def qemuMonitorEventRegister(conn: libvirt.virConnect, dom: libvirt.virDomain, event: str, cb: Callable[[ libvirt.virConnect, libvirt. virDomain, str, int, int, str, libvirt._T ], None], opaque: libvirt._T, flags: int = 0) -> int: """Adds a qemu monitor event callback. Registering for a monitor callback will enable delivery of the events""" if not hasattr(conn, 'qemuMonitorEventCallbackID'): conn.qemuMonitorEventCallbackID = {} # type: ignore cbData = {"cb": cb, "conn": conn, "opaque": opaque} if dom is None: ret = libvirtmod_qemu.virConnectDomainQemuMonitorEventRegister( conn._o, None, event, cbData, flags) else: ret = libvirtmod_qemu.virConnectDomainQemuMonitorEventRegister( conn._o, dom._o, event, cbData, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirt.libvirtError( 'virConnectDomainQemuMonitorEventRegister() failed') conn.qemuMonitorEventCallbackID[ret] = opaque # type: ignore return ret
def createMachine(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect, xml: str) -> bool: """ Create VM """ virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) try: virt_conn.defineXML(xml) except libvirt.libvirtError: return False return True
def checkIfNetworkExists(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect, network_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if network exists """ virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) try: virt_conn.networkLookupByName(network_name) except libvirt.libvirtError: return False return True
def reassureConnection(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect) -> libvirt.virConnect: """ Check libvirt connection. Reconnect if needed """ if not isinstance(virt_conn, libvirt.virConnect): raise Exception("libvirt.virConnect type expected in virt_conn") if not virt_conn.isAlive(): URI = virt_conn.getURI() del virt_conn virt_conn = if virt_conn.isAlive(): return virt_conn else: raise Exception( f"Was unable to connect to the libvirt daemon under {URI}")
def __init__(self, conn: libvirt.virConnect, domain_name: str): self.dom = None try: self.dom = conn.lookupByName(domain_name) self.block = Block(self.dom) except Exception as e: print("makine bulunamadi, makineyi kontrol ediniz...", str(e.args)) exit(1)
def listMachines(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect) -> list: """ Return a list of machines and states Returns a list with: * a string with the machine name * a boolean with machine state """ virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) all_domains = { x.state()[0] for x in virt_conn.listAllDomains()} return all_domains
def _machineOperation(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect, domain_name: str, operation: str, force: bool = False) -> [int, bool]: """ Do not export/import this function """ try: vm = virt_conn.lookupByName(domain_name) except libvirt.libvirtError: raise Exception("No VM found with the provided name") ops = { 'stop': { 'function': vm.shutdown, 'state_list': [MACHINE_STATE_SHUTDOWN, MACHINE_STATE_SHUTOFF], }, 'start': { 'function': vm.create, 'state_list': [ MACHINE_STATE_RUNNING, ], }, } if operation == "stop" and force: ops['stop']['function'] = vm.destroy if operation not in ops.keys(): raise Exception( f"Unknown operation. Available operations: {ops.keys()}") state = vm.state()[0] if state not in ops[operation]['state_list']: _ = ops[operation]['function']() sleep(1) new_state = vm.state()[0] if new_state not in ops[operation]['state_list']: sleep(5) new_state = vm.state()[0] if new_state not in ops[operation]['state_list']: raise Exception( f"VM refused to perform the {operation} action") return [new_state, False] elif state in ops[operation]['state_list']: # Machine was already in state return [state, True] raise Exception("VM is blocked")
def deleteNetwork(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect, network_name: str) -> bool: """ Undefine and destroy a network """ virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) try: network = virt_conn.networkLookupByName(network_name) except libvirt.libvirtError: return False network.destroy() network.undefine() return True
def createNetwork(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect, xml: str) -> bool: """ Define and start a network """ virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) try: network = virt_conn.networkDefineXML(xml) except libvirt.libvirtError: return False network.setAutostart(True) network.create() return True
def machineStopped(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect, domain_name: str): virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) try: vm = virt_conn.lookupByName(domain_name) except libvirt.libvirtError: raise Exception("No VM found with the provided name") state = vm.state()[0] if state in [MACHINE_STATE_SHUTDOWN, MACHINE_STATE_SHUTOFF]: return True else: return False
def getDomainDisks(conn: libvirt.virConnect, dom: libvirt.virDomain): stats = conn.domainListGetStats([dom], libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK , libvirt.VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_BACKING)[0][1] result = dict() for i in range(0, stats['block.count']): name = stats['block.' + str(i) + '.name'] path = stats.get('block.' + str(i) + '.path', None) backing_index = stats.get('block.' + str(i) + '.backingIndex', 0) if not path: # Ignore non disks continue if not name in result: result[name] = dict() result[name]["name"] = name result[name]["files"] = dict() result[name]["files"][backing_index] = path return result
def revertSnapshot(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect, domain_name: str, snapshot_name: str) -> bool: """ Revert a snapshot of shutoff VM """ virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) vm = virt_conn.lookupByName(domain_name) snapshot = vm.snapshotLookupByName(snapshot_name) # Make sure VM is shutoff _, _ = stopMachine(virt_conn, domain_name) try: vm.revertToSnapshot(snapshot) except libvirt.libvirtError: return False return True
def createSnapshot(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect, domain_name: str, snapshot_name: str) -> bool: """ Make a snapshot of shutoff VM """ virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) # Make sure VM is shutoff _, _ = stopMachine(virt_conn, domain_name) vm = virt_conn.lookupByName(domain_name) try: vm.snapshotCreateXML( SNAPSHOT_XML_TEMPLATE.format(snapshot_name=snapshot_name)) except libvirt.libvirtError: return False return True
def addOrUpdateHost(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect, network_name: str, mac: str, ip: str) -> bool: """ Add or update host static IP assignment in DHCP server This definition is taken from otherwiseguy repo from github: Adjusted to this repo needs """ virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) virt_network = virt_conn.networkLookupByName(network_name) cmd = libvirt.VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_COMMAND_MODIFY section = libvirt.VIR_NETWORK_SECTION_IP_DHCP_HOST xml = "<host mac='%s' ip='%s'/>" % (mac, ip) flags = (libvirt.VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_AFFECT_LIVE | libvirt.VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_AFFECT_CONFIG) try: virt_network.update(cmd, section, -1, xml, flags) except: cmd = libvirt.VIR_NETWORK_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD_FIRST virt_network.update(cmd, section, -1, xml, flags) return True
def myConnectionCloseCallback(conn: libvirt.virConnect, reason: int, opaque: _T) -> None: print("myConnectionCloseCallback: %s: %s" % ( conn.getURI(), CONNECTION_EVENTS[reason])) global run run = False
def listNetworks(virt_conn: libvirt.virConnect) -> list: """ Return list of libvirt.virNetwork objects """ virt_conn = reassureConnection(virt_conn) return virt_conn.listAllNetworks()