def start(): """ Create a virtual environment. """ print(""" [1] with virtualenvwrapper / pyvenv [2] with virtualenv -------- [q] << """.strip()) while True: try: inp = raw_input("~~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return if len(inp) == 0: continue elif inp == 'q': return elif inp == 'qq': common.my_exit(0) elif inp == '1': if mk_virtualenvwrapper() is DONE: return DONE elif inp == '2': if mk_virtualenv() is DONE: return DONE else: print("Hm?")
def get_python_ver(): """ Get Python version from the user: 2 or 3. The selected Python interpreter will be used in the created virt. env. """ while True: try: inp = raw_input("~~~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return if len(inp) == 0: continue elif inp == 'q': return elif inp == 'qq': common.my_exit(0) elif inp == '2': print("with Python 2") return 2 elif inp == '3': print("with Python 3") return 3 else: print("Hm?")
def main(): show_menu() d_num = get_d_num(menu) d_word = get_d_word(menu) while True: try: inp = raw_input("~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return if len(inp) == 0: continue elif inp == 'q': return elif inp == 'qq': common.my_exit(0) elif inp == 'm': show_menu() continue try: if inp.isdigit(): val = d_num.get(int(inp)) else: val = d_word.get(inp) if val is None: raise IndexError except IndexError: print("out of range...") else: start_app(val) show_menu()
def conferences(): li = read_conferences_data() # debug(li) # return for index, e in enumerate(li[1:], start=1): print("({pos}) {id:20}[{url}]".format(pos=index, id=e[0], url=e[1])) print("[q] <<") while True: try: inp = raw_input("~~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return None if len(inp) == 0: continue elif inp == "q": return elif inp == "qq": common.my_exit(0) try: index = int(inp) if index < 1: raise IndexError common.open_url(li[index][1]) return except IndexError: print("out of range...") except ValueError: print("Wat?")
def radio_player(): li, dic = read_radio_data() for index, e in enumerate(li[1:], start=1): print("({pos}) {id:20}[{url}]".format(pos=index, id=e[0], url=e[1])) print("[s] stop current radio") print("[q] <<") while True: try: inp = raw_input("~~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return None if len(inp) == 0: continue elif inp == 'q': return elif inp == 's': radio(None, stop=True) return elif inp == 'qq': common.my_exit(0) try: index = int(inp) if index < 0: raise IndexError radio(li[index][1], id=li[index][0]) return except IndexError: print("out of range...") except ValueError: print('Wat?')
def reddit(): li = read_subreddits() # for index, subreddit in enumerate(li, start=1): print("[{i}] {sr}".format(i=index, sr=subreddit)) print("[s] specify subreddit (without /r/)") print("[q] <<") while True: try: inp = raw_input("~~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return None if len(inp) == 0: continue elif inp == 's': ok = enter_subreddit() if ok: return elif inp == 'q': return None elif inp == 'qq': my_exit(0) else: try: index = int(inp) - 1 if index < 0: raise IndexError open_subreddit(li[index]) return except IndexError: print("out of range...") except ValueError: print('Wat?')
def process(d): t2k = OrderedDict() # tag2keys # for k in d.iterkeys(): o = d[k] if not(("doc" in o) and ("action" in o) and ("tags" in o)): print("Error: '{k}' must have doc, action, and tags.".format(k=k)) my_exit(1) if len(o["doc"]) == 0: print("Error: '{k}' must have a valid doc.".format(k=k)) my_exit(1) if len(o["tags"]) == 0: print("Error: '{k}' must have at least one tag.".format(k=k)) my_exit(1) for t in o["tags"]: t = t.strip() if t[0] == '_': print("Error: the tag {tag} cannot start with an underscore.".format(tag=t)) my_exit(1) if len(t) == 1: print("Error: the tag '{t}' in {k} is too short.".format(t=t, k=k)) my_exit(1) if t in t2k: t2k[t].append(k) else: t2k[t] = [k] # return t2k
def perform_action(key): global last_key last_key = key # o = hdict[key] action = o["action"] verb = action[0] if verb == 'cat': cat(action[1], o) elif verb == 'open_url': open_url(action[1], o["doc"]) else: print("Error: unknown action: {a}.".format(a=verb)) my_exit(1)
def username_password(): """ Generate username and password. This is used for online registrations. The function has a static variable called "password", set in init(). If you provide your email in the file email.txt, you can also copy it to the clipboards. """ username = userpass.get_username() password = userpass.get_password(length=12) try: email = open("{root}/email.txt".format(root=cfg.ROOT)).read().strip() except IOError: email = None print(""" [1] {u:21} (username, copy to clipboard) [2] {p:21} (password, copy to clipboard) [3] {e:21} (email, copy to clipboard) [q] << """.strip().format(u=username, p=password, e=email)) while True: try: inp = raw_input("~~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return if len(inp) == 0: continue elif inp == 'q': return elif inp == 'qq': common.my_exit(0) elif inp == '1': text_to_clipboards(username, prefix="username") elif inp == '2': text_to_clipboards(password, prefix="password") username_password.password = password elif inp == '3': if email: text_to_clipboards(email, prefix="email") else: print("Warning! You have no email specified.") print("Tip: create an email.txt file in the PrimCom folder.") else: print('Wat?')
def perform_action(key, search_term=""): global last_key last_key = key # o = hdict[key] action = o["action"] verb = action[0] if verb == 'cat': fname = fname_to_abs(action[1]), o, search_term) process_extras(fname, o) elif verb == 'open_url': open_url(action[1], o["doc"]) else: print("Error: unknown action: {a}.".format(a=verb)) my_exit(1)
def pid_alert(): text = """ (1) ps (2) adjust alert volume (3) set pid to watch (add:<pid>, remove:<pid>) (4) list of watched processes (d) [m] this menu [q] << """.strip() print(text) while True: try: inp = raw_input("~~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return None if len(inp) == 0: continue elif inp == 'q': return elif inp == 'qq': my_exit(0) elif inp == 'm': print(text) elif inp.startswith('!'): cmd = inp[1:] os.system(cmd) elif inp in ('1', 'ps'): os.system("ps ux") elif inp == '2': play_beep() elif inp == '3': watch_pid() elif inp in ('4', 'd'): pid_checker.contents() elif inp.startswith('add:'): pid_checker.add(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith('remove:'): pid_checker.remove(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) else: print('Wat?')
def subcommand(li): def is_link(k): return Hit(tag=None, key=k).is_link() for index, k in enumerate(li, start=1): if is_link(k): pre = cindex('[{0}]'.format(index), color=cfg.colors[cfg.g.BACKGROUND]["cindex_link"]) else: pre = cindex('[{0}]'.format(index)) print("{pre} {main_tag} ({doc})".format( pre=pre, main_tag=hdict[k]["tags"][0], doc=hdict[k]["doc"] )) print("[q] <<") while True: try: inp = raw_input("~~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return None if len(inp) == 0: continue if inp == 'q': return None if inp == 'qq': my_exit(0) try: index = int(inp) - 1 if index < 0: raise IndexError perform_action(li[index]) return except IndexError: print("out of range...") except ValueError: print('Wat?')
def show_urls(key): o = hdict[key] # action = o["action"] verb = action[0] if verb == 'cat': fname = "data/" + action[1] else: return # OK, we have the fname li = extract_urls(fname) for index, url in enumerate(li, start=1): print("[{i}] {url}".format(i=index, url=url)) print("[q] <<") while True: try: inp = raw_input("~~> ").strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() return None if len(inp) == 0: continue if inp == 'q': return None if inp == 'qq': my_exit(0) try: index = int(inp) - 1 if index < 0: raise IndexError open_url(li[index]) return except IndexError: print("out of range...") except ValueError: print('Wat?')
def menu(): Thread(target=cache_pygmentize).start() # while True: try: inp = raw_input(bold('pc> ')).strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() my_exit(0) if len(inp) == 0: continue if inp in ('h', 'help()'): info() elif inp in ('q', 'qq', ':q', ':x', 'quit()', 'exit()'): my_exit(0) elif inp in ('c', 'clear()'): os.system('clear') header() elif inp in ('light()', 'dark()'): if inp == 'light()': cfg.g.BACKGROUND = cfg.LIGHT else: cfg.g.BACKGROUND = cfg.DARK elif inp in ('t', 'tags()', 'all()', 'd'): SearchHits.show_tag_list(tag2keys.keys()) elif inp == 'p': os.system("python") elif inp == 'p3': os.system("python3") elif inp == 'bpy': os.system("bpython") elif inp == 'last()': print(last_key) elif inp == '!!': if last_key: perform_action(last_key) elif inp.startswith('!'): cmd = inp[1:] os.system(cmd) elif inp == 'edit()': if last_key: edit(last_key) elif inp == 'gedit()': if last_key: gedit(last_key) elif inp == 'less()': if last_key: less(last_key) elif inp in ('urls()', 'links()'): if last_key: show_urls(last_key) elif inp in ('cb()', 'tocb()'): if last_key: to_clipboards(last_key) elif inp == 'path()': if last_key: path_to_clipboards(last_key) elif inp == "doc()": if last_key: show_doc(last_key) elif inp == 'json.reload()': read_json() elif inp in ('json.view()', 'json.edit()'): if last_key: view_edit_json(last_key) read_json() elif inp in ("json.edit(this)", "jet()"): if last_key: edit_entry(last_key) elif inp == 'reddit()': reddit.reddit() elif inp == 'radio()': radio.radio_player() elif inp == 'conferences()': conferences.conferences() elif inp == 'mute()':, stop=True) elif inp == 'myip()': my_ip.show_my_ip() elif inp in ('v', 'version()'): version() elif inp == 'commands()': show_commands() elif inp == 'add()': add_item() read_json() elif inp == 'hits()': SearchHits.show_tag_list() elif inp.startswith("pymotw:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("go:"): cmd_google(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("go1:"): cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("imdb:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("amazon:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("youtube:"): cmd_youtube(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("wp:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("lib:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("lib3:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("shorten:"): urlshortener.shorten_url(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("def:"): cmd_def(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("pep:"): open_pep(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp == 'pep()': open_pep(None) # disabled, always show the search hits #elif inp in tag2keys: # tag = inp # command(tag) elif'^\d+$', inp): try: index = int(inp) - 1 if index < 0: raise IndexError tag = SearchHits.hits[index].tag command(tag) except IndexError: print("out of range...") elif'^\d+\.(doc|action|tags|json|url|link|key|jet|edit)(\(\))?$', inp): try: pos = inp.find('.') index = int(inp[:pos]) - 1 what = inp[pos+1:].rstrip("()") if index < 0: raise IndexError hit = SearchHits.hits[index] hit.inspect(what) except IndexError: print("out of range...") elif'^this.(doc|action|tags|json|url|link|key|jet|edit)(\(\))?$', inp): try: if not last_key: raise NoLastKeyError pos = inp.find('.') what = inp[pos+1:].rstrip("()") hit = Hit(tag=None, key=last_key) hit.inspect(what) except NoLastKeyError: pass elif inp == 'pid()': pidcheck.pid_alert() elif inp == 'debug()': debug() elif inp in ('slay()', 'song()'): print("Playing:", radio.get_song()['current']) else: if len(inp) == 1: print("too short...") else: inp = inp.lower() SearchHits.show_hint(inp)
def menu(): print("[{0:.3f}s]".format(time.time() - start_time), end='\n') # while True: try: #inp = raw_input(bold('pc> ')).strip() inp = raw_input(bold('{prompt}> '.format(prompt=os.getcwd()))).strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print() my_exit(0) if len(inp) == 0: continue if inp in ('h', 'help()'): info() elif inp in ('q', 'qq', ':q', ':x', 'quit()', 'exit()'): my_exit(0) elif inp in ('c', 'clear()'): os.system('clear') print_header() elif inp in ('light()', 'dark()'): if inp == 'light()': cfg.g.BACKGROUND = cfg.LIGHT else: cfg.g.BACKGROUND = cfg.DARK elif inp in ('t', 'tags()', 'all()', 'd'): SearchHits.show_tag_list(tag2keys.keys()) elif inp == 'p': os.system("python") elif inp == 'p3': os.system("python3") elif inp == 'bpy': os.system("bpython") elif inp == 'last()': print(last_key) elif inp == '!!': if last_key: perform_action(last_key) elif inp.startswith('!'): cmd = inp[1:] os.system(cmd) elif inp == 'edit()': if last_key: edit(last_key) elif inp == 'gedit()': if last_key: gedit(last_key) elif inp == 'less()': if last_key: less(last_key) elif inp in ('urls()', 'links()'): if last_key: show_urls(last_key) elif inp in ('cb()', 'tocb()'): if last_key: to_clipboards(last_key) elif inp == 'path()': if last_key: path_to_clipboards(last_key) elif inp == "doc()": if last_key: show_doc(last_key) elif inp == 'json.reload()': read_json() elif inp in ('json.view()', 'json.edit()'): if last_key: view_edit_json(last_key) read_json() elif inp in ("json.edit(this)", "jet()"): if last_key: edit_entry(last_key) elif inp == 'reddit()': reddit.reddit() elif inp == 'conferences()': conferences.conferences() elif inp == 'mute()':, stop=True) elif inp == 'myip()': my_ip.show_my_ip() elif inp in ('v', 'version()'): version() elif inp == 'commands()': show_commands() elif inp == 'add()': add_item() read_json() elif inp == 'hits()': SearchHits.show_tag_list() elif inp.startswith("pymotw:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("go:"): cmd_google(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("go1:"): cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("imdb:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("amazon:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("youtube:"): cmd_youtube(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("wp:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("lib:") or inp.startswith("lib2:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("lib3:"): site = "" cmd_go1(inp[inp.find(':')+1:], site=site) elif inp.startswith("golib:"): site = "" lib = inp[inp.find(':')+1:] open_url(urljoin(site, lib)) elif inp.startswith("shorten:"): urlshortener.shorten_url(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("def:"): cmd_def(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp.startswith("pep:"): open_pep(inp[inp.find(':')+1:]) elif inp == 'pep()': open_pep(None) elif inp == 'show()': elif inp == 'numbers()': toggle_line_numbers() elif"^l([\d,-]+)\.(sh|py|py2|py3|cb|cb\(>\))$", inp): fname = key_to_file(last_key) selected_lines.process_selected_lines(inp, fname) elif inp == 'cd' or inp.startswith('cd '): change_dir(inp) elif inp == 'pwd()': print(os.getcwd()) elif inp == 'userpass()': username_password() elif inp == 'apps()': elif inp == 'k': os.system("konsole 2>/dev/null &") elif inp.startswith("filter:"): term = inp[inp.find(':')+1:] if last_key: perform_action(last_key, term) elif inp.startswith("app:"): val = inp[inp.find(':')+1:] if not val: else: # shortcuts elif inp == 'radio()':'radio') # disabled, always show the search hits #elif inp in tag2keys: # tag = inp # command(tag) elif'^\d+$', inp): try: index = int(inp) - 1 if index < 0: raise IndexError tag = SearchHits.hits[index].tag command(tag) except IndexError: print("out of range...") elif'^\d+\.(doc|action|tags|json|url|link|key|jet|edit)(\(\))?$', inp): try: pos = inp.find('.') index = int(inp[:pos]) - 1 what = inp[pos+1:].rstrip("()") if index < 0: raise IndexError hit = SearchHits.hits[index] hit.inspect(what) except IndexError: print("out of range...") elif'^this.(doc|action|tags|json|url|link|key|jet|edit)(\(\))?$', inp): try: if not last_key: raise NoLastKeyError pos = inp.find('.') what = inp[pos+1:].rstrip("()") hit = Hit(tag=None, key=last_key) hit.inspect(what) except NoLastKeyError: pass elif inp == 'pid()': pidcheck.pid_alert() elif inp == 'debug()': debug(None) elif inp == 'song()': print("Playing:", else: if len(inp) == 1: print("too short...") else: inp = inp.lower() SearchHits.show_hint(inp)