Esempio n. 1
 def read_bits_s(self, count):
     if count > 32:
         raise LsdError("Many bits for read: %d" % count)
     res = 0
     for i in range(count):
         res <<= 1
         res += self.read_bit()
     return res
Esempio n. 2
 def read_some(self, length):
     if length == 1:
         return self.read_byte()
     elif length == 2:
         return self.read_word()
     elif length == 4:
         return self.read_int()
         raise LsdError('Allow read byte, word and int length: %i' % length)
Esempio n. 3
 def read_bits_o(self, count):
     if count > 32:
         raise LsdError("Many bits for read: %d" % count)
     masks = (1, 3, 7, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF)
     count_bytes = (count + self.in_byte_pos) // 8
     if count + self.in_byte_pos - 8 * count_bytes > 0:
         count_bytes += 1
     # if in single raw byt
     if count_bytes == 1:
         if (self.in_byte_pos + count) < 8:
             byte = self.record[self.pos]
             byte >>= 7 - self.in_byte_pos - count + 1
             byte &= masks[count - 1]
             self.in_byte_pos += count
             return byte
     # many raw bytes
     #   inBitPos
     #      |   count = 13    |
     # 01234567 | 01234567 | 0123456
     # inBitPos = 5 count_first = 3 count_las = 2
     p = self.pos
     count_last = (count + self.in_byte_pos) % 8
     count_first = 8 - self.in_byte_pos
     byte_first = self.record[p]
     p += 1
     byte_first &= masks[count_first - 1]
     res = byte_first
     # full bytes
     full_bytes = (count - count_first) // 8
     if full_bytes > 0:
         for i in range(full_bytes):
             res <<= 8
             res += self.record[p]
             p += 1
     # last byte
     if count_last > 0:
         byte = self.record[p]
         byte >>= 8 - count_last
         res <<= count_last
         res += byte
     self.in_byte_pos = count_last
     self.pos = p
     return res
Esempio n. 4
    def parse(self):
        if not self.readed:
        if self.verbose:
            print("decoding overlay..")
        self.overlay = OverlayReader(self.bstr, self.overlay_data)

        if self.verbose:
            print("decoding headings: %d" % self.header.entries_count)
        if self.headings.appended != self.header.entries_count:
            raise LsdError("Decoded not all entries %d != %d" % (self.headings.appended, self.header.entries_count))
        # merge multititle headings
        # self.headings = self.merge_headings()

        if self.verbose:
            print("decoding articles: %d" % len(self.headings))
        for h in self.headings:
            # h.dump()
            self.dict.append((h, self.read_article(h)))
        self._parsed = True
        if self.verbose:
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, dict_file, verbose=False):
        self.filename = dict_file
        self._readed = False
        self._parsed = False
        self.verbose = verbose
        with open(dict_file, 'rb') as fp:
            self.bstr = BitStream(bytearray(

        self.overlay = None
        self.headings = ArticleHeadingList()
        self.dict = []
        self.header = Header(self.bstr)
        # check magic
        if self.header.magic != u'LingVo':
            raise LsdError('Allow only Lsd "LingVo" ident: %s' % repr(self.header.magic))

        # initialize decoder
        self.decoder = None
        hi_version = self.header.hi_version
        version = self.header.version
        if hi_version == 0x11:  # lingvo 11 dictionary: 0x11001
            self.decoder = decoder.UserDictionaryDecoder(self.bstr)
        elif hi_version == 0x12:  # lingvo 12 dictionary: 0x12001
            self.decoder = decoder.UserDictionaryDecoder(self.bstr)
        elif hi_version == 0x13:  # x3 dictionary: 0x131001 and 0x132001 if pages count > 1000
            self.decoder = decoder.SystemDictionaryDecoder13(self.bstr)
        elif hi_version == 0x14:  # x5 dictionary
            if version == 0x142001:  # user dictionaries
                self.decoder = decoder.UserDictionaryDecoder(self.bstr)
            elif version == 0x141004:  # system dictionaries
                self.decoder = decoder.SystemDictionaryDecoder14(self.bstr)
            elif version == 0x145001:  # abbreviation dictionaries
                self.decoder = decoder.AbbreviationDictionaryDecoder(self.bstr)
        elif hi_version == 0x15:  # x6 dictionary
            if version == 0x152001:  # user dictionaries
                self.decoder = decoder.UserDictionaryDecoder(self.bstr)
            elif version == 0x151005:  # system dictionaries
                # xor dictionary
                self.xor_block_x6(self.header.dictionary_encoder_offset, self.header.articles_offset)
                self.decoder = decoder.SystemDictionaryDecoder14(self.bstr)
            elif version == 0x155001:  # abbreviation dictionaries
                self.decoder = decoder.AbbreviationDictionaryDecoder(self.bstr)

        if self.decoder is None:
            print("Not supported dictionary version: %s" % hex(self.header.version))
            # raise LsdError("Not supported dict version %s" % hex(self.header.version))

        name_len = self.bstr.read_some(1) = self.bstr.read_unicode(name_len, False)
        self.first_heading = self.bstr.read_unicode(self.bstr.read_byte(), False)
        self.last_heading = self.bstr.read_unicode(self.bstr.read_byte(), False)
        capitals_len = reverse32(self.bstr.read_int())
        self.capitals = self.bstr.read_unicode(capitals_len, False)
        # icon v12+
        if self.header.version > 0x120000:
            self.icon_size = reverse16(self.bstr.read_word())
            self.icon =
            self.icon_size = 0
            self.icon = None

        if self.header.version > 0x140000:
            self.header_checksum = reverse32(self.bstr.read_int())
            self.header_checksum = 0

        if self.header.version > 0x120000:
            self.pages_end = reverse32(self.bstr.read_int())
            self.overlay_data = reverse32(self.bstr.read_int())
            self.pages_end = self.bstr.length
            self.overlay_data = self.bstr.length  # no overlay

        if self.header.version > 0x140000:
            self.dummy1 = reverse32(self.bstr.read_int())
            self.dummy2 = reverse32(self.bstr.read_int())
            self.dummy1 = 0
            self.dummy2 = 0

        # set bstr pos for decoding