Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self):
     """Create a Playground with all the relevant info by GRASS"""
     self.layers = dict()
     self.grassmapnames = dict()
     self.region = grass.region()
     if self.region["ewres"] != self.region["nsres"]:
         raise error.DataError(Grassland.ME,
                               "Only square raster cells make sense.")
Esempio n. 2
def setmaps(cost, output):
    Set the user maps in place
    if cost:
        if -1 == cost.find("@"):
            cost = cost + "@" + grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"]
        # set cost/penalty layer
        world.playground.setgrasslayer("COST", cost, True)
        raise error.DataError("r.agent.rand:", "The cost map is mandatory.")
    if output:
        if -1 == output.find("@"):
            output = output + "@" + grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"]
        world.playground.setgrasslayer("RESULT", output, True)
        raise error.DataError("r.agent.rand:", "The output map is mandatory.")
Esempio n. 3
 def move(self, agent, position=None):
     Set agent to a new position
     @param agent to be moved
     @param list coordinates of the new position or none for a random one
     position = self.findposition(position)
     if not position:
         raise error.DataError("",
                               "invalid position")
Esempio n. 4
def setmaps(site, cost, wastecosts, inphero, outphero, wastephero):
    Set the user maps in place
    if site:
        if -1 == site.find('@'):
            site = site + '@' + grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
        # set sitemap and site list
        world.sites = world.playground.parsevectorlayer(
            anthill.Anthill.SITE, site, -1, True)
        if not world.sites:
            raise error.DataError("",
                                  "There were no sites in" + site)
        raise error.DataError("", "The site map is mandatory.")
    if cost:
        if -1 == cost.find('@'):
            cost = cost + '@' + grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
        # set cost/penalty layer
        world.playground.setgrasslayer(anthill.Anthill.COST, cost, True)
        world.overwritepenalty = wastecosts
        raise error.DataError("", "The cost map is mandatory.")
    if outphero:
        if -1 == outphero.find('@'):
            outphero = outphero + '@' + grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
        raise error.DataError("", "The output map is mandatory.")
    if inphero == outphero:
        if not wastephero:
            raise error.DataError("aco:", "May not overwrite the output map.")
    if inphero:
        if -1 == inphero.find('@'):
            inphero = inphero + '@' + grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
        world.playground.setgrasslayer(anthill.Anthill.RESULT, inphero, True)
    world.playground.grassmapnames[anthill.Anthill.RESULT] = outphero
    #TODO hopefully not really needed - workaround for broken(?) garray
    world.playground.createlayer("copy", outphero, True)
    world.playground.grassmapnames["copy"] = outphero
    world.overwritepheormone = wastephero
Esempio n. 5
 def writelayer(self, layername, grassmapname=False, force=False):
     Write out a given layer to a GRASS map file
     @param string name of the layer to be exported
     @param string optional name of the GRASS map file to be written
     @param boolean optional, whether an existing file may be overwritten
     if not grassmapname:
         if layername in self.grassmapnames:
             grassmapname = self.grassmapnames[layername]
             raise error.DataError(Grassland.ME, "Grass Map name is empty.")
     if layername in self.layers:
         if grassmapname in grass.list_strings("rast"):
             if force:
                 force = "force"
                 raise error.DataError(Grassland.ME,
                                       "Grass map already exists.")
         self.layers[layername].write(grassmapname, overwrite=force)
         raise error.DataError(Grassland.ME, "Layer is not in list.")
Esempio n. 6
 def setgrasslayer(self, layername, grassmapname, force=False):
     Put an existing map from GRASS to the layer collection
     @param string name of the layer
     @param string name of an existing GRASS map layer
     @param boolean optional, whether to overwrite values if key exists
     # fill the new grass array with the contents from the map (must exist)
     if grassmapname in grass.list_strings("rast"):
         layer = garray.array(grassmapname)
         self.grassmapnames[layername] = grassmapname
         self.setlayer(layername, layer, force)
         raise error.DataError(Grassland.ME,
                               "Grass Map was missing: " + grassmapname)
Esempio n. 7
 def bear(self, timetolive, position=None, agenttype=None):
     Set a new agent into the world
     @param int number of cycles the agent has to live
     @param list coordinates to put the agent on, none for a random position
     @param agenttype the type of agent to be spawned
     @return agent the newly created agent
     position = self.findposition(position)
     if not position:
         raise error.DataError("",
                               "invalid position")
     agent = self.agenttype(timetolive, self, position)
     return agent
Esempio n. 8
 def raise_data(context, message):
     raise error.DataError(context, message)