def hausman_fe_re(panel_data, inef_formula, weights=None, cov="unadjusted", level=0.05): """ Executes a Hausman test, which H0: there is no correlation between unobserved effects and the independent variables It is not necessary to assign the function to an object! But remember to include an intercept in the formulas. :param panel_data : dataframe (which must be in a panel structure) :param inef_formula : patsy formula for the inefficient model under H0 (fixed effects) :param weights : N x 1 Series or vector containing weights to be used in estimation; defaults to None Use is recommended when analyzing survey data, passing on the weight available in the survey :param cov : str unadjusted: common standard errors robust: robust standard errors kernel: robust to heteroskedacity AND serial autocorrelation :param level : significance level for the test. Defaults to 5%. """ ## Random Effects if weights is None: random = RandomEffects.from_formula(formula=inef_formula, data=panel_data).fit(cov_type=cov) else: random = RandomEffects.from_formula(formula=inef_formula, data=panel_data, weights=weights).fit(cov_type=cov) ## Fixed Effects formula_fe = inef_formula + ' + EntityEffects' if weights is None: fixed = PanelOLS.from_formula(formula=formula_fe, data=panel_data, drop_absorbed=True).fit(cov_type=cov) else: fixed = PanelOLS.from_formula(formula=formula_fe, data=panel_data, drop_absorbed=True, weights=weights).fit(cov_type=cov) ## Computing the Hausman statistic # Difference between asymptotic variances var_assin = fixed.cov - random.cov # Difference between parameters d = fixed.params - random.params # Calculating H (statistic) H = # Degrees of freedom freedom = random.params.size - 1 # Calculating p-value using chi2 survival function (sf, 1 - cumulative distribution function) p = stats.chi2(freedom).sf(H) if p < level: print(f"The value of H is {round(H, 6)} with {freedom} degrees of freedom in the chi-squared distribution.") print(f"The p-value of the test is {round(p, 6)} and, therefore, H0 is REJECTED and fixed effects is preferred") else: print(f"The value of H is {round(H, 6)} with {freedom} degrees of freedom in the chi-squared distribution.") print(f"The p-value of the test is {round(p, 6)} and H0 is NOT REJECTED and random effects is preferred.")
def fixed_effects(panel_data, formula, weights=None, time_effects=False, cov="unadjusted"): """ Fits a standard Fixed Effects model with the corresponding covariance matrix. It can be estimated WITH and WITHOUT a constant. It is preferred when the unobserved effects are correlated with the error term and, therefore, CAN'T estimate constant terms. Remember to include an intercept in the formula ('y ~ 1 + x1 + ...') and to assign it to an object! :param panel_data : dataframe (which must be in a panel structure) :param formula : patsy/R formula (without EntityEffects, will be added inside the function) :param weights : N x 1 Series or vector containing weights to be used in estimation; defaults to None Use is recommended when analyzing survey data, passing on the weight available in the survey :param time_effects : bool, defaults to False Whether to include time effects alongside entity effects (and estimate a two-way fixed effects) :param cov : str unadjusted: common standard errors robust: robust standard errors kernel: robust to heteroskedacity AND serial autocorrelation clustered: clustered standard errors by the entity column :return : linearmodels model instance """ ## Creating model instance # Defining which effects to control for formula += ' + EntityEffects + TimeEffects' if time_effects else ' + EntityEffects' ## Creating model instance if weights is None: mod = PanelOLS.from_formula(formula=formula, data=panel_data, drop_absorbed=True) else: mod = PanelOLS.from_formula(formula=formula, data=panel_data, drop_absorbed=True, weights=weights) ## Fitting with desired covariance matrix mod ='clustered', cluster_entity=True) if cov == 'clustered' else print(mod.summary) return mod
#%% import numpy as np from statsmodels.datasets import grunfeld data = grunfeld.load_pandas().data data.year = data.year.astype(np.int64) # MultiIndex, entity - time data = data.set_index(['firm', 'year']) from linearmodels import PanelOLS mod = PanelOLS(data.invest, data[['value', 'capital']], entity_effects=True) res ='clustered', cluster_entity=True) #%% from linearmodels import PanelOLS mod = PanelOLS.from_formula('invest ~ value + capital + EntityEffects', data) res ='clustered', cluster_entity=True) #%%
# Set vars ## Y y = 'log_min_distance' ## X x_list = ['ls_num', 'lti', 'ln_loanamout', 'ln_appincome', 'subprime', 'secured', \ 'cb', 'ln_ta', 'ln_emp', 'num_branch', 'ln_pop', 'density', 'hhi', 'ln_mfi',\ 'mean_distance'] x = ' + '.join(x_list) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Run regressions #------------------------------------------------------------ # Run Bank + msat dummies res_msat = PanelOLS.from_formula('{} ~ {}'.format(y,x), data = df_msat).fit(cov_type = 'clustered', cluster_entity = True) ## Save output to txt text_file = open("Results/Results_baseline_msat.txt", "w") text_file.write(res_msat.summary.as_text()) text_file.close() # Run Bankmsa + t dummies res_msabank = PanelOLS.from_formula('{} ~ {}'.format(y,x), data = df_msabank).fit(cov_type = 'clustered', cluster_entity = True) ## Save output to txt text_file = open("Results/Results_baseline_msabank.txt", "w") text_file.write(res_msabank.summary.as_text()) text_file.close() # Run Bank + t dummies
# Create indicator variables for Difference in Difference conflict["PostConflict"] = conflict['Year'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x >= 2014 else 0) conflict['Treated'] = conflict['intensity'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > 1 else 0) # Conduct base Difference in Difference BaseModel = smf.ols("Pop_percent_change ~ Treated * PostConflict ", data=conflict).fit() print(BaseModel.summary()) # Difference in Difference with Confounding Factors CFModel = smf.ols( "Pop_percent_change ~ Treated * PostConflict + Hospitals + Population_Percent_Child + Population_Percent_Female + Poverty_Rate + Airport", data=conflict).fit() print(CFModel.summary()) # Difference in Difference by County CountyModel = smf.ols( "Pop_percent_change ~ C(County) + Treated * PostConflict", data=conflict).fit() print(CountyModel.summary()) # Panel OLS conflict = conflict.set_index(['County', 'Year']) PanelModel = PanelOLS.from_formula( 'Pop_percent_change ~ Treated * PostConflict + EntityEffects', data=conflict, drop_absorbed=True)'clustered', cluster_entity=True)
def run_regression(df): df = df.set_index(['county_id', 'year']) model = PanelOLS.from_formula('chips_sold ~ 1 + post_tv + EntityEffects + TimeEffects', data = df) fit = return(fit)
BetweenModel = BetweenOLS.from_formula('fcs ~ rev_percap + month_Decembre', data=data, weights=w)'robust', reweight=True) # RANDOM EFFECTS RandomEffectsModel = RandomEffects.from_formula( 'fcs ~ rev_percap + year + month_Decembre', data=data, weights=w) REModFit ='robust') REModFit REModFit.variance_decomposition REModFit.theta # BASIC PANEL PanelModel = PanelOLS.from_formula( 'fcs ~ 1 + rev_percap + month_Decembre + EntityEffects', data=data, weights=w)'robust') # INTERPRETATION : TO BE FULLY CHECKED # une augmentation de 1000 du revenu par rapport à sa moyenne sur a période # augmente de X le score fcs par rapport à sa moyenne sur a période # # ESTIMATION EXCLUDING DECEMBER # datajun = data[data['month'].isin(['Juin'])].reset_index(drop=False) datajun = datajun.drop(columns={'time'}) time_df = datajun[['year', 'month']].drop_duplicates() time_df = time_df.sort_values('month', ascending=False).sort_values('year')
def panel_data(train, years_ahead=1): """ It uses a random forest trained on the observed values of a data matrix (selected series codes except those in submit_rows_index) to predict the missing values. after that, use panel data model for prediction Returns: y_pred: prediction values of target """ train_melt = pd.melt(train.iloc[:, 0:38], id_vars=['Country Name', 'Series Code'], value_vars=train.columns[0:36], var_name='year', value_name='value') train_melt['year'] = train_melt['year'].str[:4].astype(int) panel = train_melt.groupby(['Country Name', 'year', 'Series Code'])['value'].mean().unstack() # only use code with at least one observed value across 36 years in each country for the imputation data matrix left_feature = panel.iloc[:, 9:].isna().groupby('Country Name').sum().max( axis=0) <= 18 pred = panel.iloc[:, 9:].iloc[:, left_feature.values] # construct matrix of features across countries df = [] ct_list = list(set(pred.index.get_level_values(0))) ct_list = sorted(ct_list) for i in ct_list: df.append(pred.loc[i]) predictors = pd.concat(df, axis=1) # random forest imputation imputer = MissForest() predictors_imputed = imputer.fit_transform(predictors) panel.reset_index(inplace=True) panel.columns = ['Country Name', 'year'] + [ 'y' + str(i) for i in range(1, 10) ] + ['x' + str(i) for i in range(1, 1297)] nfeature = int(predictors.shape[1] / 214) split = list(range(nfeature, predictors_imputed.shape[1], nfeature)) _ = np.split(predictors_imputed, split, 1) predictors_new = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(_)) predictors_new['year'] = panel.year predictors_new['Country Name'] = panel['Country Name'] predictors_new.columns = [ 'x' + str(i) for i in range(1, pred.shape[1] + 1) ] + ['year', 'Country Name'] # combine the updated feature matrix and responses feature = predictors_new.isna().sum() <= 0 # change to 1 panel_left = predictors_new.iloc[:, feature.values] panel_comb = pd.merge(panel.iloc[:, 0:11], panel_left.shift(years_ahead)) # Split prediction and target panel_train = panel_comb.loc[panel_comb.year < 2007] panel_train = panel_train.set_index(['Country Name', 'year']) panel_test = panel_comb.loc[panel_comb.year == 2007] panel_test = panel_test.set_index(['Country Name', 'year']) # panel data model with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") Ypred = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(1, 10): formula = 'y' + str(i) + '~1+' + '+'.join( panel_train.columns[11:].values) + '+EntityEffects' mod = PanelOLS.from_formula(formula, panel_train) res ='clustered', cluster_entity=True) Ypred['y' + str(i)] = res.predict(data=panel_test).predictions # Eval Yval = panel_test.iloc[:, :9] rmse = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(np.power(Ypred - Yval, 2))) print(rmse) return Ypred
gaps.loc[gaps.index, "indcom4"] = 0 gaps.loc[gaps.t == 4, "indcom4"] = 1 gaps.loc[gaps.index, "indcom6"] = 0 gaps.loc[gaps.t == 6, "indcom6"] = 1 gaps = gaps.loc[~gaps.State.isin([ "Alaska", "Delaware", "Montana", "North Dakota", "South Dakota", "Vermont", "Wyoming" ])] gaps.set_index(["State", "Year"], inplace=True) gaps["gap"] = gaps["gap"].abs() model = PanelOLS.from_formula( 'gap ~ 1 + indcom_4 + indcom_2 + indcom + indcom2 + indcom4 + indcom6', data=gaps) print("robust")) ########### ###STATE### ########### starts = pd.read_excel( "/home/matt/GitRepos/ElectionData/data/Independent_Commission_Start.xlsx", "Sheet1", skip_footer=2) starts["time"] = 1 gaps = get_efficiency_gap("federal")[['State', 'Year', 'gap']]
dfDeathdata[ "intDeathsandretail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline3dma"] = ( dfDeathdata["retail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline3dma"] * dfDeathdata["deathsper1m_shifted"]) dfDeathdata[ "intDeathsandtransit_stations_percent_change_from_baseline3dma"] = ( dfDeathdata["transit_stations_percent_change_from_baseline3dma"] * dfDeathdata["deathsper1m_shifted"]) dfDeathdata["intDeathsandworkplaces_percent_change_from_baseline3dma"] = ( dfDeathdata["workplaces_percent_change_from_baseline3dma"] * dfDeathdata["deathsper1m_shifted"]) ### Fixed Effects regression ### mod = PanelOLS.from_formula( "chgdeathsper1m_shifted3dma ~ CriticalCareBeds + GDPpercapita + personsperhousehold + PopulationDensity + retail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline3dma + transit_stations_percent_change_from_baseline3dma + workplaces_percent_change_from_baseline3dma", data=dfDeathdata[dfDeathdata["chgdeathsper1m_shifted3dma"].between(1, 100)], ) res ="clustered", cluster_entity=True) res ### OLS Regression ### model = ols( "chgdeathsper1m_shifted3dma ~ CriticalCareBeds + GDPpercapita + personsperhousehold + PopulationDensity + retail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline3dma +transit_stations_percent_change_from_baseline3dma", data=dfDeathdata[dfDeathdata["chgdeathsper1m_shifted3dma"].between(1, 60)], missing="drop", ) results = results.summary() # For Dash App: