Esempio n. 1
def mpc_besseljn(n, z, prec, rounding=round_fast):
    negate = n < 0 and n & 1
    n = abs(n)
    origprec = prec
    zre, zim = z
    mag = max(zre[2]+zre[3], zim[2]+zim[3])
    prec += 20 + n*bitcount(n) + abs(mag)
    if mag < 0:
        prec -= n * mag
    zre = to_fixed(zre, prec)
    zim = to_fixed(zim, prec)
    z2re = (zre**2 - zim**2) >> prec
    z2im = (zre*zim) >> (prec-1)
    if not n:
        sre = tre = MPZ_ONE << prec
        sim = tim = MPZ_ZERO
        re, im = complex_int_pow(zre, zim, n)
        sre = tre = (re // ifac(n)) >> ((n-1)*prec + n)
        sim = tim = (im // ifac(n)) >> ((n-1)*prec + n)
    k = 1
    while abs(tre) + abs(tim) > 3:
        p = -4*k*(k+n)
        tre, tim = tre*z2re - tim*z2im, tim*z2re + tre*z2im
        tre = (tre // p) >> prec
        tim = (tim // p) >> prec
        sre += tre
        sim += tim
        k += 1
    if negate:
        sre = -sre
        sim = -sim
    re = from_man_exp(sre, -prec, origprec, rounding)
    im = from_man_exp(sim, -prec, origprec, rounding)
    return (re, im)
Esempio n. 2
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd):
    re, im = s
    wp = prec + 20
    n = int(wp / 2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9 * abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MP_ZERO
    tim = MP_ZERO
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MP_ONE << (2 * wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k + 1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k + 1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref * log, -2 * wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = cos_sin(
            from_man_exp(-imf * log_int_fixed(k + 1, wp), -2 * wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp), wp)
    return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 3
def mpc_ci_si_taylor(re, im, wp, which=0):
    # The following code is only designed for small arguments,
    # and not too small arguments (for relative accuracy)
    if re[1]:
        mag = re[2]+re[3]
    elif im[1]:
        mag = im[2]+im[3]
    if im[1]:
        mag = max(mag, im[2]+im[3])
    if mag > 2 or mag < -wp:
        raise NotImplementedError
    wp += (2-mag)
    zre = to_fixed(re, wp)
    zim = to_fixed(im, wp)
    z2re = (zim*zim-zre*zre)>>wp
    z2im = (-2*zre*zim)>>wp
    tre = zre
    tim = zim
    one = MPZ_ONE<<wp
    if which == 0:
        sre, sim, tre, tim, k = 0, 0, (MPZ_ONE<<wp), 0, 2
        sre, sim, tre, tim, k = zre, zim, zre, zim, 3
    while max(abs(tre), abs(tim)) > 2:
        f = k*(k-1)
        tre, tim = ((tre*z2re-tim*z2im)//f)>>wp, ((tre*z2im+tim*z2re)//f)>>wp
        sre += tre//k
        sim += tim//k
        k += 2
    return from_man_exp(sre, -wp), from_man_exp(sim, -wp)
Esempio n. 4
def mpf_psi0(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Computation of the digamma function (psi function of order 0)
    of a real argument.
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    wp = prec + 10
    if not man:
        if x == finf:
            return x
        if x == fninf or x == fnan:
            return fnan
    if x == fzero or (exp >= 0 and sign):
        raise ValueError("polygamma pole")
    # Reflection formula
    if sign and exp + bc > 3:
        c, s = mpf_cos_sin_pi(x, wp)
        q = mpf_mul(mpf_div(c, s, wp), mpf_pi(wp), wp)
        p = mpf_psi0(mpf_sub(fone, x, wp), wp)
        return mpf_sub(p, q, prec, rnd)
    # The logarithmic term is accurate enough
    if (not sign) and bc + exp > wp:
        return mpf_log(mpf_sub(x, fone, wp), prec, rnd)
    # Initial recurrence to obtain a large enough x
    m = to_int(x)
    n = int(0.11 * wp) + 2
    s = MP_ZERO
    x = to_fixed(x, wp)
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    if m < n:
        for k in xrange(m, n):
            s -= (one << wp) // x
            x += one
    x -= one
    # Logarithmic term
    s += to_fixed(mpf_log(from_man_exp(x, -wp, wp), wp), wp)
    # Endpoint term in Euler-Maclaurin expansion
    s += (one << wp) // (2 * x)
    # Euler-Maclaurin remainder sum
    x2 = (x * x) >> wp
    t = one
    prev = 0
    k = 1
    while 1:
        t = (t * x2) >> wp
        bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = mpf_bernoulli(2 * k, wp)
        offset = bexp + 2 * wp
        if offset >= 0:
            term = (bman << offset) // (t * (2 * k))
            term = (bman >> (-offset)) // (t * (2 * k))
        if k & 1:
            s -= term
            s += term
        if k > 2 and term >= prev:
        prev = term
        k += 1
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp, wp, rnd)
Esempio n. 5
def mpc_pow_int(z, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    if n == 0: return mpc_one
    if n == 1: return mpc_pos(z, prec, rnd)
    if n == 2: return mpc_mul(z, z, prec, rnd)
    if n == -1: return mpc_div(mpc_one, z, prec, rnd)
    if n < 0: return mpc_div(mpc_one, mpc_pow_int(z, -n, prec+4), prec, rnd)
    a, b = z
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
    bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
    if asign: aman = -aman
    if bsign: bman = -bman
    de = aexp - bexp
    abs_de = abs(de)
    exact_size = n*(abs_de + max(abc, bbc))
    if exact_size < 10000:
        if de > 0:
            aman <<= de
            aexp = bexp
            bman <<= (-de)
            bexp = aexp
        re, im = complex_int_pow(aman, bman, n)
        re = from_man_exp(re, int(n*aexp), prec, rnd)
        im = from_man_exp(im, int(n*bexp), prec, rnd)
        return re, im
    return mpc_exp(mpc_mul_int(mpc_log(z, prec+10), n, prec+10), prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 6
def mpc_pow_int(z, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    if n == 0: return mpc_one
    if n == 1: return mpc_pos(z, prec, rnd)
    if n == 2: return mpc_mul(z, z, prec, rnd)
    if n == -1: return mpc_div(mpc_one, z, prec, rnd)
    if n < 0: return mpc_div(mpc_one, mpc_pow_int(z, -n, prec + 4), prec, rnd)
    a, b = z
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
    bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
    if asign: aman = -aman
    if bsign: bman = -bman
    de = aexp - bexp
    abs_de = abs(de)
    exact_size = n * (abs_de + max(abc, bbc))
    if exact_size < 10000:
        if de > 0:
            aman <<= de
            aexp = bexp
            bman <<= (-de)
            bexp = aexp
        re, im = complex_int_pow(aman, bman, n)
        re = from_man_exp(re, int(n * aexp), prec, rnd)
        im = from_man_exp(im, int(n * bexp), prec, rnd)
        return re, im
    return mpc_exp(mpc_mul_int(mpc_log(z, prec + 10), n, prec + 10), prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 7
def mpc_ci_si_taylor(re, im, wp, which=0):
    # The following code is only designed for small arguments,
    # and not too small arguments (for relative accuracy)
    if re[1]:
        mag = re[2] + re[3]
    elif im[1]:
        mag = im[2] + im[3]
    if im[1]:
        mag = max(mag, im[2] + im[3])
    if mag > 2 or mag < -wp:
        raise NotImplementedError
    wp += (2 - mag)
    zre = to_fixed(re, wp)
    zim = to_fixed(im, wp)
    z2re = (zim * zim - zre * zre) >> wp
    z2im = (-2 * zre * zim) >> wp
    tre = zre
    tim = zim
    one = MPZ_ONE << wp
    if which == 0:
        sre, sim, tre, tim, k = 0, 0, (MPZ_ONE << wp), 0, 2
        sre, sim, tre, tim, k = zre, zim, zre, zim, 3
    while max(abs(tre), abs(tim)) > 2:
        f = k * (k - 1)
        tre, tim = ((tre * z2re - tim * z2im) // f) >> wp, (
            (tre * z2im + tim * z2re) // f) >> wp
        sre += tre // k
        sim += tim // k
        k += 2
    return from_man_exp(sre, -wp), from_man_exp(sim, -wp)
Esempio n. 8
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd):
    re, im = s
    wp = prec + 20
    n = int(wp/2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9*abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MP_ZERO
    tim = MP_ZERO
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MP_ONE << (2*wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k+1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k+1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref*log, -2*wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = cos_sin(from_man_exp(-imf * log_int_fixed(k+1, wp), -2*wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp), wp)
    return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 9
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd=round_fast, alt=0):
    re, im = s
    if im == fzero:
        return mpf_zeta(re, prec, rnd, alt), fzero
    wp = prec + 20
    # Reflection formula. To be rigorous, we should reflect to the left of
    # re = 1/2 (see comments for mpf_zeta), but this leads to unnecessary
    # slowdown for interesting values of s
    if mpf_lt(re, fzero):
        # XXX: could use the separate refl. formula for Dirichlet eta
        if alt:
            q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp),
                wp), wp)
            return mpc_mul(mpc_zeta(s, wp), q, prec, rnd)
        # XXX: -1 should be done exactly
        y = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, 10*wp)
        a = mpc_gamma(y, wp)
        b = mpc_zeta(y, wp)
        c = mpc_sin_pi(mpc_shift(s, -1), wp)
        rsign, rman, rexp, rbc = re
        isign, iman, iexp, ibc = im
        mag = max(rexp+rbc, iexp+ibc)
        wp2 = wp + mag
        pi = mpf_pi(wp+wp2)
        pi2 = (mpf_shift(pi, 1), fzero)
        d = mpc_div_mpf(mpc_pow(pi2, s, wp2), pi, wp2)
        return mpc_mul(a,mpc_mul(b,mpc_mul(c,d,wp),wp),prec,rnd)
    n = int(wp/2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9*abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MP_ZERO
    tim = MP_ZERO
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MP_ONE << (2*wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k+1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k+1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref*log, -2*wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = cos_sin(from_man_exp(-imf * log_int_fixed(k+1, wp), -2*wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    if alt:
        return mpc_pos((tre, tim), prec, rnd)
        q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp), wp)
        return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 10
def mpc_besseljn(n, z, prec):
    negate = n < 0 and n & 1
    n = abs(n)
    origprec = prec
    prec += 20 + bitcount(abs(n))
    zre, zim = z
    zre = to_fixed(zre, prec)
    zim = to_fixed(zim, prec)
    z2re = (zre**2 - zim**2) >> prec
    z2im = (zre*zim) >> (prec-1)
    if not n:
        sre = tre = MP_ONE << prec
        sim = tim = MP_ZERO
        re, im = complex_int_pow(zre, zim, n)
        sre = tre = (re // int_fac(n)) >> ((n-1)*prec + n)
        sim = tim = (im // int_fac(n)) >> ((n-1)*prec + n)
    k = 1
    while abs(tre) + abs(tim) > 3:
        p = -4*k*(k+n)
        tre, tim = tre*z2re - tim*z2im, tim*z2re + tre*z2im
        tre = (tre // p) >> prec
        tim = (tim // p) >> prec
        sre += tre
        sim += tim
        k += 1
    if negate:
        sre = -sre
        sim = -sim
    re = from_man_exp(sre, -prec, origprec, round_nearest)
    im = from_man_exp(sim, -prec, origprec, round_nearest)
    return (re, im)
Esempio n. 11
def mpc_besseljn(n, z, prec, rounding=round_fast):
    negate = n < 0 and n & 1
    n = abs(n)
    origprec = prec
    prec += 20 + bitcount(abs(n))
    zre, zim = z
    zre = to_fixed(zre, prec)
    zim = to_fixed(zim, prec)
    z2re = (zre**2 - zim**2) >> prec
    z2im = (zre * zim) >> (prec - 1)
    if not n:
        sre = tre = MP_ONE << prec
        sim = tim = MP_ZERO
        re, im = complex_int_pow(zre, zim, n)
        sre = tre = (re // int_fac(n)) >> ((n - 1) * prec + n)
        sim = tim = (im // int_fac(n)) >> ((n - 1) * prec + n)
    k = 1
    while abs(tre) + abs(tim) > 3:
        p = -4 * k * (k + n)
        tre, tim = tre * z2re - tim * z2im, tim * z2re + tre * z2im
        tre = (tre // p) >> prec
        tim = (tim // p) >> prec
        sre += tre
        sim += tim
        k += 1
    if negate:
        sre = -sre
        sim = -sim
    re = from_man_exp(sre, -prec, origprec, rounding)
    im = from_man_exp(sim, -prec, origprec, rounding)
    return (re, im)
Esempio n. 12
def mpf_psi0(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Computation of the digamma function (psi function of order 0)
    of a real argument.
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    wp = prec + 10
    if not man:
        if x == finf: return x
        if x == fninf or x == fnan: return fnan
    if x == fzero or (exp >= 0 and sign):
        raise ValueError("polygamma pole")
    # Reflection formula
    if sign and exp + bc > 3:
        c, s = mpf_cos_sin_pi(x, wp)
        q = mpf_mul(mpf_div(c, s, wp), mpf_pi(wp), wp)
        p = mpf_psi0(mpf_sub(fone, x, wp), wp)
        return mpf_sub(p, q, prec, rnd)
    # The logarithmic term is accurate enough
    if (not sign) and bc + exp > wp:
        return mpf_log(mpf_sub(x, fone, wp), prec, rnd)
    # Initial recurrence to obtain a large enough x
    m = to_int(x)
    n = int(0.11 * wp) + 2
    s = MP_ZERO
    x = to_fixed(x, wp)
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    if m < n:
        for k in xrange(m, n):
            s -= (one << wp) // x
            x += one
    x -= one
    # Logarithmic term
    s += to_fixed(mpf_log(from_man_exp(x, -wp, wp), wp), wp)
    # Endpoint term in Euler-Maclaurin expansion
    s += (one << wp) // (2 * x)
    # Euler-Maclaurin remainder sum
    x2 = (x * x) >> wp
    t = one
    prev = 0
    k = 1
    while 1:
        t = (t * x2) >> wp
        bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = mpf_bernoulli(2 * k, wp)
        offset = (bexp + 2 * wp)
        if offset >= 0: term = (bman << offset) // (t * (2 * k))
        else: term = (bman >> (-offset)) // (t * (2 * k))
        if k & 1: s -= term
        else: s += term
        if k > 2 and term >= prev:
        prev = term
        k += 1
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp, wp, rnd)
Esempio n. 13
def mpf_zeta_int(s, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Optimized computation of zeta(s) for an integer s.
    wp = prec + 20
    s = int(s)
    if s in zeta_int_cache and zeta_int_cache[s][0] >= wp:
        return mpf_pos(zeta_int_cache[s][1], prec, rnd)
    if s < 2:
        if s == 1:
            raise ValueError("zeta(1) pole")
        if not s:
            return mpf_neg(fhalf)
        return mpf_div(mpf_bernoulli(-s + 1, wp), from_int(s - 1), prec, rnd)
    # 2^-s term vanishes?
    if s >= wp:
        return mpf_perturb(fone, 0, prec, rnd)
    # 5^-s term vanishes?
    elif s >= wp * 0.431:
        t = one = 1 << wp
        t += 1 << (wp - s)
        t += one // (MPZ_THREE**s)
        t += 1 << max(0, wp - s * 2)
        return from_man_exp(t, -wp, prec, rnd)
        # Fast enough to sum directly?
        # Even better, we use the Euler product (idea stolen from pari)
        m = (float(wp) / (s - 1) + 1)
        if m < 30:
            needed_terms = int(2.0**m + 1)
            if needed_terms < int(wp / 2.54 + 5) / 10:
                t = fone
                for k in list_primes(needed_terms):
                    #print k, needed_terms
                    powprec = int(wp - s * math.log(k, 2))
                    if powprec < 2:
                    a = mpf_sub(fone, mpf_pow_int(from_int(k), -s, powprec),
                    t = mpf_mul(t, a, wp)
                return mpf_div(fone, t, wp)
    # Use Borwein's algorithm
    n = int(wp / 2.54 + 5)
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    t = MPZ_ZERO
    s = MPZ(s)
    for k in xrange(n):
        t += (((-1)**k * (d[k] - d[n])) << wp) // (k + 1)**s
    t = (t << wp) // (-d[n])
    t = (t << wp) // ((1 << wp) - (1 << (wp + 1 - s)))
    if (s in zeta_int_cache
            and zeta_int_cache[s][0] < wp) or (s not in zeta_int_cache):
        zeta_int_cache[s] = (wp, from_man_exp(t, -wp - wp))
    return from_man_exp(t, -wp - wp, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 14
def mpi_cos_sin(x, prec):
    a, b = x
    if a == b == fzero:
        return (fone, fone), (fzero, fzero)
    # Guaranteed to contain both -1 and 1
    if (finf in x) or (fninf in x):
        return (fnone, fone), (fnone, fone)
    wp = prec + 20
    ca, sa, na = cos_sin_quadrant(a, wp)
    cb, sb, nb = cos_sin_quadrant(b, wp)
    ca, cb = mpf_min_max([ca, cb])
    sa, sb = mpf_min_max([sa, sb])
    # Both functions are monotonic within one quadrant
    if na == nb:
    # Guaranteed to contain both -1 and 1
    elif nb - na >= 4:
        return (fnone, fone), (fnone, fone)
        # cos has maximum between a and b
        if na // 4 != nb // 4:
            cb = fone
        # cos has minimum
        if (na - 2) // 4 != (nb - 2) // 4:
            ca = fnone
        # sin has maximum
        if (na - 1) // 4 != (nb - 1) // 4:
            sb = fone
        # sin has minimum
        if (na - 3) // 4 != (nb - 3) // 4:
            sa = fnone
    # Perturb to force interval rounding
    more = from_man_exp((MPZ_ONE << wp) + (MPZ_ONE << 10), -wp)
    less = from_man_exp((MPZ_ONE << wp) - (MPZ_ONE << 10), -wp)

    def finalize(v, rounding):
        if bool(v[0]) == (rounding == round_floor):
            p = more
            p = less
        v = mpf_mul(v, p, prec, rounding)
        sign, man, exp, bc = v
        if exp + bc >= 1:
            if sign:
                return fnone
            return fone
        return v

    ca = finalize(ca, round_floor)
    cb = finalize(cb, round_ceiling)
    sa = finalize(sa, round_floor)
    sb = finalize(sb, round_ceiling)
    return (ca, cb), (sa, sb)
Esempio n. 15
def spouge_sum_complex(re, im, prec, a, c):
    re = to_fixed(re, prec)
    im = to_fixed(im, prec)
    sre, sim = c[0], 0
    mag = ((re**2) >> prec) + ((im**2) >> prec)
    for k in xrange(1, a):
        M = mag + re * (2 * k) + ((k**2) << prec)
        sre += (c[k] * (re + (k << prec))) // M
        sim -= (c[k] * im) // M
    re = from_man_exp(sre, -prec, prec, round_floor)
    im = from_man_exp(sim, -prec, prec, round_floor)
    return re, im
Esempio n. 16
def spouge_sum_complex(re, im, prec, a, c):
    re = to_fixed(re, prec)
    im = to_fixed(im, prec)
    sre, sim = c[0], 0
    mag = ((re**2)>>prec) + ((im**2)>>prec)
    for k in xrange(1, a):
        M = mag + re*(2*k) + ((k**2) << prec)
        sre += (c[k] * (re + (k << prec))) // M
        sim -= (c[k] * im) // M
    re = from_man_exp(sre, -prec, prec, round_floor)
    im = from_man_exp(sim, -prec, prec, round_floor)
    return re, im
Esempio n. 17
def mpf_zeta_int(s, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Optimized computation of zeta(s) for an integer s.
    wp = prec + 20
    s = int(s)
    if s in zeta_int_cache and zeta_int_cache[s][0] >= wp:
        return mpf_pos(zeta_int_cache[s][1], prec, rnd)
    if s < 2:
        if s == 1:
            raise ValueError("zeta(1) pole")
        if not s:
            return mpf_neg(fhalf)
        return mpf_div(mpf_bernoulli(-s+1, wp), from_int(s-1), prec, rnd)
    # 2^-s term vanishes?
    if s >= wp:
        return mpf_perturb(fone, 0, prec, rnd)
    # 5^-s term vanishes?
    elif s >= wp*0.431:
        t = one = 1 << wp
        t += 1 << (wp - s)
        t += one // (MPZ_THREE ** s)
        t += 1 << max(0, wp - s*2)
        return from_man_exp(t, -wp, prec, rnd)
        # Fast enough to sum directly?
        # Even better, we use the Euler product (idea stolen from pari)
        m = (float(wp)/(s-1) + 1)
        if m < 30:
            needed_terms = int(2.0**m + 1)
            if needed_terms < int(wp/2.54 + 5) / 10:
                t = fone
                for k in list_primes(needed_terms):
                    #print k, needed_terms
                    powprec = int(wp - s*math.log(k,2))
                    if powprec < 2:
                    a = mpf_sub(fone, mpf_pow_int(from_int(k), -s, powprec), wp)
                    t = mpf_mul(t, a, wp)
                return mpf_div(fone, t, wp)
    # Use Borwein's algorithm
    n = int(wp/2.54 + 5)
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    t = MPZ_ZERO
    s = MPZ(s)
    for k in xrange(n):
        t += (((-1)**k * (d[k] - d[n])) << wp) // (k+1)**s
    t = (t << wp) // (-d[n])
    t = (t << wp) // ((1 << wp) - (1 << (wp+1-s)))
    if (s in zeta_int_cache and zeta_int_cache[s][0] < wp) or (s not in zeta_int_cache):
        zeta_int_cache[s] = (wp, from_man_exp(t, -wp-wp))
    return from_man_exp(t, -wp-wp, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 18
def glaisher_fixed(prec):
    wp = prec + 30
    # Number of direct terms to sum before applying the Euler-Maclaurin
    # formula to the tail. TODO: choose more intelligently
    N = int(0.33 * prec + 5)
    ONE = MP_ONE << wp
    # Euler-Maclaurin, step 1: sum log(k)/k**2 for k from 2 to N-1
    s = MP_ZERO
    for k in range(2, N):
        #print k, N
        s += log_int_fixed(k, wp) // k**2
    logN = log_int_fixed(N, wp)
    #logN = to_fixed(mpf_log(from_int(N), wp+20), wp)
    # E-M step 2: integral of log(x)/x**2 from N to inf
    s += (ONE + logN) // N
    # E-M step 3: endpoint correction term f(N)/2
    s += logN // (N**2 * 2)
    # E-M step 4: the series of derivatives
    pN = N**3
    a = 1
    b = -2
    j = 3
    fac = from_int(2)
    k = 1
    while 1:
        # D(2*k-1) * B(2*k) / fac(2*k) [D(n) = nth derivative]
        D = ((a << wp) + b * logN) // pN
        D = from_man_exp(D, -wp)
        B = mpf_bernoulli(2 * k, wp)
        term = mpf_mul(B, D, wp)
        term = mpf_div(term, fac, wp)
        term = to_fixed(term, wp)
        if abs(term) < 100:
        #if not k % 10:
        #    print k, math.log(int(abs(term)), 10)
        s -= term
        # Advance derivative twice
        a, b, pN, j = b - a * j, -j * b, pN * N, j + 1
        a, b, pN, j = b - a * j, -j * b, pN * N, j + 1
        k += 1
        fac = mpf_mul_int(fac, (2 * k) * (2 * k - 1), wp)
    # A = exp((6*s/pi**2 + log(2*pi) + euler)/12)
    pi = pi_fixed(wp)
    s *= 6
    s = (s << wp) // (pi**2 >> wp)
    s += euler_fixed(wp)
    s += to_fixed(mpf_log(from_man_exp(2 * pi, -wp), wp), wp)
    s //= 12
    A = mpf_exp(from_man_exp(s, -wp), wp)
    return to_fixed(A, prec)
Esempio n. 19
def mpi_cos_sin(x, prec):
    a, b = x
    if a == b == fzero:
        return (fone, fone), (fzero, fzero)
    # Guaranteed to contain both -1 and 1
    if (finf in x) or (fninf in x):
        return (fnone, fone), (fnone, fone)
    wp = prec + 20
    ca, sa, na = cos_sin_quadrant(a, wp)
    cb, sb, nb = cos_sin_quadrant(b, wp)
    ca, cb = mpf_min_max([ca, cb])
    sa, sb = mpf_min_max([sa, sb])
    # Both functions are monotonic within one quadrant
    if na == nb:
    # Guaranteed to contain both -1 and 1
    elif nb - na >= 4:
        return (fnone, fone), (fnone, fone)
        # cos has maximum between a and b
        if na//4 != nb//4:
            cb = fone
        # cos has minimum
        if (na-2)//4 != (nb-2)//4:
            ca = fnone
        # sin has maximum
        if (na-1)//4 != (nb-1)//4:
            sb = fone
        # sin has minimum
        if (na-3)//4 != (nb-3)//4:
            sa = fnone
    # Perturb to force interval rounding
    more = from_man_exp((MPZ_ONE<<wp) + (MPZ_ONE<<10), -wp)
    less = from_man_exp((MPZ_ONE<<wp) - (MPZ_ONE<<10), -wp)
    def finalize(v, rounding):
        if bool(v[0]) == (rounding == round_floor):
            p = more
            p = less
        v = mpf_mul(v, p, prec, rounding)
        sign, man, exp, bc = v
        if exp+bc >= 1:
            if sign:
                return fnone
            return fone
        return v
    ca = finalize(ca, round_floor)
    cb = finalize(cb, round_ceiling)
    sa = finalize(sa, round_floor)
    sb = finalize(sb, round_ceiling)
    return (ca,cb), (sa,sb)
Esempio n. 20
def glaisher_fixed(prec):
    wp = prec + 30
    # Number of direct terms to sum before applying the Euler-Maclaurin
    # formula to the tail. TODO: choose more intelligently
    N = int(0.33*prec + 5)
    ONE = MPZ_ONE << wp
    # Euler-Maclaurin, step 1: sum log(k)/k**2 for k from 2 to N-1
    s = MPZ_ZERO
    for k in range(2, N):
        #print k, N
        s += log_int_fixed(k, wp) // k**2
    logN = log_int_fixed(N, wp)
    #logN = to_fixed(mpf_log(from_int(N), wp+20), wp)
    # E-M step 2: integral of log(x)/x**2 from N to inf
    s += (ONE + logN) // N
    # E-M step 3: endpoint correction term f(N)/2
    s += logN // (N**2 * 2)
    # E-M step 4: the series of derivatives
    pN = N**3
    a = 1
    b = -2
    j = 3
    fac = from_int(2)
    k = 1
    while 1:
        # D(2*k-1) * B(2*k) / fac(2*k) [D(n) = nth derivative]
        D = ((a << wp) + b*logN) // pN
        D = from_man_exp(D, -wp)
        B = mpf_bernoulli(2*k, wp)
        term = mpf_mul(B, D, wp)
        term = mpf_div(term, fac, wp)
        term = to_fixed(term, wp)
        if abs(term) < 100:
        #if not k % 10:
        #    print k, math.log(int(abs(term)), 10)
        s -= term
        # Advance derivative twice
        a, b, pN, j = b-a*j, -j*b, pN*N, j+1
        a, b, pN, j = b-a*j, -j*b, pN*N, j+1
        k += 1
        fac = mpf_mul_int(fac, (2*k)*(2*k-1), wp)
    # A = exp((6*s/pi**2 + log(2*pi) + euler)/12)
    pi = pi_fixed(wp)
    s *= 6
    s = (s << wp) // (pi**2 >> wp)
    s += euler_fixed(wp)
    s += to_fixed(mpf_log(from_man_exp(2*pi, -wp), wp), wp)
    s //= 12
    A = mpf_exp(from_man_exp(s, -wp), wp)
    return to_fixed(A, prec)
Esempio n. 21
def mpf_zeta(s, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = s
    if not man:
        if s == fzero:
            return mpf_neg(fhalf)
        if s == finf:
            return fone
        return fnan
    wp = prec + 20
    # First term vanishes?
    if (not sign) and (exp + bc > (math.log(wp,2) + 2)):
        if rnd in (round_up, round_ceiling):
            return mpf_add(fone, mpf_shift(fone,-wp-10), prec, rnd)
        return fone
    elif exp >= 0:
        return mpf_zeta_int(to_int(s), prec, rnd)
    # Less than 0.5?
    if sign or (exp+bc) < 0:
        # XXX: -1 should be done exactly
        y = mpf_sub(fone, s, 10*wp)
        a = mpf_gamma(y, wp)
        b = mpf_zeta(y, wp)
        c = mpf_sin_pi(mpf_shift(s, -1), wp)
        wp2 = wp + (exp+bc)
        pi = mpf_pi(wp+wp2)
        d = mpf_div(mpf_pow(mpf_shift(pi, 1), s, wp2), pi, wp2)
        return mpf_mul(a,mpf_mul(b,mpf_mul(c,d,wp),wp),prec,rnd)
    t = MP_ZERO
    #wp += 16 - (prec & 15)
    # Use Borwein's algorithm
    n = int(wp/2.54 + 5)
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    t = MP_ZERO
    sf = to_fixed(s, wp)
    for k in xrange(n):
        u = from_man_exp(-sf*log_int_fixed(k+1, wp), -2*wp, wp)
        esign, eman, eexp, ebc = mpf_exp(u, wp)
        offset = eexp + wp
        if offset >= 0:
            w = ((d[k] - d[n]) * eman) << offset
            w = ((d[k] - d[n]) * eman) >> (-offset)
        if k & 1:
            t -= w
            t += w
    t = t // (-d[n])
    t = from_man_exp(t, -wp, wp)
    q = mpf_sub(fone, mpf_pow(ftwo, mpf_sub(fone, s, wp), wp), wp)
    return mpf_div(t, q, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 22
def mpf_zeta(s, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = s
    if not man:
        if s == fzero:
            return mpf_neg(fhalf)
        if s == finf:
            return fone
        return fnan
    wp = prec + 20
    # First term vanishes?
    if (not sign) and (exp + bc > (math.log(wp, 2) + 2)):
        if rnd in (round_up, round_ceiling):
            return mpf_add(fone, mpf_shift(fone, -wp - 10), prec, rnd)
        return fone
    elif exp >= 0:
        return mpf_zeta_int(to_int(s), prec, rnd)
    # Less than 0.5?
    if sign or (exp + bc) < 0:
        # XXX: -1 should be done exactly
        y = mpf_sub(fone, s, 10 * wp)
        a = mpf_gamma(y, wp)
        b = mpf_zeta(y, wp)
        c = mpf_sin_pi(mpf_shift(s, -1), wp)
        wp2 = wp + (exp + bc)
        pi = mpf_pi(wp + wp2)
        d = mpf_div(mpf_pow(mpf_shift(pi, 1), s, wp2), pi, wp2)
        return mpf_mul(a, mpf_mul(b, mpf_mul(c, d, wp), wp), prec, rnd)
    t = MP_ZERO
    #wp += 16 - (prec & 15)
    # Use Borwein's algorithm
    n = int(wp / 2.54 + 5)
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    t = MP_ZERO
    sf = to_fixed(s, wp)
    for k in xrange(n):
        u = from_man_exp(-sf * log_int_fixed(k + 1, wp), -2 * wp, wp)
        esign, eman, eexp, ebc = mpf_exp(u, wp)
        offset = eexp + wp
        if offset >= 0:
            w = ((d[k] - d[n]) * eman) << offset
            w = ((d[k] - d[n]) * eman) >> (-offset)
        if k & 1:
            t -= w
            t += w
    t = t // (-d[n])
    t = from_man_exp(t, -wp, wp)
    q = mpf_sub(fone, mpf_pow(ftwo, mpf_sub(fone, s, wp), wp), wp)
    return mpf_div(t, q, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 23
def mpf_cos_sin_pi(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Accurate computation of (cos(pi*x), sin(pi*x))
    for x close to an integer"""
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        return cos_sin(x, prec, rnd)
    # Exactly an integer or half-integer?
    if exp >= -1:
        if exp == -1:
            c = fzero
            s = (fone, fnone)[bool(man & 2) ^ sign]
        elif exp == 0:
            c, s = (fnone, fzero)
            c, s = (fone, fzero)
        return c, s
    # Close to 0 ?
    size = exp + bc
    if size < -(prec + 5):
        return (fone, mpf_mul(x, mpf_pi(wp), prec, rnd))
    if sign:
        man = -man
    # Subtract nearest integer (= modulo pi)
    nint = ((man >> (-exp - 1)) + 1) >> 1
    man = man - (nint << (-exp))
    x = from_man_exp(man, exp, prec)
    x = mpf_mul(x, mpf_pi(prec), prec)
    # Shifted an odd multiple of pi ?
    if nint & 1:
        c, s = cos_sin(x, prec, negative_rnd[rnd])
        return mpf_neg(c), mpf_neg(s)
        return cos_sin(x, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 24
def khinchin_fixed(prec):
    wp = int(prec + prec**0.5 + 15)
    s = MP_ZERO
    fac = from_int(4)
    t = ONE = MP_ONE << wp
    pi = mpf_pi(wp)
    pipow = twopi2 = mpf_shift(mpf_mul(pi, pi, wp), 2)
    n = 1
    while 1:
        zeta2n = mpf_abs(mpf_bernoulli(2 * n, wp))
        zeta2n = mpf_mul(zeta2n, pipow, wp)
        zeta2n = mpf_div(zeta2n, fac, wp)
        zeta2n = to_fixed(zeta2n, wp)
        term = (((zeta2n - ONE) * t) // n) >> wp
        if term < 100:
        #if not n % 100:
        #    print n, nstr(ln(term))
        s += term
        t += ONE // (2 * n + 1) - ONE // (2 * n)
        n += 1
        fac = mpf_mul_int(fac, (2 * n) * (2 * n - 1), wp)
        pipow = mpf_mul(pipow, twopi2, wp)
    s = (s << wp) // ln2_fixed(wp)
    K = mpf_exp(from_man_exp(s, -wp), wp)
    K = to_fixed(K, prec)
    return K
Esempio n. 25
def mpf_cos_sin_pi(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Accurate computation of (cos(pi*x), sin(pi*x))
    for x close to an integer"""
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        return cos_sin(x, prec, rnd)
    # Exactly an integer or half-integer?
    if exp >= -1:
        if exp == -1:
            c = fzero
            s = (fone, fnone)[bool(man & 2) ^ sign]
        elif exp == 0:
            c, s = (fnone, fzero)
            c, s = (fone, fzero)
        return c, s
    # Close to 0 ?
    size = exp + bc
    if size < -(prec+5):
        return (fone, mpf_mul(x, mpf_pi(wp), prec, rnd))
    if sign:
        man = -man
    # Subtract nearest integer (= modulo pi)
    nint = ((man >> (-exp-1)) + 1) >> 1
    man = man - (nint << (-exp))
    x = from_man_exp(man, exp, prec)
    x = mpf_mul(x, mpf_pi(prec), prec)
    # Shifted an odd multiple of pi ?
    if nint & 1:
        c, s = cos_sin(x, prec, negative_rnd[rnd])
        return mpf_neg(c), mpf_neg(s)
        return cos_sin(x, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 26
def khinchin_fixed(prec):
    wp = int(prec + prec**0.5 + 15)
    s = MPZ_ZERO
    fac = from_int(4)
    t = ONE = MPZ_ONE << wp
    pi = mpf_pi(wp)
    pipow = twopi2 = mpf_shift(mpf_mul(pi, pi, wp), 2)
    n = 1
    while 1:
        zeta2n = mpf_abs(mpf_bernoulli(2*n, wp))
        zeta2n = mpf_mul(zeta2n, pipow, wp)
        zeta2n = mpf_div(zeta2n, fac, wp)
        zeta2n = to_fixed(zeta2n, wp)
        term = (((zeta2n - ONE) * t) // n) >> wp
        if term < 100:
        #if not n % 10:
        #    print n, math.log(int(abs(term)))
        s += term
        t += ONE//(2*n+1) - ONE//(2*n)
        n += 1
        fac = mpf_mul_int(fac, (2*n)*(2*n-1), wp)
        pipow = mpf_mul(pipow, twopi2, wp)
    s = (s << wp) // ln2_fixed(wp)
    K = mpf_exp(from_man_exp(s, -wp), wp)
    K = to_fixed(K, prec)
    return K
Esempio n. 27
def mpf_atan(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fzero
        if x == finf: return atan_inf(0, prec, rnd)
        if x == fninf: return atan_inf(1, prec, rnd)
        return fnan
    mag = exp + bc
    # Essentially infinity
    if mag > prec+20:
        return atan_inf(sign, prec, rnd)
    # Essentially ~ x
    if -mag > prec+20:
        return mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + 30 + abs(mag)
    # For large x, use atan(x) = pi/2 - atan(1/x)
    if mag >= 2:
        x = mpf_rdiv_int(1, x, wp)
        reciprocal = True
        reciprocal = False
    t = to_fixed(x, wp)
    if sign:
        t = -t
    if wp < ATAN_TAYLOR_PREC:
        a = atan_taylor(t, wp)
        a = atan_newton(t, wp)
    if reciprocal:
        a = ((pi_fixed(wp)>>1)+1) - a
    if sign:
        a = -a
    return from_man_exp(a, -wp, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 28
def mpf_atan(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fzero
        if x == finf: return atan_inf(0, prec, rnd)
        if x == fninf: return atan_inf(1, prec, rnd)
        return fnan
    mag = exp + bc
    # Essentially infinity
    if mag > prec+20:
        return atan_inf(sign, prec, rnd)
    # Essentially ~ x
    if -mag > prec+20:
        return mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + 30 + abs(mag)
    # For large x, use atan(x) = pi/2 - atan(1/x)
    if mag >= 2:
        x = mpf_rdiv_int(1, x, wp)
        reciprocal = True
        reciprocal = False
    t = to_fixed(x, wp)
    if sign:
        t = -t
    if wp < ATAN_TAYLOR_PREC:
        a = atan_taylor(t, wp)
        a = atan_newton(t, wp)
    if reciprocal:
        a = ((pi_fixed(wp)>>1)+1) - a
    if sign:
        a = -a
    return from_man_exp(a, -wp, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 29
def exp_fixed_prod(x, wp):
    u = from_man_exp(x, -2*wp, wp)
    esign, eman, eexp, ebc = mpf_exp(u, wp)
    offset = eexp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        return eman << offset
        return eman >> (-offset)
Esempio n. 30
def exp_fixed_prod(x, wp):
    u = from_man_exp(x, -2 * wp, wp)
    esign, eman, eexp, ebc = mpf_exp(u, wp)
    offset = eexp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        return eman << offset
        return eman >> (-offset)
Esempio n. 31
File: Progetto: vks/sympy
def mpc_pow_int(z, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    a, b = z
    if b == fzero:
        return mpf_pow_int(a, n, prec, rnd), fzero
    if a == fzero:
        v = mpf_pow_int(b, n, prec, rnd)
        n %= 4
        if n == 0:
            return v, fzero
        elif n == 1:
            return fzero, v
        elif n == 2:
            return mpf_neg(v), fzero
        elif n == 3:
            return fzero, mpf_neg(v)
    if n == 0:
        return mpc_one
    if n == 1:
        return mpc_pos(z, prec, rnd)
    if n == 2:
        return mpc_square(z, prec, rnd)
    if n == -1:
        return mpc_reciprocal(z, prec, rnd)
    if n < 0:
        return mpc_reciprocal(mpc_pow_int(z, -n, prec + 4), prec, rnd)
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
    bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
    if asign:
        aman = -aman
    if bsign:
        bman = -bman
    de = aexp - bexp
    abs_de = abs(de)
    exact_size = n * (abs_de + max(abc, bbc))
    if exact_size < 10000:
        if de > 0:
            aman <<= de
            aexp = bexp
            bman <<= -de
            bexp = aexp
        re, im = complex_int_pow(aman, bman, n)
        re = from_man_exp(re, int(n * aexp), prec, rnd)
        im = from_man_exp(im, int(n * bexp), prec, rnd)
        return re, im
    return mpc_exp(mpc_mul_int(mpc_log(z, prec + 10), n, prec + 10), prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 32
def mpf_agm(a, b, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Computes the arithmetic-geometric mean agm(a,b) for
    nonnegative mpf values a, b.
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
    bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
    if asign or bsign:
        raise ComplexResult("agm of a negative number")
    # Handle inf, nan or zero in either operand
    if not (aman and bman):
        if a == fnan or b == fnan:
            return fnan
        if a == finf:
            if b == fzero:
                return fnan
            return finf
        if b == finf:
            if a == fzero:
                return fnan
            return finf
        # agm(0,x) = agm(x,0) = 0
        return fzero
    wp = prec + 20
    amag = aexp+abc
    bmag = bexp+bbc
    mag_delta = amag - bmag
    # Reduce to roughly the same magnitude using floating-point AGM
    abs_mag_delta = abs(mag_delta)
    if abs_mag_delta > 10:
        while abs_mag_delta > 10:
            a, b = mpf_shift(mpf_add(a,b,wp),-1), \
            abs_mag_delta //= 2
        asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
        bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
        amag = aexp+abc
        bmag = bexp+bbc
        mag_delta = amag - bmag
    #print to_float(a), to_float(b)
    # Use agm(a,b) = agm(x*a,x*b)/x to obtain a, b ~= 1
    min_mag = min(amag,bmag)
    max_mag = max(amag,bmag)
    n = 0
    # If too small, we lose precision when going to fixed-point
    if min_mag < -8:
        n = -min_mag
    # If too large, we waste time using fixed-point with large numbers
    elif max_mag > 20:
        n = -max_mag
    if n:
        a = mpf_shift(a, n)
        b = mpf_shift(b, n)
    #print to_float(a), to_float(b)
    af = to_fixed(a, wp)
    bf = to_fixed(b, wp)
    g = agm_fixed(af, bf, wp)
    return from_man_exp(g, -wp-n, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 33
def mpf_agm(a, b, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Computes the arithmetic-geometric mean agm(a,b) for
    nonnegative mpf values a, b.
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
    bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
    if asign or bsign:
        raise ComplexResult("agm of a negative number")
    # Handle inf, nan or zero in either operand
    if not (aman and bman):
        if a == fnan or b == fnan:
            return fnan
        if a == finf:
            if b == fzero:
                return fnan
            return finf
        if b == finf:
            if a == fzero:
                return fnan
            return finf
        # agm(0,x) = agm(x,0) = 0
        return fzero
    wp = prec + 20
    amag = aexp + abc
    bmag = bexp + bbc
    mag_delta = amag - bmag
    # Reduce to roughly the same magnitude using floating-point AGM
    abs_mag_delta = abs(mag_delta)
    if abs_mag_delta > 10:
        while abs_mag_delta > 10:
            a, b = mpf_shift(mpf_add(a,b,wp),-1), \
            abs_mag_delta //= 2
        asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
        bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
        amag = aexp + abc
        bmag = bexp + bbc
        mag_delta = amag - bmag
    #print to_float(a), to_float(b)
    # Use agm(a,b) = agm(x*a,x*b)/x to obtain a, b ~= 1
    min_mag = min(amag, bmag)
    max_mag = max(amag, bmag)
    n = 0
    # If too small, we lose precision when going to fixed-point
    if min_mag < -8:
        n = -min_mag
    # If too large, we waste time using fixed-point with large numbers
    elif max_mag > 20:
        n = -max_mag
    if n:
        a = mpf_shift(a, n)
        b = mpf_shift(b, n)
    #print to_float(a), to_float(b)
    af = to_fixed(a, wp)
    bf = to_fixed(b, wp)
    g = agm_fixed(af, bf, wp)
    return from_man_exp(g, -wp - n, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 34
def mpc_ci_si_taylor(re, im, wp, which=0):
    zre = to_fixed(re, wp)
    zim = to_fixed(im, wp)
    z2re = (zim*zim-zre*zre)>>wp
    z2im = (-2*zre*zim)>>wp
    tre = zre
    tim = zim
    one = MP_ONE<<wp
    if which == 0:
        sre, sim, tre, tim, k = 0, 0, (MP_ONE<<wp), 0, 2
        sre, sim, tre, tim, k = zre, zim, zre, zim, 3
    while max(abs(tre), abs(tim)) > 2:
        f = k*(k-1)
        tre, tim = ((tre*z2re-tim*z2im)//f)>>wp, ((tre*z2im+tim*z2re)//f)>>wp
        sre += tre//k
        sim += tim//k
        k += 2
    return from_man_exp(sre, -wp), from_man_exp(sim, -wp)
Esempio n. 35
def mpc_ci_si_taylor(re, im, wp, which=0):
    zre = to_fixed(re, wp)
    zim = to_fixed(im, wp)
    z2re = (zim * zim - zre * zre) >> wp
    z2im = (-2 * zre * zim) >> wp
    tre = zre
    tim = zim
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    if which == 0:
        sre, sim, tre, tim, k = 0, 0, (MP_ONE << wp), 0, 2
        sre, sim, tre, tim, k = zre, zim, zre, zim, 3
    while max(abs(tre), abs(tim)) > 2:
        f = k * (k - 1)
        tre, tim = ((tre * z2re - tim * z2im) // f) >> wp, (
            (tre * z2im + tim * z2re) // f) >> wp
        sre += tre // k
        sim += tim // k
        k += 2
    return from_man_exp(sre, -wp), from_man_exp(sim, -wp)
Esempio n. 36
def mpf_ei(x, prec, rnd=round_fast, e1=False):
    if e1:
        x = mpf_neg(x)
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if e1 and not sign:
        if x == fzero:
            return finf
        raise ComplexResult("E1(x) for x < 0")
    if man:
        xabs = 0, man, exp, bc
        xmag = exp+bc
        wp = prec + 20
        can_use_asymp = xmag > wp
        if not can_use_asymp:
            if exp >= 0:
                xabsint = man << exp
                xabsint = man >> (-exp)
            can_use_asymp = xabsint > int(wp*0.693) + 10
        if can_use_asymp:
            if xmag > wp:
                v = fone
                v = from_man_exp(ei_asymptotic(to_fixed(x, wp), wp), -wp)
            v = mpf_mul(v, mpf_exp(x, wp), wp)
            v = mpf_div(v, x, prec, rnd)
            wp += 2*int(to_int(xabs))
            u = to_fixed(x, wp)
            v = ei_taylor(u, wp) + euler_fixed(wp)
            t1 = from_man_exp(v,-wp)
            t2 = mpf_log(xabs,wp)
            v = mpf_add(t1, t2, prec, rnd)
        if x == fzero: v = fninf
        elif x == finf: v = finf
        elif x == fninf: v = fzero
        else: v = fnan
    if e1:
        v = mpf_neg(v)
    return v
Esempio n. 37
def mpf_ei(x, prec, rnd=round_fast, e1=False):
    if e1:
        x = mpf_neg(x)
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if e1 and not sign:
        if x == fzero:
            return finf
        raise ComplexResult("E1(x) for x < 0")
    if man:
        xabs = 0, man, exp, bc
        xmag = exp + bc
        wp = prec + 20
        can_use_asymp = xmag > wp
        if not can_use_asymp:
            if exp >= 0:
                xabsint = man << exp
                xabsint = man >> (-exp)
            can_use_asymp = xabsint > int(wp * 0.693) + 10
        if can_use_asymp:
            if xmag > wp:
                v = fone
                v = from_man_exp(ei_asymptotic(to_fixed(x, wp), wp), -wp)
            v = mpf_mul(v, mpf_exp(x, wp), wp)
            v = mpf_div(v, x, prec, rnd)
            wp += 2 * int(to_int(xabs))
            u = to_fixed(x, wp)
            v = ei_taylor(u, wp) + euler_fixed(wp)
            t1 = from_man_exp(v, -wp)
            t2 = mpf_log(xabs, wp)
            v = mpf_add(t1, t2, prec, rnd)
        if x == fzero: v = fninf
        elif x == finf: v = finf
        elif x == fninf: v = fzero
        else: v = fnan
    if e1:
        v = mpf_neg(v)
    return v
Esempio n. 38
def mpc_nthroot(z, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Complex n-th root.

    Use Newton method as in the real case when it is faster,
    otherwise use z**(1/n)
    a, b = z
    if a[0] == 0 and b == fzero:
        re = mpf_nthroot(a, n, prec, rnd)
        return (re, fzero)
    if n < 2:
        if n == 0:
            return mpc_one
        if n == 1:
            return mpc_pos((a, b), prec, rnd)
        if n == -1:
            return mpc_div(mpc_one, (a, b), prec, rnd)
        inverse = mpc_nthroot((a, b), -n, prec+5, reciprocal_rnd[rnd])
        return mpc_div(mpc_one, inverse, prec, rnd)
    if n <= 20:
        prec2 = int(1.2 * (prec + 10))
        asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
        bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
        pf = mpc_abs((a,b), prec)
        if pf[-2] + pf[-1] > -10  and pf[-2] + pf[-1] < prec:
            af = to_fixed(a, prec2)
            bf = to_fixed(b, prec2)
            re, im = mpc_nthroot_fixed(af, bf, n, prec2)
            extra = 10
            re = from_man_exp(re, -prec2-extra, prec2, rnd)
            im = from_man_exp(im, -prec2-extra, prec2, rnd)
            return re, im
    fn = from_int(n)
    prec2 = prec+10 + 10
    nth = mpf_rdiv_int(1, fn, prec2)
    re, im = mpc_pow((a, b), (nth, fzero), prec2, rnd)
    re = normalize(re[0], re[1], re[2], re[3], prec, rnd)
    im = normalize(im[0], im[1], im[2], im[3], prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Esempio n. 39
File: Progetto: vks/sympy
def mpc_nthroot(z, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Complex n-th root.

    Use Newton method as in the real case when it is faster,
    otherwise use z**(1/n)
    a, b = z
    if a[0] == 0 and b == fzero:
        re = mpf_nthroot(a, n, prec, rnd)
        return (re, fzero)
    if n < 2:
        if n == 0:
            return mpc_one
        if n == 1:
            return mpc_pos((a, b), prec, rnd)
        if n == -1:
            return mpc_div(mpc_one, (a, b), prec, rnd)
        inverse = mpc_nthroot((a, b), -n, prec + 5, reciprocal_rnd[rnd])
        return mpc_div(mpc_one, inverse, prec, rnd)
    if n <= 20:
        prec2 = int(1.2 * (prec + 10))
        asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
        bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
        pf = mpc_abs((a, b), prec)
        if pf[-2] + pf[-1] > -10 and pf[-2] + pf[-1] < prec:
            af = to_fixed(a, prec2)
            bf = to_fixed(b, prec2)
            re, im = mpc_nthroot_fixed(af, bf, n, prec2)
            extra = 10
            re = from_man_exp(re, -prec2 - extra, prec2, rnd)
            im = from_man_exp(im, -prec2 - extra, prec2, rnd)
            return re, im
    fn = from_int(n)
    prec2 = prec + 10 + 10
    nth = mpf_rdiv_int(1, fn, prec2)
    re, im = mpc_pow((a, b), (nth, fzero), prec2, rnd)
    re = normalize(re[0], re[1], re[2], re[3], prec, rnd)
    im = normalize(im[0], im[1], im[2], im[3], prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Esempio n. 40
def mpc_pow_int(z, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    a, b = z
    if b == fzero:
        return mpf_pow_int(a, n, prec, rnd), fzero
    if a == fzero:
        v = mpf_pow_int(b, n, prec, rnd)
        n %= 4
        if n == 0:
            return v, fzero
        elif n == 1:
            return fzero, v
        elif n == 2:
            return mpf_neg(v), fzero
        elif n == 3:
            return fzero, mpf_neg(v)
    if n == 0: return mpc_one
    if n == 1: return mpc_pos(z, prec, rnd)
    if n == 2: return mpc_square(z, prec, rnd)
    if n == -1: return mpc_reciprocal(z, prec, rnd)
    if n < 0: return mpc_reciprocal(mpc_pow_int(z, -n, prec+4), prec, rnd)
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
    bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
    if asign: aman = -aman
    if bsign: bman = -bman
    de = aexp - bexp
    abs_de = abs(de)
    exact_size = n*(abs_de + max(abc, bbc))
    if exact_size < 10000:
        if de > 0:
            aman <<= de
            aexp = bexp
            bman <<= (-de)
            bexp = aexp
        re, im = complex_int_pow(aman, bman, n)
        re = from_man_exp(re, int(n*aexp), prec, rnd)
        im = from_man_exp(im, int(n*bexp), prec, rnd)
        return re, im
    return mpc_exp(mpc_mul_int(mpc_log(z, prec+10), n, prec+10), prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 41
def mpf_ci_si_taylor(x, wp, which=0):
    0 - Ci(x) - (euler+log(x))
    1 - Si(x)
    x = to_fixed(x, wp)
    x2 = -(x * x) >> wp
    if which == 0:
        s, t, k = 0, (MP_ONE << wp), 2
        s, t, k = x, x, 3
    while t:
        t = (t * x2 // (k * (k - 1))) >> wp
        s += t // k
        k += 2
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp)
Esempio n. 42
def mpf_ci_si_taylor(x, wp, which=0):
    0 - Ci(x) - (euler+log(x))
    1 - Si(x)
    x = to_fixed(x, wp)
    x2 = -(x*x) >> wp
    if which == 0:
        s, t, k = 0, (MPZ_ONE<<wp), 2
        s, t, k = x, x, 3
    while t:
        t = (t*x2//(k*(k-1)))>>wp
        s += t//k
        k += 2
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp)
Esempio n. 43
def mpf_cos_sin_pi(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Accurate computation of (cos(pi*x), sin(pi*x))
    for x close to an integer"""
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        return cos_sin(x, prec, rnd)
    # Exactly an integer or half-integer?
    if exp >= -1:
        if exp == -1:
            c = fzero
            s = (fone, fnone)[bool(man & 2) ^ sign]
        elif exp == 0:
            c, s = (fnone, fzero)
            c, s = (fone, fzero)
        return c, s
    # Close to 0 ?
    size = exp + bc
    if size < -(prec+5):
        c = mpf_perturb(fone, 1, prec, rnd)
        s = mpf_perturb(mpf_mul(x, mpf_pi(prec)), sign, prec, rnd)
        return c, s
    if sign:
        man = -man
    # Subtract nearest half-integer (= modulo pi/2)
    nhint = ((man >> (-exp-2)) + 1) >> 1
    man = man - (nhint << (-exp-1))
    x = from_man_exp(man, exp, prec)
    x = mpf_mul(x, mpf_pi(prec), prec)
    # XXX: with some more work, could call calc_cos_sin,
    # to save some time and to get rounding right
    case = nhint % 4
    if case == 0:
        c, s = cos_sin(x, prec, rnd)
    elif case == 1:
        s, c = cos_sin(x, prec, rnd)
        c = mpf_neg(c)
    elif case == 2:
        c, s = cos_sin(x, prec, rnd)
        c = mpf_neg(c)
        s = mpf_neg(s)
        s, c = cos_sin(x, prec, rnd)
        s = mpf_neg(s)
    return c, s
Esempio n. 44
def mpf_besseljn(n, x, prec, rounding=round_fast):
    negate = n < 0 and n & 1
    n = abs(n)
    origprec = prec
    prec += 20 + bitcount(abs(n))
    x = to_fixed(x, prec)
    x2 = (x**2) >> prec
    if not n:
        s = t = MP_ONE << prec
        s = t = (x**n // int_fac(n)) >> ((n - 1) * prec + n)
    k = 1
    while t:
        t = ((t * x2) // (-4 * k * (k + n))) >> prec
        s += t
        k += 1
    if negate:
        s = -s
    return from_man_exp(s, -prec, origprec, rounding)
Esempio n. 45
def mpf_besseljn(n, x, prec):
    negate = n < 0 and n & 1
    n = abs(n)
    origprec = prec
    prec += 20 + bitcount(abs(n))
    x = to_fixed(x, prec)
    x2 = (x**2) >> prec
    if not n:
        s = t = MP_ONE << prec
        s = t = (x**n // int_fac(n)) >> ((n-1)*prec + n)
    k = 1
    while t:
        t = ((t * x2) // (-4*k*(k+n))) >> prec
        s += t
        k += 1
    if negate:
        s = -s
    return from_man_exp(s, -prec, origprec, round_nearest)
Esempio n. 46
def mpf_exp(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if man:
        mag = bc + exp
        wp = prec + 14
        if sign:
            man = -man
        # TODO: the best cutoff depends on both x and the precision.
        if prec > 600 and exp >= 0:
            # Need about log2(exp(n)) ~= 1.45*mag extra precision
            e = mpf_e(wp + int(1.45 * mag))
            return mpf_pow_int(e, man << exp, prec, rnd)
        if mag < -wp:
            return mpf_perturb(fone, sign, prec, rnd)
        # |x| >= 2
        if mag > 1:
            # For large arguments: exp(2^mag*(1+eps)) =
            # exp(2^mag)*exp(2^mag*eps) = exp(2^mag)*(1 + 2^mag*eps + ...)
            # so about mag extra bits is required.
            wpmod = wp + mag
            offset = exp + wpmod
            if offset >= 0:
                t = man << offset
                t = man >> (-offset)
            lg2 = ln2_fixed(wpmod)
            n, t = divmod(t, lg2)
            n = int(n)
            t >>= mag
            offset = exp + wp
            if offset >= 0:
                t = man << offset
                t = man >> (-offset)
            n = 0
        man = exp_basecase(t, wp)
        return from_man_exp(man, n - wp, prec, rnd)
    if not exp:
        return fone
    if x == fninf:
        return fzero
    return x
Esempio n. 47
def cos_sin_fixed_prod(x, wp):
    cos, sin = mpf_cos_sin(from_man_exp(x, -2*wp), wp)
    sign, man, exp, bc = cos
    if sign:
        man = -man
    offset = exp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        cos = man << offset
        cos = man >> (-offset)
    sign, man, exp, bc = sin
    if sign:
        man = -man
    offset = exp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        sin = man << offset
        sin = man >> (-offset)
    return cos, sin
Esempio n. 48
def cos_sin_fixed_prod(x, wp):
    cos, sin = mpf_cos_sin(from_man_exp(x, -2 * wp), wp)
    sign, man, exp, bc = cos
    if sign:
        man = -man
    offset = exp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        cos = man << offset
        cos = man >> (-offset)
    sign, man, exp, bc = sin
    if sign:
        man = -man
    offset = exp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        sin = man << offset
        sin = man >> (-offset)
    return cos, sin
Esempio n. 49
def mpf_exp(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if man:
        mag = bc + exp
        wp = prec + 14
        if sign:
            man = -man
        # TODO: the best cutoff depends on both x and the precision.
        if prec > 600 and exp >= 0:
            # Need about log2(exp(n)) ~= 1.45*mag extra precision
            e = mpf_e(wp + int(1.45 * mag))
            return mpf_pow_int(e, man << exp, prec, rnd)
        if mag < -wp:
            return mpf_perturb(fone, sign, prec, rnd)
        # |x| >= 2
        if mag > 1:
            # For large arguments: exp(2^mag*(1+eps)) =
            # exp(2^mag)*exp(2^mag*eps) = exp(2^mag)*(1 + 2^mag*eps + ...)
            # so about mag extra bits is required.
            wpmod = wp + mag
            offset = exp + wpmod
            if offset >= 0:
                t = man << offset
                t = man >> (-offset)
            lg2 = ln2_fixed(wpmod)
            n, t = divmod(t, lg2)
            n = int(n)
            t >>= mag
            offset = exp + wp
            if offset >= 0:
                t = man << offset
                t = man >> (-offset)
            n = 0
        man = exp_basecase(t, wp)
        return from_man_exp(man, n - wp, prec, rnd)
    if not exp:
        return fone
    if x == fninf:
        return fzero
    return x
Esempio n. 50
def mpf_erfc(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fone
        if x == finf: return fzero
        if x == fninf: return ftwo
        return fnan
    wp = prec + 20
    mag = bc + exp
    # Preserve full accuracy when exponent grows huge
    wp += max(0, 2 * mag)
    regular_erf = sign or mag < 2
    if regular_erf or not erfc_check_series(x, wp):
        if regular_erf:
            return mpf_sub(fone, mpf_erf(x, prec + 10, negative_rnd[rnd]),
                           prec, rnd)
        # 1-erf(x) ~ exp(-x^2), increase prec to deal with cancellation
        n = to_int(x)
        return mpf_sub(fone, mpf_erf(x, prec + int(n**2 * 1.44) + 10), prec,
    s = term = MP_ONE << wp
    term_prev = 0
    t = (2 * to_fixed(x, wp)**2) >> wp
    k = 1
    while 1:
        term = ((term * (2 * k - 1)) << wp) // t
        if k > 4 and term > term_prev or not term:
        if k & 1:
            s -= term
            s += term
        term_prev = term
        #print k, to_str(from_man_exp(term, -wp, 50), 10)
        k += 1
    s = (s << wp) // sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(wp), wp)
    s = from_man_exp(s, -wp, wp)
    z = mpf_exp(mpf_neg(mpf_mul(x, x, wp), wp), wp)
    y = mpf_div(mpf_mul(z, s, wp), x, prec, rnd)
    return y
Esempio n. 51
def mpf_besseljn(n, x, prec, rounding=round_fast):
    prec += 50
    negate = n < 0 and n & 1
    mag = x[2] + x[3]
    n = abs(n)
    wp = prec + 20 + n * bitcount(n)
    if mag < 0:
        wp -= n * mag
    x = to_fixed(x, wp)
    x2 = (x**2) >> wp
    if not n:
        s = t = MP_ONE << wp
        s = t = (x**n // int_fac(n)) >> ((n - 1) * wp + n)
    k = 1
    while t:
        t = ((t * x2) // (-4 * k * (k + n))) >> wp
        s += t
        k += 1
    if negate:
        s = -s
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp, prec, rounding)
Esempio n. 52
def mpf_erf(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fzero
        if x == finf: return fone
        if x== fninf: return fnone
        return fnan
    size = exp + bc
    lg = math.log
    # The approximation erf(x) = 1 is accurate to > x^2 * log(e,2) bits
    if size > 3 and 2*(size-1) + 0.528766 > lg(prec,2):
        if sign:
            return mpf_perturb(fnone, 0, prec, rnd)
            return mpf_perturb(fone, 1, prec, rnd)
    # erf(x) ~ 2*x/sqrt(pi) close to 0
    if size < -prec:
        # 2*x
        x = mpf_shift(x,1)
        c = mpf_sqrt(mpf_pi(prec+20), prec+20)
        # TODO: interval rounding
        return mpf_div(x, c, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + abs(size) + 25
    # Taylor series for erf, fixed-point summation
    t = abs(to_fixed(x, wp))
    t2 = (t*t) >> wp
    s, term, k = t, 12345, 1
    while term:
        t = ((t * t2) >> wp) // k
        term = t // (2*k+1)
        if k & 1:
            s -= term
            s += term
        k += 1
    s = (s << (wp+1)) // sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(wp), wp)
    if sign:
        s = -s
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp, prec, rnd)
Esempio n. 53
def mpf_besseljn(n, x, prec, rounding=round_fast):
    prec += 50
    negate = n < 0 and n & 1
    mag = x[2]+x[3]
    n = abs(n)
    wp = prec + 20 + n*bitcount(n)
    if mag < 0:
        wp -= n * mag
    x = to_fixed(x, wp)
    x2 = (x**2) >> wp
    if not n:
        s = t = MPZ_ONE << wp
        s = t = (x**n // ifac(n)) >> ((n-1)*wp + n)
    k = 1
    while t:
        t = ((t * x2) // (-4*k*(k+n))) >> wp
        s += t
        k += 1
    if negate:
        s = -s
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp, prec, rounding)
Esempio n. 54
def mpf_erf(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fzero
        if x == finf: return fone
        if x == fninf: return fnone
        return fnan
    size = exp + bc
    lg = math.log
    # The approximation erf(x) = 1 is accurate to > x^2 * log(e,2) bits
    if size > 3 and 2 * (size - 1) + 0.528766 > lg(prec, 2):
        if sign:
            return mpf_perturb(fnone, 0, prec, rnd)
            return mpf_perturb(fone, 1, prec, rnd)
    # erf(x) ~ 2*x/sqrt(pi) close to 0
    if size < -prec:
        # 2*x
        x = mpf_shift(x, 1)
        c = mpf_sqrt(mpf_pi(prec + 20), prec + 20)
        # TODO: interval rounding
        return mpf_div(x, c, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + abs(size) + 20
    # Taylor series for erf, fixed-point summation
    t = abs(to_fixed(x, wp))
    t2 = (t * t) >> wp
    s, term, k = t, 12345, 1
    while term:
        t = ((t * t2) >> wp) // k
        term = t // (2 * k + 1)
        if k & 1:
            s -= term
            s += term
        k += 1
    s = (s << (wp + 1)) // sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(wp), wp)
    if sign:
        s = -s
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp, wp, rnd)
Esempio n. 55
def mpf_erfc(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fone
        if x == finf: return fzero
        if x == fninf: return ftwo
        return fnan
    wp = prec + 20
    mag = bc+exp
    # Preserve full accuracy when exponent grows huge
    wp += max(0, 2*mag)
    regular_erf = sign or mag < 2
    if regular_erf or not erfc_check_series(x, wp):
        if regular_erf:
            return mpf_sub(fone, mpf_erf(x, prec+10, negative_rnd[rnd]), prec, rnd)
        # 1-erf(x) ~ exp(-x^2), increase prec to deal with cancellation
        n = to_int(x)+1
        return mpf_sub(fone, mpf_erf(x, prec + int(n**2*1.44) + 10), prec, rnd)
    s = term = MPZ_ONE << wp
    term_prev = 0
    t = (2 * to_fixed(x, wp) ** 2) >> wp
    k = 1
    while 1:
        term = ((term * (2*k - 1)) << wp) // t
        if k > 4 and term > term_prev or not term:
        if k & 1:
            s -= term
            s += term
        term_prev = term
        #print k, to_str(from_man_exp(term, -wp, 50), 10)
        k += 1
    s = (s << wp) // sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(wp), wp)
    s = from_man_exp(s, -wp, wp)
    z = mpf_exp(mpf_neg(mpf_mul(x,x,wp),wp),wp)
    y = mpf_div(mpf_mul(z, s, wp), x, prec, rnd)
    return y
Esempio n. 56
 def __new__(cls, val=fzero, **kwargs):
     """A new mpf can be created from a Python float, an int, a
     or a decimal string representing a number in floating-point
     prec, rounding = prec_rounding
     if kwargs:
         prec = kwargs.get('prec', prec)
         if 'dps' in kwargs:
             prec = dps_to_prec(kwargs['dps'])
         rounding = kwargs.get('rounding', rounding)
     if type(val) is cls:
         sign, man, exp, bc = val._mpf_
         if (not man) and exp:
             return val
         return make_mpf(normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rounding))
     elif type(val) is tuple:
         if len(val) == 2:
             return make_mpf(from_man_exp(val[0], val[1], prec, rounding))
         if len(val) == 4:
             sign, man, exp, bc = val
             return make_mpf(normalize(sign, MP_BASE(man), exp, bc, prec, rounding))
         raise ValueError
         return make_mpf(mpf_pos(mpf_convert_arg(val, prec, rounding), prec, rounding))
Esempio n. 57
 def __new__(cls, val=fzero, **kwargs):
     """A new mpf can be created from a Python float, an int, a
     or a decimal string representing a number in floating-point
     prec, rounding = prec_rounding
     if kwargs:
         prec = kwargs.get('prec', prec)
         if 'dps' in kwargs:
             prec = dps_to_prec(kwargs['dps'])
         rounding = kwargs.get('rounding', rounding)
     if type(val) is cls:
         sign, man, exp, bc = val._mpf_
         if (not man) and exp:
             return val
         return make_mpf(normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rounding))
     elif type(val) is tuple:
         if len(val) == 2:
             return make_mpf(from_man_exp(val[0], val[1], prec, rounding))
         if len(val) == 4:
             sign, man, exp, bc = val
             return make_mpf(normalize(sign, MP_BASE(man), exp, bc, prec, rounding))
         raise ValueError
         return make_mpf(mpf_pos(mpf_convert_arg(val, prec, rounding), prec, rounding))
Esempio n. 58
def _djacobi_theta3(z, q, nd):
    """nd=1,2,3 order of the derivative with respect to z"""
    MIN = 2
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
        s = MP_ZERO
        wp = mp.prec + extra1
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        a = b = x
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
        c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        cn = c1
        sn = s1
        if (nd&1):
            s += (a * sn) >> wp
            s += (a * cn) >> wp
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                s += (a * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                s += (a * cn * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        s = -(s << (nd+1))
        s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
    # case z real, q complex
    elif isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = xre
        aim = bim = xim
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
        c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        cn = c1
        sn = s1
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (are * sn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * sn) >> wp
            sre = (are * cn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cn) >> wp
        n = 2
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                sre += (are * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (aim * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += (are * cn * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cn * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    #case z complex, q real
    elif isinstance(q, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        a = b = x
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        c1 = cos(2*z)
        s1 = sin(2*z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (a * snre) >> wp
            sim = (a * snim) >> wp
            sre = (a * cnre) >> wp
            sim = (a * cnim) >> wp
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += (a * snre * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (a * snim * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += (a * cnre * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (a * cnim * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    # case z and q complex
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = xre
        aim = bim = xim
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        # cos(2*z), sin(2*z) with z complex
        c1 = cos(2*z)
        s1 = sin(2*z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (are * snre - aim * snim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * snre + are * snim) >> wp
            sre = (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
        n = 2
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
                sre += ((are * snre - aim * snim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += ((aim * snre + are * snim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    if (nd&1):
        return (-1)**(nd//2) * s
        return (-1)**(1 + nd//2) * s
Esempio n. 59
def _jacobi_theta2(z, q):
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    # the loops below break when the fixed precision quantities
    # a and b go to zero;
    # right shifting small negative numbers by wp one obtains -1, not zero,
    # so the condition a**2 + b**2 > MIN is used to break the loops.
    MIN = 2
    if z == zero:
        if isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            s = x2
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                s += a
            s = (1 << (wp+1)) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            sre = (1<<wp) + are
            sim = aim
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                sre += are
                sim += aim
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
            cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            s = c1 + ((a * cn) >> wp)
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
                s += (a * cn) >> wp
            s = (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            s *= nthroot(q, 4)
            return s
        # case z real, q complex
        elif isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
            cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            sre = c1 + ((are * cn) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * cn) >> wp)
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp

                sre += ((are * cn) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cn) >> wp)
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        #case z complex, q real
        elif isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            c1 = cos(z)
            s1 = sin(z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            #c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
            c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            #s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
            #cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4

            sre = c1re + ((a * cnre) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((a * cnim) >> wp)
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += ((a * cnre) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * cnim) >> wp)
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        # case z and q complex
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            # cos(z), siz(z) with z complex
            c1 = cos(z)
            s1 = sin(z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
            c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            n = 1
            termre = c1re
            termim = c1im
            sre = c1re + ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)

            n = 3
            termre = ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            termim = ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)

            n = 5
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                #cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                termre = ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
                termim = ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp)
                sre += ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp)
                n += 2
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
    s *= nthroot(q, 4)
    return s