Esempio n. 1
def plot_displacements(ax, features1, features2, delta_info, num=False, projection=None, mode='com',
                bg=None, beam=True, cmap=None, **kwargs):
    """Display displacements of features on a map.
    If bg is not set and features1 and features2 are both SegmentedImage, a two color map,
    one color for the segments of each SegmentedImage, will be used as bg.
    ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
    features1 : :class:`wise.features.FeaturesGroup`
        The features of the first epoch.
    features2 : :class:`wise.features.FeaturesGroup`
        The features of the second epoch.
    delta_info : :class:`wise.features.DeltaInformation`
        An object containing the displacements information.
    num : bool, optional
        Whatever to optionally annotate the segments with there ids.
    projection : :class:`libwise.imgutils.Projection`, optional
    mode : str, optional
        Coord mode for the location of the features: 'lm', 'com' or 'cos'.
    bg : :class:`libwise.imgutils.Image`, optional
        The image to be used as background map.
    beam : bool, optional
        Whatever to optionally display the beam of the image. Default is True.
    cmap : :class:`` or str, optional
        A color map for the background map.
        Additional arguments to be passed to :func:`plot_displacement_vector`

    .. _tags: plt_matching
    alpha = 0.8

    if isinstance(features1, wds.SegmentedImages):
        projection = plotutils.get_projection(features1.get_img(), projection)
        if bg is None:
            data = ((features1.get_labels() > 1) * 2 + (features2.get_labels() > 1) * 4).astype(np.int8)
            bg = imgutils.Image.from_image(features1.get_img(), data)
            alpha = 0.5
        assert bg is not None
        assert projection is not None
        contour = False

    cmap = plotutils.get_cmap(cmap)
    plotutils.imshow_image(ax, bg, projection=projection, beam=beam, title=False,
                           alpha=0.8, cmap=cmap)

    if num:
        plot_segmentid(ax, features1)

    plot_features(ax, features1, mode=mode,, alpha=0.8)
    plot_features(ax, features2, mode=mode,, alpha=0.8)

    plot_displacement_vector(ax, delta_info, mode=mode, fc='k', ec='k', **kwargs)

    plot_segments_contour(ax, features1, colors=plotutils.dblue)
    plot_segments_contour(ax, features2,
Esempio n. 2
def preview_detection_stack(ctx, stack_detection_name, count_threshold=0, ms_set=None, 
                            date_filter=None, show_regions=[]):
    ''' Plot detection in stack'''
    stack = plotutils.FigureStack()

    stack_img, img_snr, img_count = load_detection_stack_image(ctx, stack_detection_name, preprocess=True)[ < count_threshold] = 0[ < count_threshold] = 0

    prj = ctx.get_projection(stack_img)

    fig, ax = stack.add_subplots("Stack image")
    plotutils.imshow_image(ax, stack_img, projection=prj)
    for region in show_regions:
        plotutils.plot_region(ax, region, prj, text=True)

    fig, ax1 = stack.add_subplots("Stack detection SNR")
    plotutils.imshow_image(ax1, img_snr, projection=prj, cmap=plotutils.get_cmap('jet'))
    for region in show_regions:
        plotutils.plot_region(ax1, region, prj, text=True)

    fig, ax2 = stack.add_subplots("Stack detection count")
    plotutils.imshow_image(ax2, img_count, projection=prj, cmap=plotutils.get_cmap('jet'))
    for region in show_regions:
        plotutils.plot_region(ax2, region, prj, text=True)

    if ms_set is not None:
        colorbar_setting = plotutils.ColorbarSetting(cmap='jet', ticks_locator=mdates.AutoDateLocator(),

        def feature_filter(feature):
            if[tuple(feature.get_coord())] == 0:
                return False
            if date_filter is not None and not date_filter(feature.get_epoch()):
                return False
            return True

        ms_set = wds.MultiScaleImageSet.from_file(os.path.join(ctx.get_data_dir(), j),
        plot_ms_set_map(ax1, None, ms_set, prj, colorbar_setting=colorbar_setting)
        plot_ms_set_map(ax2, None, ms_set, prj, colorbar_setting=colorbar_setting)

        add_features_tooltip(stack, ax1, ms_set.features_iter(), projection=prj, epoch=True, tol=1)
        add_features_tooltip(stack, ax2, ms_set.features_iter(), projection=prj, epoch=True, tol=1)
Esempio n. 3
def plot_ms_set_map(ax, img, ms_set, projection, mode='com', color_style='date', colorbar_setting=None, 
                    map_cmap='jet', **kwargs):
    """Display all features of ms_set on a map.
    ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
    img : Image
        An image to be used as background map.
    ms_set : :class:`wise.wds.MultiScaleImageSet`
        An object containing all the features to be displayed.
    projection : :class:`libwise.imgutils.Projection`
    mode : str, optional
        Coord mode for the location of the features: 'lm', 'com' or 'cos'.
    color_style : str, optional
        'scale': display one color per scale. 'date': color correspond to the epoch.
    colorbar_setting : :class:`libwise.ColorbarSetting, optional
        Settings for the color bar if color_style is 'date'.
    map_cmap : :class:`` or str, optional
    **kwargs : 
        Additional arguments to be passed to :func:`libwise.plotutils.imshow_image`.

    .. _tags: plt_detection
    if colorbar_setting is None and color_style == 'date':
        colorbar_setting = plotutils.ColorbarSetting(ticks_locator=mdates.AutoDateLocator(),
    epochs = ms_set.get_epochs()
    intensities = [k.get_intensity() for k in ms_set.features_iter()]
    int_norm = plotutils.Normalize(min(intensities), max(intensities))
    marker_select = plotutils.MarkerSelector()

    epochs_map = plotutils.build_epochs_mappable(epochs, colorbar_setting.get_cmap())

    if img is not None:
        plotutils.imshow_image(ax, img, projection=projection, title=False, cmap=plotutils.get_cmap(map_cmap), **kwargs)

    color_fct = None
    if color_style == 'date':
        color_fct = lambda f: epochs_map.to_rgba(f.get_epoch())
        colorbar_setting.add_colorbar(epochs_map, ax)
    elif color_style is 'scale':

    for ms_segments in ms_set:
        for segments in ms_segments:
            # if segments.get_scale() != 2:
            #     continue
            s = 10 * segments.get_scale()
            marker = marker_select.get(segments.get_scale())
            # s = 500 * int_norm(segments.get_intensities())
            # s = 200
            plot_features(ax, segments, mode=mode, color_fct=color_fct, s=s, alpha=0.7, marker=marker)
Esempio n. 4
def plot_links_map(ax, img, projection, links, color_style='link', mode='com', colorbar_setting=None,
                     map_cmap='jet', vector_width=4, link_id_label=False, num_bbox=None, 
                     ang_vel_arrows=False, ang_vel_unit=u.mas / u.year, pix_per_ang_vel_unit=1, **kwargs):
    """Display features links on a map.
    ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
    img : Image
        An image to be used as background map.
    projection : :class:`libwise.imgutils.Projection`
    links : a list of :class:`wise.matcher.FeaturesLink`
    color_style : str, optional
        'link': one color per link. 
        'date': map the features epochs to a color.
        any color string: use one color for each displacements vectors.
        function: a function that take a feature as argument and return a color.
    mode : str, optional
        Coord mode for the location of the features: 'lm', 'com' or 'cos'.
    colorbar_setting : ColorBar, optional
        Settings for the color bar if color_style is 'date'.
    map_cmap : :class:`` or str, optional
    vector_width : int, optional
        Width of the displacements vector arrows. Default is 4.
    link_id_label : bool, optional
        Annotate the links with there ids.
    num_bbox : dict, optional
        Additional arguments to be passed to :func:`libwise.plotutils.imshow_image`.

    .. _tags: plt_matching
    color_fct = None
    if color_style == 'date':
        all_epochs = matcher.get_all_epochs(links)
        epochs_map = plotutils.build_epochs_mappable(all_epochs, colorbar_setting.get_cmap())
        if colorbar_setting is None:
            colorbar_setting = plotutils.ColorbarSetting(ticks_locator=mdates.AutoDateLocator(),
        colorbar_setting.add_colorbar(epochs_map, ax)
        color_fct = lambda f: epochs_map.to_rgba(f.get_epoch())
    elif color_style is not 'link' and isinstance(color_style, str):
        color_fct = lambda f: color_style
    elif nputils.is_callable(color_style):
        color_fct = color_style

    plotutils.imshow_image(ax, img, projection=projection, title=False, cmap=plotutils.get_cmap(map_cmap), **kwargs)

    for link in links:
        delta_info = link.get_delta_info(measured_delta=False)

        if ang_vel_arrows:
            plot_velocity_vector(ax, delta_info, projection, ang_vel_unit, pix_per_ang_vel_unit, 
                                 color_fct=color_fct, mode=mode, lw=0.5,
                                 fc=link.get_color(), ec='k', alpha=0.9, zorder=link.size(), width=vector_width)
            plot_displacement_vector(ax, delta_info, color_fct=color_fct, mode=mode, lw=0.5,
                                 fc=link.get_color(), ec='k', alpha=0.9, zorder=link.size(), width=vector_width)
        # y, x = link.get_features()[int(np.random.normal(s / 2, s / 4))].get_coord()
        if link_id_label:
            y, x = link.last().get_coord()
            if num_bbox is None:
                props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.7, edgecolor=link.get_color(), lw=1.5)
            ax.text(x, y, link.get_id(), bbox=num_bbox, zorder=200, size='small')