Esempio n. 1
def safe_rotate(im, angle):
    debug_imwrite('prerotated.png', im)
    im_h, im_w = im.shape[:2]
    if abs(angle) > math.pi / 4:
        print("warning: too much rotation")
        return im

    angle_deg = angle * 180 / math.pi
    print('rotating to angle:', angle_deg, 'deg')

    im_h_new = im_w * abs(math.sin(angle)) + im_h * math.cos(angle)
    im_w_new = im_h * abs(math.sin(angle)) + im_w * math.cos(angle)

    pad_h = int(math.ceil((im_h_new - im_h) / 2))
    pad_w = int(math.ceil((im_w_new - im_w) / 2))
    pads = ((pad_h, pad_h), (pad_w, pad_w)) + ((0, 0), ) * (len(im.shape) - 2)

    padded = np.pad(im, pads, 'constant', constant_values=255)
    padded_h, padded_w = padded.shape[:2]
    matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((padded_w / 2, padded_h / 2), angle_deg,
    result = cv2.warpAffine(padded,
                            matrix, (padded_w, padded_h),
    debug_imwrite('rotated.png', result)
    return result
Esempio n. 2
def remove_outliers(im, AH, lines):
        Use RANSAC to find a good polynomial to fit each line and then remove the outliers according to this polynomial
    debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    result = []
    for l in lines:
        if len(l) < 4: continue

        points = np.array([letter.base_point() for letter in l])
        min_samples = points.shape[0]//2+1
        model, inliers = ransac(data=points, model_class=TextLinePolyModel, min_samples=min(min_samples, len(points)-1), residual_threshold=AH / 10.0)
        poly = model.params
        l.model = poly
        # trace_baseline(debug, l, BLUE)
        for p, is_in in zip(points, inliers):
            color = GREEN if is_in else RED
            draw_circle(debug, p, 4, color=color)

        # remove outliners by an inliers mask

    result = merge_lines(AH, result)
    for l in result:
        draw_circle(debug, l.original_letters[0].left_mid(), 6, BLUE, -1)
        draw_circle(debug, l.original_letters[-1].right_mid(), 6, BLUE, -1)
    lib.debug_imwrite('lines.png', debug)
    return result
Esempio n. 3
def generate_mesh(all_lines, lines, C_arc, v, n_points_h):
    vx, vy = v
    C_arc_T = C_arc.T

    C0, C1 = C0_C1(lines, v)

    # first, calculate necessary mu.
    global mu_debug
    mu_debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    mu_bottom = necessary_mu(C0, C1, v, all_lines, MuMode.BOTTOM)
    mu_top = necessary_mu(C0, C1, v, all_lines, MuMode.TOP)
    lib.debug_imwrite('mu.png', mu_debug)

    longitude_lines = [Line.from_points(v, p) for p in C_arc_T]
    longitudes = []
    mus = np.linspace(mu_top, mu_bottom, n_points_h)
    for l, C_i in zip(longitude_lines, C_arc_T):
        p0 = l.closest_poly_intersect(C0.model, C_i)
        p1 = l.closest_poly_intersect(C1.model, C_i)
        lam = (vy - p0[1]) / (p1[1] - p0[1])
        alphas = mus * lam / (mus + lam - 1)
        longitudes.append(np.outer(1 - alphas, p0) + np.outer(alphas, p1))

    result = np.array(longitudes)

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    for l in result[::50]:
        for p in l[::50]:
  , tuple(p.astype(int)), 6, BLUE, -1)
    trace_baseline(debug, C0, RED)
    trace_baseline(debug, C1, RED)
    lib.debug_imwrite('mesh.png', debug)

    return np.array(longitudes).transpose(1, 0, 2)
Esempio n. 4
def make_E_align_page(page, AH, O, n_pages, page_index, n_total_lines):
    # line left-mid and right-mid points on focal plane.
    # (LR 2, line N, coord 2)
    side_points_2d = [
        np.array([line.left_mid() for line in page]),
        np.array([line.right_mid() for line in page]),

    # Perform RANSAC-style linear regression on left mid points and right mid points
    side_inliers = [ransac(coords, LinearXModel, 3, AH / 5.0)[1] for coords in side_points_2d]
    inlier_use = [inliers.mean() > INLIER_THRESHOLD for inliers in side_inliers]
    assert len(side_inliers) == len(inlier_use) == len(side_points_2d) == 2

    if lib.debug:
        debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        for line, inlier in zip(page, side_inliers[0]):
            draw_circle(debug, line.left_mid(), color=lib.GREEN if inlier else lib.RED)
        for line, inlier in zip(page, side_inliers[1]):
            draw_circle(debug, line.right_mid(), color=lib.GREEN if inlier else lib.RED)
        lib.debug_imwrite('align_inliers.png', debug)

    side_points_2d_filtered = [
        points[inliers].T for points, inliers in zip(side_points_2d, side_inliers)

    # axes (coord 3, line N)
    side_points = [
        image_to_focal_plane(points, O) for points in side_points_2d_filtered

    return [
        E_align_page(points, i, n_pages, page_index, n_total_lines)
        for i, (points, use) in enumerate(zip(side_points, inlier_use)) if use
Esempio n. 5
def widest_domain(lines, v, n_points):
    C0, C1 = C0_C1(lines, v)

    v_lefts = [
        Line.from_points(v, l[0].left_bot()) for l in lines if l is not C0
    v_rights = [
        Line.from_points(v, l[-1].right_bot()) for l in lines if l is not C0
    C0_lefts = [l.text_line_intersect(C0)[0] for l in v_lefts]
    C0_rights = [l.text_line_intersect(C0)[0] for l in v_rights]

    x_min = min(C0.left(), min(C0_lefts))
    x_max = max(C0.left(), max(C0_rights))
    domain = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n_points)

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    for l in lines:
        cv2.line(debug, tuple(l[0].left_bot().astype(int)),
                 tuple(l[-1].right_bot().astype(int)), GREEN, 2)
    Line.from_points(v, (x_min, C0(x_min))).draw(debug)
    Line.from_points(v, (x_max, C0(x_max))).draw(debug)
    lib.debug_imwrite('domain.png', debug)

    return domain, C0, C1
Esempio n. 6
def dewarp_fine(im):
    lib.debug_prefix = 'fine_'

    AH, all_lines, lines = get_AH_lines(im)

    points = []
    offsets = []
    for line in lines:
        bases = np.array([l.base_point() for l in line])
        median_y = np.median(bases[:, 1])
        offsets.extend(median_y - bases[:, 1])

    points = np.array(points)
    offsets = np.array(offsets)

    im_h, im_w = im.shape
    # grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[:im_h, :im_w]
    # y_offset_interp = interpolate.griddata(points, offsets,
    #                                        (grid_x, grid_y), method='nearest')
    y_offset_interp = interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline(
        points[:, 0], points[:, 1], offsets)

    new = np.full(im.shape, 0, dtype=np.uint8)
    _, contours, [hierarchy] = \
        cv2.findContours(im, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    draw_contours(new, contours, hierarchy, y_offset_interp, 0, 255)

    lib.debug_imwrite('fine.png', new)

    return new
Esempio n. 7
def remove_outliers(im, AH, lines):
    debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    result = []
    for l in lines:
        if len(l) < 5: continue

        points = np.array([letter.base_point() for letter in l])
        model, inliers = ransac(points, PolyModel5, 10, AH / 10.0)
        poly = model.params
        l.model = poly
        # trace_baseline(debug, l, BLUE)
        for p, is_in in zip(points, inliers):
            color = GREEN if is_in else RED
            draw_circle(debug, p, 4, color=color)


    for l in result:
        draw_circle(debug, l.original_letters[0].left_mid(), 6, BLUE, -1)
        draw_circle(debug, l.original_letters[-1].right_mid(), 6, BLUE, -1)

    lib.debug_imwrite('lines.png', debug)
    return merge_lines(AH, result)
Esempio n. 8
def debug_print_points(filename, points, step=None, color=BLUE):
    if lib.debug:
        debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        if step is not None:
            points = points[[np.s_[:]] + [np.s_[::step]] * (points.ndim - 1)]
        for p in points.reshape(2, -1).T:
            draw_circle(debug, p, color=color)
        lib.debug_imwrite(filename, debug)
Esempio n. 9
def go(argv):
    im = grayscale(lib.imread(argv[1]))
    lib.debug = True
    lib.debug_prefix = ['binarize']
    # lib.debug_imwrite('gradient2.png', gradient2(im))
    lib.debug_imwrite('sauvola_noisy.png', sauvola_noisy(im, k=0.1))
    # lib.debug_imwrite('adaptive_otsu.png', binarize(im, algorithm=adaptive_otsu))
    # lib.debug_imwrite('ng2014.png', binarize(im, algorithm=ntirogiannis2014))
    # lib.debug_imwrite('yan.png', binarize(im, algorithm=yan))
    lib.debug_imwrite('sauvola.png', sauvola(im, k=0.1))
Esempio n. 10
def correct_geometry(orig, mesh, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR):
    # coordinates (u, v) on mesh -> mesh[u][v] = (x, y) in distorted image
    mesh32 = mesh.astype(np.float32)
    xmesh, ymesh = mesh32[:, :, 0], mesh32[:, :, 1]
    conv_xmesh, conv_ymesh = cv2.convertMaps(xmesh, ymesh, cv2.CV_16SC2)
    out = cv2.remap(orig, conv_xmesh, conv_ymesh, interpolation=interpolation,
                    borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=(255, 255, 255))
    lib.debug_imwrite('corrected.png', out)

    return out
Esempio n. 11
def adaptive_otsu(im):
    im_h, _ = im.shape
    s = (im_h // 200) | 1
    ellipse = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (s, s))
    background = cv2.morphologyEx(im, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, ellipse)
    bg_float = background.astype(np.float64)
    debug_imwrite('bg.png', background)
    C = np.percentile(im, 30)
    normalized = clip_u8(C / (bg_float + 1e-10) * im)
    debug_imwrite('norm.png', normalized)
    return otsu(normalized)
Esempio n. 12
def min_crop(lines):
    box = Crop(
        min([line.left() for line in lines]),
        min([letter.y for letter in lines[0]]),
        max([line.right() for line in lines]),
        max([letter.y + letter.h for letter in lines[-1]]),
    debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    lib.debug_imwrite('crop.png', debug)
    return box
Esempio n. 13
def pca_gray(im):
    assert len(im.shape) == 3
    Lab = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)
    im_1d = Lab.reshape(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1], 3).astype(np.float32)
    im_1d -= np.mean(im_1d)
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(im_1d, full_matrices=False)
    coeffs = V[0]
    if coeffs[0] < 0:
        coeffs = -coeffs
    result = normalize_u8(np.tensordot(Lab, coeffs, axes=1))
    lib.debug_imwrite('pca.png', result)
    return result
Esempio n. 14
def koo2010(im_inv, AH):
    im = -im_inv
    assert lib.is_bw(im)

    centroids, ellipses = letter_ellipses(im)
    centroids_rotated, ellipses_sheared = \
        precompute_rotations(im, centroids, ellipses)

    nearby_centroids = []
    for centroid in centroids:
        distances_sq = np.square(centroids - centroid).sum()
        nearby = (distances_sq <
                  radius_sq) & ~np.all(centroids == centroid, axis=1)

    tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(centroids)

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    for simplex in tri.simplices:
        for i, j in zip(simplex, np.roll(simplex, 1)):
            cv2.line(debug, tuple(centroids[i].astype(int)),
                     tuple(centroids[j].astype(int)), GREEN, 2)
    lib.debug_imwrite('triang.png', debug)

    duplicate_segments = np.concatenate([
        tri.simplices[:, (0, 1)],
        tri.simplices[:, (1, 2)],
        tri.simplices[:, (2, 0)],
    unordered_segments = np.unique(duplicate_segments, axis=0)
    segments = np.stack([
    assert np.all(segments[:, 0] < segments[:, 1])

    theta_p = np.zeros((len(ellipses), ))
    s_p = np.full((len(ellipses), ), 5)

    def V_pq_sites(p1, p2, l1, l2):
        s_1, theta_1 = unpack_label(l1)
        s_2, theta_2 = unpack_label(l2)

        centroid_1, centroid_2 = centroids[(p1, p2), :]

        d_pq_sq = np.square(centroid_1 - centroid_2).sum()
        scale = np.exp(-k * d_pq_sq / (s_values[s_1]**2 + s_values[s_2]**2))

        f_diff = abs(s_1 - s_2) + abs(theta_1 - theta_2)
        mu = 0 if l1 == l2 else (lam_1 if f_diff <= 3 else lam_2)

        return mu * scale
Esempio n. 15
def filter_size(AH, im, letters=None):
    if letters is None:
        letters = all_letters(im)

    if lib.debug:
        debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        for l in letters:
  , color=lib.GREEN if valid_letter(AH, l) else lib.RED)
        lib.debug_imwrite('size_filter.png', debug)

    # Slightly tuned from paper (h < 3 * AH and h < AH / 4)
    return [l for l in letters if valid_letter(AH, l)]
Esempio n. 16
def word_contours(AH, im):
    opened = cv2.morphologyEx(im ^ 255, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, cross33)
    horiz = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (int(AH * 0.6) | 1, 1))
    rls = cv2.morphologyEx(opened, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, horiz)
    debug_imwrite('rls.png', rls)

    _, contours, [hierarchy] = cv2.findContours(rls, cv2.RETR_CCOMP,
    words = top_contours(contours, hierarchy)
    word_boxes = [tuple([word] + list(cv2.boundingRect(word))) for word in words]
    # Slightly tuned from paper (h < 3 * AH and h < AH / 4)
    word_boxes = [__x_y_w_h for __x_y_w_h in word_boxes if __x_y_w_h[4] < 3 * AH and __x_y_w_h[4] > AH / 3 and __x_y_w_h[3] > AH / 3]

    return word_boxes
Esempio n. 17
    def correct(self, opt_result):
        theta, a_ms, align, T, l_m, g = unpack_args(opt_result.x, len(self.pages))

        R = R_theta(theta)

        self.debug_images(R, g, align, l_m)

        mesh_2ds = make_mesh_2d(self.lines, self.O, R, g, n_points_w=self.n_points_w)
        result = []
        for mesh_2d in mesh_2ds:
            lib.debug_imwrite('orig.png', self.orig)
            first_pass = correct_geometry(self.orig, mesh_2d, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

        return result
Esempio n. 18
def filter_spacing_deviation(im, AH, lines):
    new_lines = []

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    for line in lines:
        spacings = np.array([l2.x - l1.right() for l1, l2 in zip(line, line[1:])])
        # print("spacing", spacings.std())
        if spacings.std() > AH / 1.0:
            line.crop().draw(debug, color=lib.RED)
            line.crop().draw(debug, color=lib.GREEN)

    lib.debug_imwrite("spacing_filter.png", debug)

    return new_lines
Esempio n. 19
def print_dict(filename, D_T):
    K, W_sq = D_T.shape
    W = int(np.sqrt(W_sq))
    assert W_sq == W**2

    D_T_s = D_T - np.percentile(D_T, 5)
    ratio = 255 / np.percentile(D_T_s, 95)
    patches = lib.clip_u8(ratio * D_T_s.reshape(K, W, W))

    sqrtK = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(K)))
    padding = ((0, sqrtK**2 - K), (1, 1), (1, 1))
    patches_padded = np.pad(patches, padding, 'constant', constant_values=127)
    dict_square = patches_padded.reshape(sqrtK, sqrtK, W + 2, W + 2) \
        .transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(sqrtK * (W + 2), sqrtK * (W + 2))

    lib.debug_imwrite(filename, dict_square)
Esempio n. 20
def precompute_rotations(im, centroids, ellipses):
    # precompute a bunch of stuff.
    im_h, im_w = im.shape
    diag = np.sqrt(im_h**2 + im_w**2)
    centroids_rotated = []
    ellipses_sheared = []
    padding_h = int(np.ceil((diag - im_h) / 2))
    padding_w = int(np.ceil((diag - im_w) / 2))
    centroids_safe = centroids + np.array((padding_w, padding_h))
    centroids_homo = np.concatenate(
         np.ones((1, centroids_safe.shape[0]))])
    new_h, new_w = im_h + 2 * padding_h, im_w + 2 * padding_w
    for i, theta in enumerate(theta_values):
        theta_deg = theta * 180 / np.pi
        matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((new_w / 2., new_h / 2.), theta_deg,

        # FIXME: something is wrong with these rotations
        ellipse_rotated = matrix[:, :2].dot(ellipses.T).T

        if lib.debug and i == 5:
            im_safe = np.pad(im,
                             ((padding_h, padding_h), (padding_w, padding_w)),
            im_rotated = cv2.warpAffine(im_safe,
                                        matrix, (new_w, new_h),
            debug = cv2.cvtColor(im_rotated, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
            for centroid, eigvecs in zip(centroids_rotated[-1],
                for v in eigvecs.T:
                    cv2.line(debug, lib.int_tuple(centroid + v),
                             lib.int_tuple(centroid - v), GREEN, 2)
            lib.debug_imwrite('ellipses_rot.png', debug)

        # shear ellipses in x-direction to make perp to y axis
        x1s, x2s = ellipse_rotated[0]
        y1s, y2s = ellipse_rotated[1]
        y0s = np.sqrt(y1s**2 + y2s**2)
        x0s = (x1s**2 + y1s * x2s) / np.sqrt(x1s**2 + y1s**2)
        ellipses_sheared.append(np.stack([x0s, y0s]).T)

    return centroids_rotated, ellipses_sheared
Esempio n. 21
def vanishing_point(lines, v0, O):
    C0 = lines[-1] if v0[1] < 0 else lines[0]
    others = lines[:-1] if v0[1] < 0 else lines[1:]

    domain = np.linspace(C0.left(), C0.right(), N_LONGS + 2)[1:-1]
    C0_points = np.array([domain, C0.model(domain)]).T
    longitudes = [Line.from_points(v0, p) for p in C0_points]

    lefts = [longitudes[0].text_line_intersect(line)[0] for line in others]
    rights = [longitudes[-1].text_line_intersect(line)[0] for line in others]
    valid_mask = [line.left() <= L and R < line.right() \
                   for line, L, R in zip(others, lefts, rights)]

    valid_lines = [C0] + compress(others, valid_mask)
    derivs = [line.model.deriv() for line in valid_lines]
    print('valid lines:', len(others))

    convergences = []
    for longitude in longitudes:
        intersects = [
            longitude.text_line_intersect(line) for line in valid_lines
        tangents = [Line.from_point_slope(p, d(p[0])) \
                    for p, d in zip(intersects, derivs)]

    # x vx + y vy + f^2 = 0
    # m = -vx / vy
    # b = -f^2 / vy

    L =
    # shift into O-origin coords
    L_O = L.offset(-O)
    vy = -(f**2) / L_O.b
    vx = -vy * L_O.m
    v = np.array((vx, vy)) + O

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    for t in tangents:
        t.draw(debug, color=RED)
    for longitude in longitudes:
    L.draw(debug, color=GREEN)
    lib.debug_imwrite('vanish.png', debug)

    return v, f, L
Esempio n. 22
def dominant_char_height(im, letters=None):
    if letters is None:
        letters = all_letters(im)

    heights = [letter.h for letter in letters if letter.w > 5]

    hist, _ = np.histogram(heights, 256, [0, 256])
    # TODO: make depend on DPI.
    AH = np.argmax(hist[8:]) + 8  # minimum height 8

    if lib.debug:
        debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        for letter in letters:
  , color=lib.GREEN if letter.h == AH else lib.RED)
        debug_imwrite('heights.png', debug)

    return AH
Esempio n. 23
def skew_angle(im, orig, AH, lines):
    if len(orig.shape) == 2:
        debug = cv2.cvtColor(orig, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
        debug = orig.copy()

    alphas = []
    for l in lines:
        if len(l) < 10: continue

        line_model = l.fit_line()

    debug_imwrite('lines.png', debug)

    return np.median(alphas)
Esempio n. 24
def side_lines(AH, lines):
    im_h, _ = bw.shape

    left_bounds = np.array([l.original_letters[0].left_mid() for l in lines])
    right_bounds = np.array([l.original_letters[-1].right_mid() for l in lines])

    vertical_lines = []
    debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    for coords in [left_bounds, right_bounds]:
        model, inliers = ransac(coords, LinearXModel, 3, AH / 10.0)
        for p, inlier in zip(coords, inliers):
            draw_circle(debug, p, 4, color=GREEN if inlier else RED)

    for p in vertical_lines:
        draw_line(debug, (p(0), 0), (p(im_h), im_h), BLUE, 2)
    lib.debug_imwrite('vertical.png', debug)

    return vertical_lines
Esempio n. 25
def filter_position(AH, im, lines, split):
    new_lines = []

    line_lefts = np.array([line.left() for line in lines])
    line_rights = np.array([line.right() for line in lines])
    line_start_thresh = np.percentile(line_lefts,
                                      15 if split else 30) - 15 * AH
    line_end_thresh = np.percentile(line_rights, 85 if split else 70) + 15 * AH

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    for line in lines:
        if line.right() < line_start_thresh or line.left() > line_end_thresh:
            line.crop().draw(debug, color=lib.RED)
            line.crop().draw(debug, color=lib.GREEN)

    lib.debug_imwrite("position_filter.png", debug)

    return new_lines
Esempio n. 26
def aspect_ratio(im, lines, D, v, O):
    vx, vy = v
    C0, C1 = C0_C1(lines, v)

    im_h, im_w = im.shape

    m = -(vx - O[0]) / (vy - O[1])
    L0 = Line.from_point_slope(C0.first_base(), m)
    L1 = Line.from_point_slope(C1.first_base(), m)
    perp = L0.altitude(v)
    p0, p1 = L0.intersect(perp), L1.intersect(perp)
    h_img = norm(p0 - p1)

    L = Line(m, -m * O[0] - (f**2) / (vy - O[1]))
    F = L.altitude(v).intersect(L)
    _, x0r, y0r, w0r, h0r = lines[-1][-1]
    p0r = np.array([x0r + w0r / 2.0, y0r + h0r])
    F_C0r = Line.from_points(F, p0r)
    q0 = F_C0r.intersect(L0)
    l_img = norm(q0 - p0)

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    L.draw(debug, color=GREEN)
    F_C0r.draw(debug, color=RED)
    lib.debug_imwrite('aspect.png', debug)

    # Convergence line perp to V=(vx, vy, f)
    # y = -vx / vy * x + -f^2 / vy
    alpha = atan2(norm(p1 - O), f)
    theta = acos(f / sqrt((vx - O[0])**2 + (vy - O[1])**2 + f**2))
    beta = pi / 2 - theta

    lp_img = abs(D[0][-1] - D[0][0])
    wp_img = norm(np.diff(D.T, axis=0), axis=1).sum()
    print('h_img:', h_img, 'l\'_img:', lp_img, 'alpha:', alpha)
    print('l_img:', l_img, 'w\'_img:', wp_img, 'beta:', beta)
    r = h_img * lp_img * cos(alpha) / (l_img * wp_img * cos(alpha + beta))

    return r
Esempio n. 27
def letter_ellipses(im):
    num_labels, labels, stats, all_centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(

    boxes = stats[:, (cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT, cv2.CC_STAT_TOP, cv2.CC_STAT_WIDTH,

    centroids_list = []
    ellipses_list = []
    for i in range(1, num_labels):
        x, y, w, h = boxes[i]
        centroid = all_centroids[i]
        local = labels[y:y + h, x:x + w] == i
        points = np.array(np.nonzero(local))[::-1]  # coord order (x, y)
        covariance = np.cov(points)
        assert covariance.shape == (2, 2)

        # these are normalized to 1; normalize to sqrt(w)
        eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(covariance)
        sig_2, sig_1 = eigvals
        area = stats[i, cv2.CC_STAT_AREA]
        if sig_1 / sig_2 <= 15 and area > 10 and area < 3000:
            eigvecs *= np.sqrt(eigvals)

    centroids = all_centroids[centroids_list]
    ellipses = np.array(ellipses_list)

    if lib.debug:
        debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        for centroid, eigvecs in zip(centroids, ellipses):
            for v in eigvecs.T:
                cv2.line(debug, tuple((centroid + v).astype(int)),
                         tuple((centroid - v).astype(int)), GREEN, 2)
        lib.debug_imwrite('ellipses.png', debug)

    return centroids, ellipses
Esempio n. 28
    def debug_images(self, R, g, align, l_m):
        if not lib.debug: return

        debug = cv2.cvtColor(, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        ts_surface = E_str_project(R, g, self.base_points, 0)

        # debug_jac(theta, R, g, l_m, base_points, ts_surface)

        for Y, (_, points_XYZ) in zip(l_m, ts_surface):
            Xs, Ys, _ = points_XYZ
            # print('Y diffs:', Ys - Y)
            X_min, X_max = Xs.min(), Xs.max()
            line_Xs = np.linspace(X_min, X_max, 100)
            line_Ys = np.full((100,), Y)
            line_Zs = g(line_Xs)
            line_XYZ = np.stack([line_Xs, line_Ys, line_Zs])
            line_2d = gcs_to_image(line_XYZ, self.O, R).T
            for p0, p1 in zip(line_2d, line_2d[1:]):
                draw_line(debug, p0, p1, GREEN, 1)

        if isinstance(g, SplitPoly):
            line_Xs = np.array([g.T, g.T])
            line_Ys = np.array([-10000, 10000])
            line_Zs = g(line_Xs)
            line_XYZ = np.stack([line_Xs, line_Ys, line_Zs])
            line_2d = gcs_to_image(line_XYZ, self.O, R).T
            for p0, p1 in zip(line_2d, line_2d[1:]):
                draw_line(debug, p0, p1, RED, 4)

        for x in align.flatten():
            line_Xs = np.array([x, x])
            line_Ys = np.array([-10000, 10000])
            line_Zs = g(line_Xs)
            line_XYZ = np.stack([line_Xs, line_Ys, line_Zs])
            line_2d = gcs_to_image(line_XYZ, self.O, R).T
            draw_line(debug, line_2d[0], line_2d[1], BLUE, 4)

        lib.debug_imwrite('surface_lines.png', debug)
Esempio n. 29
def lu_dewarp(im):
    # morphological operators
    morph_a = [
        np.array([1] + [0] * (2 * i), dtype=np.uint8).reshape(2 * i + 1, 1) \
        for i in range(9)
    morph_d = [a.T for a in morph_a]
    morph_c = [
        np.array([0] * (2 * i) + [1], dtype=np.uint8).reshape(2 * i + 1, 1) \
        for i in range(9)
    # morph_b = [c.T for c in morph_c]

    im_inv = im ^ 255
    bdyt = np.zeros(im.shape, dtype=np.uint8) - 1
    for struct in morph_c + morph_d:  # ++ morph_b
        bdyt &= cv2.erode(im_inv, struct)

    debug_imwrite("bdyt.png", bdyt)
    return bdyt

    for struct in morph_c + morph_d:
        bdyt &= im_inv ^ cv2.erode(im_inv, struct)
Esempio n. 30
def remove_stroke_outliers(im, lines, k=1.0):
    stroke_widths = fast_stroke_width(im)
    if lib.debug:
                          lib.normalize_u8(stroke_widths.clip(0, 10)))

    mask = np.zeros(im.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    for line in lines:
        for letter in line:
            sliced = letter.crop().apply(mask)
            sliced |= letter.raster()

    lib.debug_imwrite('letter_mask.png', -mask)

    masked_strokes = stroke_widths.copy()
    masked_strokes &= -mask

    strokes_mean, strokes_std = masked_mean_std(masked_strokes, mask)
    if lib.debug:
        print('overall: mean:', strokes_mean, 'std:', strokes_std)

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    new_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        if len(line) <= 1: continue
        good_letters = []
        for letter in line:
            crop = letter.crop()
            if not crop.nonempty(): continue

            raster = letter.raster()
            sliced_strokes = crop.apply(stroke_widths).copy()
            sliced_strokes &= lib.bool_to_u8(raster)

            mean, std = masked_mean_std(sliced_strokes, raster)
            if mean < strokes_mean - k * strokes_std:
                if lib.debug:
                    print('skipping {:4d} {:4d} {:.03f} {:.03f}'.format(
          , color=lib.RED)
                if lib.debug:, color=lib.GREEN)

        if good_letters:

    lib.debug_imwrite("stroke_filter.png", debug)

    return new_lines