def packets_write(dut, axis_writer, axilite_writer, axilite_reader, pkts,
                  latencies, inter_packet_times):
    """Apply packets on DuT input."""
    # start the module
    yield axilite_writer.write(CPUREG_OFFSET_CTRL_ACTIVE, 0x1)

    # wait a little bit
    yield wait_n_cycles(dut.clk, 10)

    # iterate over all packets
    for i, pkt in enumerate(pkts):
        # convert packet to AXI4-Stream data
        (tdata, tkeep) = packet_to_axis_data(pkt, AXIS_BIT_WIDTH)

        # include latency and inter-packet time in last TUSER word
        tuser = len(tdata) * [0]
        tuser[-1] = latencies[i] | (1 << 24) | (inter_packet_times[i] << 25)

        # write data
        yield axis_writer.write(tdata, tkeep, tuser)

        # wait random number of cycles before applying the next packet
        yield wait_n_cycles(dut.clk, random.randint(0, 10))

    # stop the module
    yield axilite_writer.write(CPUREG_OFFSET_CTRL_ACTIVE, 0x0)
def packets_write(dut, axis_writer, pkts):
    """Apply packets on DuT input."""
    for (pkt, inter_packet_cycles) in pkts:
        # convert pkt to AXI4-Stream data
        (tdata, tkeep) = packet_to_axis_data(pkt, AXIS_BIT_WIDTH)

        # insert inter-packet time in TUSER signal for first transfer word
        tuser = [inter_packet_cycles]

        # write AXI4-Stream data (do not insert idle gaps)
        yield axis_writer.write(tdata, tkeep, tuser, False)
Esempio n. 3
def packets_write(dut, axis_writer, pkts):
    """Apply packets on DuT input."""
    # iterate over all packets
    for pkt in pkts:
        # convert packet to AXI4-Stream data
        (tdata, tkeep) = packet_to_axis_data(pkt, AXIS_BIT_WIDTH)

        # apply data
        yield axis_writer.write(tdata, tkeep)

        # wait a random number of cycles before writing next packet
        yield wait_n_cycles(dut.clk156, randint(0, 10))
Esempio n. 4
def frames_write(dut, axis_writer, frames):
    """Apply generated frames on DuT input."""
    # iterate over frames
    for frame in frames:
        # convert frame to AXI4-Stream data
        (tdata, tkeep) = packet_to_axis_data(frame, AXIS_BIT_WIDTH)

        # write frame
        yield axis_writer.write(tdata, tkeep, [])

        # wait a random number of cycles before writing next frame
        yield wait_n_cycles(dut.clk, randint(0, 10))
Esempio n. 5
def packets_write(dut, axis_writer, pkts, latencies, inter_packet_times):
    """Apply packets on DuT input."""
    # iterate over all packets
    for i, pkt in enumerate(pkts):
        # convert packet to AXI4-Stream data
        (tdata, tkeep) = packet_to_axis_data(pkt, DATAPATH_BIT_WIDTH)

        # include latency and inter-packet time in last TUSER word
        tuser = len(tdata) * [0]
        tuser[-1] = latencies[i] | (1 << 24) | (inter_packet_times[i] << 25)

        # write data
        yield axis_writer.write(tdata, tkeep, tuser)

        # wait random number of cycles before writing the next packet
        yield wait_n_cycles(dut.clk, randint(0, 10))
def packets_write(dut, axis_writer, pkts):
    """Apply packets on DuT input."""
    # iterate over all packets
    for pkt in pkts:
        # convert packet to axi stream data
        (tdata, tkeep) = packet_to_axis_data(pkt, AXIS_BIT_WIDTH)

        # if TLAST is low, TUSER input must be zero. for the last AXI4-Stream
        # transfer of the packet, TUSER is set to a predetermined random value
        tuser = len(tdata) * [0]
        tuser[-1] = TUSER_LSB

        # write data on AXI4-Stream slave interface
        yield axis_writer.write(tdata, tkeep, tuser)

        # wait a random number of cycles before applying next packet
        yield wait_n_cycles(dut.clk156, randint(0, 100))