def __init__(self): self.library = Library('Lib01') self.choice = { '1': self.show_all_books, '2': self.add_book, '3': self.search_by_attribute, '4': self.hand_out_book, '5': self.return_book, '6': self.add_user, '7': self.remove_user, 'q': self.quit, }
def setUp(self): self.library = Library('Lib_Test', ':memory:')
class Menu: def __init__(self): self.library = Library('Lib01') self.choice = { '1': self.show_all_books, '2': self.add_book, '3': self.search_by_attribute, '4': self.hand_out_book, '5': self.return_book, '6': self.add_user, '7': self.remove_user, 'q': self.quit, } def display_menu(self): print('\n1 - Show books.\n2 - Add book.\n' + '3 - Search book by attribute \n4 - Hand out a book\n' '5 - Return a book \n6 - Add user\n' '7 - Delete user \nq - Quit') def run(self): while True: self.display_menu() choice = str(input('What is your choice? ')) if choice in self.choice.keys(): action = self.choice.get(choice) action() else: print('Can`t find such choice.') def print_list_of_books(self, list_of_books): if not list_of_books: print('- list is empty') else: print('Result(s):') for book in list_of_books: print (('Book Title: {0}\n Book author: {1}\n' + 'Book Id: {2}\n Publishing year: {3}\n').format(book.title,, book.book_id, book.year_of_publishing) + '-'*20) def show_all_books(self): print('\nList of all books in the library:') self.print_list_of_books(self.library.list_all_books()) def add_book(self): title = input('Title: ') author = input('Author: ') book_code = input('Book code: ') group_code = input('Group code: ') year = input('Year of publishing: ') self.library.add_book(title, author, book_code, group_code, year) def search_by_attribute(self): print ('Available attributes to search: ' + 'title, author, rang, year') attribute = input('Attribute name: ') attr_value = input('Attribute value: ') suitable_books = self.library.find_books(attribute, attr_value) if suitable_books == 'Err': print('Search parameter is incorrect!') else: print('') self.print_list_of_books(suitable_books) def add_user(self): name = input('Name: ') passport_id = input('Passport ID: ') address = input('Address: ') phone = input('Phone number: ') self.library.add_user(name, passport_id, address, phone) def remove_user(self): user_id = input('User id: ') try: remove_result = self.library.remove_user(user_id) if remove_result: print('User with ID ' + user_id + ' was successfully removed') else: print('Can`t remove such ID.') except Exception as e: print('Error was detected: ' + str(Exception) + ' info: ' + str(e)) def hand_out_book(self): book_id = input('Book ID (for rent a book): ') user_id = input('User ID (renting a book): ') print(self.library.hand_out_book(book_id, user_id)) def return_book(self): book_id = input('Book ID (returned book): ') user_id = input('User ID (user who returns book): ') result = self.library.return_book(book_id, user_id) if result == 0: print('Book with ID: {0} was successfully returned by user with ID: {1}) . '.format(book_id, user_id)) elif result == 1: print('Can`t find user with ID {0}'.format(user_id)) elif result == 2: print('User with ID {0} did not lend out the book with ID {1}'.format(user_id, book_id)) else: print ('Error: unknown return of function') def quit(self): print('Library closed.') sys.exit(0)
class LibLabriryTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.library = Library('Lib_Test', ':memory:') def test_add_user__list_all_users__remove_user(self): self.library.add_user("Alex Test", 'RG_123123', 'Moscow, Lenin Prospect 232 - flat 17', '+755555-4444') self.library.add_user('Mickle O`Conner II', '12FE2322F', 'UK, London Soho Green St. 12', '+3888-2423-2432') self.library.add_user('I. A. Ivanov-Petrov', 'WE1231234', 'Moscow Pererva St. 12 - flat 288', '+7(915)555-22-33') users = self.library.list_all_users() self.assertEqual(3, len(users)) pasports_id = [] list_of_id = [] for user in users: pasports_id.append(user.passport_id) list_of_id.append(user.user_id) self.assertEqual(sorted(pasports_id), sorted(['RG_123123', '12FE2322F', 'WE1231234'])) # Check removing by ID: id_for_removing = list_of_id.pop() self.library.remove_user(id_for_removing) users = self.library.list_all_users() list_of_id_after_removing_one_user = [] for user in users: list_of_id_after_removing_one_user.append(user.user_id) self.assertEqual(sorted(list_of_id), sorted(list_of_id_after_removing_one_user)) def test_add_user_and_test_list_all_books(self): self.library.add_book('Maugli', "R. Kipling", 'RT-12342342', 'KT-12', 1882) self.library.add_book('Tom Sawyer', "Mark Twain", 'RT-128822', 'KT-86', 1832) l = self.library.list_all_books() # Check authors: self.assertEqual(sorted(['Maugli', 'Tom Sawyer']), sorted([l[0].title, l[1].title])) # Check year of publishing: self.assertEqual(sorted([1882, 1832]), sorted([l[0].year_of_publishing, l[1].year_of_publishing])) # Check total number of books in the library: self.assertEqual(2, len(l)) def tearDown(self): del self.library