Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: nafwa03/olims
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        BikaListingView.__init__(self, context, request)

        self.show_sort_column = False
        self.show_select_row = False
        self.show_select_column = False
        self.show_workflow_action_buttons = False
        self.pagesize = 999999

        self.icon = self.portal_url + "/++resource++bika.lims.images/%s_big.png" % \
        self.title = to_utf8(self.context.Title()) + " " + t(_("Log"))
        self.description = ""

        self.columns = {
            'Version': {'title': _('Version'), 'sortable': False},
            'Date': {'title': _('Date'), 'sortable': False},
            'User': {'title': _('User'), 'sortable': False},
            'Action': {'title': _('Action'), 'sortable': False},
            'Description': {'title': _('Description'), 'sortable': False},
        self.review_states = [
            {'id': 'default',
             'title': 'All',
             'contentFilter': {},
             'columns': ['Version',
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, context, request, field):
        BikaListingView.__init__(self, context, request)
        self.selected = [o.UID() for o in getattr(field, field.accessor)()]
        self.context_actions = {}
        self.catalog = "bika_setup_catalog"
        self.contentFilter = {'review_state': 'impossible_state'}
        self.base_url = self.context.absolute_url()
        self.view_url = self.base_url
        self.show_categories = True
        self.show_sort_column = False
        self.show_select_row = False
        self.show_select_all_checkbox = False
        self.show_select_column = True
        self.pagesize = 999999
        self.form_id = 'serviceswidget'

        self.columns = {
            'Service': {'title': _('Service')},
            'Keyword': {'title': _('Keyword'),
                        'index': 'getKeyword'},
            'Method': {'title': _('Method')},
            'Calculation': {'title': _('Calculation')},
        self.review_states = [
             'title': _('All'),
             'transitions': [],
                        'Calculation', ]
Esempio n. 3
    def folderitems(self):
        mtool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        if mtool.checkPermission(ManageBika, self.context):
            del self.review_states[0]['transitions']
            self.show_select_column = True
                 'title': _('Active'),
                 'contentFilter': {'inactive_state': 'active'},
                 'transitions': [{'id':'deactivate'}, ],
                 'columns': ['Title', 'Description']})
                 'title': _('Dormant'),
                 'contentFilter': {'inactive_state': 'inactive'},
                 'transitions': [{'id':'activate'}, ],
                 'columns': ['Title', 'Description']})

        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

        return items
Esempio n. 4
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']

            itype = obj.getInstrumentType()
            items[x]['Type'] = itype.Title() if itype else ''
            ibrand = obj.getManufacturer()
            items[x]['Brand'] = ibrand.Title() if ibrand else ''
            items[x]['Model'] = obj.getModel()

            data = obj.getCertificateExpireDate()
            if data == '':
                items[x]['ExpiryDate'] = "No date avaliable"
                items[x]['ExpiryDate'] = data.asdatetime().strftime(self.date_format_short)
            if obj.isOutOfDate():
                items[x]['WeeksToExpire'] = "Out of date"
                date = int(str(obj.getWeeksToExpire()).split(',')[0].split(' ')[0])
                weeks,days = divmod(date,7)
                items[x]['WeeksToExpire'] = str(weeks)+" weeks"+" "+str(days)+" days"
            if obj.getMethod():
                items[x]['Method'] = obj.getMethod().Title() 
                items[x]['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                    (obj.getMethod().absolute_url(), items[x]['Method'])
                items[x]['Method'] = ''
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

        return items
Esempio n. 5
 def __call__(self):
     ar = self.context
     workflow = getToolByName(ar, 'portal_workflow')
     # If is a retracted AR, show the link to child AR and show a warn msg
     if workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') == 'invalid':
         childar = hasattr(ar, 'getChildAnalysisRequest') \
                     and ar.getChildAnalysisRequest() or None
         childid = childar and childar.getRequestID() or None
         message = _('This Analysis Request has been withdrawn and is '
                     'shown for trace-ability purposes only. Retest: '
                     mapping={'retest_child_id': safe_unicode(childid) or ''})
             self.context.translate(message), 'warning')
     # If is an AR automatically generated due to a Retraction, show it's
     # parent AR information
     if hasattr(ar, 'getParentAnalysisRequest') \
         and ar.getParentAnalysisRequest():
         par = ar.getParentAnalysisRequest()
         message = _('This Analysis Request has been '
                     'generated automatically due to '
                     'the retraction of the Analysis '
                     'Request ${retracted_request_id}.',
                     mapping={'retracted_request_id': par.getRequestID()})
             self.context.translate(message), 'info')
     template = BikaListingView.__call__(self)
     return template
Esempio n. 6
 def __call__(self):
     ar = self.context
     workflow = getToolByName(ar, 'portal_workflow')
     # If is a retracted AR, show the link to child AR and show a warn msg
     if workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') == 'invalid':
         childar = hasattr(ar, 'getChildAnalysisRequest') \
                     and ar.getChildAnalysisRequest() or None
         childid = childar and childar.getRequestID() or None
         message = _(
             'This Analysis Request has been withdrawn and is '
             'shown for trace-ability purposes only. Retest: '
             mapping={'retest_child_id': safe_unicode(childid) or ''})
             self.context.translate(message), 'warning')
     # If is an AR automatically generated due to a Retraction, show it's
     # parent AR information
     if hasattr(ar, 'getParentAnalysisRequest') \
         and ar.getParentAnalysisRequest():
         par = ar.getParentAnalysisRequest()
         message = _(
             'This Analysis Request has been '
             'generated automatically due to '
             'the retraction of the Analysis '
             'Request ${retracted_request_id}.',
             mapping={'retracted_request_id': par.getRequestID()})
             self.context.translate(message), 'info')
     template = BikaListingView.__call__(self)
     return template
Esempio n. 7
    def folderitems(self):
        self.filter_indexes = None

        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if 'obj' not in items[x]:
            obj = items[x]['obj']

            bid = obj.getBatchID()
            items[x]['BatchID'] = bid
            items[x]['replace']['BatchID'] = "<a href='%s/%s'>%s</a>" % (
                items[x]['url'], 'analysisrequests', bid)

            title = obj.Title()
            items[x]['Title'] = title
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s/%s'>%s</a>" % (
                items[x]['url'], 'analysisrequests', title)

            date = obj.Schema().getField('BatchDate').get(obj)
            if callable(date):
                date = date()
            items[x]['BatchDate'] = date
            items[x]['replace']['BatchDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(date)

        return items
Esempio n. 8
    def folderitems(self):
        mtool = getToolByName(self.context, "portal_membership")
        if mtool.checkPermission(ManageBika, self.context):
            del self.review_states[0]["transitions"]
            self.show_select_column = True
                    "id": "active",
                    "title": _("Active"),
                    "contentFilter": {"inactive_state": "active"},
                    "transitions": [{"id": "deactivate"}],
                    "columns": ["Title", "Description"],
                    "id": "inactive",
                    "title": _("Dormant"),
                    "contentFilter": {"inactive_state": "inactive"},
                    "transitions": [{"id": "activate"}],
                    "columns": ["Title", "Description"],

        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if "obj" in items[x]:
                items[x]["replace"]["Title"] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (items[x]["url"], items[x]["Title"])

        return items
Esempio n. 9
    def folderitems(self):
        mtool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        if mtool.checkPermission(ManageBika, self.context):
            del self.review_states[0]['transitions']
            self.show_select_column = True
                 'title': _('Active'),
                 'contentFilter': {'inactive_state': 'active'},
                 'transitions': [{'id':'deactivate'}, ],
                 'columns': ['Title', 'Description']})
                 'title': _('Dormant'),
                 'contentFilter': {'inactive_state': 'inactive'},
                 'transitions': [{'id':'activate'}, ],
                 'columns': ['Title', 'Description']})

        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

        return items
Esempio n. 10
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        props = self.context.portal_properties.site_properties
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if 'obj' not in items[x]:
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            obj_url = obj.absolute_url()
            file = obj.getReportFile()
            icon = file.getBestIcon()

            items[x]['Client'] = ''
            client = obj.getClient()
            if client:
                items[x]['replace']['Client'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
            items[x]['FileSize'] = '%sKb' % (file.get_size() / 1024)
            items[x]['Created'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.created())
            items[x]['By'] = self.user_fullname(obj.Creator())

            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = \
                "<a href='%s/at_download/ReportFile'>%s</a>" % \
                (obj_url, items[x]['Title'])
        return items
Esempio n. 11
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            items[x]['replace']['title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['title'])

        return items
Esempio n. 12
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     for item in items:
         if not item.has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = item['obj']
         title_link = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (item['url'], item['title'])
         item['replace']['Title'] = title_link
     return items
Esempio n. 13
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            items[x]['replace']['getFullname'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['obj'].getFullname())

        return items
Esempio n. 14
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        BikaListingView.__init__(self, context, request)

        self.show_sort_column = False
        self.show_select_row = False
        self.show_select_column = False
        self.show_workflow_action_buttons = False
        self.pagesize = 999999

        self.icon = self.portal_url + "/++resource++bika.lims.images/%s_big.png" % \
        self.title = to_utf8(self.context.Title()) + " " + t(_("Log"))
        self.description = ""

        self.columns = {
            'Version': {
                'title': _('Version'),
                'sortable': False
            'Date': {
                'title': _('Date'),
                'sortable': False
            'User': {
                'title': _('User'),
                'sortable': False
            'Action': {
                'title': _('Action'),
                'sortable': False
            'Description': {
                'title': _('Description'),
                'sortable': False
        self.review_states = [
                'id': 'default',
                'title': 'All',
                'contentFilter': {},
                ['Version', 'Date', 'User', 'Action', 'Description']
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, context, request, field):
        BikaListingView.__init__(self, context, request)
        self.selected = [o.UID() for o in getattr(field, field.accessor)()]
        self.context_actions = {}
        self.catalog = "bika_setup_catalog"
        self.contentFilter = {'review_state': 'impossible_state'}
        self.base_url = self.context.absolute_url()
        self.view_url = self.base_url
        self.show_categories = True
        self.show_sort_column = False
        self.show_select_row = False
        self.show_select_all_checkbox = False
        self.show_select_column = True
        self.pagesize = 999999
        self.form_id = 'serviceswidget'

        self.columns = {
            'Service': {
                'title': _('Service')
            'Keyword': {
                'title': _('Keyword'),
                'index': 'getKeyword'
            'Method': {
                'title': _('Method')
            'Calculation': {
                'title': _('Calculation')
        self.review_states = [
                'id': 'default',
                'title': _('All'),
                'contentFilter': {},
                'transitions': [],
                'columns': [
Esempio n. 16
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     for x in range(len(items)):
         if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = items[x]['obj']
         items[x]['Description'] = obj.Description()
         items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
              (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])
     return items
Esempio n. 17
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        valid = [c.UID() for c in self.context.getValidCertifications()]
        latest = self.context.getLatestValidCertification()
        latest = latest.UID() if latest else ''
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            # items[x]['getAgency'] = obj.getAgency()
            items[x]['getDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDate(),
            items[x]['getValidFrom'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getValidFrom(),
            items[x]['getValidTo'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getValidTo(),
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])
            if obj.getInternal() == True:
                items[x]['replace']['getAgency'] = ""
                items[x]['state_class'] = '%s %s' % (items[x]['state_class'],

            items[x]['getDocument'] = ""
            items[x]['replace']['getDocument'] = ""
                doc = obj.getDocument()
                if doc and doc.get_size() > 0:
                    anchor = "<a href='%s/at_download/Document'>%s</a>" % \
                            (obj.absolute_url(), doc.filename)
                    items[x]['getDocument'] = doc.filename
                    items[x]['replace']['getDocument'] = anchor
                # POSKeyError: 'No blob file'
                # Show the record, but not the link
                title = _('Not available')
                items[x]['getDocument'] = _('Not available')
                items[x]['replace']['getDocument'] = _('Not available')

            uid = obj.UID()
            if uid in valid:
                # Valid calibration.
                items[x]['state_class'] = '%s %s' % (items[x]['state_class'],
            elif uid == latest:
                # Latest valid certificate
                img = "<img title='%s' src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/exclamation.png'/>&nbsp;" \
                % (t(_('Out of date')), self.portal_url)
                items[x]['replace']['getValidTo'] = '%s %s' % (
                    items[x]['getValidTo'], img)
                items[x]['state_class'] = '%s %s' % (items[x]['state_class'],
                                                     'inactive outofdate')
                # Old and further calibrations
                items[x]['state_class'] = '%s %s' % (items[x]['state_class'],

        return items
Esempio n. 18
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     for x in range(len(items)):
         if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = items[x]['obj']
         items[x]['Description'] = obj.Description()
         items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
              (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])
     return items
Esempio n. 19
 def __init__(self, context, request, **kwargs):
     BikaListingView.__init__(self, context, request, **kwargs)
     self.form_id = "instrumentcertifications"
     self.columns = {
         'Title': {
             'title': _('Cert. Num'),
             'index': 'sortable_title'
         'getAgency': {
             'title': _('Agency')
         'getDate': {
             'title': _('Date')
         'getValidFrom': {
             'title': _('Valid from')
         'getValidTo': {
             'title': _('Valid to')
         'getDocument': {
             'title': _('Document')
     self.review_states = [
             'contentFilter': {},
             'columns': [
                 'Title', 'getAgency', 'getDate', 'getValidFrom',
                 'getValidTo', 'getDocument'
             'transitions': [{}]
     self.allow_edit = False
     self.show_select_column = False
     self.show_workflow_action_buttons = False
     uids = [c.UID() for c in self.context.getCertifications()]
     self.catalog = 'portal_catalog'
     self.contentFilter = {'UID': uids, 'sort_on': 'sortable_title'}
Esempio n. 20
    def isItemAllowed(self, obj):
        # Only show "my" worksheets
        # this cannot be setup in contentFilter,
        # because AuthenticatedMember is not available in __init__
        if self.selected_state == 'mine' or self.restrict_results == True:
            analyst = obj.getAnalyst().strip()
            if analyst != _c(self.member.getId()):
                return False

        return BikaListingView.isItemAllowed(self, obj)
Esempio n. 21
    def isItemAllowed(self, obj):
        # Only show "my" worksheets
        # this cannot be setup in contentFilter,
        # because AuthenticatedMember is not available in __init__
        if self.selected_state == 'mine' or self.restrict_results == True:
            analyst = obj.getAnalyst().strip()
            if analyst != _c(self.member.getId()):
                return False

        return BikaListingView.isItemAllowed(self, obj)
Esempio n. 22
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if 'obj' not in items[x]:

            items[x]['replace']['title'] = \
                "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (items[x]['url'], items[x]['title'])

        return items
Esempio n. 23
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     for x in range(len(items)):
         if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = items[x]['obj']
         items[x]['Title'] = obj.Title()
         items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                                        (items[x]['url'], items[x]['title'])
         items[x]['ProfileKey'] = obj.getProfileKey()
     return items
Esempio n. 24
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     for x in range(len(items)):
         if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = items[x]['obj']
         items[x]['Title'] = obj.Title()
         items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                                        (items[x]['url'], items[x]['title'])
         items[x]['ProfileKey'] = obj.getProfileKey()
     return items
Esempio n. 25
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Description'] = obj.Description()
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

            if obj.getRetentionPeriod():
                items[x]['RetentionPeriod'] = "hours: " + str(
                    obj.getRetentionPeriod()['hours']) + " minutes: " + str(
                        obj.getRetentionPeriod()['minutes']) + " days: " + str(

                items[x]['RetentionPeriod'] = ''

            if obj.getSampleMatrix():
                items[x]['SampleMatrix'] = obj.getSampleMatrix().Title()
                items[x]['replace']['SampleMatrix'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                    (obj.getSampleMatrix().absolute_url(), items[x]['SampleMatrix'])
                items[x]['SampleMatrix'] = ''

            if obj.getContainerType():
                items[x]['ContainerType'] = obj.getContainerType().Title()
                    'ContainerType'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (

                items[x]['ContainerType'] = ''

            if obj.getSamplePoints():
                if len(obj.getSamplePoints()) > 1:
                    SPLine = str()
                    urlStr = str()
                    for token in obj.getSamplePoints():
                        SPLine += token.Title() + ", "
                        urlStr += "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (
                            token.absolute_url(), token.Title())
                    items[x]['replace']['getSamplePoints'] = urlStr

                    items[x]['getSamplePoints'] = obj.getSamplePoints(
                    items[x]['replace']['getSamplePoints'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (obj.getSamplePoints()[0].absolute_url(), items[x]['getSamplePoints'])

                items[x]['getSamplePoints'] = ''

        return items
Esempio n. 26
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     for x in range(len(items)):
         if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = items[x]['obj']
         items[x]['Title'] = obj.Title()
         items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
              (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])
         items[x]['SampleType'] = obj.getSampleType().Title() \
             if obj.getSampleType() else ""
     return items
Esempio n. 27
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     items.sort(key=itemgetter('OrderDate'), reverse=True)
     for x in range(len(items)):
         if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = items[x]['obj']
         items[x]['OrderNumber'] = obj.getOrderNumber()
         items[x]['OrderDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getOrderDate())
         items[x]['DateDispatched'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateDispatched())
         items[x]['replace']['OrderNumber'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
              (items[x]['url'], items[x]['OrderNumber'])
     return items
Esempio n. 28
    def folderitems(self):

        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if 'obj' not in items[x]:
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])
            items[x]['getEffectiveDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(items[x]['obj'].getEffectiveDate())
            items[x]['getExpirationDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(items[x]['obj'].getExpirationDate())

        return items
Esempio n. 29
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     for x in range(len(items)):
         if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = items[x]['obj']
         items[x]['Title'] = obj.Title()
         items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
              (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])
         st = obj.getSampleType()
         items[x]['SampleType'] = obj.getSampleType().Title() \
             if obj.getSampleType() else ""
     return items
Esempio n. 30
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     for x in range(len(items)):
         if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = items[x]['obj']
         items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
              (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])
         items[x]['Description'] = obj.Description()
         if obj.aq_parent.portal_type == 'Client':
             items[x]['Owner'] = obj.aq_parent.Title()
             items[x]['Owner'] = self.context.bika_setup.laboratory.Title()
     return items
Esempio n. 31
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Name'] = obj.getName()
            items[x]['Email'] = obj.getEmailAddress()
            items[x]['Phone'] = obj.getPhone()
            items[x]['Fax'] = obj.getFax()
            items[x]['replace']['Name'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Name'])

        return items
    def __init__(self, context, request, fieldvalue, allow_edit):
        BikaListingView.__init__(self, context, request)
        self.context_actions = {}
        self.contentFilter = {'review_state' : 'impossible_state'}
        self.context_actions = {}
        self.base_url = self.context.absolute_url()
        self.view_url = self.base_url
        self.show_sort_column = False
        self.show_select_row = False
        self.show_select_all_checkbox = False
        self.show_select_column = False
        self.pagesize = 999999
        self.allow_edit = allow_edit
        self.show_categories = True
        # self.expand_all_categories = False

        self.specsresults = {}
        for specresults in fieldvalue:
            self.specsresults[specresults['keyword']] = specresults

        self.columns = {
            'service': {'title': _('Service'), 'index': 'sortable_title', 'sortable': False},
            'min': {'title': _('Min'), 'sortable': False,},
            'max': {'title': _('Max'), 'sortable': False,},
            'error': {'title': _('Permitted Error %'), 'sortable': False},
            'hidemin': {'title': _('< Min'), 'sortable': False},
            'hidemax': {'title': _('> Max'), 'sortable': False},
            'rangecomment': {'title': _('Range comment'), 'sortable': False, 'toggle': False}

        self.review_states = [
             'title': _('All'),
             'transitions': [],
             'columns': ['service', 'min', 'max', 'error',
                         'hidemin', 'hidemax', 'rangecomment'],
Esempio n. 33
    def folderitems(self):
        self.contentsMethod = self.getInvoiceBatches
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x, item in enumerate(items):
            if 'obj' not in item:
            obj = item['obj']
            title_link = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (item['url'], item['title'])
            items[x]['replace']['title'] = title_link
            items[x]['start'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getBatchStartDate())
            items[x]['end'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getBatchEndDate())

        return items
Esempio n. 34
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Name'] = obj.getName()
            items[x]['Email'] = obj.getEmailAddress()
            items[x]['Phone'] = obj.getPhone()
            items[x]['Fax'] = obj.getFax()
            items[x]['replace']['Name'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Name'])

        return items
Esempio n. 35
    def folderitems(self):
        self.contentsMethod = self.getInvoiceBatches
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x, item in enumerate(items):
            if 'obj' not in item:
            obj = item['obj']
            title_link = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (item['url'], item['title'])
            items[x]['replace']['title'] = title_link
            items[x]['start'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getBatchStartDate())
            items[x]['end'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getBatchEndDate())

        return items
Esempio n. 36
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue

            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['replace']['title'] = \
                "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (items[x]['url'], items[x]['title'])
            items[x]['replace']['getClientTitle'] = \
                "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (
                        obj.aq_parent.absolute_url(), obj.aq_parent.Title())

        return items
Esempio n. 37
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Volume'] = obj.getVolume()
            items[x]['Unit'] = obj.getUnit()
            items[x]['Price'] = obj.getPrice()
            items[x]['VATAmount'] = obj.getVATAmount()
            items[x]['TotalPrice'] = obj.getTotalPrice()
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

        return items
Esempio n. 38
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Volume'] = obj.getVolume()
            items[x]['Unit'] = obj.getUnit()
            items[x]['Price'] = obj.getPrice()
            items[x]['VATAmount'] = obj.getVATAmount()
            items[x]['TotalPrice'] = obj.getTotalPrice()
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

        return items
Esempio n. 39
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Fullname'] = obj.getFullname()
            items[x]['Department'] = obj.getDepartmentTitle()
            items[x]['BusinessPhone'] = obj.getBusinessPhone()
            items[x]['Fax'] = obj.getBusinessFax()
            items[x]['MobilePhone'] = obj.getMobilePhone()
            items[x]['EmailAddress'] = obj.getEmailAddress()
            items[x]['replace']['Fullname'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Fullname'])

        return items
Esempio n. 40
 def folderitems(self, full_objects=False):
     currency = currency_format(self.context, 'en')
     self.show_all = True
     self.contentsMethod = self.getInvoices
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self, full_objects)
     for item in items:
         obj = item['obj']
         number_link = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (item['url'], obj.getId())
         item['replace']['id'] = number_link
         item['client'] = obj.getClient().Title()
         item['invoicedate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getInvoiceDate())
         item['subtotal'] = currency(obj.getSubtotal())
         item['vatamount'] = currency(obj.getVATAmount())
         item['total'] = currency(obj.getTotal())
     return items
Esempio n. 41
    def __init__(self, context, request, fieldvalue, allow_edit):
        BikaListingView.__init__(self, context, request)
        self.context_actions = {}
        self.contentFilter = {'review_state': 'impossible_state'}
        self.base_url = self.context.absolute_url()
        self.view_url = self.base_url
        self.show_sort_column = False
        self.show_select_row = False
        self.show_select_all_checkbox = False
        self.show_select_column = False
        self.pagesize = 999999
        self.allow_edit = allow_edit
        self.show_categories = True
        # self.expand_all_categories = False

        self.referenceresults = {}
        # we want current field value as a dict
        # key:uid, value:{dictionary from field list of dict}
        for refres in fieldvalue:
            self.referenceresults[refres['uid']] = refres

        self.columns = {
            'service': {'title': _('Service')},
            'result': {'title': _('Expected Result')},
            'error': {'title': _('Permitted Error %')},
            'min': {'title': _('Min')},
            'max': {'title': _('Max')}
        self.review_states = [
            {'id': 'default',
             'title': _('All'),
             'contentFilter': {},
             'transitions': [],
             'columns': ['service', 'result', 'error', 'min', 'max'],
Esempio n. 42
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Fullname'] = obj.getFullname()
            items[x]['Department'] = obj.getDepartmentTitle()
            items[x]['BusinessPhone'] = obj.getBusinessPhone()
            items[x]['Fax'] = obj.getBusinessFax()
            items[x]['MobilePhone'] = obj.getMobilePhone()
            items[x]['EmailAddress'] = obj.getEmailAddress()
            items[x]['replace']['Fullname'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Fullname'])

        return items
Esempio n. 43
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Description'] = obj.Description()
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

            if obj.getRetentionPeriod():
                items[x]['RetentionPeriod'] = "hours: " + str(obj.getRetentionPeriod()['hours']) + " minutes: " + str(obj.getRetentionPeriod()['minutes']) + " days: " + str(obj.getRetentionPeriod()['days'])
                items[x]['RetentionPeriod'] = ''

            if obj.getSampleMatrix():
                items[x]['SampleMatrix'] = obj.getSampleMatrix().Title()
                items[x]['replace']['SampleMatrix'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                    (obj.getSampleMatrix().absolute_url(), items[x]['SampleMatrix'])
                items[x]['SampleMatrix'] = ''

            if obj.getContainerType():
                items[x]['ContainerType'] = obj.getContainerType().Title()
                items[x]['replace']['ContainerType'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" %(obj.getContainerType().absolute_url(), items[x]['ContainerType'])

                items[x]['ContainerType'] = ''

            if obj.getSamplePoints():
                if len(obj.getSamplePoints()) > 1:
                    SPLine = str()
                    urlStr = str()
                    for token in obj.getSamplePoints():
                        SPLine += token.Title() + ", "
                        urlStr += "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (token.absolute_url(),token.Title())
                    items[x]['replace']['getSamplePoints'] = urlStr
                    items[x]['getSamplePoints'] = obj.getSamplePoints()[0].Title()
                    items[x]['replace']['getSamplePoints'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (obj.getSamplePoints()[0].absolute_url(), items[x]['getSamplePoints'])

                items[x]['getSamplePoints'] = ''

        return items
Esempio n. 44
 def folderitems(self):
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
     outitems = []
     toshow = []
     for val in self.context.getValidations():
     for x in range(len(items)):
         if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
         obj = items[x]['obj']
         if obj.UID() in toshow:
             items[x]['getDownFrom'] = obj.getDownFrom()
             items[x]['getDownTo'] = obj.getDownTo()
             items[x]['getValidator'] = obj.getValidator()
             items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                  (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])
     return outitems
Esempio n. 45
 def folderitems(self, full_objects=False):
     currency = currency_format(self.context, 'en')
     self.show_all = True
     self.contentsMethod = self.getInvoices
     items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self, full_objects)
     for item in items:
         obj = item['obj']
         number_link = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (
             item['url'], obj.getId()
         item['replace']['id'] = number_link
         item['client'] = obj.getClient().Title()
         item['invoicedate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getInvoiceDate())
         item['subtotal'] = currency(obj.getSubtotal())
         item['vatamount'] = currency(obj.getVATAmount())
         item['total'] = currency(obj.getTotal())
     return items
Esempio n. 46
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Description'] = obj.Description()
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

            after_icons = ''
            if obj.getBlank():
                after_icons += "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/blank.png' title='Blank'>"
            if obj.getHazardous():
                after_icons += "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/hazardous.png' title='Hazardous'>"
            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>&nbsp;%s" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'], after_icons)

        return items
Esempio n. 47
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        outitems = []
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'current':
                # Check expiry date
                from dependencies.dependency import DT2dt
                from dependencies.dependency import datetime
                expirydate = DT2dt(obj.getExpiryDate()).replace(tzinfo=None)
                if ( > expirydate):
                    workflow.doActionFor(obj, 'expire')
                    items[x]['review_state'] = 'expired'
                    items[x]['obj'] = obj
                    if 'review_state' in self.contentFilter \
                        and self.contentFilter['review_state'] == 'current':
            items[x]['ID'] =
            items[x]['Manufacturer'] = obj.getReferenceManufacturer() and \
                 obj.getReferenceManufacturer().Title() or ''
            items[x]['Definition'] = obj.getReferenceDefinition() and \
                 obj.getReferenceDefinition().Title() or ''
            items[x]['DateSampled'] = self.ulocalized_time(
            items[x]['DateReceived'] = self.ulocalized_time(
            items[x]['DateOpened'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateOpened())
            items[x]['ExpiryDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getExpiryDate())

            after_icons = ''
            if obj.getBlank():
                after_icons += "<img\
                src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/blank.png' \
                title='%s'>" % (self.portal_url, t(_('Blank')))
            if obj.getHazardous():
                after_icons += "<img\
                src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/hazardous.png' \
                title='%s'>" % (self.portal_url, t(_('Hazardous')))
            items[x]['replace']['ID'] = "<a href='%s/base_view'>%s</a>&nbsp;%s" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['ID'], after_icons)
        return outitems
Esempio n. 48
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        outitems = []
        toshow = []
        for sch in self.context.getSchedule():

        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            if obj.UID() in toshow:
                items[x]['created'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.created())
                items[x]['creator'] = obj.Creator()
                items[x]['getType'] = safe_unicode(_(
                items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                     (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])
        return outitems
Esempio n. 49
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        outitems = []
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'current':
                # Check expiry date
                from dependencies.dependency import DT2dt
                from dependencies.dependency import datetime
                expirydate = DT2dt(obj.getExpiryDate()).replace(tzinfo=None)
                if ( > expirydate):
                    workflow.doActionFor(obj, 'expire')
                    items[x]['review_state'] = 'expired'
                    items[x]['obj'] = obj
                    if 'review_state' in self.contentFilter \
                        and self.contentFilter['review_state'] == 'current':
            items[x]['ID'] =
            items[x]['Manufacturer'] = obj.getReferenceManufacturer() and \
                 obj.getReferenceManufacturer().Title() or ''
            items[x]['Definition'] = obj.getReferenceDefinition() and \
                 obj.getReferenceDefinition().Title() or ''
            items[x]['DateSampled'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateSampled())
            items[x]['DateReceived'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateReceived())
            items[x]['DateOpened'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDateOpened())
            items[x]['ExpiryDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getExpiryDate())

            after_icons = ''
            if obj.getBlank():
                after_icons += "<img\
                src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/blank.png' \
                title='%s'>" % (self.portal_url, t(_('Blank')))
            if obj.getHazardous():
                after_icons += "<img\
                src='%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/hazardous.png' \
                title='%s'>" % (self.portal_url, t(_('Hazardous')))
            items[x]['replace']['ID'] = "<a href='%s/base_view'>%s</a>&nbsp;%s" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['ID'], after_icons)
        return outitems
Esempio n. 50
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Description'] = obj.Description()
            items[x]['ContainerType'] = obj.getContainerType() and obj.getContainerType().Title() or ''
            items[x]['Capacity'] = obj.getCapacity() and "%s" % \
                (obj.getCapacity()) or ''
            pre = obj.getPrePreserved()
            pres = obj.getPreservation()
            items[x]['Pre-preserved'] = ''
            items[x]['after']['Pre-preserved'] = pre \
                and "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (pres.absolute_url(), pres.Title()) \
                or ''

            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

        return items
Esempio n. 51
    def folderitems(self):
        items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
        for x in range(len(items)):
            if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
            obj = items[x]['obj']
            items[x]['Description'] = obj.Description()
            items[x]['Manager'] = obj.getManagerName()
            items[x]['ManagerPhone'] = obj.getManagerPhone()
            items[x]['ManagerEmail'] = obj.getManagerEmail()

            items[x]['replace']['Title'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                 (items[x]['url'], items[x]['Title'])

            if items[x]['ManagerEmail']:
                items[x]['replace']['ManagerEmail'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>"%\
                     ('mailto:%s' % items[x]['ManagerEmail'],

        return items