Esempio n. 1
def create(filename):
    raw = io.read_csv(path.raw(filename))

    # input file uses empty rows to separate questions.
    groups = array.slice_arr(raw, array.is_empty_row)

    # find where each indicator is based on row length
    survey = []
    for grouping in groups:

        # strip empty cells
        stripped = []
        for row in grouping:
            stripped.append([item for item in row if item != ''])

        # responses all occupy more than one cell in a row
        responses = [item for item in stripped if len(item) > 1]

        # single cells are either separators, or question texts
        single_cells = [item[0] for item in stripped if len(item) == 1]

        # these are separators - check for them
        checklist = 'checklist elements'
        categories = 'answer categories'

        # more than one here means there are follow-ups
        question = [item for item in single_cells if checklist not in item.lower()
                and categories not in item.lower()]
        if len(question) > 1:
            followups = question[1:]
            followups = 0

        # separate name and text
        question = question[0]
        line_break = question.find('\n')
        if line_break > 0:
            name = question[:line_break]
            question = question[line_break+1:]
            name = question
            question = ''

        # id is 1st two chars
        question_id = name[0:name.find('.')]
            'id': question_id,
            'name': name,
            'text': question,
            'follow': followups,
            'levels': [{
                'id': item[0].strip(),
                'text': item[1].strip() if categories not in item[1].lower() else 0,
                'responses': item[2:]
            } for item in responses]

    io.write_json(path.assets('survey.json'), survey)
Esempio n. 2
def create(filename):
    raw = io.read_csv(path.raw(filename))

    # input file uses empty rows to separate questions.
    groups = array.slice_arr(raw, array.is_empty_row)

    # find where each indicator is based on row length
    survey = []
    for grouping in groups:

        # strip empty cells
        stripped = []
        for row in grouping:
            stripped.append([item for item in row if item != ''])

        # responses all occupy more than one cell in a row
        responses = [item for item in stripped if len(item) > 1]

        # single cells are either separators, or question texts
        single_cells = [item[0] for item in stripped if len(item) == 1]

        # these are separators - check for them
        checklist = 'checklist elements'
        categories = 'answer categories'

        # more than one here means there are follow-ups
        question = [
            item for item in single_cells if checklist not in item.lower()
            and categories not in item.lower()
        if len(question) > 1:
            followups = question[1:]
            followups = 0

        # separate name and text
        question = question[0]
        line_break = question.find('\n')
        if line_break > 0:
            name = question[:line_break]
            question = question[line_break + 1:]
            name = question
            question = ''

        # id is 1st two chars
        question_id = name[0:name.find('.')]
            'levels': [{
                item[1].strip() if categories not in item[1].lower() else 0,
            } for item in responses]

    io.write_json(path.assets('survey.json'), survey)
Esempio n. 3
def create(filename):

    company_name = name.filename(filename[:-4])

    all_services = io.read_json(path.assets('services.json'))
    service_data = [item for item in all_services if (company_name
        in item['name'].replace('.', ''))]

    if len(service_data) != 1:
        print 'Weird number of services found', len(service_data)

    service_data = service_data[0]

    # Create a mapping dictionary of just indicator names
    # each mapped to -1
    ref = io.read_json(path.ref('service-column-mapping.json'))
    indicator_dict = {}
    for item in ref:
        if is_number(item[1:]):
            indicator_dict[item] = -1

    # Map the indicator to the proper rows
    raw = io.read_csv(path.raw('companies/' + filename))
    for idx, row in enumerate(raw):
        indicator = row[0].lower()
        if indicator in indicator_dict:
            indicator_dict[indicator] = idx

    # Use the survey data to map possible responses to position
    survey = io.read_json(path.assets('survey.json'))

    if not_all_found(indicator_dict.values()):
        print 'Not all indicators accounted for in services overview csv'

    all_indicators = []

    # Get a slice of all the rows that encompass each company
    stops = sorted(idx for idx in indicator_dict.values())
    for idx, stop in enumerate(stops):
        next_stop = stops[idx+1] if idx + 1 < len(stops) else len(raw) + 1
        indicator_range = raw[stop:next_stop]

        # Divide that slice by empty rows
        split = array.slice_arr(indicator_range, array.is_empty_row)

        # The first slice contains consolidated answers,
        # comments, and sources.
        responses = split.pop(0)

        # The first row of responses is indicator name followed by
        # service categories
        header = [item for item in responses.pop(0) if len(item)]

        indicator_name = header[0]

        # Find the survey question we're looking for
        survey_item = ([item for item in survey
            if item['id'].lower() == indicator_name.lower()])

        if len(survey_item) != 1:
            print 'Too many items in survey.json for this indicator'
            print indicator_name
            print survey_item

        indicator_data = {
            'id': indicator_name,
            'services': [],
            'levels': []

        # Check if this indicator is valid before continuing
        if len(responses) == 1 and 'this indicator is n/a' in responses[0][0].lower():

            # question scores follow the response text in the split array
            scores = split.pop(0)

            # ..followed by the overall indicator score (verify this)
            indicator_score = split.pop(-1)[0][1] if ('indicator score'
                in split[-1][0][0].lower()) else []
            if not len(indicator_score):
                print '\nIndicator score not found in %s' % header[0]
                print split, '\n'
                indicator_data['score'] = indicator_score

            # ..and the same for the overall service scores
            level_scores = split.pop(-1)[0] if ('level score'
                in split[-1][0][0].lower()) else []
            if not len(level_scores):
                print '\nService score not found in %s' % header[0]
                print split, '\n'

            # Determine the comments and sources location
            comments = responses.pop(-2)
            sources = responses.pop(-1)

            if ('comments' not in comments[0].lower() or
                'sources' not in sources[0].lower()):
                print 'Comments not found in %s' % comments[0]
                print 'Sources not found in %s' % sources[0]

            # Some question text include an if-not-then clause,
            # which throws off the count between the text and the score.
            # Record it and then delete the row.
            indicator_data['follow'] = 0
            for idx, row in enumerate(responses):
                if 'continue with B' in row[0] and len(set(row[1:])) == 1:
                    indicator_data['follow'] = 1
                    del responses[idx]

            if len(responses) != len(scores):
                print 'Length of responses and scores not matching'
                print len(responses), len(scores)

            # Save level responses, and level positions
            # Determine if this question has custom answers
            survey_levels = survey_item[0]['levels']
            for idx, level in enumerate(responses):
                level_data = []

                # Assume anything longer than 25 characters,
                # aka "no/insufficient evidence", is a custom response
                custom = 0
                survey_options = survey_levels[idx]['responses']
                for option in survey_options:
                    if len(option) > 25:
                        custom = 1

                for level_idx, level_response in enumerate(level):

                    # First level index is useless.
                    if level_idx == 0 or not len(level_response):

                    if len(header) <= level_idx:
                        print 'No header available, this will break'

                    service = header[level_idx]

                    # Exclude group scores, operating company
                    # from indicators that don't need them
                    if (('(group)' in service or '(operating company)' in service )
                            and exclude_service(indicator_name)):

                    # Shim issues where the response includes too much text.
                    if len(level_response) > 25 and "no/insufficient" == level_response[:15]:
                        level_response = "no/insufficient evidence"

                    # Only add to the services list if we're on the first level.
                    # Other, we add too many
                    if idx == 0:

                        if 'operating company' in service.lower():
                            service_type = 'operating company'
                        elif 'group' in service.lower():
                            service_type = 'group'
                            matching_service = [item for item in service_data['services'] if (
                                item['name'].lower() in service.lower())]
                            if len(matching_service) == 1 and 'type' in matching_service[0]:
                                service_type = matching_service[0]['type']
                                service_type = ''

                            'name': scrub_service_name(service),
                            'type': service_type,
                            'comments': comments[level_idx],
                            'sources': sources[level_idx],
                            'score': level_scores[level_idx]

                        'response': level_response,
                        'score': scores[idx][level_idx]

                indicator_data['custom'] = custom
                    'scores': level_data,
                    'text': survey_levels[idx]['text']


    io.write_json(path.assets(company_name + '.json'), all_indicators)
Esempio n. 4
def create(filename):

    company_name = name.filename(filename[:-4])

    all_services = io.read_json(path.assets('services.json'))
    service_data = [
        item for item in all_services
        if (company_name in item['name'].replace('.', ''))

    if len(service_data) != 1:
        print 'Weird number of services found', len(service_data)

    service_data = service_data[0]

    # Create a mapping dictionary of just indicator names
    # each mapped to -1
    ref = io.read_json(path.ref('service-column-mapping.json'))
    indicator_dict = {}
    for item in ref:
        if is_number(item[1:]):
            indicator_dict[item] = -1

    # Map the indicator to the proper rows
    raw = io.read_csv(path.raw('companies/' + filename))
    for idx, row in enumerate(raw):
        indicator = row[0].lower()
        if indicator in indicator_dict:
            indicator_dict[indicator] = idx

    # Use the survey data to map possible responses to position
    survey = io.read_json(path.assets('survey.json'))

    if not_all_found(indicator_dict.values()):
        print 'Not all indicators accounted for in services overview csv'

    all_indicators = []

    # Get a slice of all the rows that encompass each company
    stops = sorted(idx for idx in indicator_dict.values())
    for idx, stop in enumerate(stops):
        next_stop = stops[idx + 1] if idx + 1 < len(stops) else len(raw) + 1
        indicator_range = raw[stop:next_stop]

        # Divide that slice by empty rows
        split = array.slice_arr(indicator_range, array.is_empty_row)

        # The first slice contains consolidated answers,
        # comments, and sources.
        responses = split.pop(0)

        # The first row of responses is indicator name followed by
        # service categories
        header = [item for item in responses.pop(0) if len(item)]

        indicator_name = header[0]

        # Find the survey question we're looking for
        survey_item = ([
            item for item in survey
            if item['id'].lower() == indicator_name.lower()

        if len(survey_item) != 1:
            print 'Too many items in survey.json for this indicator'
            print indicator_name
            print survey_item

        indicator_data = {'id': indicator_name, 'services': [], 'levels': []}

        # Check if this indicator is valid before continuing
        if len(responses
               ) == 1 and 'this indicator is n/a' in responses[0][0].lower():

            # question scores follow the response text in the split array
            scores = split.pop(0)

            # ..followed by the overall indicator score (verify this)
            indicator_score = split.pop(-1)[0][1] if (
                'indicator score' in split[-1][0][0].lower()) else []
            if not len(indicator_score):
                print '\nIndicator score not found in %s' % header[0]
                print split, '\n'
                indicator_data['score'] = indicator_score

            # ..and the same for the overall service scores
            level_scores = split.pop(-1)[0] if (
                'level score' in split[-1][0][0].lower()) else []
            if not len(level_scores):
                print '\nService score not found in %s' % header[0]
                print split, '\n'

            # Determine the comments and sources location
            comments = responses.pop(-2)
            sources = responses.pop(-1)

            if ('comments' not in comments[0].lower()
                    or 'sources' not in sources[0].lower()):
                print 'Comments not found in %s' % comments[0]
                print 'Sources not found in %s' % sources[0]

            # Some question text include an if-not-then clause,
            # which throws off the count between the text and the score.
            # Record it and then delete the row.
            indicator_data['follow'] = 0
            for idx, row in enumerate(responses):
                if 'continue with B' in row[0] and len(set(row[1:])) == 1:
                    indicator_data['follow'] = 1
                    del responses[idx]

            if len(responses) != len(scores):
                print 'Length of responses and scores not matching'
                print len(responses), len(scores)

            # Save level responses, and level positions
            # Determine if this question has custom answers
            survey_levels = survey_item[0]['levels']
            for idx, level in enumerate(responses):
                level_data = []

                # Assume anything longer than 25 characters,
                # aka "no/insufficient evidence", is a custom response
                custom = 0
                survey_options = survey_levels[idx]['responses']
                for option in survey_options:
                    if len(option) > 25:
                        custom = 1

                for level_idx, level_response in enumerate(level):

                    # First level index is useless.
                    if level_idx == 0 or not len(level_response):

                    if len(header) <= level_idx:
                        print 'No header available, this will break'

                    service = header[level_idx]

                    # Exclude group scores, operating company
                    # from indicators that don't need them
                    if (('(group)' in service
                         or '(operating company)' in service)
                            and exclude_service(indicator_name)):

                    # Shim issues where the response includes too much text.
                    if len(level_response
                           ) > 25 and "no/insufficient" == level_response[:15]:
                        level_response = "no/insufficient evidence"

                    # Only add to the services list if we're on the first level.
                    # Other, we add too many
                    if idx == 0:

                        if 'operating company' in service.lower():
                            service_type = 'operating company'
                        elif 'group' in service.lower():
                            service_type = 'group'
                            matching_service = [
                                item for item in service_data['services']
                                if (item['name'].lower() in service.lower())
                            if len(matching_service
                                   ) == 1 and 'type' in matching_service[0]:
                                service_type = matching_service[0]['type']
                                service_type = ''


                        'response': level_response,
                        'score': scores[idx][level_idx]

                indicator_data['custom'] = custom


    io.write_json(path.assets(company_name + '.json'), all_indicators)