Esempio n. 1
def search(K, Kp, Kq, check_level, break_step):
    max_step = 0
    cands = [0]
    for step in range(1, break_step + 1):
        max_step = max(step, max_step)

        mod = 1 << (4 * step)
        mask = mod - 1

        cands_next = []
        for p, new_digit in product(cands, p_ranges[-step]):
            pval = (new_digit << ((step - 1) * 4)) | p

            if check_level >= 1:
                qval = solve_linear(pval, N & mask, mod)
                if qval is None or not check_val(qval, mask, qmask_msk,

            if check_level >= 2:
                val = solve_linear(E, 1 + K * (N - pval - qval + 1), mod)
                if val is None or not check_val(val, mask, dmask_msk,

            if check_level >= 3:
                val = solve_linear(E, 1 + Kp * (pval - 1), mod)
                if val is None or not check_val(val, mask, dpmask_msk,

            if check_level >= 4:
                val = solve_linear(E, 1 + Kq * (qval - 1), mod)
                if val is None or not check_val(val, mask, dqmask_msk,

                if pval * qval == N:
                    print "Kq =", Kq
                    print "pwned"
                    print "p =", pval
                    print "q =", qval
                    p = pval
                    q = qval
                    d = invmod(E, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
                    coef = invmod(p, q)

                    from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
                    print RSA.construct(map(
                        long, (N, E, d, p, q, coef))).exportKey()


        if not cands_next:
            return False
        cands = cands_next
    return True
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: solymx/CTF
def common_modulus_attack(c1, c2, e1, e2, n):
	s1, s2, _ = libnum.xgcd(e1, e2)
	if s1 < 0:
		s1 = s1 * -1
		c1 = libnum.invmod(c1, n)
	if s2 < 0:
		s2 = s2 * -1
		c2 = libnum.invmod(c2, n)
	m = (pow(c1, s1, n) * pow(c2, s2, n)) % n
	return m
Esempio n. 3
def commonN(n, e1, c1, e2, c2):
    s1, s2, _ = xgcd(e1, e2)
    if s1 < 0:
        s1 = -s1
        c1 = invmod(c1, n)
    if s2 < 0:
        s2 = -s2
        c2 = invmod(c2, n)
    m = (pow(c1, s1, n) * pow(c2, s2, n)) % n
    return m
Esempio n. 4
def search(K, Kp, Kq, check_level, break_step):
    max_step = 0
    cands = [0]
    for step in range(1, break_step + 1):
        #print " ", step, "( max =", max_step, ")"
        max_step = max(step, max_step)

        mod = 1 << (4 * step)
        mask = mod - 1

        cands_next = []
        for p, new_digit in product(cands, p_ranges[-step]):
            pval = (new_digit << ((step - 1) * 4)) | p

            if check_level >= 1:
                qval = solve_linear(pval, N & mask, mod)
                if qval is None or not check_val(qval, mask, qmask_msk, qmask_val):

            if check_level >= 2:
                val = solve_linear(E, 1 + K * (N - pval - qval + 1), mod)
                if val is None or not check_val(val, mask, dmask_msk, dmask_val):

            if check_level >= 3:
                val = solve_linear(E, 1 + Kp * (pval - 1), mod)
                if val is None or not check_val(val, mask, dpmask_msk, dpmask_val):

            if check_level >= 4:
                val = solve_linear(E, 1 + Kq * (qval - 1), mod)
                if val is None or not check_val(val, mask, dqmask_msk, dqmask_val):

                if pval * qval == N:
                    print "Kq =", Kq
                    print "pwned"
                    print "p =", pval
                    print "q =", qval
                    p = pval
                    q = qval
                    d = invmod(E, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
                    coef = invmod(p, q)

                    from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
                    print RSA.construct(map(long, (N, E, d, p, q, coef))).exportKey()


        if not cands_next:
            return False
        cands = cands_next
    return True
Esempio n. 5
def get_ed(p, q):
	k = cal_bit(q*p)
	phi_n = (p-1)*(q-1)
	r = random.randint(10, 99)
	while True:
		u = getPrime(k/4 - r)
		if gcd(u, phi_n) != 1:
		t = invmod(u, phi_n)
		e = pi_b(t)
		if gcd(e, phi_n) == 1:
	d = invmod(e, phi_n)
	return (e, d)
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: comahax/ctf
def get_ed(p, q):
    k = cal_bit(q * p)
    phi_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    r = random.randint(10, 99)
    while True:
        u = getPrime(k / 4 - r)
        if gcd(u, phi_n) != 1:
        t = invmod(u, phi_n)
        e = pi_b(t)
        if gcd(e, phi_n) == 1:
    d = invmod(e, phi_n)
    return (e, d)
Esempio n. 7
def GetED(p, q):
    k = CalBit(q * p)
    phi_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    r = random.randint(10, 99)
    while True:
        u = getPrime(k / 4 - r)
        if gcd(u, phi_n) != 1:
        t = invmod(u, phi_n)
        e = PiB(t)
        if gcd(e, phi_n) == 1:
    d = invmod(e, phi_n)
    return (e, d)
Esempio n. 8
def common_modulus(e1, e2, c1, c2, N):
    # Extended Euclidean algorithm
    a, b, d = xgcd(e1, e2)

    # Invert negative factor
    if b < 0:
        c2 = invmod(c2, N)
        b = -b
    if a < 0:
        c1 = invmod(c1, N)
        a = -a

    # Get the message (c1^a * c2^b) % N
    return (pow(c1, a, N) * pow(c2, b, N)) % N
Esempio n. 9
def getFlag((a, b, c)):
    M = d["M"]
    p = d["p"]
    q = d["q"]
    s1, s2, _ = xgcd(a, b)
    if s1 < 0:
        s1 = -s1
        p = invmod(p, M)
    elif s2 < 0:
        s2 = -s2
        q = invmod(q, M)

    flag = (pow(p, s1, M) * pow(q, s2, M)) % M
    print n2s(flag)
Esempio n. 10
def keys(pub, priv, floor, ceil):
       pub - list for public key;
       priv - list for private key;
       floor - lower boundary for random prime number generator;
       ceil - upper boundary for random prime number generator;
    p = 0  #prime number №uno
    q = 0  #prime number №dos

    q = randprime(floor, ceil)
    p = randprime(floor, ceil)
    print("*" * 10, "p=" + str(p), "q=" + str(q), "*" * 10, sep="\n")
    n = p * q
    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    e = prevprime(phi)


    #private key
    d = libnum.invmod(e, phi)

Esempio n. 11
def encrypt(msg):
    bits = 60

    if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
        msg = str(sys.argv[1])
    if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
        bits = int(sys.argv[2])

    p = Crypto.Util.number.getPrime(bits, randfunc=get_random_bytes)
    q = Crypto.Util.number.getPrime(bits, randfunc=get_random_bytes)

    n = p * q
    PHI = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    e = 65537
    d = libnum.invmod(e, PHI)

    m = bytes_to_long(msg.encode('utf-8'))

    c = pow(m, e, n)
    res = pow(c, d, n)

        "Message=%s\np=%s\nq=%s\n\nd=%d\ne=%d\nN=%s\n\nPrivate key (d,n)\nPublic key (e,n)\n\ncipher=%s\ndecipher=%s"
        % (msg, p, q, d, e, n, c, (long_to_bytes(res))))
Esempio n. 12
 def sign(self, d, e):
     Returns a DER serialized signature of message e using private key d.
     d is a private key (integer).
     e is an encoded message (integer).
     z = self.shrink_message(e)
     k, r = None, None
     while True:
         k = self.randint(self.n - 1) + 1
         P = self.point_multiply(k, self.G)
         r = P.x % self.n
         if r == 0:
         s = invmod(k, self.n) * (z + (r * d) % self.n) % self.n
         if s != 0:
     # Byte sizes of r, s
     rBn = (r.bit_length() + 7) // 8
     sBn = (s.bit_length() + 7) // 8
     # Byte sizes of components and sequence bytes
     mBn = 4 + rBn + sBn
     # Numeric representation of the DER serialized sig
     sig = [0x30, mBn, 0x02, rBn, r, 0x02, sBn, s]
     # Return a hex string of all the sig bytes
     return ''.join([
         '0' + f if len(f) % 2 else f \
         for f in [format(x, '02x') for x in sig]])
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, p=None, q=None):
        self.p = p if p is not None else libnum.generate_prime(512)
        self.q = q if q is not None else libnum.generate_prime(512)

        if self.q == self.p:
            self.q = libnum.generate_prime(512)

        n = self.p * self.q
        lbd = lcm(self.p - 1, self.q - 1)

        n2 = n * n

        g = secrets.randbelow(n2 - 1) + 1

        l_val = self._l(pow(g, lbd, n2), n)

        while not libnum.has_invmod(l_val, n):
            g += 1
            if g == n2:
                g = 1
            l_val = self._l(pow(g, lbd, n2), n)

        gMu = libnum.invmod(l_val, n)

        self.public_key = (n, g)
        self.private_key = (lbd, gMu)
Esempio n. 14
    def verify(self, pkey, e, sig):
        Verifies a message e was signed by the owner of public key pkey.
        Returns True if e was signed by the owner of pkey.
        Raises AssertionError if the signature is invalid.
        pkey is a serialized public key.
        e is the encoded message.
        sig is the DER serialized message.

        # First we define modular exponent, which is
        # used to calculate the y from a compressed
        # public key.
        # This only works for curves with an integer
        # order n that is congruent to 3 mod 4.
        def pow_mod(x, y, z):
            n = 1
            while y:
                if y & 1:
                    n = n * x % z
                y >>= 1
                x = x * x % z
            return n

        # Now unmarshall the public key
        P = Point(None, None)
        if pkey[:2] == '04':
            P = Point(int(pkey[2:66], 16), int(pkey[66:]))
            y_parity = int(pkey[:2]) - 2
            x = int(pkey[2:], 16)
            a = (pow_mod(x, 3, self.p) + self.b) % self.p
            y = pow_mod(a, (self.p + 1) // 4, self.p)
            if y % 2 != y_parity:
                y = -y % self.p
            P = Point(x, y)
        # P must not be point at infinity
        assert P != EllipticCurve.inf
        # P must lie on the curve
        y = P.y * P.y
        x = P.x * P.x * P.x + self.a * P.x + self.b
        assert y % self.p == x % self.p
        # Now unmarshall the signature
        assert sig[:2] == '30'  # DER SEQUENCE byte
        mBn = int(sig[2:4], 16)  # bytes in message
        assert sig[4:6] == '02'  # DER INTEGER byte
        rBn = int(sig[6:8], 16)  # bytes in r
        r = int(sig[8:8 + rBn * 2], 16)  # r value
        assert sig[8 + rBn * 2:8 + rBn * 2 + 2] == '02'  # DER INTEGER byte
        sBn = int(sig[8 + rBn * 2 + 2:8 + rBn * 2 + 4], 16)  # bytes in s
        assert sBn == len(sig[8 + rBn * 2 + 4:4 + mBn * 2]) // 2
        s = int(sig[8 + rBn * 2 + 4:4 + mBn * 2], 16)  # s value
        # Now we have (r,s) and can verify
        z = self.shrink_message(e)
        w = invmod(s, self.n)
        U1 = self.point_multiply(z * w % self.n, self.G)
        U2 = self.point_multiply(r * w % self.n, P)
        R = self.point_add(U1, U2)
        assert r == R.x
        return True
Esempio n. 15
def gen_args():
    return (p,q,e,n,d)
Esempio n. 16
 def sign(self, d, e):
     Returns a DER serialized signature of message e using private key d.
     d is a private key (integer).
     e is an encoded message (integer).
     z = self.shrink_message(e)
     k, r = None, None
     while True:
         k = self.randint(self.n - 1) + 1
         P = self.point_multiply(k, self.G)
         r = P.x % self.n
         if r == 0:
         s = invmod(k, self.n) * (z + (r * d) % self.n) % self.n
         if s != 0:
     # Byte sizes of r, s
     rBn = (r.bit_length() + 7) // 8
     sBn = (s.bit_length() + 7) // 8
     # Byte sizes of components and sequence bytes
     mBn = 4 + rBn + sBn
     # Numeric representation of the DER serialized sig
     sig = [0x30, mBn, 0x02, rBn, r, 0x02, sBn, s]
     # Return a hex string of all the sig bytes
     return ''.join([
         '0' + f if len(f) % 2 else f \
         for f in [format(x, '02x') for x in sig]])
Esempio n. 17
def main():
    rsa_key = rsaGen.construct_key()
    message = '5'
    signature = rsaGen.sign_message(message)
    val1 = (message2 *
            pow(r, rsaGen.getPublicExponent(), rsaGen.getPublicModulus()))
    val2 = val1 % rsaGen.getPublicModulus()
    print("Value sent by Heather: ", val2)
    signed_dash = pow(val2, d, rsaGen.getPublicModulus())
    print('Heather sends Alice signature: ', signed_dash)

    result = (signed_dash * libnum.invmod(
        r, rsaGen.getPublicModulus())) % rsaGen.getPublicModulus()

    print('Alice send signature of:', result)

    print('\n=== Check ==')
    unsigned = pow(result, rsaGen.getPublicExponent(),

    print('Unsigned value is:', unsigned)
    if (unsigned == rsaGen.getMessageHash()):
        print('Success. Bob has signed it')
        print('Signatures do not compute')
Esempio n. 18
def rabin(N, c, p, q):
    inv_p = libnum.invmod(p, q)
    inv_q = libnum.invmod(q, p)

    mp = pow(c, (p + 1) / 4, p)
    mq = pow(c, (q + 1) / 4, q)

    a = (inv_p * p * mq + inv_q * q * mp) % N
    b = N - int(a)
    c = (inv_p * p * mq - inv_q * q * mp) % N
    d = N - int(c)

    for i in (a, b, c, d):
        s = '%x' % i
        if len(s) % 2 != 0:
            s = '0' + s'Here are your plain text: \n' + s.decode('hex'))
Esempio n. 19
 def point_double(self, P):
     """ Return P + P """
     if P == EllipticCurve.inf:
         return P
     s = ((3 * P.x * P.x + self.a) * invmod(2 * P.y, self.p)) % self.p
     x = (s * s - 2 * P.x) % self.p
     y = (s * (P.x - x) - P.y) % self.p
     return Point(x, y)
Esempio n. 20
 def point_double(self, P):
     """ Return P + P """
     if P == EllipticCurve.inf:
         return P
     s = ((3 * P.x * P.x + self.a) * invmod(2 * P.y, self.p)) % self.p
     x = (s * s - 2 * P.x) % self.p
     y = (s * (P.x - x) - P.y) % self.p
     return Point(x, y)
Esempio n. 21
def genE(lcm, bound):
    while True:
        r = random.randint(bound, bound * 0x1000000000001)
        d = sympy.nextprime(r)
        e = libnum.invmod(d, lcm)
        if isPrime(e):
    return e
Esempio n. 22
 def verify(self, pkey, e, sig):
     Verifies a message e was signed by the owner of public key pkey.
     Returns True if e was signed by the owner of pkey.
     Raises AssertionError if the signature is invalid.
     pkey is a serialized public key.
     e is the encoded message.
     sig is the DER serialized message.
     # First we define modular exponent, which is
     # used to calculate the y from a compressed
     # public key.
     # This only works for curves with an integer
     # order n that is congruent to 3 mod 4.
     def pow_mod(x, y, z):
         n = 1
         while y:
             if y & 1:
                 n = n * x % z
             y >>= 1
             x = x * x % z
         return n
     # Now unmarshall the public key
     P = Point(None, None)
     if pkey[:2] == '04':
         P = Point(int(pkey[2:66], 16), int(pkey[66:]))
         y_parity = int(pkey[:2]) - 2
         x = int(pkey[2:], 16)
         a = (pow_mod(x, 3, self.p) + self.b) % self.p
         y = pow_mod(a, (self.p + 1) // 4, self.p)
         if y % 2 != y_parity:
             y = -y % self.p
         P = Point(x, y)
     # P must not be point at infinity
     assert P != EllipticCurve.inf
     # P must lie on the curve
     y = P.y * P.y
     x = P.x * P.x * P.x + self.a * P.x + self.b
     assert y % self.p == x % self.p
     # Now unmarshall the signature
     assert sig[:2] == '30' # DER SEQUENCE byte
     mBn = int(sig[2:4], 16) # bytes in message
     assert sig[4:6] == '02' # DER INTEGER byte
     rBn = int(sig[6:8], 16) # bytes in r
     r = int(sig[8:8 + rBn * 2], 16) # r value
     assert sig[8 + rBn * 2:8 + rBn * 2 + 2] == '02' # DER INTEGER byte
     sBn = int(sig[8 + rBn * 2 + 2:8 + rBn * 2 + 4], 16) # bytes in s
     assert sBn == len(sig[8 + rBn * 2 + 4:4 + mBn * 2]) // 2
     s = int(sig[8 + rBn * 2 + 4:4 + mBn * 2], 16) # s value
     # Now we have (r,s) and can verify
     z = self.shrink_message(e)
     w = invmod(s, self.n)
     U1 = self.point_multiply(z * w % self.n, self.G)
     U2 = self.point_multiply(r * w % self.n, P)
     R = self.point_add(U1, U2)
     assert r == R.x
     return True
Esempio n. 23
def generate_RSA():
    p = getPrime(1024)
    q = getPrime(1024)
    n = p * q
    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    e = 65537
    d = libnum.invmod(e, phi)
    assert (e * d) % phi == 1
    return n, e, d
Esempio n. 24
def decrypt(ciph, key):
    n = key[0] * key[1]
    tn = (key[0] - 1) * (key[1] - 1)
    print "key1:", key[0]
    print "key2:", key[1]
    print "tn:", tn
    d = libnum.invmod(3, tn)
    m = pow(ciph, d, n)
    print "m:", m
    return m
Esempio n. 25
    def add(self, p1, p2):
        if p1 ==
            return p2

        if p2 ==
            return p1

        x1, y1 = p1
        x2, y2 = p2

        if x1 != x2:
            l = (y2 - y1) * invmod(x2 - x1, P)
            l = 2 * self.a * x1 + self.b

        x = ((l - self.b) * invmod(self.a, P) -[0]) % P
        y = ((x -[0]) * l +[1]) % P

        return (x, y)
def keygenerate():
    p = Crypto.Util.number.getPrime(bits,randfunc = Crypto.Random.get_random_bytes)
    q = Crypto.Util.number.getPrime(bits,randfunc= Crypto.Random.get_random_bytes)

    phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
    n = p*q

    e = 65537
    d = (libnum.invmod(e,phi))
    return (d,n)
Esempio n. 27
def decrypt(ciph, key):
    n = key[0] * key[1]
    tn = (key[0]-1)*(key[1]-1)
    print "key1:", key[0]
    print "key2:", key[1]
    print "tn:", tn
    d = libnum.invmod(3, tn)
    m = pow(ciph, d, n)
    print "m:", m
    return m
Esempio n. 28
def rsa_keygen():
    bits = 100
    p = getPrime(bits)
    q = getPrime(bits)

    n = p * q
    PHI = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    e = getPrime(bits)
    d = libnum.invmod(e, PHI)
    return ((e, n), (d, n))
Esempio n. 29
def get_keys():
    p = Crypto.Util.number.getPrime(bits, randfunc=get_random_bytes)
    q = Crypto.Util.number.getPrime(bits, randfunc=get_random_bytes)

    n = p * q
    PHI = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    e = 65537
    d = libnum.invmod(e, PHI)

    return d, e, n
Esempio n. 30
def calc(x,y,a):
    for i in range(len(y)):
        for j in range(len(y)):
            if i !=j:
        ans +=(tmp1*y[i]*invmod(tmp2,p))%p
    return ans%p
Esempio n. 31
 def sign(self, msg):
         e= Crypto.Util.number.getPrime(self.bit, randfunc=Crypto.Random.get_random_bytes)
         # e_1=(gmpy2.invert(e, p-1))
         e_inv=(libnum.invmod(e, self.p-1))
         #D=  bytes_to_long(msg.encode('utf-8')) // if you want direct signing
         D = int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha256(msg).digest(),byteorder='big' )
         Sign_r=pow(self.g, e, self.p)
         Sign_s=((D-self.x*Sign_r)*e_inv) % (self.p-1)
         print ("\nS_1= %s" % Sign_r)
         print ("S_2=%s" % Sign_s)
         return Sign_r, Sign_s
Esempio n. 32
def main():
    r = remote("", 12000)
    # r = process("")
    r.readuntil("token: ")
    token = "81755de89626aba8db7de4c93e658b68wBJekMIo"

    r.readuntil("n: ")
    n = r.readline().strip()
    n = int(n[2:-1], 16)

    r.readuntil("e: ")
    e = r.readline().strip()
    e = int(e[2:-1], 16)

    r.readuntil("is: ")
    enc_flag = r.readline().strip()
    enc_flag = int(enc_flag[2:-1], 16)

    print "We know:"
    print "n: ", hex(n)
    print "e: ", hex(e)
    print "flag: ", hex(enc_flag)

    print "=======Start Attack======"
    t = pi_b(e)
    print "get t = ", hex(t)
    phi_n = wiener_attack(t, n)
        u = invmod(t, phi_n)
        return False
    print "get u = ", hex(u)
    qq, pp = divide_pq(u * t, n)
    print "get p = ", hex(pp)
    print "get q = ", hex(qq)
    d = invmod(e, (qq - 1) * (pp - 1))
    print "get d = ", hex(d)
    flag = pow(enc_flag, d, n)
    print "get flag: ", long_to_bytes(flag)
Esempio n. 33
def main():
	r = remote("", 12000)
	# r = process("")
	r.readuntil("token: ")
	token = "81755de89626aba8db7de4c93e658b68wBJekMIo"

	r.readuntil("n: ")
	n = r.readline().strip()
	n = int(n[2:-1], 16)

	r.readuntil("e: ")
	e = r.readline().strip()
	e = int(e[2:-1], 16)

	r.readuntil("is: ")
	enc_flag = r.readline().strip()
	enc_flag = int(enc_flag[2:-1], 16)

	print "We know:"
	print "n: ", hex(n)
	print "e: ", hex(e)
	print "flag: ", hex(enc_flag)

	print "=======Start Attack======"
	t = pi_b(e)
	print "get t = ", hex(t)
	phi_n = wiener_attack(t, n)
		u = invmod(t, phi_n)
		return False
	print "get u = ", hex(u)
	qq, pp = divide_pq(u*t, n)
	print "get p = ", hex(pp)
	print "get q = ", hex(qq)
	d = invmod(e, (qq-1)*(pp-1))
	print "get d = ", hex(d)
	flag = pow(enc_flag, d, n)
	print "get flag: ", long_to_bytes(flag)
Esempio n. 34
def Broadcast_Attack(ciphertexts, public_exponent, modules):
    N = reduce(lambda res, x: res * x, modules, 1)
    result = 0
    for i in xrange(len(modules)):
        temp = list(modules[:])
        value = temp.pop(i)
        module = reduce(lambda res, x: res * x, temp, 1)
        opposite = (libnum.invmod(module, value))
        result += str_to_num(ciphertexts[i]) * (N / modules[i]) * opposite
    result = (result % N)
    result = result**sympy.Rational(1, public_exponent)
    return num_to_str(int(result))
Esempio n. 35
 def test_invmod(self):
     for modulus in range(2, 1000, 37):
         for a in range(2, modulus, 5):
             if libnum.has_invmod(a, modulus):
                 x = libnum.invmod(a, modulus)
                 self.assertEqual((a * x) % modulus, 1)
                 self.assertRaises(ValueError, libnum.invmod, a, modulus)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, libnum.invmod, 1, 1)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, libnum.invmod, 1, 0)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, libnum.invmod, 1, -100)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, libnum.invmod, "qwe", 10)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, libnum.invmod, 10, "qwe")
Esempio n. 36
 def point_add(self, P, Q):
     """ Return P + Q """
     if P == EllipticCurve.inf:
         return Q
     if Q == EllipticCurve.inf:
         return P
     if P.x == Q.x:
         if (P.y + Q.y) % self.p == 0:
             return EllipticCurve.inf
         return self.point_double(P)
     s = ((Q.y - P.y) * invmod(Q.x - P.x, self.p)) % self.p
     x = (s * s - P.x - Q.x) % self.p
     y = (s * (P.x - x) - P.y) % self.p
     return Point(x, y)
Esempio n. 37
def mainECC():
    global exefile
    exe = open(exefile, "rb")
    plaintext =
    global cryptofile
    f = open(cryptofile, "rb")
    ciphertext =

    gamma = map(get_gamma_symbol, ciphertext, plaintext)
    coordinate = int("0x" + "".join(gamma), 0x10)

    #init elliptic Curve

    global a, b, p, order, G
    curve = libnum.ecc.Curve(a, b, p, order=order, g=G)
    points = curve.check_x(coordinate)
    if not points:
        raise Exception("No points on a curve with such x-coordinate!")
    global F
    d = libnum.invmod(backdoor, order)
    F = curve.generate(backdoor)
    valid_seeds = []

    #here the key moment

    for point in points:
        value = curve.power(point, d)[0]
    print valid_seeds

    #here we must choose one of the seeds - 0 or 1
    #feel free to modify this value

    seed = valid_seeds[1]
    global outputfile
    exe = open(outputfile, "wb")
    exe.write(plaintext), 0)
    filesize = os.path.getsize(cryptofile)
    print filesize / 32

    for _ in xrange(filesize / 32):
        print("%d cycle" % _)
        seed = decryption(curve, seed, f, exe)
    if filesize % 32:
        decryption(curve, seed, f, exe, True)
Esempio n. 38
 def point_add(self, P, Q):
     """ Return P + Q """
     if P == EllipticCurve.inf:
         return Q
     if Q == EllipticCurve.inf:
         return P
     if P.x == Q.x:
         if (P.y + Q.y) % self.p == 0:
             return EllipticCurve.inf
         return self.point_double(P)
     s = ((Q.y - P.y) * invmod(Q.x - P.x, self.p)) % self.p
     x = (s * s - P.x - Q.x) % self.p
     y = (s * (P.x - x) - P.y) % self.p
     return Point(x, y)
Esempio n. 39
def main():
	usage = """
01010111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101  
01110100 01101111 00110010 00110000 00110001 00110110 
01001000 01000011 01010100 01000110 01010010 01010011 01000001 
01000100 01100101 01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101 
01010011 01111001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01101101 
	print usage
	print "This is a RSA Decryption System"
	print "Please enter Your team token: "
		token = raw_input()
		flag = get_flag(token)
		assert len(flag) == 38
		print "Token error!"

	spub, spriv = get_pkey()
	# Generation p, q
	p, q = GetPrimes(spub, spriv)
	n = p * q
	phi_n = (p-1)*(q-1)
	d = invmod(e, phi_n)
	while True:
		e2 = random.randint(0x1000, 0x10000)
		if gcd(e2, phi_n) == 1:

	print "In this Game, Your public key:"
	print "n: ", hex(n)
	print "e: ", hex(e)
	print "e2: ", hex(e2)
	flag = bytes_to_long(flag)
	enc_flag = pow(flag, e2, n)
	print "Your flag is: ", hex(enc_flag)
	print "============Start Games============"
	print "Please enter your cipher: "
	while True:
		s = raw_input()
			c = int(s)
		m = pow(c, d, n)
		print "Your Plaintext is: ", hex(m)
Esempio n. 40
def main():
    usage = """
01010111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101  
01110100 01101111 00110010 00110000 00110001 00110110 
01001000 01000011 01010100 01000110 01010010 01010011 01000001 
01000100 01100101 01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101 
01010011 01111001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01101101 
    print usage
    print "This is a RSA Decryption System"
    print "Please enter Your team token: "
        token = raw_input()
        flag = get_flag(token)
        assert len(flag) == 38
        print "Token error!"

    spub, spriv = get_pkey()
    # Generation p, q
    p, q = GetPrimes(spub, spriv)
    n = p * q
    phi_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    d = invmod(e, phi_n)
    while True:
        e2 = random.randint(0x1000, 0x10000)
        if gcd(e2, phi_n) == 1:

    print "In this Game, Your public key:"
    print "n: ", hex(n)
    print "e: ", hex(e)
    print "e2: ", hex(e2)
    flag = bytes_to_long(flag)
    enc_flag = pow(flag, e2, n)
    print "Your flag is: ", hex(enc_flag)
    print "============Start Games============"
    print "Please enter your cipher: "
    while True:
        s = raw_input()
            c = int(s)
        m = pow(c, d, n)
        print "Your Plaintext is: ", hex(m)
Esempio n. 41
def partial_q(e,dp,dq,qi,part_q):
    # Tunable to search longer
    N = 100000  

    for j in range(N,1,-1):  
        q = (e * dq -1)/j +1
        if str(hex(q)).strip('L').endswith(part_q):

    for k in range(1,N,1):  
        p = (e * dp -1)/k +1
            m = libnum.invmod(q, p)
            if m == qi:
    print "p = " + str(p)
    print "q = " + str(q)
Esempio n. 42

import base64
import libnum

n1 = 123948613128507245097711825164030080528129311429181946930789480629270692835124562568997437300916285601268900901495788327838386854611883075845387070635813324417496512348003686061832004434518190158084956517800098929984855603216625922341285873495112316366384741709770903928077127611563285935366595098601100940173

n2 = 122890614849300155056519159433849880305439158904289542874766496514523043027349829509818565800562562195671251134947871996792136355514373160369135263766229423623131725044925870918859304353484491601318921285331340604341809979578202817714205469839224620893418109679223753141128229197377934231853172927071087589849

e = 65537

q = libnum.gcd(n1,n2) # calculate gcd to discover a prime factor in common
p = n1 / q
phi = (p-1) * (q - 1)
c = libnum.s2n(base64.b64decode(open('ciphertext.txt','r').read()))
d = libnum.invmod(e,phi)
m = pow(c,d,n1)
print "[+] Flag: " + libnum.n2s(m)
Esempio n. 43
def phiN(e, d, k):
    return ((e * d) - 1) / k

def wiener_attack(e, n):
    pq = partial_quotiens(e, n)
    c = convergents(pq)
    x = Symbol('x')
    print 'done'
    for (k, d) in c:
        if d != 196176397553781094149364022413702698618416570027142099596910222792686220199799634430113040703408219640551905602804050764120518037301734891772260502596755642106767631991390703026953707346708504142195119698789998222566587930259938572562702895638995035040020739921966671123993267592460124879940448923:
        if k != 0:
            y = n - phiN(e, d, k) + 1
            roots = solve(x**2 - y*x + n, x)
            if len(roots) == 2:
                p = roots[0]
                q = roots[1]
                if p * q == n:
    return p, q

bt = 536380958350616057242691418634880594502192106332317228051967064327642091297687630174183636288378234177476435270519631690543765125295554448698898712393467267006465045949611180821007306678935181142803069337672948471202242891010188677287454504933695082327796243976863378333980923047411230913909715527759877351702062345876337256220760223926254773346698839492268265110546383782370744599490250832085044856878026833181982756791595730336514399767134613980006467147592898197961789187070786602534602178082726728869941829230655559180178594489856595304902790182697751195581218334712892008282605180395912026326384913562290014629187579128041030500771670510157597682826798117937852656884106597180126028398398087318119586692935386069677459788971114075941533740462978961436933215446347246886948166247617422293043364968298176007659058279518552847235689217185712791081965260495815179909242072310545078116020998113413517429654328367707069941427368374644442366092232916196726067387582032505389946398237261580350780769275427857010543262176468343294217258086275244086292475394366278211528621216522312552812343261375050388129743012932727654986046774759567950981007877856194574274373776538888953502272879816420369255752871177234736347325263320696917012616273L

e = 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

n = 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

t = libnum.invmod(e, bt)

print wiener_attack(t, n)
Esempio n. 44
File: Progetto: benwaffle/ctf
import libnum, string

n = 0x219cc6aa0ec13d041c4971
m = 0xac470f7350ea67d7a0696

p = 1398023584459
q = 29065965967667
tot = (p-1)*(q-1)

for e in libnum.primes(10000000):
	if tot % e != 0:
		d = libnum.invmod(e,tot)
		s = libnum.n2s(pow(m,d,n))
		noprint = False
		for c in s:
			if c not in string.printable:
				noprint = True
		if not noprint:
			print s
Esempio n. 45
def main():
	usage = """
 **       **          **                                **********         
/**      /**         /**                               /////**///          
/**   *  /**  *****  /**  *****   ******  **********       /**      ****** 
/**  *** /** **///** /** **///** **////**//**//**//**      /**     **////**
/** **/**/**/******* /**/**  // /**   /** /** /** /**      /**    /**   /**
/**** //****/**////  /**/**   **/**   /** /** /** /**      /**    /**   /**
/**/   ///**//****** ***//***** //******  *** /** /**      /**    //****** 
//       //  ////// ///  /////   //////  ///  //  //       //      //////  

 **      **   ******  ********** ********   *******    ********     **    
/**     /**  **////**/////**/// /**/////   /**////**  **//////     ****   
/**     /** **    //     /**    /**        /**   /** /**          **//**  
/**********/**           /**    /*******   /*******  /*********  **  //** 
/**//////**/**           /**    /**////    /**///**  ////////** **********
/**     /**//**    **    /**    /**        /**  //**        /**/**//////**
/**     /** //******     /**    /**        /**   //** ******** /**     /**
//      //   //////      //     //         //     // ////////  //      // 

 **      //   ******   **********   ***** 
/**          //////** //**//**//** **///**
/**    *****  *******  /** /** /**/*******
//**  ////** **////**  /** /** /**/**//// 
 //******** //******** *** /** /**//******
  ////////   //////// ///  //  //  ////// 
	print usage
	print "This is a RSA Decryption System"
	print "Please enter Your team token: "
		token = raw_input()
		flag = get_flag(token)
		assert len(flag) == 38
		print "Token error!"

	p, q, e = gen_key()
	n = p * q
	phi_n = (p-1)*(q-1)
	d = invmod(e, phi_n)
	while True:
		e2 = random.randint(0x1000, 0x10000)
		if gcd(e2, phi_n) == 1:
	print "n: ", hex(n)
	print "e: ", hex(e)
	print "e2: ", hex(e2)
	flag = bytes_to_long(flag)
	enc_flag = pow(flag, e2, n)
	print "Your flag is: ", hex(enc_flag)
	print "============Start Games============"
	print "Please enter your cipher: "
	while True:
			s = raw_input()
			c = int(s)
		m = pow(c, d, n)
		print "Your Plaintext is: ", hex(m)
Esempio n. 46
def pi_b(x):
	bt = 536380958350616057242691418634880594502192106332317228051967064327642091297687630174183636288378234177476435270519631690543765125295554448698898712393467267006465045949611180821007306678935181142803069337672948471202242891010188677287454504933695082327796243976863378333980923047411230913909715527759877351702062345876337256220760223926254773346698839492268265110546383782370744599490250832085044856878026833181982756791595730336514399767134613980006467147592898197961789187070786602534602178082726728869941829230655559180178594489856595304902790182697751195581218334712892008282605180395912026326384913562290014629187579128041030500771670510157597682826798117937852656884106597180126028398398087318119586692935386069677459788971114075941533740462978961436933215446347246886948166247617422293043364968298176007659058279518552847235689217185712791081965260495815179909242072310545078116020998113413517429654328367707069941427368374644442366092232916196726067387582032505389946398237261580350780769275427857010543262176468343294217258086275244086292475394366278211528621216522312552812343261375050388129743012932727654986046774759567950981007877856194574274373776538888953502272879816420369255752871177234736347325263320696917012616273L
	return invmod(x, bt)
Esempio n. 47
print "[*] Solving layer 1: Weak key factored with ECM method"
# layer 1 public key
n = 94738740796943840961823530695778701408987757287583492665919730017973847138345511139064596113422435977583856843887008168202003855906708039013487349390571801141407245039011598810542232029634564848797998534872251549660454277336502838185642937637576121533945369150901808833844341421315429263207612372324026271327
e = 65537

# layer 1 factored with ECC method
p = 9733382803370256893136109840971590971460094779242334919432347801491641617443615856221168611138933576118196795282443503609663168324106758595642231987245583
q = 9733382803370256893136109840971590971460094779242334919432347801491641617443615856221168611138933576118196795282443503609663168324106758595642231987246769 

# valid p and q right!?
assert(n % p == 0)
assert(n % q == 0)

c = libnum.s2n(open('almost_almost_almost_almost_there.encrypted','rb').read())
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = libnum.invmod(e, phi)
m = pow(c,d,n)
zippassword = libnum.n2s(m)

################### LAYER 2 ######################
print "[*] Solving layer 2: Common factors!"
# unzip layer2
unzip = subprocess.check_output(['unzip','-o','-P',zippassword,''])

# get next modulus
l2n = int(subprocess.check_output(['openssl', 'rsa', '-noout', '-modulus', '-pubin', '-in', '']).split('=')[1],16)

# load ciphertext
l2c = libnum.s2n(open('almost_almost_almost_there.encrypted','rb').read())

# layer 2 modulus has common factor with layer 1
Esempio n. 48
def solve_linear(a, b, mod):
    if a & 1 == 0 or b & 1 == 0:
        return None
    return (b * invmod(a, mod)) & (mod - 1)  # hack for mod = power of 2