def __init__(self): super(CurveImage, self).__init__() log.debug("CurveImage creation") from linegrab.ui.linegrab_layout import Ui_MainWindow self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setGeometry(450, 350, 1080, 600) # Make sure the system wide style sheet is applied before the # curve and image widgets style sheets overwrite self.qss_string = utils.load_style_sheet("qdarkstyle.css") self.setStyleSheet(self.qss_string) self.replace_widgets() # Align the image with the curve above it self.main_image_dialog.setContentsMargins(17, 0, 0, 0) self.add_manager_and_tools() # Timer to auto-close the application self.close_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.close_timer.timeout.connect(self.closeEvent) self.set_app_defaults()
class CurveImage(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ The main interface for the LineGrab application. Can be created from unittest or a main() for full test coverage. """ def __init__(self): super(CurveImage, self).__init__() log.debug("CurveImage creation") from linegrab.ui.linegrab_layout import Ui_MainWindow self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setGeometry(450, 350, 1080, 600) # Make sure the system wide style sheet is applied before the # curve and image widgets style sheets overwrite self.qss_string = utils.load_style_sheet("qdarkstyle.css") self.setStyleSheet(self.qss_string) self.replace_widgets() # Align the image with the curve above it self.main_image_dialog.setContentsMargins(17, 0, 0, 0) self.add_manager_and_tools() # Timer to auto-close the application self.close_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.close_timer.timeout.connect(self.closeEvent) self.set_app_defaults() def replace_widgets(self): """ From:\ how-to-replace-a-widget-with-another-using-qt Replace the current placeholders from qt designer with the custom widgets. """ # Create the widget self.main_curve_dialog = visualize.CleanCurveDialog() # Remove the placeholder widget from the layout lcph = self.ui.labelCurvePlaceholder vlc = self.ui.verticalLayoutCurve vlc.removeWidget(lcph) lcph.close() # Add the new widget to the layout vlc.insertWidget(0, self.main_curve_dialog) vlc.update() # Create the widget self.main_image_dialog = visualize.CleanImageDialog() # Remove the placeholder widget from the layout liph = self.ui.labelImagePlaceholder vli = self.ui.verticalLayoutImage vli.removeWidget(liph) liph.close() # Add the new widget to the layout vli.insertWidget(0, self.main_image_dialog) vli.update() def add_manager_and_tools(self): """ Create the required plot manager to give access to the item list, graph tools, etc. """ # Create a new plot manager, add plots to the plot manager. # There is already a plot manager associated with the # curvedialog, just create a new one for simplicity. manager = plot.PlotManager(self) manager.add_plot(self.main_curve_dialog.get_plot()) # Add a panel to the plot manager - this apparently is not # required to enable the tool linkage. Was in here based on # example code. If you add this back in it creates an invisible # widget over at least the 'play' button. #manager.add_panel(plot.PlotItemList(self)) # Associate the toolbar with the plot manager, this is created # along with the qmainwindow toolbars curve_toolbar = self.addToolBar("Curve tools") curve_toolbar.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(36, 36)) manager.add_toolbar(curve_toolbar, id(curve_toolbar)) # If you do this, you get all of the other tools #manager.register_all_curve_tools() # Add the custom tool classes with wrapper signals self.select_tool = manager.add_tool(visualize.SelectSignalTool) self.zoom_tool = manager.add_tool(visualize.ZoomSignalTool) # Store a reference for use by the application self.curve_toolbar = curve_toolbar def set_parameters(self, args): """ Assign the startup environment parameters for this application run. Data source simulation/e2v, etc. """ self.args = args if args.testing: self.delay_close() if args.source == "simulation":"Create simulated spectra device") = simulation.SimulatedSpectraDevice() elif args.source == "sled":"Create single sled cobra") = simulation.SimulatedCobraSLED() elif args.source == "cobra":"Create DALSA cobra device") = devices.DalsaCobraDevice() = DALSA.Cobra() elif args.source == "opto":"Create OPTO sensor cobra device") = DALSA.OPTOCobra() elif args.source == "basler":"Create DALSA basler device") = devices.DalsaBaslerDevice() = DALSA.BaslerSprint4K() self.setup_pipe_timer() def delay_close(self): """ For testing purposes, create a qtimer that triggers the close event after a delay. """ log.debug("Trigger delay close") self.close_timer.start(9000) def closeEvent(self, event=None): """ Cleanup the application on widget close close the pipes, stop all the timers. For some reason, if you don't specify event=None it will save the argument is not given. """ log.debug("Cleanup close, %s", event) result ="Close pipe result: %s", result) self.data_timer.stop() self.close() def create_actions(self): """ Runtime generated toolbars to link guiqwt graph controls with the mainwindow level toolbars. """ dgct = self.curve_toolbar.addAction agfe = dgct(QtGui.QIcon(":/greys/greys/full_extent.svg"), "Full extent graph") self.action_graph_full_extent = agfe agr = dgct(QtGui.QIcon(":/greys/greys/reset.svg"), "Reset graph parameters") self.action_graph_reset = agr spacer = QtGui.QWidget() spacer.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.curve_toolbar.addWidget(spacer) act_name = "Instantaneous performance" self.action_fps_display = QtGui.QAction(act_name, self) self.curve_toolbar.addAction(self.action_fps_display) # Remove the placeholder toolbar self.ui.toolBar_GraphControls.setVisible(False) def setup_signals(self): """ Hook into graph emitted signals for controller level. """ # Hook the play/pause buttons self.ui.actionContinue_Live_Updates.triggered.connect(self.on_live) self.ui.actionPause_Live_Updates.triggered.connect(self.on_pause) self.ui.actionSave.triggered.connect(self.on_save) # Custom graph buttons self.action_graph_reset.triggered.connect(self.reset_graph) self.action_graph_full_extent.triggered.connect(self.full_extent) # Custom tools generated in visualize that are not actions self.zoom_tool.wrap_sig.clicked.connect(self.process_zoom) self.select_tool.wrap_sig.clicked.connect(self.process_select) def on_save(self, action): """ Create a save as dialog, unless in testing mode where a filename is hardcoded. """ # Freeze the display to make saving more robust self.ui.actionPause_Live_Updates.trigger() if not self.args.testing: file_name = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( None, "Save Tif", "", "TIFF (*.tif)", "", QtGui.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog) else: file_name = "autosave" if file_name == "": self.ui.actionContinue_Live_Updates.trigger() return # Use the same inefficient yet understandable method of # transforming the image_data into a 2d numpy array, then use # pil to save to disk img_data = range(len(self.image_data)) position = 0 while position < len(img_data): img_data[position] = self.image_data[position] position += 1 local_data = numpy.array(img_data).astype(float)"Saving to: %s" % file_name) pil_image = Image.fromarray(local_data)"%s.tif" % file_name)) # un-freeze the display now that the saving process isover self.ui.actionContinue_Live_Updates.trigger() def on_live(self, action): """ Live and pause buttons are the equivalent of toggle buttons. Only one can be enabled at a time. """"Click live updates") if action == False: self.ui.actionContinue_Live_Updates.setChecked(True) self.ui.actionPause_Live_Updates.setChecked(False) self.live_updates = True def on_pause(self, action): """ Pause and live buttons are the equivalent of toggle buttons. Only one can be enabled at a time. """"Pause live updates: %s", action) if action == False: self.ui.actionPause_Live_Updates.setChecked(True) self.ui.actionContinue_Live_Updates.setChecked(False) self.live_updates = False def full_extent(self): """ Set the x axis to the full data range (12-bit), and set auto scale off. """ log.debug("Set full extent") self.auto_scale = False local_plot = self.main_curve_dialog.get_plot() local_plot.set_axis_limits(0, 0, 4096) local_plot.replot() def reset_graph(self): """ Reset curve, image visualizations to the default. Trigger a auto scale replot manually in case pause mode is active. """ log.debug("reset graph") self.auto_scale = True self.select_tool.action.setChecked(True) dgplot = self.main_curve_dialog.get_plot() dgplot.do_autoscale() dgimage = self.main_curve_dialog.get_plot() dgimage.do_autoscale() def process_select(self, status): """ Provide a default tool for panning the graph and to get out of zoom mode. """ log.debug("Select tool clicked %s", status) def process_zoom(self, status): """ Zoom clicked, turn off auto scaling. The linkage with the guiqwt control handles cursor updates and actual zoom functionality. """ log.debug("Zoom tool clicked %s", status) if status == "True": self.auto_scale = False def set_app_defaults(self): """ Call the various application control setup functions. """ self.curve_render = 0 self.image_render = 0 self.image_height = 200 self.image_data = [] self.auto_scale = True self.create_actions() self.setup_signals() self.reset_graph() self.fps = utils.SimpleFPS() # Click the live button self.ui.actionContinue_Live_Updates.trigger() def setup_pipe_timer(self): """ This is a non-threaded application that uses qtimers with zero length delays to continuously poll the devices for data, while staying responsive to user events. """ self.data_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.data_timer.timeout.connect(self.update_visuals) self.data_timer.start(0) def update_visuals(self): """ Attempt to read from the pipe, update the graph. """ result, data = if not result: log.critical("Problem grabbing pipe") if self.live_updates == True: self.update_graph(data) self.curve_render += 1 self.update_image(data) self.check_image(self.curve_render) self.update_fps() self.data_timer.start(0) def check_image(self, render_count): """ Provide post-data population and form showing alignment and rendering of the image area. """ if render_count != 1: return # If it's the first render, autoscale to make sure it lines up # properly. See update_image for why this is necessary local_plot = self.main_image_dialog.get_plot() local_plot.do_autoscale() # divided by the width of the image 1.0 / 0.4 is a guessed # value that seems to provide appropriate balance between # startup looks and non-breaking functionality when the # image is clicked. ratio = 1.0 / 0.4 local_plot.set_aspect_ratio(ratio, lock=False) # Change the plot axis to have 0 in the lower left corner local_plot.set_axis_limits(0, -85, self.image_height) def update_fps(self): """ Add tick, display the current rate. Include basic statistics on the current line of data. """ self.fps.tick() range_str = "" gd = self.main_curve_dialog.curve.get_data()[1] range_str = "Max: %s, Min: %s, Avg: %0.5s " \ % (numpy.max(gd), numpy.min(gd), numpy.average(gd)) fps_text = "%s Update: %s FPS" % (range_str, self.fps.rate()) self.action_fps_display.setText(fps_text) def update_graph(self, data_list): """ Get the current line plot from the available line graph, change it's data and replot. """ #log.debug("render graph") x_axis = range(len(data_list)) mcd = self.main_curve_dialog mcd.curve.set_data(x_axis, data_list) if self.auto_scale: mcd.get_plot().do_autoscale() else: mcd.get_plot().replot() def update_image(self, data): """ Add the line of data to the image data, if it is greater than the desired display size, roll it. """ self.image_data.append(data) if len(self.image_data) > self.image_height: self.image_data = self.image_data[1:] self.image_render += 1 # A 200 pixel tall image squashed into the render view does not # appear unpleasantely jumpy when scrolled by 5 if self.image_render % 5 != 0 and self.image_render != 1: return img_data = range(len(self.image_data)) position = 0 while position < len(img_data): img_data[position] = self.image_data[position] position += 1 new_data = numpy.array(img_data).astype(float) mid = self.main_image_dialog mid.image.set_data(new_data) # If you do autoscale here, it tends to jump around in appearing # to stretch to the window and be in 'normal' size mid.get_plot().replot()