def main(): if args.dataset == "ycb": test_ds = YCB_Dataset('test') obj_id = -1 else: test_ds = LM_Dataset('test', cls_type=args.cls) obj_id = config.lm_obj_dict[args.cls] test_loader = test_ds, batch_size=config.test_mini_batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=20 ) model = PVN3D( num_classes=config.n_objects, pcld_input_channels=6, pcld_use_xyz=True, num_points=config.n_sample_points ).cuda() model = convert_model(model) model.cuda() # load status from checkpoint if args.checkpoint is not None: checkpoint_status = load_checkpoint( model, None, filename=args.checkpoint[:-8] ) model = nn.DataParallel(model) for i, data in tqdm.tqdm( enumerate(test_loader), leave=False, desc="val" ): cal_view_pred_pose(model, data, epoch=i, obj_id=obj_id)
def main(): rospy.init_node('pvn3d_LM_pred') ''' ## Dataset and Cls_id args ## if args.dataset == "ycb": pass else: pass''' ## Model Initialization ## model = PVN3D( num_classes=config.n_objects, pcld_input_channels=6, pcld_use_xyz=True, num_points=config.n_sample_points, num_kps=config.n_keypoints ).cuda() model = convert_model(model) model.cuda() # load status from checkpoint if args.checkpoint is not None: checkpoint_status = load_checkpoint( model, None, filename=args.checkpoint[:-8] ) model = nn.DataParallel(model) print('Stand-alone Demo started...') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): demo = PVN3D_ROS(config, model, pub_all=True, auto_detect=True) rospy.spin()
def define_network(self, weights_path): # define model object on GPU model = PVN3D(num_classes=self.config.n_objects, pcld_input_channels=6, pcld_use_xyz=True, num_points=self.config.n_sample_points).cuda() # convert batch norm into synchornized batch norm model = convert_model(model) # model to GPU model.cuda() # load weights checkpoint_status = self.load_checkpoint(model, None, filename=weights_path[:-8]) # convert model to distributed mode model = nn.DataParallel(model) return model
def detection_server(): rospy.init_node('pvn3d_detection_server') ## Model Initialization ## model = PVN3D( num_classes=config.n_objects, pcld_input_channels=6, pcld_use_xyz=True, num_points=config.n_sample_points, num_kps=config.n_keypoints ).cuda() model = convert_model(model) model.cuda() # load status from checkpoint if args.checkpoint is not None: checkpoint_status = load_checkpoint( model, None, filename=args.checkpoint[:-8] ) model = nn.DataParallel(model) demo = PVN3D_ROS(config, model, pub_all=True, auto_detect=False) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): print('PVN3d Detection server initialized. Waiting for Requests...') server = rospy.Service('get_poses_pvn3d', getPoses_srv, demo.getDetections ) server.spin()
corners_t = np.matmul(cam2optical, corners.transpose()).transpose() n = mesh_pts_t.shape[0] mesh_pts_t = np.concatenate(( mesh_pts_t[:,2].reshape(n,1) , -mesh_pts_t[:, 0].reshape(n,1), -mesh_pts_t[:, 1].reshape(n,1) ), axis=1) corners_t = np.concatenate(( corners_t[:,2].reshape(8,1) , -corners_t[:, 0].reshape(8,1), -corners_t[:, 1].reshape(8,1) ), axis=1) ''' test_ds = CrankSlider_Dataset('test') test_loader = test_ds, batch_size=config.test_mini_batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=20) model = PVN3D(num_classes=config.n_classes, pcld_input_channels=6, pcld_use_xyz=True, num_points=config.n_sample_points, num_kps=config.n_keypoints).cuda() model = convert_model(model) model.cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) # default value it = -1 # for the initialize value of `LambdaLR` and `BNMomentumScheduler` best_loss = 1e10 start_epoch = 1 cur_mdl_pth = os.path.join(config.log_model_dir, 'pvn3d.pth.tar') if args.checkpoint is None and os.path.exists(cur_mdl_pth):