Esempio n. 1
def _update_cassandra_config():
    #----- change log4j config -----
    conf = open('bin/cassandra/conf/').read()
    s = get_text('log4j.appender.R.File=', '\n', conf)[0]
    conf = conf.replace(s, cassandra_log_file)
#    #backup old config
#    move('bin/cassandra/conf/', 'bin/cassandra/conf/')
    # write new config
    f = open('bin/cassandra/conf/', 'w')
    #----- change cassandra config -----
    conf = open('bin/cassandra/conf/storage-conf.xml').read()
    s = get_text('<CommitLogDirectory>', '</CommitLogDirectory>', conf)[0]
    conf = conf.replace(s, cassandra_commit_log_directory)
    s = get_text('<DataFileDirectory>', '</DataFileDirectory>', conf)[0]
    conf = conf.replace(s, cassandra_data_file_directory)
    #backup old config
    move('bin/cassandra/conf/storage-conf.xml', 'bin/cassandra/conf/storage-conf.xml.bak')
    # write new config
    f = open('bin/cassandra/conf/storage-conf.xml', 'w')
Esempio n. 2
def update_nginx_config():
    conf = open("bin/nginx/conf/nginx.conf").read()

    # change static files directory
    s = get_text("root ", ";", conf)[0]
    conf = conf.replace(s, STATIC_FILES)

    # change frontendports
    s = get_text("upstream backends {", "}", conf)[0]

    ## generate new config string
    _s = "server;\n\t"
    new_backends = "\n\t"
    for port in BACKEND_PORTS:
        new_backends = new_backends + _s % port

    conf = conf.replace(s, new_backends)

    # write new config
    f = open("bin/nginx/conf/nginx.conf", "w")
Esempio n. 3
def _update_redis_config():
    conf = open('bin/redis/redis.conf').read()

    s = get_text('dir ', '\n', conf)[0]
    conf = conf.replace(s, redis_backup_dir)
#    #backup old config
#    move('bin/redis/redis.conf', 'bin/redis/redis.conf.bak')
    # write new config
    f = open('bin/redis/redis.conf', 'w')
Esempio n. 4
def _update_nginx_config():
    conf = open('bin/nginx/conf/nginx.conf').read()
    # change root files folder
    s = get_text('root ', ';', conf)[0]
    conf = conf.replace(s, dirname(files_dir))
    # change frontendports
    s = get_text('upstream backends {', '}', conf)[0]
    ## generate new config string
    _s = 'server;\n\t'
    new_backends = '\n\t'
    for port in api_ports:
        new_backends = new_backends + _s % port
    conf = conf.replace(s, new_backends)
#    # backup old config
#    move('bin/nginx/conf/nginx.conf', 'bin/nginx/conf/nginx.conf.bak')
    # write new config
    f = open('bin/nginx/conf/nginx.conf', 'w')
Esempio n. 5
def get_from_sbobet():
  uri = ''
  form_data = {'oddsp': '1,3,1,6,0,1,2,1026',
               'synids':-1, 'reload': 0, 'index': 0, 'frame': 8}

  params = urlencode(form_data)
  data = urlopen(uri, params).read()

  if data is not None:
    vars = get_text('parent\.od_Data\[0\]\.c = ', '\;', data)[0]
    # convert vars to python format
    vars = vars.replace('[,,', ', [None, None, ')
    vars = vars.replace('[,', ', [None, ')
    vars = vars.replace(',\r\n,', ',\n')
    vars = vars.replace('[\r\n', '[')
    data = loads(vars)   # convert string to list
    for i in xrange(len(data)):
        info = data[i][1][0]
        team_1 = info[1]
        team_2 = info[2]
        time = info[4].split()
        date = time[0].split('/')
        date = '%s/%s/2010' % (date[1], date[0])
        hour = time[1]
        key = '%s - %s (%s)' % (team_1, team_2, date)
        key = key + ': %s'

        BET_INFO.set(key % "team_1", team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "team_2", team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "date", date)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "hour", hour)

        bet_info = data[i][2]

        #==== Chấp ====
        ah = bet_info[1][2]
        ah_team_1 = float(ah[2]) + 1
        ah_team_2 = float(ah[3]) + 1
        ah = ah[4]
        if '-' in ah:
          ah = str(ah).split('-')
          ah = (float(ah[0]) + float(ah[1])) / 2
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah_team_1", ah_team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah_team_2", ah_team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah", ah)

        ah1st = bet_info[1][6]
        ah1st_team_1 = float(ah1st[2]) + 1
        ah1st_team_2 = float(ah1st[3]) + 1
        ah1st = ah1st[4]
        if '-' in ah1st:
          ah1st = str(ah1st).split('-')
          ah1st = (float(ah1st[0]) + float(ah1st[1])) / 2
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st_team_1", ah1st_team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st_team_2", ah1st_team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st", ah1st)

        #==== Trên dưới ======
        ou = bet_info[1][3]
        ou_team_1 = float(ou[2]) + 1
        ou_team_2 = float(ou[3]) + 1
        ou = ou[4]
        if '-' in ou:
          ou = str(ou).split('-')
          ou = (float(ou[0]) + float(ou[1])) / 2
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou_team_1", ou_team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou_team_2", ou_team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou", ou)

        ou1st = bet_info[1][7]
        ou1st_team_1 = float(ou1st[2]) + 1
        ou1st_team_2 = float(ou1st[3]) + 1
        ou1st = ou1st[4]
        if '-' in ou1st:
          ou1st = str(ou1st).split('-')
          ou1st = (float(ou1st[0]) + float(ou1st[1])) / 2
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st_team_1", ou1st_team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st_team_2", ou1st_team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st", ou1st)

      except TypeError:
  return None
Esempio n. 6
def get_from_188bet():
  url = ''
  form_data = 's11StakeType=AH&s11OddsType=HK&s11ViewType=2&i13MarketType=1&s00SportIDList=111&s00LeagueList=&s00MatchNoList=&d00DateRefresh=&i12PageNo=1&i13EMDate=1000&pm=0'

  data = http_post(url, form_data)
  date = get_text('var dt="', '";', data)[0]
  odds = get_text('var odds = ', ';', data)[0]
  odds = loads(odds)
  print odds
  for key in odds.keys():
      odd = odds[key]

      date = odd['info'][6]
      c = strptime(date + ' 2010', "%d %b %Y")
      date = strftime('%d/%m/%Y', c)
      hour = odd['info'][7]

      team_1 = odd['info'][8]
      team_2 = odd['info'][10]
      if '(OVER)' in team_1 or '(OVER)' in team_2:

      #======== Info ==========
      key = '%s - %s (%s)' % (team_1, team_2, date)
      key = key + ': %s'
      BET_INFO.set(key % "team_1", team_1)
      BET_INFO.set(key % "team_2", team_2)
      BET_INFO.set(key % "date", date)
      BET_INFO.set(key % "hour", hour)

      #======= Chấp ==========
        ah_team_1 = float(odd['ah'][3]) + 1
        ah = odd['ah'][1]
        ah_team_2 = float(odd['ah'][5]) + 1
        if '/' in ah:
          ah = str(ah).split('/')
          ah = (float(ah[0]) + float(ah[1])) / 2
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah_team_1", ah_team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah_team_2", ah_team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah", ah)
      except ValueError:
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah_team_1")
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah_team_2")
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah")

        ah1st_team_1 = float(odd['ah1st'][3]) + 1
        ah1st = odd['ah1st'][1]
        ah1st_team_2 = float(odd['ah1st'][5]) + 1
        if '/' in ah1st:
          ah1st = str(ah1st).split('/')
          ah1st = (float(ah1st[0]) + float(ah1st[1])) / 2
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st_team_1", ah1st_team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st_team_2", ah1st_team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st", ah1st)
      except ValueError:
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah1st_team_1")
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah1st_team_2")
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah1st")

      #============ Trên dưới =============
        ou = odd['ou'][1]
        ou_team_1 = float(odd['ou'][3]) + 1
        ou_team_2 = float(odd['ou'][5]) + 1
        if '/' in ou:
          ou = str(ou).split('/')
          ou = (float(ou[0]) + float(ou[1])) / 2
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou_team_1", ou_team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou_team_2", ou_team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou", ou)
      except ValueError:
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou_team_1")
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou_team_2")
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou")

        ou1st = odd['ou1st'][1]
        ou1st_team_1 = float(odd['ou1st'][3]) + 1
        ou1st_team_2 = float(odd['ou1st'][5]) + 1
        if '/' in ou1st:
          ou1st = str(ou1st).split('/')
          ou1st = (float(ou1st[0]) + float(ou1st[1])) / 2
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st_team_1", ou1st_team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st_team_2", ou1st_team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st", ou1st)
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou1st_team_1")
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou1st_team_2")
        BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou1st")
Esempio n. 7
def get_from_sbobet():
    uri = ''
    form_data = {
        'oddsp': '1,3,1,6,0,1,2,1026',
        'synids': -1,
        'reload': 0,
        'index': 0,
        'frame': 8

    params = urlencode(form_data)
    data = urlopen(uri, params).read()

    if data is not None:
        vars = get_text('parent\.od_Data\[0\]\.c = ', '\;', data)[0]
        # convert vars to python format
        vars = vars.replace('[,,', ', [None, None, ')
        vars = vars.replace('[,', ', [None, ')
        vars = vars.replace(',\r\n,', ',\n')
        vars = vars.replace('[\r\n', '[')
        data = loads(vars)  # convert string to list
        for i in xrange(len(data)):
                info = data[i][1][0]
                team_1 = info[1]
                team_2 = info[2]
                time = info[4].split()
                date = time[0].split('/')
                date = '%s/%s/2010' % (date[1], date[0])
                hour = time[1]
                key = '%s - %s (%s)' % (team_1, team_2, date)
                key = key + ': %s'

                BET_INFO.set(key % "team_1", team_1)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "team_2", team_2)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "date", date)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "hour", hour)

                bet_info = data[i][2]

                #==== Chấp ====
                ah = bet_info[1][2]
                ah_team_1 = float(ah[2]) + 1
                ah_team_2 = float(ah[3]) + 1
                ah = ah[4]
                if '-' in ah:
                    ah = str(ah).split('-')
                    ah = (float(ah[0]) + float(ah[1])) / 2
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ah_team_1", ah_team_1)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ah_team_2", ah_team_2)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ah", ah)

                ah1st = bet_info[1][6]
                ah1st_team_1 = float(ah1st[2]) + 1
                ah1st_team_2 = float(ah1st[3]) + 1
                ah1st = ah1st[4]
                if '-' in ah1st:
                    ah1st = str(ah1st).split('-')
                    ah1st = (float(ah1st[0]) + float(ah1st[1])) / 2
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st_team_1", ah1st_team_1)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st_team_2", ah1st_team_2)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st", ah1st)

                #==== Trên dưới ======
                ou = bet_info[1][3]
                ou_team_1 = float(ou[2]) + 1
                ou_team_2 = float(ou[3]) + 1
                ou = ou[4]
                if '-' in ou:
                    ou = str(ou).split('-')
                    ou = (float(ou[0]) + float(ou[1])) / 2
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ou_team_1", ou_team_1)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ou_team_2", ou_team_2)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ou", ou)

                ou1st = bet_info[1][7]
                ou1st_team_1 = float(ou1st[2]) + 1
                ou1st_team_2 = float(ou1st[3]) + 1
                ou1st = ou1st[4]
                if '-' in ou1st:
                    ou1st = str(ou1st).split('-')
                    ou1st = (float(ou1st[0]) + float(ou1st[1])) / 2
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st_team_1", ou1st_team_1)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st_team_2", ou1st_team_2)
                BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st", ou1st)

            except TypeError:
    return None
Esempio n. 8
def get_from_188bet():
    url = ''
    form_data = 's11StakeType=AH&s11OddsType=HK&s11ViewType=2&i13MarketType=1&s00SportIDList=111&s00LeagueList=&s00MatchNoList=&d00DateRefresh=&i12PageNo=1&i13EMDate=1000&pm=0'

    data = http_post(url, form_data)
    date = get_text('var dt="', '";', data)[0]
    odds = get_text('var odds = ', ';', data)[0]
    odds = loads(odds)
    print odds
    for key in odds.keys():
        odd = odds[key]

        date = odd['info'][6]
        c = strptime(date + ' 2010', "%d %b %Y")
        date = strftime('%d/%m/%Y', c)
        hour = odd['info'][7]

        team_1 = odd['info'][8]
        team_2 = odd['info'][10]
        if '(OVER)' in team_1 or '(OVER)' in team_2:

        #======== Info ==========
        key = '%s - %s (%s)' % (team_1, team_2, date)
        key = key + ': %s'
        BET_INFO.set(key % "team_1", team_1)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "team_2", team_2)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "date", date)
        BET_INFO.set(key % "hour", hour)

        #======= Chấp ==========
            ah_team_1 = float(odd['ah'][3]) + 1
            ah = odd['ah'][1]
            ah_team_2 = float(odd['ah'][5]) + 1
            if '/' in ah:
                ah = str(ah).split('/')
                ah = (float(ah[0]) + float(ah[1])) / 2
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ah_team_1", ah_team_1)
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ah_team_2", ah_team_2)
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ah", ah)
        except ValueError:
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah_team_1")
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah_team_2")
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah")

            ah1st_team_1 = float(odd['ah1st'][3]) + 1
            ah1st = odd['ah1st'][1]
            ah1st_team_2 = float(odd['ah1st'][5]) + 1
            if '/' in ah1st:
                ah1st = str(ah1st).split('/')
                ah1st = (float(ah1st[0]) + float(ah1st[1])) / 2
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st_team_1", ah1st_team_1)
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st_team_2", ah1st_team_2)
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ah1st", ah1st)
        except ValueError:
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah1st_team_1")
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah1st_team_2")
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ah1st")

        #============ Trên dưới =============
            ou = odd['ou'][1]
            ou_team_1 = float(odd['ou'][3]) + 1
            ou_team_2 = float(odd['ou'][5]) + 1
            if '/' in ou:
                ou = str(ou).split('/')
                ou = (float(ou[0]) + float(ou[1])) / 2
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ou_team_1", ou_team_1)
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ou_team_2", ou_team_2)
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ou", ou)
        except ValueError:
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou_team_1")
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou_team_2")
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou")

            ou1st = odd['ou1st'][1]
            ou1st_team_1 = float(odd['ou1st'][3]) + 1
            ou1st_team_2 = float(odd['ou1st'][5]) + 1
            if '/' in ou1st:
                ou1st = str(ou1st).split('/')
                ou1st = (float(ou1st[0]) + float(ou1st[1])) / 2
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st_team_1", ou1st_team_1)
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st_team_2", ou1st_team_2)
            BET_INFO.set(key % "ou1st", ou1st)
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou1st_team_1")
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou1st_team_2")
            BET_INFO.remove(key % "ou1st")