Esempio n. 1
 def _checkStringLength(self, string: str, max_length: int):
     \n だめだったら例外を投げ、問題なければ何も起きない
     if type(string) is not str or type(max_length) is not int:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('invaild argment type')
     if len(string) > max_length:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('Too many characters. Excess:{}'.format(
             len(string) - max_length))
Esempio n. 2
 def setMediaId(self, id:str):
     '''アップロード済みのmedia idをひとつづつ指定する'''
     p = re.compile('\d+')
     if p.fullmatch(id) is None:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('Only numbers can be specified in the argument.')
     if self.__media_count >= 4:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('You can specify up to 4')
     if self.__media_ids is None:
         self.__media_ids = []
     self.__media_count += 1
Esempio n. 3
 def setCount(self, num: int):
     \n 指定できる範囲は 1 ~ 100
     MAX_COUNT = 100
     MIN_COUNT = 1
     if num > MAX_COUNT:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError(
             'Input value is too large. max: {}'.format(MAX_COUNT))
     if num < MIN_COUNT:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError(
             'Input value is too small. max: {}'.format(MIN_COUNT))
     self.__count = str(num)
Esempio n. 4
 def setUntil(self, year: int, month: int, day: int):
     current_date =
     if year < 1 or year > current_date.year:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('invaild input year.')
     if month < 1 or month > 12 or (year == current_date.year
                                    and month > current_date.month):
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('invaild input month.')
     if (day < 1 or day > calendar.monthrange(year, month)
             or (year == current_date.year and month == current_date.month
                 and day >
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('invaild input day')
     self.__until = '{:0=4}-{:0=2}-{:0=2}'.format(year, month, day)
Esempio n. 5
    def _checkImageFile(self, file_path: str) -> str:
        \n 画像でなければ例外を投げる。
        if file_path is None:
            raise TwitterAPIInputError('argment is None.')

        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
            raise TwitterAPIInputError(
                f'The specified file does not exist. path="{file_path}"')

        image_type = imghdr.what(file_path)
        if image_type is None:
            raise TwitterAPIInputError(
                f'Please specify the image file. "{file_path}" is not image.')
        return image_type
Esempio n. 6
    def _checkInputCorrectness(self):
        if self.__user_id is None and self.__screen_name is None:
            raise TwitterAPIInputError('rquired parameter is not input.')

        super()._setQueryParam('user_id', self.__user_id)
        super()._setQueryParam('screen_name', self.__screen_name)
        super()._setQueryParam('include_entities', self.__include_entities)
Esempio n. 7
 def _checkInputCorrectness(self):
     if self.__search_query is None:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('rquired parameter is not input.')
     super()._setQueryParam('q', self.__search_query)
     super()._setQueryParam('count', self.__count)
     super()._setQueryParam('until', self.__until)
     super()._setQueryParam('result_type', self.__result_type)
Esempio n. 8
 def setTweet(self, tweet:str):
     MAX_LENGTH = 140
     if len(tweet) > MAX_LENGTH:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('Too many characters. Excess:{}'.format(len(tweet) - MAX_LENGTH))
     self.__tweet = tweet
Esempio n. 9
 def setSearchQuery(self, query: str):
     MAX_LENGTH = 500
     if len(query) > MAX_LENGTH:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('Too many characters. Excess:{}'.format(
             len(tweet) - MAX_LENGTH))
     self.__search_query = query
Esempio n. 10
    def _checkInputCorrectness(self):
        if self.__tweet is None:
            raise TwitterAPIInputError('rquired parameter is not input.')
        super()._setQueryParam('status', self.__tweet)
        super()._setQueryParam('in_reply_to_status_id', self.__reply_target_id)
        super()._setQueryParam('possibly_sensitive', self.__is_sensitive)

        if self.__media_ids is not None:
            super()._setQueryParam('media_ids', ','.join(self.__media_ids))
Esempio n. 11
 def setReplyTargetId(self, id:str):
     '''リプする場合の対象tweet idをセット
     if id is None:
     p = re.compile('\d+')
     if p.fullmatch(id) is None:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('Only numbers can be specified in the argument.')
     self.__reply_target_id = id
Esempio n. 12
 def setResultType(self, result_type: str):
     \n mixed    ... 混合
     \n recent   ... 最近のツイートのみ取得
     \n popular  ... 人気のあるツイートのみ取得
     types = ['mixed', 'recent', 'popular']
     if result_type not in types:
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('invaild input param')
     self.__result_type = result_type
Esempio n. 13
    def _checkInputCorrectness(self):
        if self.__image_file_path is None:
            raise TwitterAPIInputError('rquired parameter is not input.')

        image_type = super()._checkImageFile(self.__image_file_path)
        # media/uploadとは違いエンコード済みの画像はツイッター側で認識されなかったため、生データを送信
        # super()._setEncodeMediaPath('image', self.__image_file_path, 'image/' + image_type)
        super()._setMediaPath('image', self.__image_file_path,
                              'image/' + image_type)
        super()._setPostParam('include_entities', self.__include_entities)
        super()._setPostParam('skip_status', self.__skip_status)
Esempio n. 14
    def _checkInputCorrectness(self):
        if self.__param_set_count == 0:
            raise TwitterAPIInputError('Set at least one parameter.')

        super()._setQueryParam('name', self.__name)
        super()._setQueryParam('url', self.__url)
        super()._setQueryParam('location', self.__location)
        super()._setQueryParam('description', self.__description)
        super()._setQueryParam('profile_link_color', self.__profile_link_color)
        super()._setQueryParam('include_entities', self.__include_entities)
        super()._setQueryParam('skip_status', self.__skip_status)
Esempio n. 15
 def setProfileLinkColor(self, color: str):
     \n 3桁または6桁の16新数で指定(文字列)
     super()._checkStringLength(color, 6)
     color = color.upper()
     p = re.compile('([A-F0-9]{3}){1,2}')
     if p.fullmatch(color):
         raise TwitterAPIInputError(
             'Only 3 or 6 digit hexadecimal string can be specified')
     self.__profile_link_color = color
     self.__param_set_count += 1
Esempio n. 16
    def _checkInputCorrectness(self):
        if self.__timeline_type == TwitterTimelineType.USER:
            if self.__user_id is None and self.__screen_name is None:
                raise TwitterAPIInputError(
                    'user_id or screen_name must be set')
            super()._setQueryParam('user_id', self.__user_id)
            super()._setQueryParam('screen_name', self.__screen_name)
            super()._setQueryParam('include_rts', self.__include_rts)

        if (self.__timeline_type == TwitterTimelineType.USER
                or self.__timeline_type == TwitterTimelineType.HOME):
            super()._setQueryParam('exclude_replies', self.__exclude_replies)

        super()._setQueryParam('count', self.__count)
        super()._setQueryParam('since_id', self.__since_id)
        super()._setQueryParam('max_id', self.__max_id)
        super()._setQueryParam('trim_user', self.__trim_user)
        super()._setQueryParam('include_entities', self.__include_entities)
Esempio n. 17
    def _checkInputCorrectness(self):
        if self.__oauth_callback is None:
            raise TwitterAPIInputError('rquired parameter is not input.')

        super()._setAuthHeaderExtentionParam('oauth_callback', self.__oauth_callback) 
        super()._setQueryParam('x_auth_access_type', self.__x_auth_access_type)
Esempio n. 18
 def _checkInputCorrectness(self):
     if self.__destroy_id == '':
         raise TwitterAPIInputError('rquired parameter is not input.')
     super()._setQueryParam('trim_user', self.__is_trim_user)
Esempio n. 19
    def _checkInputCorrectness(self):
        if self.__media_file_path is None:
            raise TwitterAPIInputError('rquired parameter is not input.')

        image_type = super()._checkImageFile(self.__media_file_path)
        super()._setEncodeMediaPath('media_data', self.__media_file_path, 'image/' + image_type)