Esempio n. 1
def setup_nhl():
    Load team ID and delay from settings.txt or supply defaults

    lines = ""
    team = ""
    team_id = ""
    settings_file = '{0}/settings.txt'.format(main_dir)
    if os.path.exists(settings_file):
        # get settings from file
        f = open(settings_file, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()

    # find team_id
        team_id = lines[1].strip('\n')
    except IndexError:
        team_id = ""
    if team_id == "":
        team = "Hurricanes"

        # query the api to get the ID
        team_id = nhl.get_team_id(team)

    # find delay
        delay = lines[2].strip('\n')
    except IndexError:
        delay = ""
    if delay is "":
        delay = 0.0

    return (team_id, delay)
Esempio n. 2
    def setup_nhl(self):
        """Function to setup the with team,
        team_id and delay"""
        """Try to find a settings.txt file in the folder to automaticly setup
        the goal light with pre-desired team and delay.
        settings.txt file should as such : Enter team_id and delay,
        each on a separate line in this order. LEAVE EMPTY if you want to
        manually input every time. If program can't find settings.txt file or if
        file is empty, it will ask for user input.

        lines = ""
        team = ""
        team_id = ""
        settings_file = '/home/pi/nhlscoreboard/settings.txt'
        if os.path.exists(settings_file):
            # get settings from file
            f = open(settings_file, 'r')
            lines = f.readlines()

        # find team_id
            team_id = lines[1].strip('\n')
        except IndexError:
            team_id = ""
        if team_id == "":
            team = input(
                "Enter team you want to setup (without city) (Default: Canadiens) \n"
            if team == "":
                team = "Canadiens"
                team = team.title()

            # query the api to get the ID
            team_id = nhl.get_team_id(team)

        # find delay
            delay = lines[2].strip('\n')
        except IndexError:
            delay = ""
        if delay is "":
            delay = input("Enter delay required to sync : \n")
            if delay is "":
                delay = 0
        delay = float(delay)
        delay = 0.0

        return (team_id, delay)
Esempio n. 3
def setup_nhl():
    """Function to setup the with team,
    team_id and delay"""

    """Try to find a settings.txt file in the folder to automaticly setup
    the goal light with pre-desired team and delay.
    settings.txt file should as such : Enter team_id and delay,
    each on a separate line in this order. LEAVE EMPTY if you want to
    manually input every time. If program can't find settings.txt file or if
    file is empty, it will ask for user input.
    lines = ""
    team = ""
    team_id = ""
    settings_file = '/home/pi/nhl_goal_light/settings.txt'
    if os.path.exists(settings_file):
        # get settings from file
        f = open(settings_file, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()
    # find team_id
        team_id = lines[1].strip('\n')
    except IndexError:
        team_id = ""
    if team_id == "":
        team = raw_input("Enter team you want to setup (without city) (Default: Canadiens) \n")
        if team == "":
            team = "Canadiens"
            team = team.title()
        # query the api to get the ID
        team_id = nhl.get_team_id(team)

    # find delay
        delay = lines[2].strip('\n')
    except IndexError:
        delay = ""
    if delay is "":
        delay = raw_input("Enter delay required to sync : \n")
        if delay is "":
            delay = 0
    delay = float(delay)
    return (team_id, delay)
Esempio n. 4
def team_id(team):
    # Fetch and return the official ID of the team
    response = { 'id': nhl.get_team_id(team) }
    return jsonify(response)