def debugFormicMetaGraph(fmg, mazeLong): """ Format a output for pyplot that renders the formic meta graph """ # import try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: api.debug("Matplotlib not found") return # plot for i in fmg: for j in fmg[i]: dotY = [-i[0], -j[0]] dotX = [i[1], j[1]] plt.plot(dotX, dotY, "o:") if (i[0] - mazeLong) ** 2 + i[1] ** 2 > (j[0] - mazeLong) ** 2 + j[1] ** 2: plt.annotate( str(j) + "<-" + str(i) + " " + str(fmg[i][j][0]) + " " + str(fmg[i][j][1]), ((i[1] + j[1]) / 2.0 - 0.4, -((i[0] + j[0]) / 2.0 - 0.1)), ) else: plt.annotate( str(i) + "->" + str(j) + " " + str(fmg[i][j][0]) + " " + str(fmg[i][j][1]), ((i[1] + j[1]) / 2.0 - 0.4, -((i[0] + j[0]) / 2.0 + 0.1)), ) # render plt.axis((-0.5, mazeLong - 0.5, -mazeLong + 0.5, 0.5))
def initializationCode (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) : global METAGRAPH global BESTPATHS iniTime = time.time() METAGRAPH, BESTPATHS = th.generateMetaGraph(mazeMap, playerLocation, coins) api.debug(time.time() - iniTime) return "Everything seems fine, let's start !"
def determineNextMove (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) : global MOVING global METAGRAPH global BESTPATHS global EATENCOINS global PATH global CURRENTCOIN EATENCOINS = ut.updateCoins(METAGRAPH, EATENCOINS, coins) if MOVING : if not PATH : MOVING = False if (opponentLocation == CURRENTCOIN and playerLocation != CURRENTCOIN) or (): PATH = th.findNearestCoin(mazeMap, playerLocation, coins) PATH.pop() api.debug("BITE") if not MOVING : CURRENTCOIN = chooseCoin(METAGRAPH, playerLocation, EATENCOINS) PATH = BESTPATHS[playerLocation][CURRENTCOIN] PATH.pop() MOVING = True nextPos = PATH.pop() return ut.convertPosesToDir(nextPos, playerLocation, mazeMap)
def initializationCode(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins): global METAGRAPH global BESTPATHS iniTime = time.time() METAGRAPH, BESTPATHS = th.generateMetaGraph(mazeMap, playerLocation, coins) api.debug(time.time() - iniTime) return "Everything seems fine, let's start !"
def determineNextMove (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) : t0 = time.time () # Travel heuristics variables global METAGRAPH global FORMICMETAGRAPH global BESTPATHES # Pathes variables global GLOBALPATH global ACTUALPATH global GOALLOCATION # General variables global MOVING global EATENCOINS # We update eatenCoins except playerLocation EATENCOINS = ut.updateCoinsWoPlayerLoc (METAGRAPH, EATENCOINS, coins, playerLocation) if GOALLOCATION in EATENCOINS: ACTUALPATH = th.findNearestCoin(mazeMap, playerLocation, coins) GOALLOCATION = ACTUALPATH[0] api.debug("Thief ! We go there : "+str(GOALLOCATION)) ACTUALPATH.pop () newMetaGraph = ut.metaGraphWithoutEaten (METAGRAPH, EATENCOINS) # Let's send some ant. Not too much t1 = time.time () FORMICMETAGRAPH = aco.generateFormicMetaGraph (newMetaGraph, GOALLOCATION, (timeAllowed-(t1-t0)-ESTIMATEDTIMEMAIN)*PERCENTTIMEALLOWEDFORANTS, FORMICMETAGRAPH) if MOVING : # Plus de chemin ou pièce bouffée, on s'arrete. if not ACTUALPATH : MOVING = False EATENCOINS.append (playerLocation) if not MOVING : # We choose the next coin with aco : GOALLOCATION = chooseNextCoins(FORMICMETAGRAPH, playerLocation)[0][0] # Get next path try : ACTUALPATH = list (BESTPATHES[playerLocation][GOALLOCATION]) except KeyError: # The path doesn't exist, let's calculate one: ACTUALPATH = sp.shortestWay (mazeMap, playerLocation, GOALLOCATION) ACTUALPATH.pop () # Get rid of the first position wich should be actualPosition MOVING = True # Let's go ! nextPos = ACTUALPATH.pop() return ut.convertPosesToDir(nextPos, playerLocation, mazeMap)
def initializationCode (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) : api.debug("\n" + "mazeWidth = " + str(mazeWidth) + "\n" + "mazeHeight = " + str(mazeHeight) + "\n" + "mazeMap = " + str(mazeMap) + "\n" + "timeAllowed = " + str(timeAllowed) + "\n" + "playerLocation = " + str(playerLocation) + "\n" + "opponentLocation = " + str(opponentLocation) + "\n" + "coins = " + str(coins))
def initializationCode(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins): api.debug("\n" + "mazeWidth = " + str(mazeWidth) + "\n" + "mazeHeight = " + str(mazeHeight) + "\n" + "mazeMap = " + str(mazeMap) + "\n" + "timeAllowed = " + str(timeAllowed) + "\n" + "playerLocation = " + str(playerLocation) + "\n" + "opponentLocation = " + str(opponentLocation) + "\n" + "coins = " + str(coins))
def handler (signum, frame): api.debug ("Sir, someone's trying to kill me !")
def initializationCode (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) : api.debug("\n" + "mazeWidth = " + str(mazeWidth) + "\n" + "mazeHeight = " + str(mazeHeight) + "\n" + "mazeMap = " + str(mazeMap) + "\n" + "timeAllowed = " + str(timeAllowed) + "\n" + "playerLocation = " + str(playerLocation) + "\n" + "opponentLocation = " + str(opponentLocation) + "\n" + "coins = " + str(coins)) def determineNextMove (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) : return api.UP if __name__ == "__main__" : # We let technical stuff happen (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, preparationTime, turnTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins, gameIsOver) = api.initGame(BOT_NAME) initializationCode(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, preparationTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) # Here magic happens api.mainLoop (determineNextMove, mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, turnTime)
"timeAllowed = " + str(timeAllowed) + "\n" + "playerLocation = " + str(playerLocation) + "\n" + "opponentLocation = " + str(opponentLocation) + "\n" + "coins = " + str(coins)) def determineNextMove(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins): return api.UP if __name__ == "__main__": # We let technical stuff happen (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, preparationTime, turnTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins, gameIsOver) = api.initGame(BOT_NAME) initializationCode(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, preparationTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) # We decide how to move and wait for the next step while not gameIsOver: (playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins, gameIsOver) = api.processNextInformation() if gameIsOver: break nextMove = determineNextMove(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, turnTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) api.writeToPipe(nextMove)
def displayMotd(): motd = open("inputFiles/TeamRoquette/motd.txt", "r") api.debug( motd.close()
PATH = list(BESTPATHS[playerLocation][CURRENTCOIN]) PATH.pop() MOVING = True nextPos = PATH.pop() return ut.convertPosesToDir(nextPos, playerLocation, mazeMap) #### if __name__ == "__main__" : # We let technical stuff happen (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, preparationTime, turnTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins, gameIsOver) = api.initGame(BOT_NAME) initializationCode(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, preparationTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) # We decide how to move and wait for the next step while not gameIsOver : (playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins, gameIsOver) = api.processNextInformation() if gameIsOver : break nextMove = determineNextMove(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, turnTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) api.writeToPipe(nextMove)
PATH = BESTPATHS[playerLocation][nextCoin] PATH.pop() MOVING = True nextPos = PATH.pop() return ut.convertPosesToDir(nextPos, playerLocation, mazeMap) #### if __name__ == "__main__" : # We let technical stuff happen (mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, preparationTime, turnTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins, gameIsOver) = api.initGame(BOT_NAME) initializationCode(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, preparationTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) # We decide how to move and wait for the next step while not gameIsOver : (playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins, gameIsOver) = api.processNextInformation() if gameIsOver : break nextMove = determineNextMove(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, turnTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins) api.writeToPipe(nextMove)
def preventFromKilling(): api.debug ("Protecting myself....") signal.signal(signal.SIGILL, handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGCONT, handler) api.debug ("Protected !")
def generateFormicMetaGraph(metaGraph, startPos, timeAllowed, formicMetaGraph=None): """ This function is a metaheuristic to solve the travelling salesman problem by simulating a colony of ants. It returns the best way provided by these approximation. """ t0 = time.time() formicMetaGraph = initFormicMetaGraph(metaGraph, formicMetaGraph) timeAnts = 0 nbAnts = 0 last = False # While we have the time ! while ((time.time() - t0) < timeAllowed) and not last: pathes = [] # Determine how many ants to send if nbAnts == 0: nbAntsToSend = NB_ANTS else: nbAntsToSend = int((timeAllowed + t0 - time.time()) / (timeAnts / nbAnts) - NB_ANTS_SAFETY_GAP) if nbAntsToSend < NB_ANTS: last = True # Can't send more (could guess we can send more because of safety_gap, but enforce not) else: nbAntsToSend = NB_ANTS # Ensure we send at max NB_ANTS # For each ants: for j in range(nbAntsToSend): # Statistical stuff tB = time.time() posToGo = startPos path = [startPos] posesToVisit = list(metaGraph[posToGo].keys()) # We use the ant density of probability to determine every next step. while posesToVisit: probas = [ ( posToVisit, mypow(formicMetaGraph[posToGo][posToVisit][1], FACTOR_PHERO) / mypow(formicMetaGraph[posToGo][posToVisit][0], FACTOR_DIST), ) for posToVisit in posesToVisit ] su = sum([p[1] for p in probas]) if su == 0: api.debug("That's weird !") api.debug("probas=" + str(probas)) api.debug( [ ( posToVisit, formicMetaGraph[posToGo][posToVisit][1], formicMetaGraph[posToGo][posToVisit][0], ) for posToVisit in posesToVisit ] ) probas = [(p[0], p[1] / su) for p in probas] posToGo = ut.weightedChoice(probas) path.append(posToGo) posesToVisit.remove(posToGo) pathes.append(path) # Update stats tE = time.time() timeAnts += tE - tB nbAnts += 1 # Finally we update the fmg with all pathes realized formicMetaGraph = evapPheroFormicMetaGraph(formicMetaGraph) for path in pathes: formicMetaGraph = addPheroFormicMetaGraph(formicMetaGraph, path) return formicMetaGraph
def handlerDoNothing(signum, frame): api.debug("Sir, someone's trying to kill me !")