def __init__(self): self.cookiejar = libcookie.libcookie(self.server) self.h = httplib2.Http(cache = None, timeout = self.timeout) self.h.follow_redirects=False if self.auth_basic != []: self.h.add_credentials(self.auth_basic[0], self.auth_basic[1])
def __init__(self): self.cookiejar = libcookie.libcookie(self.server) self.h = httplib2.Http(cache=None, timeout=self.timeout) self.h.follow_redirects = False if self.auth_basic != []: self.h.add_credentials(self.auth_basic[0], self.auth_basic[1])
def __init__(self, root): self.myls = lswww.lswww(root) self.root = self.myls.root self.server = urlparse.urlparse(self.root)[1] self.myls.verbosity(1) socket.setdefaulttimeout(self.timeout) # HttpLib2 vars proxy = None if self.proxy != "": (proxy_type, proxy_usr, proxy_pwd, proxy_host, proxy_port, path, query, fragment) = httplib2.parse_proxy( self.proxy ) proxy = httplib2.ProxyInfo(proxy_type, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user=proxy_usr, proxy_pass=proxy_pwd) self.cookiejar = libcookie.libcookie(self.server) self.h = httplib2.Http(cache=None, timeout=self.timeout, proxy_info=proxy) self.h.follow_redirects = False if self.auth_basic != []: self.h.add_credentials(self.auth_basic[0], self.auth_basic[1])
def go(self, crawlerFile): proxy = None if self.proxy != "": (proxy_type, proxy_usr, proxy_pwd, proxy_host, proxy_port, path, query, fragment) = httplib2.parse_proxy(self.proxy) proxy = httplib2.ProxyInfo(proxy_type, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user=proxy_usr, proxy_pass=proxy_pwd) self.h = httplib2.Http(cache=None, timeout=self.timeout, proxy_info=proxy) self.h.follow_redirects = False self.cookiejar = libcookie.libcookie(self.server) if os.path.isfile(self.cookie): self.cookiejar.loadfile(self.cookie) if self.auth_basic != []: self.h.add_credentials(self.auth_basic[0], self.auth_basic[1]) # load of the crawler status if a file is passed to it. if crawlerFile != None: if self.persister.isDataForUrl(crawlerFile) == 1: self.persister.loadXML(crawlerFile) self.tobrowse = self.persister.getToBrose() # TODO: change xml file for browsed urls self.browsed = self.persister.getBrowsed() self.forms = self.persister.getForms() self.uploads = self.persister.getUploads() print _("File") + " " + crawlerFile + " " + _("loaded, the scan continues") + ":" if self.verbose == 2: print " * " + _("URLs to browse") for x in self.tobrowse: print " + " + x print " * " + _("URLs browsed") for x in self.browsed.keys(): print " + " + x else: print _("File") + " " + crawlerFile + " " + _("not found, WSP will scan again the web site") # while url list isn't empty, continue browsing # if the user stop the scan with Ctrl+C, give him all found urls # and they are saved in an XML file try: while len(self.tobrowse) > 0: lien = self.tobrowse.pop(0) if (lien not in self.browsed.keys() and lien not in self.excluded): headers = self.browse(lien) if headers != {}: if not headers.has_key("link_encoding"): if self.link_encoding.has_key(lien): headers["link_encoding"] = self.link_encoding[lien] self.browsed[lien] = headers if self.verbose == 1: sys.stderr.write('.') elif self.verbose == 2: print lien if (self.scope == self.SCOPE_PAGE): self.tobrowse = [] self.saveCrawlerData() print "" print " " + _("Notice") + " " print "========" print _( "This scan has been saved in the file") + " " + self.persister.CRAWLER_DATA_DIR + '/' + self.server + ".xml" print _("You can use it to perform attacks without scanning again the web site with the \"-k\" parameter") except KeyboardInterrupt: self.saveCrawlerData() print "" print " " + _("Notice") + " " print "========" print _( "Scan stopped, the data has been saved in the file") + " " + self.persister.CRAWLER_DATA_DIR + '/' + self.server + ".xml" print _("To continue this scan, you should launch WSP with the \"-i\" parameter") pass
def _(s): return s if len(sys.argv) < 4: sys.stderr.write("Usage python <cookie_file> <url> <arg1=val1> ...\n") sys.exit(1) cookiefile = sys.argv[1] url = sys.argv[2] data = sys.argv[3:] liste = [] for l in data: liste.append(tuple(l.split("="))) params = urllib.urlencode(liste) txheaders = {"User-agent": "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)"} try: req = urllib2.Request(url, params, headers=txheaders) handle = urllib2.urlopen(req) except IOError, e: print _("Error getting url"), url print e sys.exit(1) lc = libcookie.libcookie(url) lc.loadfile(cookiefile) lc.add(handle,