Esempio n. 1
    def get_project_status_with_http_info(self, id, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Retrieve Project status  # noqa: E501

        Retrieve the status of a Project.    # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.get_project_status_with_http_info(id, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param int id: A unique Project identifier. (required)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(ProjectStatus, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['id']  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method get_project_status" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `get_project_status`")  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'id' in local_var_params and local_var_params['id'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('id', local_var_params['id']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/projects/status', 'GET',
            response_type='ProjectStatus',  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 2
    def create_project_with_http_info(self, body, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Create a Project  # noqa: E501

        Create a Project. A Project is a collection of Documents.  A Project is associated with exactly one Memory.  Projects appear in the dashboard of the web app.    # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.create_project_with_http_info(body, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param ProjectParameters body: (required)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(Project, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['body']  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method create_project" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'body' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('body' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['body'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `body` when calling `create_project`")  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        if 'body' in local_var_params:
            body_params = local_var_params['body']
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # HTTP header `Content-Type`
        header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.select_header_content_type(  # noqa: E501
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/projects', 'POST',
            response_type='Project',  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 3
    def register_segment_with_http_info(self, source, srclang, trglang,
                                        **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Register a segment  # noqa: E501

        Register a source string for interactive translation. The `source_hash` value that is returned by this request is required by the `prefix` parameter for the translation endpoint. The maximum source length is 5,000 characters. Usage charges apply to this endpoint for production REST API keys.    # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.register_segment_with_http_info(source, srclang, trglang, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str source: A source string to be registered. (required)
        :param str srclang: An ISO 639-1 language code. (required)
        :param str trglang: An ISO 639-1 language code. (required)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(TranslateRegisterResponse, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['source', 'srclang', 'trglang']  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method register_segment" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'source' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'source' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['source'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `source` when calling `register_segment`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'srclang' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'srclang' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['srclang'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `srclang` when calling `register_segment`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'trglang' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'trglang' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['trglang'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `trglang` when calling `register_segment`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'source' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'source'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('source', local_var_params['source']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'srclang' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'srclang'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('srclang', local_var_params['srclang']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'trglang' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'trglang'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('trglang', local_var_params['trglang']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='TranslateRegisterResponse',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 4
    def get_project_with_http_info(self, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Retrieve a Project  # noqa: E501

        Retrieves one or more projects, including the documents associated with each project. Retrieving a project is the most efficient way to retrieve a single project or a list of all available projects.  To retrieve a specific project, specify the `id` request parameter. To retrieve all projects, omit the `id` request parameter. To limit the retrieved projects to those with a particular source language or target language, specify the corresponding ISO 639-1 language codes in the `srclang` and `trglang` request parameters, respectively.  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.get_project_with_http_info(async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param int id: A unique Project identifier.
        :param str srclang: An ISO 639-1 language code.
        :param str trglang: An ISO 639-1 language code.
        :param int from_time: Unix time stamp (epoch, in seconds) of Projects with `created_at` greater than or equal to the value.
        :param int to_time: Unix time stamp (epoch, in seconds) of Projects with `created_at` less than the value.
        :param str state: A project state (backlog, inProgress, inReview, inQA, done).
        :param bool archived: A flag that toggles whether to include archived projects in the response (the default is `true`).
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(list[Project], status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['id', 'srclang', 'trglang', 'from_time', 'to_time', 'state', 'archived']  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method get_project" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'id' in local_var_params and local_var_params['id'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('id', local_var_params['id']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'srclang' in local_var_params and local_var_params['srclang'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('srclang', local_var_params['srclang']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'trglang' in local_var_params and local_var_params['trglang'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('trglang', local_var_params['trglang']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'from_time' in local_var_params and local_var_params['from_time'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('from_time', local_var_params['from_time']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'to_time' in local_var_params and local_var_params['to_time'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('to_time', local_var_params['to_time']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'state' in local_var_params and local_var_params['state'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('state', local_var_params['state']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'archived' in local_var_params and local_var_params['archived'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('archived', local_var_params['archived']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/projects', 'GET',
            response_type='list[Project]',  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 5
    def upload_file_with_http_info(self, name, body, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Upload a File  # noqa: E501

        Upload a File in any of the formats [documented in our knowledge base]( Request parameters should be passed in as query string parameters.  When uploading a file, any parameters needed to issue a request to the specified export_uri can be encoded in the export_uri itself as query parameters. Typical examples of parameters that may be required are an access token to authorize requests to a third-party HTTP API and the unique identifier of a resource available via the third-party HTTP API that corresponds to the file. An example export_uri that encodes a target resource identifier (i.e., source_id) of an associated resource behind a third party HTTP API is given in the cURL command below.  Example cURL command: ```   curl -X POST \\   --header \"Content-Type: application/octet-stream\" \\   --data-binary @en_US.json ```    # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.upload_file_with_http_info(name, body, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str name: A file name. (required)
        :param str body: The file contents to be uploaded. The entire POST body will be treated as the file. (required)
        :param str export_uri: A webhook endpoint that will export the translated document back to the source repository.
        :param str file_hash: A hash value to associate with the file. The MD5 hash of the body contents will be used by default if a value isn't provided.
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(File, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['name', 'body', 'export_uri', 'file_hash']  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method upload_file" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'name' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'name' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['name'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `name` when calling `upload_file`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'body' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'body' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['body'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `body` when calling `upload_file`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'name' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'name'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('name', local_var_params['name']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'export_uri' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'export_uri'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('export_uri', local_var_params['export_uri']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'file_hash' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'file_hash'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('file_hash', local_var_params['file_hash']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        if 'body' in local_var_params:
            body_params = local_var_params['body']
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # HTTP header `Content-Type`
            'Content-Type'] = self.api_client.select_header_content_type(  # noqa: E501
                ['application/octet-stream'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='File',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 6
    def translate_segment_with_http_info(self, memory_id,
                                         **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Translate a segment  # noqa: E501

        Translate a source string.  Setting the `rich` parameter to `true` will change the response format to include additional information about each translation including a model score, word alignments,  and formatting information. The rich format can be seen in the example response on this page.  By default, this endpoint also returns translation memory (TM) fuzzy matches, along with associated scores. Fuzzy matches always appear ahead of machine translation output in the response.  The maximum source length is 5,000 characters.  Usage charges apply to this endpoint for production REST API keys.    # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.translate_segment_with_http_info(memory_id, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param int memory_id: A unique Memory identifier. (required)
        :param str source: The source text to be translated.
        :param int source_hash: A source hash code.
        :param str prefix: A target prefix.
        :param int n: Return top n translations.
        :param bool rich: Returns rich translation information (e.g., with word alignments).
        :param bool tm_matches: Include translation memory fuzzy matches.
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(TranslationList, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = [
            'memory_id', 'source', 'source_hash', 'prefix', 'n', 'rich',
        ]  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method translate_segment" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'memory_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'memory_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['memory_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `memory_id` when calling `translate_segment`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'memory_id' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'memory_id'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('memory_id', local_var_params['memory_id']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'source' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'source'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('source', local_var_params['source']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'source_hash' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'source_hash'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('source_hash', local_var_params['source_hash']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'prefix' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'prefix'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('prefix', local_var_params['prefix']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'n' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'n'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('n', local_var_params['n']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'rich' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'rich'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('rich', local_var_params['rich']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'tm_matches' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'tm_matches'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('tm_matches', local_var_params['tm_matches']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='TranslationList',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 7
    def get_files_with_http_info(self, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Retrieve a File  # noqa: E501

        Retrieves one or more files available to your user. Files are not associated with a project or a memory. They are unprocessed and can be used later in the project/document creation workflow step.  To retrieve a specific file, specify the <strong>id</strong> request parameter. To retrieve all files, omit the <strong>id</strong> request parameter.  Example cURL command: ```  curl -X GET```  # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.get_files_with_http_info(async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param int id: A unique File identifier.
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(File, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['id']  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method get_files" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'id' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'id'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('id', local_var_params['id']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/octet-stream'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='File',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 8
    def query_lexicon_with_http_info(self, memory_id, srclang, trglang, query, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Query a Lexicon  # noqa: E501

        Query the Lexicon. The Lexicon is an editable termbase / concordance that is integrated with the Memory.    # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.query_lexicon_with_http_info(memory_id, srclang, trglang, query, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param int memory_id: A unique Memory identifier. (required)
        :param str srclang: An ISO 639-1 language code. (required)
        :param str trglang: An ISO 639-1 language code. (required)
        :param str query: The query term. (required)
        :param int n: The maximum number of results to return.
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(list[LexiconEntry], status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['memory_id', 'srclang', 'trglang', 'query', 'n']  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method query_lexicon" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'memory_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('memory_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['memory_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `memory_id` when calling `query_lexicon`")  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'srclang' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('srclang' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['srclang'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `srclang` when calling `query_lexicon`")  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'trglang' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('trglang' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['trglang'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `trglang` when calling `query_lexicon`")  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'query' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('query' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['query'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `query` when calling `query_lexicon`")  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'memory_id' in local_var_params and local_var_params['memory_id'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('memory_id', local_var_params['memory_id']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'srclang' in local_var_params and local_var_params['srclang'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('srclang', local_var_params['srclang']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'trglang' in local_var_params and local_var_params['trglang'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('trglang', local_var_params['trglang']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'query' in local_var_params and local_var_params['query'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('query', local_var_params['query']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'n' in local_var_params and local_var_params['n'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('n', local_var_params['n']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/lexicon', 'GET',
            response_type='list[LexiconEntry]',  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 9
    def root_with_http_info(self, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Retrieve the REST API root  # noqa: E501

        This resource does not have any attributes. It lists the name of the REST API.  This endpoint can be used to verify REST API keys and to check the availability of the REST API.    # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.root_with_http_info(async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(ApiRoot, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = []  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method root" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='ApiRoot',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 10
    def qa_check_with_http_info(self, target, trglang, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Perform QA check  # noqa: E501

        Perform QA checks on a target string. Optionally, you can specify a source string for additional bilingual checks, e.g. number consistency.   # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.qa_check_with_http_info(target, trglang, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str target: A target string to be checked. (required)
        :param str trglang: An ISO 639-1 language code. (required)
        :param str source: An optional source string.
        :param str srclang: An ISO 639-1 language code.
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(QARuleMatches, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['target', 'trglang', 'source', 'srclang']  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError(
                    "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                    " to method qa_check" % key
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'target' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('target' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['target'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `target` when calling `qa_check`")  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'trglang' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and ('trglang' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                                                        local_var_params['trglang'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError("Missing the required parameter `trglang` when calling `qa_check`")  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'target' in local_var_params and local_var_params['target'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('target', local_var_params['target']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'trglang' in local_var_params and local_var_params['trglang'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('trglang', local_var_params['trglang']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'source' in local_var_params and local_var_params['source'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('source', local_var_params['source']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'srclang' in local_var_params and local_var_params['srclang'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
            query_params.append(('srclang', local_var_params['srclang']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            '/qa', 'GET',
            response_type='QARuleMatches',  # noqa: E501
            _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get('_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),
Esempio n. 11
    def tag_segment_with_http_info(self, source_tagged, target, memory_id,
                                   **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """Tag a Segment  # noqa: E501

        Project tags for a segment. The `source_tagged` string contains one or more SGML tags. The `target` string is untagged. This endpoint will automatically place the source tags in the target.  Usage charges apply to this endpoint for production REST API keys.    # noqa: E501
        This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
        asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True
        >>> thread = api.tag_segment_with_http_info(source_tagged, target, memory_id, async_req=True)
        >>> result = thread.get()

        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param str source_tagged: The tagged source string. (required)
        :param str target: The target string. (required)
        :param int memory_id: A unique Memory identifier. (required)
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code
                                       and headers
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will
                                 be returned without reading/decoding response
                                 data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
                                 number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
                                 (connection, read) timeouts.
        :return: tuple(TaggedSegment, status_code(int), headers(HTTPHeaderDict))
                 If the method is called asynchronously,
                 returns the request thread.

        local_var_params = locals()

        all_params = ['source_tagged', 'target', 'memory_id']  # noqa: E501

        for key, val in six.iteritems(local_var_params['kwargs']):
            if key not in all_params:
                raise ApiTypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                                   " to method tag_segment" % key)
            local_var_params[key] = val
        del local_var_params['kwargs']
        # verify the required parameter 'source_tagged' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'source_tagged' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['source_tagged'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `source_tagged` when calling `tag_segment`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'target' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'target' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['target'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `target` when calling `tag_segment`"
            )  # noqa: E501
        # verify the required parameter 'memory_id' is set
        if self.api_client.client_side_validation and (
                'memory_id' not in local_var_params or  # noqa: E501
                local_var_params['memory_id'] is None):  # noqa: E501
            raise ApiValueError(
                "Missing the required parameter `memory_id` when calling `tag_segment`"
            )  # noqa: E501

        collection_formats = {}

        path_params = {}

        query_params = []
        if 'source_tagged' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'source_tagged'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                 local_var_params['source_tagged']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'target' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'target'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('target', local_var_params['target']))  # noqa: E501
        if 'memory_id' in local_var_params and local_var_params[
                'memory_id'] is not None:  # noqa: E501
                ('memory_id', local_var_params['memory_id']))  # noqa: E501

        header_params = {}

        form_params = []
        local_var_files = {}

        body_params = None
        # HTTP header `Accept`
        header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
            ['application/json'])  # noqa: E501

        # Authentication setting
        auth_settings = ['ApiKeyAuth', 'BasicAuth']  # noqa: E501

        return self.api_client.call_api(
            response_type='TaggedSegment',  # noqa: E501
                '_return_http_data_only'),  # noqa: E501
            _preload_content=local_var_params.get('_preload_content', True),