# Example of how to use the LHE Reader for an electron scattering example from lhereader import readLHEF from ROOT import TCanvas, TH1F, TH2F, TLorentzVector, TF1 import math # Extract electrons: data = [] data = readLHEF('FFop1_cuts/30deg_1.lhe') electrons = data.getParticlesByIDs([11, -11]) # Make ROOT: c = TCanvas() c.Divide(2, 2) hist_4in = TH1F("q^{2} in", "Incoming Electron q^{2} ", 100, 0, 0.00001) hist_4out = TH1F("q^{2} out", "Outgoing Electron q^{2} ", 100, 0, 0.00001) # Loop over Electrons: for e in electrons: # Incoming Electron: if e.status is -1: squared_4mom = (-e.px * e.px - e.py * e.py - e.pz * e.pz + e.energy * e.energy) hist_4in.Fill(squared_4mom) # Outgoing Electron: if e.status is 1: squared_4mom = (-e.px * e.px - e.py * e.py - e.pz * e.pz + e.energy * e.energy) hist_4out.Fill(squared_4mom, (Factor)) c.cd()
from lhereader import readLHEF from ROOT import TCanvas, TH1F #data=readLHEF('unweighted_events.lhe') data = readLHEF('gammatogammaH.lhe') parts = data.getParticlesByIDs([25]) # collect particles by hepid c = TCanvas() hist = TH1F("pt", "Pt of Higgs", 100, 0, 1000) for p in parts: hist.Fill(p.pt) hist.Draw() c.SaveAs("pt_higgs.png")
from lhereader import readLHEF from ROOT import TCanvas, TH1F, TLegend import CommonSetup1 c = TCanvas() #c.SetLogy() c.cd() csetup = CommonSetup1.CommonSetup() csetup.style() data7 = readLHEF('../LHE/1500_01.lhe') parts7 = data7.getParticlesByIDs([39]) print(len(parts7)) hist7 = TH1F("inv_mass", "inv_mass of Gr", 100, 0, 6000) _7 = [hist7.Fill(p.invariantMass) for p in parts7] hist7.SetLineColor(625) hist7.SetLineWidth(3) hist7.SetXTitle("M_{HH} in GeV") hist7.SetYTitle("Events") hist7.Draw() c.Update() data6 = readLHEF('M1500.lhe') parts6 = data6.getParticlesByIDs([39]) print(len(parts6)) hist6 = TH1F("inv_mass", "inv_mass of Gr", 100, 0, 6000) _6 = [hist6.Fill(p.invariantMass) for p in parts6] hist6.SetLineColor(413) #hist6.SetLineStyle(2) hist6.SetLineWidth(3) hist6.SetXTitle("Inv_Mass_{Gr} in GeV")
from lhereader import readLHEF from ROOT import TCanvas, TH1F, TLegend import CommonSetup1 c = TCanvas() #c.SetLogy() c.cd() csetup = CommonSetup1.CommonSetup() csetup.style() data7 = readLHEF('cmsgrid_final.lhe') parts7 = data7.getParticlesByIDs([35]) print(len(parts7)) hist7 = TH1F("inv_mass", "inv_mass of Gr", 100, 0, 200) _7 = [hist7.Fill(p.invariantMass) for p in parts7] hist7.SetLineColor(625) hist7.SetLineWidth(3) hist7.SetXTitle("M_{HH} in GeV") hist7.SetYTitle("Events") hist7.Draw() c.Update() """data6=readLHEF('M1500.lhe') parts6=data6.getParticlesByIDs([39]) print(len(parts6)) hist6=TH1F("inv_mass", "inv_mass of Gr",100,0,6000) _6=[hist6.Fill(p.invariantMass) for p in parts6] hist6.SetLineColor(413) #hist6.SetLineStyle(2) hist6.SetLineWidth(3) hist6.SetXTitle("Inv_Mass_{Gr} in GeV");
from lhereader import readLHEF from ROOT import TCanvas, TH1F, TLegend import CommonSetup1 c = TCanvas() c.SetLogy() c.cd() csetup = CommonSetup1.CommonSetup() csetup.style() data1 = readLHEF('cmsgrid_final_MG261.lhe') parts1 = data1.getParticlesByIDs([5, -5]) print(len(parts1)) hist1 = TH1F("pT", "p_{T} of b [GeV]", 10, 0, 500) #_1=[hist1.Fill(p.pt) for p in parts1] hist1.SetLineColor(633) for p in parts1: #if(p.mother == [4,4]): hist1.Fill(p.pt) hist1.SetLineWidth(4) hist1.SetXTitle("p_{T} GeV") hist1.SetYTitle("Events") hist1.Draw() c.Update() data2 = readLHEF('cmsgrid_final_MG260.lhe') parts2 = data2.getParticlesByIDs([5, -5]) print(len(parts2)) hist2 = TH1F("pT", "p_{T} of b [GeV]", 10, 0, 500) #_2=[hist.Fill(p.pt) for p in parts2] hist2.SetLineColor(600)
from lhereader import readLHEF from ROOT import TCanvas, TH1F, TFile fileName = [ 'gammatogammaH.lhe', 'gammatogammaHminus.lhe', 'ZtogammaH.lhe', 'ZtogammaHminus.lhe' ] for i in range(0, 4): data = readLHEF('../JHUGenerator/' + fileName[i]) output = fileName[i].replace("lhe", 'root') file = TFile(output, 'recreate') parts_higgs = data.getParticlesByIDs([25]) # collect particles by hepid parts_pho = data.getParticlesByIDs([22]) # collect particles by hepid higgs_pt = TH1F("h_pt", "Pt of Higgs", 100, 0, 1000) higgs_eta = TH1F("h_eta", "Eta of Higgs", 100, -5, 5) photon_pt = TH1F("ph_pt", "Pt of photon", 100, 0, 1000) photon_eta = TH1F("ph_eta", "Eta of photon", 100, -5, 5) i = 0 for p in parts_higgs: higgs_pt.Fill(p.pt) higgs_eta.Fill(p.eta) i = i + 1 if i % 10000 == 0: print "pt:", p.pt for p in parts_pho: photon_pt.Fill(p.pt) photon_eta.Fill(p.eta) file.Write() print(output + 'has been created.')
from lhereader import readLHEF from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, TH1F, TLegend, TLatex, TLorentzVector c = TCanvas() data1 = readLHEF('../LHE/spin0/m300.lhe') events1 = data1.events data2 = readLHEF('../LHE/spin0/m600.lhe') events2 = data2.events data3 = readLHEF('../LHE/spin0/m900.lhe') events3 = data3.events hpt_h_300 = TH1F("pt_h_300", "M_{X}=300", 100, 0, 500) hpt_h_600 = TH1F("pt_h_600", "M_{X}=600", 100, 0, 500) hpt_h_1000 = TH1F("pt_h_1000", "M_{X}=900", 100, 0, 500) for e in events1: higgs = e.getParticlesByIDs([25]) for h in higgs: hpt_h_300.Fill(h.pt) for e in events2: higgs = e.getParticlesByIDs([25]) for h in higgs: hpt_h_600.Fill(h.pt) for e in events3: higgs = e.getParticlesByIDs([25]) for h in higgs: hpt_h_1000.Fill(h.pt)