def problem8(filename):
    """ Return the greatest product of five consecutive digits in given
    file which contains the 1000-digit number.
    >>> problem8('problem08.txt')
    lines, n = open(filename).readlines(), 5
    matrix = [map(lib.convert_int, list(line.strip())) for line in lines]
    return lib.greatest_product_row(matrix, n)
def problem11(filename):
    >>> problem11('problem11.txt')
    n = 4
    lines = open(filename).readlines()
    matrix = [map(lib.convert_int, line.strip().split(' ')) 
                for line in lines]
    d1, d2 = lib.greatest_product_diagonally(matrix, n)
    L = [lib.greatest_product_row(matrix, n), 
        lib.greatest_product_col(matrix, n), d1, d2]
    return L[-1]