Esempio n. 1
    def convert(self, video_file, swap_model = False, duration = None, start_time = None, use_gan = False, face_filter = False, photos = True, crop_x = None, width = None, side_by_side = False):
        # Magic incantation to not have tensorflow blow up with an out of memory error.
        import tensorflow as tf
        import keras.backend.tensorflow_backend as K
        config = tf.ConfigProto()
        config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True

        # Load model
        model_name = "Original"
        converter_name = "Masked"
        if use_gan:
            model_name = "GAN"
            converter_name = "GAN"
        model = PluginLoader.get_model(model_name)(Path(self._model_path(use_gan)))
        if not model.load(swap_model):
            print('model Not Found! A valid model must be provided to continue!')

        # Load converter
        converter = PluginLoader.get_converter(converter_name)
        converter = converter(model.converter(False),

        # Load face filter
        filter_person = self._person_a
        if swap_model:
            filter_person = self._person_b
        filter = FaceFilter(self._people[filter_person]['faces'])

        # Define conversion method per frame
        def _convert_frame(frame, convert_colors = True):
            if convert_colors:
                frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Swap RGB to BGR to work with OpenCV
            for face in detect_faces(frame, "cnn"):
                if (not face_filter) or (face_filter and filter.check(face)):
                    frame = converter.patch_image(frame, face)
                    frame = frame.astype(numpy.float32)
            if convert_colors:                    
                frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Swap RGB to BGR to work with OpenCV
            return frame
        def _convert_helper(get_frame, t):
            return _convert_frame(get_frame(t))

        media_path = self._video_path({ 'name' : video_file })
        if not photos:
            # Process video; start loading the video clip
            video = VideoFileClip(media_path)

            # If a duration is set, trim clip
            if duration:
                video = video.subclip(start_time, start_time + duration)
            # Resize clip before processing
            if width:
                video = video.resize(width = width)

            # Crop clip if desired
            if crop_x:
                video = video.fx(crop, x2 = video.w / 2)

            # Kick off convert frames for each frame
            new_video = video.fl(_convert_helper)

            # Stack clips side by side
            if side_by_side:
                def add_caption(caption, clip):
                    text = (TextClip(caption, font='Amiri-regular', color='white', fontsize=80).
                            on_color(color=(0,0,0), col_opacity=0.6))
                    return CompositeVideoClip([clip, text])
                video = add_caption("Original", video)
                new_video = add_caption("Swapped", new_video)                
                final_video = clips_array([[video], [new_video]])
                final_video = new_video

            # Resize clip after processing
            #final_video = final_video.resize(width = (480 * 2))

            # Write video
            output_path = os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_PATH, video_file)
            final_video.write_videofile(output_path, rewrite_audio = True)
            # Clean up
            del video
            del new_video
            del final_video
            # Process a directory of photos
            for face_file in os.listdir(media_path):
                face_path = os.path.join(media_path, face_file)
                image = cv2.imread(face_path)
                image = _convert_frame(image, convert_colors = False)
                cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.OUTPUT_PATH, face_file), image)
Esempio n. 2
 def load_filter(self):
     filter_file = "filter.jpg"  # TODO Pass as argument
     if Path(filter_file).exists():
         print('Loading reference image for filtering')
         return FaceFilter(filter_file)
Esempio n. 3
 def load_filter(self):
     filter_file = self.arguments.filter
     if Path(filter_file).exists():
         print('Loading reference image for filtering')
         return FaceFilter(filter_file)