def process_torch_feats(device, data_lst): x_lst = [] for x in data_lst: x_lst.append(x) xt = np.concatenate(x_lst) xb = xt xq = xt gt = get_nearestneighbors(xq, xb, 100, device) return xt, xb, xq, gt
def triplet_optimize(xt, gt_nn, net, args, val_func): """ train a triplet loss on the training set xt (a numpy array) gt_nn: ground-truth nearest neighbors in input space net: network to optimize args: various runtime arguments val_func: callback called periodically to evaluate the network """ lr_schedule = [ float(x.rstrip().lstrip()) for x in args.lr_schedule.split(",") ] assert args.epochs % len(lr_schedule) == 0 lr_schedule = repeat(lr_schedule, args.epochs // len(lr_schedule)) print("Lr schedule", lr_schedule) N, kpos = gt_nn.shape if args.quantizer_train != "": assert args.quantizer_train.startswith("zn_") r2 = int(args.quantizer_train.split("_")[1]) qt = StraightThroughQuantizer(Zn(r2)) else: qt = lambda x: x xt_var = torch.from_numpy(xt).to(args.device) # prepare optimizer optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr_schedule[0], momentum=args.momentum) pdist = nn.PairwiseDistance(2) all_logs = [] for epoch in range(args.epochs): # Update learning rate = lr_schedule[epoch] for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = t0 = time.time() # Sample positives for triplet rank_pos = np.random.choice(kpos, size=N) positive_idx = gt_nn[np.arange(N), rank_pos] # Sample negatives for triplet net.eval() print(" Forward pass") xl_net = forward_pass(net, xt, 1024) print(" Distances") I = get_nearestneighbors(xl_net, qt(xl_net), args.rank_negative, args.device, needs_exact=False) negative_idx = I[:, -1] # training pass print(" Train") net.train() avg_triplet, avg_uniform, avg_loss = 0, 0, 0 offending = idx_batch = 0 # process dataset in a random order perm = np.random.permutation(N) t1 = time.time() for i0 in range(0, N, args.batch_size): i1 = min(i0 + args.batch_size, N) n = i1 - i0 data_idx = perm[i0:i1] # anchor, positives, negatives ins = xt_var[data_idx] pos = xt_var[positive_idx[data_idx]] neg = xt_var[negative_idx[data_idx]] # do the forward pass (+ record gradients) ins, pos, neg = net(ins), net(pos), net(neg) pos, neg = qt(pos), qt(neg) # triplet loss per_point_loss = pdist(ins, pos) - pdist(ins, neg) per_point_loss = F.relu(per_point_loss) loss_triplet = per_point_loss.mean() offending += torch.sum( > 0).item() # entropy loss I = pairwise_NNs_inner( distances = pdist(ins, ins[I]) loss_uniform = -torch.log(n * distances).mean() # combined loss loss = loss_triplet + args.lambda_uniform * loss_uniform # collect some stats avg_triplet += avg_uniform += avg_loss += optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() idx_batch += 1 avg_triplet /= idx_batch avg_uniform /= idx_batch avg_loss /= idx_batch logs = { 'epoch': epoch, 'loss_triplet': avg_triplet, 'loss_uniform': avg_uniform, 'loss': avg_loss, 'offending': offending, 'lr': } all_logs.append(logs) t2 = time.time() # maybe perform a validation run if (epoch + 1) % args.val_freq == 0: logs['val'] = val_func(net, epoch, args, all_logs) t3 = time.time() # synthetic logging print('epoch %d, times: [hn %.2f s epoch %.2f s val %.2f s]' ' lr = %f' ' loss = %g = %g + lam * %g, offending %d' % (epoch, t1 - t0, t2 - t1, t3 - t2,, avg_loss, avg_triplet, avg_uniform, offending)) logs['times'] = (t1 - t0, t2 - t1, t3 - t2) return all_logs
def train_spv_and_quantize(p_feats, q_feats, epochs=160, lambda_uniform=1.0, dint=768, dout=4, device=torch.device('cpu'), num_learn=100000, seed=25041993): device = 'cpu' if device == torch.device('cpu') else 'cuda' args = argparse.Namespace(epochs=epochs, lambda_uniform=lambda_uniform, dint=dint, dout=dout, device=device, batch_size=64, rank_positive=10, rank_negative=50, seed=seed, num_learn=num_learn, checkpoint_dir=None, quantizer_train="", lr_schedule="0.1,0.1,0.05,0.01", momentum=0.9, val_freq=10, validation_quantizers="") np.random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) # Radiuses that correspond to 16, 32 and 64 bits for Zn radiuses = { 4: [20, 25, 30, 50], 8: [2, 3, 4, 5], 16: [4, 21, 200], 24: [3, 10, 79], 32: [3, 8, 36], 40: [2, 7, 24], } # Validation quantizers default to Zn args.validation_quantizers = ["zn_%d" % x for x in radiuses[args.dout]] # Default save_best is 64 bits for Zn args.save_best_criterion = "zn_%d,rank=10" % radiuses[args.dout][-1] print('args to spreadingvectors:', args) (xt, xb, xq, gt) = process_torch_feats(device, [p_feats, q_feats]) print("keeping %d/%d training vectors" % (args.num_learn, xt.shape[0])) xt = sanitize(xt[:args.num_learn]) print("computing training ground truth") xt_gt = get_nearestneighbors(xt, xt, args.rank_positive, device=args.device) print("build network") dim = xb.shape[1] # dint, dout = args.dint, args.dout net = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(in_features=dim, out_features=dint, bias=True), nn.BatchNorm1d(dint), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(in_features=dint, out_features=dint, bias=True), nn.BatchNorm1d(dint), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(in_features=dint, out_features=dout, bias=True), Normalize()) val = ValidationFunction_k(xq, xb, gt, args.checkpoint_dir, validation_key=args.save_best_criterion, quantizers=args.validation_quantizers) all_logs = triplet_optimize(xt, xt_gt, net, args, val) xt_torch = torch.from_numpy(xt).to(args.device) with torch.no_grad(): feats = net(xt_torch) feats = feats.cpu().numpy() print(f'feats shape: {feats.shape}') quant = Zn(r2=50, d=feats.shape[1]) hist1, hist2 = quantize_and_get_hist(feats, quant) return hist1, hist2
if args.save_best_criterion == "": args.save_best_criterion = "zn_%d,rank=10" % radiuses[args.dout][-1] print(args) print("load dataset %s" % args.database) (xt, xb, xq, gt) = load_dataset(args.database, args.device, size=args.size_base, test=False) print("keeping %d/%d training vectors" % (args.num_learn, xt.shape[0])) xt = sanitize(xt[:args.num_learn]) print("computing training ground truth") xt_gt = get_nearestneighbors(xt, xt, args.rank_positive, device=args.device) print("build network") dim = xb.shape[1] dint, dout = args.dint, args.dout net = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(in_features=dim, out_features=dint, bias=True), nn.BatchNorm1d(dint), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(in_features=dint, out_features=dint, bias=True), nn.BatchNorm1d(dint), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(in_features=dint, out_features=dout, bias=True), Normalize()) if args.init_name != '':