def getPerspKeypoints(rgbFile1, rgbFile2, HFile1, HFile2, model_file='models/d2_kinal_ipr.pth'): use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu") model = D2Net( model_file=model_file, use_relu=True, use_cuda=use_cuda ) image1 = np.array( image2 = np.array( H1 = np.load(HFile1) H2 = np.load(HFile2) imgTop1 = getTopImg(image1, H1) imgTop2 = getTopImg(image2, H2) feat1 = extract(imgTop1, model, device) feat2 = extract(imgTop2, model, device) print("Features extracted.") src_pts, dst_pts = cv2D2netMatching(imgTop1, imgTop2, feat1, feat2, matcher="BF") # src_pts, dst_pts = siftMatching(imgTop1, imgTop2) orgSrc, orgDst = orgKeypoints(src_pts, dst_pts, H1, H2) drawOrg(image1, image2, orgSrc, orgDst) return orgSrc, orgDst
def evaluate_RGB(model_path, dataset): # Creating CNN model model = D2Net(model_file=model_path, use_relu=True, use_cuda=False) model = n_matches = [] n_feats = [] t_err = {thr: 0 for thr in rng} for examp in dataset: igp1, igp2, pts1, pts2, H = examp['image1'], examp['image2'], examp[ 'pos1'], examp['pos2'], np.array(examp['H']) # predicting keypoints and descriptors using the d2-net model # print(igp1.shape, igp2.shape) with torch.no_grad(): if args.multiscale: keypoints1, scores1, descriptors1 = process_multiscale(, model) keypoints2, scores2, descriptors2 = process_multiscale(, model) else: keypoints1, scores1, descriptors1 = process_multiscale(, model, scales=[1]) keypoints2, scores2, descriptors2 = process_multiscale(, model, scales=[1]) n_feats.append(keypoints1.shape[0]) n_feats.append(keypoints2.shape[0]) # applying nearest neighbor to find matches matches = mnn_matcher( torch.from_numpy(descriptors1).to(device=device), torch.from_numpy(descriptors2).to(device=device)) pos_a = keypoints1[matches[:, 0], :2] pos_a_h = np.concatenate([pos_a, np.ones([matches.shape[0], 1])], axis=1) pos_b_proj_h = np.transpose(, np.transpose(pos_a_h))) pos_b_proj = pos_b_proj_h[:, :2] / pos_b_proj_h[:, 2:] pos_b = keypoints2[matches[:, 1], :2] dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((pos_b - pos_b_proj)**2, axis=1)) n_matches.append(matches.shape[0]) if dist.shape[0] == 0: dist = np.array([float("inf")]) for thr in rng: t_err[thr] += np.mean(dist <= thr) return t_err, np.array(n_feats), np.array(n_matches)
def getPerspKeypoints(rgbFile1, rgbFile2, HFile1, HFile2, model_file='models/d2_kinal_ipr.pth'): use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu") model = D2Net(model_file=model_file, use_relu=True, use_cuda=use_cuda) image1 = np.array('L')) image1 = image1[:, :, np.newaxis] image1 = np.repeat(image1, 3, -1) image2 = np.array('L')) image2 = image2[:, :, np.newaxis] image2 = np.repeat(image2, 3, -1) # image1 = np.array( # image2 = np.array( H1 = np.load(HFile1) H2 = np.load(HFile2) # im1 = cv2.imread(rgbFile1) # im1 = np.array(cv2.cvtColor(np.array(im1), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # img1 = cv2.warpPerspective(im1, H1, (800, 800)) # cv2.imshow("Image", img1) # cv2.waitKey(0) imgTop1 = getTopImg(image1, H1) imgTop2 = getTopImg(image2, H2) # exit(1) feat1 = extract(imgTop1, model, device) feat2 = extract(imgTop2, model, device) # print("Features extracted.") src_pts, dst_pts, topMatchImg = cv2D2netMatching(imgTop1, imgTop2, feat1, feat2, matcher="BF") # src_pts, dst_pts, topMatchImg = siftMatching(imgTop1, imgTop2) orgSrc, orgDst = orgKeypoints(src_pts * 2, dst_pts * 2, H1, H2) # drawOrg(image1, image2, orgSrc, orgDst) perpMatchImg = drawOrg(np.array(, np.array(, orgSrc, orgDst) return topMatchImg, perpMatchImg
def __init__(self, model_file='models/d2_tf.pth', max_edge=1600, max_sum_edges=2800, use_relu=False, use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available()): # CUDA self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu") # Creating CNN model self.model = D2Net(model_file=model_file, use_relu=use_relu, use_cuda=use_cuda) self.max_edge = max_edge self.max_sum_edges = max_sum_edges
def __init__(self, train_path, nfeatures): self.files = [] self.files += [train_path + f for f in os.listdir(train_path)] self.nfeatures = nfeatures self.sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(nfeatures=self.nfeatures) self.matcher = cv2.BFMatcher_create(cv2.NORM_L1, crossCheck=False) # Creating CNN model self.model = D2Net( model_file='/home/udit/d2-net/checkpoints/checkpoint_road_more/d2.15.pth', use_relu=True, use_cuda=use_cuda ) self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu")
def __init__( self, use_relu=True, # remove ReLU after the dense feature extraction module multiscale=False, # extract multiscale features (read the note above) max_edge=1600, # maximum image size at network input max_sum_edges=2800, # maximum sum of image sizes at network input preprocessing='torch', # image preprocessing (caffe or torch) do_cuda=True): print('Using D2NetFeature2D') self.lock = RLock() self.model_base_path = config.cfg.root_folder + '/thirdparty/d2net/' self.models_path = self.model_base_path + 'models/d2_ots.pth' # best performances obtained with 'd2_ots.pth' self.use_relu = use_relu self.multiscale = multiscale self.max_edge = max_edge self.max_sum_edges = max_sum_edges self.preprocessing = preprocessing self.pts = [] self.kps = [] self.des = [] self.frame = None self.keypoint_size = 20 # just a representative size for visualization and in order to convert extracted points to cv2.KeyPoint self.do_cuda = do_cuda & torch.cuda.is_available() print('cuda:', self.do_cuda) self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if self.do_cuda else "cpu") torch.set_grad_enabled(False) print('==> Loading pre-trained network.') # Creating CNN model self.model = D2Net(model_file=self.models_path, use_relu=use_relu, use_cuda=do_cuda) if self.do_cuda: print('Extracting on GPU') else: print('Extracting on CPU') print('==> Successfully loaded pre-trained network.')
def benchmark_features(): i_err = {thr: 0 for thr in rng} v_err = {thr: 0 for thr in rng} # Creating CNN model model = D2Net(model_file="/home/wang/d2-net/models/d2_tf.pth", use_relu=True, use_cuda=use_cuda) with torch.no_grad(): data_loader = get_dataloader("view") for i_batch, sample_batched in tqdm(enumerate(data_loader, 1)): batch = parse_batch(sample_batched, device) for thr in rng: TPNN, PNN, TPNNT, PNNT, TPNNDR, PNNDR = eval_d2net( model, batch, 1, thr) PreNN = TPNN / PNN PreNNT = TPNNT / PNNT PreNNDR = TPNNDR / PNNDR meanms = (PreNN + PreNNT + PreNNDR) / 3 v_err[thr] += meanms n_v = i_batch with torch.no_grad(): data_loader = get_dataloader("illu") for i_batch, sample_batched in tqdm(enumerate(data_loader, 1)): batch = parse_batch(sample_batched, device) for thr in rng: TPNN, PNN, TPNNT, PNNT, TPNNDR, PNNDR = eval_d2net( model, batch, 1, thr) PreNN = TPNN / PNN PreNNT = TPNNT / PNNT PreNNDR = TPNNDR / PNNDR meanms = (PreNN + PreNNT + PreNNDR) / 3 i_err[thr] += meanms n_i = i_batch return i_err, v_err, n_i, n_v
for i in range(keypoints_left.shape[1]): im4 = cv2.line(im4, (int(keypoints_left[0, i]), int(keypoints_left[1, i])), (int(keypoints_right[0, i]) + image1.shape[1], int(keypoints_right[1, i])), (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.imshow("Image_lines", im4) cv2.waitKey(0) if __name__ == '__main__': use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu") args = parser.parse_args() model = D2Net( model_file=args.model_file, use_relu=args.use_relu, use_cuda=use_cuda ) # image1 = np.array([0])) # image2 = np.array([1])) # image1 = np.array([0]).convert('L')) # image2 = np.array([1]).convert('L')) image1 = np.array([0]).convert('L').resize((400, 400))) image1 = image1[:, :, np.newaxis] image1 = np.repeat(image1, 3, -1) image2 = np.array([1]).convert('L').resize((400, 400))) image2 = image2[:, :, np.newaxis] image2 = np.repeat(image2, 3, -1)
return repeatable_, max(useful_, 1) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--k', default=1024, type=int) # topk parser.add_argument('--data', default='e', type=str) # dataset args = parser.parse_args() # CUDA use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu") # Creating CNN model model = D2Net(model_file='/home/wang/d2-net/models/d2_tf.pth', use_relu=True, use_cuda=use_cuda) random.seed(cfg.PROJ.SEED) torch.manual_seed(cfg.PROJ.SEED) np.random.seed(cfg.PROJ.SEED) root_dir = '/home/wang/workspace/RFSLAM_offline/RFNET/data/' csv_file = None seq = None a = None if == 'v': csv_file = 'hpatch_view.csv' root_dir += 'hpatch_v_sequence' seq = 'view' a = False
def main(): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): print(gct(), 'no gpu device available') sys.exit(1) print(gct(), 'Args = %s', args) cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()'settings.conf') if args.cpu: device = torch.device('cpu') use_cuda = False else: device = torch.device('cuda') use_cuda = True criterion = D2Loss_hpatches(scaling_steps=3) criterion = model = D2Net(model_file=args.model_path, use_cuda=use_cuda).to(device) print(gct(), 'Param size = %fMB', count_parameters_in_MB(model)) if args.dataset[:4] == 'view': csv_file = cfg['hpatches']['view_csv'] root_dir = cfg['hpatches'][f'{args.dataset}_root'] dataset = HPatchesDataset( csv_file=csv_file, root_dir=root_dir, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=json.loads(cfg['hpatches']['view_mean']), std=json.loads(cfg['hpatches']['view_std'])) ]), test_flag=True) print(gct(), 'Load test dataset.') print(gct(), f'Root dir: {root_dir}. #Image pair: {len(dataset)}') dataset_len = len(dataset) split_idx = list(range(dataset_len)) part_pos = [ int(dataset_len * float(cfg['hpatches']['train_part_pos'])), int(dataset_len * float(cfg['hpatches']['eval_part_pos'])) ] test_queue = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=int(cfg['params']['train_bs']), sampler=sampler.SubsetRandomSampler( split_idx[part_pos[1]:]), # split_idx[part_pos[1]:] shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, num_workers=2) result_folder = 'results/' if not os.path.exists(result_folder): os.makedirs(result_folder) test_acc = infer(test_queue, model, criterion, result_folder, device) print('Test loss', test_acc)
print(args) # calculate scaling step if args.model_type == 'vgg16': scaling_steps = 5 - args.truncated_blocks elif args.model_type == 'res50': scaling_steps = 6 - args.dilation_blocks - args.truncated_blocks elif args.model_type == 'res101': scaling_steps = 6 - args.dilation_blocks - args.truncated_blocks # Creating CNN model model = D2Net(model_file=args.model_file, use_relu=args.use_relu, use_cuda=use_cuda, truncated_blocks=args.truncated_blocks, model_type=args.model_type, edge_threshold=args.edge_threshold, dilation_blocks=args.dilation_blocks, pspnetTest=args.pspnetTest) print(model) if use_cuda: model = model.cuda() # Process the file with open(args.image_list_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in tqdm(lines, total=len(lines)): path = line.strip()
image2 =, (int(keypoints_right[0, i]), int(keypoints_right[1, i])), 2, (0, 0, 255), 4) im4 = cv2.hconcat([image1, image2]) for i in range(keypoints_left.shape[1]): im4 = cv2.line(im4, (int(keypoints_left[0, i]), int(keypoints_left[1, i])), (int(keypoints_right[0, i]) + image1.shape[1], int(keypoints_right[1, i])), (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.imshow("Image_lines", im4) cv2.waitKey(0) if __name__ == '__main__': use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu") args = parser.parse_args() model = D2Net( #config = {}, model_file=args.model_file, use_relu=args.use_relu, use_cuda=use_cuda ) feat1 = extract(args.imgs[0], args, model, device) feat2 = extract(args.imgs[1], args, model, device) print("Features extracted.") drawMatches(args.imgs[0], args.imgs[1], feat1, feat2) #drawMatches2(args.imgs[0], args.imgs[1], feat1, feat2)
if __name__ == "__main__": focalX, focalY, centerX, centerY, scalingFactor = readCamera( args.camera_file) rgb_name_src = os.path.basename(args.rgb1) H_name_src = os.path.splitext(rgb_name_src)[0] + '.npy' srcH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args.rgb1), H_name_src) rgb_name_trg = os.path.basename(args.rgb2) H_name_trg = os.path.splitext(rgb_name_trg)[0] + '.npy' trgH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args.rgb2), H_name_trg) use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device('cuda:0' if use_cuda else 'cpu') model1 = D2Net(model_file=args.model_d2) model1 = model2 = D2Net(model_file=args.model_rord) model2 = if args.model_rord: srcPts, trgPts = getPerspKeypoints(args.rgb1, args.rgb2, srcH, trgH, model2, device) elif args.model_d2: srcPts, trgPts = getPerspKeypoints(args.rgb1, args.rgb2, srcH, trgH, model1, device) elif args.model_ens: model1 = D2Net(model_file=model1_ens) model1 = model2 = D2Net(model_file=model2_ens) model2 =
if (sId != -1 and tId != -1): corr.append((sId, tId)) corr = np.asarray(corr) return corr if __name__ == "__main__": focalX, focalY, centerX, centerY, scalingFactor = readCamera( args.camera_file) df_rgb = pd.read_csv(args.rgb_csv) df_dep = pd.read_csv(args.depth_csv) model1 = D2Net(model_file=args.model_d2).to(device) model2 = D2Net(model_file=args.model_rord).to(device) i = 0 for im_q, dep_q in zip(df_rgb['query'], df_dep['query']): filter_list = [] for im_d, dep_d in zip(df_rgb.iteritems(), df_dep.iteritems()): if im_d[0] == 'query': continue rgb_name_src = os.path.basename(im_q) H_name_src = os.path.splitext(rgb_name_src)[0] + '.npy' srcH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(im_q), H_name_src) rgb_name_trg = os.path.basename(im_d[1][1]) H_name_trg = os.path.splitext(rgb_name_trg)[0] + '.npy' trgH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(im_d[1][1]), H_name_trg)
def init_d2net(): use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu") # Argument parsing parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Feature extraction script') # parser.add_argument( # '--image_list_file', type=str, required=True, # help='path to a file containing a list of images to process' # ) parser.add_argument('--preprocessing', type=str, default='caffe', help='image preprocessing (caffe or torch)') parser.add_argument('--model_file', type=str, default='models/d2_tf.pth', help='path to the full model') parser.add_argument('--max_edge', type=int, default=1600, help='maximum image size at network input') parser.add_argument('--max_sum_edges', type=int, default=2800, help='maximum sum of image sizes at network input') parser.add_argument('--output_extension', type=str, default='.d2-net', help='extension for the output') parser.add_argument('--output_type', type=str, default='npz', help='output file type (npz or mat)') # parser.add_argument( # '--multiscale', dest='multiscale', action='store_true', # help='extract multiscale features' # ) # parser.set_defaults(multiscale=False) parser.add_argument( '--no-relu', dest='use_relu', action='store_false', help='remove ReLU after the dense feature extraction module') parser.set_defaults(use_relu=True) # parser.add_argument( # '--match_thresh', type=int, default=9, # help='min match_thresh pair' # ) # parser.add_argument('--img_path_left', type=str, help='img_path_left') parser.add_argument('--img_right_folder', type=str, help='img_right_folder') args = parser.parse_args() args.multiscale = True model = D2Net(model_file=args.model_file, use_relu=args.use_relu, use_cuda=use_cuda) return model, args, device