Esempio n. 1
def test_chaining_paged_search(topology):
    """ Test paged search through the chaining db. This
    would cause a SIGSEGV with paged search which could
    be triggered by SSSD.

    :id: 7b29b1f5-26cf-49fa-9fe7-ee29a1408633
    :setup: Two standalones in chaining.
        1. Configure chaining between the nodes
        2. Do a chaining search (no page) to assert it works
        3. Do a paged search through chaining.

        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
    st1 = topology.ins["standalone1"]
    st2 = topology.ins["standalone2"]

    ### We setup so that st1 -> st2

    # Clear all the BE in st1
    bes1 = Backends(st1)
    for be in bes1.list():

    # Setup st1 to chain to st2
    chain_plugin_1 = ChainingBackendPlugin(st1)

    chains = ChainingLinks(st1)
    chain = chains.create(
            'cn': 'demochain',
            'nsslapd-suffix': DEFAULT_SUFFIX,
            'nsmultiplexorbinddn': '',
            'nsmultiplexorcredentials': '',
            'nsfarmserverurl': st2.toLDAPURL(),

    mts = MappingTrees(st1)
    # Due to a bug in lib389, we need to delete and recreate the mt.
    for mt in mts.list():
            'cn': DEFAULT_SUFFIX,
            'nsslapd-state': 'backend',
            'nsslapd-backend': 'demochain',
    # Restart to enable

    # Get an anonymous connection.
    anon = Account(st1, dn='')
    anon_conn = anon.bind(password='')

    # Now do a search from st1 -> st2
    accs_1 = Accounts(anon_conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    assert len(accs_1.list()) > 0

    # Allow time to attach lldb if needed.
    # import time
    # print("🔥🔥🔥")
    # time.sleep(45)

    # Now do a *paged* search from st1 -> st2
    assert len(accs_1.list(paged_search=2, paged_critical=False)) > 0
Esempio n. 2
class ChainingLink(DSLdapObject):
    """Chaining Backend DSLdapObject with:
    - must attributes = ['cn', 'nsslapd-suffix', 'nsmultiplexorbinddn',
                         'nsmultiplexorcredentials', 'nsfarmserverurl'
    - RDN attribute is 'cn'

    :param instance: An instance
    :type instance: lib389.DirSrv
    :param dn: Entry DN
    :type dn: str

    _must_attributes = ['nsslapd-suffix', 'cn']

    def __init__(self, instance, dn=None, rdn=None):
        super(ChainingLink, self).__init__(instance, dn)
        self._rdn_attribute = 'cn'
        self._must_attributes = [
            'nsslapd-suffix', 'cn', 'nsmultiplexorbinddn',
            'nsmultiplexorcredentials', 'nsfarmserverurl'
        self._create_objectclasses = [
            'top', 'extensibleObject', BACKEND_OBJECTCLASS_VALUE
        self._protected = False
        self._basedn = "cn=chaining database,cn=plugins,cn=config"
        self._mts = MappingTrees(self._instance)

    def get_monitor(self):
        """Get a MonitorChaining(DSLdapObject) for the chaining link
        :returns - chaining monitor entry
        return MonitorChaining(instance=self._instance,
                               dn="cn=monitor,%s" % self._dn)

    def del_link(self):
        Remove the link from the parent suffix backend entry
        Delete chaining monitor entry
        Delete chaining entry

        rdn = self.get_attr_val_utf8_l('cn')
            mt = self._mts.get(selector=rdn)
        except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
            # Righto, it's already gone! Do nothing ...

        # Delete the monitoring entry
        monitor = self.get_monitor(rdn)

        # Delete the link

    def create(self, rdn=None, properties=None, basedn=None):
        """Create the link entry, and the mapping tree entry(if needed)

        # Create chaining entry
        super(ChainingLink, self).create(rdn, properties, basedn)

        # Create mapping tree entry
        dn_comps = ldap.explode_dn(properties['nsslapd-suffix'][0])
        parent_suffix = ','.join(dn_comps[1:])
        mt_properties = {
            'cn': properties['nsslapd-suffix'][0],
            'nsslapd-state': 'backend',
            'nsslapd-backend': properties['cn'][0],
            'nsslapd-parent-suffix': parent_suffix
        except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS:
def test_chaining_paged_search(topology):
    """ Check that when the chaining target has anonymous access
    disabled that the ping still functions and allows the search
    to continue with an appropriate bind user.

    :id: 00bf31db-d93b-4224-8e70-86abb2d4cd17
    :setup: Two standalones in chaining.
        1. Configure chaining between the nodes
        2. Do a chaining search (w anon allow) to assert it works
        3. Configure anon dis allowed on st2
        4. Restart both
        5. Check search still works

        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
    st1 = topology.ins["standalone1"]
    st2 = topology.ins["standalone2"]

    ### We setup so that st1 -> st2

    # Setup a chaining user on st2 to authenticate to.
    sa = ServiceAccounts(st2, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).create(properties = {
        'cn': 'sa',
        'userPassword': PW

    # Add a proxy user.
    sproxy = ServiceAccounts(st2, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).create(properties = {
        'cn': 'proxy',
        'userPassword': PW

    # Add the read and proxy ACI
    dc = Domain(st2, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
        f"""(targetattr="objectClass || cn || uid")(version 3.0; acl "Enable sa read"; allow (read, search, compare)(userdn="ldap:///{sa.dn}");)"""
    # Add the proxy ACI
        f"""(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "Enable proxy access"; allow (proxy)(userdn="ldap:///{sproxy.dn}");)"""

    # Clear all the BE in st1
    bes1 = Backends(st1)
    for be in bes1.list():

    # Setup st1 to chain to st2
    chain_plugin_1 = ChainingBackendPlugin(st1)

    # Chain with the proxy user.
    chains = ChainingLinks(st1)
    chain = chains.create(properties={
        'cn': 'demochain',
        'nsfarmserverurl': st2.toLDAPURL(),
        'nsslapd-suffix': DEFAULT_SUFFIX,
        'nsmultiplexorbinddn': sproxy.dn,
        'nsmultiplexorcredentials': PW,
        'nsCheckLocalACI': 'on',
        'nsConnectionLife': '30',

    mts = MappingTrees(st1)
    # Due to a bug in lib389, we need to delete and recreate the mt.
    for mt in mts.list():
        'cn': DEFAULT_SUFFIX,
        'nsslapd-state': 'backend',
        'nsslapd-backend': 'demochain',
        'nsslapd-distribution-plugin': 'libreplication-plugin',
        'nsslapd-distribution-funct': 'repl_chain_on_update',

    # Enable pwpolicy (Not sure if part of the issue).
    st1.config.set('passwordIsGlobalPolicy', 'on')
    st2.config.set('passwordIsGlobalPolicy', 'on')

    # Restart to enable everything.

    # Get a proxy auth connection.
    sa1 = ServiceAccount(st1, sa.dn)
    sa1_conn = sa1.bind(password=PW)

    # Now do a search from st1 -> st2
    sa1_dc = Domain(sa1_conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    assert sa1_dc.exists()

    # Now on st2 disable anonymous access.
    st2.config.set('nsslapd-allow-anonymous-access', 'rootdse')

    # Stop st2 to force the connection to be dead.
    # Restart st1 - this means it must re-do the ping/keepalive.

    # do a bind - this should fail, and forces the conn offline.
    with pytest.raises(ldap.OPERATIONS_ERROR):

    # Allow time to attach lldb if needed.
    # print("🔥🔥🔥")
    # time.sleep(45)

    # Bring st2 online.

    # Wait a bit

    # Get a proxy auth connection (again)
    sa1_conn = sa1.bind(password=PW)
    # Now do a search from st1 -> st2
    sa1_dc = Domain(sa1_conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    assert sa1_dc.exists()