Esempio n. 1
def main():
    args = docopt(__doc__)
    args = BtPlot.check_input(args)

    blobdb_f = args['--infile']
    rank = args['--rank']
    min_length = int(args['--length'])
    max_group_plot = int(args['--plotgroups'])
    hide_nohits = args['--nohit']
    taxrule = args['--taxrule']
    c_index = args['--cindex']
    exclude_groups = args['--exclude']
    labels = args['--label']
    colour_f = args['--colours']
    refcov_f = args['--refcov']
    catcolour_f = args['--catcolour']

    multiplot = args['--multiplot']
    out_prefix = args['--out']
    sort_order = args['--sort']
    sort_first = args['--sort_first']
    hist_type = args['--hist']
    no_title = args['--notitle']
    ignore_contig_length = args['--noscale']
    format_plot = args['--format']
    no_plot_blobs = args['--noblobs']
    no_plot_reads = args['--noreads']
    legend_flag = args['--legend']
    cumulative_flag = args['--cumulative']
    cov_lib_selection = args['--lib']

    filelabel = args['--filelabel']

    exclude_groups = BtIO.parseCmdlist(exclude_groups)
    refcov_dict = BtIO.parseReferenceCov(refcov_f)
    user_labels = BtIO.parseCmdLabels(labels)
    catcolour_dict = BtIO.parseCatColour(catcolour_f)
    colour_dict = BtIO.parseColours(colour_f)

    # Load BlobDb
    print BtLog.status_d['9'] % blobdb_f
    blobDb = BtCore.BlobDb('blobplot')
    blobDb.version = blobtools.__version__

    # Generate plot data
    print BtLog.status_d['18']
    data_dict, min_cov, max_cov, cov_lib_dict = blobDb.getPlotData(
        rank, min_length, hide_nohits, taxrule, c_index, catcolour_dict)
    plotObj = BtPlot.PlotObj(data_dict, cov_lib_dict, cov_lib_selection,
                             'blobplot', sort_first)
    plotObj.exclude_groups = exclude_groups
    plotObj.version = blobDb.version
    plotObj.format = format_plot
    plotObj.max_cov = max_cov
    plotObj.min_cov = min_cov
    plotObj.no_title = no_title
    plotObj.multiplot = multiplot
    plotObj.hist_type = hist_type
    plotObj.ignore_contig_length = ignore_contig_length
    plotObj.max_group_plot = max_group_plot
    plotObj.legend_flag = legend_flag
    plotObj.cumulative_flag = cumulative_flag
    # order by which to plot (should know about user label)
    plotObj.group_order = BtPlot.getSortedGroups(data_dict, sort_order,
    # labels for each level of stats
    # plotObj.group_labels is dict that contains labels for each group : all/other/user_label
    if (user_labels):
        for group, label in user_labels.items():
    plotObj.group_labels = {group: set() for group in plotObj.group_order}
    plotObj.relabel_and_colour(colour_dict, user_labels)
    plotObj.refcov_dict = refcov_dict
    # Plotting
    info_flag = 1
    out_f = ''
    for cov_lib in plotObj.cov_libs:
        plotObj.ylabel = "Coverage"
        plotObj.xlabel = "GC proportion"
        if (filelabel):
            plotObj.ylabel = basename(cov_lib_dict[cov_lib]['f'])
        out_f = "%s.%s.%s.p%s.%s.%s" % (blobDb.title, taxrule, rank,
                                        max_group_plot, hist_type, min_length)
        if catcolour_dict:
            out_f = "%s.%s" % (out_f, "catcolour")
        if ignore_contig_length:
            out_f = "%s.%s" % (out_f, "noscale")
        if c_index:
            out_f = "%s.%s" % (out_f, "c_index")
        if exclude_groups:
            out_f = "%s.%s" % (out_f, "exclude_" + "_".join(exclude_groups))
        if labels:
            out_f = "%s.%s" % (out_f, "userlabel_" + "_".join(
                set([name for name in user_labels.values()])))
        out_f = "%s.%s" % (out_f, "blobplot")
        if (plotObj.cumulative_flag):
            out_f = "%s.%s" % (out_f, "cumulative")
        if (plotObj.multiplot):
            out_f = "%s.%s" % (out_f, "multiplot")
        out_f = BtIO.getOutFile(out_f, out_prefix, None)
        if not (no_plot_blobs):
            plotObj.plotScatter(cov_lib, info_flag, out_f)
            info_flag = 0
        if not (no_plot_reads) and (
            # prevent plotting if --noreads or total_reads == 0
            plotObj.plotBar(cov_lib, out_f)
Esempio n. 2
    # Is taxrule sane and was it computed?
    if taxrule not in blobDB.taxrules:
        BtLog.error('11', taxrule, blobDB.taxrules)

    data_dict, max_cov, cov_libs, cov_libs_total_reads = blobDB.getPlotData(
        rank, min_length, hide_nohits, taxrule, c_index, catcolour_dict)
    plotObj = BtPlot.PlotObj(data_dict, cov_libs, cov_libs_total_reads)
    plotObj.exclude_groups = exclude_groups
    plotObj.format = format
    plotObj.max_cov = max_cov
    plotObj.title = title
    plotObj.multiplot = multiplot
    plotObj.hist_type = hist_type
    plotObj.ignore_contig_length = ignore_contig_length
    plotObj.max_group_plot = max_group_plot
    plotObj.group_order = BtPlot.getSortedGroups(data_dict, sort_order)

    if (user_labels):
        for group, label in user_labels.items():
    plotObj.group_labels = {group: set() for group in plotObj.group_order}
    plotObj.relabel_and_colour(colour_f, user_labels)

    info_flag = 1

    for cov_lib in plotObj.cov_libs:
        if (plotObj.title):
            plotObj.title = "%s.%s.%s" % (title, taxrule, cov_lib)
Esempio n. 3
    if max_cov < y_max:
        y_max = max_cov
    if (scale):
        scale = 'log'
        scale = 'linear'

    plotObj.max_cov = max_cov
    plotObj.title = title
    plotObj.format = format
    plotObj.multiplot = multiplot
    plotObj.hist_type = hist_type
    plotObj.ignore_contig_length = ignore_contig_length
    plotObj.max_group_plot = max_group_plot
    plotObj.group_order = BtPlot.getSortedGroups(data_dict, sort_order)
    #if (user_labels):
    #    for group, label in user_labels.items():
    #        plotObj.labels.add(label)
    plotObj.group_labels = {group : set() for group in plotObj.group_order}
    plotObj.relabel_and_colour(None, {})

    info_flag = 1

    for cov_lib in plotObj.cov_libs:
        if (plotObj.title):
            plotObj.title = "%s.%s.%s" % (title, taxrule, cov_lib)