Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, userVars, filenum=0):
     if self.__class__ is FileItem:
         # The base class should not be instantiated.
         raise NotImplementedError
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.filenum = filenum
     self.filepath = ""
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.fileList = FileItemList(LingExFileItem, self.userVars)
     self.showMorphLine1 = True
     self.showMorphLine2 = False
     self.separateMorphColumns = False
     self.SFM_baseline_word1 = True  # typically the \tx line
 def __init__(self, style_from, userVars, varNum=0):
     :param style_from: StyleItem being converted from
     :param userVars: for persistent storage
     :param varNum: a user variable number unique to this change
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.styleItem = style_from
     self.varNum = varNum  # for storage in user variables
     self.converter = ConverterSettings(userVars)
     self.converted_data = dict()  # key inputString, value convertedString
     self.remove_custom_formatting = True
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.langtag = ""
     self.outfile = ""
     self.word = ""  # word-forming punctuation list
     self.type = "none"  # script type
     self.font = ""
     self.langname = ""
     self.dict = ""
     self.affix = ""
     self.version = ""
     self.dicttype = ""
     self.publisher = ""
     self.puburl = ""
 def __init__(self, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.langtag = ""
     self.outfile = ""
     self.word = ""  # word-forming punctuation list
     self.type = ''
     self.font = ""  # TODO: multiple can be given
     self.langname = ""
     self.dict = ""
     self.affix = ""
     self.normalize = ''
     self.version = ""
     self.dicttype = ""
     self.publisher = ""
     self.puburl = ""
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.methodFrames = True
     self.methodTables = True
     self.makeOuterTable = True
     self.insertNumbering = True
     self.showWordLine1 = True
     self.showWordLine2 = False
     self.showMorphLine1 = True
     self.showMorphLine2 = False
     self.separateMorphColumns = True
     self.showPartOfSpeech = True
     self.POS_aboveGloss = False
     self.freeTransInQuotes = False
     self.startingOuterRowHeight = 2
     self.tableBottomMargin = 0.13
     self.numberingColumnWidth = 7
 def __init__(self, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.convName = ""
     self.forward = True  # left to right
     self.normForm = 0  # for normalization
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.grabType = self.UNSPECIFIED
     self.whichOne = ""  # for example "\tx"
     self.fontType = ""  # needed when grabType is WhatToGrab.FONT
     self.prefix = ""  # user var prefix
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.sortOrder = list(ColumnOrder.COLUMNS.keys())
     self.rowData = [""] * len(self.COLUMNS)
     self.rowTuple = ()
Esempio n. 10
 def __init__(self, fileItemClass, userVars):
     """:param fileItemClass: type of items in self.itemList"""
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.fileItemClass = fileItemClass
 def __init__(self, unoObjs, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.msgbox = MessageBox(unoObjs)
Esempio n. 12
 def __init__(self, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.showBrackets = True
     self.phonemicLeftmost = True
Esempio n. 13
 def __init__(self, userVars):
     Syncable.__init__(self, userVars)
     self.filepath = ""
     self.phoneticWS = ""  # writing system
     self.isLexemePhonetic = False
     self.refNumIn = "Any"  # look in any of the possible locations