def main(): global activated activated = False print('button_test :' + Fore.CYAN + ' INFO : starting test...' + Style.RESET_ALL) _pin = 12 _button = Button(_pin, callback_method, Level.INFO) try: while not activated: print(Fore.BLACK + 'waiting for button press on pin {:d}...'.format(_pin) + Style.RESET_ALL) time.sleep(1.0) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(Fore.RED + "caught Ctrl-C." + Style.RESET_ALL) finally: print("closing button...") _button.close()
def main(): print('button_test :' + Fore.CYAN + ' INFO : starting test...' + Style.RESET_ALL) print('button_test :' + Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + ' INFO : to pass test, press button for both ON and OFF states...' + Style.RESET_ALL) # read YAML configuration _loader = ConfigLoader(Level.INFO) filename = 'config.yaml' _config = _loader.configure(filename) _message_factory = MessageFactory(Level.INFO) _queue = MessageQueue(_message_factory, Level.INFO) _button = Button(_config, _queue, _message_factory, threading.Lock()) _button.start() while not _button.get(): print('button_test : ' + Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "button OFF" + Fore.CYAN + Style.NORMAL + ' (press button to turn ON)' + Style.RESET_ALL) time.sleep(1) while _button.get(): print('button_test : ' + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "button ON" + Fore.CYAN + Style.NORMAL + ' (press button to turn OFF)' + Style.RESET_ALL) time.sleep(1) while not _button.get(): print('button_test : ' + Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "button OFF" + Fore.CYAN + Style.NORMAL + ' (press button to turn ON)' + Style.RESET_ALL) time.sleep(1) print("button task close()") _button.close()