def do_deactivate(self): if self.timeout_update_id != 0: GObject.source_remove(self.timeout_update_id) self.timeout_update_id = 0 del self.update_placeholders[:] del self.jump_placeholders[:] # Always release the reference to the global snippets Library().unref(None) self.active_placeholder = None self.disconnect_signals(self.view) self.disconnect_signals(self.view.get_buffer()) # Remove all active snippets for snippet in list(self.active_snippets): self.deactivate_snippet(snippet, True) completion = self.view.get_completion() if completion: completion.remove_provider(self.provider) completion.remove_provider(self.defaults_provider) if self.language_id != 0: Library().unref(self.language_id) SharedData().unregister_controller(self.view, self)
def creat_lib(self): lib_name = input("请输入新建的图书馆的名字:").strip() flag = None while True: if lib_name in self.lib_set: print(lib_name + "已存在!") print("是否打开" + lib_name + ":\n# yes:打开\n# no:返回\n# 其他:退出系统") flag = input(">>>").strip() if flag == "yes": break elif flag == "no": break else: self.exit() else: break if flag == "yes": self.lib = Library(lib_name) print("成功打开" + lib_name + "!") while True: self.print_options() self.lib_operation() elif flag == "no": else: lib_location = input("请输入" + lib_name + "的地址:").strip() default_return_book_position = input("请输入" + lib_name + "的默认还书地点:").strip() max_borrow_time_limit = int( input("请输入" + lib_name + "的书籍最大借阅期限(天):").strip()) self.lib = Library(lib_name, lib_location, default_return_book_position, max_borrow_time_limit) self.lib_set.add(lib_name) print("成功创建" + lib_name + "!")
def testLibrary(): lib = Library() b1 = Book("Live by Night", "Dennis Lehane") b2 = Book("A Time of Gifts", "Patrick Leigh Fermor") b3 = Book("Barchester Towers", "Anthony Trollope") for b in (b1, b2, b3): lib.addBook(b) p1 = Patron("Ken") p2 = Patron("Joshua") p3 = Patron("Sara") for p in (p1, p2, p3): lib.addPatron(p) print("\nThe first library:") print(lib)"books.dat", "patrons.dat") secondLib = Library("books.dat", "patrons.dat") print("\nThe second library (a copy):") print(secondLib) print("Expect Ken, 0 kooks out:", lib.getPatron("Ken")) print("Expect None:", lib.getPatron("Carolyn")) print("Expect Live by Night:", lib.getBook("Live by Night").getTitle()) print("Expect None:", lib.getBook("Mystic River")) print("Expect None:", lib.removeBook("Live by Night")) print("\nLibrary:") print(lib) print("Expect Book's title is not in the library:", lib.removeBook("Mystic River")) print("Expect None:", lib.removePatron("Ken")) print("\nLibrary:") print(lib) print("Expect Patron's name is not in the library:", lib.removePatron("Ken"))
def test_parse_hash_code_file(): sample_books = [ Book(0, 1), Book(1, 2), Book(2, 3), Book(3, 6), Book(4, 5), Book(5, 4) ] sample_libraries = [ Library(0, 5, 2, 2, [Book(0, 1), Book(1, 2), Book(2, 3), Book(3, 6), Book(4, 5)]), Library(1, 4, 3, 1, [Book(5, 4), Book(2, 3), Book(3, 6), Book(0, 1)]) ] parser = ScenarioParser("a_example") d, books, libraries = parser.parse_hash_code_file() assert d == 7 assert [a == b for a, b in zip(books, sample_books)] assert [a == b for a, b in zip(libraries, sample_libraries)]
def read_file(self): with open(self.file_name, "r") as f: data = f.readlines() self.book_count, self.lib_count, self.no_days = list( map(int, data[0].strip().split()) ) self.book_scores = list(map(int, data[1].strip().split())) if self.init_sort: for line in range(2, len(data), 2): if not data[line].strip(): break lib_info = list(map(int, data[line].strip().split())) books = sorted( list(map(int, data[line + 1].strip().split())), key=lambda x: self.book_scores[x], reverse=True, ) self.libraries.append(Library(*lib_info, books)) else: for line in range(2, len(data), 2): if not data[line].strip(): break lib_info = list(map(int, data[line].strip().split())) books = list(map(int, data[line + 1].strip().split())) self.libraries.append(Library(*lib_info, books))
def add_books_from_lt(filename, json_filename): lib = Library(filename, True) libthing_lib = Library(json_filename) for book in libthing_lib.all_books: if book not in lib.all_books: print(book) lib.all_books.append(book) lib.save_to_file(filename)
def update_isbns_from_lt(filename, json_filename, write_file=''): if write_file == '': write_file = filename lib = Library(filename, True) libthing_lib = Library(json_filename) for lib_book in libthing_lib.all_books: for book in lib.all_books: if lib_book == book: book.isbn = lib_book.isbn lib.save_to_file(write_file)
def get_proposals(self, word): if self.proposals: proposals = self.proposals else: proposals = Library().get_snippets(None) if self.language_id: proposals += Library().get_snippets(self.language_id) # Filter based on the current word if word: proposals = filter(lambda x: x['tag'].startswith(word), proposals) return map(lambda x: Proposal(x), proposals)
def update_blank_libthing_ids(filename, json_filename, write_file=''): if write_file == '': write_file = filename lib = Library(filename, True) libthing_lib = Library(json_filename) for book in lib.all_books: if not book.libthing_num: for other_book in libthing_lib.all_books: if other_book.title == book.title: book.libthing_num = other_book.libthing_num lib.save_to_file(write_file)
def update_libthing_ids_and_editors(filename, json_filename, write_file=''): if write_file == '': write_file = filename lib = Library(filename, True) libthing_lib = Library(json_filename) for book in libthing_lib.all_books: for other_book in lib.all_books: if other_book.title == book.title and other_book.isbn == book.isbn and other_book == book: other_book.libthing_num = book.libthing_num other_book.editor = book.editor lib.save_to_file(write_file)
def mainLoop(self): logging.debug("Monitor: started main loop.") self.session = self.library = Library( observer = Observer() self.eventHandler = MonitorEventHandler(self) for path in self.paths: logging.debug(path) if os.path.exists(path): observer.schedule(self.eventHandler, path, recursive=True) observer.start() while True: try: (msg, args) = self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=1) except: msg = None #dispatch messages if msg == "scan": self.dofullScan(self.paths) if msg == "events": self.doEventProcessing(args) #time.sleep(1) if self.quit: break self.session.close() self.session = None observer.stop() logging.debug("Monitor: stopped main loop.")
def lend_book_bid(bid: str, person: str, return_date: str) -> None: """ Lends a book using its unique identifier (bid) \b :param bid: Book identifier :param person: Person to lend the book :param return_date: Return date in YYYYMMDD format """ try: return_date = datetime.strptime(return_date, '%Y%m%d') except ValueError: print('Error: Invalid date string. Use YYYYMMDD format.') exit() with Library(get_workinglib()) as library: try: book = library.books[bid] except KeyError: print('Book not found!') exit() try: library.lend_book(book, return_date, person) print( f'{book} has been lent to {person.title()} until {return_date.strftime("%A %B %d %Y")}' ) except KeyError: print('Error: Book already lent')
def lend_book_name(book_name: str, person: str, return_date: str) -> None: """ Lends the fist book that matches given name to a person until a set date \b :param book_name: Book name to search :param person: Name of the person to lend the book :param return_date: Return date in YYYYMMDD format """ try: return_date = datetime.strptime(return_date, '%Y%m%d') except ValueError: print('Error: Invalid date string. Use YYYYMMDD format.') exit() with Library(get_workinglib()) as library: book_name_search = library.search_title(book_name) if len(book_name_search) == 0: print('Book name not found!') exit() book = book_name_search[0] try: library.lend_book(book, return_date, person) print( f'{book} has been lent to {person.title()} until {return_date.strftime("%A %B %d %Y")}' ) except KeyError: print('Error: Book already lent')
def get_baseline_histograms(self, params): ''' obtain all baseline histograms for all data types :param params (dict): values of floating parameters for weight calculations :return lib (`Library`): a library instance with weighters set :retrun bhistos (dict) : baseline histograms from all members ''' ### set up a library to handle baseline members lib = Library(self.members, self.ppath, edges=self.edges, verbose=self.verbose) ### set up weighters for baseline members lib.set_weighters(params, matter=self.matter, oscnc=self.oscnc) ### store oscillation probability maps self.probmaps = lib.probmaps ### collect baseline histograms bhistos = lib.collect_base_histograms(params) self._print_rates('baseline', bhistos, nyears=params['nyears']) return lib, bhistos
def handle_login(self): self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='******', password='******', db='library') self.cur = self.db.cursor() username = self.lineEdit_username.text() password = self.lineEdit_password.text() sql = ''' SELECT * FROM users''' self.cur.execute(sql) data = self.cur.fetchall() for row in data: if username == row[1] and password == row[3]: print('user match') self.hide() window2 = Library() window2.exec_() else: self.lineEdit_username.setText('') self.lineEdit_password.setText('') QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Incorrect', 'Please fill all fields correctly', QMessageBox.Ok) self.lineEdit_username.setFocus()
def setUp(self): self.library = Library() self.person = Person("Denys", "Kuznetsov") = Person('Albert', "Camus") self.author_2 = Person('Jean-Paul', 'Sartre') = Book("The Fall",, '/path') self.book_2 = Book('The Wall', self.author_2, '/path_2')
def main(): lib = Library() user1 = Reader("Djinn", "Co", 25) user2 = Reader("Artem", "KFC", 48) user3 = Reader("Suga", "Rogue", 35) book1 = Book("Ubik", "Philip k. Dick", 1969) book2 = Book("The Last Wish", "Andrzej Sapkowski", 2007) book3 = Book("It", "Stephen King", 1986) print(' ') lib.add_book_to_lib(book1) lib.add_book_to_lib(book2) lib.add_book_to_lib(book3) print(' ') lib.add_user_to_readerslist(user1) lib.add_user_to_readerslist(user2) lib.add_user_to_readerslist(user3) print(' ') time.sleep(3) lib.give_book_to_user(user1, book1) lib.give_book_to_user(user3, book1) time.sleep(3) print(' ') lib.show_books(available=True) print(' ') lib.show_books(available=False) print(' ') lib.sort_books('year')
def test_duplicate_books(self): testlib = Library() testlib.add_book(576.82, 'A New History of Life') testlib.add_book(576.82, 'A New History of Life') assert len(testlib.shelves[5].books) == 2 testlib.remove_book(576.82) assert len(testlib.shelves[5].books) == 1
def load_library(self): if self.lib.changed: confirm = mb.askyesnocancel("Загрузка", "Сохранить текущую библиотеку?") if confirm: self.save_library() elif confirm is None: return file_name = fd.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Library files", "*.lbf"), )) if not file_name: return False try: with open(file_name, encoding='utf-8') as f: data = except: mb.showerror("Ошибка", "Ошибка открытия или чтения файла") return False new_lib = Library() if not new_lib.set_data(data): del new_lib mb.showerror("Ошибка", "В файле неизвестные данные") return False prev_lib = self.lib self.lib = new_lib self.lib.file = file_name self.view_records() root.title(self.lib.file.split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1]) del prev_lib return True
def get_baseline_histograms(self, params): ''' obtain all baseline histograms for all data types :type params: dictionary :param params: values of floating parameters :return lib: Library instance lib: a library instance with weighters set :retrun bhistos: a dictionary bhistos: baseline histograms from all members ''' ### set up a library to handle baseline members lib = Library(self.members, self.ppath, ranges=self.get_ranges(), edges=self.edges, verbose=self.verbose) ### set up weighters for baseline members lib.set_weighters(params, matter=self.matter, oscnc=self.oscnc) ### store and print results bhistos = lib.collect_base_histograms(params) self.probmaps = lib.probmaps self._print_rates('baseline', bhistos, nyears=params['nyears']) return lib, bhistos
def __init__(self, filename): print('file--', filename) f = open(filename) l = f.readline().split(' ') self.filename = filename self.nBooks, self.nLibs, self.nDays = int(l[0]), int(l[1]), int(l[2]) self.books = [ Book(i, int(score)) for i, score in enumerate(f.readline().split(' ')) ] sumb = 0 for b in self.books: sumb += b.score print(sumb / 1000000) self.book2Score = { int(book.score) for book in self.books} self.libs = [] for libId in range(self.nLibs): l = [int(i) for i in f.readline().split(' ')] nBooks, nSign, nScan = l[0], l[1], l[2] books = [ Book(int(i), int(self.book2Score[int(i)])) for i in f.readline().split(' ') ] lib = Library(libId, nBooks, nSign, nScan, books) self.libs.append(lib) self.pri()
def reading_file(name, books, libraries): #print("Reading file") mon_fichier = open(name, "r") content = mon_fichier.readlines() nb_books = content[0].split(" ")[0] nb_libraries = content[0].split(" ")[1] nb_days_scanning = content[0].split(" ")[2] for idx, livre in enumerate(content[1].split(" ")): new_book = Book(idx, int(livre)) books.append(new_book) for idx, library in enumerate(content[2:]): if len(library) > 2: #print(idx, library) if idx % 2 == 0: new_library = Library(int(idx / 2), [], int(library.split(" ")[1]), int(library.split(" ")[2])) libraries.append(new_library) else: libraries[-1].books = [] temp_list_livres = library.split(" ") for num in temp_list_livres: num = int(num) libraries[-1].books.append(books[num]) #time.sleep(0.01) mon_fichier.close() return int(nb_days_scanning)
def run_snippet_trigger(self, trigger, bounds): if not self.view: return False if not self.view.get_editable(): return False buf = self.view.get_buffer() if buf.get_has_selection(): return False snippets = Library().from_tag(trigger, self.language_id) if snippets: if len(snippets) == 1: return self.apply_snippet(snippets[0], bounds[0], bounds[1]) else: # Do the fancy completion dialog self.provider.set_proposals(snippets) cm = self.view.get_completion()[self.provider], cm.create_context()) return True return False
def test_request_book_not_present(self): """Tests scenario where requested book is not in Library""" books = ["book1", "book2", "book3", "book4"] library_obj = Library(books) user = User("Satish Hiremath") self.assertRaises(BookNotPresentInLibrary, user.request_book, "book6", library_obj)
def actualSetBlacklist(self, comic_id, pagenum): if comic_id is not None: library = Library( if pagenum == 'clear': library.comicBlacklist(comic_id) else: library.comicBlacklist(comic_id, pagenum)
def read_input_file(filename: str) -> File: """Reads the data of input problem returns: D: number of days, LIBS: list of Library objects, BOOKS: list of Book objects, """ lines = list( map(lambda x: [int(y) for y in x.strip().split()], open(filename).readlines())) book_count, libs_count, days = lines[0] books = [] for idx, score in enumerate(lines[1]): books.append(Book(idx, score)) assert len(books) == len(lines[1]) libraries = [] for i in range(2, len(lines), 2): if len(lines[i]) == 0: continue num_books, signup_delay, books_per_day = lines[i] lib_books = list(map(lambda x: books[x], lines[i + 1])) assert len(lib_books) == num_books, f"Incorrect parsing of {line[i]}" libraries.append( Library((i - 2) // 2, signup_delay, lib_books, books_per_day)) return File(books, libraries, days)
def main(): """ Creates a library with dummy data and prompts the user for input. """ book_list = generate_test_books() my_epic_library = Library(book_list) my_epic_library.display_library_menu()
def init_rooms(self, frame): study = Study(frame) study.grid(row=0, column=0) hall = Hall(frame) hall.grid(row=0, column=9) lounge = Lounge(frame) lounge.grid(row=0, column=17) library = Library(frame) library.grid(row=6, column=0) stairs = Stairs(frame) stairs.grid(row=8, column=9) dining_room = DiningRoom(frame) dining_room.grid(row=9, column=16) billiard_room = BilliardRoom(frame) billiard_room.grid(row=12, column=0) conservatory = Conservatory(frame) conservatory.grid(row=19, column=0) ball_room = BallRoom(frame) ball_room.grid(row=17, column=8) kitchen = Kitchen(frame) kitchen.grid(row=18, column=18)
def ep_render_template(library, store, template, output=None): """Render a template using the given store from the gien library. If output is not provided, the path identified in the template will be used as the output target. Arguments: library: A open file pointer to the library. store: The name of the keystore. template: A open file pointer to the template to render. output: A optional open file pointer to write the rendered template to. """ logging.debug("Loading library: {}".format( lib = Library(fp=library) logging.debug("Loading keystore: {}".format(store)) ks = lib.get_keystore(store) logging.debug("Loading template: {}".format( tmpl = TemplateProcessor(template) if output:"Rendering template with override: {} => {}".format(, output)) tmpl.render_fp(ks, output) else:"Rendering template: {} => {}".format(, tmpl.target_path)) tmpl.render_file(ks)
def on_drag_data_received(self, view, context, x, y, data, info, timestamp): if not self.view.get_editable(): return uris = drop_get_uris(data) if not uris: return if not self.in_bounds(x, y): return uris.reverse() stop = False for uri in uris: try: mime = Gio.content_type_guess(uri) except: mime = None if not mime: continue snippets = Library().from_drop_target(mime, self.language_id) if snippets: stop = True self.apply_uri_snippet(snippets[0], mime, uri) if stop: context.finish(True, False, timestamp) view.stop_emission('drag-data-received') view.get_toplevel().present() view.grab_focus()