def eof_anal(data, show=False, label='', **kwargs): ''' eof/pca to synthetic dataset ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy.random import randn import as cm from numpy.linalg import svd, eig from numpy import dot, product, arange import libtools as lt #_if this is a 3d dataset, blorgh if data.ndim > 2: shape = data.shape data = data.reshape( shape[0], product( shape[1:]) ) multi = True else: multi = False #_create fake data nt, nx = data.shape x, t = arange(nx), arange(nt) #_get covariance matrix of data covar = dot( data.T, data ) / (nt-1.) eigV, eigL, pca, percent = eof(data) #_create fake data nt, nx = data.shape x, t = np.arange(nx), np.arange(nt) #_apply eof analysis (s is the sqrt of eigenvalues) #_ using SVG ## l, s, r = svd(dataN, full_matrices=False) ## eigV = r.T.copy() ## eigL = s**2 / (nt-1.) ## pca =, np.diag(eigL)) ## #_using EIG ## eigL, eigV = eig( covar ) #_get eigValues and eigVectors ## idx = np.argsort(eigL)[::-1] #_get eigenvalues in order ## eigL = eigL[idx] # ## eigV = eigV[:,idx] #_and eigenvectors ## pca = dataN, eigV ) #_calculate principal comps #_calc variance explained by each EOF percent = eigL / eigL.sum() * 100. lamberr = eigL * np.sqrt(2./(nt-1)) #_initialize draw object fig = plt.figure( ) arg = { 'extend': 'both', 'cmap' : cm.RdBu_r, 'levels': np.linspace(-1,1,11) } shape = (5,2) #_make unimportant eigenvectors plot lightly lw = np.ones((percent.size)) * 0.5 lw[percent < 10.] = 0.2 if not multi: #_create hovmuller diagram of synthetic data ax0 = plt.subplot2grid( shape, (0,0), rowspan=2 ) ap0 = ax0.contourf( x, t, data, **arg ) ax0.set_title( label ); ax0.set_ylabel('t') plt.colorbar( ap0 ) #_create hovmuller diagram of synthetic data ax1 = plt.subplot2grid( shape, (0,1), rowspan=2 ) ap1 = ax1.contourf( x, t, dataN, **arg ) ax1.set_title( 'with white noise' ) plt.colorbar( ap1 ) #_plot the eigenspectrum with error bars (100 indep samples) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid( shape, (2,0), colspan=2 ) ## ax2.errorbar( x+0.01, percent, yerr=lamberr, fmt='o', markersize=1.3) ax2.errorbar( x+0.01, eigL, yerr=lamberr, fmt='o', markersize=1.3) ax2.set_xlim(-1,nx); ##ax2.set_ylim(0,40) ax2.set_title('eigenspectrum scree plot') #_plot the EOFs scaled by the sqrt of the eigenvalues eof0 = dot( eigV[:,0], np.sqrt(eigL[0]) ) eof1 = dot( eigV[:,1], np.sqrt(eigL[1]) ) eof2 = dot( eigV[:,2], np.sqrt(eigL[2]) ) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid( shape, (3,0), colspan=2 ) ax3.plot( x, eof0, '-k', linewidth=lw[0] ) ax3.plot( x, eof1, '-r', linewidth=lw[1] ) ax3.plot( x, eof2, '-b', linewidth=lw[2] ) ax3.set_title('first three eofs : black=1,red=2,blue=3') ax3.set_xlim(0,len(x)-1) #_plot first three pcs ax4 = plt.subplot2grid( shape, (4,0), colspan=2 ) pc0 = pca[:,0] / np.sqrt(eigL[0]) pc1 = pca[:,1] / np.sqrt(eigL[1]) pc2 = pca[:,2] / np.sqrt(eigL[2]) ax4.plot( t, pc0, '-k', linewidth=lw[0] ) ax4.plot( t, pc1, '-r', linewidth=lw[1] ) ax4.plot( t, pc2, '-b', linewidth=lw[2] ) ax4.set_title('first three pcs : black=1,red=2,blue=3') ## ax4.set_ylim(-4,4) ax4.set_xlim(0,len(t)-1) elif multi: pass for ax in fig.axes: lt.shrink_ticks(ax,size=8) plt.tight_layout() if show: else: plt.savefig('problem_'+label+'_.png')
def plot_bias(fname=None, out_label='', experiment='hs3', dir_out='.', dir_plot='.', **kwargs): ''' read in output from calc bias, plot ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libtools import shrink_ticks #_ if fname is None: fname = 'shis-lbl.{0}.csv'.format(experiment) fname = os.path.join(dir_out, fname) #_open file f = open(fname, 'r') #_get wavenumbers f.readline() wvn = f.readline().split(',') wvn = [float(a) for a in wvn] data = [] for line in f.readlines(): data.append([float(a) for a in line.split(',')]) data = np.array(data) nfov, nchan2 = data.shape #_shis is [:,0,:], lbldis is [:,1,:] data = data.reshape(nfov, 2, nchan2 / 2) diff = data[:, 1, :] - data[:, 0, :] bias_mu = diff.mean(0) bias_sd = diff.std(0) h, w = plt.figaspect(6) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) with open('/home/wsessions/', 'w') as f: for i, wave in enumerate(wvn): f.write("{0:7.3f}\t:\t{1:8.5f}\n".format(wave, bias_mu[i])) arg = (experiment, diff.shape[0]) ax.set_title('Clear Sky Bias (LBLDIS minus S-HIS)') # ax.set_title('LBLDIS minus S-HIS, experiment={0}, N={1:d}'.format(*arg)) ax.scatter(wvn, bias_mu) ax.errorbar(wvn, bias_mu, yerr=bias_sd, linestyle='None') ax.set_ylim(-3, 3) ax.set_xlim([800, 1200]) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel('wavenumber') ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta B_{\\nu}T$ (K)') shrink_ticks(ax) pname = 'bias.{0}.png'.format(out_label) pname = os.path.join(dir_plot, pname) print pname plt.savefig(pname) #_close up file f.close()
def fig_00(pname='delta_bt.png', dir_plot='.', dv=-26, **kwargs): ''' Spectral signatures of habits by wavenumber x == wavenumber y == change in radiance from clear sky? ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os from lblrtm_utils import read_lbldis_out as read_lbldis from libtools import shrink_ticks from libgeo import planck_inv from lblrtm_utils import read_microwindows_header as mw from numpy import abs dir_in = '/data/wsessions/LBL-RTM_simulated/std_tropical' habits = { #'quartz' : 'blue', 'kaolinite': 'red', 'gypsum': 'green' } fig, axis = plt.subplots(1) lines = [] names = [] #_read in all data and plot for h, c in habits.iteritems(): #_gen filename fname = os.path.join(dir_in, '{0}.cdf'.format(h)) fn_in = os.path.join(dir_in, 'lbldis_input.{0}'.format(h)) #_read in output file data = read_lbldis(fname, fname_input=fn_in) #_convert to brightness temperatures wavs = data[0].wavenumber bt0 = planck_inv(data[0].radiances, wavs * 100, domain='wavenumber') bt1 = planck_inv(data[1].radiances, wavs * 100, domain='wavenumber') d_bt = bt0 - bt1 line = axis.plot(wavs, d_bt, c=c, linewidth=0.4, label='changes by {0}'.format(h), zorder=1) #_plot clear sky bt atwn = axis.twinx() line = atwn.plot(wavs, bt0, 'k-', linewidth=0.2, label='clear sky') #_plot microwindow numbers chans = mw()[abs(dv + 1)] for n, x in chans: v = (n + x) / 2. axis.plot([v, v], [0, 20], 'k--', linewidth=0.2) axis.set_xlim(600, 1300) axis.set_ylim(0, 20) axis.set_ylabel("$\Delta B_{\\nu}T$ $(K)$", size='small') axis.set_xlabel("wavenumber $(cm^{-1})$", size='small') atwn.set_ylabel("$B_{\\nu}T$ $(K)$", size='small', rotation=-90) axis.legend(loc=2, frameon=False, fontsize=8) atwn.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, fontsize=8) #_save [shrink_ticks(a) for a in [axis, atwn]] pname = os.path.join(dir_plot, pname) dbg(pname) plt.savefig(pname)
def main(dir_cpl='{0}/cpl'.format(os.environ['PRODUCTS']), start_dtg=None, dir_plot='.', end_dtg=None, type_coa='a', **kwargs): ''' start_dtg str{14}, Starting date-time-group for subsetting end_dtg str{14}, Can you solve the mystery? ''' from glob import glob from hs3_utils import Flight_segment import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libtools import shrink_ticks, epoch2iso, dtg2epoch, mkdir_p from numpy import arange, array, ceil, linspace from import mean from libcmap import rgbcmap from flight_namelists import experiments mkdir_p(dir_plot) #_get segments segments = experiments['HS3'] #_convert bounding limits if start_dtg is not None: ep0 = dtg2epoch(start_dtg, full=True) ep1 = dtg2epoch(end_dtg, full=True) else: ep0 = '19000101000000' ep1 = '99999999999999' #_image setup smooth = False label = 'nosmooth' files = glob('{0}/nc/*nc'.format(dir_cpl)) files.sort() nrow = 6 ncol = 2 npag = ceil(len(files) / (nrow/ncol)) calipso = rgbcmap('calipso') dtgs = segments.keys() dtgs.sort() #_loop over all cpl files (netcdf) # for i, fname in enumerate(files): for i, dtg in enumerate(dtgs): #_start new page if not i % (nrow*ncol): fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle('CPL 532 Backscatter', size='small') #_calc column index #_calc row index ax_backscatter = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, i%(nrow*ncol)+1) ax = ax_backscatter.twinx() #_read in cpl data # cpl = read_cpl(f, None) cpl = Flight_segment(dtg=dtg) #_check if file is within limits if cpl.CPL_epoch.min() > ep1 and cpl.CPL_epoch.max() < ep0: continue #_get values of just aerosl aod = calc_aod(cpl, type_coa) bck = calc_backscatter(cpl) if smooth: aod = smooth_aod(aod) #_generate list of times time = [epoch2iso(e) for e in cpl.CPL_epoch] #_get number of fovs nfov = aod.size nt = nfov / 2 ax.set_xticks(arange(aod.size)[nt:-nt:nt]) ax.set_xticklabels(time[nt:-nt:nt]) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=.5) # ax.text(nt/4., 3, f, color='k', size='x-small', bbox=props) f = '{0} - {1}'.format(time[0], time[-1]) ax.text(nt/4., .75, f, color='k', size='xx-small', bbox=props) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) #_plotbackscatter cb=ax_backscatter.pcolormesh(bck,vmin=-4e-7,vmax=1e-4,cmap=calipso, zorder=0) ax.plot(aod, linewidth=0.2, zorder=1, color=(1,1,1,.5)) if i % ncol: # ax.set_ylabel('aod', size='xx-small') ax_backscatter.yaxis.set_visible(False) elif not i % ncol: ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) xlim=ax_backscatter.xaxis.get_data_interval() ax_backscatter.set_xlim(xlim) ax_backscatter.set_yticks(linspace(170,900,9)) ax_backscatter.set_yticklabels(linspace(0,20,9)) ax_backscatter.set_ylim(170,900) shrink_ticks(ax) shrink_ticks(ax_backscatter) #_I think this is bailing if (i % (nrow*ncol)) == ((nrow*ncol) - 1): page_num = i / (nrow*ncol) pname = 'page_{1}_{0:02d}_{2}OD_segments.png'.format(page_num, label, type_coa) pname = os.path.join(dir_plot, pname) print pname #_make a common y label fig.text(0.04, 0.5, 'altitude (km)', va='center', rotation='vertical', size='x-small') fig.text(0.96, 0.5, '{0}OD'.format(type_coa.upper()), va='center', rotation=270, size='x-small') fig.savefig(pname) plt.close() #_after everything is done else: page_num = i / (nrow*ncol) pname = 'page_{1}_{0:02d}_{2}OD_segments.png'.format(page_num, label, type_coa) pname = os.path.join(dir_plot, pname) print pname #_make a common y label fig.text(0.04, 0.5, 'altitude (km)', va='center', rotation='vertical', size='x-small') fig.text(0.96, 0.5, 'AOD', va='center', rotation=270, size='x-small') fig.savefig(pname) plt.close()
def plot_simulated_histogram(out_label='', plot_var='tau', dir_hs3=os.path.join(os.environ['PRODUCTS'], 'hs3'), **kwargs): ''' produce some plots for this god damn stuff out_label str, experiment is not used so that it can denote specific input files as opposed to output. in_label should have been used. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libtools import mkdir_p, shrink_ticks from numpy import array, append #_read in retrieval data fname = 'SHIS.CPL.GDAS.COLLOC.SIMULATED.{0}.retrieved'.format(out_label) fname = os.path.join(dir_hs3, fname) try: truth, retr, uncrt = read_simulated_retrieval(fname, **kwargs) except IOError: dbg(('Did you complete this retrieval yet?', out_label)) os._exit(23) #_what are we working with? state_vars = retr.keys() # truth.keys() dbg(state_vars) #_kick back if not available if plot_var not in state_vars: dbg(('Variable not retrieved:', plot_var)) return #_color dictionary order = ['low', 'mid', 'high', 'very_high'] ranges = { 'low': { 'color': 'blue', 'tau': (-9999., 0.5), 'ref': (0.5, 0.675), }, 'mid': { 'color': 'green', 'tau': (0.5, 1.0), 'ref': (0.625, 0.75), }, 'high': { 'color': 'orange', 'tau': (1.0, 1.5), 'ref': (0.75, 0.875), }, 'very_high': { 'color': 'red', 'tau': (1.5, 2.0), 'ref': (0.875, 1.0), }, } #_output directory for plots ppath = 'PLOTS_{0}'.format(out_label) if not os.path.exists(ppath): mkdir_p(ppath) #_produce for each state variable for sv in state_vars: #_get residual res = truth[sv] - retr[sv] #_initialize figure and axes fig = plt.figure() axes = [] figtext = [] ymax, xmax, xmin = 0, 0, 0 nbin = 100 axes.append(plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0))) #_plot histogram of residuals (n, bins, patches) = axes[0].hist(res, bins=nbin, facecolor='b', edgecolor='b') xmax = max((xmax, bins.max())) xmin = min((xmin, bins.min())) ymax = max((ymax, n.max())) axes[0].plot([0, 0], [0, n.max()], 'k--') axes[0].set_xlabel('diff in tau, {0}'.format(sv), size='x-small') axes[0].set_title('retrieval residuals'.format(out_label), size='xx-small') axes[0].set_ylabel('residuals, truth - oe_retrieval', size='x-small') #_max symmetric xbnd = max((abs(xmin), abs(xmax))) #_shrink...ticks... [ax.set_xlim(-xbnd, xbnd) for ax in axes] [ax.set_ylim(top=100) for ax in axes] [shrink_ticks(ax) for ax in axes] #_create image name pname = 'hist_{0}_{1}.png'.format(out_label, sv) pname = os.path.join(ppath, pname) plt.savefig(pname) plt.close() dbg(pname)
def plot_simulated_retrieval(out_label='', plot_var='tau', fsim=None, dir_hs3=os.path.join(os.environ['PRODUCTS'], 'hs3'), **kwargs): ''' produce some plots for this god damn stuff out_label str, experiment is not used so that it can denote specific input files as opposed to output. in_label should have been used. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libtools import mkdir_p, shrink_ticks from numpy import array, append res ='SIMULATED.(.*?).nc', fsim) sim_experiment = #_read in retrieval data fname = 'SHIS.CPL.GDAS.COLLOC.SIMULATED.{0}.{1}.retrieved'.format( sim_experiment, out_label) fname = os.path.join(dir_hs3, fname) try: truth, retr, uncrt = read_simulated_retrieval(fname, **kwargs) except IOError: dbg(('Did you complete this retrieval yet?', out_label)) os._exit(23) #_what are we working with? state_vars = retr.keys() # truth.keys() dbg(state_vars) #_kick back if not available if plot_var not in state_vars: dbg(('Variable not retrieved:', plot_var)) return #_color dictionary order = ['low', 'mid', 'high', 'very_high'] ranges = { 'low': { 'color': 'blue', 'tau': (-9999., 0.5), 'ref': (0.5, 0.675), }, 'mid': { 'color': 'green', 'tau': (0.5, 1.0), 'ref': (0.625, 0.75), }, 'high': { 'color': 'orange', 'tau': (1.0, 1.5), 'ref': (0.75, 0.875), }, 'very_high': { 'color': 'red', 'tau': (1.5, 9999), 'ref': (0.875, 1.0), }, } #_output directory for plots ppath = 'PLOTS_{0}'.format(out_label) if not os.path.exists(ppath): mkdir_p(ppath) #_produce for each state variable for sv in state_vars: #_get residual res = truth[sv] - retr[sv] #_get indices for ranges for label, opts in ranges.iteritems(): min_val, max_val = opts[sv] # idx0 = truth[sv] >= min_val # idx1 = truth[sv] < max_val # idx = append(idx0[:,None], idx1[:,None], axis=1).all(axis=1) idx = (truth[sv] >= min_val) * (truth[sv] < max_val) ranges[label]['idx'] = idx #_initialize figure and axes fig = plt.figure() axes = [] axis = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (1, 0), colspan=len(ranges.keys())) figtext = [] ymax, xmax, xmin = 0, 0, 0 nbin = 20 for i, label in enumerate(order): #ranges): min_val, max_val = ranges[label][sv] idx = ranges[label]['idx'] col = ranges[label]['color'] if idx.sum() == 0: continue axes.append(plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, i))) #_plot histogram of residuals (n, bins, patches) = axes[i].hist(res[idx], bins=nbin, facecolor=col, edgecolor=col) xmax = max((xmax, bins.max())) xmin = min((xmin, bins.min())) ymax = max((ymax, n.max())) #_add label figtext.append('{0}\nmin {1:5.1f}\nmax {2:5.1f}'.format( label, min_val, max_val)) axes[i].set_xlabel('difference in {0}'.format(sv), size='x-small') #_plot uncertainty by truth fract = uncrt[sv][idx] / truth[sv][idx] x_truth, y_fract = [], [] for value in set(truth[sv][idx]): x_truth.append(value) y_fract.append(fract[truth[sv][idx] == value]) ## axis.scatter(truth[sv][idx], fract, marker='x', color=col) axis.boxplot(y_fract, positions=x_truth, widths=0.05) ## axis.plot(truth[sv][idx], fract, marker='x', color=col) ## axis.scatter(truth[sv][idx], uncrt[sv][idx], marker='x', color=col) axis.set_xticks(list(set(truth[sv]))) axes[0].set_title('{0} (experiment label)'.format(out_label), size='xx-small') #_various things for uncertainty axis.set_ylim(bottom=0) axis.set_xlim(truth[sv].min() - 0.1, truth[sv].max() + 0.1) axis.set_ylabel('posterior uncercertainty', size='x-small') axis.set_xlabel('{0}'.format(sv), size='x-small') axis.grid(False) axes[0].set_ylabel('residuals, truth - oe_retrieval', size='x-small') #_max symmetric xbnd = max((abs(xmin), abs(xmax))) for i, label in enumerate(order): axes[i].text(0, ymax - ymax / 5., figtext[i], size='xx-small') #_shrink...ticks... [ax.set_xlim(-xbnd, xbnd) for ax in axes] [ax.set_ylim(top=ymax) for ax in axes] [shrink_ticks(ax) for ax in axes] shrink_ticks(axis) #_create image name pname = 'hist_uncert.{0}.{1}.{2}.png'.format(sim_experiment, out_label, sv) pname = os.path.join(ppath, pname) plt.savefig(pname) plt.close() dbg(pname)
def fig_02(sv='tau', fnames=[], delta_ts=[0], dir_plot='.', dir_hs3='.', by_var=False, threshold_aod=0.1, **kwargs): ''' plot histograms of all the surf temperature tests (alpha it up) delta_ts array of departures from the true surface temp fnames list, names of input files (SIMULATED) ''' from oe_sim import read_simulated_retrieval import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import array, append, linspace from libtools import shrink_ticks, colors_spag fig, axis = plt.subplots(1) nshift = len(delta_ts) #_loop over shift in T for j, shift_temp in enumerate(delta_ts): #_ignore non-shifted if shift_temp == 0: continue #_define out_label ## kwargs.update({'out_label' : 'SFC_TEMP_{0:4.2f}'.format(shift_temp)}) out_label = 'SFC_TEMP_{0:4.2f}'.format(shift_temp) #_loop over input files for i, fname in enumerate(fnames): lab ='SIMULATED.(.*?).nc$', fname).group(1) lab = '{0}.{1}'.format(lab, out_label) fname = 'SHIS.CPL.GDAS.COLLOC.SIMULATED.{0}.retrieved'.format(lab) fname = os.path.join(dir_hs3, fname) if not i: #_read in data truth, retr, uncrt = read_simulated_retrieval(fname, **kwargs) else: #_append data together t, r, u = read_simulated_retrieval(fname, **kwargs) for sv in truth: truth[sv] = append(truth[sv], t[sv]) for sv in retr: retr[sv] = append(retr[sv], r[sv]) for sv in uncrt: uncrt[sv] = append(uncrt[sv], u[sv]) #_calculate residuals res = truth[sv] - retr[sv] #_setup plot args = {'bins': 100, 'alpha': 0.5, 'range': (-1, 1)} #_Make and image separating out heights #_make whisker plot #_make histogram if by_var != False: vars = list(set(truth[by_var])) nvar = len(vars) #_only do this crap first time through if j == 0: cols = colors_spag(nshift * nvar) for k, v in enumerate(vars): idx = truth[by_var] == v #_calculate percentage within thresh? P = (abs(res[idx]) <= threshold_aod).sum() / float(idx.sum()) P *= 100 fmt = '$\Delta$T={0:>5.2f}, {4}={1:>4.2f},{2:>6.1f}%' +\ '$\pm${3:>5.2f}' args.update({ 'facecolor': cols[j * nvar + k], 'edgecolor': cols[j * nvar + k], 'label': fmt.format(shift_temp, v, P, threshold_aod, by_var) }) (n, bins, patches) = axis.hist(res[idx], **args) #_make histogram else: if j == 0: #_only do this crap first time through cols = colors_spag(nshift) k = 0 #_calculate percentage within thresh? P = (abs(res) <= threshold_aod).sum() / float(res.size) P *= 100 fmt = '$\Delta$T={0:>5.2f},{1:>6.1f}%$\pm${2:>5.2f}' args.update({ 'facecolor': cols[j], 'edgecolor': cols[j], 'label': fmt.format(shift_temp, P, threshold_aod) }) (n, bins, patches) = axis.hist(res, **args) #_add legend rem = 1 if (j + k) % 26 else 0 ncol = (j + k) / 26 + rem dbg((ncol, rem, j + k)) lgd = axis.legend(fontsize=8, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.), borderaxespad=0., frameon=False) #_highlight within TOLERANCE level (90% within 0.01?) #_particulars axis.set_xlabel('Residuals (True OD - S-HIS OE Retrieval)', size='small') axis.set_xlim(-1, 1) axis.set_xticks(linspace(-1, 1, 21)) shrink_ticks(axis) #_savefig tf = type(by_var) == str pname = 'surf_temp_tolerance{0}.png'.format(tf * '_{0}'.format(by_var)) pname = os.path.join(dir_plot, pname) dbg(pname) plt.savefig(pname, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd, ), bbox_inches='tight')
def fig_01_check(var, out_label='', plot_var='tau', fsim=None, dir_lblrtm=None, dir_hs3=os.path.join(os.environ['PRODUCTS'], 'hs3'), **kwargs): ''' Uncertainty by optical depth First does plot of all median uncertainties? Or by specific ref/z Plot uncertainty broken down by ref/z with box/whisker plots. Plot them in total. plot_simulated_by_var produce some plots for this god damn stuff out_label str, experiment is not used so that it can denote specific input files as opposed to output. in_label should have been used. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libtools import mkdir_p, shrink_ticks from numpy import array, append dbg('running...') #_read in retrieval data if type(fsim) != list: res ='SIMULATED.(.*?).nc', fsim) sim_experiment = fname = 'SHIS.CPL.GDAS.COLLOC.SIMULATED.{0}.{1}.retrieved'.format( sim_experiment, out_label) fname = os.path.join(dir_hs3, fname) try: truth, retr, uncrt = read_simulated_retrieval(fname, **kwargs) except IOError: dbg(('Did you complete this retrieval yet?', out_label)) os._exit(23) else: for fname in fsim: res ='SIMULATED.(.*?).nc', fname) sim_experiment = fname = 'SHIS.CPL.GDAS.COLLOC.SIMULATED.{0}.{1}.retrieved'.format( sim_experiment, out_label) fname = os.path.join(dir_hs3, fname) t, r, u = read_simulated_retrieval(fname, **kwargs) try: [append(truth[sv], t[sv]) for sv in t.keys()] [append(retr[sv], r[sv]) for sv in r.keys()] [append(uncrt[sv], u[sv]) for sv in u.keys()] except UnboundLocalError: truth, retr, uncrt = t, r, u sim_experiment = 'NOISE' #_what are we working with? state_vars = retr.keys() # truth.keys() #_kick back if not available if plot_var not in state_vars: dbg(('Variable not retrieved:', plot_var)) return #_output directory for plots ppath = 'PLOTS_{0}'.format(out_label) if not os.path.exists(ppath): mkdir_p(ppath) #_get potential settings for value values = list(set(truth[var])) nval = len(values) values.sort() nrow = 6 npag = nval / nrow #_do we need this? page = 0 #_produce for each state variable for sv in state_vars: for j, value in enumerate(values): dbg((sv, var, value)) #_initialize new figure if not j % nrow: page += 1 fig = plt.figure() k = 0 #_get indices of limit idx = truth[var] == value #_get residual res = truth[sv][idx] - retr[sv][idx] #_initialize figure and axes axis = fig.add_subplot(nrow, 1, k + 1) ymax, xmax, xmin = 0, 0, 0 nbin = 20 #_plot uncertainty by truth fract = uncrt[sv][idx] / truth[sv][idx] x_truth, y_fract = [], [] for value_truth in set(truth[sv]): x_truth.append(value_truth) y_fract.append(fract[truth[sv][idx] == value_truth]) ## axis.scatter(truth[sv][idx], fract, marker='x', color=col) axis.boxplot(y_fract, positions=x_truth, widths=0.05) axis.set_xticks(list(set(truth[sv]))) #_various things for uncertainty axis.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=2) axis.set_xlim(truth[sv].min() - 0.1, truth[sv].max() + 0.1) axis.set_ylabel('{0} = {1}'.format(var, value), size='x-small') axis.grid(False) #_shrink...ticks... shrink_ticks(axis) #_save when page full if k == (nrow - 1) or j == nval - 1: #_create image name pname = 'hist_uncert.{0}.{1}.{2}.by_{3}.p{4:02d}.png'.format( sim_experiment, out_label, sv, var, page) pname = os.path.join(ppath, pname) plt.savefig(pname) plt.close() dbg(pname) k += 1
def fig_01(var, out_label='', plot_var='tau', fsim=None, dir_hs3=os.path.join(os.environ['PRODUCTS'], 'hs3'), dir_plot='.', files=[], **kwargs): ''' produce some plots for this god damn stuff out_label str, experiment is not used so that it can denote specific input files as opposed to output. in_label should have been used. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libtools import mkdir_p, shrink_ticks from numpy import array, append import re from oe_sim import read_simulated_retrieval if len(files) == 0: print type(fsim) res ='SIMULATED.(.*?).nc', fsim) sim_experiment = #_read in retrieval data fname = 'SHIS.CPL.GDAS.COLLOC.SIMULATED.{0}.{1}.retrieved'.format( sim_experiment, out_label) fname = os.path.join(dir_hs3, fname) try: truth, retr, uncrt = read_simulated_retrieval(fname, **kwargs) except IOError: dbg(('Did you complete this retrieval yet?', out_label)) os._exit(23) else: for i, f in enumerate(files): res ='SIMULATED.(.*?).nc', f) sim_experiment = f = 'SHIS.CPL.GDAS.COLLOC.SIMULATED.{0}.{1}.retrieved'.format( sim_experiment, out_label) f = os.path.join(dir_hs3, f) try: if i == 0: #_initialize truth, retr, uncrt = read_simulated_retrieval(f, **kwargs) else: #_append t, r, u = read_simulated_retrieval(f, **kwargs) for sv in truth: truth[sv] = append(truth[sv], t[sv]) for sv in retr: retr[sv] = append(retr[sv], r[sv]) for sv in uncrt: uncrt[sv] = append(uncrt[sv], u[sv]) except IOError: dbg(('Did you complete this retrieval yet?', f)) os._exit(23) res ='SIMULATED.(.*?).nc', fsim) sim_experiment ='.')[0] out_label = 'summary' #_what are we working with? state_vars = retr.keys() # truth.keys() dbg('') dbg(state_vars) #_kick back if not available if plot_var not in state_vars: dbg(('Variable not retrieved:', plot_var)) return #_color dictionary order = ['low', 'mid', 'high', 'very_high'] ranges = { 'low': { 'color': 'blue', 'tau': (-9999., 0.5), 'ref': (0.5, 0.675), }, 'mid': { 'color': 'green', 'tau': (0.5, 1.0), 'ref': (0.625, 0.75), }, 'high': { 'color': 'orange', 'tau': (1.0, 1.5), 'ref': (0.75, 0.875), }, 'very_high': { 'color': 'red', 'tau': (1.5, 9999), 'ref': (0.875, 1.0), }, } #_output directory for plots ppath = '{1}.{0}'.format(out_label, sim_experiment) ppath = os.path.join(dir_plot, ppath) if not os.path.exists(ppath): mkdir_p(ppath) #_get potential settings for value values = list(set(truth[var])) nval = len(values) values.sort() ''' make loop over pages, 6 per page ''' nrow = 6 npag = nval / nrow #_do we need this? page = 0 #_produce for each state variable for sv in state_vars: for j, value in enumerate(values): dbg((sv, var, value)) #_initialize new figure if not j % nrow: page += 1 fig = plt.figure() k = 0 fig.suptitle('Fractional Uncertainty') #_get indices of limit idx = truth[var] == value #_get residual res = truth[sv][idx] - retr[sv][idx] #_initialize figure and axes axis = fig.add_subplot(nrow, 1, k + 1) ymax, xmax, xmin = 0, 0, 0 nbin = 20 #_plot uncertainty by truth fract = uncrt[sv][idx] / truth[sv][idx] x_truth, y_fract = [], [] #_pull out values across all over vars, at truth value for value_truth in set(truth[sv]): x_truth.append(value_truth) y_fract.append(fract[truth[sv][idx] == value_truth]) #_pull out number of retrievals going into these y_bar = [len(y) for y in y_fract] ## axis.scatter(truth[sv][idx], fract, marker='x', color=col) axis.boxplot(y_fract, positions=x_truth, widths=0.05) axis.set_xticks(list(set(truth[sv]))) abar = axis.twinx() bar_width = (max(x_truth) - min(x_truth)) / float(len(x_truth))\ - 0.05 - bar_width / 2., y_bar, bar_width, alpha=0.24, color='brown') #_get how high we can go and still be 95 % certain of the AOD ## m95 = truth[sv][certainty_garbage(res)] #_various things for uncertainty # axis.text(truth[sv].max()-0.2, 1.6, 'n={0}'.format(len(y_fract)) axis.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=2) axis.set_xlim(truth[sv].min() - 0.1, truth[sv].max() + 0.1) axis.set_ylabel('{0} = {1}'.format(var, value), size='xx-small') axis.set_ylabel('{0} = {1}'.format(var, value), size='x-small') ## axis.set_xlabel('{0}, max_95 {1:5.2f}'.format(sv,m95), size='x-small') axis.grid(False) #_shrink...ticks... shrink_ticks(axis) shrink_ticks(abar) #_save when page full if k == (nrow - 1) or j == nval - 1: #_create image name pname = 'hist_uncert.{0}.{1}.{2}.by_{3}.p{4:02d}.png'.format( sim_experiment, out_label, sv, var, page) pname = os.path.join(ppath, pname) plt.savefig(pname) plt.close() dbg(pname) k += 1
def plot_period(data, e0, e1, plot_oe=True, plot_caliop=False, cmfile='/home/wsessions/lib/cmaps/calipso-backscatter.cmap', **kwargs): ''' plot all the crep in data ''' #_read in retrieval data for period ## obs = read_oe(airs.AIRS_epoch, **kwargs) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libcmap import rgbcmap from libtools import epoch2iso as e2i from numpy import array, vstack, arange, recarray, append from libtools import shrink_ticks from import masked_where as mw import ccplot_cmap as ccc nplot = sum([plot_oe, plot_caliop]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nplot) try: ax_oe, ax_cal = ax except: ax_oe = ax dbg(e2i([e0, e1])) #_plot retrievals from optimal estimation #_AIRS_____# def fix_oe_crap(d, **kwargs): ''' get the oe values out of stupid dictionaries ''' example = array([f is not None for f in d.values]) example = d[example.argmin()] ssp_dbs = example.values.ssp_db names = [n.split('.')[-2] for n in ssp_dbs] #_build recarray to store these nssp = len(ssp_dbs) nt = d.size dtype = [('tau','f4'), ('lat','f4'), ('lon','f4'), ('epoch', 'f8'), ('name','a20'), ('habit', 'a20'), ('ref_wvnum', 'f4'), ('z_top', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4'), ('ref', 'f4')] data = recarray((nssp*nt), dtype) #_loop over layers and pull all this crap out for i, vals in enumerate(d.values): for ii, l in enumerate(vals.layers): idx = ii + nssp*i habit = vals.ssp_db[l['dbnum']].split('.')[-2] arg = (l['tau'][0],[i], d.lon[i], d.epoch[i],[i], habit, l['ref_wvnum'], l['z_top'], l['z'], l['ref']) data[idx] = arg data = data[data.tau != -9999] return data #_pull out oe oe = data[ == 'oe'] idx = array([d is not None for d in oe.values]) oe = oe[idx] oe = oe[oe.epoch.argsort()] oe = oe[(oe.epoch >= e0) * (oe.epoch <= e1)] #_pull out optical depths and put into dictionary by specie oe = fix_oe_crap(oe, **kwargs) ssps = set(oe.habit) for habit in set(oe.habit): if habit == 'mie_wat': continue #_pull out this ssp habit oe_habit = oe[oe.habit == habit] oe_habit = oe_habit[oe_habit.epoch.argsort()] #_ x = oe_habit.epoch y = oe_habit.tau nt = x.size max_oe_epoch, min_oe_epoch = x.max(), x.min() ax_oe.plot(x, y, label=habit, linewidth=0.5) xticks = append(x[::nt/5], x[-1]) if xticks[-1] - xticks[-2] < nt/20: xticks[-2] = xticks[-1] xticklabels = [tmp[11:19] for tmp in e2i(xticks)] ax_oe.set_xticks(xticks) ax_oe.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) shrink_ticks(ax_oe) #_crop plotting area. ax_oe.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) ax_oe.set_ylim(0, 3.) #_drop box, make smaller ax_oe.legend() ########## #_CALIOP_# if plot_caliop: import numpy as np #_ pull out caliop data caliop = data[ == 'caliop'] idx_c = (caliop.epoch >= e0) * (caliop.epoch <= e1) caliop = caliop[(caliop.epoch >= min_oe_epoch) * (caliop.epoch <= max_oe_epoch)] ## caliop = caliop[(caliop.epoch >= e0) * (caliop.epoch <= e1)] caliop = caliop[caliop.epoch.argsort()] x = caliop.epoch #_put into ONE BIG OL 2d array caliop = vstack(caliop.values) caliop = mw(caliop == -9999, caliop) calipo = ## caliop[caliop < 0] = 0. ## caliop[caliop > 1.5] = 1.5 #_coords y = arange(caliop.shape[1]) dbg(('REMOVE TRUNCATION')) #_load up backscatter colormaps cmap, norm, ticks = ccc.loadcolormap(cmfile, 'caliop') ## cb = ax_cal.imshow(caliop.T, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, interpolation='nearest') im = ax_cal.pcolormesh(x, y, caliop.T, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)#, vmin=0, vmax=1.5) ax_cal.set_xlabel('{0:e}, {1:e}'.format(caliop.max(), caliop.min())) #_label bottom xticks = append(x[::x.size/5], x[-1]) if xticks[-1] - xticks[-2] < 100: xticks[-2] = xticks[-1] xticklabels = [tmp[11:19] for tmp in e2i(xticks)] ax_cal.set_xticks(xticks) ax_cal.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) ax_cal.invert_yaxis() ax_cal.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax_cal.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) shrink_ticks(ax_cal) ## cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes, cax=cbaxes, orientation="vertical", ## extend="both", ticks=ticks, norm=norm, ## format=SciFormatter()) ## cb.set_label(name) pname = 'oe_{0}_{1}.png'.format(e2i(e0), e2i(e1)) pname = pname.replace(':', '-') dbg(pname) plt.savefig(pname)
def main(dir_cpl='{0}/cpl'.format(os.environ['PRODUCTS']), start_dtg=None, dir_plot='.', end_dtg=None, **kwargs): ''' start_dtg str{14}, Starting date-time-group for subsetting end_dtg str{14}, Can you solve the mystery? ''' from glob import glob from hs3_utils import read_cpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libtools import shrink_ticks, epoch2iso, dtg2epoch, mkdir_p from numpy import arange, array, ceil, linspace from import mean from libcmap import rgbcmap mkdir_p(dir_plot) #_convert bounding limits if start_dtg is not None: ep0 = dtg2epoch(start_dtg, full=True) ep1 = dtg2epoch(end_dtg, full=True) else: ep0 = '19000101000000' ep1 = '99999999999999' #_image setup smooth = False label = 'nosmooth' files = glob('{0}/nc/*nc'.format(dir_cpl)) files.sort() nrow = 6 npag = ceil(len(files) / nrow) calipso = rgbcmap('calipso') #_loop over all cpl files (netcdf) i = 0 for q, fname in enumerate(files): f = fname.split('/')[-1] #_read in cpl data cpl = read_cpl(f, None) #_check if file is within limits if cpl.epoch.min() > ep1 or cpl.epoch.max() < ep0: continue #_start new page if not i % nrow: fig = plt.figure() ax_backscatter = fig.add_subplot(nrow, 1, i % nrow + 1) ax = ax_backscatter.twinx() print 'MADE IT' #_get values of just aerosl aod = calc_aod(cpl) bck = calc_backscatter(cpl) if smooth: aod = smooth_aod(aod) #_generate list of times time = [epoch2iso(e) for e in cpl.epoch] #_get number of fovs nfov = aod.size nt = nfov / 5 ax.set_xticks(arange(aod.size)[nt:-nt:nt]) ax.set_xticklabels(time[nt:-nt:nt]) props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=.5) ax.text(nt / 4., 3, f, color='k', size='x-small', bbox=props) ax.set_ylim(0, 4) #_plotbackscatter cb = ax_backscatter.pcolormesh(bck, vmin=-4e-7, vmax=1e-4, cmap=calipso, zorder=0) ax.plot(aod, linewidth=0.2, zorder=1, color=(1, 1, 1, .5)) ax.set_ylabel('aod', size='xx-small') xlim = ax_backscatter.xaxis.get_data_interval() ax_backscatter.set_xlim(xlim) ## ax_backscatter.set_ylim(0,900) ax_backscatter.set_yticks(linspace(170, 900, 11)) ax_backscatter.set_yticklabels(linspace(0, 20, 11)) ax_backscatter.set_ylim(170, 900) shrink_ticks(ax) shrink_ticks(ax_backscatter) i += 1 if (i % nrow) == (nrow - 1): page_num = i / nrow pname = 'page_{1}_{0:02d}_0.png'.format(page_num, label) pname = os.path.join(dir_plot, pname) print pname #_make a common y label fig.text(0.04, 0.5, 'altitude (km)', va='center', rotation='vertical', size='x-small') fig.savefig(pname) plt.close() else: page_num = i / nrow pname = 'page_{1}_{0:02d}_0.png'.format(page_num, label) pname = os.path.join(dir_plot, pname) print pname #_make a common y label fig.text(0.04, 0.5, 'altitude (km)', va='center', rotation='vertical', size='x-small') fig.savefig(pname) plt.close()