class Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): print "Inside setUp ..." self.sa_helper = SaHelper(config.testing.db.url) self.sa_helper.create_all() def tearDown(self): print "Inside tearDown ..." self.sa_helper.drop_all() self.sa_helper.session.remove() def testDbSchemaExists(self): #TODO: to check if query was executed without errors result = self.sa_helper.session.execute("select * from book") self.assertEqual(result.fetchone(), None) def testOrmWorks(self): author_name = "Martin Fowler" author_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) #TODO: to check if result is ok result = self.sa_helper.session.execute( "insert into author (id, name) values (:id, :name)", {"id": author_id, "name": author_name} ) author = self.sa_helper.session.query(Author).all()[0] self.assertEqual(, author_name) print def testIfManyToManyRelationWorks(self): #dictionary of {book: [authors]} data = { "Refactoring" : ["Martin Fowler", "Kent Beck"], "Planning XP" : ["Martin Fowler", "Kent Beck"] } #TODO: to make code below more readable #{book_name: book_id} processed_books = {} #{author_name: author_id} processed_authors = {} for book, authors in data.iteritems(): if book in processed_books.keys(): book_id = processed_books[book] else: #generates unique id for current book book_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) #inserts data into book table self.sa_helper.session.execute( "insert into book (id, name) values (:id, :name)", {"id" : book_id, "name": book} ) processed_books[book] = book_id for author in authors: if author in processed_authors.keys(): author_id = processed_authors[author] else: #generates unique id for current author author_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) #inserts data into author table self.sa_helper.session.execute( "insert into author (id, name) values (:id, :name)", {"id" : author_id, "name" : author} ) processed_authors[author] = author_id #inserts corresponding relation into author_book_rel self.sa_helper.session.execute( "insert into author_book_rel (author_id, book_id) " "values (:author_id, :book_id)", {"author_id" : author_id, "book_id": book_id} ) books = self.sa_helper.session.query(Book).all() for book in books: print book self.assertTrue(len(book.authors) > 1) authors = self.sa_helper.session.query(Author).all() for author in authors: print author self.assertTrue(len(author.books) > 1)
def setUp(self): print "Inside setUp ..." self.sa_helper = SaHelper(config.testing.db.url) self.sa_helper.create_all()
class Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): print "Inside setUp ..." self.sa_helper = SaHelper(config.testing.db.url) self.sa_helper.create_all() self.facade = LibraryManager(self.sa_helper.session) def tearDown(self): print "Inside tearDown ..." self.sa_helper.drop_all() self.sa_helper.session.remove() def testAuthorCreation(self): author_name = "Martin Fowler" #creates author record in db using LibraryManager api author_dto = AuthorDto(name = author_name) self.facade.create_author(author_dto) #checks if record was created res = self.sa_helper.session.query(Author)\ .filter( == author_name).count() self.assertEqual(res, 1) def testBookCreation(self): book_name = "Refactoring" #creates book record in db using LibraryManager api book_dto = BookDto(name = book_name) self.facade.create_book(book_dto) #checks if record was created res = self.sa_helper.session.query(Book)\ .filter( == book_name).count() self.assertEqual(res, 1) def testAuthorDeletion(self): author_name = "Martin Fowler" #creates author record author = Author() = author_name self.sa_helper.session.add(author) self.sa_helper.session.flush() #checks if record was created res = self.sa_helper.session.query(Author)\ .filter( == author_name).count() self.assertEqual(res, 1) #deletes this record using LibraryManager api author_dto = AuthorDto(name = author_name) self.facade.delete_author(author_dto) #checks if author was deleted res = self.sa_helper.session.query(Author)\ .filter( == author_name).count() self.assertEqual(res, 0) def testBookDeletion(self): book_name = "Refactoring" #creates book record book = Book() = book_name self.sa_helper.session.add(book) self.sa_helper.session.flush() #checks if record was created res = self.sa_helper.session.query(Book)\ .filter( == book_name).count() self.assertEqual(res, 1) #deletes this record using LibraryManager api book_dto = BookDto(name = book_name) self.facade.delete_book(book_dto) #checks if book was deleted res = self.sa_helper.session.query(Book)\ .filter( == book_name).count() self.assertEqual(res, 0)
def setUp(self): print "Inside setUp ..." self.sa_helper = SaHelper(config.testing.db.url) self.sa_helper.create_all() self.facade = LibraryManager(self.sa_helper.session)
import sys sys.path.append(lup) from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for from flask.templating import render_template from library_app.src.code.dto import AuthorDto, BookDto, AuthorRef from library_app.src.code.facade import LibraryManager from library_app.src.code.sahelper import SaHelper from library_app.etc import config from library_app.src.code.validate import AuthorForm, BookForm import jsonpickle app = Flask(__name__) helper = SaHelper(config.profile.db.url) helper.create_all() facade = LibraryManager(helper.session) @app.route("/") def welcome(): return render_template("index.html") @app.route("/books/validate", methods=["POST"]) def validate_book(): form = BookForm(name = request.form["name"]) if form.validate(): return jsonpickle.encode(form.errors) return jsonpickle.encode(form.errors)