def set_worker_logger(self, file_path, name="worker", level="DEBUG", max_bytes=20971520, backup_count=10, delay=False): self.log.debug("Set worker logger.") logger = Logger(file_path, level, max_bytes, backup_count, delay, name=name) logger.set_log(log_format='[%(asctime)s] %(message)s') self.worker_log = logger.get_log()
def main(argument_list): #const.EXPORT_TYPE = const.EXPORT_TYPE backup_name = None # total size of RBD image to backup (provisioned size) total_rbd_size = 0 # available and used size of backup directory backup_dir_avai_bytes = 0 backup_dir_used_bytes = 0 # store RBD info list (list of dict) backup_rbd_info_list = [] # task counter submitted_snap_create_task_count = 0 submitted_snap_delete_task_count = 0 submitted_rbd_export_task_count = 0 backup_circle_delete_count = 0 is_rbd_list_from_command_line = False manager = None ceph = None try: # parse arguments parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--config-file') parser.add_argument('--config-section') parser.add_argument('--backup-name') parser.add_argument('rbd_list', nargs='*') args = vars(parser.parse_args(argument_list[1:])) backup_config_file = const.CONFIG_PATH backup_config_section = const.CONFIG_SECTION if args['config_file'] is not None: backup_config_file = args['config_file'] if args['config_section'] is not None: backup_config_section = args['config_section'] if args['backup_name'] is not None: backup_name = args['backup_name'] if len(args['rbd_list']) != 0: is_rbd_list_from_command_line = True # create config obj and read config file data cfg = Config(backup_config_file, backup_config_section) if not cfg.is_valid(): print("Error, fail to initialize config.") sys.exit(2) if not cfg.set_options(print_options=False): print("Error, fail to set config.") sys.exit(2) # initial backup logging log = Logger(cfg.log_file_path, cfg.log_level, cfg.log_max_bytes, cfg.log_backup_count, cfg.log_delay, name=const.LOG_BACKUP_LOGGER_NAME) if not log.set_log(log_module=cfg.log_module_name): print("Error, unable to set logger.") sys.exit(2) # set name of this backup begin_backup_datetime = get_datetime() if backup_name == None: backup_name = normalize_datetime(begin_backup_datetime) print("- backup name: %s" % backup_name) # start RBD backup log.blank(line_count=4)"******** Start Ceph RBD backup ********", "pid = %s" % os.getpid(), "config file = %s" % backup_config_file, "section = %s" % backup_config_section)'Config settings:', cfg.get_option()) # ================================================================== # check backup directory environment, space size and metafile if exists. # =================================================================="________ Check Backup Directory ________") print("- check backup directory.") # Path structure of backup directory: # Dest. Backup Dir/Ceph Name/Pool Name/RBD name/Circle Name/Backup Files directory = Directory(log)"Set backup path:", " - backup destination path = %s" % cfg.backup_destination_path, " - ceph cluster name = %s" % cfg.ceph_cluster_name) cluster_backup_path = os.path.join(cfg.backup_destination_path, cfg.ceph_cluster_name) if not directory.exist(cluster_backup_path): cluster_backup_path = directory.create(cluster_backup_path) if cluster_backup_path == False: log.error("Fail to create directory path.") sys.exit(2) print(" set backup directory: %s" % cluster_backup_path)"Get space size info '%s'." % cluster_backup_path) backup_dir_avai_bytes = directory.get_available_size(cluster_backup_path) backup_dir_used_bytes = directory.get_used_size(cluster_backup_path) if backup_dir_avai_bytes == False: log.error("Fail to get space size of directory '%s'." % cluster_backup_path) sys.exit(2)"Available %s bytes, used %s bytes." % (backup_dir_avai_bytes, backup_dir_used_bytes)) print(" %s Mbytes available." % int(backup_dir_avai_bytes/1024/1024)) print(" %s Mbytes used." % int(backup_dir_used_bytes/1024/1024)) # read metadata file in backup directory # get last snapshot name and backup circle directory name"Check metadata of the backup directory.") backup_meta = RBD_Backup_Metadata(log, cluster_backup_path) meta_cluster_info = backup_meta.get_cluster_info() if all (k in meta_cluster_info for k in ('name', 'fsid')): if meta_cluster_info['name'] != cfg.ceph_cluster_name: log.error("Cluster name is not match.", "name from backup directory: %s" % meta_cluster_info['name'], "name from backup config file: %s" % cfg.ceph_cluster_name) sys.exit(2) ceph_cfg = Config(cfg.ceph_conf_file, const.CEPH_CONFIG_SECTION) if not ceph_cfg.is_valid(): log.error("Unable to read ceph config.") sys.exit(2) ceph_cfg_fsid = ceph_cfg.get_option(key='fsid') if meta_cluster_info['fsid'] != ceph_cfg_fsid: log.error("Cluster fsid is not match.", "fsid from backup directory: %s" % meta_cluster_info['fsid'], "fsid from ceph config file: %s" % ceph_cfg_fsid) sys.exit(2) else: # this maybe the first time of backup # copy ceph config and keyring files to backup directory directory.copy_file(cfg.ceph_conf_file, cluster_backup_path) directory.copy_file(cfg.ceph_keyring_file, cluster_backup_path) # ================================================================== # read rbd backup list, backup list source might either from # Openstack yaml file or backup list file (yaml format) or command line # =================================================================="________ Read RBD Backup List ________") print("- check backup rbd list.") backup_option = RBD_Backup_Option(log) rbd_backup_list = RBD_Backup_List(log) rbd_name_list = {} # rbd name list : {'pool_name': ['rbd_name', ...], ...} pool_count = 0 rbd_count = 0 if is_rbd_list_from_command_line == True:"Read backup list from command line.") print(" get backup list from command line input.") for rbd_list_input in args['rbd_list']: rbd_info = rbd_list_input.split("/") if len(rbd_info) == 2: pool_name = rbd_info[0] rbd_name = rbd_info[1] if not rbd_name_list.has_key(pool_name): rbd_name_list[pool_name] = [rbd_name] else: rbd_list = rbd_name_list[pool_name] if not rbd_name in rbd_list: rbd_list.append(rbd_name) rbd_name_list[pool_name] = rbd_list else: log.warning("Duplicated RBD name '%s'." % rbd_name) continue rbd_count += 1 print(" %s - %s %s" % (rbd_count, pool_name, rbd_name)) else: log.error("Invalid rbd input list. %s" % rbd_list_input) print("Error, Please input RBD name as '<pool_name>/<rbd_name>'\n" \ "For example, 3 RBDs to backup:\n" \ " rbd/rbd_a rbd/rbd_b volume/rbd_1") sys.exit(2) else: if cfg.backup_list_from_openstack_yaml_file == 'True':"Read backup list from OpenStack YAML file.") print(" get backup list from OpenStack YAML file %s." % cfg.openstack_yaml_file_path) file_path = cfg.openstack_yaml_file_path section_name = cfg.openstack_yaml_section distribution = cfg.openstack_distribution ceph_pool = cfg.openstack_ceph_pool if not os.path.exists(cfg.openstack_yaml_file_path): log.error("Openstack Yaml file '%s' not exists." % cfg.backup_list_file_path) sys.exit(2) rbd_backup_list.read_openstack_yaml(cfg.openstack_yaml_file_path, cfg.openstack_yaml_section) if rbd_backup_list.set_cinder_client(distribution=cfg.openstack_distribution, api_version=cfg.api_version) volume_list = rbd_backup_list.get_cinder_volume_list() if len(volume_list) == 0: log.warning("No any matched volume ID found.") print("Info, No any matched volume ID found.") sys.exit(0) if volume_list == False: log.warning("Unable to get cinder volume ID list from openstack.") print("Error, unable to get cinder volume ID list from openstack") sys.exit(2) rbd_name_list[cfg.openstack_ceph_pool] = volume_list else:"Read RBD list from backup list file.") print(" get RBD backup list from %s." % cfg.backup_list_file_path) if not os.path.exists(cfg.backup_list_file_path): log.error("Backup list file '%s' not exists." % cfg.backup_list_file_path) sys.exit(2) rbd_backup_list.read_yaml(cfg.backup_list_file_path) rbd_name_list = rbd_backup_list.get_rbd_name_list(cfg.ceph_cluster_name) if rbd_name_list == {}: log.warning("No any item in RBD backup list.") print("Info, No any item in RBD backup list.") sys.exit(0) if rbd_name_list == False: log.error("Unable to get rbd name list from backup list file.") print("Error, unable to get rbd name list from backup list file.") sys.exit(2) for pool_name, rbd_list in rbd_name_list.iteritems(): pool_count += 1 if cfg.backup_read_options == 'True': for rbd_name in rbd_list: options = rbd_backup_list.get_rbd_options(cfg.ceph_cluster_name, pool_name, rbd_name) backup_option.add_option(pool_name, rbd_name, options) rbd_count += len(rbd_list)"%s RBD images to backup in pool '%s'." % (rbd_count, pool_name))"Total %s RBD images configured to backup." % rbd_count) print(" %s RBD(s) to be backuped." % rbd_count) if rbd_count == 0: sys.exit(0) # ================================================================== # check ceph cluster # examine the RBD backup list in CEPH cluster. # ignore not exist RBD in the backup list # =================================================================="________ Verify RBD Backup List ________") print("- verify RBD backup list.") valid_rbd_count = 0 #ceph_conff_file = cfg.ceph_conf_file ceph = Ceph(log, cfg.ceph_cluster_name, conffile=cfg.ceph_conf_file) if not ceph.connect_cluster(): log.error("Unable to connect ceph cluster.") # you may check user or permission to /etc/ceph directory print("Error, unable to connect ceph cluster.") sys.exit(2) ceph_fsid = ceph.get_fsid() ceph_stats = ceph.get_cluster_stats() if meta_cluster_info.has_key('fsid'): if ceph_fsid != meta_cluster_info['fsid']: log.error("Ceph fsid is not matching to the backup directory.") print("Error, the fsid from the ceph cluster is not matching " \ "to the backup directory.") sys.exit(2)"Update cluster info metadata.") ceph_stats['fsid'] = ceph_fsid ceph_stats['name'] = cfg.ceph_cluster_name ceph_stats['conf'] = os.path.basename(cfg.ceph_conf_file) ceph_stats['keyr'] = os.path.basename(cfg.ceph_keyring_file) backup_meta.set_cluster_info(ceph_stats) all_pool_name_list = ceph.get_pool_list() if all_pool_name_list == False: log.error("Unable to get pool name list from ceph cluster.") print("Error, unable to get pool name list from ceph cluster.") sys.exit(2)"Pool name in Ceph cluster:", all_pool_name_list) for pool_name, rbd_list in rbd_name_list.iteritems():"Check RBDs in Ceph pool '%s'." % pool_name) if pool_name not in all_pool_name_list: log.warning("Pool '%s' is not found, " \ "skip backup of the pool." % pool_name) continue if not ceph.open_ioctx(pool_name): log.warning("Unable to open ioctx of pool '%s', " \ "skip backup of the pool." % pool_name) continue pool_rbd_name_list = ceph.get_rbd_list() # rbd name list in a pool if pool_rbd_name_list == False: log.warning("Unable to get RBD list from ceph cluster, " \ "skip backup of the pool") continue # just log pool stat first pool_stat = ceph.get_pool_stat()"Pool stat:", pool_stat) for rbd_name in rbd_list:"Check RBD '%s'." % rbd_name) if rbd_name not in pool_rbd_name_list: log.warning("RBD '%s' is not exist." % rbd_name) continue rbd_size = ceph.get_rbd_size(rbd_name) rbd_snap = ceph.get_snap_info_list(rbd_name) # return list of (snap id, snap size, snap name) if rbd_size == False or rbd_snap == False: log.warning("Unable to get size or snapshot list of the RBD, " "skip backup of the RBD.") continue # build rbd backup list rbd_info = pack_rbd_info(pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size, rbd_snap) backup_rbd_info_list.append(rbd_info) total_rbd_size += rbd_size valid_rbd_count += 1 print(" %s/%s - %s bytes." % (pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size)) # compare rbd stat rbd_stat = ceph.get_rbd_stat(rbd_name) meta_rbd_stat = backup_meta.get_rbd_info(pool_name, rbd_name) if not cmp(rbd_stat, meta_rbd_stat):"RBD stat has been changed.", "Old: %s" % meta_rbd_stat, "New: %s" % rbd_stat) backup_meta.set_rbd_info(pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_stat) ceph.close_ioctx() print(" %s RBD(s) can be backuped." % valid_rbd_count)"Total %s bytes of RBD images size to backup." % total_rbd_size) print(" total RBDs has %s Mbytes." % int(total_rbd_size/1024/1024)) if valid_rbd_count == 0: sys.exit(0) reserve_space = backup_dir_avai_bytes * 0.01 usable_space_size = backup_dir_avai_bytes - reserve_space if total_rbd_size > usable_space_size: log.error("No enough space size for backup, stop backup work.", " - %s bytes of RBD images to backup." % total_rbd_size, " - %s bytes of usable space size (99 percents of available bytes)." % usable_space_size, " - %s bytes more required." % (total_rbd_size-usable_space_size)) print("Error, No enough space size to backup.") sys.exit(2) # ================================================================== # Verify backup types. # Set backup type of RBD, change from incremental to full backup if # a. backup_type is configured as 'full' in backup list file # b. no last snapshot record found in metafile or metafile not exist # c. last snapshot is not found in ceph cluster # d. reached max incremental backup count # =================================================================="________ Check RBD backup type ________") print("- check rbd backup type.") # store backup options rbd_backup_type = {} # RBD backup type { rbd_id: 'full' or 'incr' } full_weekday = cfg.weekly_full_backup.replace(" ","") incr_weekday = cfg.weekly_incr_backup.replace(" ","") full_weekdays = full_weekday.split(',') incr_weekdays = incr_weekday.split(',') if len(full_weekdays) == 0: log.warning("There is no full backup weekday configured.")"Check default backup type for today.") weekday = str(int( + 1) if weekday in full_weekdays: weekday_backup_type = const.EXPORT_TYPE[0] elif weekday in incr_weekday: weekday_backup_type = const.EXPORT_TYPE[1] else:"No bacakup triggered on today (weekday=%s)." % weekday) print("Info, No bacakup triggered on today.") sys.exit(0)"Backup type for today is '%s'." % weekday_backup_type) for rbd_info in backup_rbd_info_list: # you may do further manipulation of each rbd backup. # control attributed can be defined in rbd backup list file # and write your control logic in this block to overwrite configured setting pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size, rbd_snap = unpack_rbd_info(rbd_info) rbd_id = convert_rbd_id(pool_name, rbd_name) # verify backup type # --------------------------------------"Check backup type of '%s'." % rbd_id) if cfg.backup_read_options == 'True':"Check backup type form backup option.") option_backup_type = backup_option.get_backup_type(pool_name, rbd_name) if option_backup_type == False: rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] = weekday_backup_type else: rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] = option_backup_type if rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] == const.EXPORT_TYPE[1]: # rbd snapshot check"Check last backup snapshot.") meta_snap_info_list = backup_meta.get_backup_snapshot_list(pool_name, rbd_name) if len(meta_snap_info_list) == 0: log.warning("No snapshot list metadata found.") rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] = const.EXPORT_TYPE[0] else: meta_last_snap_info = meta_snap_info_list[-1] meta_last_snap_name = meta_last_snap_info['name'] ceph_snap_name_list = [i['name'] for i in rbd_snap] # get snap name list if meta_last_snap_name not in ceph_snap_name_list: log.warning("Snapshot name '%s' is not found in ceph cluster." % meta_last_snap_name) rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] = const.EXPORT_TYPE[0] if rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] == const.EXPORT_TYPE[1]: # backup circle directory check"Check last backup circle.") meta_circle_info_list = backup_meta.get_backup_circle_list(pool_name, rbd_name) if len(meta_circle_info_list) == 0: log.warning("No circle list metadata found.") rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] = const.EXPORT_TYPE[0] else: meta_last_circle_info = meta_circle_info_list[-1] meta_last_circle_name = meta_last_circle_info['name'] if not directory.exist(cluster_backup_path, pool_name, rbd_name, meta_last_circle_name): log.warning("Last backup circle directory is not exist.") rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] = const.EXPORT_TYPE[0] if rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] == const.EXPORT_TYPE[1]: # max incremental backup count check"Check max incremental backup.") max_incr_count = backup_option.get_backup_max_incr_count(pool_name, rbd_name) if max_incr_count == False: max_incr_count = cfg.backup_max_incremental if max_incr_count in [0, '0', False, 'False', None]:"No max incremental backup limited.") else: file_list = directory.get_file_list(cluster_backup_path, pool_name, rbd_name, meta_last_circle_name) if len(file_list) > int(max_incr_count):"Max incremental backup reached (%s/%s)." % (len(file_list), max_incr_count)) rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] = const.EXPORT_TYPE[0]"Set backup type of '%s/%s' to '%s'." % (pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_backup_type[rbd_id])) print(" %s %s - %s backup." % (pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_backup_type[rbd_id])) # ================================================================== # sort rbd backup list by provisioned size of RBD, from large to small. # may implement other sorting method, # by type(full or incr first), priority, or others #(rbd loading or exist object count or created snapshot size) # =================================================================="________ Sort RBD backup list ________") print("- sort rbd backup list order.") list_sort = RBD_Backup_List_Sort(log) sorted_rbd_backup_list = list_sort.sort_by_rbd_size(backup_rbd_info_list) backup_priority = [] count = 0 for rbd_info in backup_rbd_info_list: pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size, rbd_snap = unpack_rbd_info(rbd_info) count += 1 backup_pos = "%s : %s/%s : %s" % (count, pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size) backup_priority.append(backup_pos) print(" %s %s %s" % (pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size))"RBD backup priority:", backup_priority) # ================================================================== # initial worker manager, task maker # =================================================================="________ Initial task worker manager and task maker ________") print("- start task workers.") manager = Manager(log, tmp_dir=const.TMP_DIR) manager.set_worker_logger(cfg.log_file_path, name=const.LOG_WORKER_LOGGER_NAME) manager.set_monitor_logger(cfg.log_file_path, name=const.LOG_MONITOR_LOGGER_NAME) manager.run_worker(count=cfg.backup_concurrent_worker_count) print(" %s worker(s) started." % manager.worker_count) # initial task maker task_maker = RBD_Backup_Task_Maker(log, cfg.ceph_cluster_name, cfg.ceph_conf_file, cfg.ceph_keyring_file) task_maker.set_export_full_type(const.EXPORT_TYPE[0]) task_maker.set_export_diff_type(const.EXPORT_TYPE[1]) # for storing task result and write to file task_result = RBD_Backup_Task_Result(log) # ================================================================== # start RBD backup procedure # ================================================================== # create and submit rbd snapshot create tasks # ----------------------------------------------------------"________ Create and submit RBD snapshot create task ________") print("- start RBD snapshot procedure.") for rbd_info in backup_rbd_info_list: pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size, rbd_snap = unpack_rbd_info(rbd_info)"Creating RBD snapshot create task of '%s/%s'." % (pool_name, rbd_name)) snap_create_task = task_maker.get_rbd_snapshot_create_task(pool_name, rbd_name) if snap_create_task != False:"Submit SnapshotCreateTask '%s'." % snap_create_task) if manager.add_task(snap_create_task): submitted_snap_create_task_count += 1 print(" take snapshot of %s/%s" % (pool_name, rbd_name)) else: log.error("Unable to get RBD snapshot create task.")"Submitted %s snapshot create tasks." % submitted_snap_create_task_count) # verify finished snapshot tasks # ----------------------------------------------------------"________ Verify finished RBD snapshot create task ________") for i in xrange(0, submitted_snap_create_task_count): try: finished_task = manager.get_finished_task()"Received finished task %s." % finished_task) pool_name = finished_task.pool_name rbd_name = finished_task.rbd_name created_snapshot_name = finished_task.snap_name created_datetime = finished_task.create_datetime result = finished_task.get_result() task_result.add_snapshort_create_result(result)"Task Result: ", result) # remove rbd backup item from backup list because of failure of snapshot create. if result['return_code'] != 0: log.warning("%s is not completed. " % result['task_name'], "remove the RBD from backup list.") print(" snapshot of %s/%s failed." % (pool_name, rbd_name)) temp_rbd_backup_list = [] for rbd_info in backup_rbd_info_list: if rbd_info['pool_name'] != pool_name and rbd_info['rbd_name'] != rbd_name: temp_rbd_backup_list.append(rbd_info) backup_rbd_info_list = temp_rbd_backup_list else:"%s is completed, " % result['task_name']) print(" snapshot of %s/%s completed." % (pool_name, rbd_name)) # just set default snapshot info created_snapshot_info = {'id': None, 'size': None, 'name': created_snapshot_name, 'datetime': created_datetime} if ceph.open_ioctx(pool_name): snapshot_info = ceph.get_snap_info(rbd_name, created_snapshot_name) if snapshot_info == False: log.warning("Unable to get snapshot info") else: # replace with detail info created_snapshot_info = snapshot_info else: log.error("Unable to open ioctx of pool '%s'." % pool_name)"Update backup snapshot info metadata.") backup_meta.add_backup_snapshot_info(pool_name, rbd_name, created_snapshot_info) except Exception as e: log.error("Unable to verify snapshot create task. %s" % e) continue # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # todo: after create new snapshot, we may sort again the rbd_backup list # base on the size of the new created snapshot. (if supported to get used size) # #list_sort = RBD_Backup_List_Sort(log) #sorted_rbd_backup_list = list_sort.sort_by_snap_size(backup_rbd_info_list) # Create and submit export tasks # ----------------------------------------------------------"________ Create and submit RBD export task ________") print("- start RBD export procedure.") for rbd_info in backup_rbd_info_list: pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size, rbd_snap = unpack_rbd_info(rbd_info)"Creating RBD export task of '%s/%s'." % (pool_name, rbd_name)) rbd_id = convert_rbd_id(pool_name, rbd_name) backup_type = rbd_backup_type[rbd_id] # get snapshot name form metadata meta_snap_info_list = backup_meta.get_backup_snapshot_list(pool_name, rbd_name) if len(meta_snap_info_list) == 0: log.warning("No last snapshot found.") continue new_created_snap_info = meta_snap_info_list[-1] # from this backup new_created_snap_name = new_created_snap_info['name']"Backup type is %s" % backup_type) if backup_type == const.EXPORT_TYPE[0]: # full # create the circle dir and get the path new_circle_name = new_created_snap_name backup_circle_path = directory.create(cluster_backup_path, pool_name, rbd_name, new_circle_name) if backup_circle_path == False: log.error("Unable to create RBD backup destination path, " \ "skip this RBD export.") continue export_task = task_maker.get_rbd_export_full_task(pool_name, rbd_name, new_created_snap_name, backup_circle_path) elif backup_type == const.EXPORT_TYPE[1]: # incr # get snapshot created from last backup last_created_snap_info = meta_snap_info_list[-2] # from last backup last_created_snap_name = last_created_snap_info['name'] # get belonging circle dir name meta_circle_info_list = backup_meta.get_backup_circle_list(pool_name, rbd_name) meta_last_circle_info = meta_circle_info_list[-1] meta_last_circle_path = meta_last_circle_info['path'] # get the circle dir path backup_circle_path = os.path.join(cluster_backup_path, pool_name, rbd_name, meta_last_circle_path) export_task = task_maker.get_rbd_export_diff_task(pool_name, rbd_name, new_created_snap_name, last_created_snap_name, backup_circle_path) else: log.warning("Unknown backup type '%s'. skip." % rbd_backup_type[rbd_id]) continue if export_task != False:"Submit RBD export task '%s'" % export_task) if manager.add_task(export_task): submitted_rbd_export_task_count += 1 print(" export %s/%s" % (pool_name, rbd_name)) else: log.error("Unable to get RBD export task.")"Submitted %s RBD export tasks." % submitted_rbd_export_task_count) # verify finished export tasks # ----------------------------------------------------------"________ Verify finished RBD export task ________") backup_list_info = [] for i in xrange(0, submitted_rbd_export_task_count): try: finished_task = manager.get_finished_task()"Received finished task %s." % finished_task) pool_name = finished_task.pool_name rbd_name = finished_task.rbd_name snap_name = finished_task.snap_name created_datetime = finished_task.create_datetime circle_dir_name = directory.get_basename(finished_task.dest_path) result = finished_task.get_result() task_result.add_export_task_result(result)"Task Result: ", result) if result['return_code'] != 0: log.warning("%s is not completed, " % result['task_name']) print(" export %s/%s failed." % (pool_name, rbd_name)) # remove export incompleted file if exist if finished_task.export_type == const.EXPORT_TYPE[0]: directory.delete(finished_task.dest_path) elif finished_task.export_type == const.EXPORT_TYPE[1]: directory.delete(finished_task.dest_filepath) else:"%s is completed, " % result['task_name']) print(" export of %s/%s completed." % (pool_name, rbd_name)) if finished_task.export_type == const.EXPORT_TYPE[0]:"Update backup circle info metadata.") circle_info = {'backup_name': backup_name, 'name': finished_task.dest_file, 'path': circle_dir_name, 'datetime': created_datetime} backup_meta.add_backup_circle_info(pool_name, rbd_name, circle_info) elif finished_task.export_type == const.EXPORT_TYPE[1]:"Update incremental backup info metadata.") incr_info = {'backup_name': backup_name, 'name': finished_task.dest_file, 'from': finished_task.from_snap, 'to': finished_task.snap_name, 'datetime': created_datetime} backup_meta.add_backup_incremental_info(pool_name, rbd_name, circle_dir_name, incr_info) backup_list_info.append((result['return_code'], pool_name, rbd_name, circle_dir_name, snap_name)) except Exception as e: log.error("Unable to verify export task. %s" % e) continue"Update backup export info metadata.") backup_meta.add_backup_info(backup_name, backup_list_info) # remove exceed snapshot # ----------------------------------------------------------"________ Delete exceed RBD snapshots ________") print("- check exceed RBD snapshot.") # reduce number of worker to 1 only for sequence exec of snapshot delete task stop_worker_count = int(cfg.backup_concurrent_worker_count) - 1 if stop_worker_count != 0: manager.stop_worker(count=stop_worker_count) for rbd_info in backup_rbd_info_list: pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size, rbd_snap = unpack_rbd_info(rbd_info)"Check snapshots of RBD '%s/%s'." % (pool_name, rbd_name)) max_snap_count = backup_option.get_snapshot_retain_count(pool_name, rbd_name) if max_snap_count == False: snap_retain_count = cfg.backup_snapshot_retain_count else: snap_retain_count = max_snap_count # retrieve snapshot name to a list ceph_snap_name_list = [i['name'] for i in rbd_snap] matched_snapshot_naem_list = [] meta_snap_info_list = backup_meta.get_backup_snapshot_list(pool_name, rbd_name) for meta_snap_info in meta_snap_info_list: meta_snap_name = meta_snap_info['name'] if meta_snap_name in ceph_snap_name_list: matched_snapshot_naem_list.append(meta_snap_name) # do a trick to correct count of matched snapshot name list # add one more count for the new created snapshot before. matched_snapshot_count = (len(matched_snapshot_naem_list)+1) # create snapshot delete task. diff_count = (matched_snapshot_count - int(snap_retain_count)) if diff_count > 0:"%s exceed snapshot to be deleted." % diff_count) for i in range(0, diff_count): snap_name = matched_snapshot_naem_list[i] # get snap name for matched snapshot name snap_delete_task = task_maker.get_rbd_snapshot_delete_task(pool_name, rbd_name, snap_name) if snap_create_task != False:"Submit SnapshotDeleteTask '%s'" % snap_delete_task) if manager.add_task(snap_delete_task): # check result after submit the task finished_task = manager.get_finished_task()"%s is completed." % (finished_task)) pool_name = finished_task.pool_name rbd_name = finished_task.rbd_name deleted_snap_name = finished_task.snap_name result = finished_task.get_result() task_result.add_snapshort_delete_result(result)"Task Result: ", result) # mark deleted snapshot, if result['return_code'] != 0: log.error("%s is not completed." % result['task_name']) continue else:"Update backup snapshot info metadata.") meta_snap_info_list = backup_meta.get_backup_snapshot_list(pool_name, rbd_name) for meta_snap_info in meta_snap_info_list: if meta_snap_info['name'] == deleted_snap_name: backup_meta.del_backup_snapshot_info(pool_name, rbd_name, meta_snap_info, key='name') break print(" delete snapshot %s of %s/%s" % (snap_name, pool_name, rbd_name)) submitted_snap_delete_task_count += 1 else: log.error("Unable to get RBD snapshot delete task.") else:"No snapshot to be deleted.")"Total deleted %s RBD snapshots." % submitted_snap_delete_task_count) # remove exceed backup circle # ----------------------------------------------------------"________ Delete exceed backup circle ________") print("- check execeed RBD backup circle.") for rbd_info in backup_rbd_info_list: try: pool_name, rbd_name, rbd_size, rbd_snap = unpack_rbd_info(rbd_info)"Check backup circle of RBD '%s/%s'." % (pool_name, rbd_name)) max_circ_count = backup_option.get_backup_circle_retain_count(pool_name, rbd_name) if max_circ_count == False: circle_retain_count = cfg.backup_circle_retain_count else: circle_retain_count = max_circ_count backup_circle_dir_list = directory.get_dir_list(cluster_backup_path, pool_name, rbd_name) meta_circle_info_list = backup_meta.get_backup_circle_list(pool_name, rbd_name) circle_counter = 0 matched_circle_dir_list = [] for meta_circle_info in meta_circle_info_list: if meta_circle_info['path'] in backup_circle_dir_list: matched_circle_dir_list.append(meta_circle_info) else: log.warning("Missing circle directory '%s'." % meta_circle_info['path']) matched_circle_dir_count = len(matched_circle_dir_list)"%s matched backup circle, " \ "%s backup circle to retain." % (matched_circle_dir_count, circle_retain_count)) diff_count = (matched_circle_dir_count - int(circle_retain_count)) if diff_count <= 0:"No backup circle to be deleted.") continue"%s exceed backup circle to be deleted." % diff_count) for i in range(0, diff_count): delete_backup_circle_info = matched_circle_dir_list[i] circle_path = delete_backup_circle_info['path'] circle_name = delete_backup_circle_info['name']"Delete backup circle dir '%s'." % circle_path) delete_circle_path = directory.delete(cluster_backup_path, pool_name, rbd_name, circle_path) if delete_circle_path == False: log.warning("Unable to delete the backup circle dir.") continue"Update backup circle info metadata.") backup_meta.del_backup_circle_info(pool_name, rbd_name, delete_backup_circle_info, key='name')"Update incremental backup info metadata.") backup_meta.del_backup_incremental_info(pool_name, rbd_name, circle_name) print(" delete backup circle %s of %s/%s" % (circle_name, pool_name, rbd_name)) task_result.add_backup_circle_delete_result(delete_circle_path) backup_circle_delete_count += 1 except Exception as e: log.error("Unable to complete delete of exceed backup circle. %s" % e) continue"Total deleted %s backup circle directory." % backup_circle_delete_count) # finalize RBD backup # ----------------------------------------------------------"________ Finalize RBD backup ________") task_result.write_to_file(backup_name) manager.stop() ceph.disconnect_cluster() begin_backup_timestamp = get_timestamp(begin_backup_datetime)"******** Ceph RBD backup complete ********", "use %s seconds " % get_elapsed_time(begin_backup_timestamp)) except Exception as e: exc_type,exc_value,exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout) if manager != None: manager.stop() if ceph != None: ceph.disconnect_cluster() sys.exit(2)
def main(argument_list): DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = const.CONFIG_PATH DEFAULT_CONFIG_SECTION = const.CONFIG_SECTION backup_directory = None cluster_name = None dest_pool_name = None dest_rbd_name = None src_pool_name = None src_rbd_name = None restore_datetime = None force_import = False rbd_exist = False try: # parse arguments parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--config-file') parser.add_argument('--config-section') parser.add_argument('--cluster-name') parser.add_argument('--backup-directory') parser.add_argument('--dest-pool-name') parser.add_argument('--dest-rbd-name') parser.add_argument('--force-restore') parser.add_argument('src_pool_name') parser.add_argument('src_rbd_name') parser.add_argument('restore_datetime', nargs='+') args = vars(parser.parse_args(argument_list[1:])) # get config file path and config section name restore_config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH restore_config_section = DEFAULT_CONFIG_SECTION if args['config_file'] is not None: restore_config_file = args['config_file'] if args['config_section'] is not None: restore_config_section = args['config_section'] # create config obj and read config file data cfg = Config(restore_config_file, restore_config_section) if not cfg.is_valid(): print("Error, fail to initialize config.") sys.exit(2) if not cfg.set_options(print_options=False): print("Error, fail to set config.") sys.exit(2) # get backup directory path and cluster name backup_directory = cfg.backup_destination_path cluster_name = cfg.ceph_cluster_name if args['backup_directory'] is not None: backup_directory = args['backup_directory'] if args['cluster_name'] is not None: cluster_name = args['cluster_name'] # get source pool and RBD name and date time to restore from if args['src_pool_name'] is None: print("Error, missing pool name.") sys.exit(2) if args['src_rbd_name'] is None: print("Error, missing rbd name.") sys.exit(2) if args['restore_datetime'] is None: print("Error, missing datetime to restore.") sys.exit(2) src_pool_name = args['src_pool_name'] src_rbd_name = args['src_rbd_name'] restore_datetime = normalize_datetime(' '.join( args['restore_datetime'])) # set destination pool and RBD name that will restore to dest_pool_name = args['src_pool_name'] dest_rbd_name = args['src_rbd_name'] if args['dest_pool_name'] is not None: dest_pool_name = args['dest_pool_name'] if args['dest_rbd_name'] is not None: dest_rbd_name = args['dest_rbd_name'] if args['force_restore'] == 'True': force_import = True # initial backup logging log = Logger(cfg.log_file_path, cfg.log_level, cfg.log_max_bytes, cfg.log_backup_count, cfg.log_delay, name='restore') if not log.set_log(log_module=cfg.log_module_name): print("Error, unable to set logger.") sys.exit(2) # start RBD restore begin_restore_timestamp = int(time.time()) log.blank(line_count=4)"******** Start Ceph RBD restore ********", "pid = %s" % os.getpid(), "config file = %s" % restore_config_file, "section = %s" % restore_config_section) print("- from backup directory: %s" % backup_directory) print("- from cluster name: %s" % cluster_name) print("- restore to datetime: %s" % restore_datetime) print("- source pool name: %s" % src_pool_name) print("- source RBD name: %s" % src_rbd_name) print("- destionation pool name: %s" % dest_pool_name) print("- destionation RBD name: %s" % dest_rbd_name) # get backup circle info form backup directory. rbd_restore_list = RBD_Restore_List(log) backup_cluster_directory = os.path.join(backup_directory, cluster_name) if not rbd_restore_list.read_meta(backup_cluster_directory): print("Error, unable to get cluster info.") sys.exit(2) cluster_info = rbd_restore_list.get_cluster_info() if cluster_info['name'] != cluster_name: log.error( "Cluster name is not matched.", "Cluster name of the backup directory: %s" % cluster_info['name']) print("Error, cluster name is not matched.") sys.exit(2) circle_info = rbd_restore_list.get_backup_circle_info( src_pool_name, src_rbd_name, restore_datetime) if circle_info == False: print("Error, unable to find belonging backup circle.") sys.exit(2) circle_datetime = circle_info['datetime'] circle_name = circle_info['name'] # filename of backuped RBD image circle_path = circle_info['path'] # filepath of backuped RBD image print("- belonging backup circle name: %s" % circle_name)"Found backup circle name %s." % circle_name, "circle directory name: %s" % circle_path, "circle datetime: %s" % circle_datetime) # Verify the cluster and the RBD. # ----------------------------------------------------- cluster_conffile = os.path.join(backup_cluster_directory, cluster_info['conf']) cluster_keyring = os.path.join(backup_cluster_directory, cluster_info['keyr'])"Verifying Ceph cluster.", "config file = %s" % cluster_conffile, "keyring file = %s" % cluster_keyring) ceph = Ceph(log, cluster_name, conffile=cluster_conffile) if not ceph.connect_cluster(): log.error("Unable to connect ceph cluster.") # you may check user or permission to /etc/ceph directory print("Error, unable to connect ceph cluster.") sys.exit(2) ceph_pool_name_list = ceph.get_pool_list() if ceph_pool_name_list == False: log.error("Unable to get pool name list from ceph cluster.") print("Error, unable to get pool name list from ceph cluster.") sys.exit(2) # todo: create pool if not exit # need pool parameters (pg count etc...), read from backup meta? if not dest_pool_name in ceph_pool_name_list: log.error("Pool name '%s' is not exist in ceph cluster.") print("Error, pool '%s' is not exist in ceph cluster.") sys.exit(2) if not ceph.open_ioctx(dest_pool_name): log.error("Unable to open ioctx of pool '%s'." % pool_name) print("Error,unable to open ioctx of pool '%s'." % pool_name) sys.exit(2) ceph_rbd_list = ceph.get_rbd_list() if ceph_rbd_list == False: log.error("Unable to get RBD name list from ceph cluster.") print("Error, Unable to get RBD name list from ceph cluster.") sys.exit(2) if dest_rbd_name in ceph_rbd_list: if not force_import: log.error( "Error, the destionation RBD name '%s' is exist in ceph cluster." % dest_rbd_name) print( "Error, the destionation RBD name '%s' is exist in ceph cluster." % dest_rbd_name) sys.exit(2) rbd_exist = True # -----------------------------------------------------"Initial worker manager and task maker.") # initial task worker and maker manager = Manager(log, worker_count=1, rest_time=3) manager.set_worker_logger(cfg.log_file_path) manager.set_monitor_logger(cfg.log_file_path) manager.run_worker() task_maker = RBD_Restore_Task_Maker(log, cluster_name, cluster_conffile, cluster_keyring) # Delete exist RBD images if forced to do so # ----------------------------------------------------- if rbd_exist and force_import:"Delete exist RBD image.") print("- delete exist RBD image.") snap_purge_task = task_maker.get_rbd_snapshot_purge_task( dest_pool_name, dest_rbd_name) if not manager.add_task(snap_purge_task): print("Error, unable to submit snapshot purge task.") print(" purging RBD snapshots.") finished_task = manager.get_finished_task() result = finished_task.get_result()"Task Result: ", result) if result['return_code'] != 0: log.error("purge RBD snapshots fail.") print(" purge RBD snapshots fail.") manager.stop() sys.exit(2) else: print(" purge RBD snapshots successfully.") rbd_delete_task = task_maker.get_rbd_delete_task( dest_pool_name, dest_rbd_name) if not manager.add_task(rbd_delete_task): print("Error, unable to submit RBD delete task.") print(" deleting RBD image.") finished_task = manager.get_finished_task() result = finished_task.get_result()"Task Result: ", result) if result['return_code'] != 0: log.error("Delete RBD image fail.") print(" delete RBD image fail.") manager.stop() sys.exit(2) else: print(" purge RBD snapshots successfully.") print("- start RBD restoring to %s" % restore_datetime) # Full RBD import to the cluster # ----------------------------------------------------- src_path = os.path.join(backup_cluster_directory, src_pool_name, src_rbd_name, circle_path) src_file = circle_name full_import_task = task_maker.get_rbd_import_full_task( dest_pool_name, dest_rbd_name, src_path, src_file) if not manager.add_task(full_import_task): print("Error, unable to submit full import task.") sys.exit(2)"Start full import RBD task %s." % full_import_task) print(" restoring to %s. (full)" % circle_datetime) finished_task = manager.get_finished_task() result = finished_task.get_result()"Task Result: ", result) if result['return_code'] != 0: log.error("Restore to %s fail." % circle_name) print(" restore to %s fail." % circle_name) manager.stop() sys.exit(2) print(" restore to %s successfully." % circle_name)"%s is completed." % finished_task) # Incremental RBD import to the cluster # ----------------------------------------------------- circle_datetime = normalize_datetime(circle_datetime) if circle_datetime != restore_datetime:"Start incremental import RBD task %s." % full_import_task) # create snapshot with name of from snapshot in incremental backup snap_create_task = task_maker.get_rbd_snapshot_create_task( dest_pool_name, dest_rbd_name, circle_name) if not manager.add_task(snap_create_task): print("Error, unable to submit snapshot create task.") sys.exit(2) finished_task = manager.get_finished_task() result = finished_task.get_result()"Task Result: ", result) if result['return_code'] != 0: print(" create snapshot name '%s' fail." % circle_name) manager.stop() sys.exit(2) current_snap_name = circle_name # set current snapshot name incr_list = rbd_restore_list.get_rbd_incr_list( src_pool_name, src_rbd_name, circle_name) for incr_info in incr_list: incr_datetime = incr_info['datetime'] incr_from = incr_info['from'] incr_to = incr_info['to'] src_file = incr_info['name'] print(" restoring to %s. (incr)" % incr_datetime) if current_snap_name != incr_from: print("Error, chain of incremental backup is broken.") manager.stop() sys.exit(2) # do import diff from the incremental backup incr_import_task = task_maker.get_rbd_import_diff_task( dest_pool_name, dest_rbd_name, src_path, src_file) if not manager.add_task(incr_import_task): print("Error, unable to submit incremental import task.") sys.exit(2)"Start incremental import RBD task %s." % incr_import_task) finished_task = manager.get_finished_task() result = finished_task.get_result()"Task Result: ", result) if result['return_code'] != 0: log.error("Restore to %s fail." % incr_datetime) print(" restore to %s fail." % incr_datetime) manager.stop() sys.exit(2) current_snap_name = incr_to print(" restore to %s successfully." % incr_datetime)"%s is completed." % finished_task) incr_datetime = normalize_datetime(incr_datetime) if incr_datetime == restore_datetime:"- restore to %s successfully." % restore_datetime) break # do snapshot purge. print("- purge RBD snapshots") snap_purge_task = task_maker.get_rbd_snapshot_purge_task( dest_pool_name, dest_rbd_name) if not manager.add_task(snap_purge_task): print("Error, unable to submit snapshot purge task.") finished_task = manager.get_finished_task() result = finished_task.get_result()"Task Result: ", result) if result['return_code'] != 0: log.error("Purge RBD snapshots fail.") print(" purge RBD snapshots fail.") else: print(" purge RBD snapshots successfully.") # Completed manager.stop()"******** Ceph RBD restore complete ********", "use %s seconds " % get_elapsed_time(begin_restore_timestamp)) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout) if manager != None: manager.stop() sys.exit(2)
def main(argument_list): DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = const.CONFIG_PATH DEFAULT_CONFIG_SECTION = const.CONFIG_SECTION try: parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--config-file') parser.add_argument('--config-section') parser.add_argument('--cluster-name') parser.add_argument('--backup-directory') parser.add_argument('--show-details', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('options', nargs='+') #args = vars(parser.parse_args(argument_list[1:])) known, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(argument_list[1:]) args = vars(known) # get config file path and config section name restore_config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH restore_config_section = DEFAULT_CONFIG_SECTION if args['config_file'] is not None: restore_config_file = args['config_file'] if args['config_section'] is not None: restore_config_section = args['config_section'] # create config obj and read config file data cfg = Config(restore_config_file, restore_config_section) if not cfg.is_valid(): print("Error, fail to initialize config.") sys.exit(2) if not cfg.set_options(print_options=False): print("Error, fail to set config.") sys.exit(2) # get backup directory path and cluster name backup_directory = cfg.backup_destination_path cluster_name = cfg.ceph_cluster_name if args['backup_directory'] is not None: backup_directory = args['backup_directory'] if args['cluster_name'] is not None: cluster_name = args['cluster_name'] show_details = False if args['show_details']: show_details = True opts = args['options'] # initial backup logging log = Logger(cfg.log_file_path, cfg.log_level, cfg.log_max_bytes, cfg.log_backup_count, cfg.log_delay, name=const.LOG_SHOW_LOGGER_NAME) if not log.set_log(log_module=cfg.log_module_name): print("Error, unable to set logger.") sys.exit(2) if opts[0] != 'config': rbd_restore_list = RBD_Restore_List(log) backup_cluster_directory = os.path.join(backup_directory, cluster_name) if not rbd_restore_list.read_meta(backup_cluster_directory): print("Error, unable to get cluster info.") sys.exit(2) directory = Directory(log) print("") if opts[0] == 'backup': if len(opts) == 1: print("*Show all backup name.\n") backup_name_list = rbd_restore_list.get_backup_name_list() if show_details: print("[Backup Name] [RBD Count]") print("-" * 31) else: print("[Backup Name List]") print("-" * 20) for backup_name in backup_name_list: if show_details: rbd_list = rbd_restore_list.get_backup_rbd_list( backup_name) print("%s %s" % (backup_name, len(rbd_list))) else: print("%s" % backup_name) elif len(opts) >= 2: backup_name = normalize_datetime(' '.join(opts[1:])) rbd_list = rbd_restore_list.get_backup_rbd_list(backup_name) print("*Show RBD list in backup name '%s'.\n" % backup_name) if show_details: print("[Backup Time] [Circle name] " \ "[Pool name/RBD name] ... [Status]") print("-" * 74) else: print("[Backup RBD List]") print("-" * 20) for rbd_info in rbd_list: if show_details: if rbd_info[0] == 0: status = 'OK' else: status = 'FAIL' if status == 'OK': exist = directory.exist(backup_cluster_directory, rbd_info[1], rbd_info[2], rbd_info[3]) if exist == False: status = 'Deleted' print("%s %s %s/%s ... %s" % (rbd_info[4], rbd_info[3], rbd_info[1], rbd_info[2], status)) else: print("%s/%s" % (rbd_info[1], rbd_info[2])) elif opts[0] == 'rbd': if len(opts) == 1: print("*Show all backuped RBD name.\n") rbd_list = rbd_restore_list.get_backup_rbd_list() if len(rbd_list) == 0: return 0 arranged_rbd_info = {} for rbd_info in rbd_list: pool_name = rbd_info[0] rbd_name = rbd_info[1] info = rbd_info[2] if not arranged_rbd_info.has_key(pool_name): rbd_info_list = [] else: rbd_info_list = arranged_rbd_info[pool_name] info['name'] = rbd_name rbd_info_list.append(info) arranged_rbd_info[pool_name] = rbd_info_list if show_details: print("[Pool name]") print( " [RBD name] [block name prefix] [Num objects] [size (bytes)]" ) print("-" * 74) else: print("[Pool name]") print(" [RBD name]") print("-" * 20) for pool_name, rbd_list in arranged_rbd_info.iteritems(): print("%s" % pool_name) if show_details: for rbd_info in rbd_list: rbd_name = rbd_info['name'] rbd_size = rbd_info['size'] rbd_objs = rbd_info['num_objs'] rbd_prix = rbd_info['block_name_prefix'] print(" %s %s %s %s" % (rbd_name, rbd_prix, rbd_objs, rbd_size)) else: for rbd_info in rbd_list: print(" %s" % rbd_info['name']) if len(opts) == 3: pool_name = opts[1] rbd_name = opts[2] print("*Show backup time of RBD '%s/%s'.\n" % (pool_name, rbd_name)) if show_details: backup_info_list = rbd_restore_list.get_rbd_backup_info_list( pool_name, rbd_name) if len(backup_info_list) == 0: return 0 print("[Backup time] [Backup name] " \ "[Backup circle] [Backup size]") print("-" * 74) for backup_info in backup_info_list: backup_file = backup_info[0] backup_time = backup_info[1] backup_name = backup_info[2] backup_circ = backup_info[3] backup_size = directory.get_used_size( backup_cluster_directory, pool_name, rbd_name, backup_circ, backup_file) print("%s %s %s %s" % (backup_time, backup_name, backup_circ, backup_size)) else: backup_time_list = rbd_restore_list.get_rbd_backup_time_list( pool_name, rbd_name) if len(backup_time_list) == 0: return 0 print("[Backup time]") print("-" * 20) for backup_time in backup_time_list: print("%s" % backup_time) elif opts[0] == 'cluster': print("*Show backuped cluster info.\n") cluster_info = rbd_restore_list.get_cluster_info() for key, value in cluster_info.iteritems(): print("%s: %s" % (key, value)) elif opts[0] == 'config': if len(opts) == 1: print("*Show backup config.\n") cfg_opts = cfg.get_option() for key, value in cfg_opts.iteritems(): print("%s = %s" % (key, value)) elif len(opts) == 2: if opts[1] == 'openstack': print("*Show openstack yaml. (constructing)\n") elif len(opts) == 3: if opts[1] == 'rbd' and opts[2] == 'list': print("*Show RBD backup list.") print("*Yaml file: %s" % cfg.backup_list_file_path) print("*Cluster name: %s" % cluster_name) print("") rbd_backup_list = RBD_Backup_List(log) rbd_backup_list.read_yaml(cfg.backup_list_file_path) rbd_name_list = rbd_backup_list.get_rbd_name_list( cluster_name) if show_details: print("[Pool name]") print( " [RBD name] [backup_type] [max_incr] [max_circ] [max_snap]" ) print("-" * 74) backup_option = RBD_Backup_Option(log) for pool_name, rbd_name_list in rbd_name_list.iteritems( ): print("%s" % pool_name) for rbd_name in rbd_name_list: options = rbd_backup_list.get_rbd_options( cluster_name, pool_name, rbd_name) backup_option.add_option( pool_name, rbd_name, options) backup_type = backup_option.get_backup_type( pool_name, rbd_name) max_incr = backup_option.get_backup_max_incr_count( pool_name, rbd_name) max_circ = backup_option.get_backup_circle_retain_count( pool_name, rbd_name) max_snap = backup_option.get_snapshot_retain_count( pool_name, rbd_name) print(" %s %s %s %s %s" % (rbd_name, backup_type, max_incr, max_circ, max_snap)) else: print("[Pool name]") print(" [RBD name]") print("-" * 24) for pool_name, rbd_name_list in rbd_name_list.iteritems( ): print("%s" % pool_name) for rbd_name in rbd_name_list: print(" %s" % rbd_name) print("") except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(2)
def main(argument_list): DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = const.CONFIG_PATH DEFAULT_CONFIG_SECTION = const.CONFIG_SECTION try: parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--config-file') parser.add_argument('--config-section') parser.add_argument('--cluster-name') parser.add_argument('--backup-directory') parser.add_argument('--yes', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('options', nargs='+') args = vars(parser.parse_args(argument_list[1:])) backup_config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH backup_config_section = DEFAULT_CONFIG_SECTION if args['config_file'] is not None: backup_config_file = args['config_file'] if args['config_section'] is not None: backup_config_section = args['config_section'] # create config obj and read config file data cfg = Config(backup_config_file, backup_config_section) if not cfg.is_valid(): print("Error, fail to initialize config.") sys.exit(2) if not cfg.set_options(print_options=False): print("Error, fail to set config.") sys.exit(2) backup_directory = cfg.backup_destination_path cluster_name = cfg.ceph_cluster_name if args['backup_directory'] is not None: backup_directory = args['backup_directory'] if args['cluster_name'] is not None: cluster_name = args['cluster_name'] ask_yes_no = True if args['yes']: ask_yes_no = False opts = args['options'] # initial backup logging log = Logger(cfg.log_file_path, cfg.log_level, cfg.log_max_bytes, cfg.log_backup_count, cfg.log_delay, name=const.LOG_DELETE_LOGGER_NAME) if not log.set_log(log_module=cfg.log_module_name): print("Error, unable to set logger.") sys.exit(2) backup_cluster_directory = os.path.join(backup_directory, cluster_name) backup_meta = RBD_Backup_Metadata(log, backup_cluster_directory) directory = Directory(log) if opts[0] == 'rbd': if len(opts) == 3: pool_name = opts[1] rbd_name = opts[2]"Delete backuped RBD.", "pool name: %s" % pool_name, "rbd name: %s" % rbd_name) print("- delete backuped RBD:") print(" pool name: %s" % pool_name) print(" rbd name: %s" % rbd_name) if ask_yes_no: response = raw_input("Are you sure to delete this RBD backup "\ "(yes or no)? : ") response = response.lower() if response != 'yes': sys.exit(0) dir_ret = directory.delete(backup_cluster_directory, pool_name, rbd_name) meta_ret = backup_meta.del_rbd_info(pool_name, rbd_name) if dir_ret != False and meta_ret != False:"The Backuped RBD is deleted successfully.") print("- the backuped RBD is deleted successfully.") else: print("Error, error occur while deleting backuped RBD.") except KeyboardInterrupt as ke: print("- Operation canceled.") sys.exit(2) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(2)