Esempio n. 1
def exec_2_Random_Pitches():
		Gen sounds
    A = 1.0
    fs = 8000.0
    phase = 1.0
    length = 1.0
    dpath = 'audio'
    # 	A = 1.0; fs = 8000.0; phase = 1.0; length = 2.0; dpath = 'audio'

    timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()

    base_tone = 262  # 'A' pitch

    #ref seed
    #ref 'answered Nov 13 '10 at 11:14'
    indexes = [rnd.randint(0, len(values) - 1) for i in range(0, 8)]
    # 	indexes = [rnd.randint(0, len(values)) for i in range(0, 8)]

    count = 1

    for num in indexes:
        # 	for val in values :

        base_tone = 262
        # 		base_tone = values[num]

        current_tone = base_tone * values[num]

        #ref multiple string 'answered May 18 '12 at 22:22'
        fname = "test_1.EqualTempera.%s.(%d).base-%d_val-%.6f"\
         "_tone-%.3f_A-%.3f_phase-%.3f_len-%.3f.wav" \
          % (timelabel, count, base_tone, values[num], \
          (base_tone * values[num]), A, phase, length)
        # 		fname = "test_1.EqualTempera.val-%.6f_tone-%.3f_A-%.3f_phase-%.3f_len-%.3f.%s.wav" \
        # 				% (val, (base_tone * val), A, phase, length, timelabel)

        wf = wl.get_SineWF(A, current_tone, fs, phase, length, dpath, fname)
        # 		wf = wl.get_SineWF(A, base_tone * val, fs, phase, length, dpath, fname)

        dpath_dst = "audio"

        print "[%s:%d] wf.fname => '%s'" % (thisfile(), linenum(), wf.fname)

        wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)

        # increment count
        count += 1

Esempio n. 2
def exec_1_Equal_Temperament():

    values = [
        1.000000, 1.059463, 1.122462, 1.189207, 1.259921, 1.334840, 1.414214,
        1.498307, 1.587401, 1.681793, 1.781797, 1.887749, 2.000000

    ### test
		Gen sounds
    A = 1.0
    fs = 8000.0
    phase = 1.0
    length = 2.0
    dpath = 'audio'

    timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()

    base_tone = 262  # 'A' pitch

    for val in values:

        fname = "test_1.EqualTempera.val-%.6f_tone-%.3f_A-%.3f_phase-%.3f_len-%.3f.%s.wav" \
          % (val, (base_tone * val), A, phase, length, timelabel)

        wf = wl.get_SineWF(A, base_tone * val, fs, phase, length, dpath, fname)

        dpath_dst = "audio"

        print "[%s:%d] wf.fname => '%s'" % (thisfile(), linenum(), wf.fname)

        wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)

Esempio n. 3
def exec_1__SinePlusCosine():
		prep : wfs		
	A = 1.0; f0 = 262; fs = 8000.0; length = 1.0; phase = 1.0; type = "sine"
	timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()
	fname_sines = "test_1.sines.%s.f0=%d_phase-%1.2f.wav" % (timelabel, f0, phase)
	wf_sines = wl.get_WaveFile__Sines (fname_sines, A, f0, fs, length, phase, type)
	fname_cosines = "test_1.cosines.%s.f0=%d_phase-%1.2f.wav" % (timelabel, f0, phase)
	wf_cosines = wl.get_WaveFile__Sines (fname_cosines, A, f0, fs, length, phase, "cosine")
		save : wav fles		
	dpath_dst = "audio"
	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf_sines, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)
	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf_cosines, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)

		addition : sines + cosines		
	pairsOf_analogdata = zip(wf_sines.analogdata, wf_cosines.analogdata)
	analogdata_Stardardized = [1/sqrt(2) * (x + y) for x, y in pairsOf_analogdata]

	fname_addition = "test_1.addition.%s.wav" % (timelabel)

	wf_addition = wl.get_WaveFile__AnalogData(\
				fname_addition, analogdata_Stardardized, A, \
				length, nchannels = 1, \
				radians = wf_sines.radians, \
				f0 = wf_sines.basefreq)

	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf_addition, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)
	print "[%s:%d] exec_1__SinePlusCosine ==> done" % (thisfile(), linenum())
Esempio n. 4
def exec_1__SinePlusCosine_Standardize():
    options = get_opt_2(sys.argv, "f")

    if not "-f" in [x[0] for x in options]:

        print "'-f' option needed"


#     print options
#     return
    	prep : wfs		
    	prep : wfs : sines
    A = 1.0
    fs = 8000.0
    length = 1.0
    phase = 1.0
    type = "sine"

    f0_val = [x[1] for x in options if x[0] == '-f'][0]

    f0 = int(f0_val)
    #     f0 = 262 * wl.EQUAL_TEMPERAMENTS[6];
    #     f0 = 262 * wl.EQUAL_TEMPERAMENTS[3];
    #     f0 = 262;

    timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()

    fname_Sines = "test_1.sines.%s.f0=%d_phase-%1.2f.wav" % (timelabel, f0,

    wf_Sines = wl.get_WaveFile__Sines(fname_Sines, A, f0, fs, length, phase,
    	prep : wfs : cosines
    A = 1.0
    fs = 8000.0
    length = 1.0
    phase = 1.0
    type = "cosine"

    f0_val = [x[1] for x in options if x[0] == '-f'][0]

    f0 = int(f0_val)
    #     f0 = 262 * wl.EQUAL_TEMPERAMENTS[6];
    #     f0 = 262 * wl.EQUAL_TEMPERAMENTS[3];
    #     f0 = 262;

    timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()

    fname_Cosines = "test_1.cosines.%s.f0=%d_phase-%1.2f.wav" % (timelabel, f0,

    wf_Cosines = wl.get_WaveFile__Sines(fname_Cosines, A, f0, fs, length,
                                        phase, type)
        prep : wfs : sines + cosines
    pairsOf_analogdata = zip(wf_Sines.analogdata, wf_Cosines.analogdata)

    analogdata_Stardardized = [
        1 / sqrt(2) * (x + y) for x, y in pairsOf_analogdata

    print "[%s:%d] analogdata_Stardardized : max = %.4f / min = %.4f" \
                % (thisfile(), linenum(), \
                   max(analogdata_Stardardized), \

    fname_SinesPlusCosines = "test_1.SinesPlusCosines.%s.wav" % (timelabel)

    wf_SinesPlusCosines = wl.get_WaveFile__AnalogData(\
                fname = fname_SinesPlusCosines, \
                analogdata = analogdata_Stardardized, \
                A = 1.0, length = wf_Sines.length,\
                radians = wf_Sines.radians, \
                f0 = wf_Sines.basefreq)
    #                 A, length, nchannels = 1, \
    	measure freq		
    result_Sines = wl.measure_Frequency_4(wf_Sines)

    result_Cosines = wl.measure_Frequency_4(wf_Cosines)

    result_SinesPlusCosines = wl.measure_Frequency_4(wf_SinesPlusCosines)

    print "[%s:%d] freq of sines ==> %d" % (thisfile(), linenum(),
    #     print "[%s:%d] freq of sines ==> %d" % (thisfile(), linenum(), result_Sines)

    print "[%s:%d] freq of cosines ==> %d" % (thisfile(), linenum(),
    #     print "[%s:%d] freq of cosines ==> %d" % (thisfile(), linenum(), result_Cosines)

    print "[%s:%d] result_Sines =>" % (thisfile(), linenum())

    print result_Sines

    print "[%s:%d] result_Cosines =>" % (thisfile(), linenum())

    print result_Cosines

    print "[%s:%d] result_SinesPlusCosines =>" % (thisfile(), linenum())

    print result_SinesPlusCosines
        save to file        
    # sines
    dpath = "audio"

    wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf_Sines, dpath_dst=dpath)

    # cosines
    wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf_Cosines, dpath_dst=dpath)

    # sines + cosines
    wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf_SinesPlusCosines, dpath_dst=dpath)

    print "[%s:%d] files saved" % (thisfile(), linenum())
    print "[%s:%d] exec_1__Measure_Frequency ==> done" % (thisfile(),
Esempio n. 5
def exec_3__SinePlusSineNX_Standardize():
    options = get_opt_2(sys.argv, "fN")
    #     options = get_opt_2(sys.argv, "f")

    if not "-f" in [x[0] for x in options]:

        print "'-f' option needed"


    if not "-N" in [x[0] for x in options]:

        print "'-N' option needed"


#     print options
#     return
    	prep : wfs		
    	prep : wfs : Sines
    A = 1.0
    fs = 16000.0
    length = 1.0
    phase = 1.0
    type = "sine"
    #     A = 1.0; fs = 8000.0; length = 1.0; phase = 1.0; type = "sine"

    f0_val = [x[1] for x in options if x[0] == '-f'][0]

    f0 = int(f0_val)
    #     f0 = 262 * wl.EQUAL_TEMPERAMENTS[6];
    #     f0 = 262 * wl.EQUAL_TEMPERAMENTS[3];
    #     f0 = 262;

    timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()

    fname_Sines = "test_1.sines.%s.f0=%d_fs=%.1f_phase-%1.2f.wav" % (
        timelabel, f0, fs, phase)

    wf_Sines = wl.get_WaveFile__Sines(fname_Sines, A, f0, fs, length, phase,

    #     #debug
    #     for i in range(0, 20) :
    #         print "[%s:%d] wf_Sines.radians[%d] => %.4f (of 2 * pi = %.4f)"\
    #                 % (thisfile(), linenum(), \
    #                    i, wf_Sines.radians[i], wf_Sines.radians[i] / np.pi)
    	prep : wfs : Sines NX
    # set N value
    N = int([x[1] for x in options if x[0] == '-N'][0])
    #     N = [x[1] for x in options if x[0] == '-N'][0]

    # default value
    if N == None: N = 3

    type = "sine"

    fname_SinesNX = "test_1.Sines%dX.%s.f0=%d_fs=%.1f_phase-%1.2f.wav" \
                    % (N, timelabel, f0, fs, phase)

    wf_SinesNX_tmp = wl.get_WaveFile__Sines (\
                        fname_SinesNX, A, f0, fs, length, phase, type)

    radian_values = [N * x for x in wf_SinesNX_tmp.radians]
    #     radian_values = [2 * x for x in wf_SinesNX_tmp.radians]
    #     radian_values = wf_Sines2X_tmp.radians

    wf_SinesNX_tmp.radians = radian_values

    wf_SinesNX = wl.update_WaveFile(wf_SinesNX_tmp, "radians")  #=> works
        prep : wfs : Sines + Sines nX
    analogdata_SinesPlusSinesNX = [sum(x) for x \
                               in zip(wf_Sines.analogdata, wf_SinesNX.analogdata)]

    ### memo
    # if not standardized, then struct.pack with "h" param in ==> Gets error
    analogdata_SinesPlusSinesNX = wl.standardize_Data(

    fname_SinesPlusSinesNX = \
                "test_1.SinesPlusSines%dX.%s.f0=%d_fs=%.1f_phase-%1.2f.wav" \
                % (N, timelabel, f0, fs, phase)

    wf_SinesPlusSinesNX = wl.get_WaveFile__AnalogData(\
              fname_SinesPlusSinesNX, \
              analogdata_SinesPlusSinesNX, \
              A, length, \
              nchannels = 1, radians = None, \
              f0 = None, fs = None)
        Freq : Sines        
    ### Sines
    result_Sines = wl.measure_Frequency_4(wf_Sines)

    print "[%s:%d] result_Sines =>" % (thisfile(), linenum())

    print result_Sines

    ### SinesNX
    result_SinesNX = wl.measure_Frequency_4(wf_SinesNX)

    print "[%s:%d] result_SinesNX =>" % (thisfile(), linenum())

    print result_SinesNX
        save : wave file        
    ### Sines
    dpath = "audio"


    ### Sines 2X
    wf = wf_SinesNX
    wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wavefile=wf, fname_dst=wf.fname, dpath_dst=dpath)

    ### Sines + Sines 2X
    wf = wf_SinesPlusSinesNX
    wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wavefile=wf, fname_dst=wf.fname, dpath_dst=dpath)
    print "[%s:%d] exec_2__SinePlusSineNX_Standardize ==> done" % (thisfile(),
Esempio n. 6
def exec_4():
		Build wavefile : source
	freqList = [262, 294, 330, 349, 392, 440, 494, 523]  # ドレミファソラシド
	timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()

	"""振幅A、基本周波数f0、サンプリング周波数 fs、
	#createSineWave (A, f0, fs, length)
	A = 1.0
	f0 = freqList[0]
	fs = 8000.0
	length = 1.0
	(analogdata, bindata) = createSineWave_2(A, f0, fs, length)
# 	(analogdata, bindata) = createSineWave_2(1.0, f[0], 8000.0, 1.0)
	dpath = "audio"
	fname = "test_2.sinewave-%d.%s.wav" % (f0, timelabel)
	fpath = "%s/%s" % (dpath, fname)
	wf = wl.WaveFile(fname)
	wf.nchannels  = 1
	wf.samplewidth	= fs
# 	wf.framerate=framerate
# 	wf.nframes=nframes
# 	wf.comptype   = wavefile_src.comptype
# 	wf.compname   = wavefile_src.compname
	wf.analogdata   = analogdata
	wf.bindata = bindata

	print "[%s:%d] wf =>" % (thisfile(), linenum())
	for i in range(0, 10) :
		print "analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, analogdata[i])

		save file : wf		
	dpath_dst = "audio"
	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)
# 	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf, dpath_dst)
# 	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf)

	wf_2 = wl.copy_WaveFile(wf)
# 	wf_2 = wablibs.copy_WaveFile(wf)

	### report
	for i in range(0, 10) :
		print "wf_2.analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, wf_2.analogdata[i])

	print "[%s:%d] wf_2.fname => '%s'" % (thisfile(), linenum(), wf_2.fname)

		save file		
	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf_2, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)
Esempio n. 7
def test_2_Get_SineWF(options):
# 	print options
	freqList = [262, 294, 330, 349, 392, 440, 494, 523]  # ドレミファソラシド
	timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()

	"""振幅A、基本周波数f0、サンプリング周波数 fs、
	#createSineWave (A, f0, fs, length)
	### param : A
	A = 1.0
	### param : f0
	f0 = None
	#ref x in a : "answered Sep 27 '11 at 15:25"
	aryOf_f0 = [x for x in options if x[0] == '-f']
	lenOf_f0 = len(aryOf_f0)
	if lenOf_f0 > 0 : f0 = int(aryOf_f0[0][1])
# 	if lenOf_f0 > 0 : f0 = aryOf_f0[0][1]
	else : f0 = freqList[0]		# default
	### param : phase
	phase = None
	aryOf_phase = [x for x in options if x[0] == '-p']
	lenOf_phase = len(aryOf_phase)
	if lenOf_phase > 0 : phase = float(aryOf_phase[0][1])
# 	if lenOf_f0 > 0 : f0 = aryOf_f0[0][1]
	else : phase = 1.0		# default
# 	if "-v" in [x[0] for x in options] : f0 = 
# 	f0 = freqList[0]
	### param : fs
# 	fs = 16000.0
# 	fs = 44100.0
	fs = 8000.0
	### param : length
	length = 2.0
# 	length = 1.0
	### param : data
	(analogdata, bindata, radians) = wl.createSineWave(A, f0, fs, length)
# 	(analogdata, bindata) = createSineWave_2(A, f0, fs, length)
# 	(analogdata, bindata) = createSineWave_2(1.0, f[0], 8000.0, 1.0)
	### param : file name, file path
	dpath = "audio"
	fname = "test_1.sine-%d.%s.wav" % (f0, timelabel)
	fpath = "%s/%s" % (dpath, fname)

			build : wavefile		
	wf = wl.get_WaveFile__Sines(fname, A, f0, fs, length, phase = 1.0)
	dpath_dst = "audio"
	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)

	print "[%s:%d] file saved => '%s'" % (thisfile(), linenum(), fname)
Esempio n. 8
def exec_2(options):
		Build wavefile : source
	freqList = [262, 294, 330, 349, 392, 440, 494, 523]  # ドレミファソラシド
	timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()

	"""振幅A、基本周波数f0、サンプリング周波数 fs、
	#createSineWave (A, f0, fs, length)
	A = 1.0
	f0 = freqList[0]
# 	fs = 16000.0
# 	fs = 44100.0
	fs = 8000.0
	length = 2.0
# 	length = 1.0
	(analogdata, bindata, radians) = wl.createSineWave(A, f0, fs, length)
# 	(analogdata, bindata) = createSineWave_2(A, f0, fs, length)
# 	(analogdata, bindata) = createSineWave_2(1.0, f[0], 8000.0, 1.0)
	dpath = "audio"
	fname = "test_1.sine-%d.%s.wav" % (f0, timelabel)
	fpath = "%s/%s" % (dpath, fname)
	wf = wl.WaveFile(fname)
	wf.nchannels  = 1
	wf.samplewidth	= fs
# 	wf.framerate=framerate
# 	wf.nframes=nframes
# 	wf.comptype   = wavefile_src.comptype
# 	wf.compname   = wavefile_src.compname
	wf.analogdata   = analogdata
	wf.bindata = bindata
	wf.radians = radians

	print "[%s:%d] wf =>" % (thisfile(), linenum())
	for i in range(100, 110) :
# 	for i in range(0, 10) :
		print "wf.analogdata[%d] = %f (radian = %f)" % (i, wf.analogdata[i], wf.radians[i])
# 		print "wf.analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, wf.analogdata[i])
# 		print "analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, analogdata[i])
		save file : wf		
	dpath_dst = "audio"
	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)

		Amplitude down	
	### set value
	val = None
# 	print "[%s:%d] len(result) => %d" % (thisfile(), linenum(), len(result))

# 	print "[%s:%d] options =>" % (thisfile(), linenum())

# 	print options
	for pair in options :
# 	for pair in result :
		if pair[0] == '-v' :
			val = int(pair[1])
	if val == None : val = 200	# default value
# 	val = 200	# 600/1000
# 	val = 600	# 600/1000

	amplitude_Down(wf, val)
	print "[%s:%d] absolutize => processed" % (thisfile(), linenum())
# 	for i in range(100, 110) :
# # 	for i in range(0, 10) :
# 		print "wf.analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, wf.analogdata[i])
# # 		print "analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, analogdata[i])

		save file : wf		
	dpath_dst = "audio"
	fname_trunk, fname_ext = os.path.splitext(wf.fname)
	description = "Amplitude-down"
	wf.fname = "%s_%s_val-%d%s" % (fname_trunk, description, val, fname_ext)
	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)

	print "[%s:%d] file saved => '%s'" % (thisfile(), linenum(), wf.fname)
Esempio n. 9
def exec_1():
		Build wavefile : source
	freqList = [262, 294, 330, 349, 392, 440, 494, 523]  # ドレミファソラシド
	timelabel = get_TimeLabel_Now()

	"""振幅A、基本周波数f0、サンプリング周波数 fs、
	#createSineWave (A, f0, fs, length)
	A = 1.0
	f0 = freqList[0]
	fs = 16000.0
# 	fs = 44100.0
# 	fs = 8000.0
	length = 2.0
# 	length = 1.0
	(analogdata, bindata) = createSineWave_2(A, f0, fs, length)
# 	(analogdata, bindata) = createSineWave_2(1.0, f[0], 8000.0, 1.0)
	dpath = "audio"
	fname = "test_1.sine-%d.%s.wav" % (f0, timelabel)
	fpath = "%s/%s" % (dpath, fname)
	wf = wl.WaveFile(fname)
	wf.nchannels  = 1
	wf.samplewidth	= fs
# 	wf.framerate=framerate
# 	wf.nframes=nframes
# 	wf.comptype   = wavefile_src.comptype
# 	wf.compname   = wavefile_src.compname
	wf.analogdata   = analogdata
	wf.bindata = bindata

	print "[%s:%d] wf =>" % (thisfile(), linenum())
	for i in range(100, 110) :
# 	for i in range(0, 10) :
		print "wf.analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, wf.analogdata[i])
# 		print "analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, analogdata[i])
		save file : wf		
	dpath_dst = "audio"
	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)

	print "[%s:%d] absolutize => processed" % (thisfile(), linenum())
	for i in range(100, 110) :
# 	for i in range(0, 10) :
		print "wf.analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, wf.analogdata[i])
# 		print "analogdata[%d] = %f" % (i, analogdata[i])

		save file : wf		
	dpath_dst = "audio"
	fname_trunk, fname_ext = os.path.splitext(wf.fname)
	wf.fname = "%s_Absolute%s" % (fname_trunk, fname_ext)
	wl.save_WaveFile__Class(wf, dpath_dst=dpath_dst)

	print "[%s:%d] file saved => '%s'" % (thisfile(), linenum(), wf.fname)