def load_config_file(filename='config_resource.json'): Logger.write('Loading config file:', filename) with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as file: config_json = json.load(file) Logger.write('Load success, content: \n' + json.dumps(config_json)) file.close() return config_json
def boot(self, links): for rootlink in links: self.rootlink_queue.put(rootlink) Logger.write('Put rootlink:', rootlink) self.rootlink_queue.join() self.sublink_queue.join() self.image_queue.join()
class E2ERunner(object): def __init__(self, config={}, globalConfig={}): self.config = Configuration(config) self.globalConfig = Configuration(globalConfig) self._parse_config() self.logger = Logger() self.config() def _parse_config(self): self._parse_blocks(self.config["blocks"]) self.viz = self._parse_visualizer(self.config.default("viz", None)) self.gtprov = self._parse_gt(self.config.default("gt", None)) self.evals = self._parse_evals(self.config.default('eval', [])) def _parse_blocks(self, blocks): self.blocks = [ self._parse_block(block) for block in blocks if "disabled" not in block or not block["disabled"] ] def _parse_block(self, block): if block["type"] == "TextSeparation": return TextSeparation(self.globalConfig, block) elif block["type"] == "WordDetection": return WordDetection(block) elif block["type"] == "LineSegmentation": return LineSegmentation(block) elif block["type"] == "ParagraphDetection": return ParagraphDetection(block) elif block["type"] == "UnigramLanguageModel": return UnigramLanguageModel(block) elif block["type"] == "Ceiling": return Ceiling(block) elif block["type"] == "TranscriptionAndClassification": return TranscriptionAndClassification(self.globalConfig, block) def _parse_evals(self, eval_configs): return [self._parse_eval(config) for config in eval_configs] def _parse_eval(self, config): if config is None: return None if config["type"] == "IoU": return IoU(config) elif config["type"] == "IoUPixelSum": return IoUPixelSum(config) elif config["type"] == "BagOfWords": return BagOfWords(config) elif config["type"] == "IoUCER": return IoUCER(config) def _parse_data(self, data_config): if isinstance(data_config, list): return data_config else: prefix = data_config["prefix"] if "prefix" in data_config else "" filenames = list( filter( lambda f: f.endswith(data_config["suffix"]) and f. startswith(prefix), os.listdir(data_config["path"]))) if data_config["limit"] > 0: filenames = filenames[:data_config["limit"]] return [ os.path.join(data_config["path"], filename) for filename in filenames ] def _parse_visualizer(self, viz_config): if viz_config is None: return None if viz_config["type"] == "RegionVisualizer": return RegionVisualizer(viz_config) elif viz_config["type"] == "ImageVisualizer": return ImageVisualizer(viz_config) elif viz_config["type"] == "SeparatedVisualizer": return SeparatedVisualizer(viz_config) def _parse_gt(self, gt_config): if gt_config is None: return None if gt_config["type"] == "WordRegion": return WordRegionGTProvider() elif gt_config["type"] == "ParagraphRegion": return ParagraphRegionGTProvider() elif gt_config["type"] == "LineRegion": return LineRegionGTProvider() def __call__(self, log_prefix="E2E", skip_range_evaluation=False): if not skip_range_evaluation and self.config.default("ranger", False): self.logger.write("Entering Range Execution Mode") return self._range_exec() start = time() self.scores = {} data = self._parse_data(self.config["data"]) results = [] times = [] for idx, file in enumerate(data): file_time = time() self.logger.progress(log_prefix, idx, len(data)) results.append(self._exec(file)) times.append(time() - file_time) [block.close() for block in self.blocks] if len(self.evals) > 0: final_scores = { "time": time() - start, "median time": np.median(times), "avg time": np.average(times) } for score_key in self.scores: final_scores[score_key] = np.average(self.scores[score_key]) self.logger.summary(log_prefix, final_scores) return results def _get_range(self): if type(self.config["ranger.values"]) is dict: return frange(self.config["ranger.values.from"], self.config[""], self.config["ranger.values.step"]) def _range_exec(self): def set_config(value): for path in self.config.default( "ranger.paths", [self.config.default("ranger.path", [])]): current = self.config for step in path[:-1]: current = current[step] current[path[-1]] = value self._parse_config() for val in self._get_range(): set_config(val) prefix = self.config.default("ranger.template", "value {}") self(log_prefix=prefix.format(val), skip_range_evaluation=True) def _exec(self, file): original = cv2.imread(file) last_output = original.copy() for block in self.blocks: last_output = block(last_output, file) res = {"file": file, "original": original, "result": last_output} if self.gtprov is not None: gt = self.gtprov(file, original) if self.viz is not None: vizimage = res["original"].copy() if self.gtprov is not None and self.config.default( 'gt.viz', False): vizimage = self.viz(vizimage, gt, True) if len(self.blocks) > 0: vizimage = self.viz(vizimage, res["result"], False), file) res["viz"] = vizimage if len(self.evals) > 0: for evl in self.evals: scores = evl(gt, res["result"]) for score_key in scores.keys(): self.scores[score_key] = [ scores[score_key] ] if score_key not in self.scores else [ scores[score_key], *self.scores[score_key] ] return res