image_width, 3))
            for i in range(len(paths_batch)):
                img = cv2.imread(paths_batch[i])
                images[i, :, :, :] = cosface.data_preprocess(img)

            start_time = time.time()
            feats = cosface.infer(images)
            end_time = time.time()
            cost_time = end_time - start_time
            print('cost time:{}, speed:{} /s'.format(
                cost_time, batch_size * 1.0 / cost_time))

            emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] = feats
            for write_i in range(len(paths_batch)):
                        'path': paths_batch[write_i],
                        'feat': feats[write_i].tolist()

        tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array,

        print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
        print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
              (val, val_std, far))

        auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
        print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
        eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0.,
        print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
Esempio n. 12
def custom_facenet_evaluation(args):
    # Read the directory containing images
    pairs = read_pairs(args.insightface_pair)
    image_list, issame_list = get_paths_with_pairs(args.facenet_dataset_dir,

    #  Evaluate custom dataset with facenet pre-trained model
    print("Getting embeddings with facenet pre-trained model")
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Getting batched images by TF dataset
        # image_list = path_list
        tf_dataset = facenet.tf_gen_dataset(
        tf_dataset_iterator = tf_dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
        tf_dataset_next_element = tf_dataset_iterator.get_next()

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            phase_train_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool,

            image_batch = tf.placeholder(name='img_inputs',
                                             None, args.facenet_image_size,
                                             args.facenet_image_size, 3
            label_batch = tf.placeholder(name='img_labels',

            # Load the model
            input_map = {
                'image_batch': image_batch,
                'label_batch': label_batch,
                'phase_train': phase_train_placeholder
            facenet.load_model(args.facenet_model, input_map=input_map)

            # Get output tensor
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(

            batch_size = args.batch_size
            input_placeholder = image_batch

            print('getting embeddings..')

            total_time = 0
            batch_number = 0
            embeddings_array = None
            embeddings_array_flip = None
            while True:
                    images =

                    data_tmp = images.copy()  # fix issues #4

                    for i in range(data_tmp.shape[0]):
                        data_tmp[i, ...] -= 127.5
                        data_tmp[i, ...] *= 0.0078125
                                 ...] = cv2.cvtColor(data_tmp[i, ...],

                    # Getting flip to left_right batched images by TF dataset
                    data_tmp_flip = images.copy()  # fix issues #4
                    for i in range(data_tmp_flip.shape[0]):
                        data_tmp_flip[i, ...] = np.fliplr(data_tmp_flip[i,
                        data_tmp_flip[i, ...] -= 127.5
                        data_tmp_flip[i, ...] *= 0.0078125
                        data_tmp_flip[i, ...] = cv2.cvtColor(
                            data_tmp_flip[i, ...], cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

                    start_time = time.time()

                    mr_feed_dict = {
                        input_placeholder: data_tmp,
                        phase_train_placeholder: False
                    mr_feed_dict_flip = {
                        input_placeholder: data_tmp_flip,
                        phase_train_placeholder: False
                    _embeddings =, mr_feed_dict)
                    _embeddings_flip =, mr_feed_dict_flip)

                    if embeddings_array is None:
                        embeddings_array = np.zeros(
                            (len(image_list), _embeddings.shape[1]))
                        embeddings_array_flip = np.zeros(
                            (len(image_list), _embeddings_flip.shape[1]))
                        embeddings_array[batch_number * batch_size:min(
                            (batch_number + 1) * batch_size, len(image_list)),
                                         ...] = _embeddings
                        embeddings_array_flip[batch_number * batch_size:min(
                            (batch_number + 1) * batch_size, len(image_list)),
                                              ...] = _embeddings_flip
                        # print('try: ', batch_number * batch_size, min((batch_number + 1) * batch_size, len(image_list)), ...)
                    except ValueError:
                            'batch_number*batch_size value is %d min((batch_number+1)*batch_size, len(image_list)) %d,'
                            ' batch_size %d, data.shape[0] %d' %
                            (batch_number * batch_size,
                             min((batch_number + 1) * batch_size,
                                 len(image_list)), batch_size,
                            'except: ', batch_number * batch_size,
                            min((batch_number + 1) * batch_size,
                                images.shape[0]), ...)

                    duration = time.time() - start_time
                    batch_number += 1
                    total_time += duration
                except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
                        'tf.errors.OutOfRangeError, Reinitialize tf_dataset_iterator'

    print(f"total_time: {total_time}")

    _xnorm = 0.0
    _xnorm_cnt = 0
    for embed in [embeddings_array, embeddings_array_flip]:
        for i in range(embed.shape[0]):
            _em = embed[i]
            _norm = np.linalg.norm(_em)
            # print(_em.shape, _norm)
            _xnorm += _norm
            _xnorm_cnt += 1
    _xnorm /= _xnorm_cnt

    final_embeddings_output = embeddings_array + embeddings_array_flip
    final_embeddings_output = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(

    tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = verification.evaluate(
        final_embeddings_output, issame_list, nrof_folds=10)
    acc2, std2 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)

    auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
    print('XNorm: %f' % (_xnorm))
    print('Accuracy-Flip: %1.5f+-%1.5f' % (acc2, std2))
    print('TPR: ', np.mean(tpr), 'FPR: ', np.mean(fpr))
    print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)

    tpr_lfw, fpr_lfw, accuracy_lfw, val_lfw, val_std_lfw, far_lfw = lfw.evaluate(

    print('accuracy_lfw: %2.5f+-%2.5f' %
          (np.mean(accuracy_lfw), np.std(accuracy_lfw)))
        f"val_lfw: {val_lfw}, val_std_lfw: {val_std_lfw}, far_lfw: {far_lfw}")

    print('val_lfw rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
          (val_lfw, val_std_lfw, far_lfw))
    auc_lfw = metrics.auc(fpr_lfw, tpr_lfw)
    print('TPR_LFW:', np.mean(tpr_lfw), 'FPR_LFW: ', np.mean(fpr_lfw))

    print('Area Under Curve LFW (AUC): %1.3f' % auc_lfw)

    return acc2, std2, _xnorm, [embeddings_array, embeddings_array_flip]
Esempio n. 13
def main(args):
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.3)
        sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options,
        with sess.as_default():
            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))
            print(len(pairs))  # 一共有6000对
            # 读入后如[['Abel_Pacheco','1','4']]

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            # 获取文件路径和是否匹配关系对
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs)
            # print(len(actual_issame))#len(actual_issame) = 6000
            # args.lfw_file_ext表示图像的格式,默认png格式
            # actual_issame为标志位,如果是一对actual_issame=true 否则等于false
            # Load the model

            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph(

            # image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]  # For some reason this doesn't work for frozen graphs
            image_size = args.image_size
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]  # 特征向量维数128
            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            # 3. 使用前向传播验证
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size  # default=100
            nrof_images = len(paths)  # 测试的人脸比对次数6000,len(paths)=12000
            # print(paths)表示paths为读取图片的路径
            # print(nrof_images)
            nrof_batches = int(
                math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images /
                          batch_size))  ## 总共批次数,ceil() 函数返回数字的上入整数。结果为120
            emb_array = np.zeros(
                (nrof_images, embedding_size))  # 声明固定大小的空矩阵12000*128
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                                           image_size)  # 加载图片做一些变换crop和flip
                feed_dict = {
                    images_placeholder: images,
                    phase_train_placeholder: False
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)  # 特征向量push
                print(('WanCheng: %d' % (i + 1)))
            # 十折交叉验证(10-fold cross validation),精度测试方法。数据集分成10份,
            # 轮流将其中9份做训练集,1份做测试保,10次结果均值作算法精度估计
            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
                emb_array, actual_issame,
                nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)  # nrof_folds =10

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
def main(args):
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model
            print('Model directory: %s' % args.model_dir)
            meta_file, ckpt_file = facenet.get_model_filenames(os.path.expanduser(args.model_dir))
            print('Metagraph file: %s' % meta_file)
            print('Checkpoint file: %s' % ckpt_file)
            facenet.load_model(args.model_dir, meta_file, ckpt_file)
            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0")
            image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            image_size = image_size.value
            # pdb.set_trace()

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0*nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))

            print('nrof_batches :{}'.format(nrof_batches))

            all_time = 0

            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i*batch_size
                end_index = min((i+1)*batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                # pdb.set_trace()
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, image_size)
                feed_dict = {images_placeholder:images}
                start = time()
                emb_array[start_index:end_index,:] =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                end = time()
                all_time += (end - start)
                print('index: {}  time: {}'.format(i, (end-start)))
                # pdb.set_trace()
            print('all_time :', all_time)

            msgpack_numpy.dump((paths, emb_array, actual_issame), open('lfw_feature.p', 'wb'))

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array, 
                args.seed, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
Esempio n. 15
        nrof_images = len(paths)
        nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
        emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
        for i in range(nrof_batches):
            start_index = i * batch_size
            end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
            paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
            images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, image_size)
            feed_dict = {
                images_placeholder: images,
                phase_train_placeholder: False
            emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =,

        tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
            emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

        print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
        print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
              (val, val_std, far))

        auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
        print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
        eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0.,
        print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)

def parse_arguments(argv):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
Esempio n. 16
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model
            print('Model directory: %s' % args.model_dir)
            meta_file, ckpt_file = facenet.get_model_filenames(
            print('Metagraph file: %s' % meta_file)
            print('Checkpoint file: %s' % ckpt_file)
            facenet.load_model(args.model_dir, meta_file, ckpt_file)

            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(

            image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            image_size = image_size.value
            # pdb.set_trace()

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))

            print('nrof_batches :{}'.format(nrof_batches))

            all_time = 0

            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                # pdb.set_trace()
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                feed_dict = {images_placeholder: images}
                start = time()
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                end = time()
                all_time += (end - start)
                print('index: {}  time: {}'.format(i, (end - start)))
                # pdb.set_trace()
            print('all_time :', all_time)

            msgpack_numpy.dump((paths, emb_array, actual_issame),
                               open('lfw_feature.p', 'wb'))

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
Esempio n. 17
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, 
             control_placeholder, embeddings, labels, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, log_dir, step, 
             summary_writer, stat, epoch, distance_metric, subtract_mean, use_flipped_images, use_fixed_image_standardization):
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
    start_time = time.time()
    num_embeddings = len(actual_issame) * 2
    num_flips = 2 if use_flipped_images else 1
    num_images = num_embeddings * num_flips
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(num_images, ), 1)
    image_path_array = np.expand_dims(np.repeat(np.array(image_paths), num_flips), 1)
    control_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array, np.int32)
    if use_fixed_image_standardization:
        control_array += np.ones_like(labels_array) * facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION
    if use_flipped_images:
        control_array += (labels_array % 2) * facenet.FLIP, {image_paths_placeholder: image_path_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array, 
                          control_placeholder: control_array})
    assert num_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    num_batches = num_images // batch_size
    embedding_size = int(embeddings.get_shape()[1])
    embedding_array = np.zeros((num_images, embedding_size))
    pred_label_array = np.zeros((num_images, ))
    for i in range(num_batches):
        feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder: False, batch_size_placeholder: batch_size}
        _embedding, _pred_label =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        pred_label_array[_pred_label] = _pred_label
        embedding_array[_pred_label, :] = _embedding
        if i % 10 == 9:
            print('.', end='')
    embeddings = np.zeros((num_embeddings, embedding_size * num_flips))
    if use_flipped_images:
        embeddings[:, :embedding_size] = embedding_array[0::2, :]
        embeddings[:, embedding_size:] = embedding_array[1::2, :]
        embeddings = embedding_array
    assert np.array_equal(lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images))==True, \
    'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'    
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(embeddings, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds, 
                                                     distance_metric=distance_metric, subtract_mean=subtract_mean)
    print('Accuracy: %2.5f+-%2.5f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir,'lfw_result.txt'),'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy), val))
    stat['lfw_accuracy'][epoch-1] = np.mean(accuracy)
    stat['lfw_valrate'][epoch-1] = val
Esempio n. 18
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder,
        embeddings, labels, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, distance_metric, subtract_mean, use_flipped_images, use_fixed_image_standardization):
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels,入队一批图片和标签
    nrof_embeddings = len(actual_issame)*2          # nrof_pairs * nrof_images_per_pair,全部原始图片的数量=pairs数量×一个paris图片数量
    nrof_flips = 2 if use_flipped_images else 1     #是否采用翻转图片
    nrof_images = nrof_embeddings * nrof_flips      #输入到模型的图片数量,包括翻转图片(一张原图片对应一个翻转图片)

    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0,nrof_images),1)       #[0,1,...,5999],变为列向量
    # 图片路径列向量,repeat是为了放置翻转图片path,注意,repeat的行为和concatenate的行为不同,前者重复元素挨着,后者是成块拼接,这个决定了模型输出向量的拼接方式
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.repeat(np.array(image_paths),nrof_flips),1)
    control_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array, np.int32)           #控制每个图片预处理的向量,和labels_array同形,列向量

    if use_fixed_image_standardization:                             #采用均值127.5的标准化处理过程到(0,1),而不是tf自带的x-mean/std的标准化
        control_array += np.ones_like(labels_array)*facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION

    if use_flipped_images:
        # Flip every second image
        control_array += (labels_array % 2)*facenet.FLIP            #labels_array % 2 :[0,1,0,1,...],每间隔2张图片,有一个需要翻转

    #输入队列(图片path,图片标签,图片预处理方式), {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array, control_placeholder: control_array})
    embedding_size = int(embeddings.get_shape()[1])                 #特征向量维度
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size                        #总批数 = 样本数//每批样本数
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))             #全部样本的嵌入向量
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images,))                            #全部样本对应的label
    for i in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder:False, batch_size_placeholder:batch_size}
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        if i % 10 == 9:                                             #每10个batch就显示进度.
            print('.', end='')

    embeddings = np.zeros((nrof_embeddings, embedding_size*nrof_flips))     #原始图片和翻转图片的嵌入向量拼接成最终特征向量
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Concatenate embeddings for flipped and non flipped version of the images
        embeddings[:,:embedding_size] = emb_array[0::2,:]           #注意:np.repeate(image_paths,2)方式,导致原图片和翻转图片是相邻的[a,a,b,b],不是[a,b...a,b]
        embeddings[:,embedding_size:] = emb_array[1::2,:]           #embeddings的宽度是emb_array宽度的2倍,emb_array[1::2],从1开始每间隔2取样
        embeddings = emb_array

    assert np.array_equal(lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images))==True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'

    tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(embeddings, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds, distance_metric=distance_metric, subtract_mean=subtract_mean)
    print('Accuracy: %2.5f+-%2.5f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate(TAR): %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)                     #from sklearn import metrics,给定tpr,fpt计算auc,绘制roc
    print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
    # brentq是scipy.optimize中混合求根方法,先用一种方法求解,如果速度不快,则寻找另外更好的方法,加速求解
    eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)   #等效错误率,从(0,1)到(1,0)的直线和ROC曲线的交点,其横坐标就是EER
    print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)            #EER也就是FPR=FNR的值,由于FNR=1-TPR,可以画一条从(0,1)到(1,0)的直线,找到交点

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Esempio n. 19
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
             phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, embeddings,
             labels, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds,
             log_dir, step, summary_writer):

    :param sess:
    :param enqueue_op:
    :param image_paths_placeholder:
    :param labels_placeholder:
    :param phase_train_placeholder:
    :param batch_size_placeholder:
    :param embeddings:
    :param labels:
    :param image_paths:
    :param actual_issame:
    :param batch_size:
    :param nrof_folds:
    :param log_dir:
    :param step:
    :param summary_writer:
    start_time = time.time()
    print('Running forward pass on LFW images')

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, len(image_paths), 1))
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1)
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array

    embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
    nrof_images = len(actual_issame) * 2
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, ))
    for _ in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {
            phase_train_placeholder: False,
            batch_size_placeholder: batch_size
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab] = emb

    assert np.array_equal(
        lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images)
    ) == True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly casused by train examples left in the input popline'
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array,

    print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    #Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()

    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)

    with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'lfw_result.txt'), 'at') as f:
        f.writer('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy).val))
Esempio n. 20
def main(args):
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model
            print('Model directory: %s' % args.model_dir)
            meta_file, ckpt_file = facenet.get_model_filenames(os.path.expanduser(args.model_dir))
            print('Metagraph file: %s' % meta_file)
            print('Checkpoint file: %s' % ckpt_file)
            facenet.load_model(args.model_dir, meta_file, ckpt_file)
            # Get input and output tensors
            #images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("image_batch:0")
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0")
            #keep_probability_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('keep_probability:0')
            #weight_decay_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('weight_decay:0')
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('phase_train:0')
            image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0*nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i*batch_size
                end_index = min((i+1)*batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, image_size)
                #feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder: False, images_placeholder:images, keep_probability_placeholder:1.0, weight_decay_placeholder:0.0}
                feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder: False, images_placeholder: images}
                emb_array[start_index:end_index,:] =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

            print('Evaluate_model: %s' % args.evaluate_mode)
            if args.evaluate_mode == 'Euclidian':

                tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array,
                    actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)
            if args.evaluate_mode == 'similarity':
                #pca = PCA(whiten=True)
                pca = PCA(n_components=128)
                emb_array_pca = pca.transform(emb_array)

                tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate_cosine(emb_array_pca,
                    actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
            facenet.plot_roc(fpr, tpr, 'NN4')
Esempio n. 21
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model

            # Get input and output tensors

            #image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]  # For some reason this doesn't work for frozen graphs
            image_size = args.image_size
            print('image size', image_size)
            #images_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=(None,image_size,image_size,3),name='image')
            images_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                                shape=(None, args.image_height,
                                                       args.image_width, 3),
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool,
            #with slim.arg_scope(resnet_v1.resnet_arg_scope(False)):
            if args.network_type == 'resnet50':
                with slim.arg_scope(resnet_v2.resnet_arg_scope(False)):
                    prelogits, end_points = resnet_v2.resnet_v2_50(
                    #prelogits, end_points = resnet_v2.resnet_v2_50(images_placeholder,is_training=phase_train_placeholder,num_classes=256,output_stride=8)
                    #prelogits, end_points = resnet_v2_modify.resnet_v2_50(images_placeholder,is_training=phase_train_placeholder,num_classes=256)
                    #prelogits = slim.batch_norm(prelogits, is_training=phase_train_placeholder,epsilon=1e-5, scale=True,scope='softmax_bn')
                    prelogits = tf.squeeze(prelogits, [1, 2],

            elif args.network_type == 'sphere_network':
                prelogits = network.infer(images_placeholder)
                if args.fc_bn:
                    prelogits = slim.batch_norm(

            #embeddings = tf.nn.l2_normalize(prelogits, 1, 1e-10, name='embeddings')
            embeddings = tf.identity(prelogits)
            #saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables(), max_to_keep=3)
            saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=3)
            saver.restore(sess, args.model)
            if args.save_model:
      , './tmp_saved_model', global_step=1)
                return 0

            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            if args.do_flip:
                embedding_size *= 2
                emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
                emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i * batch_size
                print('handing {}/{}'.format(start_index, nrof_images))
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                #images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, image_size,True,image_size)
                #images = facenet.load_data2(paths_batch, False, False, args.image_height,args.image_width,True,)
                images = utils.load_data(paths_batch, False, True,
                                         args.image_height, args.image_width,
                                         (args.image_height, args.image_width))
                feed_dict = {
                    images_placeholder: images,
                    phase_train_placeholder: False
                feats =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                if args.do_flip:
                    images_flip = utils.load_data(
                        paths_batch, False, True, args.image_height,
                        args.image_width, True,
                        (args.image_height, args.image_width))
                    feed_dict = {
                        images_placeholder: images_flip,
                        phase_train_placeholder: False
                    feats_flip =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                    feats = np.concatenate((feats, feats_flip), axis=1)
                    #feats = (feats+feats_flip)/2
                #images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, 160,True,182)
                #images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, image_size,src_size=256)
                #feed_dict = { images_placeholder:images, phase_train_placeholder:True}
                #feats = facenet.prewhiten(feats)
                feats = utils.l2_normalize(feats)
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] = feats

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
                emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
             phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, embeddings,
             labels, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds,
             log_dir, step, summary_writer, evaluate_mode):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, len(image_paths)), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1)
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array

    embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
    nrof_images = len(actual_issame) * 2
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, ))
    for _ in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {
            phase_train_placeholder: False,
            batch_size_placeholder: batch_size
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab] = emb

    assert np.array_equal(
        lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images)
    ) == True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'
    if evaluate_mode == 'Euclidian':
        _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far, fp_idx, fn_idx, best_threshold, val_threshold = lfw.evaluate(
            emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds)
    if evaluate_mode == 'similarity':
        pca = PCA(n_components=128)
        emb_array_pca = pca.transform(emb_array)
        _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far, fp_idx, fn_idx, best_threshold, val_threshold = lfw.evaluate_cosine(
            emb_array_pca, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds)

    print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'lfw_result.txt'), 'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy), val))

    acc = np.mean(accuracy)
    return acc, val, far
Esempio n. 23
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)
            #actual_issame= actual_issame[0:args.lfw_batch_size]

            # Load the model
            print('Model directory: %s' % args.model_dir)
            meta_file, ckpt_file = facenet.get_model_filenames(

            print('Metagraph file: %s' % meta_file)
            print('Checkpoint file: %s' % ckpt_file)
            facenet.load_model(args.model_dir, meta_file, ckpt_file)

            # Get input and output tensors
            #images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("image_batch:0")
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            #keep_probability_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('keep_probability:0')
            #weight_decay_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('weight_decay:0')
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph(

            image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            #emb_array = np.zeros((2*batch_size, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                print("Test batch:%d/%d\n" % (i, nrof_batches))
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                #feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder: False, images_placeholder:images, keep_probability_placeholder:1.0, weight_decay_placeholder:0.0}
                feed_dict = {
                    phase_train_placeholder: False,
                    images_placeholder: images
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)

            print('Evaluate_model: %s' % args.evaluate_mode)
            if args.evaluate_mode == 'Euclidian':

                tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far, fp_idx, fn_idx, best_threshold, val_threshold = lfw.evaluate(
                    emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)
            if args.evaluate_mode == 'similarity':
                #pca = PCA(whiten=True)
                pca = PCA(n_components=128)
                emb_array_pca = pca.transform(emb_array)

                tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far, fp_idx, fn_idx, best_threshold, val_threshold = lfw.evaluate_cosine(

            ################### edit by mzh 12012017: select the false positive/negative images ####################
            nrof_test_paths = nrof_batches * batch_size
            nrof_test_tp_pairs = sum(actual_issame[0:int(nrof_test_paths / 2)])
            nrof_test_tn_pairs = len(
                actual_issame[0:int(nrof_test_paths / 2)]) - nrof_test_tp_pairs
            paths_pairs = [
                paths[0:nrof_test_paths:2], paths[1:nrof_test_paths:2]
            ]  # paths_pairs shape: [2, number of pairs], each column is corresponding to a pair of images
            paths_pairs_array = np.array(paths_pairs)
            fp_images_paths = paths_pairs_array[:, fp_idx]
            fn_images_paths = paths_pairs_array[:, fn_idx]
            _, nrof_fp_pairs = fp_images_paths.shape
            _, nrof_fn_pairs = fn_images_paths.shape

            ################### edit by mzh 12012017: select the false positive/negative images ####################

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f @ Best threshold %f\n' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy), best_threshold))
                'Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f @val_threshold %f\n'
                % (val, val_std, far, val_threshold))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f\n' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f\n' % eer)

            subdir = datetime.strftime(, '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
            log_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(args.logs_base_dir),
            print('log_dir: %s\n' % log_dir)
            if not os.path.isdir(
                    log_dir):  # Create the log directory if it doesn't exist
            with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'validation_on_dataset.txt'),
                      'at') as f:
                print('Saving the evaluation results...\n')
                f.write('arguments: %s\n--------------------\n' %
                        ' '.join(sys.argv))
                f.write('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f\n' %
                        (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
                f.write('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f\n' %
                        (val, val_std, far))
                f.write('Best threshold: %2.5f \n' % (best_threshold))
                f.write('Validation threshold: %2.5f \n' % (val_threshold))
                f.write('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f\n' % auc)
                f.write('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f\n' % eer)
                print('Saving the False positive pairs images ...\n ')
                    'False positive pairs: %d / %d ---------------------------------------------\n'
                    % (nrof_fp_pairs, nrof_test_tp_pairs))
                for i in range(nrof_fp_pairs):
                    f.write('%d %s\n' % (i, fp_images_paths[:, i]))
                print('Saving the False negative pairs images ...\n ')
                    'False negative pairs: %d / %d ---------------------------------------------\n'
                    % (nrof_fn_pairs, nrof_test_tn_pairs))
                for i in range(nrof_fn_pairs):
                    f.write('%d %s\n' % (i, fn_images_paths[:, i]))
            ################### edit by mzh 12012017: write the false positive/negative images to the file  ####################

            false_images_list = os.path.join(log_dir,
            save_dir = log_dir
            save_false_images.save_false_images(false_images_list, save_dir)

            with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'validation_on_dataset.txt'),
                      'at') as f:
                print('Saving the tpr, fpr of ROC ...\n ')
                    'ROC: tpr, fpr --------------------------------------------------------------\n'
                for tp, fp in zip(tpr, fpr):
                    f.write('tpr/fpr: %f/%f\n' % (tp, fp))

            facenet.plot_roc(fpr, tpr, 'ROC')
Esempio n. 24
    weight = weights[ii]
    XX *= weight
  if F is None:
    F = XX
    if concat:
      F = np.concatenate((F,XX), axis=1)
      F += XX
  #if concat:
  #  F = np.concatenate((F,X2), axis=1)
  #  F += X2

npca = 0
if concat and pca:
  #F = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(F)
  npca = 180
  #pca = PCA(n_components=512)
  #F = pca.fit_transform(F)
  for npca in xrange(512,513,1):
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(F, issame_list, nrof_folds=10, pca=npca)
    print('[%d]Accuracy: %1.5f+-%1.5f' % (npca, np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
  F = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(F)
  _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(F, issame_list, nrof_folds=10, pca=npca)
  print('[%d]Accuracy: %1.5f+-%1.5f' % (0, np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
  print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
Esempio n. 25
def custom_insightface_evaluation(args):
    # Read the directory containing images
    pairs = read_pairs(args.insightface_pair)
    image_list, issame_list = get_paths_with_pairs(
        args.insightface_dataset_dir, pairs)

    #  Evaluate custom dataset with facenet pre-trained model
    print("Getting embeddings with facenet pre-trained model")

    # Getting batched images by TF dataset
    tf_dataset = facenet.tf_gen_dataset(
    # tf_dataset = facenet.tf_gen_dataset(image_list, label_list, args.nrof_preprocess_threads, args.facenet_image_size, method='cache_slices',
    #                                     BATCH_SIZE=args.batch_size, repeat_count=1, shuffle=False)
    tf_dataset_iterator = tf_dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
    tf_dataset_next_element = tf_dataset_iterator.get_next()

    images = tf.placeholder(name='img_inputs',
                                None, args.insightface_image_size,
                                args.insightface_image_size, 3
    labels = tf.placeholder(name='img_labels', shape=[
    ], dtype=tf.int64)
    dropout_rate = tf.placeholder(name='dropout_rate', dtype=tf.float32)

    w_init_method = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(uniform=False)
    net = L_Resnet_E_IR_fix_issue9.get_resnet(images,
    embeddings = net.outputs
    # mv_mean = tl.layers.get_variables_with_name('resnet_v1_50/bn0/moving_mean', False, True)[0]
    # 3.2 get arcface loss
    logit = arcface_loss(embedding=net.outputs,

    sess = tf.Session()
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    feed_dict = {}
    feed_dict_flip = {}
    path = args.ckpt_file + args.ckpt_index_list[0]
    saver.restore(sess, path)
    print('ckpt file %s restored!' % args.ckpt_index_list[0])
    feed_dict[dropout_rate] = 1.0
    feed_dict_flip[dropout_rate] = 1.0

    batch_size = args.batch_size
    input_placeholder = images
    print('getting embeddings..')

    total_time = 0
    batch_number = 0
    embeddings_array = None
    embeddings_array_flip = None
    while True:
            images =

            data_tmp = images.copy()  # fix issues #4

            for i in range(data_tmp.shape[0]):
                data_tmp[i, ...] -= 127.5
                data_tmp[i, ...] *= 0.0078125
                data_tmp[i, ...] = cv2.cvtColor(data_tmp[i, ...],

            # Getting flip to left_right batched images by TF dataset
            data_tmp_flip = images.copy()  # fix issues #4
            for i in range(data_tmp_flip.shape[0]):
                data_tmp_flip[i, ...] = np.fliplr(data_tmp_flip[i, ...])
                data_tmp_flip[i, ...] -= 127.5
                data_tmp_flip[i, ...] *= 0.0078125
                data_tmp_flip[i, ...] = cv2.cvtColor(data_tmp_flip[i, ...],

            start_time = time.time()

            feed_dict[input_placeholder] = data_tmp
            _embeddings =, feed_dict)

            feed_dict_flip[input_placeholder] = data_tmp_flip
            _embeddings_flip =, feed_dict_flip)

            if embeddings_array is None:
                embeddings_array = np.zeros(
                    (len(image_list), _embeddings.shape[1]))
                embeddings_array_flip = np.zeros(
                    (len(image_list), _embeddings_flip.shape[1]))
                embeddings_array[batch_number *
                                 batch_size:min((batch_number + 1) *
                                                batch_size, len(image_list)),
                                 ...] = _embeddings
                embeddings_array_flip[batch_number * batch_size:min(
                    (batch_number + 1) * batch_size, len(image_list)),
                                      ...] = _embeddings_flip
                # print('try: ', batch_number * batch_size, min((batch_number + 1) * batch_size, len(image_list)), ...)
            except ValueError:
                    'batch_number*batch_size value is %d min((batch_number+1)*batch_size, len(image_list)) %d,'
                    ' batch_size %d, data.shape[0] %d' %
                    (batch_number * batch_size,
                     min((batch_number + 1) * batch_size,
                         len(image_list)), batch_size, images.shape[0]))
                print('except: ', batch_number * batch_size,
                      min((batch_number + 1) * batch_size, images.shape[0]),

            duration = time.time() - start_time
            batch_number += 1
            total_time += duration
        except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
                'tf.errors.OutOfRangeError, Reinitialize tf_dataset_iterator')

    print(f"total_time: {total_time}")

    _xnorm = 0.0
    _xnorm_cnt = 0
    for embed in [embeddings_array, embeddings_array_flip]:
        for i in range(embed.shape[0]):
            _em = embed[i]
            _norm = np.linalg.norm(_em)
            # print(_em.shape, _norm)
            _xnorm += _norm
            _xnorm_cnt += 1
    _xnorm /= _xnorm_cnt

    final_embeddings_output = embeddings_array + embeddings_array_flip
    final_embeddings_output = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(

    tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = verification.evaluate(
        final_embeddings_output, issame_list, nrof_folds=10)
    acc2, std2 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)

    auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
    print('XNorm: %f' % (_xnorm))
    print('Accuracy-Flip: %1.5f+-%1.5f' % (acc2, std2))
    print('TPR: ', np.mean(tpr), 'FPR: ', np.mean(fpr))
    print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)

    tpr_lfw, fpr_lfw, accuracy_lfw, val_lfw, val_std_lfw, far_lfw = lfw.evaluate(

    print('accuracy_lfw: %2.5f+-%2.5f' %
          (np.mean(accuracy_lfw), np.std(accuracy_lfw)))
        f"val_lfw: {val_lfw}, val_std_lfw: {val_std_lfw}, far_lfw: {far_lfw}")

    print('val_lfw rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
          (val_lfw, val_std_lfw, far_lfw))
    auc_lfw = metrics.auc(fpr_lfw, tpr_lfw)
    print('TPR_LFW:', np.mean(tpr_lfw), 'FPR_LFW: ', np.mean(fpr_lfw))

    print('Area Under Curve LFW (AUC): %1.3f' % auc_lfw)


    return acc2, std2, _xnorm, [embeddings_array, embeddings_array_flip]
Esempio n. 26
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model

            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph(

            #image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]  # For some reason this doesn't work for frozen graphs
            image_size = args.image_size
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                feed_dict = {
                    images_placeholder: images,
                    phase_train_placeholder: False
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                print('Processing step {} of {} ...'.format(
                    i + 1, nrof_batches))

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
                emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
Esempio n. 27
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            time_elapsed_log = open('validateLfw_timeElapsed_Log.txt', 'w')
            start_total_time = time.time()

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            print('Reading pairs from LFW')
            start_current_time = time.time()
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))
            end_current_time = time.time()
            time_elapsed_log.write('Read pairs from LFW took ' +
                                   str(end_current_time -
                                       start_current_time)[0:5] + ' seconds\n')

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            print('Getting the paths for the corresponding images')
            start_current_time = time.time()
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)
            end_current_time = time.time()
                'Get the paths for the corresponding images took ' +
                str(end_current_time - start_current_time)[0:5] + ' seconds\n')

            # Load the model
            print('Loading model')
            start_current_time = time.time()
            end_current_time = time.time()
            time_elapsed_log.write('Load model took ' +
                                   str(end_current_time -
                                       start_current_time)[0:5] + ' seconds\n')

            # Get input and output tensors
            print('Getting input and output tensors')

            print('    images_placeholder')
            start_current_time = time.time()
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            end_current_time = time.time()
            time_elapsed_log.write('Get images placeholder took ' +
                                   str(end_current_time -
                                       start_current_time)[0:5] + ' seconds\n')

            print('    embeddings')
            start_current_time = time.time()
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            end_current_time = time.time()
            time_elapsed_log.write('Get embeddings took ' +
                                   str(end_current_time -
                                       start_current_time)[0:5] + ' seconds\n')

            print('    phase_train_placeholder')
            start_current_time = time.time()
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph(
            end_current_time = time.time()
            time_elapsed_log.write('Get phase train placeholder took ' +
                                   str(end_current_time -
                                       start_current_time)[0:5] + ' seconds\n')

            print('Getting embedding_size')
            #image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]  # For some reason this doesn't work for frozen graphs
            start_current_time = time.time()
            image_size = args.image_size
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
            end_current_time = time.time()
            time_elapsed_log.write('Get embedding size took ' +
                                   str(end_current_time -
                                       start_current_time)[0:5] + ' seconds\n')

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            start_forward_pass_time = time.time()
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                print('Batch ' + str(i + 1) + '/' + str(nrof_batches))
                start_batch_time = time.time()
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]

                print('    Loading data')
                start_batch_loadData_time = time.time()
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                feed_dict = {
                    images_placeholder: images,
                    phase_train_placeholder: False
                end_batch_loadData_time = time.time()
                time_elapsed_log.write('        Load data from batch ' +
                                       str(i + 1) + '/' + str(nrof_batches) +
                                       ' took ' +
                                       str(end_batch_loadData_time -
                                           start_batch_loadData_time)[0:5] +
                                       ' seconds\n')

                print('    Running embeddings')
                start_batch_runEmbeddings_time = time.time()
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                end_batch_runEmbeddings_time = time.time()
                    '        Run embeddings from batch ' + str(i + 1) + '/' +
                    str(nrof_batches) + ' took ' +
                    str(end_batch_runEmbeddings_time -
                        start_batch_runEmbeddings_time)[0:5] + ' seconds\n')
                end_batch_time = time.time()
                time_elapsed_log.write('    Batch ' + str(i + 1) + '/' +
                                       str(nrof_batches) + ' took ' +
                                       str(end_batch_time -
                                           start_batch_time)[0:5] +
                                       ' seconds\n')
            end_forward_pass_time = time.time()
            time_elapsed_log.write('Run forward pass on LFW images took ' +
                                   str(end_forward_pass_time -
                                       start_forward_pass_time)[0:5] +
                                   ' seconds\n')

            start_evaluation_time = time.time()
            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
                emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)
            end_evaluation_time = time.time()
            time_elapsed_log.write('Evaluation took ' +
                                   str(end_evaluation_time -
                                       start_evaluation_time)[0:5] +
                                   ' seconds\n')

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)

            end_total_time = time.time()
            time_elapsed_log.write('Total time was ' +
                                   str(end_total_time -
                                       start_total_time)[0:5] + ' seconds\n')
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))
            # print("pairs.txt is: {}".format(pairs))
            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            # print("os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir) is: {}".format(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir)))
            # print("pairs[0:10,] is: {}".format(pairs[0:10,]))
            # print("args.lfw_file_ext is: {}".format(args.lfw_file_ext))
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)
            # each element of paths is a 2-tuple of the image paths of the 2 images in the pair
            # each element of actual_issame is whether the two images in the pair are actually the same,
            # it can be seen as the ground truth
            # print("paths is: {}".format(paths))
            # print("len(actual_issame) is: {}".format(len(actual_issame)))
            # print("actual_issame is: {}".format(actual_issame))

            # Load the model
            print('Model directory: %s' % args.model_dir)
            meta_file, ckpt_file = facenet.get_model_filenames(

            #            print([ for op in tf.get_default_graph().get_operations()])
            # print('Metagraph file: %s' % meta_file)
            # print('Checkpoint file: %s' % ckpt_file)
            facenet.load_model(args.model_dir, meta_file, ckpt_file)

            # Get input and output tensors
            # print("Getting the input and output tensors for facenet")
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph(
            print([ for op in tf.get_default_graph().get_operations()])

            image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
            # print("image_size is: {}".format(image_size))
            # print("embedding_size is: {}".format(embedding_size))

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            # print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))

            # print("batch_size is: {}".format(batch_size))
            # print("nrof_images is: {}".format(nrof_images))
            # print("nrof_batches is: {}".format(nrof_batches))

            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                # print("Batch: {0}/{1}".format(i+1, len(nrof_batches)))
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                # Load the images
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                # Feed it into the network
                feed_dict = {
                    images_placeholder: images,
                    phase_train_placeholder: False
                # Update the emb_array
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)

            # print("emb_array is: {}".format(emb_array))
            # tpr is the true positive rate (how many samples that were classified as true were actually true)
            # fpr is the false positive rate (how many samples that were classified as true were actually false)
            # accuracy is (tp + tn)/number of samples
            # val is the percentage of samples that were classified to be correct
            # val_std is the std of val
            # far is the percentage of samples that were classified to be wrong
            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
                emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            # print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            # print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            # print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
Esempio n. 29
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model

            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph(

            #image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]  # For some reason this doesn't work for frozen graphs
            image_size = args.image_size
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                feed_dict = {
                    images_placeholder: images,
                    phase_train_placeholder: False
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)
            distance, cos = getDistances(emb_array)
            #dataname = datetime.strftime(, '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
            data_frame = pd.DataFrame(
                    'person1': paths[0::2],
                    'person2': paths[1::2],
                    'true': actual_issame,
                    'distance': distance,
                    'cos': cos
            data_frame.to_csv(args.lfw_dir + '\\results_data_mini.csv')

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
                emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            plotVerifyExp(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0], 'roc')

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
            plotExp(distance, cos, actual_issame)
Esempio n. 30
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame, ids = lfw.get_paths(args.lfw_dir,
  'len of paths:%d' % len(paths))
  'paths[0]:%s' % paths[0])
            # Load the model
  'Model directory: %s' % args.model_dir)
            meta_file, ckpt_file = facenet.get_model_filenames(

  'Metagraph file: %s' % meta_file)
  'Checkpoint file: %s' % ckpt_file)
            facenet.load_model(args.model_dir, meta_file, ckpt_file)

            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph(

            image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
  'Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
                'batch size:%d, nrof_images len:%d, nrof_batches len:%d' %
                (batch_size, nrof_images, nrof_batches))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                feed_dict = {
                    images_placeholder: images,
                    phase_train_placeholder: False
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)

  'forward process complete.')
  'emb_array len:%d' % len(emb_array))
            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(
                emb_array, actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)
  'num of accuracy:%d' % len(accuracy))
            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
Esempio n. 31
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
             phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder,
             control_placeholder, embeddings, labels, image_paths,
             actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, log_dir, step,
             summary_writer, stat, epoch, distance_metric, subtract_mean,
             use_flipped_images, use_fixed_image_standardization):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    nrof_embeddings = len(
    ) * 2  # nrof_pairs * nrof_images_per_pair, 图片总数, 一个pair里有两张图片
    nrof_flips = 2 if use_flipped_images else 1
    nrof_images = nrof_embeddings * nrof_flips
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, nrof_images), 1)
    # 如果进行了翻转,翻转后图片的路径和这张图片本身是一样的,image_paths_array: [image1, image1, image2, image2, ...]
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(
        np.repeat(np.array(image_paths), nrof_flips), 1)
    control_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array, np.int32)
    if use_fixed_image_standardization:
        control_array += np.ones_like(
            labels_array) * facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Flip every second image
        control_array += (labels_array % 2) * facenet.FLIP
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array,
            control_placeholder: control_array

    embedding_size = int(embeddings.get_shape()[1])  # 128
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, ))
    for i in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {
            phase_train_placeholder: False,
            batch_size_placeholder: batch_size
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        if i % 10 == 9:
            print('.', end='')

    # 如果使用了图片翻转, embedding是将原图和翻转图的两个向量直接拼起来
    embeddings = np.zeros((nrof_embeddings, embedding_size * nrof_flips))
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Concatenate embeddings for flipped and non flipped version of the images
        embeddings[:, :embedding_size] = emb_array[0::2, :]
        embeddings[:, embedding_size:] = emb_array[1::2, :]
        embeddings = emb_array

    assert np.array_equal(
        lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images)
    ) == True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'

    # 直接用训练好的模型提取特征, 然后调用lfw的evaluate方法
    # distance_metric 0: Euclidian, 1:Cosine similarity distance.
    # 现在的embeddings是256维的向量(如果用了filp),每个pair里有两张图片,所以embedings第一维应该是偶数
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(

    print('Accuracy: %2.5f+-%2.5f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'lfw_result.txt'), 'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy), val))
    stat['lfw_accuracy'][epoch - 1] = np.mean(accuracy)
    stat['lfw_valrate'][epoch - 1] = val
Esempio n. 32
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(

        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
                gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(
                os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            print('%s pairs' % len(paths))

            # Load the model

            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(
            #phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("phase_train:0")
            if '.pb' in args.model_dir:
                image_size = args.image_size
                embedding_size = args.embedding_size
                image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]
                embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0 * nrof_images / batch_size))
            print("%s batches" % nrof_batches)
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            emb_array_flip = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))

            t_total = 0
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i * batch_size
                end_index = min((i + 1) * batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False,
                #feed_dict = { images_placeholder:images, phase_train_placeholder:False }
                feed_dict = {images_placeholder: images}
                images_flip = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, True,
                feed_dict_flip = {images_placeholder: images_flip}

                t_start = time.time()
                emb_array[start_index:end_index, :] =
                    embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                if args.mirrorface:
                    emb_array_flip[start_index:end_index, :] =
                        embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict_flip)

                t = 1000 * (time.time() - t_start) / batch_size
                if i >= 0:
                    t_total += t
            print("---inference speed = %s milliseconds---" %
                  (t_total / (nrof_batches - 1)))

            if args.mirrorface:
                emb_sum = np.add(emb_array, emb_array_flip)
                emb_norm = np.linalg.norm(emb_sum, ord=2, axis=1)

                for i in list(xrange(len(emb_norm))):
                    emb_array[i] = np.divide(emb_sum[i], emb_norm[i])

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far, f1 = lfw.evaluate(
            for i in xrange(len(tpr)):
                print('%1.5f %1.5f'%(1-tpr[i], fpr[i]))
            print('Accuracy: %1.4f+-%1.4f' %
                  (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))

            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                  (val, val_std, far))
            print('F1: %2.5f' % f1)

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x),
                         0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
Esempio n. 33
def evaluate(
        sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
        phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder,
        embeddings, labels, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds,
        distance_metric, subtract_mean, use_flipped_images,
        use_fixed_image_standardization, csv_file_path, pruned_ratio, epoch_no,
        MB_of_model_through_inference, MB_of_shared_variables,
        MB_of_task_specific_variables, MB_of_whole_masks,
        MB_of_task_specific_masks, MB_of_task_specific_batch_norm_variables,
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    nrof_embeddings = len(
        actual_issame) * 2  # nrof_pairs * nrof_images_per_pair
    nrof_flips = 2 if use_flipped_images else 1
    nrof_images = nrof_embeddings * nrof_flips
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, nrof_images), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(
        np.repeat(np.array(image_paths), nrof_flips), 1)
    control_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array, np.int32)
    if use_fixed_image_standardization:
        control_array += np.ones_like(
            labels_array) * facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION

    if use_flipped_images:
        # Flip every second image
        control_array += (labels_array % 2) * facenet.FLIP
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array,
            control_placeholder: control_array

    embedding_size = int(embeddings.get_shape()[1])
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, ))
    # sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess)

    for i in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {
            phase_train_placeholder: False,
            batch_size_placeholder: batch_size
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        if i % 10 == 9:
            print('.', end='')
    embeddings = np.zeros((nrof_embeddings, embedding_size * nrof_flips))
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Concatenate embeddings for flipped and non flipped version of the images
        embeddings[:, :embedding_size] = emb_array[0::2, :]
        embeddings[:, embedding_size:] = emb_array[1::2, :]
        embeddings = emb_array

    assert np.array_equal(
        lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images)
    ) == True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'
    start_eval_time = time.time()
    # tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(embeddings, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds, distance_metric=distance_metric, subtract_mean=subtract_mean)
    tpr, fpr, accuracy = lfw.evaluate(embeddings,

    evaluate_time = time.time() - start_eval_time

    acc_mean = np.mean(accuracy)
    acc_std = np.std(accuracy)
    print('Accuracy: %2.5f+-%2.5f' % (acc_mean, acc_std))
    # print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))

    auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
    print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
    eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
    print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)

    print('Eval time: {}'.format(evaluate_time))

    if csv_file_path:
        with open(csv_file_path, 'a') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f)
                '{:.5f}'.format(pruned_ratio), '{:.5f}'.format(acc_mean),
                '{:.5f}'.format(acc_std), epoch_no,
Esempio n. 34
def evaluate(sess, image_paths, embeddings, labels_batch,
             image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
             batch_size_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder,
             phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op, actual_issame, batch_size,
             nrof_folds, log_dir, step, summary_writer, embedding_size):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Running forward pass on LFW images: ', end='')

    nrof_images = len(actual_issame) * 2
    assert (len(image_paths) == nrof_images)
    labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_images), (-1, 3))
    image_paths_array = np.reshape(np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1),
                                   (-1, 3))
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_images / batch_size))
    # ------------- print start -----------------
    # print('nrof_images^^^^^', nrof_images)
    # print('batch_size^^^^^^', batch_size)
    # print('nrof_batches^^^^', nrof_batches)
    # ------------- print end -------------------
    label_check_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, ))
    for i in xrange(nrof_batches):
        batch_size = min(nrof_images - i * batch_size, batch_size)
        emb, lab =
            [embeddings, labels_batch],
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: 0.0,
                phase_train_placeholder: False
        emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        label_check_array[lab] = 1
    print('用时:%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))
    # --------- print start ---------------------
    # print('label_check_array^^^^', label_check_array)
    # print('if label-check_array == 1', np.all(label_check_array==1))
    # --------- print end -----------------------

    assert (np.all(label_check_array == 1))

    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array,

    print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'lfw_result.txt'), 'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy), val))
Esempio n. 35
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
             phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder,
             control_placeholder, embeddings, labels, image_paths,
             actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, log_dir, step,
             summary_writer, stat, epoch, distance_metric, subtract_mean,
             use_flipped_images, use_fixed_image_standardization):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    nrof_embeddings = len(
        actual_issame) * 2  # nrof_pairs * nrof_images_per_pair
    nrof_flips = 2 if use_flipped_images else 1
    nrof_images = nrof_embeddings * nrof_flips
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, nrof_images), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(
        np.repeat(np.array(image_paths), nrof_flips), 1)
    control_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array, np.int32)
    if use_fixed_image_standardization:
        control_array += np.ones_like(
            labels_array) * facenet.FIXED_STANDARDIZATION
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Flip every second image
        control_array += (labels_array % 2) * facenet.FLIP
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array,
            control_placeholder: control_array

    embedding_size = int(embeddings.get_shape()[1])
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, ))
    for i in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {
            phase_train_placeholder: False,
            batch_size_placeholder: batch_size
        emb, lab =[embeddings, labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        if i % 10 == 9:
            print('.', end='')
    embeddings = np.zeros((nrof_embeddings, embedding_size * nrof_flips))
    if use_flipped_images:
        # Concatenate embeddings for flipped and non flipped version of the images
        embeddings[:, :embedding_size] = emb_array[0::2, :]
        embeddings[:, embedding_size:] = emb_array[1::2, :]
        embeddings = emb_array

    assert np.array_equal(
        lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images)
    ) == True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(

    print('Accuracy: %2.5f+-%2.5f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    #pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'lfw_result.txt'), 'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, np.mean(accuracy), val))
    stat['lfw_accuracy'][epoch - 1] = np.mean(accuracy)
    stat['lfw_valrate'][epoch - 1] = val
    metrics = {
        'metrics': [{
            'name': 'accuracy-score',
            'numberValue': np.mean(accuracy),
            'format': "PERCENTAGE",
    with open('/mlpipeline-metrics.json', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(metrics, f)
Esempio n. 36
def evaluate(sess, image_paths, embeddings, labels_batch,
             image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
             data_augmentations_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder,
             learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, enqueue_op,
             actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, log_dir, prefix, epoch,
             summary_writer, embedding_size):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings'Running forward pass on LFW images: ')

    nrof_images = len(actual_issame) * 2
    assert (len(image_paths) == nrof_images)
    labels_array = np.reshape(np.arange(nrof_images), (-1, 3))
    image_paths_array = np.reshape(np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1),
                                   (-1, 3))
    data_augmentations_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array),
                 image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
                 labels_placeholder: labels_array,
                 data_augmentations_placeholder: data_augmentations_array
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    nrof_batches = int(np.ceil(nrof_images / batch_size))
    label_check_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, ))
    for i in xrange(nrof_batches):
        batch_size = min(nrof_images - i * batch_size, batch_size)
        emb, lab =
            [embeddings, labels_batch],
                batch_size_placeholder: batch_size,
                learning_rate_placeholder: 0.0,
                phase_train_placeholder: False
        emb_array[lab, :] = emb
        label_check_array[lab] = 1
    logger.debug('%.3f' % (time.time() - start_time))

    assert (np.all(label_check_array == 1))

    tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array,
    logger.debug('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' %
                 (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
    logger.debug('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' %
                 (val, val_std, far))
    auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
    logger.debug('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
    eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
    logger.debug('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=np.mean(accuracy))
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, epoch)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir, prefix + '_result.txt'), 'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (epoch, np.mean(accuracy), val))
Esempio n. 37
def evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder,
             phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, embeddings,
             labels, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds,
             log_dir, step, summary_writer, loss, regularization_losses):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
    print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')

    # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels
    labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, len(image_paths)), 1)
    image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.array(image_paths), 1)
        enqueue_op, {
            image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array,
            labels_placeholder: labels_array

    embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]
    nrof_images = len(actual_issame) * 2
    assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size'
    nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size
    emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
    lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, ))

    for _ in range(nrof_batches):
        feed_dict = {
            phase_train_placeholder: False,
            batch_size_placeholder: batch_size
        emb, lab, reg_loss =
            [embeddings, labels, regularization_losses], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        lab_array[lab] = lab
        emb_array[lab] = emb

    assert np.array_equal(
        lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images)
    ) == True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline'
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array,
    # print(labels)
    # print(lab)
    # cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
    #     labels=lab, logits=err, name='cross_entropy_per_example')
    # cross_entropy_mean = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy, name='cross_entropy')
    # err =
    regloss = np.sum(reg_loss)
    accuracy = np.mean(accuracy)
    print('Evaluate: RegLoss %2.3f' % regloss)
    print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (accuracy, np.std(accuracy)))
    print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
    lfw_time = time.time() - start_time
    # Add validation loss and accuracy to summary
    summary = tf.Summary()
    # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/accuracy', simple_value=accuracy)
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/val_rate', simple_value=val)
    summary.value.add(tag='time/lfw', simple_value=lfw_time)
    # summary.value.add(tag='accuracy', simple_value=accuracy)
    summary.value.add(tag='lfw/center_loss', simple_value=regloss)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
    with open(os.path.join(log_dir, 'lfw_result.txt'), 'at') as f:
        f.write('%d\t%.5f\t%.5f\n' % (step, accuracy, val))
    return accuracy
Esempio n. 38
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_memory_fraction)
        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False)) as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            if args.lfw_pairs == None:
                paths, actual_issame = crossFire(getImages(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir)))
                print("Crossfire check:", len(actual_issame), "pairs to be checked.")
                pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

                # Get the paths for the corresponding images
                paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs)
                print("Pair file check:", len(actual_issame), "pairs to be checked.")

            # Load the model

            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0")
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("phase_train:0")

            #image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]  # For some reason this doesn't work for frozen graphs
            image_size = args.image_size
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0*nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                print('Compute batch:', i, '/', nrof_batches, end='\r')
                start_index = i*batch_size
                end_index = min((i+1)*batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data2(paths_batch, False, False, image_size)
                feed_dict = { images_placeholder:images, phase_train_placeholder:False }
                emb_array[start_index:end_index,:] =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
            print('--- Evaluate ---')

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, bestThreshold, minThreshold, maxThreshold, val, val_std, far, thresholdAtVal = lfw.evaluate(emb_array,
                actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            print('--- Verify using Euclidian distance ---')
            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            #print('Accuracy array:', accuracy)
            print('Best threshold: %1.3f' % bestThreshold)
            print('Minimal threshold of hit rate @ 100%%: %1.3f' % minThreshold)
            print('Maximum threshold of false alarm rate @ 0%%: %1.3f' % maxThreshold)
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
            print('Threshold @ %1.3f' % thresholdAtVal)
            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            # plt.clf()
            # plt.plot(fpr, tpr, '.')
            # plt.savefig('euclidian_distance_auc.jpg')
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, bestThreshold, minThreshold, maxThreshold, val, val_std, far, thresholdAtVal = lfw.evaluate(emb_array,
                actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds, distance_metric=1)

            print("--- Verify using Cosine Similarity ---")
            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            #print('Accuracy array:', accuracy)
            print('Best threshold: %1.3f' % bestThreshold)
            print('Minimal threshold of hit rate @ 100%%: %1.3f' % minThreshold)
            print('Maximum threshold of false alarm rate @ 0%%: %1.3f' % maxThreshold)
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))
            print('Threshold @ %1.3f' % thresholdAtVal)
            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            # plt.clf()
            # plt.plot(fpr, tpr, '.')
            # plt.savefig('cosine_similarity_auc.jpg')
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)