Esempio n. 1
 def LogLikelihoodGradient(self):
     """The gradient (aka Jacobian) of ``LogLikelihood``."""
     expected_feature_vector = vsum([
         self.Expectation(x, self.FeaturesAsNumPyArray(x))
         for x, _ in self._training_data
     return self._observed_feature_vector - expected_feature_vector
Esempio n. 2
    def testVsumEmptyWithoutShape(self):
        """Ensure ``vsum`` returns ``None`` when expected.

    The empty summation should return the zero vector. However, since
    we don't know the shape of the vectors in the list, we don't know
    what shape of zero vector to return. Thus, we return ``None`` as
    the only sensible result. This test ensures that actually does happen.
Esempio n. 3
  def testVsumWithNonFloatVector(self):
    """Tests that ``vsum`` works for list of float-like objects."""
    class MimicFloat(object):

      def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = float(value)

      def __add__(self, number):
        return math.fsum([self.value, number])

      __radd__ = __add__

    lists = [[2.3, 0.4], [0.2, 0.3]]
    array_lists = [np.array(l) for l in lists]
    mimic_float_lists = [[MimicFloat(number) for number in l] for l in lists]
    array_mimic_float_lists = [np.array(l) for l in mimic_float_lists]

Esempio n. 4
    def testVsumEmptyWithShape(self):
        """Ensure ``vsum`` returns the zero vector when expected.

    The empty summation should return the zero vector. If we know the
    shape of the vectors in the list then we can in fact return the
    zero vector of the correct shape. This test ensures that actually
    does happen.
        expected_shape = (3, )
        total = vsum([], shape=expected_shape)
        self.assertTupleEqual(expected_shape, total.shape)
        self.assertListEqual(np.zeros(expected_shape).tolist(), total.tolist())
Esempio n. 5
    def testVsumKeepsPrecision(self):
        """Ensure that ``vsum`` retains precision over ``sum``.

    Because ``BIG`` is big and ``LITTLE`` is little, performing summation
    naively will cause the ``LITTLE`` to be lost in rounding errors. This
    is the same test case as ``testFsumKeepsPrecision``. We make the
    arrays have more than one element to make sure ``vsum`` actually
    does work on vectors, as intended. We use variations on ``x`` in the
    different components just so we don't do the same thing over and over;
    there's nothing special about negation or doubling.
        vs = [np.array([x, -x, 2 * x]) for x in self._xs]
        total = vsum(vs)

        self.assertListEqual([LITTLE, -LITTLE, 2 * LITTLE], total.tolist())
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self,
   Y_given_X: a function from ``X`` to an iterable object giving the
     subset of ``Y`` which has non-zero probability given the
     ``x``. When in doubt about whether some ``y`` has zero probability
     or not, it is always safe/correct to return a larger subset of
     ``Y`` (it'll just take more computation time is all). This is
     needed for computing the partition function and expectation. N.B.,
     we do not actually need to know/enumerate of *all* of ``Y``,
     only the subsets for each ``x``.
   training_data (iterable): a collection of ``(x, y)`` pairs where
     ``y`` is the known-correct label for ``x``.
   meta_feature: A function from ``X`` to ``Y`` to a list of
     ``float``. N.B., the length of the list must be the same for all
     ``x`` and ``y``, and must be the same as the length of the list
     of meta_weight.
   meta_weight (dict from str to (Vector)Weight): the pre-training
     coefficients for how much we believe components of the feature vector.
     This provides the seed for training; this starting value shouldn't
     affect the final meta_weight obtained by training (thanks to
     convexity), but will affect how long it takes for training
     to converge.
     N.B. The dict should not be sparse (only contains non-zero meta_weight),
     because we only train those features whose names are keys in this dict.
   epsilon (float): The absolute-error threshold for considering a
     weight to be "equal to zero". N.B., this should be a positive
     number, as we will compare it against the absolute value of
     each weight.
     super(TrainableLogLinearModel, self).__init__(Y_given_X, meta_feature,
                                                   meta_weight, epsilon)
     self._training_data = training_data
     # Use self._meta_weight instead of initialz_meta_weight,
     # since self._meta_weight already filtered zero meta_weight in the __init__
     # of superclass.
     self._serializer = GetSerializer(meta_feature)
     self._np_weight = self._MetaToNumPyArray(self.meta_weight)
     self._observed_feature_vector = vsum(
         [self.FeaturesAsNumPyArray(x)(y) for x, y in self._training_data])
Esempio n. 7
  def Expectation(self, x, f):
    """Compute the expectation of a function with respect to ``Probability(x)``.

      x (X): the value of the independent variable.
      f: a function of type ``Y -> np.ndarray(float)``.

      An ``np.ndarray`` of ``float`` called the "expected value". N.B.,
      the particular array returned may not actually be one that the
      function returns; rather, it's a sort of average of all the results
      returned. For more information you can take a look at Wikipedia
    prob_given_x = self.Probability(x)
    # N.B., the ``*`` below is vector scaling! If we want to make this
    # method polymorphic in the return type of ``f`` then we'll need an
    # API that provides both scaling and ``vsum``.
    return vsum([prob_given_x(y) * f(y) for y in self._Y(x)])