def testCorpusBleuMetric(self): m = metrics.CorpusBleuMetric() m.Update('a b c d', 'a b c d') m.Update('a b c', 'a b c') self.assertEqual(1.0, m.value) name = 'corpus_bleu' self.assertEqual( tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag=name, simple_value=1.0)]), m.Summary(name))
def _WriteToLog(self, text, logdir, filename): """Logs `text` and saves it under `logdir/filename`.""" with tf.gfile.GFile(os.path.join(logdir, filename), 'w') as f: f.write(text) if self._summary_writer is not None: # Force newlines to be rendered correctly by Markdown. text = text.replace('\n', ' \n') self._summary_writer.add_summary( tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag=filename, tensor=tf.make_tensor_proto([text])) ]))
def testMCCMetric(self): m = metrics.MCCMetric() m.UpdateTruePositive(count=2.0) m.UpdateTrueNegative(count=2.0) m.UpdateFalsePositive() m.UpdateFalseNegative() expected_mcc = 1 / 3 self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_mcc, m.value) name = 'my_mcc_metric' self.assertEqual( tf.Summary( value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag=name, simple_value=expected_mcc)]), m.Summary(name))
def _FigureToSummary(name, fig): """Create tf.Summary proto from matplotlib.figure.Figure .""" canvas = backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) fig.canvas.draw() ncols, nrows = fig.canvas.get_width_height() png_file = six.BytesIO() canvas.print_figure(png_file) png_str = png_file.getvalue() return tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag='%s/image' % name, image=tf.Summary.Image(height=nrows, width=ncols, colorspace=3, encoded_image_string=png_str)) ])
def testF1Metric(self): m = metrics.F1Metric() m.UpdateTruePositive(count=2.0) m.UpdateFalsePositive() m.UpdateFalseNegative() precision = 2.0 / 3.0 recall = 2.0 / 3.0 expected_f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_f1, m.value) name = 'my_f1_metric' self.assertEqual( tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag=name, simple_value=expected_f1)]), m.Summary(name))
def Summary(self, name): """Implements custom Summary for Waymo metrics.""" self._EvaluateIfNecessary() ret = tf.Summary() # Put '.value' first (so it shows up in logs / summaries, etc). ret.value.add(tag='{}/weighted_mAP'.format(name), simple_value=self.value) ap = self._breakdown_metrics['waymo']._average_precisions # pylint:disable=protected-access aph = self._breakdown_metrics['waymo']._average_precision_headings # pylint:disable=protected-access breakdown_names = config_util.get_breakdown_names_from_config( self._waymo_metric_config) for i, j in enumerate(self.metadata.EvalClassIndices()): classname = self.metadata.ClassNames()[j] for k, breakdown_name in enumerate(breakdown_names): # Skip adding entries for breakdowns that are in a different class. # # The first breakdown is the overall one, so never skip it. if k > 0 and classname.lower() not in breakdown_name.lower(): continue if k == 0: # For the overall mAP, include the class name # and set the breakdown_str to 'default' for backwards compatibility. prefix = '{}/{}'.format(name, classname) breakdown_str = 'default' else: # All breakdowns after the first one are extra and elide # the classname, since it is present in the breakdown_name. prefix = '{}_extra'.format(name) breakdown_str = breakdown_name tag_str = '{}/AP_{}'.format(prefix, breakdown_str) ap_value = ap[breakdown_name][i] ret.value.add(tag=tag_str, simple_value=ap_value) tag_str = '{}/APH_{}'.format(prefix, breakdown_str) aph_value = aph[breakdown_name][i] ret.value.add(tag=tag_str, simple_value=aph_value) image_summaries = self._breakdown_metrics['waymo'].GenerateSummaries( name) for image_summary in image_summaries: ret.value.extend(image_summary.value) return ret
def Summary(self, name): """Implements custom Summary for Waymo metrics.""" self._EvaluateIfNecessary() ret = tf.Summary() # Put '.value' first (so it shows up in logs / summaries, etc). ret.value.add(tag='{}/weighted_mAP'.format(name), simple_value=self.value) ap = self._breakdown_metrics['waymo']._average_precisions # pylint:disable=protected-access aph = self._breakdown_metrics['waymo']._average_precision_headings # pylint:disable=protected-access breakdown_names = config_util.get_breakdown_names_from_config( self._waymo_metric_config) for i, class_index in enumerate(self.metadata.EvalClassIndices()): classname = self.metadata.ClassNames()[class_index] for breakdown_name in breakdown_names: # 'ONE_SHARD' breakdowns are the overall metrics (not sliced up) # So we should make that the defualt metric. if 'ONE_SHARD' in breakdown_name: # For the overall mAP, include the class name # and set the breakdown_str which will have the level prefix = '{}/{}'.format(name, classname) postfix = breakdown_name.replace('ONE_SHARD_', '') breakdown_str = postfix if postfix else 'UNKNOWN' # Otherwise check that the class we are looking at is in the breakdown. elif classname.lower() in breakdown_name.lower(): prefix = '{}_extra'.format(name) breakdown_str = breakdown_name else: continue tag_str = '{}/AP_{}'.format(prefix, breakdown_str) ap_value = ap[breakdown_name][i] ret.value.add(tag=tag_str, simple_value=ap_value) tag_str = '{}/APH_{}'.format(prefix, breakdown_str) aph_value = aph[breakdown_name][i] ret.value.add(tag=tag_str, simple_value=aph_value) image_summaries = self._breakdown_metrics['waymo'].GenerateSummaries( name) for image_summary in image_summaries: ret.value.extend(image_summary.value) return ret
def testAverageMetric(self): m = metrics.AverageMetric() m.Update(1.0) m.Update(2.0, 10.0) self.assertEqual(1.0 + 2.0*10.0, m.total_value) expected_average = (1.0 + 2.0*10.0) / (1.0 + 10.0) self.assertEqual(expected_average, m.value) name = 'metric_name' self.assertEqual( tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag=name, simple_value=expected_average)]), m.Summary(name)) # Calling m.Summary() does not reset statistics. m.Update(1.0) self.assertEqual(1.0 + 2.0*10.0 + 1.0, m.total_value)
def Summary(self, name): """Converts the current state of this metric to a `tf.Summary`. Args: name: A string to use as the summary value tag. Returns: A `tf.Summary` proto. """ summary = tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag=name, simple_value=self.value), tf.Summary.Value( tag=name + '/total_count', simple_value=len(self._stored_values)), tf.Summary.Value( tag=name + '/total_value', simple_value=self._total_value), tf.Summary.Value( tag=name + '/total_weight', simple_value=self._total_weight), ]) return summary
def Summary(self, name): self._EvaluateIfNecessary() ret = tf.Summary() # Put '.value' first (so it shows up in logs / summaries, etc). ret.value.add(tag='{}/weighted_mAP'.format(name), simple_value=self.value) average_precision_by_difficulty = self._AveragePrecisionByDifficulty() for i, j in enumerate(self.metadata.EvalClassIndices()): classname = self.metadata.ClassNames()[j] for difficulty in self.metadata.DifficultyLevels(): tag_str = '{}/{}/AP_{}'.format(name, classname, difficulty) ap_value = average_precision_by_difficulty[difficulty][i] ret.value.add(tag=tag_str, simple_value=ap_value) for metric_class in self._breakdown_metrics.values(): image_summaries = metric_class.GenerateSummaries(name) for image_summary in image_summaries: ret.value.extend(image_summary.value) return ret
def Run(self, sess): self._checkpointer.RestoreIfNeeded(sess) gsteps = py_utils.GetGlobalStep() global_step = self._infeed_pool.apply_async(self._InfeedLoop, args=(sess,)) dec_metrics = self._model_task.CreateDecoderMetrics() start_time = time.time() for i in range(self._steps_per_loop): metrics_values = self._model_task.PostProcessDecodeOut(metrics_values, dec_metrics)'step: %d %f' % (i, dec_metrics['num_samples_in_batch'].total_value)) num_examples_metric = dec_metrics['num_samples_in_batch'] summaries = {k: v.Summary(k) for k, v in six.iteritems(dec_metrics)} elapsed_secs = time.time() - start_time example_rate = num_examples_metric.total_value / elapsed_secs summaries['examples/sec'] = tf.Summary( value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag='examples/sec', simple_value=example_rate)]) self._WriteSummaries( os.path.basename(self._program_dir), global_step, summaries)
def FigureToSummary(name, fig): """Create tf.Summary proto from matplotlib.figure.Figure. Args: name: Summary name. fig: A matplotlib figure object. Returns: A `tf.Summary` proto containing the figure rendered to an image. """ canvas = backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) fig.canvas.draw() ncols, nrows = fig.canvas.get_width_height() png_file = six.BytesIO() canvas.print_figure(png_file) png_str = png_file.getvalue() return tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag='%s/image' % name, image=tf.Summary.Image(height=nrows, width=ncols, colorspace=3, encoded_image_string=png_str)) ])
def Run(self, sess): gsteps = py_utils.GetGlobalStep() global_step = self.SetStatusMessage('Executing decode program at step %d' % global_step) infeed_future = self._infeed_pool.apply_async(self._InfeedLoop, args=(sess, )) dec_metrics = self._model_task.CreateDecoderMetrics() start_time = time.time() buffered_decode_out = [] for i in range(self._steps_per_loop): metrics_values = decode_out = self._model_task.PostProcessDecodeOut( metrics_values, dec_metrics) 'step: %d %f' % (i, dec_metrics['num_samples_in_batch'].total_value)) if decode_out: buffered_decode_out.extend(decode_out) infeed_future.wait() num_examples_metric = dec_metrics['num_samples_in_batch'] summaries = {k: v.Summary(k) for k, v in six.iteritems(dec_metrics)} elapsed_secs = time.time() - start_time example_rate = num_examples_metric.total_value / elapsed_secs summaries['examples/sec'] = tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag='examples/sec', simple_value=example_rate) ]) self._WriteSummaries(os.path.basename(self._program_dir), global_step, summaries) decode_out_path = os.path.join(self._program_dir, 'decoder_out_%09d' % global_step) decode_finalize_args = base_model.DecodeFinalizeArgs( decode_out_path=decode_out_path, decode_out=buffered_decode_out) self._model_task.DecodeFinalize(decode_finalize_args) return False
def testUniqueAverageMetric(self): m = metrics.UniqueAverageMetric() m.Update('a', 1.0) m.Update('b', 2.0, 10.0) # Different value for 'a' than the previous one. m.Update('a', 2.0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # Error raised during value, so that we can collect all # of the keys in the error reporting. _ = m.value m = metrics.UniqueAverageMetric() m.Update('a', 1.0) m.Update('b', 2.0, 10.0) # Duplicate update is ignored. m.Update('a', 1.0) self.assertEqual(1.0 + 2.0 * 10.0, m.total_value) expected_average = (1.0 + 2.0 * 10.0) / (1.0 + 10.0) self.assertEqual(expected_average, m.value) name = 'metric_name' self.assertEqual( tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag=name, simple_value=expected_average), tf.Summary.Value(tag=name + '/total_count', simple_value=2), tf.Summary.Value(tag=name + '/total_value', simple_value=21.), tf.Summary.Value(tag=name + '/total_weight', simple_value=11.), ]), m.Summary(name)) m = metrics.UniqueAverageMetric(mismatch_is_error=False) m.Update('a', 1.0) m.Update('a', 2.0) self.assertEqual(1.0, m.value)
def _EvaluateIfNecessary(self, name): """Create a camera image summary if not already created.""" if self._summary is not None: return ret = tf.Summary() for sample_idx, sample in enumerate(self._sampler.samples): batch_size = sample.camera_images.shape[0] for batch_idx in range(batch_size): image = sample.camera_images[batch_idx] # [num bboxes, 8, 2]. bbox_corners = sample.bbox_corners[batch_idx] # [num_bboxes] bbox_scores = sample.bbox_scores[batch_idx] def Draw3DBoxes(fig, axes, bbox_corners=bbox_corners, bbox_scores=bbox_scores): """Draw 3d bounding boxes.""" del fig for bbox_id in range(bbox_corners.shape[0]): # Skip visualizing low-scoring boxes. bbox_score = bbox_scores[bbox_id] if bbox_score < self._bbox_score_threshold: continue bbox_data = bbox_corners[bbox_id] # Draw the score of each box. # # Turn score into an integer for better display. center_x = np.mean(bbox_data[:, 0]) center_y = np.mean(bbox_data[:, 1]) bbox_score = int(bbox_score * 100) text = axes.text(center_x, center_y, bbox_score, fontsize=12, color='red', fontweight='bold') text.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4)) # The BBoxToCorners function produces the points # in a deterministic order, which we use to draw # the faces of the polygon. # # The first 4 points are the "top" of the bounding box. # The second 4 points are the "bottom" of the bounding box. # # We then draw the last 4 connecting points by choosing # two of the connecting faces in the right order. face_points = [] face_points += [[ bbox_data[0, :], bbox_data[1, :], bbox_data[2, :], bbox_data[3, :] ]] face_points += [[ bbox_data[4, :], bbox_data[5, :], bbox_data[6, :], bbox_data[7, :] ]] face_points += [[ bbox_data[1, :], bbox_data[2, :], bbox_data[6, :], bbox_data[5, :] ]] face_points += [[ bbox_data[0, :], bbox_data[3, :], bbox_data[7, :], bbox_data[4, :] ]] for face in face_points: # Each face is a list of 4 x,y points face_xy = np.array(face) axes.add_patch( matplotlib_patches.Polygon(face_xy, closed=True, edgecolor='red', facecolor='none')) def Draw2DBoxes(fig, axes, bbox_corners=bbox_corners, bbox_scores=bbox_scores): """Draw 2d boxes on the figure.""" del fig # Extract the 2D extrema of each bbox and the max score for bbox_id in range(bbox_corners.shape[0]): # Skip visualizing low-scoring boxes. bbox_score = bbox_scores[bbox_id] if bbox_score < self._bbox_score_threshold: continue bbox_data = bbox_corners[bbox_id] ymin = np.min(bbox_data[:, 1]) xmin = np.min(bbox_data[:, 0]) ymax = np.max(bbox_data[:, 1]) xmax = np.max(bbox_data[:, 0]) height = ymax - ymin width = xmax - xmin # Turn score into an integer for better display. bbox_score = int(bbox_score * 100) text = axes.text(xmin, ymin, bbox_score, fontsize=12, color='red', fontweight='bold') text.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4)) axes.add_patch( matplotlib_patches.Rectangle((xmin, ymin), width, height, edgecolor='red', facecolor='none')) # For each image, draw the boxes on that image. draw_fn = Draw3DBoxes if self._draw_3d_boxes else Draw2DBoxes image_summary = plot.Image(name='{}/{}/{}'.format( name, sample_idx, batch_idx), aspect='equal', figsize=self._figsize, image=image, setter=draw_fn) ret.value.extend(image_summary.value) self._summary = ret
def CreateScalarSummary(name, simple_value): return tf.Summary( value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag=name, simple_value=simple_value)])
def _CreateSummary(self, name): ret = tf.Summary() for sample in self.samples: value = sample.value ret.value.add(tag=name, simple_value=value) return ret
def GenerateSummaries(self, name): """Generate an image summary for PR by difficulty and for calibration. Args: name: str, name of summary. Returns: list of summaries """ legend = {} p = self.params for class_id in p.metadata.EvalClassIndices(): legend[class_id] = [] for difficulty, i in p.metadata.DifficultyLevels().items(): num_objects = self._histogram[i][class_id] legend[class_id].append('%s (%d)' % (difficulty, num_objects)) summaries = [] for i, j in enumerate(p.metadata.EvalClassIndices()): def _PRSetter(fig, axes): """Configure the plot for precision recall.""" ticks = np.arange(0, 1.05, 0.1) axes.grid(b=False) axes.set_xlabel('Recall') axes.set_xticks(ticks) axes.set_ylabel('Precision') axes.set_yticks(ticks) # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable axes.legend(legend[j], numpoints=1) # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop # pylint: enable=undefined-loop-variable fig.tight_layout() classname = p.metadata.ClassNames()[j] # Generate Precision-Recall curves. rs = [] ps = [] for difficulty in p.metadata.DifficultyLevels(): ps += [self._precision_recall[difficulty][i][:, 0]] rs += [self._precision_recall[difficulty][i][:, 1]] tag_str = '{}/{}/PR'.format(name, classname) image_summary = plot.Curve(name=tag_str, figsize=(10, 8), xs=rs[0], ys=np.array(ps).T, setter=_PRSetter, marker='.', markersize=14, linestyle='-', linewidth=2, alpha=0.5) summaries.append(image_summary) for difficulty, c in self._calibration.items(): # Note that we only generate a calibration for a single difficulty level. calibration_summaries = c.Summary(name) for calibration_summary in calibration_summaries: summaries.append(calibration_summary) # Generate scalar summaries for the various recalls for each difficulty. for difficulty in p.metadata.DifficultyLevels(): max_recall = _FindMaximumRecall(self._precision_recall[difficulty]) for i, j in enumerate(p.metadata.EvalClassIndices()): classname = p.metadata.ClassNames()[j] summary = tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag='{}/{}/max_recall_{}'.format( name, classname, difficulty), simple_value=max_recall[i]) ]) summaries.append(summary) for precision_level in p.metadata.RecallAtPrecision(): recall_at_precision = _FindRecallAtGivenPrecision( self._precision_recall[difficulty], precision_level) for i, j in enumerate(p.metadata.EvalClassIndices()): classname = p.metadata.ClassNames()[j] summary = tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag='{}/{}/recall_{}_{}'.format( name, classname, int(precision_level * 100), difficulty), simple_value=recall_at_precision[i]) ]) summaries.append(summary) return summaries
def _EvaluateIfNecessary(self, name): """Create a top down image summary, if not already created.""" if self._summary is not None: return'Generating top down summary.') ret = tf.Summary() transform = self._top_down_transform for batch_idx, batch_sample in enumerate(self._sampler.samples): batch_size = batch_sample.labels.shape[0] visualization_labels = batch_sample.visualization_labels predicted_bboxes = batch_sample.predicted_bboxes visualization_weights = batch_sample.visualization_weights points_xyz = batch_sample.points_xyz points_padding = batch_sample.points_padding gt_bboxes_2d = batch_sample.gt_bboxes_2d gt_bboxes_2d_weights = batch_sample.gt_bboxes_2d_weights labels = batch_sample.labels difficulties = batch_sample.difficulties source_ids = batch_sample.source_ids # Create base images for entire batch that we will update. images = np.zeros( [batch_size, self._image_height, self._image_width, 3], dtype=np.uint8) # Draw lasers first, so that bboxes can be on top. self._DrawLasers(images, points_xyz, points_padding, transform) # Draw ground-truth bboxes. gt_bboxes_2d = np.where( np.expand_dims(gt_bboxes_2d_weights > 0, -1), gt_bboxes_2d, np.zeros_like(gt_bboxes_2d)) transformed_gt_bboxes_2d = summary.TransformBBoxesToTopDown( gt_bboxes_2d, transform) summary.DrawBBoxesOnImages(images, transformed_gt_bboxes_2d, gt_bboxes_2d_weights, labels, self._class_id_to_name, groundtruth=True) # Draw predicted bboxes. predicted_bboxes = np.where( np.expand_dims(visualization_weights > 0, -1), predicted_bboxes, np.zeros_like(predicted_bboxes)) transformed_predicted_bboxes = summary.TransformBBoxesToTopDown( predicted_bboxes, transform) summary.DrawBBoxesOnImages(images, transformed_predicted_bboxes, visualization_weights, visualization_labels, self._class_id_to_name, groundtruth=False) # Draw the difficulties on the image. self.DrawDifficulty(images, transformed_gt_bboxes_2d, gt_bboxes_2d_weights, difficulties) for idx in range(batch_size): source_id = source_ids[idx] def AnnotateImage(fig, axes, source_id=source_id): """Add source_id to image.""" del fig # Draw in top middle of image. text = axes.text(500, 15, source_id, fontsize=16, color='blue', fontweight='bold', horizontalalignment='center') text.set_path_effects([ path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='lightblue'), path_effects.Normal() ]) image_summary = plot.Image(name='{}/{}/{}'.format( name, batch_idx, idx), aspect='equal', figsize=self._figsize, image=images[idx, ...], setter=AnnotateImage) ret.value.extend(image_summary.value)'Done generating top down summary.') self._summary = ret