def start(self): proc_info = PROCESSENTRY32() proc_info.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32) snapshot = KERNEL32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0) flag = KERNEL32.Process32First(snapshot, byref(proc_info)) pid = 0 while flag: if proc_info.sz_exeFile == b"lsass.exe": pid = proc_info.th32ProcessID"lsass.exe found, pid %d", pid) flag = 0 flag = KERNEL32.Process32Next(snapshot, byref(proc_info)) if not pid: log.warning("Unable to find lsass.exe process") return try: p = Process(options=self.options, config=self.config, pid=pid) filepath = p.get_filepath() p.inject(injectmode=0, interest=filepath, nosleepskip=True) except CuckooError as e: if "process access denied" in e.message: log.warning("You're not running the Agent as Administrator") else: log.warning( "An unknown error occurred while trying to inject into the lsass.exe process to dump TLS master secrets: %s", e, ) del self.options["tlsdump"]
def kernel_analyze(self): """zer0m0n kernel analysis """"Starting kernel analysis")"Installing driver") if is_os_64bit(): sys_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "dll", "zer0m0n_x64.sys") else: sys_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "dll", "zer0m0n.sys") exe_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "dll", "logs_dispatcher.exe") if not sys_file or not exe_file or not os.path.exists( sys_file) or not os.path.exists(exe_file): log.warning( "No valid zer0m0n files to be used for process with pid %d, injection aborted", return False exe_name = service_name = driver_name = random_string(6) inf_data = ('[Version]\r\n' 'Signature = "$Windows NT$"\r\n' 'Class = "ActivityMonitor"\r\n' 'ClassGuid = {{b86dff51-a31e-4bac-b3cf-e8cfe75c9fc2}}\r\n' 'Provider = %Prov%\r\n' 'DriverVer = 22/01/2014,\r\n' 'CatalogFile =\r\n' '[DestinationDirs]\r\n' 'DefaultDestDir = 12\r\n' 'MiniFilter.DriverFiles = 12\r\n' '[DefaultInstall]\r\n' 'OptionDesc = %ServiceDescription%\r\n' 'CopyFiles = MiniFilter.DriverFiles\r\n' '[DefaultInstall.Services]\r\n' \ 'AddService = %ServiceName%,,MiniFilter.Service\r\n' '[DefaultUninstall]\r\n' 'DelFiles = MiniFilter.DriverFiles\r\n' '[DefaultUninstall.Services]\r\n' 'DelService = %ServiceName%,0x200\r\n' '[MiniFilter.Service]\r\n' 'DisplayName = %ServiceName%\r\n' 'Description = %ServiceDescription%\r\n' 'ServiceBinary = %12%\\%DriverName%.sys\r\n' 'Dependencies = "FltMgr"\r\n' 'ServiceType = 2\r\n' 'StartType = 3\r\n' 'ErrorControl = 1\r\n' 'LoadOrderGroup = "FSFilter Activity Monitor"\r\n' 'AddReg = MiniFilter.AddRegistry\r\n' '[MiniFilter.AddRegistry]\r\n' 'HKR,,"DebugFlags",0x00010001 ,0x0\r\n' 'HKR,"Instances","DefaultInstance",0x00000000,%DefaultInstance%\r\n' 'HKR,"Instances\\"%Instance1.Name%,"Altitude",0x00000000,%Instance1.Altitude%\r\n' 'HKR,"Instances\\"%Instance1.Name%,"Flags",0x00010001,%Instance1.Flags%\r\n' '[MiniFilter.DriverFiles]\r\n' '%DriverName%.sys\r\n' '[SourceDisksFiles]\r\n' '{driver_name}.sys = 1,,\r\n' '[SourceDisksNames]\r\n' '1 = %DiskId1%,,,\r\n' '[Strings]\r\n' 'Prov = "{random_string8}"\r\n' 'ServiceDescription = "{random_string12}"\r\n' 'ServiceName = "{service_name}"\r\n' 'DriverName = "{driver_name}"\r\n' 'DiskId1 = "{service_name} Device Installation Disk"\r\n' 'DefaultInstance = "{service_name} Instance"\r\n' 'Instance1.Name = "{service_name} Instance"\r\n' 'Instance1.Altitude = "370050"\r\n' 'Instance1.Flags = 0x0' ).format( service_name=service_name, driver_name=driver_name, random_string8=random_string(8), random_string12=random_string(12) ) new_inf = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "dll", "{0}.inf".format(service_name)) new_sys = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "dll", "{0}.sys".format(driver_name)) copy(sys_file, new_sys) new_exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "dll", "{0}.exe".format(exe_name)) copy(exe_file, new_exe)"[-] Driver name : " + new_sys)"[-] Inf name : " + new_inf)"[-] Application name : " + new_exe)"[-] Service : " + service_name) fh = open(new_inf, "w") fh.write(inf_data) fh.close() os_is_64bit = is_os_64bit() if os_is_64bit: wow64 = c_ulong(0) KERNEL32.Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection(byref(wow64)) os.system( 'cmd /c "rundll32 setupapi.dll, InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 ' + new_inf + '"') os.system("net start " + service_name) si = STARTUPINFO() si.cb = sizeof(si) pi = PROCESS_INFORMATION() cr = CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE ldp = KERNEL32.CreateProcessW(new_exe, None, None, None, None, cr, None, os.getenv("TEMP"), byref(si), byref(pi)) if not ldp: if os_is_64bit: KERNEL32.Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection(wow64) log.error("Failed starting " + exe_name + ".exe.") return False config_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("TEMP"), "%s.ini" % with open(config_path, "w") as config: cfg = Config("analysis.conf") config.write("host-ip={0}\n".format(cfg.ip)) config.write("host-port={0}\n".format(cfg.port)) config.write("pipe={0}\n".format(PIPE))"Sending startup information") hFile = KERNEL32.CreateFileW(PATH_KERNEL_DRIVER, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, None, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) if os_is_64bit: KERNEL32.Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection(wow64) if hFile: p = Process(pid=os.getpid()) ppid = p.get_parent_pid() pid_vboxservice = 0 pid_vboxtray = 0 # get pid of VBoxService.exe and VBoxTray.exe proc_info = PROCESSENTRY32() proc_info.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32) snapshot = KERNEL32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0) flag = KERNEL32.Process32First(snapshot, byref(proc_info)) while flag: if proc_info.sz_exeFile == "VBoxService.exe":"VBoxService.exe found !") pid_vboxservice = proc_info.th32ProcessID flag = 0 elif proc_info.sz_exeFile == "VBoxTray.exe": pid_vboxtray = proc_info.th32ProcessID"VBoxTray.exe found !") flag = 0 flag = KERNEL32.Process32Next(snapshot, byref(proc_info)) bytes_returned = c_ulong(0) msg = str( + "_" + str(ppid) + "_" + str( os.getpid()) + "_" + str(pi.dwProcessId) + "_" + str( pid_vboxservice) + "_" + str(pid_vboxtray) + '\0' KERNEL32.DeviceIoControl(hFile, IOCTL_PID, msg, len(msg), None, 0, byref(bytes_returned), None) msg = os.getcwd() + '\0' KERNEL32.DeviceIoControl(hFile, IOCTL_CUCKOO_PATH, str(msg, 'utf-8'), len(str(msg, 'utf-8')), None, 0, byref(bytes_returned), None) else: log.warning("Failed to access kernel driver") return True