def sort_face_yaw(self): """ Sort by estimated face yaw angle """"Sorting by estimated face yaw angle..") self._loader = FacesLoader( self._args.input_dir) # TODO This should be set in init filenames = [] yaws = [] for filename, image, metadata in tqdm(self._loader.load(), desc="Classifying Faces...", total=self._loader.count, leave=False): if not metadata: msg = ( "The images to be sorted do not contain alignment data. Images must have " "been generated by Faceswap's Extract process.\nIf you are sorting an " "older faceset, then you should re-extract the faces from your source " "alignments file to generate this data.") raise FaceswapError(msg) alignments = metadata["alignments"] aligned_face = AlignedFace(np.array(alignments["landmarks_xy"], dtype="float32"), image=image, centering="legacy", is_aligned=True) filenames.append(filename) yaws.append(aligned_face.pose.yaw)"Sorting...") matched_list = list(zip(filenames, yaws)) img_list = sorted(matched_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return img_list
def sort_face(self): """ Sort by identity similarity """"Sorting by identity similarity...") self._loader = FacesLoader( self._args.input_dir) # TODO This should be set in init filenames = [] preds = [] for filename, image, metadata in tqdm(self._loader.load(), desc="Classifying Faces...", total=self._loader.count, leave=False): if not metadata: msg = ( "The images to be sorted do not contain alignment data. Images must have " "been generated by Faceswap's Extract process.\nIf you are sorting an " "older faceset, then you should re-extract the faces from your source " "alignments file to generate this data.") raise FaceswapError(msg) alignments = metadata["alignments"] face = AlignedFace(np.array(alignments["landmarks_xy"], dtype="float32"), image=image, centering="legacy", size=self._vgg_face.input_size, is_aligned=True).face filenames.append(filename) preds.append(self._vgg_face.predict(face))"Sorting by ward linkage...") indices = self._vgg_face.sorted_similarity(np.array(preds), method="ward") img_list = np.array(filenames)[indices] return img_list
def sort_face(self): """ Sort by identity similarity """"Sorting by identity similarity...") self._loader = FacesLoader(self._args.input_dir) # TODO This should be set in init ratio = _EXTRACT_RATIOS["legacy"] / _EXTRACT_RATIOS["head"] filenames = [] preds = [] no_hash = 0 for filename, image, hsh in tqdm(self._loader.load(), desc="Classifying Faces...", total=self._loader.count): if self._alignments is not None and self._alignments.version != 1.0: face = self._alignments.hashes_to_alignment.get(hsh) if face: image = AlignedFace(face["landmarks_xy"], image=image, centering="legacy", size=self._vgg_face.input_size, is_aligned=True).face elif image.shape[0] != image.shape[1]: logger.warning("Skipping image '%s' as it is not square (probably not a " "face)", filename) continue else: # Center crop the image and add count to warning count center = image.shape[0] // 2 crop = slice(center - int(center * ratio), center + int(center * ratio)) image = image[crop, crop, :] no_hash += 1 filenames.append(filename) preds.append(self._vgg_face.predict(image))"Sorting by ward linkage...") indices = self._vgg_face.sorted_similarity(np.array(preds), method="ward") img_list = np.array(filenames)[indices] if no_hash: logger.warning("%s image(s) were not found in the alignments file. This will likely " "result in sub-par sorting results, so you should check the output " "carefully", no_hash) return img_list
def __init__(self, arguments): self._args = arguments self.changes = None self.serializer = None self._vgg_face = None self._loader = FacesLoader(self._args.input_dir)