def case2(indexes=CASE_2_ATTRIBUTE_INDEXES,output=True):

    accuracy_in_each_turn = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_spam = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_spam = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_ham = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_ham = list()

    m = np.loadtxt(open("resources/normalized_data.csv","rb"),delimiter=',')

    shuffled = np.random.permutation(m)


    # equiprobable priors
    prior_spam = 0.5
    prior_ham = 0.5

    for i in xrange(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS):

        # we're using cross-validation so each iteration we take a different
        # slice of the data to serve as test set
        train_set,test_set = prep.split_sets(shuffled,TRAIN_TEST_RATIO,i)

        #parameter estimation
        #but now we take 10 attributes into consideration
        sample_means_word_spam = list()
        sample_means_word_ham = list()

        sample_variances_word_spam = list()
        sample_variances_word_ham = list()

        for attr_index in indexes:



        #sample standard deviations from sample variances
        sample_std_devs_spam = map(lambda x: x ** (1/2.0), sample_variances_word_spam)
        sample_std_devs_ham = map(lambda x: x ** (1/2.0), sample_variances_word_ham)

        hits = 0.0
        misses = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as spam
        correctly_is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of spam instances
        is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as spam
        guessed_spam = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as ham
        correctly_is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of ham instances
        is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as ham
        guessed_ham = 0.0

        # now we test the hypothesis against the test set
        for row in test_set:

            # ou seja, o produto de todas as prob. condicionais das palavras dada a classe   
            # eu sei que ta meio confuso, mas se olhar com cuidado eh bonito fazer isso tudo numa linha soh! =)         
            product_of_all_conditional_probs_spam = reduce(lambda acc,cur: acc * stats.gumbel_l(sample_means_word_spam[cur], sample_std_devs_spam[cur]).pdf(row[indexes[cur]]) , xrange(10), 1)
            # nao precisa dividir pelo termo de normalizacao pois so queremos saber qual e o maior!
            posterior_spam = prior_spam * product_of_all_conditional_probs_spam

            product_of_all_conditional_probs_ham = reduce(lambda acc,cur: acc * stats.gumbel_l(sample_means_word_ham[cur], sample_std_devs_ham[cur]).pdf(row[indexes[cur]]) , xrange(10), 1)
            posterior_ham = prior_ham * product_of_all_conditional_probs_ham
            # whichever is greater - that will be our prediction
            if posterior_spam > posterior_ham:
                guess = 1
                guess = 0

            if(row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == guess):
                hits += 1
                misses += 1

            # we'll use these to calculate metrics
            if (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1 ):
                is_spam += 1
                if guess == 1:
                    guessed_spam += 1
                    correctly_is_spam += 1
                    guessed_ham += 1
                is_ham += 1

                if guess == 1:
                    guessed_spam += 1
                    guessed_ham += 1
                    correctly_is_ham += 1

        #accuracy = number of correctly evaluated instances/
        #           number of instances
        accuracy = hits/(hits+misses)

        #precision_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #            number of spam instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(is_spam == 0):
            precision_spam = 0
            precision_spam = correctly_is_spam/is_spam

        #recall_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #         number of evaluated instances como spam
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(guessed_spam == 0):
            recall_spam = 0
            recall_spam = correctly_is_spam/guessed_spam

        #precision_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #            number of ham instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(is_ham == 0):
            precision_ham = 0
            precision_ham = correctly_is_ham/is_ham

        #recall_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #         number of evaluated instances como ham
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(guessed_ham == 0):
            recall_ham = 0
            recall_ham = correctly_is_ham/guessed_ham




    # calculation of means for each metric at the end

    mean_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    std_dev_accuracy = np.std(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    variance_accuracy = np.var(accuracy_in_each_turn)

    mean_precision_spam = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_precision_spam = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_precision_spam = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_recall_spam = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_recall_spam = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_recall_spam = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_precision_ham = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_precision_ham = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_precision_ham = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_ham)

    mean_recall_ham = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_recall_ham = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_recall_ham = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_ham)

    if output:
        print "\033[1;32m"
        print '============================================='
        print '============================================='
        print "\033[00m"
        print 'MEAN ACCURACY: '+str(round(mean_accuracy,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF ACCURACY: '+str(round(std_dev_accuracy,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF ACCURACY: '+str(round(variance_accuracy,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(mean_precision_spam,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(std_dev_precision_spam,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(variance_precision_spam,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(mean_recall_spam,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(std_dev_recall_spam,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(variance_recall_spam,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(mean_precision_ham,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(std_dev_precision_ham,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(variance_precision_ham,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(mean_recall_ham,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(std_dev_recall_ham,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(variance_recall_ham,8))
def case1(index=CASE_1_ATTRIBUTE_INDEX,output=True,ret='accuracy'):

    accuracy_in_each_turn = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_spam = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_spam = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_ham = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_ham = list()

    m = np.loadtxt(open("resources/normalized_data.csv","rb"),delimiter=',')

    shuffled = np.random.permutation(m)


    # equiprobable priors
    prior_spam = 0.5
    prior_ham = 0.5

    for i in xrange(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS):

        # we're using cross-validation so each iteration we take a different
        # slice of the data to serve as test set
        train_set,test_set = prep.split_sets(shuffled,TRAIN_TEST_RATIO,i)

        #parameter estimation
        sample_mean_word_spam = nb.take_mean_spam(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        sample_mean_word_ham = nb.take_mean_ham(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        sample_variance_word_spam = nb.take_variance_spam(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        sample_variance_word_ham = nb.take_variance_ham(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        #sample standard deviations from sample variance
        sample_std_dev_spam = sample_variance_word_spam ** (1/2.0)
        sample_std_dev_ham = sample_variance_word_ham ** (1/2.0) 

        hits = 0.0
        misses = 0.0

        #number of instances corretcly evaluated as spam
        correctly_is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of spam instances
        is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as spam
        guessed_spam = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as ham
        correctly_is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of ham instances
        is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as ham
        guessed_ham = 0.0


        # now we test the hypothesis against the test set
        for row in test_set:
            # nao precisa dividir pelo termo de normalizacao pois so queremos saber qual e o maior!
            posterior_spam = prior_spam * stats.norm(sample_mean_word_spam, sample_std_dev_spam).pdf(row[index])

            posterior_ham = prior_ham * stats.norm(sample_mean_word_ham, sample_std_dev_ham).pdf(row[index])
            # whichever is greater - that will be our evaluation
            if posterior_spam > posterior_ham:
                guess = 1
                guess = 0

            if(row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == guess):
                hits += 1
                misses += 1

            # we'll use these to calculate metrics
            if (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1 ):
                is_spam += 1
                if guess == 1:
                    guessed_spam += 1
                    correctly_is_spam += 1
                    guessed_ham += 1
                is_ham += 1

                if guess == 1:
                    guessed_spam += 1
                    guessed_ham += 1
                    correctly_is_ham += 1

        #accuracy = number of correctly evaluated instances/
        #           number of instances
        accuracy = hits/(hits+misses)

        #precision_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #            number of spam instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(is_spam == 0):
            precision_spam = 0
            precision_spam = correctly_is_spam/is_spam

        #recall_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #         number of evaluated instances como spam
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(guessed_spam == 0):
            recall_spam = 0
            recall_spam = correctly_is_spam/guessed_spam

        #precision_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #            number of ham instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(is_ham == 0):
            precision_ham = 0
            precision_ham = correctly_is_ham/is_ham

        #recall_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #         number of evaluated instances como ham
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(guessed_ham == 0):
            recall_ham = 0
            recall_ham = correctly_is_ham/guessed_ham




    # calculation of means for each metric at the end

    mean_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    std_dev_accuracy = np.std(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    variance_accuracy = np.var(accuracy_in_each_turn)

    mean_precision_spam = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_precision_spam = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_precision_spam = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_recall_spam = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_recall_spam = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_recall_spam = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_precision_ham = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_precision_ham = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_precision_ham = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_ham)

    mean_recall_ham = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_recall_ham = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_recall_ham = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_ham)

    if output:
        print "\033[1;32m"
        print '============================================='
        print '============================================='
        print "\033[00m"
        print 'MEAN ACCURACY: '+str(round(mean_accuracy,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF ACCURACY: '+str(round(std_dev_accuracy,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF ACCURACY: '+str(round(variance_accuracy,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(mean_precision_spam,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(std_dev_precision_spam,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(variance_precision_spam,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(mean_recall_spam,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(std_dev_recall_spam,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(variance_recall_spam,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(mean_precision_ham,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(std_dev_precision_ham,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(variance_precision_ham,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(mean_recall_ham,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(std_dev_recall_ham,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(variance_recall_ham,8))

    # we'll only use these return values to compute rankings
    # for example in script which_attribute_case_1    
    if ret == 'utility':
        return mean_accuracy * mean_precision_ham
    elif ret =='accuracy':
        return mean_accuracy
        print 'UNKNOWN METRIC: '+ret
def case1(index=CASE_1_ATTRIBUTE_INDEX,output=True,ret='accuracy'):

    accuracy_in_each_turn = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_spam = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_spam = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_ham = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_ham = list()

    m = np.loadtxt(open("resources/normalized_data.csv","rb"),delimiter=',')

    shuffled = np.random.permutation(m)


    # equiprobable priors
    prior_spam = 0.5
    prior_ham = 0.5

    for i in xrange(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS):

        # we're using cross-validation so each iteration we take a different
        # slice of the data to serve as test set
        train_set,test_set = prep.split_sets(shuffled,TRAIN_TEST_RATIO,i)

        #parameter estimation
        sample_mean_word_spam = nb.take_mean_spam(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        sample_mean_word_ham = nb.take_mean_ham(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        sample_variance_word_spam = nb.take_variance_spam(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        sample_variance_word_ham = nb.take_variance_ham(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        #sample standard deviations from sample variance
        sample_std_dev_spam = sample_variance_word_spam ** (1/2.0)
        sample_std_dev_ham = sample_variance_word_ham ** (1/2.0) 

        hits = 0.0
        misses = 0.0

        #number of instances corretcly evaluated as spam
        correctly_is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of spam instances
        is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as spam
        guessed_spam = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as ham
        correctly_is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of ham instances
        is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as ham
        guessed_ham = 0.0


        # now we test the hypothesis against the test set
        for row in test_set:
            # nao precisa dividir pelo termo de normalizacao pois so queremos saber qual e o maior!
            posterior_spam = prior_spam * stats.gumbel_l(sample_mean_word_spam, sample_std_dev_spam).pdf(row[index])

            posterior_ham = prior_ham * stats.gumbel_l(sample_mean_word_ham, sample_std_dev_ham).pdf(row[index])
            # whichever is greater - that will be our evaluation
            if posterior_spam > posterior_ham:
                guess = 1
                guess = 0

            if(row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == guess):
                hits += 1
                misses += 1

            # we'll use these to calculate metrics
            if (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1 ):
                is_spam += 1
                if guess == 1:
                    guessed_spam += 1
                    correctly_is_spam += 1
                    guessed_ham += 1
                is_ham += 1

                if guess == 1:
                    guessed_spam += 1
                    guessed_ham += 1
                    correctly_is_ham += 1

        #accuracy = number of correctly evaluated instances/
        #           number of instances
        accuracy = hits/(hits+misses)

        #precision_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #            number of spam instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(is_spam == 0):
            precision_spam = 0
            precision_spam = correctly_is_spam/is_spam

        #recall_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #         number of evaluated instances como spam
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(guessed_spam == 0):
            recall_spam = 0
            recall_spam = correctly_is_spam/guessed_spam

        #precision_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #            number of ham instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(is_ham == 0):
            precision_ham = 0
            precision_ham = correctly_is_ham/is_ham

        #recall_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #         number of evaluated instances como ham
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(guessed_ham == 0):
            recall_ham = 0
            recall_ham = correctly_is_ham/guessed_ham




    # calculation of means for each metric at the end

    mean_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    std_dev_accuracy = np.std(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    variance_accuracy = np.var(accuracy_in_each_turn)

    mean_precision_spam = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_precision_spam = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_precision_spam = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_recall_spam = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_recall_spam = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_recall_spam = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_precision_ham = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_precision_ham = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_precision_ham = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_ham)

    mean_recall_ham = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_recall_ham = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_recall_ham = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_ham)

    if output:
        print "\033[1;32m"
        print '============================================='
        print '============================================='
        print "\033[00m"
        print 'MEAN ACCURACY: '+str(round(mean_accuracy,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF ACCURACY: '+str(round(std_dev_accuracy,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF ACCURACY: '+str(round(variance_accuracy,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(mean_precision_spam,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(std_dev_precision_spam,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(variance_precision_spam,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(mean_recall_spam,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(std_dev_recall_spam,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(variance_recall_spam,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(mean_precision_ham,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(std_dev_precision_ham,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(variance_precision_ham,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(mean_recall_ham,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(std_dev_recall_ham,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(variance_recall_ham,8))

    # we'll only use these return values to compute rankings
    # for example in script which_attribute_case_1    
    if ret == 'utility':
        return mean_accuracy * mean_precision_ham
    elif ret =='accuracy':
        return mean_accuracy
        print 'UNKNOWN METRIC: '+ret
def case3(output=True):

    accuracy_in_each_turn = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_spam = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_spam = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_ham = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_ham = list()

    m = np.loadtxt(open("resources/normalized_data.csv", "rb"), delimiter=',')

    shuffled = np.random.permutation(m)

    valid.validate_cross_validation(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS, TRAIN_TEST_RATIO)

    # equiprobable priors
    prior_spam = 0.5
    prior_ham = 0.5

    for i in xrange(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS):

        # we're using cross-validation so each iteration we take a different
        # slice of the data to serve as test set
        train_set, test_set = prep.split_sets(shuffled, TRAIN_TEST_RATIO, i)

        #parameter estimation
        #but now we take ALL attributes into consideration
        sample_means_word_spam = list()
        sample_means_word_ham = list()

        sample_variances_word_spam = list()
        sample_variances_word_ham = list()

        # all but the last one
        for attr_index in xrange(57):

                nb.take_mean_spam(train_set, attr_index, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX))
                nb.take_mean_ham(train_set, attr_index, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX))

                nb.take_variance_spam(train_set, attr_index, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX))
                nb.take_variance_ham(train_set, attr_index, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX))

        #sample standard deviations from sample variances
        sample_std_devs_spam = map(lambda x: x**(1 / 2.0),
        sample_std_devs_ham = map(lambda x: x**(1 / 2.0),

        hits = 0.0
        misses = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as spam
        correctly_is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of spam instances
        is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as spam
        guessed_spam = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as ham
        correctly_is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of ham instances
        is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as ham
        guessed_ham = 0.0

        # now we test the hypothesis against the test set
        for row in test_set:

            # ou seja, o produto de todas as prob. condicionais das palavras dada a classe
            # eu sei que ta meio confuso, mas se olhar com cuidado eh bonito fazer isso tudo numa linha soh! =)
            product_of_all_conditional_probs_spam = reduce(
                lambda acc, cur: acc * stats.norm(sample_means_word_spam[
                    cur], sample_std_devs_spam[cur]).pdf(row[
                        CASE_2_ATTRIBUTE_INDEXES[cur]]), xrange(10), 1)
            # nao precisa dividir pelo termo de normalizacao pois so queremos saber qual e o maior!
            posterior_spam = prior_spam * product_of_all_conditional_probs_spam

            product_of_all_conditional_probs_ham = reduce(
                lambda acc, cur: acc * stats.norm(sample_means_word_ham[
                    cur], sample_std_devs_ham[cur]).pdf(row[
                        CASE_2_ATTRIBUTE_INDEXES[cur]]), xrange(10), 1)
            posterior_ham = prior_ham * product_of_all_conditional_probs_ham

            # whichever is greater - that will be our prediction
            if posterior_spam > posterior_ham:
                guess = 1
                guess = 0

            if (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == guess):
                hits += 1
                misses += 1

            # we'll use these to calculate metrics
            if (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1):
                is_spam += 1

                if guess == 1:
                    guessed_spam += 1
                    correctly_is_spam += 1
                    guessed_ham += 1
                is_ham += 1

                if guess == 1:
                    guessed_spam += 1
                    guessed_ham += 1
                    correctly_is_ham += 1

        #accuracy = number of correctly evaluated instances/
        #           number of instances
        accuracy = hits / (hits + misses)

        #precision_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #            number of spam instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (is_spam == 0):
            precision_spam = 0
            precision_spam = correctly_is_spam / is_spam

        #recall_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #         number of evaluated instances como spam
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (guessed_spam == 0):
            recall_spam = 0
            recall_spam = correctly_is_spam / guessed_spam

        #precision_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #            number of ham instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (is_ham == 0):
            precision_ham = 0
            precision_ham = correctly_is_ham / is_ham

        #recall_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #         number of evaluated instances como ham
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (guessed_ham == 0):
            recall_ham = 0
            recall_ham = correctly_is_ham / guessed_ham




    # calculation of means for each metric at the end

    mean_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    std_dev_accuracy = np.std(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    variance_accuracy = np.var(accuracy_in_each_turn)

    mean_precision_spam = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_precision_spam = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_precision_spam = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_recall_spam = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_recall_spam = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_recall_spam = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_precision_ham = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_precision_ham = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_precision_ham = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_ham)

    mean_recall_ham = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_recall_ham = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_recall_ham = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_ham)

    if output:
        print "\033[1;32m"
        print '============================================='
        print '============================================='
        print "\033[00m"
        print 'MEAN ACCURACY: ' + str(round(mean_accuracy, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF ACCURACY: ' + str(round(std_dev_accuracy, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF ACCURACY: ' + str(round(variance_accuracy, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR SPAM: ' + str(round(mean_precision_spam, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_precision_spam, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_precision_spam, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR SPAM: ' + str(round(mean_recall_spam, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_recall_spam, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_recall_spam, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR HAM: ' + str(round(mean_precision_ham, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_precision_ham, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_precision_ham, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR HAM: ' + str(round(mean_recall_ham, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_recall_ham, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_recall_ham, 8))
def case3(output=True):

    # does not distinguish between emails where an attribute appears more than
    # once as opposed to those where said attribute appears only once.

    # note that we're not using equiprobabilities for the priors.
    # we'll simulate the population priors using the sample priors.

    accuracy_in_each_turn = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_spam = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_spam = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_ham = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_ham = list()

    # just ones and zeros
    m = np.loadtxt(open("resources/binarized_data.csv", "rb"), delimiter=',')

    shuffled = np.random.permutation(m)

    valid.validate_cross_validation(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS, TRAIN_TEST_RATIO)

    for i in xrange(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS):

        train_set, test_set = prep.split_sets(shuffled, TRAIN_TEST_RATIO, i)

        prior_spam = nb.take_p_spam(train_set, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)
        prior_ham = nb.take_p_ham(train_set, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        hits = 0.0
        misses = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as spam
        correctly_is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of spam instances
        is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as spam
        guessed_spam = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as ham
        correctly_is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of ham instances
        is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as ham
        guessed_ham = 0.0

        # we will pre-calculate these in order to save processing
        ps_attribute_spam = map(
            lambda elem: nb.take_p_attribute_spam(train_set, elem,
                                                  SPAM_ATTR_INDEX), xrange(54))
        ps_attribute_ham = map(
            lambda elem: nb.take_p_attribute_ham(train_set, elem,
                                                 SPAM_ATTR_INDEX), xrange(54))

        # now we test the hypothesis against the test set
        for row in test_set:

            # esses sao os valores do produtorio das probabilidades condicionais para spam e para ham, respectivamente.
            product_p_spam_attributes = reduce(
                lambda acc, elem: acc * ps_attribute_spam[elem]
                if row[elem] == 1 else acc, xrange(54), 1.0)
            product_p_ham_attributes = reduce(
                lambda acc, elem: acc * ps_attribute_ham[elem]
                if row[elem] == 1 else acc, xrange(54), 1.0)

            # o posterior eh igual ao prior vezes o produtorio das probabilidades condicionais
            p_spam_attribute = prior_spam * product_p_spam_attributes
            p_ham_attribute = prior_ham * product_p_ham_attributes

            # whichever is greater - that will be our prediction
            if p_spam_attribute > p_ham_attribute:
                guess = 1
                guess = 0

            # all these values should in theory be divided by the number
            # of features we're using, but we just want to know which
            # of the two (spam or ham) is more likely so even though the result
            # will be skewed by a constant, both classes will be multiplied
            # by that constant hence the comparison between the two is
            # still valid
            if (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 0) and (guess == 0):
                is_ham += 1
                guessed_ham += 1
                correctly_is_ham += 1
                hits += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 0) and (guess == 1):
                is_ham += 1
                guessed_spam += 1
                misses += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1) and (guess == 0):
                is_spam += 1
                guessed_ham += 1
                misses += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1) and (guess == 1):
                is_spam += 1
                guessed_spam += 1
                correctly_is_spam += 1
                hits += 1

        #accuracy = number of correctly evaluated instances/
        #           number of instances
        accuracy = hits / (hits + misses)

        #precision_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #            number of spam instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (is_spam == 0):
            precision_spam = 0
            precision_spam = correctly_is_spam / is_spam

        #recall_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #         number of evaluated instances como spam
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (guessed_spam == 0):
            recall_spam = 0
            recall_spam = correctly_is_spam / guessed_spam

        #precision_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #            number of ham instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (is_ham == 0):
            precision_ham = 0
            precision_ham = correctly_is_ham / is_ham

        #recall_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #         number of evaluated instances como ham
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (guessed_ham == 0):
            recall_ham = 0
            recall_ham = correctly_is_ham / guessed_ham




    mean_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    std_dev_accuracy = np.std(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    variance_accuracy = np.var(accuracy_in_each_turn)

    mean_precision_spam = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_precision_spam = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_precision_spam = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_recall_spam = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_recall_spam = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_recall_spam = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_precision_ham = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_precision_ham = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_precision_ham = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_ham)

    mean_recall_ham = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_recall_ham = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_recall_ham = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_ham)

    if output:
        print "\033[1;32m"
        print '============================================='
        print '============================================='
        print "\033[00m"
        print 'MEAN ACCURACY: ' + str(round(mean_accuracy, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF ACCURACY: ' + str(round(std_dev_accuracy, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF ACCURACY: ' + str(round(variance_accuracy, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR SPAM: ' + str(round(mean_precision_spam, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_precision_spam, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_precision_spam, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR SPAM: ' + str(round(mean_recall_spam, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_recall_spam, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_recall_spam, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR HAM: ' + str(round(mean_precision_ham, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_precision_ham, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_precision_ham, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR HAM: ' + str(round(mean_recall_ham, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_recall_ham, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_recall_ham, 8))
def case3(output=True):

    # does not distinguish between emails where an attribute appears more than
    # once as opposed to those where said attribute appears only once.

    # note that we're not using equiprobabilities for the priors.
    # we'll simulate the population priors using the sample priors.

    accuracy_in_each_turn = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_spam = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_spam = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_ham = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_ham = list()

    # just ones and zeros
    m = np.loadtxt(open("resources/binarized_data.csv", "rb"), delimiter=",")

    shuffled = np.random.permutation(m)

    valid.validate_cross_validation(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS, TRAIN_TEST_RATIO)

    for i in xrange(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS):

        train_set, test_set = prep.split_sets(shuffled, TRAIN_TEST_RATIO, i)

        prior_spam = nb.take_p_spam(train_set, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)
        prior_ham = nb.take_p_ham(train_set, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        hits = 0.0
        misses = 0.0

        # number of instances correctly evaluated as spam
        correctly_is_spam = 0.0

        # total number of spam instances
        is_spam = 0.0

        # total number of instances evaluated as spam
        guessed_spam = 0.0

        # number of instances correctly evaluated as ham
        correctly_is_ham = 0.0

        # total number of ham instances
        is_ham = 0.0

        # total number of instances evaluated as ham
        guessed_ham = 0.0

        # we will pre-calculate these in order to save processing
        ps_attribute_spam = map(lambda elem: nb.take_p_attribute_spam(train_set, elem, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX), xrange(54))
        ps_attribute_ham = map(lambda elem: nb.take_p_attribute_ham(train_set, elem, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX), xrange(54))

        # now we test the hypothesis against the test set
        for row in test_set:

            # esses sao os valores do produtorio das probabilidades condicionais para spam e para ham, respectivamente.
            product_p_spam_attributes = reduce(
                lambda acc, elem: acc * ps_attribute_spam[elem] if row[elem] == 1 else acc, xrange(54), 1.0
            product_p_ham_attributes = reduce(
                lambda acc, elem: acc * ps_attribute_ham[elem] if row[elem] == 1 else acc, xrange(54), 1.0

            # o posterior eh igual ao prior vezes o produtorio das probabilidades condicionais
            p_spam_attribute = prior_spam * product_p_spam_attributes
            p_ham_attribute = prior_ham * product_p_ham_attributes

            # whichever is greater - that will be our prediction
            if p_spam_attribute > p_ham_attribute:
                guess = 1
                guess = 0

            # all these values should in theory be divided by the number
            # of features we're using, but we just want to know which
            # of the two (spam or ham) is more likely so even though the result
            # will be skewed by a constant, both classes will be multiplied
            # by that constant hence the comparison between the two is
            # still valid
            if (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 0) and (guess == 0):
                is_ham += 1
                guessed_ham += 1
                correctly_is_ham += 1
                hits += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 0) and (guess == 1):
                is_ham += 1
                guessed_spam += 1
                misses += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1) and (guess == 0):
                is_spam += 1
                guessed_ham += 1
                misses += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1) and (guess == 1):
                is_spam += 1
                guessed_spam += 1
                correctly_is_spam += 1
                hits += 1

        # accuracy = number of correctly evaluated instances/
        #           number of instances
        accuracy = hits / (hits + misses)

        # precision_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #            number of spam instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if is_spam == 0:
            precision_spam = 0
            precision_spam = correctly_is_spam / is_spam

        # recall_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #         number of evaluated instances como spam
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if guessed_spam == 0:
            recall_spam = 0
            recall_spam = correctly_is_spam / guessed_spam

        # precision_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #            number of ham instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if is_ham == 0:
            precision_ham = 0
            precision_ham = correctly_is_ham / is_ham

        # recall_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #         number of evaluated instances como ham
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if guessed_ham == 0:
            recall_ham = 0
            recall_ham = correctly_is_ham / guessed_ham




    mean_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    std_dev_accuracy = np.std(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    variance_accuracy = np.var(accuracy_in_each_turn)

    mean_precision_spam = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_precision_spam = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_precision_spam = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_recall_spam = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_recall_spam = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_recall_spam = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_precision_ham = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_precision_ham = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_precision_ham = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_ham)

    mean_recall_ham = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_recall_ham = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_recall_ham = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_ham)

    if output:
        print "\033[1;32m"
        print "============================================="
        print "============================================="
        print "\033[00m"
        print "MEAN ACCURACY: " + str(round(mean_accuracy, 5))
        print "STD. DEV. OF ACCURACY: " + str(round(std_dev_accuracy, 5))
        print "VARIANCE OF ACCURACY: " + str(round(variance_accuracy, 8))
        print ""
        print "MEAN PRECISION FOR SPAM: " + str(round(mean_precision_spam, 5))
        print "STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: " + str(round(std_dev_precision_spam, 5))
        print "VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: " + str(round(variance_precision_spam, 8))
        print ""
        print "MEAN RECALL FOR SPAM: " + str(round(mean_recall_spam, 5))
        print "STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR SPAM: " + str(round(std_dev_recall_spam, 5))
        print "VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR SPAM: " + str(round(variance_recall_spam, 8))
        print ""
        print "MEAN PRECISION FOR HAM: " + str(round(mean_precision_ham, 5))
        print "STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR HAM: " + str(round(std_dev_precision_ham, 5))
        print "VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR HAM: " + str(round(variance_precision_ham, 8))
        print ""
        print "MEAN RECALL FOR HAM: " + str(round(mean_recall_ham, 5))
        print "STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR HAM: " + str(round(std_dev_recall_ham, 5))
        print "VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR HAM: " + str(round(variance_recall_ham, 8))
Esempio n. 7
def case1(index=CASE_1_ATTRIBUTE_INDEX, output=True, ret='accuracy'):
    # does not distinguish between emails where an attribute appears more than
    # once as opposed to those where said attribute appears only once.

    # note that we're not using equiprobabilities for the priors.
    # we'll simulate the population priors using the sample priors.

    accuracy_in_each_turn = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_spam = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_spam = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_ham = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_ham = list()

    m = np.loadtxt(open("resources/binarized_data.csv", "rb"), delimiter=',')

    shuffled = np.random.permutation(m)

    for i in xrange(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS):

        # we're using cross-validation so each iteration we take a different
        # slice of the data to serve as test set
        train_set, test_set = prep.split_sets(shuffled, TRAIN_TEST_RATIO, i)

        p_attribute_spam = nb.take_p_attribute_spam(train_set, index,
        p_spam = nb.take_p_spam(train_set, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)
        p_attribute = nb.take_p_attribute(train_set, index, SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        hits = 0.0
        misses = 0.0

        #number of instances corretcly evaluated as spam
        correctly_is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of spam instances
        is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as spam
        guessed_spam = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as ham
        correctly_is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of ham instances
        is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as ham
        guessed_ham = 0.0

        # whichever is greater - that will be our prediction
        p_spam_attribute = (p_attribute_spam * p_spam) / p_attribute
        p_ham_attribute = 1 - p_spam_attribute

        if p_spam_attribute > p_ham_attribute:
            guess = 1
            guess = 0

        # now we test the hypothesis against the test set
        for row in test_set:

            # if the attribute isn't there, then our actual guess is the opposite of the calculated guess
            if (row[index] == 0) and (guess == 1):
                actual_guess = 0
            elif (row[index] == 0) and (guess == 0):
                actual_guess = 1
                actual_guess = guess

            if (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 0) and (actual_guess == 0):
                is_ham += 1
                guessed_ham += 1
                correctly_is_ham += 1
                hits += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 0) and (actual_guess == 1):
                is_ham += 1
                guessed_spam += 1
                misses += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1) and (actual_guess == 0):
                is_spam += 1
                guessed_ham += 1
                misses += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1) and (actual_guess == 1):
                is_spam += 1
                guessed_spam += 1
                hits += 1
                correctly_is_spam += 1

        #accuracy = number of correctly evaluated instances/
        #           number of instances
        accuracy = hits / (hits + misses)

        #precision_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #            number of spam instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (is_spam == 0):
            precision_spam = 0
            precision_spam = correctly_is_spam / is_spam

        #recall_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #         number of evaluated instances como spam
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (guessed_spam == 0):
            recall_spam = 0
            recall_spam = correctly_is_spam / guessed_spam

        #precision_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #            number of ham instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (is_ham == 0):
            precision_ham = 0
            precision_ham = correctly_is_ham / is_ham

        #recall_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #         number of evaluated instances como ham
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if (guessed_ham == 0):
            recall_ham = 0
            recall_ham = correctly_is_ham / guessed_ham




    # calculation of means for each metric at the end

    mean_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    std_dev_accuracy = np.std(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    variance_accuracy = np.var(accuracy_in_each_turn)

    mean_precision_spam = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_precision_spam = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_precision_spam = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_recall_spam = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_recall_spam = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_recall_spam = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_precision_ham = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_precision_ham = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_precision_ham = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_ham)

    mean_recall_ham = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_recall_ham = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_recall_ham = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_ham)

    if output:
        print "\033[1;32m"
        print '============================================='
        print '============================================='
        print "\033[00m"
        print 'MEAN ACCURACY: ' + str(round(mean_accuracy, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF ACCURACY: ' + str(round(std_dev_accuracy, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF ACCURACY: ' + str(round(variance_accuracy, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR SPAM: ' + str(round(mean_precision_spam, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_precision_spam, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_precision_spam, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR SPAM: ' + str(round(mean_recall_spam, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_recall_spam, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR SPAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_recall_spam, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR HAM: ' + str(round(mean_precision_ham, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_precision_ham, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_precision_ham, 8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR HAM: ' + str(round(mean_recall_ham, 5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(std_dev_recall_ham, 5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR HAM: ' + str(
            round(variance_recall_ham, 8))

    # we'll only use these return values to compute rankings
    # for example in script which_attribute_case_1
    if ret == 'utility':
        return mean_accuracy * mean_precision_ham
    elif ret == 'accuracy':
        return mean_accuracy
        print 'UNKNOWN METRIC: ' + ret
def case1(index= CASE_1_ATTRIBUTE_INDEX, output=True,ret='accuracy'):
    # does not distinguish between emails where an attribute appears more than
    # once as opposed to those where said attribute appears only once.

    # note that we're not using equiprobabilities for the priors.
    # we'll simulate the population priors using the sample priors.

    accuracy_in_each_turn = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_spam = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_spam = list()

    precision_in_each_turn_ham = list()
    recall_in_each_turn_ham = list()

    m = np.loadtxt(open("resources/binarized_data.csv","rb"),delimiter=',')

    shuffled = np.random.permutation(m)

    for i in xrange(NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS):

        # we're using cross-validation so each iteration we take a different
        # slice of the data to serve as test set
        train_set,test_set = prep.split_sets(shuffled,TRAIN_TEST_RATIO,i)

        p_attribute_spam = nb.take_p_attribute_spam(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)
        p_spam = nb.take_p_spam(train_set,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)
        p_attribute = nb.take_p_attribute(train_set,index,SPAM_ATTR_INDEX)

        hits = 0.0
        misses = 0.0

        #number of instances corretcly evaluated as spam
        correctly_is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of spam instances
        is_spam = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as spam
        guessed_spam = 0.0

        #number of instances correctly evaluated as ham
        correctly_is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of ham instances
        is_ham = 0.0

        #total number of instances evaluated as ham
        guessed_ham = 0.0

        # whichever is greater - that will be our prediction
        p_spam_attribute = (p_attribute_spam * p_spam) / p_attribute
        p_ham_attribute = 1 - p_spam_attribute

        if p_spam_attribute > p_ham_attribute:
            guess = 1
            guess = 0

        # now we test the hypothesis against the test set
        for row in test_set:

            # if the attribute isn't there, then our actual guess is the opposite of the calculated guess
            if(row[index] == 0) and (guess == 1):
                actual_guess = 0
            elif(row[index] == 0) and (guess == 0):
                actual_guess = 1
                actual_guess = guess

            if (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 0) and (actual_guess == 0):
                is_ham += 1
                guessed_ham += 1
                correctly_is_ham += 1
                hits += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 0) and (actual_guess ==1):
                is_ham += 1
                guessed_spam += 1
                misses += 1 
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1) and (actual_guess ==0):
                is_spam += 1
                guessed_ham += 1
                misses += 1
            elif (row[SPAM_ATTR_INDEX] == 1) and (actual_guess ==1):
                is_spam += 1
                guessed_spam += 1
                hits += 1
                correctly_is_spam += 1

        #accuracy = number of correctly evaluated instances/
        #           number of instances
        accuracy = hits/(hits+misses)

        #precision_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #            number of spam instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(is_spam == 0):
            precision_spam = 0
            precision_spam = correctly_is_spam/is_spam

        #recall_spam = number of correctly evaluated instances as spam/
        #         number of evaluated instances como spam
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(guessed_spam == 0):
            recall_spam = 0
            recall_spam = correctly_is_spam/guessed_spam

        #precision_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #            number of ham instances
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(is_ham == 0):
            precision_ham = 0
            precision_ham = correctly_is_ham/is_ham

        #recall_ham = number of correctly evaluated instances as ham/
        #         number of evaluated instances como ham
        # in order to avoid divisions by zero in case nothing was found
        if(guessed_ham == 0):
            recall_ham = 0
            recall_ham = correctly_is_ham/guessed_ham




    # calculation of means for each metric at the end

    mean_accuracy = np.mean(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    std_dev_accuracy = np.std(accuracy_in_each_turn)
    variance_accuracy = np.var(accuracy_in_each_turn)

    mean_precision_spam = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_precision_spam = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_precision_spam = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_recall_spam = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    std_dev_recall_spam = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_spam)
    variance_recall_spam = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_spam)

    mean_precision_ham = np.mean(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_precision_ham = np.std(precision_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_precision_ham = np.var(precision_in_each_turn_ham)

    mean_recall_ham = np.mean(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    std_dev_recall_ham = np.std(recall_in_each_turn_ham)
    variance_recall_ham = np.var(recall_in_each_turn_ham)

    if output:
        print "\033[1;32m"
        print '============================================='
        print '============================================='
        print "\033[00m"
        print 'MEAN ACCURACY: '+str(round(mean_accuracy,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF ACCURACY: '+str(round(std_dev_accuracy,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF ACCURACY: '+str(round(variance_accuracy,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(mean_precision_spam,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(std_dev_precision_spam,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR SPAM: '+str(round(variance_precision_spam,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(mean_recall_spam,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(std_dev_recall_spam,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR SPAM: '+str(round(variance_recall_spam,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(mean_precision_ham,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(std_dev_precision_ham,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF PRECISION FOR HAM: '+str(round(variance_precision_ham,8))
        print ''
        print 'MEAN RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(mean_recall_ham,5))
        print 'STD. DEV. OF RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(std_dev_recall_ham,5))
        print 'VARIANCE OF RECALL FOR HAM: '+str(round(variance_recall_ham,8))

    # we'll only use these return values to compute rankings
    # for example in script which_attribute_case_1    
    if ret == 'utility':
        return mean_accuracy * mean_precision_ham
    elif ret =='accuracy':
        return mean_accuracy
        print 'UNKNOWN METRIC: '+ret