Esempio n. 1
    def iter_rows(self, *entries):
        """Iterate over the columns in a wordlist.
        entries : list
            The name of the columns which shall be iterated.

        iterator : iterator
            An iterator yielding lists in which the first entry is the ID of
            the wordlist row and the following entries are the content of the
            columns as specified.

        Load a wordlist from LingPy's test data::

            >>> from lingpy.tests.util import test_data
            >>> from lingpy import Wordlist
            >>> wl = Wordlist(test_data("KSL.qlc"))
            >>> list(wl.iter_rows('ipa'))[:10]
            [[1, 'ɟiθ'],
             [2, 'ɔl'],
             [3, 'tut'],
             [4, 'al'],
             [5, 'apa.u'],
             [6, 'ʔayɬʦo'],
             [7, 'bytyn'],
             [8, 'e'],
             [9, 'and'],
             [10, 'e']]

        So as you can see, the function returns the key of the wordlist as well
        as the specified entry.
        return iter_rows(self, *entries)
Esempio n. 2
    def iter_rows(self, *entries):
        """Iterate over the columns in a wordlist.
        entries : list
            The name of the columns which shall be iterated.

        iterator : iterator
            An iterator yielding lists in which the first entry is the ID of
            the wordlist row and the following entries are the content of the
            columns as specified.

        Load a wordlist from LingPy's test data::

            >>> from lingpy.tests.util import test_data
            >>> from lingpy import Wordlist
            >>> wl = Wordlist(test_data("KSL.qlc"))
            >>> list(wl.iter_rows('ipa'))[:10]
            [[1, 'ɟiθ'],
             [2, 'ɔl'],
             [3, 'tut'],
             [4, 'al'],
             [5, 'apa.u'],
             [6, 'ʔayɬʦo'],
             [7, 'bytyn'],
             [8, 'e'],
             [9, 'and'],
             [10, 'e']]

        So as you can see, the function returns the key of the wordlist as well
        as the specified entry.
        return iter_rows(self, *entries)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_iter_rows(self):
     from lingpy.basic.ops import iter_rows
     assert len(list(
         iter_rows(self.wordlist, 'concept', 'doculect'))[0]) == 3
Esempio n. 4
 def test_iter_rows(self):
     from lingpy.basic.ops import iter_rows
     assert len(list(iter_rows(self.wordlist, 'concept',
                               'doculect'))[0]) == 3