def genHenches(numHenches, level, classes, market, al, spells, names, profs,gear,notabs=True): outlist = [] for k in range(0,numHenches): stats=[] for i in range(0,6): acc = 0 for j in range(0,3): acc+= random.randint(1,6) stats.append(acc) prefix = "" if market != 10: prefix = "\t" ostring = str(stats) if classes != []: cweights = [] for c in classes: weight = min([f(stats) for f in c[2]]) cweights.append((c[5] * weight, c)) cweights = filter((lambda t: t[0] > 0),cweights) poss = [] for (w,c) in cweights: for i in range(0,int(math.ceil(w))): poss.append(c) if len(poss) == 0: # if no possibilities, we default to first thing in list # generally fighter poss.append(classes[0]) if level == 0: poss = [("Normal Man", 4, [], "", 0.5, 1.0)] ind = random.randint(0,len(poss)-1) hd = int(poss[ind][1]) hp = max(random.randint(1,hd)+mod(stats[4]),1) if level > 1: for i in range(0,level-1): hp += max(random.randint(1,hd)+mod(stats[4]),1) ostring += ", L" + str(level) + " " + poss[ind][0] + ", HP: " + str(hp) if names != []: g = float(poss[ind][4]) g = 'M' if random.random() >= g else 'F' if g == 'F': ostring = ostring.replace('Man','Woman') ostring = names[g][random.randint(0,len(names[g])-1)] +" (" + g +"): " + ostring ostring = prefix + ostring if al: al = alignments[random.randint(1,6)-1] ostring += ", AL: " + al if profs != []: # build weightmap for this stat set weightmap = {} for p in profs: weight = -1 * 8**2 * len(p[2]) if len(p[2]) == 0: weight = 3 for c in p[2]: weight += (stats[c-1]) **2 if weight > 0: weightmap[(p[0], p[1])] = weight weightlist = [] for p in profs: t = (p[0], p[1]) if t in weightmap.keys(): for i in range(0, weightmap[t]): weightlist.append(t) profmap = {} bonusprofs = max(0, mod(stats[1])) if level == 0: # L0s get 4 unique profs plus possible dupes from int # have to account for the possibility of some poor bastard who quals for nothing while len(profmap.keys()) < min(4, len(weightmap.keys())): p = weightlist[random.randint(0, len(weightlist)-1)] profmap[p] = 1 else: profmap[("Adventuring", 1)] = 1 bonusprofs += (level-1)/4 +1 for i in range(0, bonusprofs): done = False # 50% chance that we try to increase a prof we already have if random.random() < 0.5: profshave = profmap.keys() random.shuffle(profshave) for p in profshave: if profmap[p] < p[1]: profmap[p] += 1 done = True break if not done: p = weightlist[random.randint(0, len(weightlist)-1)] while p[1] > 0 and p in profmap.keys() and profmap[p] >= p[1]: p = weightlist[random.randint(0, len(weightlist)-1)] if not p[0] in profmap.keys(): profmap[p] = 1 else: profmap[p] += 1 profstrs = [ (p[0], profmap[p]) for p in profmap.keys()] acc = [] for p in profstrs: if p[1] > 1: acc.append(p[0] + " " + str(p[1])) else: acc.append(p[0]) profstr = ', '.join(sorted(acc)) ostring += "\n\t" + prefix + "GenProfs: " + profstr if spells != [] and poss[ind][0].lower() in casters: mult = casters[poss[ind][0].lower()] ecl = int(math.floor(level * mult)) if mult == 0.67 and level == 1: ecl = 1 if ecl > 0: slist = libspellbook.genSpells(spells, ecl, mod(stats[1]), False) ostring += "\n\t" + prefix+"Spells known: " for i in range(0,len(slist)): ostring += "\t" +prefix + str(i+1) + ": " + ", ".join(slist[i]) if level > 0 and gear: items = [] for t in poss[ind][3]: if random.randint(1,20) <= level: try: items.append(tables.evaltable(itemtable[t])) except KeyError: print "No items for you on bad key: " + itemtable[t] gear = False istr = ", ".join(items) if istr != "": ostring += "\n\t" + prefix + "Gear: " + istr if notabs: ostring = re.sub('\t*','',ostring) ostring += '\n' outlist.append(ostring) return outlist
#!/usr/bin/python2 import libspellbook import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate spellbooks for ACKS wizards") parser.add_argument("-n","--num",type=int,default=1,help="Number of spellbooks to generate") parser.add_argument("-l","--level",type=int,default=1,help="Level of mage to generate for") parser.add_argument("-s","--spells",default="./spells",help="File to draw spells from") parser.add_argument("-i","--intel", type=int,default=1,help="Intelligence bonus of mage") parser.add_argument("-e","--excess",action="store_true",help="Allow mages to know spells\ beyond the limits of their repertoire, as PC mages are wont to do") args = parser.parse_args() spells = libspellbook.parseSpells(args.spells) for i in range(0,args.num): known = libspellbook.genSpells(spells, args.level,, args.excess) libspellbook.printSpells(known)
"--num", type=int, default=1, help="Number of spellbooks to generate") parser.add_argument("-l", "--level", type=int, default=1, help="Level of mage to generate for") parser.add_argument("-s", "--spells", default="./spells", help="File to draw spells from") parser.add_argument("-i", "--intel", type=int, default=1, help="Intelligence bonus of mage") parser.add_argument("-e", "--excess", action="store_true", help="Allow mages to know spells\ beyond the limits of their repertoire, as PC mages are wont to do") args = parser.parse_args() spells = libspellbook.parseSpells(args.spells) for i in range(0, args.num): known = libspellbook.genSpells(spells, args.level,, args.excess) libspellbook.printSpells(known)
def genHenches(numHenches, level, classes, market, al, spells, names, profs, gear, notabs=True): outlist = [] for k in range(0, numHenches): stats = [] for i in range(0, 6): acc = 0 for j in range(0, 3): acc += random.randint(1, 6) stats.append(acc) prefix = "" if market != 10: prefix = "\t" ostring = str(stats) if classes != []: cweights = [] for c in classes: weight = min([f(stats) for f in c[2]]) cweights.append((c[5] * weight, c)) cweights = filter((lambda t: t[0] > 0), cweights) poss = [] for (w, c) in cweights: for i in range(0, int(math.ceil(w))): poss.append(c) if len(poss) == 0: # if no possibilities, we default to first thing in list # generally fighter poss.append(classes[0]) if level == 0: poss = [("Normal Man", 4, [], "", 0.5, 1.0)] ind = random.randint(0, len(poss) - 1) hd = int(poss[ind][1]) hp = max(random.randint(1, hd) + mod(stats[4]), 1) if level > 1: for i in range(0, level - 1): hp += max(random.randint(1, hd) + mod(stats[4]), 1) ostring += ", L" + str( level) + " " + poss[ind][0] + ", HP: " + str(hp) if names != []: g = float(poss[ind][4]) g = 'M' if random.random() >= g else 'F' if g == 'F': ostring = ostring.replace('Man', 'Woman') ostring = names[g][random.randint( 0, len(names[g]) - 1)] + " (" + g + "): " + ostring ostring = prefix + ostring if al: al = alignments[random.randint(1, 6) - 1] ostring += ", AL: " + al if profs != []: # build weightmap for this stat set weightmap = {} for p in profs: weight = -1 * 8**2 * len(p[2]) if len(p[2]) == 0: weight = 3 for c in p[2]: weight += (stats[c - 1])**2 if weight > 0: weightmap[(p[0], p[1])] = weight weightlist = [] for p in profs: t = (p[0], p[1]) if t in weightmap.keys(): for i in range(0, weightmap[t]): weightlist.append(t) profmap = {} bonusprofs = max(0, mod(stats[1])) if level == 0: # L0s get 4 unique profs plus possible dupes from int # have to account for the possibility of some poor bastard who quals for nothing while len(profmap.keys()) < min(4, len(weightmap.keys())): p = weightlist[random.randint(0, len(weightlist) - 1)] profmap[p] = 1 else: profmap[("Adventuring", 1)] = 1 bonusprofs += (level - 1) / 4 + 1 for i in range(0, bonusprofs): done = False # 50% chance that we try to increase a prof we already have if random.random() < 0.5: profshave = profmap.keys() random.shuffle(profshave) for p in profshave: if profmap[p] < p[1]: profmap[p] += 1 done = True break if not done: p = weightlist[random.randint(0, len(weightlist) - 1)] while p[1] > 0 and p in profmap.keys( ) and profmap[p] >= p[1]: p = weightlist[random.randint(0, len(weightlist) - 1)] if not p[0] in profmap.keys(): profmap[p] = 1 else: profmap[p] += 1 profstrs = [(p[0], profmap[p]) for p in profmap.keys()] acc = [] for p in profstrs: if p[1] > 1: acc.append(p[0] + " " + str(p[1])) else: acc.append(p[0]) profstr = ', '.join(sorted(acc)) ostring += "\n\t" + prefix + "GenProfs: " + profstr if spells != [] and poss[ind][0].lower() in casters: mult = casters[poss[ind][0].lower()] ecl = int(math.floor(level * mult)) if mult == 0.67 and level == 1: ecl = 1 if ecl > 0: slist = libspellbook.genSpells(spells, ecl, mod(stats[1]), False) ostring += "\n\t" + prefix + "Spells known: " for i in range(0, len(slist)): ostring += "\t" + prefix + str(i + 1) + ": " + ", ".join( slist[i]) if level > 0 and gear: items = [] for t in poss[ind][3]: if random.randint(1, 20) <= level: try: items.append(tables.evaltable(itemtable[t])) except KeyError: print "No items for you on bad key: " + itemtable[t] gear = False istr = ", ".join(items) if istr != "": ostring += "\n\t" + prefix + "Gear: " + istr if notabs: ostring = re.sub('\t*', '', ostring) ostring += '\n' outlist.append(ostring) return outlist