def add_grocery_item(trello_api, item): """Adds the given item to the grocery list (if it's not already present).""" # Get the current grocery list grocery_board_id = conf.get()['trello_grocery_board'] all_lists = trello_api.boards.get_list(grocery_board_id) grocery_list = [ x for x in all_lists if x['name'] == conf.get()['trello_grocery_list'] ][0] cards = trello_api.lists.get_card(grocery_list['id']) print "checking if that item is already on our list" for card in cards: if card['name'].startswith(item): qty = 2 print card['name'] matches = re.findall(r'\(\d+\)', card['name']) if matches: qty = int(matches[0].replace("(", "").replace(")", "")) qty += 1 print "increasing qty on '{0}' to '{1}'".format(item, qty)['id'], item + " (" + str(qty) + ")") return print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item)
def publish_barcode_opp(opp): client = TwilioRestClient(conf.get()["twilio_sid"], conf.get()["twilio_token"]) message = client.sms.messages.create( body="""Hi! Oscar here. You scanned a code I didn't recognize. Care to fill me in? {0}""".format(opp_url(opp)), to="+{0}".format(conf.get()["twilio_dest"]), from_="+{0}".format(conf.get()["twilio_src"]), )
def add_grocery_item(trello_api, item, photo_url): """Adds the given item to the grocery list (if it's not already present).""" # Get the current grocery list grocery_board_id = conf.get()['trello_grocery_board'] all_lists = trello_api.boards.get_list(grocery_board_id) grocery_list = [x for x in all_lists if x['name'] == conf.get()['trello_grocery_list']][0] cards = trello_api.lists.get_card(grocery_list['id']) print "checking if that item is already on our list" for card in cards: if card['name'].startswith(item): qty = 2 print card['name'] matches = re.findall(r'\(\d+\)', card['name']) if matches: qty = int(matches[0].replace("(","").replace(")","")) qty += 1 print u"increasing qty on '{0}' to '{1}'".format(item, qty)['id'], item + " (" + str(qty) + ")") return print u"Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) new_card_result = trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item) if photo_url:['id'],photo_url,item)
def send_via_twilio(msg): client = TwilioRestClient(conf.get()['twilio_sid'], conf.get()['twilio_token']) message = client.sms.messages.create( body=msg, to='+{0}'.format(conf.get()['twilio_dest']), from_='+{0}'.format(conf.get()['twilio_src']))
def send_via_email(msg, subject): to = conf.get()['email_dest'] gmail_user = conf.get()['gmail_user'] gmail_pwd = conf.get()['gmail_password'] smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP("",587) smtpserver.ehlo() smtpserver.starttls() smtpserver.ehlo smtpserver.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd) header = 'To:' + to + '\n' + 'From: ' + gmail_user + '\n' + 'Subject: ' + subject + ' \n'
def show(manual=False): check, send_time, granularity_level, sender_alias, receive, subject=conf.get("send", "check", "send_time", "granularity_level", "send_sender", "send_receive", "send_subject" ) if check=="1": hostname=conf.get("autocheck", "hostname")[0] hour, minute=send_time.split(":") check_dict={ "host_check": conf.get("host", "disk_interval", "cpu_interval", "memory_interval", "swap_interval"), "tomcat_check": conf.get("tomcat", "check", "tomcat_interval"), "redis_check": conf.get("redis", "check", "redis_interval"), "mysql_check": conf.get("mysql", "check", "mysql_interval"), "oracle_check": conf.get("oracle", "check", "oracle_interval"), "backup_check": conf.get("backup", "check")[0], "matching_check": conf.get("matching", "check", "matching_interval") } if manual: result=resource_show(hostname, check_dict, int(granularity_level), sender_alias, receive, subject) return result else: scheduler=BlockingScheduler() #scheduler.add_job(resource_show, 'date', args=[hostname, check_dict, int(granularity_level), sender_alias, receive, subject], run_date=("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), id='resource_show') scheduler.add_job(resource_show, 'cron', args=[hostname, check_dict, int(granularity_level), sender_alias, receive, subject], day_of_week='0-6', hour=int(hour), minute=int(minute), id='resource_show') scheduler.start()
def publish_barcode_opp(opp): message = '''Hi! Oscar here. You scanned a code I didn't recognize for a "{1}". Care to fill me in? {0}'''.format(opp_url(opp), opp['desc']) subject = '''Didn't Recognize Barcode''' if conf.get()['barcode_api'] == 'openfoodfacts': message = '''Hi! Oscar here. You scanned a code I didn't recognize for a "{1}". Care to fill me in? {0}. Add to ?'''.format(opp_url(opp), opp['desc']) communication_method = conf.get()['communication_method'] if communication_method == 'email': send_via_email(message, subject) else: send_via_twilio(message)
def add_grocery_item(trello_api, item): """Adds the given item to the grocery list (if it's not already present).""" # Get the current grocery list grocery_board_id = conf.get()['trello_grocery_board'] all_lists = trello_api.boards.get_list(grocery_board_id) grocery_list = [x for x in all_lists if x['name'] == conf.get()['trello_grocery_list']][0] cards = trello_api.lists.get_card(grocery_list['id']) card_names = [card['name'] for card in cards] # Add item if it's not there already if item not in card_names: print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item) else: print "Item '{0}' is already on the grocery list; not adding".format(item)
def add_grocery_item(trello_api, item): """Adds the given item to the grocery list (if it's not already present).""" # Get the current grocery list grocery_board_id = conf.get()['trello_grocery_board'] all_lists = trello_api.boards.get_list(grocery_board_id) grocery_list = [x for x in all_lists if x['name'] == conf.get()['trello_grocery_list']][0] cards = trello_api.lists.get_card(grocery_list['id']) card_names = [card['name'] for card in cards] # Add item if it's not there already if item not in card_names: print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item, None) else: print "Item '{0}' is already on the grocery list; not adding".format(item)
def send_via_email(msg, subject): to = conf.get()['email_dest'] mail_user = conf.get()['mail_user'] mail_pwd = conf.get()['mail_password'] smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(conf.get()['mail_server'],587) smtpserver.ehlo() smtpserver.starttls() smtpserver.ehlo smtpserver.login(mail_user, mail_pwd) header = 'To:' + to + '\n' + 'From: ' + mail_user + '\n' + 'Subject: ' + subject + ' \n' print '\nSending email...\n' message = header + '\n' + msg +'\n' smtpserver.sendmail(mail_user, to, message) print 'Email sent.' smtpserver.close()
def send_via_email(msg, subject): to = conf.get()['email_dest'] gmail_user = conf.get()['gmail_user'] gmail_pwd = conf.get()['gmail_password'] smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP("",587) smtpserver.ehlo() smtpserver.starttls() smtpserver.ehlo smtpserver.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd) header = 'To:' + to + '\n' + 'From: ' + gmail_user + '\n' + 'Subject: ' + subject + ' \n' print('\nSending email...\n') message = header + '\n ' + msg +' \n\n' smtpserver.sendmail(gmail_user, to, message) print('Email sent.') smtpserver.close()
def send_via_email(msg, subject): to = conf.get()['email_dest'] gmail_user = conf.get()['gmail_user'] gmail_pwd = conf.get()['gmail_password'] smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) smtpserver.ehlo() smtpserver.starttls() smtpserver.ehlo smtpserver.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd) header = 'To:' + to + '\n' + 'From: ' + gmail_user + '\n' + 'Subject: ' + subject + ' \n' print '\nSending email...\n' message = header + '\n ' + msg + ' \n\n' smtpserver.sendmail(gmail_user, to, message) print 'Email sent.' smtpserver.close()
def __init__(self): """ Use this for testing purposes. """ self.html = conf.get('HTML', 'simplePage').format(title='Services', h1='Services', message='')
def publish_barcode_opp(opp): message = '''Hi! Oscar here. You scanned a code I didn't recognize for a "{1}". Care to fill me in? {0}'''.format(opp_url(opp), opp['desc']) subject = '''Didn't Recognize Barcode''' communication_method = conf.get()['communication_method'] if communication_method == 'email': send_via_email(message, subject) else: send_via_twilio(message)
def notify_no_rule(desc, barcode): learn_opp = opp_url(create_barcode_opp(trello_db, barcode, desc)) message = '''Hi! Oscar here. You scanned a code I don't know what to do with barcode {1}: "{0}". Care to fill me in?'''.format(learn_opp, desc ) subject = '''No rules set for grocery item''' communication_method = conf.get()['communication_method'] if communication_method == 'email': send_via_email(message, subject) else: send_via_twilio(message)
def publish_barcode_opp(opp): message = '''Hi! Oscar here. You scanned a code I didn't recognize for a "{1}". Care to fill me in? {0}'''.format( opp_url(opp), opp['desc']) subject = '''Didn't Recognize Barcode''' communication_method = conf.get()['communication_method'] if communication_method == 'email': send_via_email(message, subject) else: send_via_twilio(message)
def publish_barcode_opp(opp): message = '''Hi!\n\nOscar here. You scanned a code ({1}) I didn't recognize.\nCare to fill me in?\n{0}'''.format(opp_url(opp), opp['barcode']) subject = '''Didn't Recognize Barcode''' communication_method = conf.get()['communication_method'] if communication_method == 'email': send_via_email(message, subject) elif communication_method == 'debug': print message else: send_via_twilio(message)
def publish_barcode_opp(opp): message = '''Hi!\n\nOscar here. You scanned a code ({1}) I didn't recognize.\nCare to fill me in?\n{0}'''.format( opp_url(opp), opp['barcode']) subject = '''Didn't Recognize Barcode''' communication_method = conf.get()['communication_method'] if communication_method == 'email': send_via_email(message, subject) elif communication_method == 'debug': print message else: send_via_twilio(message)
def publish_barcode_opp(opp): print("publish barcode opportunity") message = '''Hi! Oliver here. You scanned a code I didn't recognize. Care to fill me in? {0}'''.format(opp_url(opp)) subject = '''Didn't Recognize Barcode''' communication_method = conf.get()['communication_method'] if communication_method == 'email': print("sending email") send_via_email(message, subject) else: print("send phone message") send_via_twilio(message)
def clean(): log_file, log_level = log.get_log_args() logger = log.Logger(log_file, log_level)"清理程序启动...") keep_days = conf.get("autocheck", "keep_days")[0] scheduler = BlockingScheduler() scheduler.add_job(clean_data, 'cron', args=[logger, int(keep_days)], day_of_week='0-6', hour=1, minute=10, id=f'clean') scheduler.start()
def opp_url(opp): return '{0}/learn-barcode/{1}'.format(conf.get()['base_url'], opp['opp_id'])
# Get the current grocery list grocery_board_id = conf.get()["trello_grocery_board"] all_lists = trello_api.boards.get_list(grocery_board_id) grocery_list = [x for x in all_lists if x["name"] == conf.get()["trello_grocery_list"]][0] cards = trello_api.lists.get_card(grocery_list["id"]) card_names = [card["name"] for card in cards] # Add item if it's not there already if item not in card_names: print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list["id"], item) else: print "Item '{0}' is already on the grocery list; not adding".format(item) trello_api = trello.TrelloApi(conf.get()["trello_app_key"]) trello_api.set_token(conf.get()["trello_token"]) trello_db = trellodb.TrelloDB(trello_api, conf.get()["trello_db_board"]) f = open(conf.get()["scanner_device"], "rb") while True: print "Waiting for scanner data" # Wait for binary data from the scanner and then read it scan_complete = False scanner_data = "" while True: rlist, _wlist, _elist =[f], [], [], 0.1) if rlist != []: new_data = "" while not new_data.endswith("\x01\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00"):
def send_via_twilio(msg): client = TwilioRestClient(conf.get()['twilio_sid'], conf.get()['twilio_token']) message = client.sms.messages.create(body=msg, to='+{0}'.format(conf.get()['twilio_dest']), from_='+{0}'.format(conf.get()['twilio_src']))
def analysis(): log_file, log_level=log.get_log_args() logger=log.Logger(log_file, log_level)"开始分析资源信息...") sender_alias, receive, subject=conf.get("mail", "sender", "receive", "subject" ) warning_percent, warning_interval, analysis_interval=conf.get("autocheck", "warning_percent", "warning_interval", "analysis_interval" ) disk_interval, cpu_interval, memory_interval=conf.get("host", "disk_interval", "cpu_interval", "memory_interval" ) min_value=5 warning_percent=float(warning_percent) warning_interval=int(warning_interval) analysis_interval=int(analysis_interval) disk_interval=int(disk_interval)+analysis_interval cpu_interval=int(cpu_interval)+analysis_interval memory_interval=int(memory_interval)+analysis_interval max_threads=20 executors = { "default": ThreadPoolExecutor(max_threads) } job_defaults = { "coalesce": True, "max_instances": 1, "misfire_grace_time": 3, } scheduler=BlockingScheduler(job_defaults=job_defaults, executors=executors) # host资源记录"开始分析主机资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(host.disk_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, warning_percent, warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=disk_interval, id='disk_ana') scheduler.add_job(host.cpu_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, warning_percent, warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=cpu_interval, id='cpu_ana') scheduler.add_job(host.memory_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, warning_percent, warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=memory_interval, id='mem_ana') # users_limit"开始分析用户资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(user_resource.analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, 0, sender_alias, receive, subject],, minutes=65, id=f'user_limit_ana') # tomcat资源 tomcat_check=conf.get("tomcat", "check")[0] if tomcat_check=='1': tomcat_interval=conf.get("tomcat", "tomcat_interval")[0] tomcat_interval=int(tomcat_interval)+analysis_interval"开始分析Tomcat资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(tomcat.running_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=tomcat_interval, id='tomcat_run_ana') scheduler.add_job(tomcat.jvm_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=tomcat_interval, id='tomcat_jvm_ana') # redis资源 redis_check=conf.get("redis", "check")[0] if redis_check=="1": redis_interval=conf.get("redis", "redis_interval")[0] redis_interval=int(redis_interval)+analysis_interval"开始分析Redis资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(redis.running_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=redis_interval, id='redis_run_ana') scheduler.add_job(redis.master_slave_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=redis_interval, id='redis_slave_ana') # 记录mysql mysql_check=conf.get("mysql", "check")[0] if mysql_check=="1": mysql_interval, seconds_behind_master=conf.get("mysql", "mysql_interval", "seconds_behind_master") mysql_interval=int(mysql_interval)+analysis_interval"开始分析MySQL资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(mysql.running_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=mysql_interval, id='mysql_run_ana') scheduler.add_job(mysql.master_slave_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, int(seconds_behind_master), warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=mysql_interval, id='mysql_slave_ana') # 记录Oracle oracle_check=conf.get("oracle", "check")[0] if oracle_check=="1": oracle_interval=conf.get("oracle", "oracle_interval")[0] oracle_interval=int(oracle_interval)+analysis_interval"开始分析Oracle信息...") scheduler.add_job(oracle.tablespace_analysis, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, warning_percent, warning_interval, sender_alias, receive, subject], seconds=oracle_interval, id='oracle_tablespace_ana') # backup backup_check, backup_dir, backup_cron_time=conf.get("backup", "check", "dir", "cron_time" ) if backup_check=="1": dir_list=[] for i in backup_dir.split(","): dir_list.append(i.strip()) cron_time_list=[] for i in backup_cron_time.split(","): cron_time_list.append(i.strip()) for i in range(len(dir_list)): directory=dir_list[i] cron_time=cron_time_list[i].split(":") hour=cron_time[0].strip() minute=cron_time[1].strip() scheduler.add_job(backup.analysis, 'cron', args=[log_file, log_level, directory, 0, sender_alias, receive, subject], day_of_week='0-6', hour=int(hour), minute=int(minute)+1, id=f'backup{i}_ana') scheduler.start()
class Form(object): """ Handler for /services/rest/form/ endpoint. Include form name as /services/rest/form/{name} . This has been set in CherryPy config to return HTML instead of JSON, for thank you page. This might need to be setup differently for Analytics to be JSON if required. Todo: set accept content in etc as JSON instead of www form encode? """ exposed = True # Read HTML templates from conf. dataOut = conf.get('HTML', 'dataOut') simplePage = conf.get('HTML', 'simplePage') def GET(self, name=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Not used. """ return name def POST(self, name=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Insert data in the database and return either thank you message or received data. Todo: raise error or error page for missing or invalid data which is not covered by basic setup. Though validation can also happen on the form frontend side. Raise error if data could not inserted into inserted into db. Rethink user creation and possibly user ID from session, so user ID is not hardcoded. Unless user ID can be set fixed True/False in config and also database drop all to be reset. And actual test user id and username in initialise can be set in config. Possibly set user id in cherrypy.request.header with a tool so that it is passed on all requests and can be read along with data. Ask user to login/register otherwise. @param name: The name of the area to be tracked. Default to None. @keyword args: Values after the name in the URL as list. @keyword kwargs: Form field names and values as a dictionary. """ # Remove timestamp from data if present and add to timestamp column, # otherwise use column's default value of now. datetimeStr = kwargs.pop('timestamp', None) if datetimeStr: datetimeFormat = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M' timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(datetimeStr, datetimeFormat) entry = db.JSONData(userID=1, area=name, data=kwargs, timestamp=timestamp) else: entry = db.JSONData(userID=1, area=name, data=kwargs) #return self.dataOut.format(data=str(entry).replace('<','<')\ # .replace('>','>')) #dataStr = json.dumps(, indent=4) #return self.dataOut.format(data=dataStr) # Return HTML response as either data or simple page. thankYouData = conf.getboolean('Form', 'thankYouData') if thankYouData: dataDict = {'name': name, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs} dataStr = json.dumps(dataDict, indent=4) resp = self.dataOut.format(data=dataStr) else: resp = self.simplePage.format( title='Thank You', h1='Thank You', message='Your results have been submitted.') return resp
def send(logger, mail_body, sender_alias, receive, subject, msg=None, attachment_file=None): db = database.db() hostname = conf.get("autocheck", "hostname")[0] try: """网易企业邮箱, 巨坑.... 1.授权码必须手动指定, 不能自动生成 2.企业邮箱的smtp是单独的, 不是统一的 3.登录不能有二次验证(短信等) """ sender = "*****@*****.**" password = "******" smtp_server = "" smtp_port = 25 message = MIMEMultipart('related') message['From'] = formataddr([sender_alias, sender]) receive_list = [] for i in receive.split(","): receive_list.append(i.strip()) message['To'] = ','.join(receive_list) message['Subject'] = subject #mail_body=f"预警信息:\n{mail_body}\n\n详细巡检信息请查看附件." #cmd='top -b -n 1 -o %MEM | head -n 15' #status, top_msg=subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) #mail_body=f"主机负载简图:\n{top_msg}\n\n\n{'*'*80}\n\n\n{mail_body}" mail_body = f"主机: {hostname}\n{mail_body}" message.attach(MIMEText(mail_body, "plain", "utf-8")) # 构造附件 flag = 0 if attachment_file is not None: flag = 1 attach = MIMEApplication(open(attachment_file, 'rb').read()) attach.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename='资源统计报告.tar.gz') message.attach(attach) mail_server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port) mail_server.login(sender, password) # 登录邮箱 mail_server.sendmail(sender, receive_list, message.as_string()) # 发送邮件 mail_server.quit() if flag == 0:"发送{msg}相关预警邮件") elif flag == 1:"发送资源统计邮件") except Exception as e: logger.logger.error(f"邮件发送失败: {e}") msg = "发送失败" record_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql = "insert into mail values(?, ?, ?, ?)" db.update_one(sql, (record_time, sender_alias, receive, msg))
return print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item) #card_names = [card['name'] for card in cards] # Add item if it's not there already #if item not in card_names: #print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) #trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item) #else: #print "Item '{0}' is already on the grocery list; not adding".format(item) trello_api = trello.TrelloApi(conf.get()['trello_app_key']) trello_api.set_token(conf.get()['trello_token']) trello_db = trellodb.TrelloDB(trello_api, conf.get()['trello_db_board']) f = open(conf.get()['scanner_device'], 'rb') while True: print 'Waiting for scanner data' # Wait for binary data from the scanner and then read it scan_complete = False scanner_data = '' while True: rlist, _wlist, _elist =[f], [], [], 0.1) if rlist != []: new_data = '' while not new_data.endswith('\x01\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00'):
def record(): log_file, log_level = log.get_log_args() logger = log.Logger(log_file, log_level)"开始采集资源信息...") max_threads = 50 executors = {"default": ThreadPoolExecutor(max_threads)} job_defaults = { "coalesce": True, "max_instances": 1, "misfire_grace_time": 3, } scheduler = BlockingScheduler(job_defaults=job_defaults, executors=executors) min_value = 10 # host资源记录"开始采集主机资源信息...") disk_interval, cpu_interval, memory_interval, swap_interval, users_limit = conf.get( "host", "disk_interval", "cpu_interval", "memory_interval", "swap_interval", "users_limit") if int(disk_interval) < min_value: disk_interval = min_value if int(cpu_interval) < min_value: cpu_interval = min_value if int(memory_interval) < min_value: memory_interval = min_value if int(swap_interval) < min_value: swap_interval = min_value"开始采集磁盘资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(host.disk_record, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level], seconds=int(disk_interval), id='disk_record')"开始采集CPU资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(host.cpu_record, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level], seconds=int(cpu_interval), id='cpu_record')"开始采集内存资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(host.memory_record, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level], seconds=int(memory_interval), id='memory_record')"开始采集Swap资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(host.swap_record, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level], seconds=int(swap_interval), id='swap_record')"开始采集启动时间资源信息...") #scheduler.add_job(host.boot_time_record, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level], seconds=int(boot_time_interval), id='boot_time_record') host.boot_time_record(log_file, log_level) # 用户资源限制"开始记录用户限制信息...") if users_limit is not None: users_limit_list = [] for i in users_limit.split(","): users_limit_list.append(i.strip()) for user in users_limit_list: scheduler.add_job(user_resource.record, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, user], + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5), minutes=60, id=f'{user}_limit') # tomcat资源 tomcat_check, tomcat_interval, tomcat_port = conf.get( "tomcat", "check", "tomcat_interval", "tomcat_port", ) if tomcat_check == '1':"开始采集Tomcat资源信息...") tomcat_port_list = [] # 将tomcat_port参数改为列表 for i in tomcat_port.split(","): tomcat_port_list.append(i.strip()) if int(tomcat_interval) < min_value: tomcat_interval = min_value scheduler.add_job(tomcat.record, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, tomcat_port_list], seconds=int(tomcat_interval), id='tomcat_record') # redis资源 redis_check, redis_interval, redis_password, redis_port, sentinel_port, sentinel_name, commands = conf.get( "redis", "check", "redis_interval", "password", "redis_port", "sentinel_port", "sentinel_name", "commands") if redis_check == "1": if int(redis_interval) < min_value: redis_interval = min_value"开始采集Redis资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(redis.record, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, redis_password, redis_port, sentinel_port, sentinel_name, commands], \ seconds=int(redis_interval), id='redis_record') # backup backup_check, backup_dir, backup_regular, backup_cron_time = conf.get( "backup", "check", "dir", "regular", "cron_time") if backup_check == "1":"开始记录备份信息...") dir_list = [] for i in backup_dir.split(","): dir_list.append(i.strip()) regular_list = [] for i in backup_regular.split(","): regular_list.append(i.strip()) cron_time_list = [] for i in backup_cron_time.split(","): cron_time_list.append(i.strip()) for i in range(len(dir_list)): directory = dir_list[i] regular = regular_list[i] cron_time = cron_time_list[i].split(":") hour = cron_time[0].strip() minute = cron_time[1].strip() scheduler.add_job(backup.record, 'cron', args=[log_file, log_level, directory, regular],, day_of_week='0-6', hour=int(hour), minute=int(minute), id=f'backup{i}') # 记录mysql mysql_check, mysql_interval, mysql_user, mysql_ip, mysql_port, mysql_password = conf.get( "mysql", "check", "mysql_interval", "mysql_user", "mysql_ip", "mysql_port", "mysql_password") if mysql_check == "1": if int(mysql_interval) < min_value: mysql_interval = min_value"开始采集MySQL资源信息...") scheduler.add_job(mysql.record, 'interval', args=[ log_file, log_level, mysql_user, mysql_ip, mysql_password, mysql_port ], seconds=int(mysql_interval), id='mysql_record') # 记录Oracle oracle_check, oracle_interval = conf.get("oracle", "check", "oracle_interval") if oracle_check == "1": if int(oracle_interval) < min_value: oracle_interval = min_value"开始记录Oracle信息...") scheduler.add_job(oracle.record, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level], seconds=int(oracle_interval), id='oracle_record') # 记录并分析匹配 matching_check, matching_files, matching_keys, matching_interal = conf.get( "matching", "check", "matching_files", "matching_keys", "matching_interval") if matching_check == "1": matching_min_value = 1 if int(matching_interal) < matching_min_value: matching_check = matching_min_value"开始采集匹配信息...") matching_dict = dict( zip([x.strip() for x in matching_files.split(",")], [x.strip() for x in matching_keys.split(",")])) record_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") db = database.db() for matching_file in matching_dict: if os.path.exists(matching_file): sql = "insert into matching values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" filesize = os.stat(matching_file)[6] db.update_one(sql, (record_time, matching_file, matching_dict[matching_file], "all", filesize)) else: logger.logger.error( f"Error: [matching]配置中文件{matching_file}不存在") matching_dict.pop(matching_file) scheduler.add_job(matching.matching_records, 'interval', args=[log_file, log_level, matching_dict], seconds=int(matching_interal), id=f'matching') scheduler.start()
grocery_list = [ x for x in all_lists if x['name'] == conf.get()['trello_grocery_list'] ][0] cards = trello_api.lists.get_card(grocery_list['id']) card_names = [card['name'] for card in cards] # Add item if it's not there already if item not in card_names: print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item) else: print "Item '{0}' is already on the grocery list; not adding".format( item) trello_api = trello.TrelloApi(conf.get()['trello_app_key']) trello_api.set_token(conf.get()['trello_token']) trello_db = trellodb.TrelloDB(trello_api, conf.get()['trello_db_board']) f = open(conf.get()['scanner_device'], 'rb') while True: print 'Waiting for scanner data' # Wait for binary data from the scanner and then read it scan_complete = False scanner_data = '' while True: rlist, _wlist, _elist =[f], [], [], 0.1) if rlist != []: new_data = '' while not new_data.endswith('\x01\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00'):
def resource_show(hostname, check_dict, granularity_level, sender_alias, receive, subject): log_file, log_level = log.get_log_args() logger = log.Logger(log_file, log_level) db = database.db() now_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") modifier = "-24 hour" message = "" # 重置统计文件 report_dir = "report" shutil.rmtree(report_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(report_dir, exist_ok=True)"统计资源记录信息...") printf(f"统计开始时间: {now_time}") printf(f"主机名: {hostname}") printf("-" * 100) # 系统启动时间 sql = "select boot_time from boot_time order by record_time desc" boot_time = db.query_one(sql)[0] printf(f"系统启动时间: {boot_time}") printf("*" * 100) # 磁盘"统计Disk记录信息...") printf("磁盘统计:") sql = "select distinct mounted from disk" disk_names = db.query_all(sql) disk_granularity_level = int(60 / int(check_dict['host_check'][0]) * granularity_level) disk_granularity_level = disk_granularity_level if disk_granularity_level != 0 else 1 for i in disk_names: i = i[0] table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "挂载点", "磁盘名称", "磁盘大小", "已使用大小", "已使用百分比", "可用"]) sql=f"select record_time, name, total, used, used_percent, avail from disk "\ f"where mounted=? "\ f"and record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" disk_data = db.query_all(sql, (i, )) for index, item in enumerate(disk_data): if index % disk_granularity_level == 0 or index == 0: total = format_size(item[2]) used = format_size(item[3]) used_percent = f"{item[4]}%" avail = format_size(item[5]) table.add_row( (item[0], i, item[1], total, used, used_percent, avail)) printf(f"{i}磁盘统计:") printf(table) printf("*" * 100) # CPU"统计CPU记录信息...") printf("CPU统计:") cpu_granularity_level = int(60 / int(check_dict['host_check'][1]) * granularity_level) cpu_granularity_level = cpu_granularity_level if cpu_granularity_level != 0 else 1 table = pt.PrettyTable(["记录时间", "CPU核心数", "CPU使用率"]) sql=f"select record_time, cpu_count, cpu_used_percent from cpu "\ f"where record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" cpu_data = db.query_all(sql) for index, item in enumerate(cpu_data): if index % cpu_granularity_level == 0 or index == 0: used_percent = f"{item[2]}%" table.add_row((item[0], item[1], used_percent)) printf(table) printf("*" * 100) # MEM"统计Mem记录信息...") printf("内存统计:") mem_granularity_level = int(60 / int(check_dict['host_check'][2]) * granularity_level) mem_granularity_level = mem_granularity_level if mem_granularity_level != 0 else 1 table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "内存大小", "可用(avail)", "已使用", "已使用百分比", "剩余(free)"]) sql=f"select record_time, total, avail, used, used_percent, free from memory "\ f"where record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" mem_data = db.query_all(sql) for index, item in enumerate(mem_data): if index % mem_granularity_level == 0 or index == 0: total = format_size(item[1]) avail = format_size(item[2]) used = format_size(item[3]) used_percent = f"{item[4]}%" free = format_size(item[5]) table.add_row((item[0], total, avail, used, used_percent, free)) printf(table) printf("*" * 100) # Swap"统计Swap记录信息...") printf("Swap统计:") swap_granularity_level = int(60 / int(check_dict['host_check'][3]) * granularity_level) swap_granularity_level = swap_granularity_level if swap_granularity_level != 0 else 1 table = pt.PrettyTable(["记录时间", "Swap大小", "已使用", "已使用百分比", "剩余"]) sql=f"select record_time, total, used, used_percent, free from swap "\ f"where record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" swap_data = db.query_all(sql) for index, item in enumerate(swap_data): if index % swap_granularity_level == 0 or index == 0: total = format_size(item[1]) used = format_size(item[2]) used_percent = f"{item[3]}%" free = format_size(item[4]) table.add_row((item[0], total, used, used_percent, free)) printf(table) printf("*" * 100) # Tomcat if check_dict["tomcat_check"][0] == "1":"统计Tomcat记录信息...") printf("Tomcat统计:") tomcat_granularity_level = int( 60 / int(check_dict['tomcat_check'][1]) * granularity_level) tomcat_granularity_level = tomcat_granularity_level if tomcat_granularity_level != 0 else 1 version = db.query_one("select version from tomcat_java_version")[0] printf(f"Java版本: {version}") printf("*" * 100) #sql="select distinct port from tomcat_constant" #tomcat_ports=db.query_all(sql) tomcat_ports = conf.get("tomcat", "tomcat_port")[0].split(",") tomcat_constant_data = [] for i in tomcat_ports: port = int(i.strip()) constant_sql=f"select record_time, pid, port, boot_time, cmdline from tomcat_constant "\ f"where port=? "\ f"and '{now_time}' >= record_time "\ f"order by record_time desc" variable_sql=f"select record_time, pid, men_used, mem_used_percent, connections, threads_num from tomcat_variable "\ f"where port=? "\ f"and record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" if version == "8": jvm_sql=f"select record_time, S0, S1, E, O, M, CCS, YGC, YGCT, FGC, FGCT, GCT from tomcat_jstat8 "\ f"where port=? "\ f"and record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" jvm_table = pt.PrettyTable([ "记录时间", "S0", "S1", "E", "O", "M", "CCS", "YGC", "YGCT", "FGC", "FGCT", "GCT" ]) elif version == "7": jvm_sql=f"select record_time, S0, S1, E, O, P, YGC, YGCT, FGC, FGCT, GCT from tomcat_jstat7 "\ f"where port=? "\ f"and record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" jvm_table = pt.PrettyTable([ "记录时间", "S0", "S1", "E", "O", "P", "YGC", "YGCT", "FGC", "FGCT", "GCT" ]) constant_table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "Pid", "端口", "启动时间", "启动参数"]) tomcat_constant_data = (db.query_one(constant_sql, (port, ))) constant_table.add_row(tomcat_constant_data) variable_table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "Pid", "内存使用", "内存使用率", "连接数", "线程数"]) tomcat_variable_data = (db.query_all(variable_sql, (port, ))) for index, item in enumerate(tomcat_variable_data): if index % tomcat_granularity_level == 0 or index == 0: mem_used = format_size(item[2]) mem_used_percent = f"{item[3]:.2f}%" variable_table.add_row( (item[0], item[1], mem_used, mem_used_percent, item[4], item[5])) tomcat_jvm_data = (db.query_all(jvm_sql, (port, ))) for index, item in enumerate(tomcat_jvm_data): if index % tomcat_granularity_level == 0 or index == 0: jvm_table.add_row(item) printf(f"Tomcat({port})统计信息:") printf("启动信息:") printf(constant_table) printf("运行信息:") printf(variable_table) printf("Jvm内存信息:") printf(jvm_table) printf("*" * 100) # Redis if check_dict["redis_check"][0] == "1":"统计Redis记录信息...") printf("Redis统计:") redis_granularity_level = int(60 / int(check_dict['redis_check'][1]) * granularity_level) redis_granularity_level = redis_granularity_level if redis_granularity_level != 0 else 1 printf("*" * 100) constant_sql=f"select record_time, pid, port, boot_time from redis_constant "\ f"where '{now_time}' >= record_time "\ f"order by record_time desc" variable_sql=f"select record_time, pid, mem_used, mem_used_percent, connections, threads_num from redis_variable "\ f"where record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" # 启动信息 constant_table = pt.PrettyTable(["记录时间", "Pid", "端口", "启动时间"]) constant_data = (db.query_one(constant_sql)) constant_table.add_row(constant_data) # 运行信息 variable_table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "Pid", "内存使用", "内存使用率", "连接数", "线程数"]) variable_data = (db.query_all(variable_sql)) for index, item in enumerate(variable_data): if index % tomcat_granularity_level == 0 or index == 0: mem_used = format_size(item[2]) mem_used_percent = f"{item[3]:.2f}%" variable_table.add_row((item[0], item[1], mem_used, mem_used_percent, item[4], item[5])) # master_slave信息 role = db.query_one("select role from redis_role")[0] if role == "master": master_slave_sql = "select a.record_time, connected_slave, slave_ip, slave_port, slave_state from redis_master a ,redis_slaves_info b on a.record_time=b.record_time where a.record_time=(select max(record_time) from redis_master)" master_slave_table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "Slave数量", "Slave IP", "Slave端口", "Slave状态"]) master_slave_data = (db.query_all(master_slave_sql)) for i in master_slave_data: master_slave_table.add_row(i) elif role == "slave": master_slave_sql = "select record_time, pid, master_host, master_port, master_link_status from redis_slave order by record_time desc" master_slave_table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "Pid", "master主机", "master端口", "与master连接状态"]) master_slave_data = (db.query_one(master_slave_sql)) master_slave_table.add_row(master_slave_data) # sentinel监控信息 sentinel_sql = "select a.record_time, role, host, a.port from redis_sentinel a, redis_constant b on a.record_time=b.record_time where b.record_time=(select max(record_time) from redis_constant)" sentinel_table = pt.PrettyTable(["记录时间", "角色", "IP", "端口"]) sentinel_data = (db.query_all(sentinel_sql)) for i in sentinel_data: sentinel_table.add_row(i) printf("启动信息:") printf(constant_table) printf("运行信息:") printf(variable_table) printf("集群信息:") printf(f"当前角色: {role}") printf(master_slave_table) printf("Sentinel监控信息:") printf(sentinel_table) printf("*" * 100) # backup if check_dict["backup_check"] == "1":"统计备份记录信息...") printf("备份统计:") backup_dirs = conf.get("backup", "dir")[0].split(",") for i in backup_dirs: directory = i.strip() table = pt.PrettyTable(["记录时间", "备份文件", "大小", "创建时间"]) sql=f"select record_time, filename, size, ctime from backup "\ f"where directory=?"\ f"order by ctime" backup_data = db.query_all(sql, (directory, )) for j in backup_data: if j[2] is not None: size = format_size(j[2]) table.add_row((j[0], j[1], size, j[3])) printf(f"备份({directory})统计信息:") printf(table) printf("*" * 100) # MySQL if check_dict["mysql_check"][0] == "1":"统计MySQL记录信息...") printf("MySQL统计:") mysql_granularity_level = int(60 / int(check_dict['mysql_check'][1]) * granularity_level) mysql_granularity_level = mysql_granularity_level if mysql_granularity_level != 0 else 1 printf("*" * 100) constant_sql=f"select record_time, pid, port, boot_time from mysql_constant "\ f"where '{now_time}' >= record_time "\ f"order by record_time desc" variable_sql=f"select record_time, pid, mem_used, mem_used_percent, connections, threads_num from mysql_variable "\ f"where record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" # 启动信息 constant_table = pt.PrettyTable(["记录时间", "Pid", "端口", "启动时间"]) constant_data = (db.query_one(constant_sql)) constant_table.add_row(constant_data) # 运行信息 variable_table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "Pid", "内存使用", "内存使用率", "连接数", "线程数"]) variable_data = (db.query_all(variable_sql)) for index, item in enumerate(variable_data): if index % mysql_granularity_level == 0 or index == 0: mem_used = format_size(item[2]) mem_used_percent = f"{item[3]:.2f}%" variable_table.add_row((item[0], item[1], mem_used, mem_used_percent, item[4], item[5])) # master_slave信息 role = db.query_one("select role from mysql_role")[0] if role == "master": master_slave_sql = "select record_time, pid, slave_num, binlog_do_db, binlog_ignore_db from mysql_master order by record_time desc" master_slave_table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "Pid", "Slave数量", "Binlog_do_db", "Binlog_ignore_db"]) elif role == "slave": master_slave_sql="select record_time, pid, master_host, master_port, replicate_do_db, replicate_ignore_db, "\ "slave_io_thread, slave_io_state, slave_sql_thread, slave_sql_state, "\ "master_uuid, retrieved_gtid_set, executed_gtid_set, seconds_behind_master "\ "from mysql_slave order by record_time desc" master_slave_table = pt.PrettyTable([ "记录时间", "Pid", "Master主机", "Master端口", "同步数据库", "非同步数据库", "Slave_IO线程", "Slave_IO状态", "Slave_SQL线程", "Slave_SQL状态", "Master_UUID", "已接收的GTID集合", "已执行的GTID集合", "Slave落后Master的秒数" ]) master_slave_data = (db.query_one(master_slave_sql)) if master_slave_data is not None: master_slave_table.add_row(master_slave_data) printf("启动信息:") printf(constant_table) printf("运行信息:") printf(variable_table) printf("集群信息:") printf(f"当前角色: {role}") printf(master_slave_table) printf("*" * 100) # 慢日志 printf("慢日志信息:") mysql_user, mysql_ip, mysql_port, mysql_password = conf.get( "mysql", "mysql_user", "mysql_ip", "mysql_port", "mysql_password") mysql_flag, msg = mysql.export_slow_log( logger, mysql_user, mysql_ip, mysql_password, mysql_port, f"{report_dir}/slow_analysis.log", f"{report_dir}/slow.log") if mysql_flag == 1: message = f"该附件存在MySQL慢日志" printf(msg) printf("*" * 100) # Oracle表空间 if check_dict["oracle_check"][0] == "1":"统计Oracle表空间记录信息...") printf("Oracle表空间统计:") oracle_granularity_level = int( 60 / int(check_dict['oracle_check'][1]) * granularity_level) oracle_granularity_level = oracle_granularity_level if oracle_granularity_level != 0 else 1 sql = "select distinct tablespace_name from oracle" tablespace_names = db.query_all(sql) for i in tablespace_names: i = i[0] table = pt.PrettyTable( ["记录时间", "表空间名称", "表空间大小", "已使用", "已使用百分比", "可用"]) sql=f"select record_time, size, used, used_percent, free from oracle "\ f"where tablespace_name=? "\ f"and record_time > datetime('{now_time}', '{modifier}') "\ f"order by record_time" tablespace_data = db.query_all(sql, (i, )) for index, item in enumerate(tablespace_data): if index % oracle_granularity_level == 0 or index == 0: total = format_size(item[1]) used = format_size(item[2]) used_percent = f"{item[3]}%" free = format_size(item[4]) table.add_row( (item[0], i, total, used, used_percent, free)) printf(f"{i}表空间统计:") printf(table) printf("*" * 100) # war"生成awr报告...") printf("awr报告信息:") awr_hours = conf.get("oracle", "awr_hours")[0] if oracle.generate_awr(int(awr_hours), report_dir) == 0: printf("请在附件中查看awr.html文件") else: printf("生成awr报告失败, 请自行手动生成")"统计资源结束...") printf("-" * 100) end_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") printf(f"统计结束时间: {end_time}") tar_file = tar_report(logger, report_dir) sender_alias, receive, subject = conf.get("mail", "sender", "receive", "subject") warning_msg = f"\n请查看统计报告.\n\n{message}" mail.send(logger, warning_msg, sender_alias, receive, subject, msg="report", attachment_file=tar_file)
print u"Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) new_card_result = trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item) if photo_url:['id'],photo_url,item) #card_names = [card['name'] for card in cards] # Add item if it's not there already #if item not in card_names: #print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) #trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item) #else: #print "Item '{0}' is already on the grocery list; not adding".format(item) trello_api = trello.TrelloApi(conf.get()['trello_app_key']) trello_api.set_token(conf.get()['trello_token']) trello_db = trellodb.TrelloDB(trello_api, conf.get()['trello_db_board']) f = open(conf.get()['scanner_device'], 'rb') while True: print 'Waiting for scanner data' # Wait for binary data from the scanner and then read it scan_complete = False scanner_data = '' while True: rlist, _wlist, _elist =[f], [], [], 0.1) if rlist != []: new_data = '' while not new_data.endswith('\x01\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00'):
grocery_list = [ x for x in all_lists if x['name'] == conf.get()['trello_grocery_list'] ][0] cards = trello_api.lists.get_card(grocery_list['id']) card_names = [card['name'] for card in cards] # Add item if it's not there already if item not in card_names: print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item) else: print "Item '{0}' is already on the grocery list; not adding".format( item) trello_api = trello.TrelloApi(conf.get()['trello_app_key']) trello_api.set_token(conf.get()['trello_token']) trello_db = trellodb.TrelloDB(trello_api, conf.get()['trello_db_board']) devicePath = conf.get()['scanner_device'] print "devicePath" print devicePath # f = open(conf.get()['scanner_device'], 'rb') while True: print 'Waiting for scanner data from: '.format(devicePath) '''# Wait for binary data from the scanner and then read it scan_complete = False scanner_data = '' while True: rlist, _wlist, _elist =[f], [], [], 0.1) if rlist != []:
# Get the current grocery list grocery_board_id = conf.get()['trello_grocery_board'] all_lists = trello_api.boards.get_list(grocery_board_id) grocery_list = [x for x in all_lists if x['name'] == conf.get()['trello_grocery_list']][0] cards = trello_api.lists.get_card(grocery_list['id']) card_names = [card['name'] for card in cards] # Add item if it's not there already if item not in card_names: print "Adding '{0}' to grocery list".format(item) trello_api.lists.new_card(grocery_list['id'], item) else: print "Item '{0}' is already on the grocery list; not adding".format(item) trello_api = trello.TrelloApi(conf.get()['trello_app_key']) trello_api.set_token(conf.get()['trello_token']) trello_db = trellodb.TrelloDB(trello_api, conf.get()['trello_db_board']) f = open(conf.get()['scanner_device'], 'rb') while True: print 'Waiting for scanner data' # Wait for binary data from the scanner and then read it scan_complete = False scanner_data = '' while True: rlist, _wlist, _elist =[f], [], [], 0.1) if rlist != []: new_data = '' while not new_data.endswith('\x01\x00\x1c\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00'):