def test_run(self): self.op = PosTag() self.test_data = 'the old man the boat. john ate an old sandwich, unfortunately.' self.assertEqual(, [('the', 'DT'), ('old', 'JJ'), ('man', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), \ ('boat', 'NN'), ('john', 'NN'), ('ate', 'VBD'), ('an', 'DT'),\ ('old', 'JJ'), ('sandwich', 'NN'), ('unfortunately', 'RB')] )
def get_operation_handler(operation): if operation == 'lemmatize_wordnet': return LemmatizerWordNet() elif operation == 'pos_tag': return PosTag() elif operation == 'removecapsgreedy': return RemoveCapsGreedy() elif operation == 'removecapsnnp': return RemoveCapsPreserveNNP() elif operation == 'removepunct': return RemovePunct() elif operation == 'remove_stopwords': return RemoveStopwords() elif operation == 'sentence_tokenize': return SentenceTokenize() elif operation == 'stem_porter': return StemmerPorter() elif operation == 'stem_lancaster': return StemmerLancaster() elif operation == 'stem_snowball': return StemmerSnowball() elif operation == 'tfidf': return Tfidf() elif operation == 'topic_model': return TopicModel() elif operation == 'wordcloudop': return WordCloudOp() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_treebank': return WordTokenizeTreebank() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_whitespace_punct': return WordTokenizeWhitespacePunct() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_stanford': return WordTokenizeStanford() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_spaces': return WordTokenizeSpaces() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_tabs': return WordTokenizeTabs() elif operation == 'nlp-pos': return StanfordCoreNLP(['pos']) elif operation == 'nlp-ner': return StanfordCoreNLP(['pos', 'ner']) elif operation == 'noop': return NoOp() else: raise TransactionException("The requested operation does not exist.")
def test_run(self): self.op = PosTag() self.test_data = "the old man the boat. john ate an old sandwich, unfortunately." self.assertEqual(, [ ("the", "DT"), ("old", "JJ"), ("man", "NN"), ("the", "DT"), ("boat", "NN"), ("john", "NN"), ("ate", "VBD"), ("an", "DT"), ("old", "JJ"), ("sandwich", "NN"), ("unfortunately", "RB"), ], )
def setUp(self): self.op = PosTag()
def get_operation_handler(operation): if operation == 'lemmatize_wordnet': return LemmatizerWordNet() elif operation == 'pos_tag': return PosTag() elif operation == 'removecapsgreedy': return RemoveCapsGreedy() elif operation == 'removecapsnnp': return RemoveCapsPreserveNNP() elif operation == 'removepunct': return RemovePunct() elif operation == 'removesilence': return RemoveSilence() elif operation == 'remove_stopwords': return RemoveStopwords() elif operation == 'sentence_tokenize': return SentenceTokenize() elif operation == 'stem_porter': return StemmerPorter() elif operation == 'stop_words': return RemoveStopwords() elif operation == 'tfidf': return Tfidf() elif operation == 'topic_model': return TopicModel() elif operation == 'wordcloudop': return WordCloudOp() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_treebank': return WordTokenizeTreebank() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_whitespace_punct': return WordTokenizeWhitespacePunct() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_stanford': return WordTokenizeStanford() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_spaces': return WordTokenizeSpaces() elif operation == 'word_tokenize_tabs': return WordTokenizeTabs() elif operation == 'nlp-pos': return StanfordCoreNLP(['pos']) elif operation == 'nlp-ner': return StanfordCoreNLP(['pos', 'ner']) elif operation == 'nlp-sentiment': return StanfordCoreNLP(['parse', 'sentiment']) elif operation == 'nlp-parse': return StanfordCoreNLP(['parse']) elif operation == 'nlp-coref': return StanfordCoreNLP(['tokenize', 'ssplit', 'coref']) elif operation == 'nlp-relation': return StanfordCoreNLP(['parse', 'relation']) elif operation == 'splat-disfluency': print("YOU GOT SPLATTED") return SplatDisfluency() elif operation == 'splat-ngrams': print("YOU GOT SPLATTED") return SplatNGrams() elif operation == 'splat-complexity': print("YOU GOT SPLATTED") return SplatComplexity() elif operation == 'splat-pos': print("YOU GOT SPLATTED") return SplatPOSFrequencies() elif operation == 'splat-syllables': print("YOU GOT SPLATTED") return SplatSyllables() elif operation == 'splat-pronouns': print("YOU GOT SPLATTED") return SplatPronouns() elif operation == 'noop': return NoOp() else: raise TransactionException("The requested operation does not exist.")