Esempio n. 1
def handleHttp(request: dict):
    objRep = cResp()

    agentId = request.get('agentId', '')
    dateTime = request.get('date', 0)

    if not dateTime:
        now = timeHelp.getNow()
        year = timeHelp.getYear(now)
        month = timeHelp.getMonth(now)
        year = timeHelp.getYear(dateTime)
        month = timeHelp.getMonth(dateTime)

        with (yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().objDbMysqlMgr) as conn:
            sql = "select * from dj_agent_commission where agentId=%s and dateYear=%s and dateMonth=%s"
            params = [agentId, year, month]
            result = yield from conn.execute(sql,params)
            if result.rowcount <= 0:
                return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)
                for var_row in result:
                    commissionDict = {}
                    commissionDict['date'] = str(var_row.dateYear)+'/'+str(var_row.dateMonth)
                    commissionDict['activelyAccountNum'] = var_row.activeAccount
                    commissionDict['winLoss'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.winLoss/100,2)
                    commissionDict['platformCost'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.platformCost/100,2)
                    commissionDict['depositDrawingCost'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.depositDrawingCost/100,2)
                    commissionDict['dividend'] = '%.2f'%round((var_row.backWater+var_row.bonus)/100,2)
                    commissionDict['netProfit'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.netProfit/100,2)
                    commissionDict['commissionRate'] = '{}%'.format(var_row.commissionRate*100)
                    commissionDict['commission'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.commission/100,2)
                    commissionDict['status'] = var_row.status
            return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)
    except Exception as e:
Esempio n. 2
def handleHttp(request: dict):
    objRep = cResp()

    agentId = request.get('agentId', '')
    pn = request.get('pn', 1)

    if not pn:
        raise exceptionLogic(errorLogic.client_param_invalid)
    year = timeHelp.getYear(timeHelp.getNow())
    month = timeHelp.getMonth(timeHelp.getNow())

        with (yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().objDbMysqlMgr) as conn:
            sql = "select * from dj_agent_commission WHERE agentId=%s ORDER BY dateYear DESC ,dateMonth DESC limit %s offset %s"
            listRet = yield from conn.execute(
                sql, [agentId, MSG_PAGE_COUNT, (pn - 1) * MSG_PAGE_COUNT])
            resList = yield from listRet.fetchall()
            for x in resList:
                if x['dateYear'] == year and x['dateMonth'] == month:
                data = cData()
                data.yearMonth = "{}/{}".format(x['dateYear'], x['dateMonth'])
                data.regCount = x['newAccount']
                data.loginCount = x['activeAccount']
                data.totalWater = "%.2f" % round(x['water'] / 100, 2)
                data.winLoss = "%.2f" % round(x['netProfit'] / 100, 2)
                data.commission = "%.2f" % round(x['commission'] / 100, 2)
            count_sql = "select count(billId) from dj_agent_commission WHERE agentId=%s"
            countRet = yield from conn.execute(count_sql, [agentId])
            count = yield from countRet.fetchone()
            objRep.count = count[0]
        return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)
    except Exception as e:
        raise exceptionLogic(errorLogic.db_error)
Esempio n. 3
def handleHttp(request: dict):
    objRep = cResp()

    agentId = request.get('agentId', '')
    startTime = request.get('startTime', 0)
    endTime = request.get('endTime', 0)
    pn = request.get('pn', 1)
    if not pn:
        raise exceptionLogic(errorLogic.client_param_invalid)

    if not all([startTime, endTime]):
        sql = "select * from dj_agent_commission where agentId=%s order by dateYear desc,dateMonth desc limit %s offset %s"
        startYear = timeHelp.getYear(startTime)
        startMonth = timeHelp.getMonth(startTime)
        endYear = timeHelp.getYear(endTime)
        endMonth = timeHelp.getMonth(endTime)
        sql = "select * from dj_agent_commission where agentId=%s and (dateYear between %s and %s) and (dateMonth between %s and %s) order by dateYear desc,dateMonth desc limit %s offset %s"
        with (yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().objDbMysqlMgr) as conn:
            result = yield from conn.execute(sql,params)
            if result.rowcount <= 0:
                return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)
                for var_row in result:
                    # productList = []
                    # pingboDict = {}
                    # probetDict = {}
                    # pingboDict['name'] = '平博体育'
                    # pingboDict['winLoss'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.pingboWinLoss/100,2)
                    # pingboDict['platformCost'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.pingboCost/100,2)
                    # pingboDict['rate'] = '{}%'.format(agentConfig['平博体育']*100)
                    # productList.append(pingboDict)
                    # probetDict['name'] = '电竞竞猜'
                    # probetDict['winLoss'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.probetWinLoss/100,2)
                    # probetDict['platformCost'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.probetCost/100,2)
                    # probetDict['rate'] = '{}%'.format(agentConfig['电竞竞猜'] * 100)
                    # productList.append(probetDict)

                    commissionDict = {}
                    commissionDict['date'] = str(var_row.dateYear)+'/'+str(var_row.dateMonth)
                    commissionDict['activelyAccountNum'] = var_row.activeAccount
                    commissionDict['pingboWinLoss'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.pingboWinLoss/100,2)
                    commissionDict['probetWinLoss'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.probetWinLoss/100,2)
                    commissionDict['pingboCost'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.pingboCost/100,2)
                    commissionDict['probetCost'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.probetCost/100,2)
                    commissionDict['pingboRate'] = '{}%'.format(var_row.probetRate * 100)
                    commissionDict['probetRate'] = '{}%'.format(var_row.pingboRate * 100)
                    commissionDict['depositDrawingCost'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.depositDrawingCost/100,2)
                    commissionDict['backWater'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.backWater/100,2)
                    commissionDict['bonus'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.bonus/100,2)
                    commissionDict['netProfit'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.netProfit/100,2)
                    commissionDict['balance'] = '%.2f'%round(-(var_row.preBalance/100),2)
                    commissionDict['commissionRate'] = '{}%'.format(var_row.commissionRate*100)
                    commissionDict['commission'] = '%.2f'%round(var_row.commission/100,2)
                    commissionDict['status'] = var_row.status
        count = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getAgentCommissionCount(agentId,startTime,endTime)
        objRep.count = count
        return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)
    except Exception as e:
Esempio n. 4
def handleHttp(request: dict):
    objRep = cResp()
    agentId = request.get('agentId', '')
    startTime = request.get('startTime', 0)
    endTime = request.get('endTime', 0)
    pn = request.get('pn', 1)

    if not all([startTime, endTime, pn]):
        raise exceptionLogic(errorLogic.client_param_invalid)
    year = timeHelp.getYear(startTime)
    month = timeHelp.getMonth(startTime)
    if month <= 1:
        preYear = year - 1
        preMonth = 12
        preYear = year
        preMonth = month - 1

        agentConfig = yield from getAgentConfig()
        if not agentConfig:
            raise exceptionLogic(errorLogic.data_not_valid)

        agentList, count = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
        ).getAgentData(agentId, pn)
        for agentId in agentList:
            with (yield from
                  classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().objDbMysqlMgr) as conn:
                sql = "select balance from dj_agent_commission where agentId=%s and dateYear=%s and dateMonth=%s"
                result = yield from conn.execute(sql,
                                                 [agentId, preYear, preMonth])
                if result.rowcount <= 0:
                    preBalance = 0
                    for var_row in result:
                        preBalance = var_row.balance
            allAccountNum = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            activelyAccountNum = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            ).getActivelyAccount(agentId, startTime, endTime)
            depositNum = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            ).getAccountAllDeposit(agentId, startTime, endTime)
            drawingNum = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            ).getAccountAllDrawing(agentId, startTime, endTime)
            balanceNum = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            ).getAccountAllCoin(agentId, startTime, endTime)

            pinboAllWinLoss = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            ).getAccountPingboAllWinLoss(agentId, startTime, endTime)
            probetAllWinLoss = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            ).getAccountProbetAllWinCoin(agentId, startTime, endTime)
            probetWinLoss = round(probetAllWinLoss)
            pinboWinLoss = round(pinboAllWinLoss * 100)
            # 平台费
            if pinboWinLoss >= 0:
                pingboPlatformCost = 0
                pingboPlatformCost = round(-pinboWinLoss * agentConfig['平博体育'])
            if probetWinLoss >= 0:
                probetPlatformCost = 0
                probetPlatformCost = round(-probetWinLoss *
            platformCost = pingboPlatformCost + probetPlatformCost
            pingboBackWater = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            ).getAccountPinboBackWater(agentId, startTime, endTime)
            probetBackWater = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            ).getAccountProbetBackWater(agentId, startTime, endTime)
            activetyBonus = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance(
            ).getAccountActivetyBonus(agentId, startTime, endTime)

            # 反水
            backWater = round(pingboBackWater + probetBackWater)
            # 返奖
            activetyBonus = round(activetyBonus)
            # 存提手续费
            depositDrawingPoundage = yield from getDepositDrawingPoundage(
                agentId, startTime, endTime)

            # 净利润,净输赢
            netWin = probetWinLoss + pingboPlatformCost + pinboWinLoss + probetPlatformCost + depositDrawingPoundage + activetyBonus + backWater
            if netWin <= 0:
                a = -netWin
                a = netWin
            for var_value in commission_config.values():
                if var_value['leastNetWin'] <= a <= var_value['mostNetWin']:
                    level = var_value['level']
                    proportion = agentConfig[level]
            iBalance = netWin + preBalance
            if iBalance < 0:
                # 佣金
                commission = round(-iBalance * proportion)
                commission = 0

            agentSurvey = {}
            agentSurvey['agentId'] = agentId
            agentSurvey['allAccountNum'] = allAccountNum
            agentSurvey['activelyAccountNum'] = activelyAccountNum
            agentSurvey['depositNum'] = '%.2f' % round(depositNum / 100, 2)
            agentSurvey['drawingNum'] = '%.2f' % round(drawingNum / 100, 2)
            agentSurvey['balanceNum'] = '%.2f' % round(balanceNum / 100, 2)
            agentSurvey['netWin'] = '%.2f' % round(netWin / 100, 2)
            agentSurvey['platformCost'] = '%.2f' % round(platformCost / 100, 2)
            agentSurvey['depositdrawingCost'] = '%.2f' % round(
                depositDrawingPoundage / 100, 2)
            agentSurvey['commission'] = '%.2f' % round(commission / 100, 2)
            agentSurvey['commissionRate'] = proportion
            agentSurvey['dividend'] = '%.2f' % (
                (backWater + activetyBonus) / 100)
            agentSurvey['preBalance'] = '%.2f' % (preBalance / 100)
        if pn == 1:
            fileName = __name__
            nameList = fileName.split('.')
            methodName = nameList.pop()
            # 日志
            dictActionBill = {
                'billType': 'adminActionBill',
                'accountId': request.get('accountId', ''),
                'action': "代理概况查询",
                'actionTime': timeHelp.getNow(),
                'actionMethod': methodName,
                'actionDetail': "代理:{}概况查询".format(agentId),
                'actionIp': request.get('srcIp', ''),
        objRep.count = count
        return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)

    except Exception as e:
Esempio n. 5
def handleHttp(request: dict):
    objRep = cResp()

    agentId = request.get('agentId', '')
    year = request.get('year', 0)
    month = request.get('month', 0)
    pn = request.get('pn', 1)

    if not all([agentId, pn]):
        raise exceptionLogic(errorLogic.client_param_invalid)
    objPlayerData = yield from classDataBaseMgr.getInstance().getPlayerData(
    if objPlayerData is None:
        raise exceptionLogic(errorLogic.player_data_not_found)
    if objPlayerData.iUserType != 2:
        raise exceptionLogic(errorLogic.agent_data_not_found)
        conn = classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance()
        if (not month) and (not year):
            sql_count = "select count(orderId) from dj_coin_history where accountId='{}' and tradeType=2".format(
            sql = "select orderTime,coinNum,tradeState,accountId,endTime,transTo from dj_coin_history where accountId='{}' and tradeType=2 order by orderTime desc limit {} offset {}".format(
                agentId, 10, (pn - 1) * 10)
        elif year and (not month):
            begin = datetime(year, 1, 1)
            stop = datetime(year + 1, 1, 1)
            start_time = timeHelp.date2timestamp(begin)
            end_time = timeHelp.date2timestamp(stop)
            sql_count = "select count(orderId) from dj_coin_history where accountId='{}' and tradeType=2 and orderTime between {} and {}".format(
                agentId, start_time, end_time)
            sql = "select orderTime,coinNum,tradeState,accountId,endTime,transTo from dj_coin_history where accountId='{}' and tradeType=2 and orderTime between {} and {} order by orderTime desc limit {} offset {}".format(
                agentId, start_time, end_time, 10, (pn - 1) * 10)
        elif (not year) and month:
            year =
            begin = datetime(year, month, 1)
            if month == 12:
                stop = datetime(year + 1, 1, 1)
                stop = datetime(year, month + 1, 1)
            start_time = timeHelp.date2timestamp(begin)
            end_time = timeHelp.date2timestamp(stop)
            sql_count = "select count(orderId) from dj_coin_history where accountId='{}' and tradeType=2 and orderTime between {} and {}".format(
                agentId, start_time, end_time)
            sql = "select orderTime,coinNum,tradeState,accountId,endTime,transTo from dj_coin_history where accountId='{}' and tradeType=2 and orderTime between {} and {} order by orderTime desc limit {} offset {}".format(
                agentId, start_time, end_time, 10, (pn - 1) * 10)
            begin = datetime(year, month, 1)
            if month == 12:
                stop = datetime(year + 1, 1, 1)
                stop = datetime(year, month + 1, 1)
            start_time = timeHelp.date2timestamp(begin)
            end_time = timeHelp.date2timestamp(stop)
            sql_count = "select count(orderId) from dj_coin_history where accountId='{}' and tradeType=2 and orderTime between {} and {} limit {} offset {}".format(
                agentId, start_time, end_time, 10, (pn - 1) * 10)
            sql = "select orderTime,coinNum,tradeState,accountId,endTime,transTo from dj_coin_history where accountId='{}' and tradeType=2 and orderTime between {} and {} limit {} offset {}".format(
                agentId, start_time, end_time, 10, (pn - 1) * 10)
        count_ret = yield from conn._exeCute(sql_count)
        listRet = yield from conn._exeCute(sql)
        datas = yield from listRet.fetchall()
        if count_ret.rowcount <= 0:
            return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)
            for var in count_ret:
                count = var[0]
            dataList = []
            for x in datas:
                dataDict = {}
                dataDict['date'] = str(timeHelp.getYear(
                    x.orderTime)) + '/' + str(timeHelp.getMonth(x.orderTime))
                dataDict['orderTime'] = x.orderTime
                dataDict['coinNum'] = "%.2f" % round(x.coinNum / 100, 2)
                dataDict['tradeState'] = x.tradeState
                dataDict['accountId'] = x.accountId
                dataDict['endTime'] = x.endTime
                dataDict['transTo'] = x.transTo
            objRep.count = count
   = dataList
            if pn == 1:
                fileName = __name__
                nameList = fileName.split('.')
                methodName = nameList.pop()
                # 日志
                dictActionBill = {
                    'billType': 'adminActionBill',
                    'accountId': request.get('accountId', ''),
                    'action': "查询代理提款信息",
                    'actionTime': timeHelp.getNow(),
                    'actionMethod': methodName,
                    'actionDetail': "查询代理:{}提款信息".format(agentId),
                    'actionIp': request.get('srcIp', ''),
            return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)
    except exceptionLogic as e:
        raise e
Esempio n. 6
def handleHttp(request: dict):
    objRep = cResp()

    agentId = request.get('agentId', '')
    dateTime = request.get('date', 0)
    if not dateTime:
        raise exceptionLogic(errorLogic.client_param_invalid)

    year = timeHelp.getYear(dateTime)
    month = timeHelp.getMonth(dateTime)
    if month <= 1:
        preYear = year - 1
        preMonth = 12
        preYear = year
        preMonth = month - 1

        with (yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().objDbMysqlMgr) as conn:
            sql_pre = "select netProfit,balance from dj_agent_commission where agentId=%s and dateYear=%s and dateMonth=%s"
            params_pre = [agentId, preYear, preMonth]
            ret = yield from conn.execute(sql_pre, params_pre)
            if ret.rowcount <= 0:
                pre_netProfit = 0.00
                pre_balance = 0.00
                for var in ret:
                    pre_netProfit = var.netProfit
                    pre_balance = var.balance

            sql = "select * from dj_agent_commission where agentId=%s and dateYear=%s and dateMonth=%s"
            params = [agentId, year, month]
            result = yield from conn.execute(sql, params)
            if result.rowcount <= 0:
                return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)
                for var_row in result:
                    commissionDict = {}
                    productList = []
                    pingboDict = {}
                    probetDict = {}

                    pingboDict['name'] = '平博体育'
                    pingboDict['winLoss'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        var_row.pingboWinLoss / 100, 2)
                    pingboDict['platformCost'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        var_row.pingboCost / 100, 2)
                    pingboDict['total'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        (var_row.pingboWinLoss + var_row.pingboCost) / 100, 2)

                    probetDict['name'] = '电竞竞猜'
                    probetDict['winLoss'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        var_row.probetWinLoss / 100, 2)
                    probetDict['platformCost'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        var_row.probetCost / 100, 2)
                    probetDict['total'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        (var_row.probetWinLoss + var_row.probetCost) / 100, 2)

                    commissionDict['product'] = productList
                    commissionDict['subtotal'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        (var_row.pingboWinLoss + var_row.pingboCost +
                         var_row.probetWinLoss + var_row.probetCost) / 100, 2)
                    commissionDict['depositDrawingCost'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        var_row.depositDrawingCost / 100, 2)
                    commissionDict['dividend'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        (var_row.backWater + var_row.bonus) / 100, 2)
                    commissionDict['commissionRate'] = '{}%'.format(
                        var_row.commissionRate * 100)
                    commissionDict['pre_netProfit'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        pre_netProfit / 100, 2)
                    commissionDict['pre_balance'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        -(pre_balance / 100), 2)
                    commissionDict['balance'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        -(var_row.balance / 100), 2)
                    commissionDict['commission'] = '%.2f' % round(
                        var_row.commission / 100, 2)

            return classJsonDump.dumps(objRep)
    except Exception as e:
Esempio n. 7
def calcMonthCommission():
    strLastCheckTime = yield from classDataBaseMgr.getInstance().getCalcMonthCommissionTime()
    if strLastCheckTime is None:
        yield from classDataBaseMgr.getInstance().setCalcMonthCommissionTime(timeHelp.getNow())

    iLastCheckTime = int(strLastCheckTime)

    if not timeHelp.isSameMonth(iLastCheckTime, timeHelp.getNow()):
        # 计算月佣金
        yield from classDataBaseMgr.getInstance().setCalcMonthCommissionTime(timeHelp.getNow())
        startTime = timeHelp.lastMonthStartTimestamp()
        endTime = timeHelp.monthStartTimestamp()
        year = timeHelp.getYear(startTime)
        month = timeHelp.getMonth(startTime)
        if month <= 1:
            preYear = year - 1
            preMonth = 12
            preYear = year
            preMonth = month - 1
        agentConfig = yield from getAgentConfig()
        probetRate = agentConfig['电竞竞猜']
        pingboRate = agentConfig['平博体育']
            sql = "select agentId from dj_agent"
            result = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance()._exeCute(sql)
            if result.rowcount <= 0:
                for var in result:
                    agentId = var.agentId
                    with (yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().objDbMysqlMgr) as conn:
                        sql = "select balance from dj_agent_commission where agentId=%s and dateYear=%s and dateMonth=%s"
                        result = yield from conn.execute(sql, [agentId, preYear, preMonth])
                        if result.rowcount <= 0:
                            preBalance = 0
                            for var_row in result:
                                preBalance = var_row.balance
                    newAccountNum = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getNewAccountCount(agentId, startTime,endTime)
                    activelyAccountNum = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getActivelyAccount(agentId, startTime,endTime)
                    pinboAllWinLoss = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getAccountPingboAllWinLoss(agentId,startTime,endTime)
                    probetAllWinLoss = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getAccountProbetAllWinCoin(agentId,startTime,endTime)
                    probetWinLoss = round(probetAllWinLoss)
                    pinboWinLoss = round(pinboAllWinLoss * 100)
                    # 平台费
                    if pinboWinLoss >= 0:
                        pingboPlatformCost = 0
                        pingboPlatformCost = round(-pinboWinLoss * agentConfig['平博体育'])
                    if probetWinLoss >= 0:
                        probetPlatformCost = 0
                        probetPlatformCost = round(-probetWinLoss * agentConfig['电竞竞猜'])
                    # 总输赢
                    winLoss = pinboWinLoss + probetWinLoss
                    # 平台费
                    platformCost = pingboPlatformCost + probetPlatformCost
                    pingboBackWater = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getAccountPinboBackWater(agentId,startTime,endTime)
                    probetBackWater = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getAccountProbetBackWater(agentId,startTime,endTime)
                    activetyBonus = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getAccountActivetyBonus(agentId, startTime,endTime)

                    pinboAllWater = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getAccountPingboWater(agentId, startTime,endTime)
                    probetAllWater = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance().getAccountProbetWater(agentId, startTime,endTime)
                    pingboWater = round(pinboAllWater * 100)
                    probetWater = round(probetAllWater)
                    allWater = pingboWater + probetWater
                    # 反水
                    backWater = round(pingboBackWater + probetBackWater)
                    activetyBonus = round(activetyBonus)
                    # 存提手续费
                    depositDrawingPoundage = yield from getDepositDrawingPoundage(agentId, startTime, endTime)

                    # 净利润,净输赢
                    netProfit = winLoss + platformCost + depositDrawingPoundage + activetyBonus + backWater
                    # 月结余
                    iBalance = netProfit + preBalance
                    if netProfit <= 0:
                        netProfit = -netProfit
                        for var_value in commission_config.values():
                            if var_value['leastNetWin'] <= netProfit <= var_value['mostNetWin']:
                                level = var_value['level']
                                proportion = agentConfig[level]
                        netProfit = -netProfit
                        proportion = agentConfig['一档']

                    if iBalance < 0:
                        commission = round(-iBalance * proportion)
                        iBalance = 0
                        commission = 0

                    sql = "select billId from dj_agent_commission where dateYear={} and dateMonth={} and agentId='{}'".format(
                        year, month, agentId)
                    result = yield from classSqlBaseMgr.getInstance()._exeCute(sql)
                    if result.rowcount <= 0:
                        billId = str(uuid.uuid1())
                        if commission <= 0:
                            status = 2
                            status = 1
                        objAgentCommissionData = yield from addCommissionBill(billId, agentId, year, month,
                                                                      activelyAccountNum, probetWinLoss,
                                                                      pinboWinLoss, winLoss,probetRate,pingboRate,
                                                                      probetPlatformCost, pingboPlatformCost,
                                                                      platformCost, depositDrawingPoundage,
                                                                      backWater,activetyBonus, allWater,
                                                                      netProfit,preBalance,iBalance, proportion, commission, status)

                        yield from classDataBaseMgr.getInstance().addAgentCommissionData(objAgentCommissionData)
                        for var in result:
                            billId = var.billId
                        if commission <= 0:
                            status = 2
                            status = 1
                        objAgentCommissionData = yield from addCommissionBill(billId, agentId, year, month,
                                                                      activelyAccountNum, probetWinLoss,
                                                                      pinboWinLoss, winLoss,probetRate,pingboRate,
                                                                      probetPlatformCost, pingboPlatformCost,
                                                                      platformCost, depositDrawingPoundage,
                                                                      backWater,activetyBonus, allWater,
                                                                      netProfit,preBalance,iBalance, proportion, commission, status)

                        yield from classDataBaseMgr.getInstance().addAgentCommissionData(objAgentCommissionData, billId)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e